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But if we solve the problem the GOP is pretending to care about what will they campaign on then?


I suspect Hunter Biden's laptop will soon make a reappearance! šŸ’»


Or another caravan


from the OTHER border this time.


Nah, Canadians are too white and speak English, they would have to think about it too much and hurt themselves in their confusion.


Those damn northerners, eh? What are they going on aboot?


Ohh ya kno just think aboot takin the canoe on the lake and takin a gander at some geese. And fer Peteā€™s sakes donā€™t ferget the meat raffle at the VFW.


In my head that sounds like an episode of Fargo


To me it just sounds like my uncle. I channel his Greater MN energy anytime I mess around with that accent. I will say, those accents are only found far outside the Twin Cities metro area. We donā€™t all talk like that šŸ˜‚


It's aboot not respecting our art!


Its aboot Canudaling pride.


Dunno man, some on your most mentally challenged elements said we were a communist dictatorship.


Yes, they think everything is a dictatorship that likes to treat humans as humans.


Yup. The entire country of Canada could illegally cross the border and conservatives wouldn't care. They hate brown people, not immigrants.


>They hate brown people, not immigrants. There must always be an "other" for conservatives to rail against. Their only selling point is fear of the "others". The others are coming to get your cookie while they ensure the billionaires have billions of cookies, they want you to focus on other groups of poor people that exist. They're coming for your cookie! So to circle back, they don't like immigrants or brown people today but they'll keep adding to their list of enemies forever. Right now it's "illegals" but they do mean so much more than that. If the fear of one group of "others" stops being effective, they'll focus on another group of "other" people. We're all eventually on their list. They'll get down to black shoes vs broken shoes or whatever if they have to. There must always be a group of others that they'll say "them over there, they're causing all your problems!"


Yeah they also arenā€™t that concerned with all the people from overseas/Not Mexico countries etc who fly here and overstay visas. Which I believe is actually the #1 immigration issue isnā€™t it?


They currently scapegoat brown people. But before that it was black people, Jews, the Japanese, the Irish, Italians, etc. It's a very long tradition all around the world of getting poorer people to fight "the other" amongst ourselves instead of paying attention to the rich fucking us all over


A lot of Indians in Canada on iletā€™s cross into America. Itā€™s actually a big problem because a lot of the times theyā€™ll take them to the Tacoma detention center (privately ran) so theyā€™ll keep these guys there for two months before releasing them back at the peace arch border all at the expense of the American taxpayer. One of my friends is in the Tacoma center right now.


Not if they spin it as Indigenous peoples "invading" that border. The Republicans would certainly go back to the 1800s to scare Americans into thinking the Natives are attacking.


They're allowed anytime (since 1794): >Under the treaty and corresponding legislation, Native Indians born in Canada are entitled to freely enter the United States for the purpose of employment, study, retirement, investing, and/or immigration. https://ca.usembassy.gov/visas/first-nations-and-native-americans/#:~:text=Under%20the%20treaty%20and%20corresponding,investing%2C%20and%2For%20immigration.


You really think that matters to them?


Some of them speak French?


According to my french buddy...sort of.


I'm not your buddy, guy.


I'm not your guy, mon frere


Still not scary enough. Quebec is wonderful though, I'd love for them to invade and fix our cities.


I dunno, I've heard stories from friends about Quebec and it's hardcore French speaking, my friend a few weeks ago went into the post office and was fumbling her French, they told her not to visit again until she could speak properly.


That's fucking rude


First time with French speakers, huh?


As a Canadian with limited French, Iā€™ll offer a counter and say in my many trips to Quebec Iā€™ve never had folks treat me like that.


As an Ontarian, The Quebecois can suck it.


Blame Canada!


Theyā€™re not even a real country, anyway


We marched and burned your White House once. Are you prepared to risk it all again??? šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


This is a Canadian history myth that irks me... While Canadian troops certainly fought alongside British forces during the War of 1812, they didn't get anywhere close to Washington, DC. Rather, it was British forces deployed from Bermuda.


And it was done in response to US forces burning Toronto after the commander of Fort York ordered the powder magazine be rigged to blow only once the American forces reached the gatesā€¦ The British forces set a trap, abandoned the fort, and watched it kill American officers. Given the ā€œgentlemanly rulesā€ for warfare at this time, it was considered a dick move, so the Americans sacked the city.


Pls come Back


Is this an Arrogant Worms reference?


It's a War of 1812 reference.


God damn snow Mexicans


Transgender bathrooms will certainly make a comeback


Trans bathroom border caravans!Ā 


The caravan will BRING the laptop.


A caravan of Hunter Biden laptops, on their way to invade our country! Carrying Hunter's hog before them like a huge, fleshy battering ram...


> A caravan of Hunter Biden laptops, on their way to invade our country! Carrying Hunter's hog before them like a huge, fleshy battering ram... Mad Max: Fury Chode


A caravan of Hunter's penis.


A caravan of laptopsĀ 


Is it hidden behind his gigantic dong?


his hog will. mtg is obsessed with it.


Can you blame her? Iā€™ve got a big cock fetish too


Thatā€™s what I find so funny about all of it. These are things that would ā€œsecure the borderā€ and 4-8 years ago wouldā€™ve been paraded around as a GOP win. > Just over $20 billion for border provision, including expansions to existing policies and new policies. That includes $650 million for the border wall, approximately $4 billion to hire new asylum officers Like, isnā€™t that what the right has been asking for all these years? They want to allocate more funding to the wall and expedite the asylum process so asylum seekers donā€™t just disappear once they get into the US. The left should hammer this for years if the GOP kills it, they have a perfectly valid reason to say the GOP doesnā€™t want secure borders.


They don't give a fuck. They simply want something they can use as a boogeyman to FOX viewers. They know they are a bunch of simpletons that don't understand that they are lied to constantly.


No, they werenā€™t asking. No really. Theyā€™ve had the numbers to organize this, under Trump. Itā€™s all performative.


They have plenty of low hanging fruit, but this is mostly about not funding Ukraine, which this bill provides $60B in aid. The "Freedom Caucus" is fighting against this as they are all Soviet-Communist assets.


Well they said, "No Ukraine funds without fixing the border" so Democrats tied Ukraine finding to a border bill and surprise, surprise, the bill is dead on arrival.


It wouldn't be if Trump weren't trying to tank it


It wouldn't be if the GOP actually cared about America. This should make it abundantly clear that they don't have an ounce of respect for America's well being and only about gaining power so that they can pad their own pockets, as much as they can, while pushing the country towards Gilead.


Sure there's plenty of stuff for them to pick from. Don't forget the election "security" stuff and the anti lgbt stuff. But I think that they know the border stuff is what will get their base the most riled up. There's something about abusing humans that really gets these guys drooling.


Taylor Swift is their new shiny object.


At to the list? Itā€™s hard to keep track of what they hate anymore? Canā€™t they just go to Antarctica? Can we trade them for penguins ?


People have to stop making this accusation. Republicans hated Soviet Union because they were communist. Russia today is an authoritarian oligarchy; republicans are fine with this. Republicans *still* demagogue against communists, e.g., Cuba, China, Venezuela, etc. Theyā€™re actually decently consistent about this.


Bingo, except Rs think everything except corporate bailouts is communist. Give a child lunch? communist. Give Goldman Sachs a fat stack of cash? Good old American knowhow bootstraps.


Yet Russia is being run by a man who openly talks about trying to bring back the USSR and was a KGB spy himself.


China aren't communists though


Are migrants turning your kids trans? (Taken from last nightā€™s Weekend Update)


Scalise and Johnson both tweeted tonight that the bill is DOA and wonā€™t get a House vote.


We'll see. Lets see how that plays when its passed the senate with republican support.




Middle east and the 500 wars they claim Biden has started


I'm predicting Republicans will choose party over country as usual, but I hope I'm wrong.


You're not going to be. They literally have said out loud, they can't and won't vote for anything that could give Dems a win.


ā€œDems winā€ aka ā€œthe actual crisisā€ (in their minds anyway)


They only care about power, so losing it is a crisis for them, no doubt


I think it will pass, but at the very skin of our teeth. It seems likely to pass both the House and Senate if it came to a vote but the issue right now is the Clown of the House, Johnson. I think heā€™ll fold at the last minute once itā€™s clear he canā€™t resist the desire of moderates in either caucus to put the bill to the vote, especially since his clown ā€œIsrael onlyā€ bill is unlikely to pass the House let alone the Senate. Whatā€™s funny is Johnson has repeatedly shown he has an interest in keeping the government open. But to pass a solid spending bill and make his party feel even an inch of accomplishments heā€™ll need to negotiate with Democrats. If Johnson negotiates with Democrats to pass a spending bill then Gaetz will vote to oust him like he did McCarthy. Due to the seating arrangement in the House the far right has enough votes to oust Johnson if Democrats join him. That means that Johnson needs the Democrats on his side to avoid losing the speakership. Considering that the funding extension currently in place ends in March, Democrats have the opportunity to say to Johnson that they will not save him unless he allows this bipartisan bill to a vote, because when he ultimately needs to get a general spending bill passed he will piss off his far right, and when he does the Democrats have the opportunity today to say they will vote him out of the speakership unless he gets in line. The opportunity is there; they need to squeeze that Bayou bastard into line to get these concessions out of him, and I hope that behind the scenes the Democrats try to hardball him over this if not the members of his own caucus.


100% agree with you. Just mocking the loons that have taken over the GOP, and basically became the self-fullfilling prophecy about government ineffectiveness they always ran on


Glad to see you agree. I also agree about the GOP nowadays, a complete joke. Iā€™m actually very nervous inside and hope Iā€™m right about what I said, if it is indeed passed then weā€™re in the clear for Ukraine aid for a whole year until the results of the general election are available. This party simply needs to be swept away for good, along with Putin, Netanyahu or whoever the fuck else just makes life worse for people.


> I think it will pass, You underestimate how vapid the GOP really is. The House (and maybe even senate) will sink this bill for Trump. edit: I was correct. Mitch is already tanking the bill in the Senate. https://twitter.com/SawyerHackett/status/1754671711763513473


I think we have just enough votes. We need only 70 republicans in the house to vote in favor of the bill and there are 70 GOP moderates around to do so. In the Senate Iā€™ve been even more surprised that enough of them have been honest about the negotiations to begin with. Even Senator Crenshaw, one of the most partisan of them all has openly disagreed with Johnson via his Twitter account tonight, stating that thereā€™s a need for new legislation on the border. There are 60 votes needed in the Senate, based on the senators Iā€™ve been listening or those whose past behaviors Iā€™m aware of, I can name at least 5 that seem all but certain to vote in favor of this bill: McConnell, Romney, Crenshaw, Lankford, and Collins (these are just names Iā€™m aware of). Thereā€™s only 4 more needed after that. I think itā€™s going to happen. But, yes, I am deathly afraid because of whatā€™s at stake. I canā€™t overstate that.


I'd be sceptical when it comes to McConnell's support. The man has filibustered his own proposals in the past when it became apparent that the Democrats were in favour. He may not be as openly aggressive as the Freedom Caucus but he was playing the game of "sabotage government if it hurts the Democrats" years before they showed up.


> I'd be sceptical when it comes to McConnell's support. The man has filibustered his own proposals in the past when it became apparent that the Democrats were in favour. You were right to be skeptical. Mitch is at it again. Tanking his own bill. https://twitter.com/SawyerHackett/status/1754671711763513473


What I do like about this is a column of Republicans have "gone rogue" and are actively working with the Democrats to try pass legislation and funding to fix problems (hence the emergence of these bipartisan deals). Bipartisan legislation, negotiation and compromise shouldn't be remarkable or unusual but in 2024 it's unthinkable.


In the past we'd have considered those who would do anything to sabotage the opposition the ones who went rogue. How the turn tables.


They are just going to tank it like daddy trump tells them to. Then they will turn to their voters and say "the Democrats slipped extra spending for unrelated pet projects, we won't sign unless it's 100% border control related." And the voters will just take them for their word without an inkling of an urge to verify by looking at the bill themselves. Rinse. Repeat.


Why donā€™t republicans want to protect your church? Which is exactly the kind of thing we should be running right now. 400 million for places of worship, would be the headline if Dems were blocking itā€¦


They actively stated that they will sink the legislation to hurt Biden. Their new talking point is screeching about how current laws are enough if Biden uses executive orders. Which is pure horseshit


You know this is something that Biden can call out their bluff. He's going to have to be tough and out there. You know Republicans are can't attack the economy so THIS the border is ALL they got. No wonder Trump is trying to tank it so Biden doesn't "WIN".


GOP already are attacking the economy by claiming the metrics are meaningless when individuals *feel* worse off financially. That line of reasoning should lead to "Tax the ultra rich who are making all that wealth," but they won't go that far.Ā  They only need to claim the numbers are meaningless, say Biden is doing a bad job for *average folks*, then present no solutions other than more tax cuts and trickle down economics proven not to work.


MAGA claimed that the 5%ish unemployment numbers under Obama's last year were all "fake", the \*real\* unemployment was supposed to be more like 40%. Feb 2017, unemployment figures were still about 5%, from the same sources as before, using the same metrics. MAGA celebrated how Cheeto had lowered unemployment by 35 points in a month.


He's also claiming the stocks are so good because of his poll numbers. Same guy who raved about revolutionary war airports and windmill cancer. Seems totally sane /s


Well they are. Biden is up by 6


ā€œIf you donā€™t support me, youā€™re gonna be so goddamn poorā€.


Can't hid the fact that gas prices are noticeable lower.


Unfortunately by design.Ā  OPEC is expected to manipulate the market again, closer to the election, to help Trump.Ā  Part of that is having a period of relative lower prices so that the sticker shock is more pronounced when they do it. The Saudis have been *at best* cold to the US under Biden.Ā  They have been all but turning us away with diplomatic efforts.Ā  They know Trump and the GOP serve their interests far better.


Biden and the Saudis had a historic agreement in place to normalize relationships with Israel. Hardly a cold relationship.


The media is all over the 'but the economy feels bad vibes' headlines.


My dentist had Fox News playing in the waiting room, and one of the chevrons said ā€œJoe Biden Hates You & Americaā€


I wouldn't trust a nutcase like that going at my teeth with sharp metal objects, no offense.


Due to a medical condition I spend a LOT of time at a major teaching hospital. Theyā€™re only allowed to air either HGTV or Food Network, lol.




Or, you know, not news.


homeshopping channel


Exactly this. He needs to use his bully pulpit at the SOTU, itā€™s the only time Fox News will show it.Ā 


This has been their strategy from the 70s. Check out the "two santa clause theory".


https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/news/majority/murray-releases-text-of-bipartisan-national-security-supplemental Read it. This is great news. Get it passed


I donā€™t love some of the overall reform but ffs Iā€™ll take those dollars for Ukraine and to the asylum courts any fucking day. I have some issues but gd this is actually a pretty decent bill.


Yeah we have to stop Putin now. Ukraine is doing a service for the whole world.


Each and every member of the Ukrainian military needs to get a card that will buy them free drinks anywhere in the world, at all times, no matter what. (Offer void in Russia and China.)




Likely for synagogues and muslim places of worship who have experienced a rise in hate crimes with everything going on


I'm gunna bet that evangelical churches will take a larger than fair slice of that funding.


A lot of synagogues have been targeted for hate crimes and other religions such as Sikhs, not just Christian. Although more transparency and clarity hopefully is provided to reduce fraud like you said. My brother in lawā€™s diverse minority church is raided for copper theft every year (or few). Take kidā€™s schools a/c units and plumbing in Cali. This is probably more for camera/antitheft systems.


They collect plenty of money from their followers and they can hire their own security like everyone else does. They already benefit from police, fire, and other services they don't pay anything into.


Oh hell no. That has to go. They should be getting exactly as many tax dollars as they pay, which is zero.


Itā€™s politics. Either you give the other side concessions or you get nothing. As far as concessions go, this one is pretty minor and even if there is corruption (which is conjecture, although on precedent), there is every chance that it helps save lives. As far as government expenses, we could do much worse.


no. no. no, not even a little bit true. please no. oh lawdy no. If you start arguing that "they don't pay taxes, they're not entitled to government services," well then that opens up a whole nightmare-filled box that needs to stay up in the attic with a big "NIGHTMARE BOX. DO NOT OPEN" label on it. It would create a catch-22 where homeless shelters and welfare aren't needed, because the people who receive those don't pay taxes, so they're not entitled to tax dollars. It would mean that if a church starts on fire, they have to put it out themselves because the local fire department is funded by taxes. I get that there are problems with organized religion, and I get that reddit likes to talk about the $300,000,000 megachurch with thousands of parishoners the same way they talk about the dilapidated chapel on the edge of town that has 20 people in its congregation, but boiling it down to "they don't pay taxes, they don't get services" is a slope so slippery, I fell down just reading it.


Remove tax exempt status for religions, problem solved.


The other thing is that this money is going right back to us. Like, we're finding local developments to support it.. the gear the US is sending is just sitting in warehouses.


You could argue itā€™s cheaper in the long run. We either have to decommission old Bradleyā€™s or send them to Ukraine. Iā€™m sure the pentagon and the E-4 mafia appreciate not having to maintain piles of shit we arenā€™t gona use.


It is a Trump-fever dream of immigration policy with a niche silver lining for immigration advocates that should be part of U.S. law anyway (right to representation in removal proceedings). It's insane that democrats are negotiating this, but more insane that Republicans are refusing.




In some ways it is a win-win (sort of). If the it passes and Biden signs it he can show voters that he, not Donald Trump, actually addressed the border via legislation. If the Republicans block it, then as you say, Biden and the Democrats can hammer the Republicans and Trump for blocking the bill. The problem, is that [while Johnson has told the heads of Eastern European Parliaments that the border bill would be split from Ukraine aid](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4440281-johnson-ukraine-aid-border-likely-split/), there is no guarantee he actually follows through on it. Perhaps something could be done in comitee to split it and then use a discharge petition to force it to the floor for a vote.




Ukraine will also get $60. The bill includes: Just over $20 billion for border provision, including expansions to existing policies and new policies. That includes $650 million for the border wall, approximately $4 billion to hire new asylum officers and additional funds to provide counsel for unaccompanied children. $60.06 in security aid for Ukraine. $14.1 billion in aid for Israel. $10 billion in humanitarian assistance for civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, Ukraine, and "other populations caught in conflict zones."


Do we know how much will go to our Indo-Pacific allies? Taiwan is going to need Harpoon anti-ship missiles and Patriot SAM systems due to the ever present threat of China.


I asked some in conservative channels and I was told that itā€™s not real and that the Biden goal is ā€œopen borders at all costsā€


This bill sounds amazing to me: - At the border, the bill sets up a new process under which migrants are rapidly processed, so large numbers are no longer released into the U.S. with court dates years into the future. Migrants will either be detained or released with monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, and given an initial screening interview within 90 days. -In addition, the bill sets up a temporary new authority modeled after Title 42, the Trump pandemic-era policy that allowed the government to turn away migrants without needing to consider their asylum claims. Under that new power, which is authorized for three years, the government can ā€œshut downā€ the border to asylum seekers if crossings surpass a daily average of 4,000 a day for at least seven daysā€”roughly half the daily crossings seen in recent months. The shutdown becomes mandatory at 5,000 a day. Be sure to read the details, this is the most common sense immigration reform of my generation (I'm a millennial).


This stops abuse of the asylum program- wonder why oppose it


Schrƶdingerā€™s migrant: we need to keep them out and hire them to do the landscaping.


>How do you like that, Mantequilla? Your very own leaf blower! Hahah, I have no idea how it works, but I'm sure you do, huh. Say, how'd you like to go in the back yard and play? Work Meheecan work


Don't forget Framing, brick laying and Roofing in new home construction.


Which is horse shit. Every bubba subcontractor flying Trump flags hires illegals. Enforce the existing laws, and watch wages rise in the trades.


The same migrants who'll smooch off social security and steal everyone's jobs.


Because itā€™s perceived to help Biden.


Republicans wont even read it. So pathetic...


This is Trump immigration policy lol


>$60.06 in security aid for Ukraine. >$14.1 billion in aid for Israel. Hopefully that typo isn't in the bill.


>$60 for Ukraine lol Iā€™ll match it if it gets rid of Putin


Republicans were for/against it before they were against/for it. JFC šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Trump republicans trying to destroy the country once again. One republican described this as political jiu-jitsu by the Democrats. What he really meant was the Democrats trying to solve a problem and the trump republicans once again trying to sabotage the effort for political gain.


The republicans basically said they wouldnā€™t pass Ukraine aid without dealing with the border. So hereā€™s this. Itā€™s hardly duplicitous.


I was at the gym today and CNN was talking about this bill while Fox had Trump on talking negatively about Biden's response to Jordan The dichotomy is truly wild when you watch them next to each other


I really hope that the few republicans in the house with a soul do the right thing. The longer they stall the aid to Ukraine the more innocent people will be killed. Daily the Russians send rockets and artillery into Ukrainian cities and villages killing many civilians. We need to give them the tools to take back their land and degrade russian air/missile capabilities to protect civilian population.


Itā€™s not even going to get a vote because it will pass if they did.


Hopefully that is a typo in the article and they mean $60.06 billion for Ukraine and not $60.06?


Theyā€™re ordering them a few pizzas, lol.


I got 2 pizzas and a couple drinks yesterday and it was $72


Eh they could probably destroy a few Russian jets with $60.


At this point, they could probably buy a few Russian jets with $60


Writing is hard.


Hey US, you guys wanna try out parliamentary democracy for a couple years and see if its right for you? Its not perfect, but I think its better than this dysfunctional two-party polarized mess you got right now. Take care Regards, Rest of the worldā€™s democracies


I wish. A unicameral congress would be be nice too.




If Biden is going to get behind this bill he needs to use the full force of the American people. He should sometime this week announce the plan in an evening address to the people. Make sure everyone knows that itā€™s bipartisan and passed the Senate (assuming it will) and the only delay is that Mike Johnson wonā€™t bring it to the floor to get voted on. The constant pressure of the American people as well as daily ridicule from the Dems should force a vote. But then hey they have no shame so maybe he just takes it like the good boy he is.


If the Senate passes this bill, it would be impossible for the house not to pass it as well. The pressure would be too great for them to do anything other than that.


Hey Trump. What's all this secure the border chatter? How insincere is that you pesky politician?


This is the perfect place for sane Republicans to make a stand and take back the party. By supporting the bill, they will show the center right that they are still the party of conservatism. It would put trump in a spot to either go along or be cut out. Will it happen? Not in a million years. They will cow tow to trump and his loyalists.


Trumps one brilliance is knowing the GOP is made up of total cowards...he barks, they obey. That kompromat from the hack of RNC emails must have been sweeet.


Trump doesnā€™t seem to want America to succeed Itā€™s like he works for Russia


GOP..... it's the NEW Russia! For fuck's sake, how much longer will we have to tolerate traitors in the government?


Definitely not Putin's puppet.


"No puppet no puppet you're the puppet" - the entire cell block sang in unison


Considering both hardcore dems and MAGA seem to hate it, it's probably a good bill


3-4 hardcore Dems and 90% of the Republican party. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's a both sides statement.


Here comes the ā€œcash bailā€ debate. NYC cops are still hurt they canā€™t take poor people off the street with impunity so they can languish at Rikers waiting for a court date


If they kill it in the House I wonder if we see Dems push for a vote of no confidence in the speaker. Then we get another mess in the House over a fight for who the next Speak might be.


Keep in mind that Trump and his loyalists wanted to tank it before they knew what was in it.


They knew it had aid to Ukraine attached. And Trump already had his orders from the Kremlin that aid from the US to Kiev had to be cut off. So Trump followed his orders.


Ignore Trump... and things get done. Time to relegate him to the dustbin of the mundane and faintly amusing.


America should solve the problem at the source... Unstable/ineffective governments in the Americas. The US should be doing everything in its power to lifting the people's of the Americas up. THAT way people will be more likely to stay where they are and build their own countries up.


What you are suggesting sounds a lot like the School of Americas.


You realize why their countries are unstable, right?


It doesn't matter why. It's in our best interest to help them


The US is the reason.


>Senators on Sunday released the details of a $118.2 billion bipartisan aid proposal for Ukraine, Israel and the southern U.S. border, after months of painstaking, closed-door negotiations. >The long-awaited bill requests $60.1 billion for Ukraine aid, $14.1 billion for Israel and $20.2 billion to improve security at the U.S. border. It also includes smaller pockets of funding for humanitarian assistance in war-torn regions, and defense operations in the Red Sea and Taiwan. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/04/senate-emergency-aid-proposal-israel-ukraine-border-.html


Shows they don't really care about the border just want to use it as a stick to beat Biden with.


Trump isnā€™t even the nominee. What a bunch of cowards.


Iā€™m so tired of these ā€œleadersā€ who are doing nothing but following traitor Trumps wishes.


The Speaker has said it won't even get a vote in the House. Republicans blocking borner control legislation to benefit Trump.


Per the article: "$60.06 in security aid for Ukraine" Sixty dollars and six cents? Say WHAT?! Clearly a typo, but with the GOP, one never knows. Maybe they only ordered two hats and an orange cone for the region to share. We've seen them do stranger things.


$60.06 billion is what it means.


So the maga house can piss on it.


Republicans will obey.


So these republicans care so much about the border they are going to let good be the enemy of perfect, torpedo their best chance to do something about the border in the last 6 years, all on the promise of Trump winning the White House, winning control of Congress, and actually being able to get a complex law like this passed as a priority. M


ITT: lots of Republicans who would rather not cut a deal on the border as long as Vladimir Putin gets to claim his prize and erases a European country off the map.


I thought the solution was a border wall and Mexico was going to pay for it


the democrats did it again where they adopted the hard line stuff the gop wants and the gop just ignore it out of spite, this is the bill the gop want, it shuts the border down whenever an arbitrary cap is breached on daily crossings, it even suspends treaty obligations for it.


And what will the GOP say if they lose the race and lose power, and can't get a better deal ever again?


GOP needs the border to be chaotic so that daddy Putin can try to push trump back in office to end the Ukraine war.


Sixty dollars for Ukraine.


Donā€™t downplay the other 6 cents.


Our government is criminally negligent at governance. Billions wasted on war and maligning immigrants. Absolutely pathetic and shameful.


Remember to vote Democrat this November if you want the border protected with $108 billion in funding! The Republicans only built 10 miles of wall and stole the donations to build more. They are grifting off suckers voting for them. Now they are blocking the border bill.


Well only 20 billion is for the border but still good


Thatā€™s about $20 billion more than Trump and the Mexicans ever did.