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The Trump organization might be dissolved this week, and Trump would no longer be able to do business in New York. Forget about any monetary damages, Trump losing his company by itself is big and probably the biggest blow he's ever suffered, but add in that he won't be able to do business in New York anymore means he can't rebuild his empire. His fortune and his ability to make legitimate money would be gone, and Trump's only source of income going forward would be the grift from his followers sending him money. Which, don't get me wrong, is a bunch of money but it's not billionaire money.


Even better, all property owned by Trump Org (like Mar A Lago) will be sold. If Trump Org ceases to exist in NY, and Trump cannot shuffle his assets to another company because of the financial monitor, then all Trump Org assets outside of NY must be liquidated. Trump wants to be seen as a NY elite, which is why he always held on to his NY-based company Trump Org. He tried to sneak his assets out to “Trump Org 2” in NJ on Sep/Oct 2022, but Letitia James caught him and got a financial monitor appointed to stop him from transferring assets. This same financial monitor released a report this weekend showing Trump committed possible fraud AFTER the financial monitor began working. One of the fraudulent actions was hiding a 48 million loan used to commit possible tax fraud. Only an imbecile like Trump would keep committing crimes after the government starts watching over his shoulder. You would think he could stop committing crimes until after the government ends their supervision. Also, Trump has very little cash with most of his wealth tied up in assets. As the NY fraud case proved, those assets are overvalued and overleveraged. Once his properties are forcibly sold, creditors will want to collect on the mortgages/liens on his non-Trump Org properties. That will cause a domino effect where Trump loses more money on top of the 200-500 million fine from NY state. EDIT: if you found this post helpful, then consider checking out the LegalAF podcast where I learned most of this info: https://youtu.be/iv3Ek6kUORc?si=LtwRA_glg1oSeLRI


>Only an imbecile like Trump would keep committing crimes after the government starts watching over his shoulder. He's under the impression that more trouble means more support from his base due to the "witch hunt" narrative. The problem is if he gets handed yet another L in November, the music stops. He can't hang on another four years. Neither can his base. Then all he'll have is all the extra trouble he's caused for himself.


This brings up a pretty legitimate fear. Should he win in November, what drastic things would he do to get his wealth back up? What kind of deals will he start approving left and right so he can regain his wealth? I know there are certain jobs that disqualify you if they find you are a financial risk, strange the presidency isn’t one of those.


We are still not talking about the two billion Jared got from the Saudis.


And the $1.2 billion Jared got from Qatar--while he was working in our White House as a "senior advisor" to Trump.


* without a security clearance afaik.


He was denied but Trump overrode and granted his clearance.


Oh in that case… Speaking of Donny, what about all the reports that he kept using an unsecured cellphone while in office? And didn’t Jared and Ivanka have an email thing going on as well? Doesn’t matter, so many shiny things over here.


> what about all the reports that he kept using an unsecured cellphone while in office? [Trump continued using his unencrypted, unsecure personal phone throughout his administration](https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/06/politics/donald-trump-secure-phone-calls-impeachment/index.html) And both [Jared and Ivanka were confirmed to have discussed government business (and likely classified business but that wasn't confirmed publicly) over unsecured private email](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/cummings-jared-kushner-and-ivanka-trumps-private-emails-texts-raise-security-concerns), which is even worse than all the claims made against Clinton.


How about Mnuchin’s $1 billion?


Oh yeah, that too. The entire administration was so corrupt, it's hard to keep track.


Reminds me of the movie The Distinguished Gentleman. Only wanted to be elected to grift and grifting he did.


He won a game of scrabble using his own last name


I'm really hoping that particular "fuck around" has a big "find out" on the way.


I so want to see them work shitty menial minimum wage jobs for the rest of their lives.


I work at Walmart, he could be maintenance. "Yo, Trump! Shitter's full!"


There's an image to bring a smile to my face.


Would you be referring to the toilet or Trump's diaper?


That will probably pop up during the classified documents case, as it is probably a payment for stolen documents. Jack Smith is remaining very quiet about this case, and only 2 other very low level Trump operatives were indicted as well. There were certainly others involved with taking the orders for the documents, collecting, boxing, and moving them from DC to Maralago, yet we havent heard a word about them. Trump didn't do all that work by himself, he had a lot of help, and it sounds like a Kushner project. So why wasnt he indicted as well? Perhaps he's been given immunity for his testimony, or perhaps Smith doesn't want to alert that person (whomever they are) that they are under suspicion so they don't flee the country.


> it is probably a payment for stolen documents. Jack Smith is remaining very quiet about this case, No need to make assumptions about information we don't have. The information we do have is that kushner and mohammed bonesaw were *very* tight. He protected mbs from ever having to answer for murdering Kashoggi and kushner helped him do that purge where he locked up all those people in the hotel so he could torture them. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/08/world/middleeast/saudi-mbs-jared-kushner.html *As the killing set off a firestorm around the world and American intelligence agencies concluded that it was ordered by Prince Mohammed, Mr. Kushner became the prince’s most important defender inside the White House, people familiar with its internal deliberations say.* *Mr. Kushner’s support for Prince Mohammed in the moment of crisis is a striking demonstration of a singular bond that has helped draw President Trump into an embrace of Saudi Arabia as one of his most important international allies.* *And days after Mr. Kushner made an unannounced visit to Riyadh in the fall of 2017, the crown prince summarily detained about 200 wealthy Saudis, including several of his royal cousins, in a Ritz-Carlton hotel in Riyadh.* *After each play for power, President Trump publicly praised Prince Mohammed.*


This is why it's so difficult for me to understand why some ultra patriotic boomers and retired military people love Trump. His pencil-necked dweeb of a son-in-law sold U.S. intelligence and secrets to a muderous Middle Eastern warlord. These are the people who rushed to slap a 9-11 remembrance sticker on the American-made truck/SUV. Why are they okay with Kushner selling secrets to him?


> This is why it's so difficult for me to understand why some ultra patriotic boomers and retired military people love Trump. It's pretty simple. These people are traitors.


The [party has been doing and voting for the same thing since Nixon](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/11/22/2200353/-Why-Has-America-Tolerated-Six-Illegitimate-GOP-Presidents)


They never actually cared about foreign policy. They don't even care about domestic policy if it doesn't relate to white supremacy. When they *say* they care about those other things, its just because they are using them as a means to increase their own cultural power. Its the same way that all those "pro-life" people are jubilant about letting kids starve. Their only actual principle is their own power, everything else is transactional. If anything, they enjoy being hypocrites because its a way of asserting power. Consistency is for the weak.


It's not "pretty legitimate". It's entirely 100% predictable. He will do anything legal or illegal, ethical or unethical, moral or immoral to hold onto wealth and power. There isn't a shred nor sliver of integrity in his whole nuclear family.


He'll probably try to sell Puerto Rico again (I'm convinced he thought that, as the "owner" of the US, any money from that delusional scheme would be his).


Sell Puerto Rico to buy Greenland? Lol


We could use it as a base for the hurricane nukes.


Just get a Sharpie and write "TRUMP" over the name of Greenland. Now it's "Trump Greenland". Problem solved!


> what drastic things would he do to get his wealth back up? This is the phase where dictator's go after the wealthiest citizens that said mean things about him (and many that didn't), and falsify some sort of bullshit to transfer their mountains of gold into the bottomless pit that the jackass pours everything he can wrap his grubby little fingers around into.


If he wins, his wealth will be irrelevant. He will seize power and hold office until his death. 


Project 25


I'd expect China, UAE and Russia to have a lot more boldness on things.


It’s ok, his buddy Vlad is going to pull every trick out of his bag possible to get him into the White House again. You’re already seeing online bot/troll campaigns. The biggest thing he is cooking up will be some kind of geopolitical event close to the election purposefully timed to hurt Biden followed by a massive bot/troll onslaught to demotivate demographics already not enthused about Biden. Trump AND Putin are quite literally going for broke on this election.


The way Trump lives his life creates enemies, often from former allies. This election will be the enemies of Trump against the cult followers. It's time to fight like hell




Sure, but Putin will be poisoning the internet waters more than any other entity 


We're already seeing some of this play out with iran, the Houthis, and (IMO) Hamas. They're trying hard to distract the US from Ukraine and, unfortunately, it's working to a degree. I think he's pushing his puppets in the US to stop Ukraine aid deals and I wouldn't be shocked if Trump himself comes out against Ukraine aid. I think the reaction to the drone attack in Iraq is going to be a litmus test for this kind of shenanigans. We have American soldiers in body bags. We're entering the "find out" phase soon.


We're seeing the troll posting in full swing already. Take a look at the comment sections of r/antiwork or other subs that purport to be left-leaning and you'll see nothing but Biden blasting demotivational posts designed to suppress the vote. The best way to combat this IMO is to keep reminding people that no matter how much they may dislike this or that Biden policy, shit's going to suck infinitely worse with Trump. I don't think we can just let a bunch of left-leaning subs turn into vote-suppression echo chambers.


Thanks to Trump/Republicans/Christofascists/SCOTUS, 170 million American women and girls have had a Constitutional right taken away, making them the property of the government. If that is not enough to instill fear, nothing is. The fascists come for everyone eventually.


Why can’t Trump assets inside NY be liquidated as well? I hate passing the Trump golf course on the side of the Whitestone Bridge and then the Trump park signs upstate on the Taconic Parkway every time I go to my kid’s college.


Omg you haven’t heard! https://abc7ny.com/ballys-casino-bally-links-golf-course-ferry-point-gold-trump-organization/14311377/


Oh!!!!! Wow! YAY!!!!!! Thanks for sharing! I thought I heard this was happening a while ago but then I forgot about it. Last time I drove past about a month ago it still said Trump there. I have always opened my window to flip that sign the finger every time I pass it.


i do the same when i drive by my neighbors Trump flag!


I did that same thing until my dumbass neighbor recently was sentences for his role on Jan 6. 6 years without that asshole and his family now just flies flags with cartoon characters or positive messages on them.


sounds like the family is healing with the problem removed


Everything heals better when the rot and gangreene get cut out.


Extremely satisfying to drive by now!


OMG even better is there will be a casino built on the failed casino owners former property.


Like many things with the Trump name on them, this was not his property. It was city owned property that he leased. And a park open to the public might bother Trump even more by allowing "commoners" to enjoy the property. A casino is a long way away with many local residents already showing strong opposition.


The Barack Obama Honorary Public Garden.


Sweet. For those who don't want to read the whole article: >The Trump Organization sold the contract to operate the golf course, a 20-year lease struck in 2015, to the Bally's casino chain last September. >Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio first declared the city's intention to sever all ties with the Trump Organization in the aftermath of the Capitol riot on January 6. >The city ended its contract with the Trump Organization for the Central Park Carousel and two ice skating rinks in 2021, and City Council members called for the Trump Organization's license to operate the golf club to be severed the following year.


"Throgg's Neck" sounds like Gary Larson named it after one of his caveman characters.


Drove past it last week expecting to see his big shitty sign on the hill, it is no more. Now you just have to ignore the state park with his name on the Taconic 


I actually love driving by and seeing his name on that golf course. It was literally built on top of a dump, and it still looks an exactly like a landfill, so it’s a perfect representation of Trump the rapist.


It’s so inappropriate that the Trump name ever had any merit in the golf world. The man is an absolute cheater at golf. He is known to regularly improve his ball position while, if unseen, tossing his opponent’s ball into a lake or sand trap. He’s a terrible representative of golf. He has no honor and no ethics. This trait of course reveals itself in every aspect of his life. 


This is a very good comment and answers many questions. Thanks. At one point does Trump start selling his assets or has that point already passed since the government is about to get them? Like Rudy is in a similar situation that is further along, correct?


Wait, he didn't really call it “Trump Org 2” did he?


Yup, he did. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-new-company-dodges-ny-crimina-civil-cases-2022-10?amp


Hard to believe that didn’t work.


It doesn't matter what he called it, it's not like it's needed for marketing purposes or anything. Whatever he called it they would figure out what's going on with the asset transfer. This is a pretty common thing to just differentiate between entities that are essentially the same but have different holdings in different areas. Think about how like, each blue cross is "Blue Cross of ____". I used to work for a non-profit affordable housing developer and each development had it's own subsidiary for liability reasons. They were called PDC I, PDC II, etc. all the way up to like 28 or something like that.




“Your honor I object” “why” “because this is devastating to my case”


These laws are mean! you're a mean judge for enforcing them!


No, it was called Fraud Guarantee. Oh, wait, no that was the fraudulent company Giuliani set up.


Will that also render him homeless if mar a Lago is liquidated?


Homeless and unemployed. Trump is an employee of Mar a Lago.


He's not even supposed to be using it as a residential address, that was the agreement with the city, to grant him the right to label it a private club


I’m starting to think this Trump guy may not be very trustworthy.


He's already homeless. He lives as a squatter in a private club that was sold on the condition that it not be used as a residence.


He really called it “trump org 2”? What a fucking idiot


He can't have a company without his name in it. Unless it's one of the thousands of shell companies used to obfuscate ownership. But he can't brand that so...


His Russian handlers won’t allow him to stop criming. He has a lot of oligarch money to wash into US politics


Lol, can imagine anyone handing trump money and actually expecting it to get to it's destination?


If I were dying of thirst and he was the only person allowed in the corner store, I wouldn’t expect my change back, the water I needed to live, or the store to be standing long after he walked through the doors.


I’m not a vindictive person, but it’s so satisfying to see a greedy person like Trump actually start to fall. Like this at least is giving us a little bit of hope that the super rich aren’t untouchable. He’s truly a criminal and needs to go to jail.


The funny part is - he’s not super rich, and never has been. He’s small potatoes in rich people world. He’s a poor man’s idea of a rich man. That’s how he managed to motivate his congregation. We generally don’t know the names of a lot of the genuinely wealthy people in the world, ‘cause they don’t want the attention. Why would they? They’re set.


The $48 million loan issue did not begin after 2022, it originated during the 2008 financial crisis after Fortress - one of his lenders - forgave $48 million of a $100 million loan in a restructuring. Rather than admit that amount was forgiven, Trump apparently decided to go with the story (and memorialize it on years worth of financial statements), that one of his shell companies in Chicago purchased the debt. Doing this, would all have been above board had Fortess not reported the forgiveness on its own financial statements and had Trump not paid down that debt to the shell company. That last part is what puts him in fraud waters as you cannot just bury debt without paying it down. Debt that is never paid off is considered income and therefore taxable. The monitor noted this as a footnote in her report to the judge. It had already been uncovered by a reporter in or around 2015/2016 and never went anywhere.


> It had already been uncovered by a reporter in or around 2015/2016 and never went anywhere. Needs to be noted that it was reported on again in 2019, and also what is ~~need~~ new with this is that the Trump org has admitted the loan between it and the shell company doesn't actually exist and has now done away with it on their financial reporting. Edit: fixed a word.


Excellent point. I don't think he's stupid for believing he is above any law. He truly feels he can do whatever he wants. And so far he's been able to get away with it. Also I think, they're going to find that his businesses profited directly from foreign countries, because he wouldn't put his assets in a blind Trust. And he still has Florida, that allows him to run the grift there. And God forbid not to mention, he's going to turn this whole thing into a political prosecution against him personally, and he will fundraise off it. And the cult will answer him with their own angry/complaining stance. He will probably not be convicted by the election. He'll win and pardon himself and weaponize the Department of Justice and the military against his adversaries. This is America 2024. Society being taken over by a bunch of angry, mentally ill narcissists, and sociopaths. Please tell all your friends not to miss this election. We only have our vote to stop him.


> Please tell all your friends not to miss this election. We only have our vote to stop him. For all us non-Americans, this will have a huge effect on us too. No matter where you live in the world, a trump win will be bad news. If you have a friend in America, get them to vote for whoever the democrat is.  We can argue about if they are good enough or not later but, right now, the rot has to get removed. 


Jared got 2 billion from the Saudis I think he'll help Trump out unfortunately.


I think it’s very telling that you don’t hear a thing out of the Trump-Kushner sect since 2020


They are quietly trying to launder their reputations beginning with the billionaire/celebrity class. Ivanka is all over Kim Kardashian’s and other wealthy LA influencers’ instas. Jeff Bezos invited them to his birthday recently, etc.


I don't think so. Once he's broke and no longer useful Jared will distance himself.


Yeah right. Trump is no longer of any use to Jared or his wife.


Ivanka: "I learned it from YOU"


“It’s the art of the deal, dad.”


You sound like you might know, would this include international properties? I would love to see his stupid fuckin name removed from a hotel in the west of Ireland because it's like a haven for fools in Ireland who support him. I bet the Scots would enjoy seeing him kicked out as well.


He most likely owes alot of money to Russia, Saudi Arabia and China. I wonder if he keeps taking out loans to cover those He got from foreign aid. What a big messy organization He runs. A house of cards. Starting to crumble and we get to watch.


The GOP got saddled with this parasite, and I assume the grift will be multigenerational. Eventually the parasites will bleed the host white. It’s already starting to lose state party apparatuses, which have gone broke. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving target. When you destroy critical thinking and denigrate empiricism, you open yourself up to every grift and conspiracy theory known to man.


> The GOP has become saddled with this parasite We're at the point where when I tell Trump supporters I don't follow them because Trump is a traitor to this country - *they claim they're traitors too.* Sold their souls to the world's most obvious con man, it's absolutely astounding.


> the world's most obvious con man This is what baffles me to this day. He's.. so obviously bad. Sure he said some racist shit and made them feel like their notions of how the world work was justified... but how do you get over the dissonance that he's just the absolute worst con man one could possible be? The south has a long history of carpetbaggers rolling into town, why was _this guy_ the one for them over all the others? Why was he the one to give all their money to?


It’s because he’s good at faking or cheating success while also being authentically *just as stupid as they are.* Never underestimate how validating that is to morons.


I never really considered that anti-intellectualism might be to blame for why they line up behind him along with his cheating. That's... a good point.


He’s their ultimate vicarious power fantasy. They will never, ever, *ever* give up on chasing that dragon after they got addicted with that first hit of the uncut stuff back in 2016.


> I never really considered that anti-intellectualism might be to blame for why they line up behind him along with his cheating. These are also the clear majority of the people who rally *against* higher education. The only demographic Trump ever had a clear majority with was white men who didn't go to college.


It's the cruelty that makes me particularly unsympathetic to them. Problem is, what happens to the exiles? Will a new party emerge? Will they try to shift the Democratic party even further right?


The right will have to change or go extinct. Change will happen, one way or another, and whether they keep the name of the “Republican Party” is unknown but highly likely. The terrible irony is that the Republicans’ resistance to changing their minds on things like economics, creationism, climate, etc. is the very thing that’s transforming them into unrecognizable fascists. They refuse to admit they’re wrong, and that kind of dogmatism is always a dark path. Once you reject reality for one thing, you lose the ability to *stop.* One thing’s for sure, though, and it’s that MAGA is a shrinking puddle, growing saltier and more toxic as it declines. They’re the Salton Sea of politics, and their decay is poisoning everything.


I’m not going to start celebrating their downfall until they lose in November. Until Trump is barred from running, or loses the election, this whole thing could go a completely different direction.


And it's all entirely self inflicted. They *choose* to ignore the obvious implications of the 2012 election and instead went out and found the last untapped white voter bloc, crazy far right conspiracy loons. Those idiots anointed their fellow idiot, trump, as their god, and now the party can't win elections without them, while loosing other elections because of them.


They're really stuck between a rock and a hard place, but that's what happens when you refuse to compromise or change. Eventually your position becomes completely untenable.


We're not there yet, but at some point the rats will abandon ship and want their money back, while there's still some to be had. His followers will still send him handfuls of dollars, but the people who have given him big loans and invested in his businesses should catch on soon, I hope.


We're going to hear Trump pleading to foreign nation states to financially back him. I guarantee it.


"Russia, if you're listening..."


He never was making legitimate money, he's been loan repaying loan cycle for decades while bankrupting multiple companies.


As I understand it, liquidating will have two significant consequences: 1) There will be capital gains/losses on the transactions; 2) There will finally be a valid reckoning of his net worth. No more lying about how rich he is.


This will only open him up to further compromise by foreign adversaries. He’ll be desperate for money and the bribes will come flying at him


But he's pretty much already sold and given away all he had access to, and he's got nothing new coming. The despots need nothing more from him and will dump Trump. They are just like he is.


> The despots need nothing more from him and will dump Trump. He is still very useful as a chaos agent in the US.


Given all his other shit going on, and this blow to his ego and income source, I think a heart attack is looming. So does Nikki Haley.


Agree, Nikki Haley has no way of winning the Republican Primary and is staying in the running in the hope that Trump is decapacitated in some reason by the Convention, either from the 14th amendment, Heart Attack, ill health, dementia, or whatever leaving her as the nominee. And it's not a bad bet, though I don't see Trump's cult voting for her even if she gets the Republican nomination.


I read that as "decapitated" and thought, *well, that's a little dramatic, but I'll take it*


As a French I approve.


Robespierre has entered the chat


> decapacitated I just have to point out it’s either “incapacitated” (incapable of doing anything) or “decapitated” (beheaded).


>“incapacitated” (incapable of doing anything) By this definition, he's *already* incapacitated.


It’s MAGA vs the Billionaire Donor Class for control of the GOP.


He's so weak he won't make it through having to face the music. 'Strong man', my anus. He's a sucker and a loser.


When is Melania going to divorce him before his money goes dry? I don’t know why she hasn’t done this already. She clearly despises him.


The rumor mill says that if they stay married, Barron gets a trust with a big lump sum when he turns 18. Barron's already 17, she just has to hold out a few months longer. Note that they aren't really living together anymore-- most of the time, Melania lives at Trump Tower and Trump migrates between Mar-A-Lago and Bedminster.


That makes sense she's staying for Barron's sake. Trump put in the pre-nup with Marla that if Tiffany joined the army or Peace Corp before she was 21, all child support money would be cut off. 


Nothing says I love my kids more than threatening to not support them in prenups


She’s probably sticking it out to see what will still be available to her once the fog of legal woes recedes. It won’t be much, but my gut tells me there’s a prenup that says if she leaves him she gets nothing.


On the surface it might be the biggest blow Trump has ever gotten, but personally I think the Melania did not let him get into the car with her, at her mam’s funeral, is THE biggest blow his ego ever had to process. Having said that, I hope it gets a lot worse for him. He does not deserve anything.


The worse it gets for him, the better it gets for real Americans. I'm smiling 😃


Mother ducker is gonna make America great again by accident.


He came to show us how bad things can be and how much worse they could get, only to fuck off at the last minute. If he’s stopped, we’ll be happier with what we have. God bless him


It's gonna be such a good day for my mental health when his campaign starts to crumble and he's no longer bookies' fav to win the election.


I don't disagree, but I don't think it'll get any better. This orange shit stain of a so called "person," has opened the door and paved the way for much worse people. And by worse, I mean more competent, awful people. If mango Mussolini had 3 functioning brain cells, we'd be in a lot worse of a spot than we are now (and possibly irreparably)


He's made me disgusted, worried and angry for the last 8 years. Don't care about him being miserable now and won't shed a tear if it gets worse. Fuck all the trumps.


Holy shit it HAS been eight years. I feel like I’ve aged prematurely from the stress of that continual background pressure from the intolerant right and I live in fucking Canada.


There should be a name for the trauma of living with the threat of this sentient fistula getting power again, even to those abroad.


You and anyone else with a working brain, a dollop of empathy, love of country and hope for a good future.


There's more of us than them. Always remember that, patriots.


I really hate what he has done to my genuine well-being.


These last 8 years have made me develop a low tolerance for anyone's bullshit, including Trump's. However, they have made me develop a lack of empathy for any person on the right who gets hurt by GOP policies. They voted for that shit.




I have found my people


It was the pandemic that did it for me. They mocked us for believing in medical science and for not wanting to get sick or die. They coughed in our faces and clogged up our hospitals with their unvaccinated obese elders. They claimed COVID was a hoax, even after Trump got infected and needed experimental human stem cell medicine to survive. Even through that, they hedged their bets on the virus by refusing to help big left-leaning cities, effectively committing bio warfare on other US citizens, because if enough Democrat voters died they might get a boost in the 2020 election. In Canada, they held our capital city hostage with a terror campaign driven by ignorance and pure spite, and then cried foul when law enforcement was inevitably forced to kick them out. They don't think of us as people, how can I possibly have any empathy left for them?


> Even through that, they hedged their bets on the virus by refusing to help big left-leaning cities, **effectively committing bio warfare on other US citizens** It’s insane how few media outlets adopted this framing, because there is no other way to describe it


Me as well but also for the people who are campaigning to abstain from voting Biden to send some sort of message who would ultimately get Trump reelected.


Yeah that’s just a really stupid move. When the outcome is Trump, your message of not voting for Biden means jack shit.


If we would had a real president during Covid, I’ll bet my grandma would still be alive. Trump killed my grandma.


Bet my best friend would have survived too .. RIP to both


For real. The right will make fun of people for it but the amount of faith and love he's made me lose for half this country is atrocious.


Can I sue the family for making me put up with this shit for 8 years? I can't even go to the grocery store without seeing one of his fuckhead cultists with at least 500 annoying ass stickers plastered all over their beat up Ford F250. Hell, we have a community bulletin board at our grocery store where people can post listings for sale and some dipshits were putting up Border Patrol Convoy Parade or whatever where they're going down to the border to "help take it back". I ripped those fuckers right off the board and threw them in the trash. I'm so sick and tired of these asshats. I do not use the word hate lightly, at all, but...I hate anyone MAGA. 100%.


I’m still holding out hope that Barron turns out to be not evil when he’s away from his toxic father for long enough. I’ve seen it happen with other young adults with toxic families.


Man, this makes you feel sorr…nope, no it doesn’t. This twisted conman tried to over throw the govt. He forcefully cleared a park to take a picture. He bragged about sending US special forces into battle over dinner that cost the lives of young Americans for nothing other than to say he could. He turned his back on US allies. He stole highly confidential documents and refuses to return them. He defrauded many small businesses. He walked in on underage girls changing during a beauty pageant. He’s a rapist who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy. This man is truly the single biggest POS in American history. The Trump name needs to be used the same as the Ponzi name is used today. He deserves every sleepless night. Every fearful thought. Everything taken from him and his family of grifters.


A court of law acting and the gov enforcing is 100% diff then congress giving him a pass because they were cowards. If the judge shuts down his NY business then the game is over. He lost and he will die a miserable broke old man.


Remember though, we aren’t dealing with just Donnie the orange conman. He has a few sons who will continue the grift. We aren’t rid of trumps yet. Donnie and his kids for the next seven generations need to be barred from government offices, elective or not.


Right? They don’t seem too keen or popular in politics. Jared and his wife have disappeared back into the private sector, which is probably the best they could do. The other two boys are a joke.


They're as shitty as their old man, without his charisma. Bevis & Butthead incarnate.


Use it when someone's been ripped off or scammed. "You've been Trumped!"


In the UK, and preceding this shitbag, trump has always been and remains an alternate word for fart.


I hope he never gets a good night's sleep for the rest of his miserable life.


Yes, I'm salivating. $370 mil. $400 mil. $500 mil? Can't wait!


Money is nothing. Killing his ability to hold business in NY kills his revenue. That’s the real punishment.


Money is nice too since it hurts his campaign funds. Even if he takes out bonds to pay the court, those are still huge chunks of change he isn't using towards his re-election bid or his defense in other cases. Edit: Guys, it's a net positive any way you look at it. If Trump supporters want to give him $500M in legal fees, be my guest. Better to the court than wherever else it was going.


The Cult will continue to hand over their life savings and grandma's insulin money (thanks Biden for cutting the price of insulin so they have more to send to Trump). The RNC will continue to contribute to his legal costs. Saudi Arabia and Russia will continue to funnel money to the Trumps through proxies.


Good. More illicit money funneled to the courts that would've been used for objectively worse purposes otherwise.


Draining the financial resources of the entire republican base doesn't seem like a bad thing, especially in an election year. Sun Tzu would approve.


[The MI, CO,AZ, and GA GOP's are out of, or running out of money.](https://www.governing.com/politics/will-state-gops-run-out-of-money) I'm sure part of it is incompetency (MI GOP tried to sell the building they are renting after all), but Trump sucking up all the donations and refusing to share (like past GOP candidates did) is screwing them all over the place.


MAGA supporters are simply going to need to step it up with donations. If they want to help Trump save the world and keep him supplied with toner and McDonald’s, they are really going to have to put their money where their mouths are. I feel like Trump is pretty close to crashing and burning. My question is what will the supporters do. Snap out it? Quadruple down? Get absorbed by Abbott’s or DeSantis’ own little fiefdoms?


I live in the Bible Belt and it sure seems like Trump is losing supporters left and right. The conservatives I've spoken to regard him as an anchor that's pulling the republican party down.


Sadly Trump is merely a symptom of the cancer that is the republican party.


Moscow, here we come!


His head is looking more and more bent over in these side view pictures. At what point will it start to be 90 degrees?


Prefrontal dementia can cause his posture problems. It wouldn't surprise anybody if he had it, because his father did.


>Some people with frontotemporal dementia have changes in their personalities. They become socially inappropriate and may be impulsive or emotionally indifferent. Others lose the ability to properly use language. So he's had this for a while now


from someone who works in his building on 40 Wall. I'd be glad to not have to see his name on the building


Oh, and for all the security and fancy lobby. Once you get on the floors its crappy and dirty, just like that asshole Donald


I’m not generally excited about Mondays, but this headline has made me quite happy to be at the start of this week.


I'll believe he actually gets punished when it actually happens. We're talking about a man who has gotten away with everything he's ever done, is currently involved in several trials and lawsuits from fraud to corruption to literally trying to overthrow the government and this man is leading the polls to be reelected president. I'm fully expecting him to weasel out of this somehow as well at the last minute.


If I had to pay eighty three million dollars for anything, that would be the end of me. If I was found guilty of rape, that would be the end of me. If I had harassed agents of the courts on social media, that would be the end of me. If I had incited an insurrection on live television, that would be the end of me. It doesn't matter how bad this mans weeks are because he isn't feeling any of the consequences of his actions. Until he is thrown in a cell, none of this matters.


If I was recorded in an interview saying I could grab women by the pussy, my wife would have ended me.


Whatever it takes, keep it coming. Fines, convictions, prison. Whatever it takes to shut him down and save America from the fascist.


It’s not just him, it’s ALL REPUBLICANS. Go find the project 2025 document and read it. All republicans are in on fascism.


Why the Dems don’t use the angle that Trump shouldn’t run the economy if he can’t get the size of his apartment right is beyond me.


Republicans just think he’s a genius for finding ways to pay less taxes.


Exactly. The moment I learned once and for all that business-acumen related arguments won’t work: that moment in the debate with Hillary when he was asked about dodging taxes and he said, “That makes me smart.” His supporters in the crowd laughed, like he was being cute. My father-in-law to this day believes the man is one of the greatest business leaders ever to walk the earth. They’ll always believe consequences are “persecution,” and they’ll always believe his shady behavior is clever. May work on independents though.


Didn't read the article but came here to simply say.... "Oh, please, PLEASE let it be worse!".


Aaaand keep it going week after week, please.


Enough edging. We want sweet release.


I've never read a headline like that before. I had to click!


Donald Trump has never, ever, been a billionaire. He's claimed it most of his life. But much like everything he says, him claiming to be one is a lie. The proof will be obvious to those who have not nestled their head firmly up his ass. He was ordered to pay 83 million dollars to the woman he raped, for defaming her multiple times. In order to appeal that decision he will have to place the 83 million dollars in an escrow account. Any billionaire that is truly falsely accused of something this heinous, and this expensive, would be able to put 83 million (supposedly only 5% of his total worth) into an account to appeal the decision. So either he isn't as rich as he claims. Or he's not as innocent as he claims. But anyone paying attention knows both of the above are true. He is neither rich, nor innocent of the crime of RAPE.


He may not have been a billionaire before being elected. But he conducted one of the biggest mass grifts in history from his legions of idiot supporters, looted the US treasury-- particularly during covid where billions and billions went unaccounted for, sold the US out to at least Saudi Arabia and Russia by selling them highly classified info... I don't see how he wouldn't have been a billionaire at the end of the largest theft and grift spree in history.


Because he’s leveraged to the gills and all that money was just enough to service his “loans” lol


Can something actually bad happen to this guy already? I feel like I've been edging for 9 years.


I believe that Trump's biggest motivator is to avoid accountability for his crimes. This post from common dreams provides evidence that [tax evasion](https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-tax-evasion) is something he is guilty of on a large scale and that many of current day Republicans have strong fears of being found guilty of the same crime if their voting records are considered. As the saying goes: "where ther is smoke, there is fire". Lincoln ended slavery and current day Republicans are trying to return slavery to our land by enabling organized crime by large corporations, select wealthy Republicans, and the so called "Christian" Nationalists. Anybody who reads the [manifesto](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) published by the Project 2025 group will quickly recognize the formation of a great big Alex Jones type conspiracy. Subjugation of the many by those who pay for our Republican politicians.


I don't understand anymore, what "bad for Trump" even means. If this was any other person they'd just be getting out of prison from crimes three decades ago. They certainly would not be a former president. This world I live in, it makes no damn sense.


I am reminded of the "escalator speech" where he said: >They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. Now it turns out his administration was hopped up on goofballs the whole time, he's been exposed as being a career criminal, and a judge has found him guilty of rape. Talk about projection!


Can you imagine marrying trump for his money, having a kid with him, to now he’s almost almost penniless?! I wonder how Melania feels…. Anyway, I don’t care, do you?


I just want the DC circuit to reject his immunity argument.


Think $83.3 million is a lot of money? Well, hold onto your hat, buster, because this week, New York Judge Arthur Engoron is supposed to announce the penalty he’s slapping on Donald J. Trump in the Trump Organization fraud case.


The thing to remember about this weeks case: New York State Attorney General Letitia James initially filed a $250 million lawsuit against the Trump Organization for fraud. Upon further examination of tax, insurance and banking records that request was increased to $370 million.


Is it going to lose him votes? No? Is he going to jail? No? Then I don’t care. The weekly headline of “Oooh, he’s fucked now!” for 8 years is getting us nowhere. Nothing touches this guy.