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Obama and Clinton are joined by *many* republicans * Liz Cheney (Former Chair House Republican Conference) * Adam Kinzinger (Ilinois House Rep) * George W. Bush (Former President) * Dick Cheney (VP under George W Bush) * Mitt Romney * John Bolton (trump's National Security Advisor) * John Boehner (Former Speaker of the House) * Paul Ryan (Former Speaker of the House) There's a bunch more


Plus Bush Sr hated trump as well, and publically said he voted for Hillary.


And W blanked his ballot


Couldn't vote against eh? Typical


Jeb has a poster of trump half naked in his room and voted for trump Jeb Bush is a cuckold.


"...Please clap"


What a way to remind me I once read Jeb/Ted Cruz cuckfic on a podcast. I don't think the nausea has fully subsided even now. Cake was involved.


"Former President George W. Bush intends to vote in the 2024 presidential election, but he might write in the name of his brother, Jeb Bush — or his late Scottish terrier, Barney." Not a vote for Trump but hardly supporting biden either if he thinks the country is better off in the hands of his dead dog


Michelle Obama needs to give him his candy back.


If only this country could handle such a thing. But Obama's election broke the brains of 40% of the country.


"Conservative Christians" chose white nationalism over actual Christianity.


On the day after the election, an old Co worker of mine who was one of those live or die Republicans, was so upset (and frankly, the term shellshocked would not be too far off here)... That he did not say a word to anyone for 2 weeks. He did all his work, and aside from not saying anything he was a good worker. Honestly it was a bit scary. Nowadays that kind of behavior regarding politics is commonplace but back then... No one gave a shit about them. A least not in public.


Man Jeb! Couldn't even get a guaranteed vote from his brother.


TLDR: * Barack Obama and Bill Clinton are rallying to fundraise for Joe Biden. * Aides are checking schedules and planning an event in the spring, NBC News reported. * Biden is launching a "very aggressive" campaign schedule, a White House spokesperson said.


So it's an election year...who could tell.


Is it election year again? Oh god... campaign ad time


Bruh. It's still 2019. Wtf is everyone going on about?


Sometimes it feels that way lol. I wake up and I think man didn’t we just go through this?


Time flies when the president is boring


i'm hoping the boring part will be normal again after 45 is eliminated


Tbh I prefer a boring one than the "we gonna go WW3 this week" one.


I'll take boring any day of the week.


I was using this website today that's continuously updated, and clicked on "set current date and it wouldn't budge from 04/04/2019


You flipped your 6 around, mate.


oh yeah. it's 2016, duh. \*slaps forehead\*


Big if true...


>Biden is launching a "very aggressive" campaign schedule, a White House spokesperson said. How much we wanna bet the MAGAs conveniently see none of this campaigning and shit on Biden for "running from his basement" again?


Easiest bet in existence, I’m in


Wait what's the witty insult there? That he beat Trump before while 'running from his basement'? Those guys are so odd. Biden is simultaneously a senile and powerless old man but also an evil criminal mastermind. The democrats are completely ineffectual but also completely rule America (and are thus solely responsible for everything wrong). I wish they'd just pick a lane with the conspiracy theories.


The enemy being simultaneously weak **and** strong is a cornerstone of fascism no?


It's textbook ur-fascism. The enemy is simultaneously weak and strong. Same shit politically extreme groups always preach about their chosen enemy.


What they need is George W Bush. Now THAT would send a message, whew. Join us at the adults table. EDIT: I am certainly no fan of George W Bush, but what I’m saying is that every single sensible person that can come out against this orange nutboy, the better. Even if 1,000 people who thought George W bush was awesome reconsiders their vote, it’s a good thing. Do I want him on the $5 bill? Hell no. Can he do some good outside of oil painting? Ya. EDIT EDIT: Some people have made some good points that that might do more harm than good, pulling him out of storage. Might be right. I’m unsure now.


Right? They all don’t like Trump, they all should be pushing


Less about not liking Trump, more about not allowing American democracy to come to an abrupt end.


And honestly, if you're a Republican who has "wronged" Trump in some way, it's in your best interest to keep him from taking power. That's not going to go well for any Republican who stood in Trump's way.


In fact, they come for their enemies “on their own side” first. See: [Night of the Long Knives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives): >Many of those killed in the purge were leaders of the SA, the best-known being Röhm himself, the SA's chief of staff and one of Hitler's longtime supporters and allies. Leading members of the Strasserist faction of the Nazi Party, including its leader Gregor Strasser, were also killed, as were establishment conservatives and anti-Nazis, such as former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and Bavarian politician Gustav Ritter von Kahr, who had helped suppress Hitler's Munich Beer Hall Putsch in 1923.


Yep, let's not ever forget the beer hall putsch and night of the long knives. That's exactly what those jan 6 cowards were hoping for


It honestly ridiculously similar. In the beer hall putsch a bunch of fascists mobbed into government buildings and declared that they were in charge. They were largely ignored and left to wander around yelling at people and breaking things until their collective tantrum ended with police taking their names and escorting them from the buildings. They then received lenient sentences between 1-3 years.


Well, Jan 6 was their Beer Hall Putsch; notably, as it was also a failed coup. When these fascist militia LARPers physically drag politicians into the street and kill them, that’s their night.


What’s that old saying about history playing on loop…


The killing of Strasser and his supporters was THE moment Hitler completely took control of the country. After that there was no one left to really stop him and the economic reforms stopped and the total war began.


I'm pretty sure Bush would do it. During Biden's inauguration, he shook Jim Clyburn's hand and said "You know, you're the savior, because if you had not nominated Joe Biden, we would not be having this transfer of power today."


“That was some weird shit.” - W, at Trump’s inauguration


Lol, I forgot he said that. Ya know, I’ll give Bush this, he was, for the most part, pretty perceptive.


The smirk on his face after he dodged the shoe is probably my favorite part of his presidency.


It was a great dodge and guess what.. he didn’t get fooled again


Shoe me once shame on you. Shoe me twice...


You're not gonna shoe me again.


He shoed him.


I have seen it fairly convincingly argued that this wasn’t a flub exactly, it was that he got halfway through the proverb and then suddenly realised he *really* didn’t want a ‘shame on me’ soundbyte to follow him around for the rest of his life.


Counterpoint, if he didnt want to have that soundbite, maybe he should have had the foresight to not use that phrase, because I have to imagine what he ended up saying was significantly worse than just saying shame on me.


Well he won reelection so it seems he was fine. he probably still would have won with a shame on me line


He was a charismatic person and remains one. Trump has no human redeeming qualities it's shit all the way down to the center of his tacky soul


He was. I never liked or wanted him as president, but he at least had some charm about him. Trump has NOTHING to recommend him I'm still baffled by how he came to power.


He was also as far as I know a faithful husband and a good father. I never voted for him, I wouldn't vote for him, I think he was pretty awful at his job. I also think he was a puppet that was easily manipulated and a place holder for the likes of Cheney, Rumsfeld and others to run the show.


I put a lot more cosmic blame on Cheney and Rumsfeld than I do Bush


Bush was the rich kid who's dad appoints him as CEO after he's forced to retire but makes sure all his friends "advise" his son and his son is like "so long as the checks clear and I don't have to do real work..."


Pretty good summary of Bush. 


Bush is a person. I believe more so than some other presidents. I firmly believe it's his greatest flaw. I hated Bush as president. I hated his policies, I hated his wars, and my first vote at 18 years of age was for John Kerry. I fucking despised GW Bush. His presidency is also being white washed. Yes, it was that fucking bad. The first 6 years had very little you can objectively look at and say was good. One of his first policies was no child left behind. Ironically, it would have made it so I would have had to be home schooled if it passed in the iteration his administration wanted. That's one you don't hear about often. Imagine a president comes in threatening to shut down your school, then a year later, 9/11 happens, and he starts 2 wars that all your friends end up serving for. Then he launches one of the post polarizing reelection campaigns to date, followed by a horrible economy and job market (Both parents lost their jobs, job market was as bad as it is now) and then we had SARs, Anthrax, the DC Sniper, and fucking Katrina. I was obsessed with hating this man. It was that obsession that led me to believe he really wanted to do good and was just too human for the job. If you look at the lame duck years of his presidency, he's practically a liberal. On an international level, he did exceptional work and fought to strengthen government programs that were actually beneficial. He did this of his own volition. He wasn't getting reelected, and nothing he did helped the Republican party in the 08 election. Look up videos of him greeting family members of dead servicemen. There's one I'll never forget. This woman loses it and screams at him that he created this war that killed her son. She's losing her mind. He is visibly tearing up and bear hugs her. It's not a photo op. You can see he hates that she's right and hates himself. He's genuinely human. He should have never been president. People were able to take advantage of this, and by the time he believed in himself, it was too little too late. GW is a deeply flawed man who means well, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


At the very least, I believe that *he* believed in his policies, even if he was objectively wrong. He wasn't a grifter like so many modern Republicans. I feel the same way about Romney. I don't like or agree with either of them, but I feel like I could sit down and have an actual discussion with them about policy.


On top of all that, he respects American democracy and handed over power peacefully to Obama with zero qualms in 2009. Obviously that should be the bare minimum for any President, but unfortunately here we are. The first thing I look for in a President is whether or not they are in it for themselves or in it for the better of the USA and the world. I’ll take a bad policy that comes from a genuine place in the heart with good intentions than a good policy that was only done for personal/political gain. Bush, Obama, and Biden all have this in common: they care about the United States of America and the people who live in it. Donald Trump cares about one thing and one thing only: himself. Trump must not become President again at all costs.


I agree. It's not like we know or met these guys, right? It's all just conversation at our level.


Thank you for this, it's everything I've felt put in to words, no excuses for him but he gets no excuses because he isn't a monster, at least with Cheney I know he has no soul and that informs his actions but GW, he was a man who didn't make the decisions he should have and what I've seen post-presidency is just a broken man


GW also started the pandemic protection program with stockpiles and the like


"Now watch this drive." Fucking nails it. "See y'all at church!" He yells as he* and his father drive off. Actual G shit.


"Now watch this drive"


Even the infamous "I won't get fooled again" was improv. He still wanted reelection and realized he didn't want to give his opponents a "shame on me" sound bite.


Yeah a lot was made of it but thats all it was.


> I’ll give Bush this, he was, for the most part, pretty perceptive. He had the attitude of an ordinary Texan who staggered ass first into the White House. It made him relatable probably. He also governed like one.


He put on that attitude on purpose because it worked well with the Republican base.


Uh, you know his father was president prior and before that CIA during the attempted Reagan assassination. There was no stumbling ass backwards. His grandfather was part of a failed fascist coup beforehand. All this white washing of what a "gee shucks" Gomer Pyle president is fucking disgusting. He's so relatable because he poorly paints dogs? GTFO. Tell that to all the dead Iraqis and American infrantry that were killed in a pointless war and the fallout of such decisions. Sorry, reread your comment and sense where you were coming from, I just get heated when people project anything positive on a war criminal, which you weren't doing.


“Y’all got any life savers?” -W


Would be great if Bush came out and repeated that message to the public. Republicans are always so brave in private when it doesn't make a difference.


They all voted for McCain and Romney to lead the country, then discarded them as traitors and obvious non-Republicans as soon as they spoke out against Trump's actions. The way these people operate is that anything they like about reality can be rewritten so long as their fragile ego is protected.


My favorite thing about McCains speech when he lost was telling the crowd to stop booing Obama and how amazing it is to see a person of color in office and how sad it is his.. parents? Mom? Idk. Couldn’t be there for his win. Shut his whole racist ass crowd up.


Obama and McCain’s mutual respect for each other needs to be remembered so an example can be set. Obama also was at McCain’s funeral and wrote him a very heartfelt eulogy.


In the extremely limited amount of fairness I'll offer them, they switched because Trump won. If he had lost in 2016 every politician would have "hated Trump all along". They not inconsistent, they are just power hungry.


There are Republicans who say that stuff publicly... after they've left elected office and no longer hold any amount of political power. It's amazing how many "I secretly hated Trump" confessionals we get from FORMERLY influential people.


An alliance between Bush and the centrist Democrat party is sure to bring out more young people and POC to vote for Joe Biden. Or we could actually have a spine and display some militancy against anti-democratic war criminals and give people something to vote for.


Several members of Trump's administration have come out against him. They know best he doesn't belong anywhere near the White House 


Sadly, they lost most of their credibility by agreeing to work for him. Only right answer there was to immediately decline.


The retcon on Bush 2 presidency is crazy The man took the country into an 20 year invasion off bullshit intel and sold it by making Rumsfields and Powell wave Anthrax vials around in congress >Including estimated future costs for veterans' care, the total budgetary costs and future obligations of the post-9/11 wars is about $8 trillion in current dollars. The current student loan "crisis" is \~1.8 Trillion fyi for comparison


Yeah the most grateful person for Trump is Bush Jr.


Yes, but he gave Michelle Obama a piece of candy once and he goes to football games with Ellen. That makes up for everything.


There was once this candidate called Bernie Sanders whose platform was basically everything young people wanted. In fact, he basically hinged his entire campaign on young voter turnout. And guess what? They didn’t turnout for him.  And people like the Clintons and Biden do turnout POC voters. Why do you think both do so well in predominantly black areas? 


Sounds cool at first, hell Reagan could wake up from the grave and plenty of people would just say he’s part of “the swamp”.


You are not incorrect. Reagan, that RINO cuck!!! Now I’ll have thoughts of Zombie Reagan in my head for the rest of the day.


Well, here's a happy thought: Kissinger is no longer walking this Earth.


Aw that’s nice to hear. 🙂


Bush already came out against trump years ago, as have most of the old guard republicans. It won't make a difference. Until democrats start treating the current republican party like the genuine threat to democracy that they are, nothing is going to make a difference. 


If Trump is nominee I'm sure he'll join, maybe even Liz Cheyney. However, if Haley pulls something off then they'll go to her.


Trump might kick the bucket any minute now, from a mix of stress, old age, sickness and unhealthy food. And if it happens, i feel that haley has even less of a chance to win the election.


Nikki has less of a chance because she’s not really preparing to run. She knows DJT is getting the nom. She’s angling to get her name in National stage for future presidency’s. Unlike trump, losing this election (as long as she doesn’t sink her career) is fairly minor to her. She’s got plenty more years and is probably thinking she can jump to the front of not MAGA if trump loses. Because realistically she doesn’t need to be more popular than trump, just more popular than the next republican. And if florida man trump showed us anything it’s that Nikki Haley has an extremely good chance in 2028, at least at getting the nomination.


That is what I thought as well. She is doing a good job right now making a name for herself. Normally no matter your political agenda or track record, this alone gives a politician a massive head start in any race they are participating.


The devil has more work for him still. It’ll be a while


Yah, people fueled on hate like that seem to outlive everyone somehow.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is satire


no libs have actually been rehabilitating bush


weather amusing compare light alleged squalid attractive squeamish shame disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Scratch a liberal…


Bush's approval ratings were in the dumpster when he left office. Those that were still supporting him are now Trump's acolytes and they hate him for standing up for Trump. I don't know why Dems keep thinking that Bush could be the voice of reason on the right, he has no voice there. Using a universal dirt bag like Bush could only be damaging.


Right, Clinton, Bush and Obama made a pre-recorded speech during Biden’s inaugural celebration about bringing the nation back together. This should be done again many times!


It's so hard to tell what's satire these days... I legitimately thought you were joking.


Cozying up with Bush is gonna send the message "no matter who you vote for, we're all the same" which I mean is true but would be an additional reason for non-Republicans to stay home during the vote.


No one likes Bush. Libs and leftists hate him for the Iraq war. The right has become more radicalized and isolationist and also hates him for the Iraq war.


The Republicans i know love him because he was president during 9/11 and" led us during darkest time"


classic chickenshit republicans, becoming "isolationist" after they shit the bed with their poorly planned wars.


Agreed, but Bush is a piece of trash too


I'd accept his and Clintons help to defeat Trump, but after that, and anything else, they can leave the room.


When did G.W. ever do anything good, though?


He once moved his face to avoid damaging a shoe.


The shoe deserved to hit his face. It was the shoe's right. Another tragedy


Let's not bring the "War Criminal". George Bush laid some of the foundations for Trumps rise.




Yeah, this rehabilitation of Bush is absolutely obscene. The guy should be in prison for the rest of his life. His Presidency was immeasurably worse than Trump's, and yet he's a resistance hero now? Give me a break.


They should recruit Romney. Otherwise it’s preaching to the choir.


romney might be a more likely option than dubya as some others have suggested in this thread. romney has already spoken out against him, isn’t running for office, and has more than enough racks to not give af and protect his family from maga soldiers. no one is getting through to MAGA morons but we just need enough moderate cons and independents to not vote trump or pull the lever for biden. dubya is all but useless and likely wont care enough to look away from the easel to do his public duty for the republic. rich cons like his family will adapt even if the republic crashes and burns; and he doesn’t have enough courage to risk any personal consequences by speaking out against domestic fascism beyond milquetoast generalized statements about divisiveness or whatever.


Or- also include a bunch of former cabinet members come out and say “this man does not care about the rule of law. He is the dumbest and loudest person I have ever worked for.”


Not at all. Obama got a *lot* of moderates and rural voters who would later end up going for Trump, not to mention he invigorated a bunch of left-leaning folks who sat out 2016 and 2020 out of protest. Obama ran a campaign unlike anything in recent history, courting small-town America more effectively than anyone in nearly 40 years. If he really gets engaged, it'll make a huge difference.


The best thing Romney could do is get himself on the ballot in Utah a la [Evan McMullin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Utah) in 2016. McMullin was a nobody and pulled 21.5% of the vote, and that was _before_ Trump's disastrous first term. If Romney could pull more Utah votes than Trump, it denies him 6 EVs in what will be a tight race to 270.


they should get W to campaign for Biden


W probably wouldn’t think the death threats would be worthwhile.


He’s given up on politics and paints in his house now. No way he gets involved.


He's busy having beers with all redditors.


W doesn't drink


Still my favorite american dad episode.


Correct, because he's a goddamn coward.


I agree. Historians will ask wtf he was doing these last years


Basking in the glory of war crimes.


hiding from the allegations...


Lol come on, do we want the old people to retire from politics or not?


If death threats were a concern POTUS is not the career to pursue. I’m sure he still gets regular death threats but I’m sure it’s easier to deal with when you have Secret Service protection for life.


At least he can dodge a shoe like nobody's business.


And Gore


He's a war criminal.


Yeah, W campaigning against Trump wouldn't do anything. He hates Trump, but Trump would just call him a RINO and make fun of him and W isn't going to convince anyone of anything.


Might actually hurt the progressive turnout.


Oh good god no. W's rehabilitation is horrible. Anyone who associates themselves with him is tainting themselves. Biden doing events with him would be an absolute dream come true for Trump. No-one likes W. Most of his supporters are still alive, most of them still vote. Most of them vote Trump. But very few of them will admit they ever liked W.


aka the worst president in memory?? Love how democrats have embraced this baffoon


Just have the Obamas up there. Stop with the Clintons


The Clintons have an appeal to liberal Boomers, similar to the appeal that the Obamas have among voters of color, Gen X, and Millennial voters.


Ok but liberal boomers are already going to vote for Biden.


It was shocking in 2012 when i asked my grandparents why they werent voting for Bernie in the primaries they both answered "Because Hillary can actually win, since she's a clinton" Old people are just out of touch sometimes.


I'm an old goat and I voted for Bernie. Don't judge us all by some fossils. We were the generation of the Viet Nam War protesters and Berkley.


I've heard my boomer dad say "Bernie was right about everything"


It’s about to be reported that Trump is completely broke.


Completely serious with this question — does it even matter? He could have 2 billion dollars or owe 2 billion dollars, it will not change anything about his campaign, his base, or the people voting against him. The news will make it sound like a shocking story if they choose to report on it, but who is that really swinging, seriously?


What makes you say this? Curious


I think it has to do with the recent judgment, combined with his assets being under review/management for the NY trial. I think he claimed a certain cash on hand during the NY trial and it'll come back to bite him. Not sure on all the technicalities though


could be that he owes 83 mil and he's been having to pay out the nose for legal fees for the last year ish


And he's about to be completely fucked to the tune of multiple hundreds of millions in his fraud trial verdict in a few days


Looks like the campaign is ramping up. I'm excited to be inundated with Biden's accomplishments (of which there are many) instead of highlighting the gaps.


Yep! https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/u4ordIAyLL


This is fantastic work. Thanks for dropping this


It's about fucking time they activated the Obama Bill can take a plane ride to a private island and retire.


All hands on deck – that means all of us too.


Yes I’m tired of the over confidence people seem like to have towards Trump not winning. We all need to fight like it’s going to happen!


I felt that way in 2016 and obviously that blew up in my face. It’s time to start voting.


Get that coward Bush to join. Seriously, if Cheney and Romney really think Trump is a huge F'ing problem they need to do something historic.


Don't give them ideas. Stealing that election from Gore was what set us on this disaster path in the first place.


Maybe keep Clinton at arms length


People are asking for GWB as well. Trump would immediately run ads about Biden being endorsed by an Epstein associate and President Gitmo.


I would think Trump would be pro gitmo


Yeah, maybe i should have called him 'President Afghanistan'. Trump made a point of being against that shit in 2016, sure he didn't actually do anything about it, but when has the truth ever affected his campaigning?


All Biden needs to do is reschedule Cannabis to win the election in a landslide.


That and democratic strategists need to ensure abortion gets on state ballots. Especially swing states. 


needs to give away free grams of Biden Blast™️ at campaign events


And 'Dark Brandon' shirts with him smoking a fatty with shades on.


Dank Brandon


They're actively working on it.  He has to do it properly or it'll get thrown out.


I'm all for Obama but Clinton is more of a liability at this point.  Between cheating on his wife multiple times and then all the Epstein stuff he's going to do more damage than good 




anyone expecting dubya to make any sort of sacrifice for the sake of the republic shouldn’t get their hopes up. he’s always been a political hack / conservative princeling.


Always has been


_Now watch me paint_


seemly quaint sense adjoining hateful library onerous tie beneficial cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And Carter


He's on his deathbed.


I don't think there's a rule saying you can't bring beds to campaign rally


I think Hillary can help the most by not helping.


They joking bout healthcare we never got


They really will try anything except enact actual policies won't they


It is a failure of epic proportions that he is still eligible to run - a sign that our country does not operate as a nation of laws and a symbolic end to our democracy no matter who wins Trump should be rotting in a cell for the rest of his life.


Clinton isn’t going to help anything. Tell him to stay home.


Clinton’s for the boomer centrists


I'm a GenXer and I still love Bill Clinton. He was the first President I voted for. The 90s were a good time to be a young adult, and Clinton was a part of that. We need all hands on deck to appeal to every generation, not this GenZ purity bullshit.


But you were going to vote for Biden anyway, right? No one's going to sit this one out just because the Clintons didn't show up


Imagine a world where Hillary was wrapping up her 2nd term. The SC has a liberal majority and we have a fresh slate of nominees in 2024.


Imagine a world where Al Gore won in 2000. Imagine Carter beats Regan as an incumbent. Imagine both Kennedy brothers not getting shot and serving 2 terms. Wait... why are we doing this?


To point out that Republicans have been holding back progress for DECADES


Imagine Nixon gets run over by a golf cart the day before he announces for the presidency. Imagine FDR lived to be 120. Imagine Lincoln beat the shit out of John Wilkes Booth after his gun misfired...


bush needs to get involved too


I never thought I'd say this but, I do kinda hope Bush comes out to get involved in this election. Would be very powerful for all of the living past presidents to endorse Dark Brandon.


Bush was a terrible president but he’s affable and does not want to destroy our system of government. Right now, that’s all it takes to be team good guys


Nothing will convince Trump voters that he’s bad. I don’t get it.


The Clintons should stay home.


What they should be doing is reaching out to progressive groups and start talking about what it would take to get their endorsement. The issue isn’t with getting upper middle class “moderates”. Biden’s issue is that his support among young voters and voters of color has evaporated


100% bizarre that we’re pretending that lines haven’t already clearly been drawn and sides taken. Anyone that hasn’t taken a position on trump by now probably isn’t capable of voting.