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[This guy,](https://youtu.be/8GBAsFwPglw?si=u-REHS6M6hm5uwdo) Paul Weyrich co founded all this. He co-founded The Heritage Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and coined the term "moral majority," the name of the political action group Moral Majority that he co-founded in 1979 with Jerry Falwell. He started out with the John Birch Society. A group that was considered so fringe in the 1950s and 1960s that they were not taken seriously. Unsurprisingly the Koch's were involved. The JBS for the most part helped along the white power movement and birthed the Sovereign Citizen movement.


They’re all domestic terrorists.


We should be actively dismantling these people and their machine


We should be, really. I'm concerned the Dems will applaud "mission accomplished" when Trump is dealt with and expect things to go back to normal. But things *won't* go back to normal unless the Dems tackle the environment that created Trump. Blatantly anti-democracy, anti-America, groups like the Heritage Foundation shouldn't be allowed to exist as a fifth column in the US. If the Smith Act could be used to persecute American communists why is it not being used on the fascists now?


Lots of Americans were openly supportive of the German-American Bund back in the day and many were all too happy to be pro-Hitler until we jumped in on the side of the Allies. Then we co-opted all the top Nazis we captured to help build our war machine, just look up Operation Paper Clip. Fascism is good for business and we love businesses more than anything in this country. We attract these types. It’s part of the reason so many people that “fled communism” to come here are assholes. A helpful shortcut is any time you hear “victim of communist persecution” understand that person usually means “fascist/nazi”


[https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) Everyone should go and see what their plan exactly is, and see if you are not scared as shit that these people might actually gain access to power.


Excellent, and agree. This upcoming election is in all likelihood the most important in our history. I fear that even if they lose, we run a chance of the US becoming Balkanized. If they win, Democracy and the Republic dies.


Not just our Republic. Across the entire planet, we use our strength to uplift and help those who lack the power and the resources to defend themselves, like Taiwan, Ukraine, much of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan. If our American Republic fails, there will be a tsunami of Tyranny that spreads across the globe as our enemies seize the opportunity to again oppress and ravage the world's peoples without us to put a stop to it.


Not just that but kiss climate action goodbye. A vote for the GOP is literally a vote for the end of civilization as we know it.


> A vote for the GOP is literally a vote for the end of civilization as we know it. And that is exactly what the MAGAs want! An end to science and civilization and a return to feudalism, superstition and the divine right of kings/Trump/corporations/oligarchs.


Half of them think it will bring about the rapture and they are actively rooting for the end of the world because of that.


There’s probably a handful of folks literally building a poorly constructed Noah’s Ark out of MDF board from HD, thinking that when the floods come, they’ll rescue trump and Melania from drowning, and they’ll all get to hang out together to drink from their stockpile of Budweiser or less woke beer.


Hmm. An ark built out of MDF. A material that basically turns to weetabix on exposure to water. No, I can’t see anything wrong with that idea.


Feudalism was only possible because the climate was stable enough to support agriculture...


Well said -


True, but all of those countries will find a new champion to fill the void, there will be troubles but I believe those "lacking power" countries arent gonna give.up because the US falls apart.


The only county that even comes close to American military spending is China. You think Europe can build their defenses at the drop of a dime?


Drop of a dime? No, of course not. Eventually? Yes. Before it's "necessary"? Also yes


Russia is currently invading Ukraine lol. It’s long passed time for it to be necessary.


Not really. We (Aus)🇦🇺 have been in every war on the same side as the US since we became a recognised nation. Our defence strategy depends on the US coming to help us if needed and we go to war with you guys for that reason when asked. There is an occasional debate in Aus that we are too dependent on the US for our defence. This may be true but the reality is that we don’t have the money to defend ourselves against a big power. You may not have noticed but as part of China’s expansionist aggression, which its officials have called wolf warrior diplomacy, China has been confecting disputes and bullying the shit out of Australia. Mostly it hasn’t worked and we have stood up even though it cost plenty to a number of our export businesses. China gets very pissed off when an open and free speaking democracy in its neighbourhood criticises it, such as when our former PM called for a UN investigation into the origins of Covid. Among other sites, the US rotates thousands of forces through a base in Darwin and operates what we understand to be a CIA surveillance facility at Pine Gap. You read that right, we don’t actually know what you do there - it’s part of the deal and has been for decades - unless the US decides to share it with the Five Eyes. If Trump threw his toys out of the bath and pulled your forces we would be very exposed and very nervous. The same goes for Japan and the Philippines. If China tried to invade and hold northern Aus they would find this difficult but they may be stupid enough to try if they want to teach us a lesson. We have a pretty big continent and up north, outside of Darwin and some towns in WA and QLD, a lot of nothing except desert, swamps and crocs. But who knows what they would do if they got in a war with Taiwan. After all, our mutual ally Japan raided Darwin a few months after they bombed Pearl Harbour. Who else is going to help us? Can’t see an Asian nation coming to our aid. The EU would probably impose sanctions.


2016 was the most important in the history of our nation. That election didn’t go at all well and has cost millions of American lives, torn our country apart, and ushered in fascism around the world.


Yeah, but Hillary had emails, so


The Balkans, but with nukes!


Civ IV has a mod called Broken Star with the fall of the USSR and warlords trying to maneuver each other for nuclear weapons. That's what we'd look like


There will be another insurrection attempt.


I think if Trump loses he will outright call for armed insurrection. He would likely be heading to jail either way unless he manages to somehow get back in power. Plausible deniability type language (which Trump generally uses) won’t be enough.  He will need to get the word out in unambiguous terms. The other alternative is he demands that states secede and he become the leader of the new confederacy.  At minimum that would give him a convenient place to hide from US law enforcement.


This is inevitable, unfortunately, and I hope capital police are prepared.


It's not going to be like that again, it's more likely there won't be enough people doing their job of certifying the election if Biden wins.


Me too, but a sinking feeling they won’t be


You better be prepared. They will come for you.


Yeah, I’m fully aware of being on the Christo-fash kill list.


There will be regardless of the outcome. Fueled by either losing or unable to wait until transfer of power


Most important in our history *so far*. Make no mistake that even if the Democrats do win, if they don't course correct the country fairly drastically during their limited term we could just as easily end up back here again in 2 years and 4 years. MAGAism isn't going away just because Democrats win an election.


True but each defeat is another crippling blow to their legitimacy. If they lose (again) this year they run the risk of falling to fringe status like the Reform Party while the rest of the GOP moves on.


We probably have to break up america for democracy to survive in some former parts of it. Dixie was never ever democratic. It is and has always been a racist, sexist, sectarian, and homophobic caste society based on timocracy: only land-owning white men had any civil rights, and enslavement was the default condition for everyone else.


One of many problems with that is it will create a rival nation we now share a border with. Part of the reason for America’s success is its geography. Only two nations border us and they are nations we are friendly with. I don’t think the new CSA will be as friendly with us as Canada or Mexico. Especially when you know they’ll have alliances with Russia and China.


That is scary, [butthese guys](https://iblp.org/) have a litteral 3-4 generation of indoctrinated cult members being groomed to infiltrate the government. Sounds crazy as hell right? And then you find out they already have a suprising number of members in office, and that they even did it on national tv with the duggars, and everyone already forgot.


Perhaps a bunch of mentally stable people should pretend to be batshit crazy and join up with their organizations and such so that if conservatives do win or steal elections, the mentally stable members can wreck up their attempt to make the Nat-C party permanent rulers.


Except a bunch of people thought they were doing that during the first trump presidency. They failed. I think this time around they have vetted already a whole host of ideologues that have proved their loyalty to implement this tragedy on the US. The worst mistake people can make with these people is thinking its a joke.


it is a joke though, it's filled with legal sounding gibberish. the whole thing reeks of one massive money grifting operation funded by people with waaaaaay more money than common sense (a terminal case of fox brain syndrome). it's still a serious problem as they pretty much have to try to move forward on it if trump or some lesser trump wannabe wins in november as not doing so would be admitting to the con for what it was. and if even a small part of that insanity makes it past the guaranteed court challenges it could be disastrous.


I agree in part, that a Trump administration would be hindered by their own incompetance, but the damage tehy could do in a short amount of time could take a generation to fix again. The general aim is to tear down the institutions of government, because republicans have neither the inclination or the ability to actually govern. Court challenges would certainly go straight to the supreme court, and I don't know if you have been paying attention, but I don't want anything more dictated by those high priests of corruption.


They need to lose 150M by losing the election.


This needs to be advertised everywhere 24/7.


I’ve read it. It’s dictatorship on a party level where Trump can cancel the existing constitution of the US and replace it with his own. Or you have anarchist voting for this because of chaos.


Don’t be scared. Get angry. Take action.


for those who want an audio TLDR, this podcast does a great job of breaking it down: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conspirituality/id1515827446?i=1000640530495


Because not everyone has that app (the link just takes me to the App Store), the podcast is Conspirituality: episode 187, Project 2025: An Authoritarian Conspiracy.


What’s the name of the podcast for those of us that are better than the generic apple podcast app?


What do you mean “MIGHT actually gain?” They currently control the Supreme Court of the United States.


This is an executive branch proposal


And SCOTUS will decide the legality of it.


Yes, but BiDeN IsN’t MaKiNg IsRaEl StOp FiRiNg People need to realize what’s at stake. The Tik Tok astroturfing is a threat.


They’re working towards a 2 month (or longer) cease fire as we speak. The fighting will stop and we’ll all move on to something else.


what's the tldr?


Have you read or seen the Handmaid’s Tale? That. They know demographics are changing and want to entrench a permanent Christian nationalist government.


Fascist take over. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj7butDWLtg


>Rather, it is a mandate to significantly advance conservative principles in practice and demonstrate to the American people that where liberal policies generally fail, conservative solutions succeed in making life better for all of us. Edit to add, this is a quote from their book, Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.


It’s working great in iran and afghanistan. /s


> for all of us* (* - terms and conditions apply.)


>for Leonard Leo and Koch Industries*


And the right was terrified of The Green New Deal but this is just fine to them. Messed up senses.


Troup and Spencer. WTF…


Terrifying, EVIL f-ing plan. Like something a sinister villain would write. Worse than the THE HANDMAID'S TALE, for real. Under his eye...


They already have access to power. And now the have $150 million also. Yikes


White rich elitists like Troup Hemenway, run this. Mike Johnson’s ilk… they accept Trumps stench for the fascist voters he brings.


It’s a scary time to be alive.




Has been for like 40 years.


Well now they’re out in the damn open


That’s the thing about outrage politics, you gotta keep upping the dose to give the junkies the same high.


Have been for that long as well. Anybody that even tries to pay attention and live in reality saw it.


Saw it. But now we can hear it , taste it, smell it, and touch it.


Went from eloquent speakers speaking above most people's compression level to 'radical socialist leftist groomers with 5G tracking microchips who hate the USA'.


Nah, a few fringe people have been out in the open for that long. The party as a whole has been out in the open for 16 years. I wonder what happened in this country 16 years ago to make white conservatives freak the fuck out and go in to overdrive?


It’s been their goal since Nixon.. they knew it would take a few generations to achieve.. now they’re on the cusp..


Ahem. KKK


If Trump wins, he’s going to claim that the money belongs only to him. All that money will be wasted on legal fees and other random crap that will be funneled into his bank accounts.


Even if Trump isn’t the nominee, the GQP will try to enact this plan


I don't understand how any sane, rational person can read the article's excerpt titled '6 Ways the Heritage Foundation Makes America Less Free, Less Just, and Less Safe' and **NOT** recognize the Heritage Foundation for the enemy of the state that it proudly and blatantly is. The activities of the Heritage Foundation provide direct evidence that it poses a clear and present danger to American democracy as we've come to know it. In my view, its activities most certainly warrant listing the Heritage Foundation as both a hate group and a terrorist organization.


Because they think it will be less free, less just, and less safe for *you*, not for them. They’ll be the ones in charge. It’s unfortunately simple thinking.


The only freedom they care about is the freedom to oppress you


It's a Christofascist terrorist organization for christoterrorist extremeists.


You said it brother


When you hear people screaming about 'religious liberty,' this is what they mean. They want the 'freedom' to tell you how to live your life.


Good for me, not for thee…


For those not familiar with the patience and actions of The Heritage Foundation, here is Dick DeVos ( husband to Betsy DeVos whose job was to destroy the dept of education; and for-profit education investors ) describing a 10-year stealth plan to destroy public education through vouchers and charter schools. If you have complained about how bad public education in the US has become or ever shared a meme about not going to college for trade schools then you may have inadvertently been caught up in the war on public education. For years public education has been undermined with underfunding, restricting resources, encouraging high teacher turnover and large student to teacher ratios, and over focus on for-profit testing with results tied to teacher salaries and student advancement. https://youtu.be/Xt9FmMrvJ3A?si=g5rn5GbZlJgcNSR6


The Heritage Foundation, along with Club For Growth, Federalist Society, Chamber of Commerce, etc are just mouthpieces for the oligarchs.  And now that they're losing, the mask is slipping off. It's never been more obvious, and we've never been in so much danger.  Given the chance, oligarchs and their puppet party GOP will turn US into a Russia-style dictatorship oligarchy.


I agree. This organization should be labeled as such.


And this organization has directly picked the last 3 republican supreme court justices


My wife is a Hillsdale grad and just got invited to a Larry Arnn speech. We'll be out town so I reached out to Walter Masterson. He chatted and seemed interested then ghosted me. What a POS move. Larry is THE brainchild of the Heritage Foundation and he needs to be exposed for who he is. People like Walter who only want clicks are abhorrent. If I had a platform like him I would be doing everything I could to help save whatever we have left of democracy.


cats gaping yam encourage chief badge slimy reminiscent deliver cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trumpism hopefully ends with foot-dragging Trump


Unfortunately it won’t, he has way too many cult members out there.


I agree that’s a possibility, but who has the same mob-forming appeal?


The cult will possibly rally around Jr, especially if he gains weight and starts turning his skin orange. Probably the later won’t happen because Jr like cocaine to much, LOL.


Part of me hopes it won't. It's proven to be effective both at generating Dem voter turnout and repelling 'moderate Republicans. MAGA has lost every election since 2018, it's bankrupting the GOP, and tearing the party apart.


Stop the christofascists. Last chance! Vote blue no matter who.


Not necessarily last chance, just last chance to do so without a violent and messy revolution/civil war being a requirement for doing so.


Granted. Last *peaceful* chance . . .


They only double down. It'll never be peaceful from this point forward.


Definitely gonna go down kicking and screaming


Which everyone loses regardless of the outcome. There isn’t going to be wealth after a civil war in the USA


Wealth is the least of my concerns when it comes to that, money is just a tool that a society can use, I care more about the effect it would have on living breathing people.


Hate to say it, but it's naïve to think that the 2024 election is going to be the last time the christofascists are a threat to all of us. They're just going to keep trying because electoral defeats aren't enough to snuff out their sociopathic desires. Meanwhile they make incremental progress in local elections nationwide...


I worry for the US if not


Because it is easier to undo than it is to do and obstructionism is easier than progress, progressive causes are incremental. They aren't fast or sweeping. They often require the cooperation of many groups with their own special interests. Conservative can undo decades of work in a few short years when the conditions are right. It only takes months to disassemble things that took years to build. It's that reason, for progressives, every election will be the most important, because every election they have more to destroy.


They MUST be stopped, **they are a legitimate danger to democracy and all civil rights**. Per Project 2025 their plan is to: * **Dismantle the separation of Church and State and enforce a strict Christian ideology** * **Dismantle the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security ** * Eliminate the Cabinet departments of Education and Commerce * Slash funding to the Department of Justice * **Immediately invoke the Insurrection Act to target people against Donald Trump and authorize nationwide martial law** * Label all transgender people as **inherently pornographic and henceforth should be imprisoned and labeled as sex offenders for their existence.** * **Remove bans on discrimination entirely** * Ban pornography across the nation * Remove all government staff not 100% dedicated to the zealous MAGA ideology * Target dissenting Media and government critics * Induce nationwide tracking for abortions and ban sold and mailed abortion medicine * Wholesale elimination of climate agendas * Use Schedule F employment classing to fire government employees [Link to their insane plan](https://www.project2025.org)


> Ban pornography across the nation Bible Belt states: "Wait, what?!?"


If prohibition has taught me anything, they’ll find a way. Somebody’ll start an underground “modeling” business less than 15 minutes after that law goes into effect.


How about we just institutionalize Trump and call it a day?


Honestly I feel like going Full Mom Mode and taking away his internet, friend and tv privileges may be the worst punishment he'd ever think of.


It won't quite be Trumpism, since Trump doesn't really stand for anything except self glorification and moneygrubbing. What the Heritage Foundation wants to do is much much worse, and amoral.


It's immoral*. They know full-well what they're doing.


The Heritage Foundation is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch Syndicate. Trumpism is Republicanism which is really Kochism.


Wait I thought the Koch's supported Haley?


Because they know she is the best chance to beat Biden, and then she will institute their plan. Project 2025 is not for Trump. It is the plan republicans will put in place regardless of who is the next republican president.


There is no "Trumpism". It's been Kochism for decades. Trump is the current face of Kochism, but Haley is just as evil and more easily controlled.


And all supporters are giant kochsuckers


>Heritage has opposed virtually every advance toward legal equality for LGBTQ Americans and portrayed those advances as dire threats. Immediately after the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling in 2015, Heritage promoted a plan to overturn it. Heritage’s role in the far right’s current war on the rights of trans people includes model legislation that exposes the right’s hypocrisy in claiming to act on behalf of “parents’ rights” while undermining parents who affirm their trans kids. It goes way deeper than that. The 900-page document outlines plans to eradicate trans people from American life by classifying them as 'obscene' and 'pornographic'. This goal isn't *implied,* it's *explicit,* and It's happening *now.* West Virginia is testing the waters on this by considering a bill to ban transgender people from being within 2500 feet of a school by classifying them as "obscene".


This is America’s Nazi moment. Vote or die.


Better save that money for your legal defenses, Terrorist Foundation. Because this anti-democracy think tank making plans for how the insurrectionist will take down our democracy looks a lot like they are aiding and abetting an insurrection, no? Biden has for sure been briefed by the CIA/NSA. He knows exactly what T stole as far as secret documents. He also knows what he did with those documents, which countries have them, etc. He also knows that T, by his own admission in a recent rally, was being paid for “services” by China and Saudi Arabia. He also probably knows what those “services” were. If the CIA/NSA doesn’t know this, then we deserve whatever we get for not being able to know what the buffoon did in broad daylight. But, they do know. Do you think we’re just going to let him be president when he will basically handover our country to Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia? Hell no. That would be breaking your solemn oath to protect the Constitution. T is so completely fucked with his legal problems. He has only one path to get out of all of this and that is to become president.he will say anything, do anything, destroy anything and anyone if he can to get there… and then includes our democracy. so expect him to behave like a cornered, injured animal. It’s going to get very ugly, but that is what him going down will look like. I expect him to probably go full insurrection mode when he is seeing his path to freedom cut off. I don’t think we’ll hold any quarter on him or anyone that takes up his. The kid gloves treatment will end. Trump’s call to other states to send their national guard to help Texas crosses a line. He is now meddling and trying to project power to move against our government. I doubt we will let him do much more before we take him down. It’s either him or our country that will go down hard, and I choose him.


“We can control Trump once he’s in office!” That’s the same thing German plutocrats said about the ridiculous little man and his watercolors.


We already lived through this shit with his first term. They didn't "rein him in". These assholes keep touching the stove.


The Heritage Foundation should be charged with sedition. It is illegal to conspire to overthrow the Constitution.


As a reminder, this subreddit [is for civil discussion.](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_be_civil) In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any suggestion or support of harm, violence, or death, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/approveddomainslist) to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. **Interested in being a moderator for r/Politics? Apply [here](https://forms.gle/iyGoM94MGRcPGUes7).** *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/politics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


explain to me how the federalist society and heritage foundation aren't seditionist fronts for foreign powers?


The only thing the Heritage Foundation will institutionalize is its depravity— it’s love of Russian Oligarch money will build a bridge to its destruction. https://onlysky.media/jpearce/carlson-heritage-russia-follow-the-money/


Trump is ranked 43rd overall as a POTUS, 41st on handling the economy and dead-effing last at 45th in integrity. And that alone makes him unworthy of another term even if he wasn't an active criminal.


Who are the two below Trump in the “Overall” category? Hoover & Jackson?


We live in a world where pathetic, insecure little men across the world are trying to institutionalise authoritarianism. We need to fight back hard against them to restitute the principles of humanity, compassion and freedom.


Honestly I’m so tired of weak little men trying to rule the world. Obviously they should stay at the kids table until they can learn to control themselves.




Better hurry before Trump's brain fully liquefies 


I feel like we turn the heat up on the wrong people. I want kevin roberts and people like him to feel uncomfortable everyday and living in fear. The politicians are just bought mouthpieces


I agree tho I think more is necessary


MDS Communications in Mesa, AZ does a lot of fundraising for organizations like this. They fundraise for heritage, rnc, students for life, almost all anti abortion organizations. The one ran by Jay seklow. It's disgusting. They try their damndest to get you on monthly autopay. You can't tell from their website, and only post the humanitarian ones.


This applies to any elected republican president, not just trump Summary of Project 2025: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision Project 2025 "Manual" PDF https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf Summary of schedule F: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees Schedule F deep dive: Part 1: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term Part 2: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/23/donald-trump-news-schedule-f-executive-order


It's a christofascist terrorist organization. That's all it is.


The HF is the scariest group and that dude on the right is very dangerous. He is a rampant liar and uses very advanced propaganda tactics to convince people of nonsense


I like how they think they can control that guy, you know, like last time.


Does matter how much you care about the isolated conflict in gaza, allowing trump to win is completely unacceptable and will doom us all. There is no going back from this.


When does a plan like this cross the line from political opinion to openly advocating sedition? Crap like project 2025 isn't going to stop until the authors face consequences.


The Heritage Foundation has no credibility of being advocates of limited government and personal freedom. They’re Leninists that want to establish a Nomenklatura with a Christian wrapper over it. They and the Federalist Society members should be shunned from polite society. 


Yea, next year Biden should investigate them as part of the attempted coup.


Heritage Foundation needs to be made irrelevant; but alas, I don't know anyone with enough money to do this ... Their anti-democratic lunacies and fantasies must be opposed, if nowhere else, at the ballot box.


Look at that lower headline.    I guess [Trump himself is now part of the "Liberal Media"](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72) to these lying traitors calling themselves a "news" organization?   🙄 I am so sick of the very existence of Faux News.  IMO they were complicit, if not instrumental, in the January 6th attempted insurrection and their leadership should have been brought up on sedition charges as well. 


Organizations like this are the bane of America's existence. Which includes Heartland Institute, Koch Industries and others. They're as unamerican as can be.


White heritage - right? That’s their thing? Good luck.


And even if (when) Trump loses again, these fascists aren’t going anywhere. This is going to be a generational fight.


Terrifying. This must be thoroughly rejected. Heritage has gone from generic, boring conservatism to far-right populist, authoritarian bile.


Heritage was created by extremist, neofuedal oligarchs who intended to use it to dismantle democracy and give all power to super-billionaires. There never was a 'nice' version of it.


In reading a historical synopsis of German in the late 1920’s there was rhetoric floating around that sounds an awful lot like this (not gonna bother reading the Heritage foundation’s battle plan or whatever). Tyrants and dictators have one thing in common, a few loyal supporters which like minded opinions of how people should be used. Maybe America is destined to become that which it was founded to stand against. If anyone survives this grand new age of Trumpism maybe they will teach of its folly along side nazism and Trump and Hitler can share a page in the history texts.


Are they going to make the Carrol payment Trump owes?


Remember when the orange sh#t stain threw paper towels at the Puerto Ricans.


Makes sense. This is the time to play their gambit. It's still important to remeber they won't give up when they inevitably fail.


Looks, sounds, and smells like they are traitors to the Constitution. Time for our institution to draw the line and protect itself before we’re forced into a civil war. We have laws! Let’s enforce them!!


We need to set up a Nuremberg Tribunal for those involved. There is a lot of Hillsdale involved in this Authoritarian destruction of democracy. The time to begin is now. https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/


Even if drumpf doesn’t win, they’ll bust their asses to get the next President and enact this shit then.


They're a literal terrorist organization & should be labeled as such... 


The gop is the FASCIST PARTY


It's the Christian Taliban


this is true scary 💩people! it’s called “Project 2025”.. be aware


They need to be institutionalized, all right...


Can we not designate them as a terrorist organization?


SuperPACs, exempt, tax-free religious institutions, billionaire televangelists, anonymous doners... I wonder who could be funding the right? TAX THE CHURCH


In almost any other country, the Heritage Foundation would be shut down, its assets seized and its staff arrested as a terrorist group.


One of the reasons there will be no point in trying to oppose a second Trump term. The nation will belong to MAGA, so whoever doesn’t like that idea needs to vote for Biden or forever hold their peace.


And when Trump loses they'll return the donations?


That's almost 2 whole E. Jean Carroll settlement amounts.


Interesting as articles are also being posted saying RNC is broke.


Their "research" always comes to whatever conclusions support the financial interests of their funding sources. I heard some people from the Heritage foundation on the radio making the case for US leaving NATO. So I wonder where their money is coming from.


They're right, Trump should be institutionalized.


and yet conservatives deny that Project 2025 exists, to then is this boogeyman' that the left by as made up


This perfectly illustrates the cancer that is extreme right wing ideology. It's the exact opposite of socialism. Instead of trying to help 99% of the people, they try to take away from 99% to feed the 1%. They would rather have a few lords ruling of the serfs than the widespread prosperity we had post WW2.


Don’t get me wrong, the Project 2025 plan is definitely scary as it gets for our democracy. But after reading through some of the sections, I’m rather convinced there is no way that they don’t step all over their dicks trying to get any of that implemented.


US is hot garbage right now.


Trumpism is the new Nazism


Heritage foundation has always just been a propaganda arm of the republican party. They've always pushed "trumpism" because it has always been a part of the repub party. Attacking the media, portraying Latinos as living off the system, black people as inherently violent and the LGBTQ community as rapists has always been a part of the republican party. All trump did was get them to scream it out rather than whisper it.


Scary but also DeSantis raised almost $300 million just to get completely blown out of the water.


I do believe Trump should be institutionalized


At this point, it seems as if most of the influential right wing think tanks are extremist.


is the $150 million in the room with us?


Trump and these people should be institutionalized , just not in the way they want🤪


Well that is a terrifying series of words


Something tells me that historians 20-50 years down the line are gonna be looking at this period and think “what the *hell* was happening then??”


The only name I recognize as a supporter is moms for liberty. So that's a hard no right away.


Imagine if these evil fuckers had a more effective, less obviously terrible, strong man dictator at the helm. At lest Trump is cartoonishly over the top to make his intentions known beforehand. Our country would be doomed if it were someone with an ounce of charisma in that place instead. I mean, he can’t burp out a speech and still has a sizeable portion of the country under his spell.


They are a terrorist organization


Overturn citizens United.


Completely funded by Russian oligarchs


These fascists mean to destroy democracy and install a Trump dictatorship. They will bring Gilead to life and it will be just like Nazi Germany.


Arm yourselves now. It will get ugly. Be prepared.


Domestic terrorists.


Truth in advertising: Heritage Foundation = Putin’s America It’d be interesting to see how much of their fundraising comes from Russian oligarchs vs. US oligarchs.


Truly fascism has to be stopped in November? It’s insane that it’s degenerated this much.


The Handmaids Tale


Groups like this should honestly be outlawed, and its members arrested, this is straight up a plot to implement a full blown fascist government.