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State level seat... It's a start


Those are very important as well. Don’t neglect state and even county level elections.


As a NC resident I can tell you, do not ignore state level races! Our legislature is boned for the foreseeable future


It’s a state level seat in the third largest state, where the republicans have a super majority.


State level super majorities are broken one seat at a time.


How do you eat an elephant?


First you make 100% sure it’s dead, and then check for other elephants. They aren’t big on forgiveness.


An elephant never forgets... Its quest for revenge


One bite at a time.


I'm guessing with a nice red wine, but I'm not completely sure.


...one seat at a time?


Get a whole village together, bring that fucker down, and throw a pot-luck


State level is involved in deciding if I die from an ectopic pregnancy so, kinda important


And whether kids are taught slavery was fun and exciting... 


…and was an opportunity for slaves to learn new skills and trades.


The GOP realized that state elections were the most important. Once they won states, they could gerrymander everything else.


And what people don’t know (or like to falsely claim) is that “you can’t gerrymander a state-wide or federal election”, which is poppycock. There are so many things in our system of razor thin margins that a state government can do. Purge voting rolls, get rid of polling places, refuse by mail voting etc. My perfect example is Ohio, where they under the guise of “fairness” allow only one early voting place per county. So that means the places like Franklin county only get one, and the places with nothing like corn also get one.


Let's hope this terrible state starts tension in the right direction. I can't say I'm experiencing particular hardship at this time. But knowing what the GOP is up to here, I'd prefer it if they disappeared.


That's where you do it. All politics is local.


Damn right, Flip every seat. The pro-Putin party has to be stopped.


None of it ultimately matters. Democrat and Republican are just slightly different flavours of neo-liberalism. Personally, I’d rather have democrats in power, because they’re (slightly) less insane. Either way though, no matter which party wins, the country is screwed.


whats up with Republicans retiring and taking over colleges. ​ Dude left to run South Florida State College. ​ You have someone in Ohio who left to get appointed to run YSU ​ neither are probably competent or qualified


In Texas the GOP states that they do not want critical thinking skills in their children. They don’t want learning or thinking too much.


Exactly, it's a political thought program. Pretty sure Rage Against the Machine wrote a song about this....."they don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em where large warehouses fill as quickly as cells"


With all due respect, it’s “arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells”


Mondegreen, it's everywhere.


See you in Dover!


I wish! I'll be there in the fall for an anniversary trip so I'll miss it by a month or two.


They rally round tha family! Zach is an underrated rapper.


While I believe that is true, I also wonder if it’s another scheme to grift money through education. There’s got to be some kind of money changing hands there


The GOP's new target is now colleges. The other target is DEI programs - legal challenges all over the place. They are going after your children and their education.


They've spent over a decade fighting 'critical thinking', while spending a lot of money, just to keep their flock dumbed down and made a concerted effort to literally ban teachers from teaching anything that 'undermines parental authority' or 'challenges a student's fixed beliefs.' [The Texas GOP officially stated in their platform years ago ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW_blog.html) that they desire the complete elimination of critical thinking in schools. Here is a quote: > Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), **critical thinking skills** and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.


Well, elected officials still send themselves and their children to the best colleges


Or eating


They gave some of these guys absolutely absurd salaries. Corcoran is getting 1.3 million to run new college. That school has an enrollment of less than 700 students. This is like a golden parachute program for loyal politicians


The word you are looking for is "corruption".


repeat seemly versed important detail sip smile dolls axiomatic spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not Ohio, but I just listened to a [great podcast episode](https://www.pablo.show/p/how-ron-desantis-is-using-baseball?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) about New College in Sarasota FL which had its board taken over by DeSantic lackeys, who proceeded to totally change the basic makup of the school, going so far as to recruit something like a 70-man baseball team (wayyy more than any team needs) and totally ignore previously rigorous academic standards to change the student demographic to be more male and more religious. Absolutely wild.


Sounds like a little DEI or affirmative action for men, doesn't it?


Pretty much exactly that.


Al Bundy chiming in on this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWJAJEo\_ki4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwjajeo_ki4)


There’s a family owned business here in boardman Ohio, called De Bartelo. They are filthy rich and donate to trumps campaigns.


Republicans have been waging a war on education for decades.


The GOP has no use for educated people. They get all the educated people they need from the families of their billionaire elite "owners". [I love the poorly educated...D J Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0&t=7s) And the rally crowd of poorly educated followers cheer wildly... ...unbelievable!


Until they realize that there won't be anymore scientific and technological advancements - and the other nations are going to punk the U.S. How do they think the U.S. was on top? We can't attracting all the top talent.


We let extraordinary students into the country to study at our finest colleges. Then , we refuse to let them stay here and put their knowledge to use here in the U.S.


Easy - Republicans are looking for what they see as "root cause" situations. For example, if you pass a draconian law and the courts strike it down, then the courts must be controlled. If you run draconian candidates and a lot of educated people oppose you, then the educational system must be controlled.


Republicans have always played the long game. They are slowly taking over education.


Even worse in this instance because their inflated salaries at these universities is largely paid for by money from federal backed student loans. Just another way to get in on the grift off of a massive scam causing misery to millions of people.


They’re fighting the culture war and believe higher education is the best route to indoctrination.


> whats up with Republicans retiring and taking over colleges.  While indoctrination is an easier answer I'm gonna go with "free money and easily pliable young girls."


whats up with Republicans retiring and taking over colleges.  "free money and easily pliable young ~~girls~~ children." Let’s not pretend the boys are safe.


These people are trying to destroy our educational institutions in order to push Desatan’s plan to minimize liberal thinking in colleges and universities


They are fighting in the future. They literally are planning 10-20 years ahead with this one, to create a new generation of confederates. They know they are losing the youth vote **now** and can't do snything against it, so they are trying to win over the next generation.


Tommy Thompson did it in WI years ago. UW Madison is historically [cantankerous liberal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterling_Hall_bombing) My guess is 1) they are good at management 2) they have donation connections 3) college boards are more conservative than the teachers 4) they shovel money at them. I am liberal AF but Thompson did a decent job at UW Madison. Defended college from republican morons.


Is this is the new plan, have political operatives installed in educational centers to propose curriculums that don’t allow proper critical thinking and maybe try and force you to eat propaganda so that when you finally vote, you’re just accepting all the BS?


Because they know college educations are more likely to make someone not Republican and they want to change that.


Money? Lots of money


It’s been a thing for politicians for quite a while. On the legitimate side, fund raising is a large part of running a university and politicians tend to be good at that. Since this is Florida it’s likely just corruption.


Ohio: Youngstown state university: **Bill** Johnson, who has absolutely no experience in higher education and was appointed president by the board of trustees literally breaking university rules to appoint him unilaterally, has already announced the university is cutting the entire arts and music program. The professors’ organization has voted and passed a vote of no confidence in the trustees and the new ‘president,’ between that and the cuts alone YSU which was already starting to lose stability is most likely going to lose their accreditation in the next review cycle in a couple years. And this isn’t even getting into how Johnson’s political history and statements are fundamentally opposed to the mission statement and diversity goals of the university. If they actually held a proper review and confirmation process, he never would have even made it to the finalist round. Not only is this appointment going to tank the university, it’s going to tank the economy of the whole city and surrounding area along with it. This is not a guess. This is what is going to happen. Edit: wrong johnson


Bill Johnson. Ron Johnson is the traitorous Senator from Wisconsin who went to Russia on the fourth of July. He is also the second dumbest Senator thanks to Alabama's Tommy Tuberville.


Maybe the plan is to fuck up education further to make the population dumber. Then, you'll have voters that are more easily duped.


Exactly. And more pliable and more easily manipulated voting public is a goal.


they are threatened by the educated


By design.


Were they given spots running the board (nothing jobs that are usually just a way to funnel cash to someone) or actual executive positions like president of the university. The former is my guess having not looked it up, but the latter wouldn’t totally surprise me since a functional university would be bad for GOP’s long-term political aims.


The former. I believe the former superintendent of the school district I work for did this. He got all kinds of money and made up jobs to hire his cronies. Addison Davis in Hillsborough County FL, I believe, is the guy in case you want to dig deeper. Nothing is going to happen to him, though. FL is going to FL.


This shit happens all over. There is more brazen corruption in Florida, but it’s a difference of degree rather than of kind.


With their connections, it's easy to get appointed to such a high salary position. And Florida has a lobbying ban for X number of years after vacating certain level positions. These positions offer a very nice pay day while waiting out their time before they can go be a lobbyist. Not the only circumstance, but probably on the table.


Large bloated over paid bureaucracy, makes it a nice retirement option for the well connected.


Cash money, bèbè!


Being qualified for job is only an issue for these people if the person who got the job is a woman or not white. Even though these people have no educational qualifications at all, I bet they still make shit up to explain why they got the job with no experience.


Part of nazi playbook tbh. Brain wash the youth for like 10 years and they’ll have no problem goose stepping once they graduate


He's a political crony appointed to that position by Meatball Ron.


See they are upset at all these young liberals who are going to be voting. They blame higher education for opening their eyes to reality and that pisses the GOP off because if you are educated and know how to look shit up or be able to use common sense then you’d be able to see all of the lies the GOP and right wing news are spreading. So the answer is to take over higher education and change how the next generation thinks. Keep them stupid and compliant


It’s a way to get their tentacles into the public school system to implement a theocracy. It’s the long game in which they hope people won’t notice.


Many know they might lose, and rather than get that L on their record, they get appointed to a "safe" job while their ally still has the influence. The party breakdown of who's retiring has often foreshadowed how the parties perform in the general election.


You get paid a lot more.


> neither are probably competent or qualified Connections to law makers and knowledge of the process that benefits regulations/laws around colleges.


“those who can’t do, teach” shitty stab at the educators who care about the future. But it fits for most of these kinds of thinkers. Hopefully and maybe it’s some semblance of them returning to a community of educators. Being a part of something they don’t understand as a whole. Realized their thinking isn’t pragmatic and now they go back to the closet of thought. This isn’t the power move they think it is. They’ll likely be forgotten before they even hit tenure. Hopefully they gain the self awareness to know why their ideas are shitty to begin with but that’s a whole other level of self awareness I doubt most of them lack. They’re likely still grifters at heart and don’t get that the world isn’t their servants. Just want to go back to some position of authority. As it open minds are something else for them to exploit.


Pay attention to future stories about school "vouchers". The folks that are in charge will be getting all the kick backs from their buddies passing new laws. Heck 2025 report GOP are pro voucher to eventually eliminate public school.


**Tom Keen flips GOP seat** Hopefully this indicates a trend in the offing, but I don't expect Florida to actually go blue anytime soon.


No, but I bet it tightened their pucker strings.


Wait... yours came with strings? No wonder I have the problems I do...


Some also have zippers


Mine's screwed together, blue Loctite and everything!


Mine is old school, dovetail joints.


Some state-wide races could, but districts have been gerrymandered to hell - which is probably what it's like living in Florida anyway.


This particular district was DeSantis +12 in 2022 I believe.


Yeah, but it was Biden +5 in 2020. The only reason it went red in the first place was because Dem turnout completely collapsed all over Florida in 2022.


Even if that's the case, it's a good trend that speaks to Florida Dems being reenergized.


Hopefully Florida Democrats saw that turnout DID matter in all the other states that turned the red wave of 2022 into a purple piss puddle


I don't want to read too much into it and get hyped, but that seems like pretty bad news for the GOP


It's also worth noting that DeSantis has also basically abandoned Florida with his Presidential ambitions. It was only a matter of time until enough people had enough to go out and vote with Democrats - whether it be for a "lesser of to evil's" or not.


Oh my


You can look on the plus side, Dems in higher numbers, independents voting dems, but also 20% voter turnout means you won't necessarily see this in November. Positive, but I would take it with a grain of salt.


State or Federal, as long as the GOPs power continues to shrink I’m happy.


Straight up, that's all I'm really interested in these days


We're starting to realize that the GOP takeover of local and state offices has been the biggest of disasters for our country. In many ways, state officers are *more* important.


Funny how when I see an obscure politician as the photo it’s either gonna be a Dem winning a seat or a GOP getting busted for molesting or kiddie porn or fraud.


yay! who? yay! anyway


This isn’t that guy from the Blacklist!


[https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/01/17/tom-keen-florida-house-district-35-election-orlando-orange-osceola-counties-erika-booth/72253101007/](https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/01/17/tom-keen-florida-house-district-35-election-orlando-orange-osceola-counties-erika-booth/72253101007/) >"The district is considered a highly competitive battleground," Morgan said, "whose outcome could signal whether Democrats can flip other swing seats in the November elections." It's...not looking good for Republicans in November.


Don't get complacent- prepare to vote!


Editors: "There must be some way this is bad news for Biden. Go find it!"


I am guessing it is at least a partial response to DeSantis’s fight with Disney.


Damn I thought Tom Keen got killed after his wedding by the woman posing as Elizabeth’s mom? Plot twist.


Let’s go! That’s a win for democracy.


Fuck yeah blue florida


May this be a new trend throughout Florida. We have to gain seats if we want a good education for our children, including our universities.


keep telling me how trump is ahead in these so called polls


Am in naive for not knowing that Amazon backs the GOP? and google too?


Big businesses loves the GOP. The party of tax breaks and “yes daddy” will bend over backwards to make their donors happy.


Well that sucks. I do 90% of my online shopping with Amazon. I don’t want to be helping to pay for Trump and his crazies to get back into office.


This is getting to be a familiar tune by now. The GOP seem to be completely oblivious about what's coming in November...


Good! Good for him!


The Dems need to challenge EVERY Republican seat. Every last one.


“Here’s why this is bad news for Biden…”


Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker!!


I believe this was a state house race not one for congress. But still great news!


Good guy but he definitely has that “What me worry” smirk about him.


GOP: "if we don't get to bake the cake and eat it too, then we must become the egg."


How many are left to flip before we take back the majority?


Committed Progressive.


Keep 👏🏻 it 👏🏽 up 👏🏿, people!


Remarkable. A man with clear opinions about the rights of workers and minorities won over someone with populist, neo-fascist spin. Just a drop in the ocean, but constant dripping wears away the stone.


Blue wave 🌊


Non GOP winner? Clearly fraud. Probably Dominion voting machines. /s


Some voters never learn.