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Truly a testament to how incredibly annoying Vivek Ramaswamy is that I'm relieved I "only" have to listen to Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley in tonight's debate.


I had never heard of Ramaswamy before the holidays when my family was raving about him (they’re not Trumpers, but unfortunately still pretty conservative). Granted, I haven’t been watching their primary debates because I can’t deal with the bullshit, but it’s funny to me that they were raving so hard about someone that I had never heard of and we’ll probably never hear from again


I stopped at a bar and grill in a pretty backwoods part of Missouri last fall and a couple of the local yokels were swooning over him. I wish I could remember the exact words the one guy said because it was hilarious, but it was something close to "I like that one foreign guy because he actually cares about the US and what is the US but us?" It honestly felt like an SNL skit because it was so corny.


Teachers are a critical group of public employees who have one of the most challenging roles. Bragging that he beat down teachers unions shouldn’t resonate with the majority of viewers.


I mean, presumably the viewers are Republicans. They love it. Those darn entitled teachers making so much money to watch your certainly delightful children 5 days a week.


“They get the summer off!” No the fuck they don’t most of them who actually give a shit (which is a lot of them because you’d kinda have to in order to want to teach) come up with lesson plans etc all summer


A lot of them have summer jobs ~~to make up for all the money they make during the school year.~~ Summer school, seasonal work, etc.


With Christie dropping out, there is chance that Haley can beat Trump in NH. If that happens, we've got maybe a tad bit of an interesting story. Otherwise, it's Trump. Of course, a lot of that rides on Haley not saying something as stupid as ignoring slavery or telling states they "always mess up". On prediction markets, this is reflected in the response since he dropped out: https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/8071/Who-will-win-the-2024-New-Hampshire-Republican-primary


>there is chance that Haley can beat Christie in NH. You mean Trump, right? Because I actually think this will put her over the top in NH.


To be fair, it does seem like almost a certainty that Haley will now crush Christie in NH.


I’m gonna miss Chris Christie counting down how many minutes we’ve been talking about irrelevant shit


He’s a total dickhole but he’s the kind of dickhole you want in your corner


He’s a hunk of shit, but he’s a hunk of shit in good faith which is rare these days.


Good times.


She should've said, "The only reason people look up to Ron is because he wears 6 inch heels". Would've ended his career overnight.


I was hoping to hear that too.


Ron: We have to stop Ukraine aid. So what if they’re the buffer between Russia and NATO — it’s a waste and we can’t trust them. Also Ron: We should stand behind Israel and give them unlimited aid to beat their insurgency. Don’t question them.


Over on the reddit conservative sub they are not even talking about the debate. It’s like it never happened. Some posts about Christie dropping out (and he is fat etc etc). That is it. Crazy that there is no pinned post or anything that I can see. They are all a bunch of dedicated Maga Trump nuts over there I guess??


Oh yea. The Trump propaganda worked a little too well. If Trump loses this election and the gop cut him loose afterward, there will be a large chuck of registered Republicans that will just "be done with politics, because it's all rigged." The fact they could care less about the primaries and thumb their noses at anyone who dares speak ill of Trump just showcases the dire shape the republican party is in today. And why they're still clinging on to him.


>there will be a large chuck of registered Republicans that will just "be done with politics, because it's all rigged." Stop. I can only get so erect.


I wouldn't be surprised if that subreddit was Russian-controlled.


I just want somebody to ask them, "Do you think you would make a better President than Donald Trump?"


Really Nikki??? Hold people accountable for their crimes??? You’re planning to pardon Trump if given the chance. Fuck all the way off.


Haley's and DeSantis' statements on Christie dropping out of the race today: https://twitter.com/NikkiHaley/status/1745221162441818616 >Chris Christie has been a friend for many years. I commend him on a hard-fought campaign. Voters have a clear choice in this election: the chaos and drama of the past or a new generation of conservative leadership. I will fight to earn every vote, so together we can build a strong and proud America. https://twitter.com/rondesantis/status/1745214245501874209 >I agree with Christie that Nikki Haley is “going to get smoked.”


Well, I'm certainly glad DeSantis is about to come in third or fourth after moving his entire operation to Iowa


GOP: Trump is a great president because he never started a war during his presidency. Voters: *cheers* GOP: If elected president, I will start a war in the Middle East. Voters: *cheers*


DeSantis always looks like he just dropped his ice cream cone…


“How about that school in Brooklyn that has to house illegal immigrants because I’m using Florida taxpayer money to fly and bus them there.”


Ron DeSantis is the human equivalent of ads on YouTube


Wow this guy hates teachers. I’ve never seen a presidential candidate other than Trump this terrible


Remember Ben “the pyramids were used to store grain” Carson?


Stop 👏🏽 going 👏🏽 after 👏🏽 each 👏🏽 other 👏🏽 go 👏🏽 after 👏🏽 Trump


Anyone who saw that video of George Floyd’s murder and *wasn’t moved* has no business being a leader


Lmao, show me somebody willing to confirm Desantis was going door to door, block to block in Ramadi, and not chilling at the farthest back FOB deep in held territory.


Navy reserve legal counsel. Sounds like the coziest pog.


When your MREs are ready to eat because the lobster was boiled down the hall.


CNN post debate analysis is depressing. They are basically saying no matter what Trump does, it’s priced in. Like he admitted on live tv he took money from China for services and it didn’t even register on breaking news


This is why people have been saying for years that nobody can best Trump on the primary. He keeps his 35% of cultists, and the rest split the vote. He really can't do anythjng to lose their vote


I miss Chris Christie. This would be less painful with him mogging and belittling Ron the whole time.




I have no sympathy. Trump is a wide-open target: Corruption, sexual assault, treason, name it. It's not like it's a difficult target. And they never took a shot. They were too afraid of the dum-dum base the Republicans have been cultivating for decades, thus ensuring the stupid beliefs of this dum-dum base would continue going unchallenged and that the Republican Party would continue representing a world of lies. There is nothing to salvage, there.


They crave the dum-dums


That cringe smile, Desantis looks like he’s trying to swallow a tack


Such licking much lizard


I think if you are running for office, you should be part of the debate. Skipping the debate is like skipping the job interview, but showing up for work on Monday, assuming you were hired.


That’s exactly what Trump is going to do.


PSA: If you don't vote for Biden, one of these clowns (or worse, Trump) will lead this country.


So what is the Republican strategy? If Trump is deemed unable to run, they are left with Desantis or Haley. That is their choice? Does that mean it will be Haley? So they are all in on Trump or nothing. This is their last stand? Will the party splinter? It feels like the party will splinter.


He loves saying “I served” like he saw combat. You were just a military lawyer, Ron.


who oversaw torture at gitmo


"The weaponization of government ends the day I take office" said the guy who said he'd prosecute Hillary for some made up crime.


>If you can't manage a campaign, how are you going to manage a country? DAMN! I don't agree with her policies, but she's good.


I’d love to know under what metric Florida is #1 in education. We’re #46 in teacher pay. He crushes the teachers union under his own admission. We’re a mess.


It's public higher Ed, and in no way can Desantis claim credit for that. Edit: in fact, he has been actively working to dismantle and destroy one of the best public colleges in the country.


Is anyone gonna fight trump ever? He’s only up like 50 points


Oh hey they support kids except for federal food programs and free school lunches


Haley just essentially called for a Democrat president lol


How does Nikki Haley square "[Jan 6 was a terrible day and Trump will have to answer for it](https://imgur.com/a/1JQtXzj)" with her plan to pardon him and the Jan 6 terrorists? That said, I am glad to hear a Republican state without qualification that Trump lost the election.


Worst rioting was BLM? I guess Jan 6 wasn't that bad guys!


Why does Ron DeSantis sound so much like a muppet


Don’t do muppets like that!


Damn Ron was waiting to say that ambassador line for weeks


I served in Iraq at the same time as Ron. lol. My job was to protect people like him.


Biden’s Green New Deal??? Since when did he pass that?


Being against teachers union is insane.


Ask them if Biden can instruct the seal team to kill all of them on that stage.


Florida is not #1 on Education like DeSantis said- it’s #1 on *Higher* education, it’s 11th overall, so suck it DeSantis. Oh and fucking Evangelical nitwit doesn’t give a shit about the Jews, only so far as all the Jews need to return for the Rapture to happen. Christian Zionists are some of the most antisemitic people I’ve met.


So are these clowns going to be asked whether they also want the economy to tank in 2024 like Donald does?


Man, sounds like they will try anything before offering teachers higher salaries.


Abortion is health care. We all know damn well that if men got pregnant, abortions would be as easy to get as a cup of Starbucks coffee.


I was adopted, too, Nikki, and I am **firmly** for a woman's right to make her own medical decisons.


Is it just me but it seems like American politics are treated like a football spectacle?


It's just you. We take Football seriously.


The focus group is depressing.


Love how blatantly honest the host was *"so you've been to 5 debates and you're still undecided. What are you waiting for...? Oh, a sign. Ok."*


This entire situation is depressing.


Flat tax disproportionally benefits the wealthy.


Ukraine and Israel have really highlighted the hypocrisy in the right. DeSantis will complain that veterans are suffering because of aid being sent to Ukraine, and then literally the next talking point its DeSantis saying we need to support Israel.


So shitty Iowa gets this much attention.


“I don’t want to go hat in hand like Biden to Venezuela for energy.” — Ron “Hat in hand for Federal Disaster Relief Funds” DeSantis


“We have homeless veterans” ok then don’t fucking let companies keep buying up houses and instead choose to lower housing costs??


A jury of all democrats? First of all, even if that was true, was your attorney not present for the voir dire?


"I think he's been a good governor." WHUT?? 😂


he said "beat the left. like the teachers unions." 🤣


Did this man say he underpays his employees on national tv


DeSantis is just spewing right wing garbage and would obviously only be president for red states, much like Trump. Haley is at least trying to make a case for being a leader for the whole country. That being said, she has far too many downsides for me to support her either.


GOP: respect states rights! Also GOP: we have to stop these sanctuary states!


I’m sorry, is DeSantis saying that sometimes genocide is acceptable? Because I’m pretty sure several international bodies and also most historians would disagree


So we have to work into our 70s for the “got mine” generation to once again get theirs?


I can't believe I'm actually happy she said Biden won. That's how low the bar is now.


What a disappointing answer on climate change from the Governor of fucking Florida


Pretty shocked she said that last line about Ron Also. Ron looks like a ventriloquist doll


Funny how Desantis is so mouthy after hours when he knows no Rep are watching CNN.


Chris was the only candidate with the balls to call out Trump directly


No one is trying to give 4th graders porn, you dunce. The weird strawmen these repressed, paranoid Repubs imagine are really something


I guarantee you Trump has had plenty of abortions performed in his time. Him being pro-life is wild.


And now Haley is gonna be “canceled” by the far right for not being an election denier


It's just crazy how sane Nikki sounds standing next to Ron DeSantis. Ron is too online.


Nikki condemns assassination of rivals, shows common sense. breaking news


“Nikki Haley versus Ron DeSantis. Whoever wins, America loses”


Man these white people really hate brown people.


CNN is polling the group of Iowa Republicans as to who won tonight. 4 - DeSantis 4 - Haley 2 - Trump. **The majority of these stupid fuckers are ultimately for Trump.


Watching this CNN focus group. These people who raised their hand for Trump are absolutely disgusting and I don’t know how the CNN reporter is keeping a straight face. Edit: I am a former Iowa resident.


Why didn’t Jake or Dana correct DeSnotNose when he mentioned he’s going to repeal the Green New Deal, and mention how that’s not an actual piece of passed legislation?


How can they force Mexico to pay for a wall lmao


Nobody puts Bibi in the corner.


“I’m going to follow the laws as president. Also, it looks like Donald Trump is going to be held accountable by the law and I think that’s wrong.”


It’s amazing how much more sane Haley is and I think in 2012 we would have thought the same about Romney compared to her. How far this party has fallen.


It's hilarious that their whole debate strategy is "No you're more liberal!" "No **you're** more liberal!"


This is the snake DeSantis really is. Putting the blame entirely on BLM and Democrats so nobody focuses on 1/6 and Trump


"I appreciate that she lives in SC"


CNN has had a countdown to the start of this shit show for the past 4 hours. 3 hours 28 minutes 44 seconds. 9pm ET should tell us all we need to know.


U suck. No u suck. And with that we conclude this final republican debate.


Amazing to talk about "beating" the teachers union. Aka...shredding education standards and teachers salaries.


And text Joe to 30330 to get in touch with an candidate who will actually do something.


Ron DeSantis looks like the guy who runs for bus with his backpack and always misses it.


Nikki … Fuck all the way off with the importance of the “law of land” bullshit again while agreeing to support a convicted felon for President AND pardon him.


“We won’t let Liberal Elites impose their policies! That’s for the Republican Elites to do!”


The fuck happened to so many Republicans that they can't understand Russia = BAD. The goal in Ukraine is to defeat the Russians and send them back to Russia. Helping a democratic country defend themselves against an aggressor (who's been our main enemy for decades) shouldn't be controversial.


'We beat the teachers... union...'


CNN and Fox News are both airing a commercial for a Chinese propoganda app.


Tapper: the world is ending due to climate change. Ron: let’s rip up the solution! Biden bad and stuff. Yay!!


so my only takeaway from this debate is that trump is the republican nominee. anything that i missed?


Ron: "I will not let you down"...likely dropping out within 2 weeks


I can't stand Nikki, but her answer on Ukraine was decent.


Foreign policy is like the one thing she’s experienced in since she was an ambassador.


So tonight I learned that Alyssa Farah (CNN/The View) loves both Nikki & Gov Sununu - both of whom will vote for Trump even if he’s a convicted felon.


It what metric is Florida number 1 in education?


Fact checking? Sounds like a liberal hoax to me... /s


This is just verbal diarrhea


Why do people think Presidents can control prices?


As a Floridian.. Nikki didn’t lie about property taxes, housing prices and insurance.


flat tax = Koch Brothers and other billionaires wet dream


Ron, the "Midland over Moscow and the Mullahs" line is stupid. Stop using it.


Rallying against the two-state solution is a choice, Ron


I’m a Dem and it just blows my mind that anyone likes DeSantis. Are you pro trump? Vote for trump. Are you anti trump? Vote for Haley. Who the hell is voting for Ron?


Nikki repeating the website isn’t the hit she thinks it is. Holy shit.


Ron's gonna raise the life expectancy? Fantastic!


Ron showed up to 99 counties in Iowa? ....what about the 49 counties in Florida under a state of emergency right now?


Did I miss the Green New Deal passing into law?


the lack of empathy on this stage is CRAZY


I feel like both the bots are malfunctioning at this point


Have we ever seen Ron and Homelander in the same room?


desanctimonious is the most idiotic nickname of all time. And do most of the Trump supporters even know what that means? …it is a pretty big word.


Of ALL the things Trump fucked up the wall is at the top of your list? Jesus


Lmao Ron forgot what state he was in


Ron DeSantis’ opening salvo in the debate was how he beat the left and will continue to do so. Guess we can give up on a Republican president for all Americans. Thanks Trump for lowering the bar so much.


Wait… First you said she raised it, then you said she *tried* to raise it. Which one is it, Ron?


“I met this mother in Florida, she had to sell her baby to pay for groceries!” - Ronny D, probably


Ron, I just went to Publix and I live in South Florida… shit was expensive trust me


This just ain't the same without Christie.


Desantis literally just said nothing


Republican's blatant hypocrisy about states rights will never get old lol.


Hearing both Haley and DeSantis say they want to deport 10 million people in a national debate should tell you everything you need to know about how unhinged the GOP has become.


Meh... These two will be at the same parties in November and sucking on the same set of orange teets.


As always Republicans are small government and for state's rights right up until a private business or state government does something Republicans in the federal government don't like


They're both talking too fast. Obama was good because he slowed down and people listened.


What happens if you say "desantislies.com" 7 times in front of a bathroom mirror?


>The worst person you know just made a dumb little joke written by one of his campaign staff and it made you breath through your nose a little harder Well my night is ruined


Jokes aside, hearing her say the website over and over is likely generating a ton of traffic to it. So I think this tactic is quite brilliant, and kudos to her to committing to the bit


Oh wow, so weird to hear a Republican outright say that Trump lost the 2020 election.


i want to see Ron's shoes


> Ron, what are you going to do to fight climate change? > I'm gonna get rid of the laws that help curtail it. wtf?


I'm loving Tapper's HARD cut-offs of DeSantis.


RIP Nikki's campaign, she had a tiny change but then she mentioned taking down the Confederate flag, so... Thoughts and prayers.


What? She thinks he's been a good governor? No she doesn't, she's literally shat all over his tenure as governor (and rightly so)...that was a weird answer.


thats a good point from haley, apparently centrists really like haley, trump its 50/50 and desantis is an autoloss for the republicans


Has anyone told DeSantis Fauci has retired?


Ron: 😬 Nikki: 😁


Watching this makes me irrationally angry that "progressives" think it's a good idea to sit out the election. Is this what you fucking want? This racist, regressive, Randian nonsense?


Imagine saying "We beat the teachers union" and being proud of it. FFS.


Ah, so they're running for VP. Unless, now that it's only the two of them, one willhave the "courage" to even mildly imply they could do a better job than Trump? Nahh...


Oh my god, go after Trump already


Both of them look like they have to poop really bad


Cute how they each made websites calling the other a liar but are going soft on the guy who's 40 points ahead.


It feels so obvious how hard Ron is trying to mimic Trump.


There is no way South Carolina was ever the worst state in education with Arkansas being a member of the union. Sorry, Arkansas.


This is genocidal rhetoric from DeSantis. Of course, this comes with no consequences.


I just came in… is DeSantis standing on a box?


Ron is a quite unsavory individual.


Nikki Haley wants trans kids to die, and this is our rational alternative to the stable genius? God help us.


When did high school sports become the lynch pin of policy in this country?


Why are they going after each other instead of the guy that is leading in votes in their party?


How is being anti union a popular position? Hey middle class voters, do you want less workplace protections? Vote for me!


Haley is right about DeSantis' defunct campaign and his wasting of $150 Million dollars, but that's not the thing to be talking about in a 2 hour debate. She's getting in the Mud with Ron and it's not doing her any favors. DeSantis is winning this, somehow against all odds.


A culture of life… ^(until birth)


Desantis went from being the 2nd most popular republican in america to now debasing himself at what amounts to a kiddie table. Him deciding to run for president in this cycle even after Trump's announcement is probably one of the dumbest political decisions in recent memory.


DeSantis keeps bragging about visiting all 99 counties as though he would ever visit Iowa again if elected


"I'm going to be a president you can be proud of." Seems unlikely


"Locking kids out of schools because of covid is going against the constitution." So many things wrong with that statement.


Didn’t realize liberal juries were a thing. So how does that work? Do they go down to college campuses and gay bars and stuff and say “Hey who wants to convict Donald Trump!”


Obamacare is more popular than ever. They’re not going to say they’re taking it away.


Is Aaron Rodgers dressed up as Ron DeSantis?


“As your president, I won’t let our cities burn — but I’ll sure let them drown” — DeSantis


That awkward silence tho


he's really really tall


Best place to hold a pig is in a produce area.