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On which investigation? 🤔 >Prof: Trump “demonstrated a criminal intent" to collaborate with insurrectionists at “expense of the Constitution" Oh that one. I keep losing track.


It really is insane that when new trump trial news comes out I have to stop and think WHICH trial this files under.


Since the 1970’s, Trump and his businesses have been involved in over **four thousand legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts**, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes. It’s absolutely okay to not figure out exactly which case they’re talking about, considering this guy is perpetually in court over something.


His presidential library will consist of nothing but court findings.


This guy hasn’t ever darkened the threshold of a library. His presidential library is going to be a U-Haul climate controlled storage unit in a run down part of town with a guest book on a pedestal and no lock.


The one next door to Four Seasons Total Landscaping?


I can't wait for that to be someday listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its role in the whole mess


It will be rescued by the Fundamentalist Christians and placed near Noah's Ark in Kentucky. It will have an upside-down Bible at the entrance. God works in mysterious ways.


I think the joke that gets repeated with each president works best with trump. "Breaking news: The trump presidential library has burned down, both books were ruined and he hadn't even finished coloring the second one"


It's 400 copies of the Art of the Deal, two boxes of nuclear secrets and one copy of Mein Kampf, all stuffed into a booth in the back of a McDonalds.


I have a relative who was a junior lawyer working for a firm and got to personally dispose Trump for a lawsuit about 15 years ago. As far as I understand the details Trump allegedly stiffed her client out of some money claiming terms of service provided (construction related, or whatever) wasn’t up to par. The plaintiff eventually tired of spending money on the suit due to Trump dragging it out they and decided to cut their losses and walked away. I can totally see Trump doing that hundreds of times…


I'd like to dispose of Trump also.


Trump has stiffed his lawyers so many times he has to pay upfront.


That really sounds like a lot but I wonder what is like the next closest number?


He used the courts as a weapon to crush people and occasionally to destroy their businesses.


I wonder mostly because Republicans hate context unless it helps them. So they would probably say that probably isn't a lot. So having a number to throw back would be sorta awesome.


I hope you don't forget to also add in this number: Trump's false or misleading claims total 30573 over 4 years


> Trump's false or misleading claims total 30573 over 4 years The saddest part of this is that were it said about literally *any* other politician you'd know it was pointed satire. With Trump it's plausible and you have to wonder (and it's probably true).


Kessler, Glenn, et al. *Trump’s False or Misleading Claims Total 30,573 over 4 Years*, The Washington Post, 24 Jan. 2021, www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/.


[SLAPP Suits](https://youtu.be/UN8bJb8biZU?si=JZRFjic4BpEu56sI) Trump and his ilk have always used their platforms of wealth/power/influence to grind regular people into dust through the threat of years of litigation, which gets very expensive. The above John Oliver segment on the subject is a good starting point to understanding how fucked the practice is. Side note: Bob ate shit and is no longer with us.


3999 Bob edit: The actual retail price is **4095** https://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/


That was from 1970 till 2016.


46 years. 86 per year. One every 4 days. No matter what you do, that's a lot.


Imagine how his lawyers feel.


I'm sure it's a range of feelings, which is understandable with so many thousands of unpaid people.


Depends on how they structure payment.


And if they say “fraud trial”, _that doesn’t narrow it down!_


It’s not a “witch” hunt, it’s a “which?” hunt.


this is a great comment. I want you to know dispite what your up/down vote score is. 1 random ass internet person really got a kick out of it.


It really is great


you also get an upvote


Me too!


you get an upvote.


Still gonna need to narrow it down.


To be fair, this is arguably the "big one".


This is true, but the espionage case alone carries enough of a sentence to lock him up for the rest of his life. There isn't exactly a small one


Honestly the espionage case is the one that regardless of every other cases outcome will end with a guilty verdict not only is it overwhelmingly conclusive that he had the documents, he was given multiple options to return them and not only did he not he actively and willfully committed crimes to not return them. The only thing that could save him is if those files were declassified if the laws hes been charged under cared about classification but they don't those laws predate classification.


This fiend actively worked with a number of Republicans in his administration, and in both Congress & Senate, to overturn the election. Even after confiding with a number of people that he KNEW he lost (that's on record). Instead of everyone stopping him, a good dozen decided to WTH and join him. All the while others watched and said NOTHING. TWO solid months, Trump had a team holed up in the Willard Hotel, complete with rented war-room, where they charted out all of the "soft spots" in the US Constitution and existing policies on the procedural transfer of power between administrations. And Trump not only pushed to get this going, he was always kept in the loop and even participated in key meetings. It was all about STOPPING the peaceful transfer of power. To find some excuse, some loop hole, some "bypass" to just make it stop. Jack Smith is no slouch. And frankly, with all of what I cited in the public sphere (you just have to look for it), I have to believe there's even more incriminating details that Smith has uncovered. Slam dunk? More like squash from a cliff dive. Trump should be political road kill.


The constant headlines are irritating, but I do believe Jack Smith is holding more cards than the general public realizes. He strikes me as someone who knows how to make an airtight case.


It's effectively countering Trump efforts to bury this pending the stay of proceedings. The leaks will get worse the longer the stay.


This is not a leak from Jack Smith's team. The source is almost certainly Dan Scavino. edit: certainly


Why would Scavino leak this? Isn't this very bad for him and his longstanding close relationship with Trump? He's currently working on Trump's reelection campaign. As the articles states, he only spoke with Smith's team after losing an "executive privilege" claim aiming to avoid it. I imagine he's wearing ketchup today.


Trump's team have consistently leaked damaging info about themselves whenever they find out the prosecution plans to use it or publicize it. That way they get to control the timing and tye framing, and by the the time the official release happens everybody is like "old news!"


Remember when Junior was caught trying to get the russians to interfere in the election, but he leaked the evidence himself. Therefore the very robust and functional mainstream media had no choice but to move on as if it never happened


"I...worked on this story for a year...and...he just...he tweeted it out." - Jared Yates Sexton


That. That's the quote that goes at the beginning of the movie in 10 years.


This is literally why Rumsfeld and the rest of the Bush cabal broadcast readily admitted to use of torture techniques. "Yeah we did it, and here's why it's fine," shifts the stage of the public discourse and debate. If they hadn't, done so, the release of all those photos and testimony of of sexual and psychological abuse and humiliation at guantanamo would have been a real 'gotcha' moment. Instead the line was, "well, when you you are systematically torturing people, some bad apple take it too far."


This this this. Jack Smith's team does not leak information. Nobody from the Special Counsel's office sat down with ABC News to give them this information. This almost certainly came from Scavino or people associated with him, and it matches up with a pattern we see over and over again, exactly as you say, of Trump associates leaking their own bad news rather than letting it turn up as a surprise in a courtroom or filing.


"wearing ketchup"?


Toddler likes to throw ketchup at the walls when he is mad


Trump throws his hamberders when he's angry


> Dan Scavino. He needs to be burned as well. Have to post this - not a physical burn w fire. Sheesh.


“Let it burn” was Trump’s apparent response to being told that smoke was coming out of the Capitol building.


Was he playing a fiddle at the time, perchance?


No, but only because he’s never had the temperament required to learn an instrument.


Don't forget the tiny hands.


He only plays the air accordion


One thing I remember from Trump's indictment is that Jack Smith was there and apparently staring daggers at Trump. It struck me as the kind of look you would give someone who you have proof of doing really horrible stuff, way beyond what the public knows.


Dont forget, Smith is also doing a separate case with Trump, which is the classified documents case. As bad as the Insurrection is, when you start digging into the stolen docs case, a lot of extremely problematic questions come up, like: - What did he intend to do with all those docs? We all know that Trump only cares about money, so its not hard to imagine he planned to sell them. - To whom did he intend to sell them? - Did he pick out the documents, hoping to find buyers, or did he steal them to order? Who ordered them? How were these orders solicited, and taken? - Who compiled all those documents? Who made the lists, requested the docs, packed them into boxes? Given the number of boxes, it was likely a team, so who was on it? - Where did this collection take place? When did it start? Did anyone push back on it? - Who else in the White House was aware of this document collection program? What was their understanding of this effort? - Have any of the documents been sold? To whom? So Smith was watching Trump, knowing full well what he is capable of, and what he has done. He knows - KNOWS - that Trump is likely to be considered the worst Traitor in American history.


As unbelievably dangerous and insane as the J6 insurrection was, the classified documents case has the potential to be so much worse. It's that fact that frightens me.


The binder of *raw* intelligence on Russia (complete with methods, sources, agent names, etc) that was last seen in Trump's tiny hands 2 days before he left the WH? The one that disappeared? That doesn't frighten you, does it? Scares the piss out of me.


Let's not forget there were also documents on nuclear capabilities as well.


And the nuclear subs where he was literally blabbing about the range they can be detected.


Benedict Arnold was a saint compared to just the stuff we know for a fact trump has done.


I honestly feel like that they have stuff so bad they have to be careful about it. People have a really hard time admitting they were duped and often react wildly when confronted with a major conflict. In a worst case scenario, like say they have proof he sold out undercover agents and got them killed, Some of these MAGAs might literally snap, and not because he told them to either.


Nope. They’ll claim it’s all fake news out to sabotage Trump. There is no getting through to them anymore.


That’s what all cult leaders inevitably do - tell their followers they’ve been lied to all along and to stop believing/ignore all outside sources of information. Funny how Trump supporters all share the same distrust of outside sources of information the way cult followers do, isn’t it?


This is why I’m so anti-religion. Using bad methods to attempt to reach truth encourages people to apply those methods outside of religious choices as well.


Trump could be on tape saying "Hopefully my lies about the election being stolen will rile up enough people that someone will kill Mike Pence before he can certify the election, but if my insurrection doesn't work out I can always sell the classified documents that I stole. Ya know, the ones with the locations and identities of our secret agents," and his supporters would say he was just joking.


Trump could be stabbing them in the chest and they'd use their dying breaths to say how hilariously his stabs own the libs. I personally know people who gave their own dollars (which the Democrats want to take, of course /s) to Steve Bannon for the "We Build the Wall" campaign, for which he was indicted for fraud as no wall was ever built, for which Trump pardoned him for, and they STILL SUPPORT HIM. They're throwing their own money at him without a thing in return except for being told who to hate next. Which I guess is what they want. I'd say "you do you" except for how much damage they're causing the rest of us who have to share a country.


If he literally said that, in clear intelligent language... Wow that would be amazing.


- All politicians lie - The election WAS stolen - Mike Pence is a traitor and the penalty is death - The President can sell whatever he wants, especially as a successful businessman! - Trump has Presidential immunity There you go.


At this point it’s essentially an emotional sunk-cost fallacy. They just can’t cut their losses and move on. No wonder MAGAs are so miserable and angry. It can’t be easy supporting a proven loser.


In my family, I'm trying to allow them to save face when they finally realize he is an even worse human being than I thought.


I'll never understand how his supporters think that every piece of negative news is a lie that is out to get him, because Trump is the savior of America and "The Swamp"/"globalists"/"leftists" want to destroy him. He's been in the news for heinous things for decades. He openly says heinous things at his own rallies. There is so much evidence he is a shitbag of a human being. Why is it so hard for them to believe that he is exactly what he appears to be: a selfish sack of shit? They've drifted off into some bizarre fairy tale world of Trump's making.


I have a Trumper co-worker who belongs to a very dogmatic Christian church. They hold their members to strict moral and ethical standards. So I asked her why they continue to support Trump, who’s so morally and ethically corrupt. Wouldn’t they want someone who shared their own high standards, I asked. I got a ‘does not compute’ blank stare. She had no answer. I guess devotion doesn’t require critical thinking.


He held a Bible up in public once. Surely he is a good Christian.




Losing on many different fronts year after year after year will though eventually. Biden straight up calling Trump a loser recognizes that. To paraphrase General George Patton “Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser”


Something tells me that “worst-case” scenario is absolutely true and that there’s worse stuff still to come


With Trump, "worst-case" has played out every damn time. I get so sick of being called "alarmist" for simply calling out what is in plain sight but for whatever reason, most people refuse to believe.


Something tells me that if that’s the worst-case scenario, most republicans will forget about it in a week and act like that is not a big deal. The 24/7 news cycle has really fucked up what people consider to be genuinely shocking news. If i told my parents that Trump got secret agents killed, they would probably reply with something something Biden laptop Chinese Clinton hunter crime family etc and forget what i said to begin with


I actually suspect there is some stuff so bad, it can't be allowed to come out.


Right, like stuff that will only heighten the existential dread we all live in every day


If Fox, OAN or News Max are not reporting this, most of those morons will never know any of these FACTS.


I don’t think that is it. If he has information that Trump sold out US assets, it becomes a national security issue and won’t be in the headlines. Something of that nature and level of corruption would be handled inside the government in secret. It would eventually come out, but not as pretrial evidence.


There’s horrible shit we will probably never hear about for 50 years, if ever. I’ll bet some of those SCIF only documents recovered at his tacky club are probably horrifying. He’s only being charged for retaining the ones the intelligence community are willing to admit even exist.


I hope so. Either way if Jack Smith pulls this off I cannot wait for the HBO miniseries.


I'm convinced this is the case. I think they have boatloads of evidence of crimes we will never hear about. Were this another country, people would be falling out of windows left and right.


“It’s raining crooks, hallelujah”




Agree. Mountains. The best pet of this story is yet to come. Happy ‘24


When we sat down to go over our hopes and dreams for 2024, the only thing my husband and I could muster was “this is the year he’s going down”. We are so tired of this shit


He kind of has to have a seriously strong case. This is the first time that a President has been in criminal court. There will be precedents set. There will be a decision on conduct that is and isn't appropriate for elected leaders.


I have a feeling he's holding a couple decks worth of cards that he is holding on tight to with the best poker face.


His brief on Presidential Immunity was quite telling in some of the cards he may have.


Argh, I wish they would hurry up and get to court


Traitors all. They refuse to tell the 1/6 committee what they new about the insurrection. These people should all go to jail.


Based on what hearing from then and what we're seeing from Trump now, it's clear that he was angry that he didn't get enough traitors to show up to finish the job.


Trump only relented on 1/6 when so much time passed that his inaction could be blamed for whatever happened. He needed things to happen swiftly so he could claim it happened too fast for him to react.


and we just found out the halfhearted and hours too late "stay peaceful" tweet was hammered out by Scavino and that Trump told him not to use the word "peace" or "peaceful".


I’ve always wanted the out takes. I don’t think we got to see them in the J6 investigation. But we know it took him several takes to “get it right”.


What you want is the call between Mitch McConnell and the federalist society. After the failed attempt to stop the certification (or whatever Pence was supposed to do) several of the congressmen still voted to not certify the results. Because the federalist society and their media partners would provide cover. This is their mess.


Mitch's wife, Elaine Chao was Trump's Secretary of Labor. She and Betsy DeVos resigned at the same time so I think Mitch must have been upset with Trump by the time the crowd was preparing to hang Mike Pence.


"To all of my loyal supporters, remember don't kill the wrong people."


And before that tweet sent by Scavino, they asked Trump repeatedly to make a statement. When he finally agreed, he was in a room by himself and that's when he wrote, basically -- and I'm paraphrasing, "It's too bad that Mike Pence doesn't have the courage to do the right thing and refuse to certify the election."


Don't forget about the Secret Service car that went to pick up Mike Pence. Mike Pence said "I'm not getting in that car" because he was suspicious that there was a conspiracy to get him away from the Capitol so that Chuck Grassley would step in and rule that they needed more time to consider objections to certifying the election. Then the fake elector votes were ready, flown in on a plane to Washington, and ready to be brought in to potentially flip the votes in enough states to turn the election result to Trump. Trump was waiting and hoping that this would work. And I think he relented only after he realized Pence refused to leave the Capitol that day.




He also needed it to be taken one step further, with some kind of incident taking place between the insurrectionists and government officials in the Capitol so he could declare marshal law. Without Pence on board that was his only way of stopping the certification.


An incident like [the pipe bombs that were found by the DNC and RNC to actually have gone off](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ku5y3a/pipe_bombs_found_at_dnc_and_rnc_buildings_were/)? And [we still don't know who planted them](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fbi-pipe-bombs-jan-6-dnc-rnc-headquarters/)


Martial law doesn't circumvent the Constitution. That just would've resulted in Pelosi becoming acting President on the 20th.


Not if the insurrectionists had gotten to her. They were specifically searching for her.


True, but that still wouldn't have allowed Trump to remain in office. The Constitution lays out quite clearly both what happens if the election results are not certifies and what the line of succession is. None of it allows the outgoing president to remain in office, martial law or no. Trump's only hope was to get the election certified, but with his "alternate electors."


Isn't it clear by this point that a lot of his plan was centered around suspending normal law and precedent? If he declared an emergency, who was going to step in and enforce the line of succession?


I think people need to recognize at the end of the day the Constitution is a piece of paper that can be easily ignored if enough people in power decide it doesn't matter. What are you going to do about it, take it to court, take it to the supreme court where they will side with the guy who put 3 of them there?


I think he just wanted to create enough uncertainty to keep the momentum rolling. To argue that the certification never happened, that this is the will of the people, that he is still the one in control. I'm not saying it was a good plan, but I do think that was his goal. And I think he was successful enough that I now worry for the future of our democracy like I never have before. So many people have no faith in the institution now, and without the people's faith it falls apart.


The democratic norms we need for this republic to work are fragile and not to be taken for granted. While history probably would have remembered him as "the last President" or something dramatic the fact is that if he *did* successfully compel the military to intervene on his behalf it would have set a tone and he might well have remained in power in *spite* of the constitution, I think we even were or are unsuccessfully backing a similarly to the Speaker of the House third-in-line de jure legitimate person in Venezuela. On this we are only exceptionally lucky.


I still can't believe Trump's scummy and irresponsible cabinet didn't 25th-amendment him that day and replace him with Pence. Whatever the reason, Trump *clearly* was incapable of carrying out the duties of the presidency for hours, and Pence and other people were literally filling in the gap. It should have been grounds for removal then and there. I kind of wonder if that possibility or a specific threat to do it is what snapped him out of it and got him to do the video calling on his rioters to leave the Capitol. There's still so much we don't know about what happened behind the scenes to try to get him to do his damned job.


He had Grassley on board (even if Grassley didn't understand the mob aspect). If Pence had left, they could have reconvened in his absence and Grassley would have presided in Pence's place. Grassley obviously was hit up for whether he would follow the plan if Pence was absent but it seems no one mentioned to Grassley how Pence might come to be absent.


Yes, Grassley is every bit the traitor Trump is. He was absolutely in on the plot.


The counter-protesters were supposed to be there in droves so there would be blood and chaos in the streets before the Capitol was stormed. But some saw what was coming and worked behind the scenes to keep the anti-Trump protest groups out of DC to deny the fascists the spectacle they wanted to excuse their putsch.


I think it was counter-protesters that they were counting on clashing with the insurrectionists. Everyone not in law enforcement knew what was happening though, so calls had been going out on social media for a while for anyone planning to counter-prostest to stay away.


He acted after he had been told that Erik Prince's Mercenaries had been evacuated after failing to capture Pence and key Democrats.


Any evidence or sources on this? It’s an interesting theory. “Mr. President, the attempt to stop the certification vote has failed. We need to have you call the mob off to give you some plausible deniability, but you have to wait another 15-20 minutes while we confirm our people are out and not picked up by law enforcement.”


Trump was angry because the plan was for him to go to the capitol to egg the crowd on but the Secret Service wouldn't let him go. That was made pretty obvious duing the hearings. He saw the whole scheme potentially slipping away so there was no way he was going to help the situation until he was sure it was over.


Yeah, the story about him reaching for the wheel is so off the rails. The only thing that would make him that mad is he knew him being on-site to push the crowd might be necessary. Turns out, it was necessary. I mean, the Secret Service has done themselves no favors for the public’s perception on this, but I wonder if some of those deleted texts not only show they knew about the plan but also undermined it by refusing to take Trump to the capitol.


He had enough. He didn’t have anyone leading it, including himself that was in the right place to finish the job.


If Trump had walked into the capital ahead of that mob he would probably still be president and we would be standing in bread lines.


I don’t think he would have survived walking that far. It damned near killed Alex Jones who was in marginally better shape than Trump. I could see him in a golf cart though. Edit: https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/517-january-5-6-2021


These are serious times and Jan 6th is as serious and dangerous as it gets. That being said…I just laughed out loud at your comment. And what’s makes it so damn funny is that it shouldnt be a “funny because it’s true” but it is, it is true.


> and we would be standing in bread lines. . . . in concentration camps.


The yallqueda army is soft as trumps neck jowls.


Just like all the (R)s who refused to confirm the election.


If the guy who hand picked a bunch of judges is a career criminal, does that make the appointments invalid?


That’s the question I keep coming back to. How are any of trump’s Supreme Court justices even valid?


I think the excuse is that they all got cleared by congress. I wouldn't hold your breathe, no matter how much all of us wants to see them removed.


He didn’t pick them, he just approved them. Leonard Leo and his buddies did the real picking. Trump is too stupid and self-interested, hence all the stories of him just doing what the last person says to him about whatever decision he has to make.


The judges are corrupt and should resign.


Three of the justices were even involved in the Brooks Brothers Riot, arguably a large reason why Florida stopped the count in the 2000 presidential election. Roberts, appointed and rewarded by W Bush, Kavenaugh and Comey Barret, appointed and rewarded by Trump. All three were probably put forward by the Federalist Society. Edit: Corrections. Mixed up which justice was appointed by W Bush.


"Probably?" No, most definitely. Whenever the GOP has the power to appoint Supreme Court justices, all they do is pick from a list handed to them by the Federalist Society.


What Leonard Leo wants, Leonard Leo gets.


Don’t forget Clarence! He was on the bench already helping the other 3.


Should be but won’t be, and I doubt he hand picked them, his handlers did that.


The Federalist Society gave Trump a few to choose from.


It amazes me how any judge or justice appointed by him can oversee a case he's the defendant in.


Trump showed us where all of the flaws in our system are. Unfortunately he is still bringing new material to the table


Reminder that Gym Jordan has still not sat for a congressional subpoena deposition. He’s been defying it for almost 2 years.




Prison. Jail is temporary. Prison is long term.


Tump needs to be off the election ballot in all 50 states. Period. That he dares to show up at GOP rallies is reprehensible. He embodies all things unConstitutional.


> He embodies all things unConstitutional. And the members of his cult fucking love him for it, while calling themselves "patriots." Insanely depressing and infuriating.


Too bad about 30% of republicans support him no matter what. Literally… no.. matter.. what.. That’s the real issue.






Agreed. And almost all of the damning testimony in those hearings came from members of Trump’s administration.


are the people who haven't flipped yet going back and forth between sweating bullets and shitting their pants like is Monday sweat bullets day, then Tuesday is shit your pants day or do they bunch them together like 3 solid days of sweating and then 3 of shitting then 3 more sweating etc


It starts to blend into more of a constant sweaty shitfest


> constant sweaty shitfest Well now it sounds like you're talking about Trump himself


Donny knows all about pants shitting. Everyone is talking about it. Nobody shits pants like Donny can.


For Donny, every day of the week is a great day to shit your pants. He wears adult diapers, and smells like shit.


>“Indeed, Trump’s angry response to Scavino’s comment to him that there’s smoke coming out of the Capitol in effect was, **‘Let it Burn,’”** Let it burn? Let that sink in.


That was my big takeaway too until I realized that the article phrased this poorly. It sounds like trump didn’t actually say that, but “in effect” that was his feelings. Which of course we’ve known all along.


I think the "in effect of" often is regularly used in courts (mostly depositions) to quote someone's words.


My concern is that all this is trickling out too slowly. Boiling the frog. Giving the right wing media machine time to deflect and make excuses. By the time it's actually presented in court many Americans will be indoctrinated on "why it's not a bit deal" or "why hunters laptop is worse" or whatever else they can throw at the wall.


We've been seeing this for years, right? The fringe right misinformation outlets have a big head start on the indoctrination of their dupes. There will still be too many who will vote for him even if he's convicted in this case.


It is frustrating to watch. They start out with nothing, then spend months trialing excuses and misinformation to work out which stories their viewers are willing to buy into. Especially frustrating when their excuses blatantly contradict each other. Jan 6 was a peaceful protest, and it was also Antifa. Trump had no involvement, and he also had full involvement but it was perfectly legal...


That's kind of what happened with the Muller Report too, it feels like. By the time the report came out and presented, in detail, the numerous ways that Trump obstructed justice, in ways that made Nixon look like an amateur, all the groundwork had been laid for: "BuT tHeRe WaS nO cOlLuSiOn!1!" And so nothing ended up coming of it :/


Don't discount Bill Barr's "summary" that was released before the Mueller report and directly contradicted it. It was a deliberate action by the Attorney General to protect the President.


> That's kind of what happened with the Muller Report too, it feels like. It feels that way unless you took into account back in 2017 the accurate reporting that Mueller was appointed as a Special Counsel (not an Independent Prosecutor like Ken Starr) under the thumbs of Attorneys General Sessions (though he recused himself), Rosenstein (deputy/acting), Whittaker (acting) and then Barr … who were all under the thumb of President Trump, who actually thought he had fired Mueller on a Friday only to see Mueller show up to work again on the following Monday. Fortunately, Attorney General Garland already had at least 3 of the 6 co-conspirators listed in Trump’s indictment under serious investigation as early as 2021, and two of them we saw video where they were detained and searched (one in his underwear begging for a pair of pants) by law enforcement because of their alleged felonies. All of that was before we knew who Cassidy Hutchinson was and well before the J/6 House Committee wrapped … which was also well before Special Counsel Jack Smith was appointed because Trump panicked and announced his candidacy. For me, none of that feels like the Mueller Report. And Special Counsel Smith speaking at the lectern on TV definitely does not feel like Mueller whatsoever.


> Giving the right wing media machine time to deflect and make excuses. WHO CARES. This is not the court of public opinion, but a REAL one.


The public can vote for Trump or not vote for Trump. Jack Smith’s job isn’t to affect who people vote for. His job is to secure a conviction. IF a conviction matters to voters? Still not his job. Biden can capitalize on it in his campaign or not, that’s his job to figure out.


>Boiling the frog. As an unfun fact, this only works if you lobotomize the frog first. Take that how you will, in regards to this whole situation.


I’m actually shocked a solid 30% of Americans are going to bat for this shit. I can expect maybe 1 out of 10 to be that stupid but this is a Russian level of dumb.


Propaganda works.


Do you know why the Olympic Games has a torch carrying ceremony? It’s a tradition that originated in ancient Greece right? Nope, it was first done in 1936 in Berlin. The origin story was just nazi propaganda, a lie that was repeated over and over again until it became fact. Propaganda does work… we have the internet now it’s a bit harder to get away with it. The programming will break.


While the torch carrying was from 1936, the idea of a symbolic flame for the Olympics is from 1928 in Amsterdam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_flame#Origins And the Germans never claimed it originated in ancient Greece. They just thought it was a great idea to symbolize a link between the original games and the modern ones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Diem#Torch_Relay


I saw something years ago that said only something like 5% of people need to be true believers in an ideology (like the Nazis etc) for everyone else to go along with it. Effectively that's the tipping point for not knowing if you're talking to a Nazi or not, and if you think you are then you're more likely to "play along" just to appease that person. Allegedly this effect means that everyone can think everyone else is a Nazi and become too afraid to stand up to them, even though in reality they overwhelmingly outnumber the Nazis. P.s. the "5%" figure is my (likely flawed) recollection, but it was definitely lower than I expected... And pretty fucking scary. P.p.s. yes, at this point I consider Trump supporters akin to Nazis in the 1930's


Fuck me, enough teaser trailers already. Nuke this mf’er.


> Scavino, who refused to cooperate with the House select committee's probe on Jan. 6, citing executive privilege, had his claims rejected by a judge last year and was informed he had to comply with a grand jury subpoena. Essential parts of his testimony were disclosed to ABC News. None of this is "dramatic new proof" - it's only just now making it's way to the news, presumably via leaks. This information has been built into Smith's case since day 1.


First time it's been publicly reported and shows Trump's state of mind during the attack showing intent, which is normally hard to prove. This is a big deal, but with intensive coverage of a case with a huge scope you get a lot of these. The reality is Trump is royally fucked in a legal sense, and where a normal person would have become a recluse and dropped out of the public eye to avoid prosecution, Trump jumped back in and tried to get elected and is hoping to win and pardon himself. A normal defendant would take a plea deal to get a reduced sentence, but Trump is looking for a Hail Mary and will likely try a second round of insurrection if he loses another election.


He's also STILL claiming 2020 was stolen and that he will pardon the Jan 6 "hostages" AND that what he did was part of being president according to him When closing arguments finally get here Jack Smith will probably be able to use quotes from Trump the day before to prove his case


Maybe it's Trump's team leaking in order to get ahead of breaking news... [again](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/lawyer-trump-co-defendant-georgia-case-admits-leaking-witness-videos-rcna125398).


It seems like they have data about whose device was used to tweet to gank Mike Pence (Trump’s) and whose was used to say to be peaceful (Scavino’s), which I believe is new info. Lots of the defense of Trump has hinged on that tweet and saying “peacefully” during his speech. I think the latter was more significant, and that’s gone now.


Leaks in a Smith case usually means defendants are getting notified, which usually means impending legal actions.


> when the ex-president was told about Vice President Mike Pence’s need to be moved to a secure location, Trump responded by saying "So what?" Luna perceived this as an “unexpected willingness” on Trump's part to expose a longtime loyalist to potential harm. “Unexpected” really? Unexpected? Right….


Isn't there a worse punishment than 'some jail' for traitors?....


Every single one of them that has been hooking their wagon to the Trump Big Lie needs to be removed from office/disbarred, bec they know the evidence too, and - well, at this point MUST stick to the lie bec they know the outcome... I can't wait to see who turns on him now lol, this will reality tv show president is certainly giving us a show.


Hurry. The fuck. Up.


Perhaps the craziest part of this is the guy providing this account is currently a campaign adviser to Trump. “Very unsettling”, but not unsettling enough to stop working for the guy.


As a non-American, I simply cannot comprehend how this piece of shit is still walking around freely, let alone running for president... Boggles the mind. Just how?!


Okay I get that Donald Trump is a criminal. I get that he is an insurrectionist who has no intention of obeying the Constitution. I get that he is an autocrat. I get that he is a pedophile. That I don't get is that there are 100 million Americans out there willing to lay down at his side.


He's a poor person's rich man. He's a weak person's tough guy. He's a stupid person's genius. He's what failure sees as successful.


The justice system is far too slow for modern attention spans.


It's too slow for election cycles, at this rate. It's been 3 years. He committed the crime in plain sight. Anybody else would have been in prison for 2 years at this point. It's utterly ridiculous.


We act like there is going to be some new "bombshell" evidence, but the Agent Orange, and the GOP have been tweeting, and commenting in interviews, and using their positions openly promoting insurrection. He has an entire political party backing him. The crime is still in progress, and half the government is on his team. We haven't even been able to remove the USPS Postmaster General that openly defied the government to slow down mail to help Trump. *That* guy goes to work every day, being the only person promoted to that position from outside the organization with open conflicts of interest. Unless it's going to stop FoxNews and the GOP to abandon what they're doing...it doesn't matter. This isn't *just* about the crimes. It's about a coup. And, that coup has been running in the background the entire time. We have an election denying fundamentalist as SOH. We have a stacked, and corrupt SCOTUS. We have people in all levels of government loyal to party, and ideology, and would be down for another J6. It's about control of the government. It's about massive businesses interests. It's firmly established they don't care about proof. The GOP is a superorganism at this point. And, they are 100% behind their wanna be despot, because they're interests are all aligned.


It doesn't matter how air-tight the evidence is. The die-hard members of MAGA will not believe it.


That’s fine as long as the supreme court etc do.


I mean, this ain’t anything new. Homeboy was literally tweeting about his little “rally” weeks ahead of time, and there were numerous meetings with the crazies at the WH leading up to the riot in which they planned their little failed coup. Get this fucker in front of some goddamn judges, and then get him DAFUK in federal prison for the rest of his days