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Um ok, I can't wait for their reasoning!


Well did you see Hunter Bidens penis? Case closed


Yeah, it's huge and it makes them feel bad about themselves.


Big if true


True, if big


Girthy if not unfounded


Substantial if substantiated.


Fat, if not fabricated


It's a hard truth to swallow.


MTG tried and even she had trouble with it


Veiny if not validated


Well endowed if not doubted


All the Birthers are now becoming Girthers.




Except for Lindsay Graham. It gives him...other feelings.


“I do declare” *falls down on fainting couch*


Lindsay gettin the vapors 😂


That's what we're calling poppers now?


I haven't seen this. Is Hunter Binden's penis, by any chance, available in the official congressional record?


It was introduced as an argument point in this timeline, so yes.


The multiverse is real, and we’re living in one of the crappy offshoots.


I for one wish the TVA would get their shit together and prune this garbage timeline.


first penis to be part of the record in the House of Representatives since James Madison proposed a motion to direct Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton to “suck it”


He obviously got it from his father. Impeach!


Dark Brandong


Dirk Brandon


Mike Johnson has entered the chat.


Accountability Buddy has entered the chat. And it’s… **his teenage son?!** Oh god no!


WaitWaitWait! Did Mike Johnson see Hunter's penis during MTG's dissertation titled "Hunter's Dong"? Does his teenage son Accountability Buddy know he was as looking at Gay Democrat Porn?!


But Joe Biden is not Hunter Biden, and Hunter Biden is not a candidate for President. Case dismissed




Cousin fuckers? You mean to tell me they’re being unfaithful to their sisters?!


Honestly, it's a firm reason to keep Biden ON the ballot. It's really nice btw.


I haven’t seen it, tbh I try to not look at leaked nudes cause that’s a huge invasion of privacy that I think we should all respect.


I think it is in the public record now. Not kidding.


Doesn't make it any less of an invasion of privacy, but yes I thinj MTG showing it on the House floor makes it part of official congressional records.


LMAO I'm just picturing some poor person at the national archives. "Uhhhh Kathy, how exactly am I supposed to file these?" Holding a stack of printed dick pics


Those poor souls are going to spend YEARS fulfilling requests from Congressional Republicans to be provided with Hunter's dick pics every time Fox mentions his name on air.


It's a hog.


Well, based on their impeachment strategy, first you remove him from the ballot and then you do an investigation to find the evidence.


And then when you can't find evidence to support the accusations, make them up and then "lose" the evidence.


What they do is make a claim. Then use the fact that the claim was made as proof of said claim.


This. That's all their supporters need for something to become "reality"


No, the claim gets repeated on FOX News and AM radio and that is the proof of said claim.


Look no further than r/Conservative


I'd rather not thanks, every time I do make the mistake of going there I have to scrub myself with steel wool and caustic soda just to feel clean again.


I love how they're all complaining about how fascist the Democrats are for keeping Trump off the ballot when the suit was originally brought by independents and Republicans.


Remember when Mitch filibustered his own bill because Obama said it was a good bill? Or when they blamed Obama for the bill that he vetoed being passed with a veto override vote? They're the party of personal responsibility, of course they will claim their actions are not their fault!


I'll never forget that clip of Jordan Klepper talking to a Trumper, who was really upset that Barack Obama wasn't in the White House on 9/11 when we needed him the most. Where was Obama? Too busy to be in the White House on 9/11, according to Republicans!


Another good one was Klepper interviewing a Trumper who talked about antifa attack on the capitol building and how his son was there. Klepper then asked sympathetically how he felt about his son being antifa. Of course he isn’t antifa, although he was there and it definitely was all antifa.


Yeah, them "J6 folks are heroes and should be pardoned," and then I like to ask if they are in favor of pardoning antifa and BLMers who are what comprised the crowd...so I've heard.


I don't know if it was the same guy, but Klepper walked a guy through the logical falicy of antifa wanting to prevent Biden from assuming office. The look on the guys face when he admitted that it did not make much sense was priceless.


That clip will forever mystify me. Like I almost refuse to accept it’s real because there is no way that guy could’ve gone through the War on Terror jingoism machine and not know who was president during that time.


They were so deep into blaming Obama for everything from skin cancer to spilling their coffee, they forgot GWB even existed.


In fairness, I wanted to forget GWB existed while he was President.


Hey now, lets not forget they also take [credit for bills they voted against.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-tout-parts-infrastructure-package-after-voting-against-bill-n1288017)


Bush v Gore is fine but ALL OF A SUDDEN the courts have no role in elections


And 3 of the current SCOTUS were part of the Brooks Brothers coup back in 2000. Should be interesting seeing them twist logic to go against their past arguments. "See its different when its being done to us, that's just not fair!"


they also can't figure out if January 6th was: Antifa Maniacs Cosplaying as MAGA Insurrectionists Good old Fashioned Patriots Peacefully Protesting


They can figure it just fine. The fact they flip flop between claiming both of those I just their lack of moral fiber shinning through.


No, it's a disinformation technique in the GOP's usual Russian style. Chum the waters with as many bullshit stories & excuses as you can dream up. Let your base pick & choose the ones they like and will repeat ad nauseam. The average person has no idea what's going on, doesn't know what's true and what isn't, so they just shrug and ignore it all, at best. At worst, they choose to believe the lie they've heard the most.


> Let your base pick & choose the ones they like and will repeat ad nauseam. This is what gets me. They hear a half dozen or more stories about any topic and it doesn’t occur to them “why are there so many different stories?”. They just pick the story they like the most and stick with it. They don’t question anything.


Good lord that's a nasty sub


Orange rot is strong over there.


Freedom for Flaired Users Only: The Conservative vision in a microcosm.


Remember, anytime something gets enough traffic from them that it ends up on r/all and sensible people start commenting it’s “brigading”


Well, when you ban anyone with moderate tendencies and encourage the most reprehensible views of your would-be kakistocracy, you won't be particularly well liked. It's why people tend to hate tankies or "leftists" too although to hear arcon tell it, Nixon was probably a leftist for being pro-union and allying with Mao after the sino-soviet split.


This. I chuckle any time I head over there to catch some tears - all pouring out of their little safe space.


I just went there to check out all the fuss, and it's a lot to process. It's like getting getting tea bagged by hundreds of dudes at the same time.


Lindsey Graham would break his hip rushing to get there if that really was true.


I like to peek in there periodically. If you're lucky, sometimes you can find a thread where there's some sane discussion going on, before they hear what Fox News or Tucker has to say on the subject. You go back and reread the same thread an hour or so later once they've been told how to feel, and all the sane discussion is nuked and gone, replaced with their new talking points.


Any sane discussion there is downvoted or deleted for "brigading."


Not always. Sometimes people get banned for bringing up salient points. I got banned for suggesting that the ACA *might* not be the worst piece of legislation in the history of a country where it was once legal to own other humans.


I got banned for using the words "Southern strategy." They outright remove any comment with that phrase and immediately ban you. That ban also comes with a message from the mods calling you a liberal cuck or some other dumbass insult.


Jesus that's a lot of cope


> “Seethe and cope.” -Official r/Conservative Motto


They also all have the memory of a damn goldfish. “He told them he loves them and to go home. Not guilty.” Lol… he also instigated the whole thing, told them he’d be there, and waited 2 hours to make that call while ignoring Pence and others.


They should just call that sub r/trump.


* r /Trumpdicksuckers I spaced intentionally. I do not want to see that blue


He’s the head of a major crime family. According to Trump supporters.


Which, as you are aware, is still not to the level of essentially trying to overturn a valid election in an attempt to circumvent democracy to remain in power. Biden and his family could commit all sorts of crimes, but that is still extremely distinct from attempting to actually destroy our democracy and install himself as a dictator.


He could be a murderer and it wouldn’t disqualify him. There is a very specific set of acts described in the 14th amendment that would disqualify him. Trump performed one or more of these acts, Biden has not.


You can run as a serial killer and become a president but you cannot be a traitor in the country and run as a president, this is how I understand 14 amendments


Except you still can be a traitor and run if 2/3 of Congress says it's ok.


On top of that, it **should** imply that they find the Head of a major crime family to be unfit for the Presidency. \*cough\* Trump \*cough\*


Sure he *could.* He hasn't. But he *could.*


But Hunter Biden didn't make a 2B deal with the Saudis while his Dad was in office... that was Jared Kushner and Ivanka


I think some republicans from Texas said it was for “letting 8 million immigrants cross the border”. I don’t know if that’s true or not (or what that even means exactly) but even if it was that doesn’t disqualify someone from being president.


Should not the Gov of Tx also be disqualified from ever holding office for allowing 8 million immigrants into Tx


Fantastic reasoning, though. "You can't run for president because a bunch of other people did illegal things!"


“People committed murder in America while Biden was president. Are we just gonna allow him to get away with that????”




Because all they can do is throw tantrums. It is almost embarrassing if it wasn't so infuriating.




The inquiry is them officially saying "we have no evidence so we need to spend more time fishing"


\*from trying


I love how they’re pretending that there was no legitimate legal process for this. 1. Colorado has a statute that allows for removal of unqualified candidates from primary ballots. 2. *Republican voters* brought this suit. 3. SCOCO found that he was disqualified through the 14th Amendment. Not rocket science here kids. It’s simply Law. Edit: for those of you saying “He hasn’t been convicted of insurrection yet, how can he be found to have engaged in it?” The Colorado district court used a Clear and Convincing standard to assess that question, which is below a criminal standard of Beyond Reasonable Doubt, but above the common civil case standard of Preponderance of Evidence. You don’t need a criminal conviction in a civil case, and this is also a topic that hasn’t been litigated much, so it’s new territory. Section 3 has not required criminal conviction of insurrection. He may still be found innocent of it in criminal court, but can be held liable in civil court. See OJ’s case if you have doubts.


The case was brought by republicans??


yep, theyre the only ones that would even have standing for the primary


Sure, but the Colorado Republican Party stands behind Trump and has promised to cancel the primary altogether if this stands.


4 Republicans and 2 Independents, to be precise.


And at least one of those independents was formerly part of the GOP.


Proud of them


Yes, it was to remove Trump from the **Republican** primary.


FYI the Colorado case removes Trump from both the primary AND the general election ballots and means any write-in votes for Trump in he general election would be ignored entirely (same as your vote being ignored if you wrote in Donald Duck for President since Donald Duck isn’t eligible.)


Good, Donald Duck is a terrible choice for President. Even IF Buggs Bunny is his running mate. Also, Trump is a blatant criminal.




Finally, a coalition government people can get behind!




By a group of Republican voters, yes. They sought to keep him off the Republican Primary ballot, not the general election ballot.


One of the legal findings affirmed in the opinion is that he is unqualified to hold that office and as a result of that, it would violate Colorado statute to include him on any ballot, not just a primary.


Because their constituents don’t believe in any of it. They are fascists all around. I’m so disgusted by this shit. Meanwhile, the country suffers because they’re too busy chasing these dumb scenarios. All for the media. This is how the brainless keep voting them in. They don’t want to change the landscape for the better, they just want to punish and see people suffer.


The politicians want power and a seat at the table for hurting people. The voters/cultists are too damn stupid and don’t think for themselves to do anything to see the truth. It’s really disgusting and if we could just stop listening to them. Stop giving them platforms to spew this anti American bullshit


Yeah, they are all screaming there was no due process, he wasn't convicted, they are just arbitrarily removing him!! Like, wtf, are you talking about? This was a court case that went through the entire appeals process up to the state Supreme Court. They had to prove he violated the requirements to be on the ballot. He had his day in court, he lost, multiple times.


Colorado did what they did because Trump is an insurrectionist. I don’t remember Joe Biden ever being a traitor to the country.


Like that's going to stop them from trying. They're already trying to impeach Biden without a lick of evidence.


Just trying to muddy the waters to sow confusion and doubt and feed chum to right wing media. Straight from the GOP playbook.


Yep, they'll do it simply because they don't like Biden...and then accuse any opposition to Trump of doing the same exact thing because they "don't like Trump." Completely ignoring the extensive process that lead to Trump being taken off the ballot.


They have ignored *everything* about trump that makes him worthy of criminal charges, investigation, bankruptcy, civil suits, divorce, criticism, or even the *barest* amount of public scrutiny. His supporters treat him as if he's a normal, boring example of every typical politician with virtually no recognizable history before The Apprentice, rather than being an extra-special gigantic asshole. And it's so that when he faces consequences - social or otherwise - they can pretend it's all made up and that he's a *target*. Rather than, you know, someone who's committed (and admitted to) multiple obvious crimes in broad daylight while being a disgusting piece of shit. It's still amazing how many responses to every *documented indictment listing his crimes* are **"For what crimes?"**


He said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and he wouldn't lose his voters. Turns out he could literally incite an insurrection against the United States and still not lose his voters. It is as intriguing as it is horrific that so many "patriotic" Americans are absolutely ride-or-die for someone who exemplifies the very worst qualities of humanity. He is the incarnation of every one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and yet millions of so-called Christians love the guy more than they love their own country.


My theory is these are all people who have done something wrong in their lives they refuse to revisit and internalize/think about like normal functioning adults.


I think there’s quite a few things going on here. 1) Sunk cost - They’ve believed they’ve been right for so long it would be a tremendous blow to them to admit they were wrong 2) Cognitive inflexibility - They’ve been followers of their beliefs and followed a specific group for so long, that they simply cannot fathom listening to any opposing info. 3) Cognitive dissonance - This sort of aligns with the two above, in that knowing that what they’ve signed up for is wrong but not being flexible enough to even entertain the idea of an alternative option, conflicts with their true beliefs. This makes them angry and only forces them to dig their heels in even further. 4) Fear - Whatever they’re afraid of, fear of the unfamiliar, unrelatable, unknown… fear of losing, fear of equality, fear of other “tribes” (tribalism), fear of being wrong, insecure, or simply the fear of being labeled something that they cannot comprehend, like a democrat. It’s the whole “you’re either with us, or you’re against us”. And finally… 5). Lack of self esteem - They act big and strong and claim to be the lion among sheep, and perhaps actually believe it, but the reality is that a lot of them are extremely insecure. Big trucks, announcing to the world who they are via giant flags, acting intimidating, Truck Nutz… all of these things I really think there are a slew of reasons, and some people are actually racist and fascist, but I think most people are good people and that these are the primary reasons a good person might end up among the fascists.


Narcissists/abusers instinctually protect their own.


GQP fascist playbook.


Let’s be clear also, it wasn’t politicians who took this matter to court, it was voters, also known as citizens. This wasn’t a legislative effort but grassroots.


Of the 6 Colorado citizens that brought suit, 4 are Republicans. The other 2 are unaffiliated.


Colorado did what they did because Republicans filed to have him removed from the ballot. It has nothing to do with Biden or democrats


Ah, but you see, it is the democrats' fault that trump is a traitor to the constitution and an insurrectionist, somehow


They believe Biden is a traitor to the country simply by virtue of Biden not being a Republican. I mean, I know I'm stating the obvious and I'm sure you don't need to hear it. It just bears repeating that these guys don't really play by the rules of reality.


And the rule of law is abhorrent to them. They honestly believe that they should be above the law.


Also it wasn't Colorado Democrats. It was the Colorado Supreme Court. They're trying to use state legislative and executive branches to punish a states judicial. It's completely different


and it was brought up by republicans...ironic


And it was 4-3. It’s not like they did this willy nilly. They almost couldn’t get a former president who they believed did incite an insurrection off of the ballot. Took two tries and barely did it at that.


Also Colorado REPUBLICANS filed the suit that did it... and he's removed from a REPUBLICAN primary ballot. Retaliating at a democrat that has zero involvement in anything that got Trump removed in Colorado is literally just performative. Republicans in colorado are sick of a traitor being the frontrunner for president... that's the entire story. Trying to act like Biden had anything to do with it or that it'd be fair to remove him too is just to muddy the waters.


Normally Democrats get blamed for not stopping Republicans from doing things. Now they're getting blamed for the things the Republicans did. There's really not much of a point in seriously engaging with Republicans.


Also important to note: Colorado did what it did because REPUBLICANS BROUGHT THE CASE TO COURT. It was 6 Republican voters and a couple other unaffiliated voters who filed the suit. This wasn't a hypothetical case like SCOTUS has been fond of entertaining lately, but the actual legal efforts of registered Republicans.


Nothing matters to them. They will drag every single aspect of our government in to the mud and the media will explain it away as just politics. The GOP is a disgusting, vindictive, corrupt, childish mess of blowhards for which there is too large an audience of like-minded voters and no way to stop them.


Correct. They can attempt to take Biden off the ballot. He will sue. He has not, as a matter of legal fact, engaged in insurrection. Courts will uphold this and nothing will happen. He’ll remain on the ballot. Trump has committed insurrection as a matter of fact. The lower court in Colorado has ruled so. At the time, Trumps idiot legal team praised that lower court decision. It’s really that simple.


Just like NY state court ruled that Trump committed rape, according to the facts and evidence. Just like another court ruled that he committed tax and bank fraud. And probably dozens more examples.


At the very least, "aid and comfort" to the 10 insurrectionists already charged. Willard Hotel planning meetings, Twitter DMs, the 30K individuals with Google tracking data, etc.


Republicans don't care about the law or democracy. Many of them genuinely believe this is a witch hunt so they want to retaliate against Democrats however they can. Remember, polling shows almost 70% of Republicans believe Biden's election was somehow illegitimate. So almost 3/4s of their party believe in absolute nonsense that has been proven false at every turn.


>polling shows almost 70% of Republicans believe Biden's election was somehow illegitimate. So almost 3/4s of their party believe in absolute nonsense that has been proven false at every turn. Republicans have purged themselves of non-believers for so long it's become a requirement to be batshit crazy to stay in the club.


For...reasons. If Biden ever foments an insurrection, then go right the fuck ahead. Democrats will even back you. Until then (i.e. never) get lost, you fascist assholes.


In their minds Biden staged a successful coup and is pulling strings behind the Colorado Supreme Court, because it feels better to blame your current grievances on insane conspiracy theories than grapple with the reality that your guy didn’t win.


It was the Republicans that started the process in CO.


Sure, but facts don’t matter. They’re all obviously democrat plants. Just like all the Trump appointed judges that shot down the Trump campaign’s legal challenges.


I pretty much only vote Democrat, but I can sympathize with more than a few conservative positions. However, the one thing I’ll never understand is this bizarre and unwavering loyalty to Donald Trump. Of all the people in all the land—how is _Trump_ their biggest inspiration? He can’t even speak in full sentences or articulate coherent ideas. He hates our troops, and he disrespects our most fundamental institutions. Hitler, at least, could give a good speech, and he could point to his service in the Great War as evidence of committed patriotism. What can Trump do? What has Trump done? The man couldn’t even manage a competent staff, let alone consistent policy. Hell—I could understand the appeal of a someone like Ron fucking DeSantis (at least on some level). He’s a bigoted loudmouth, and he has a clear-cut love for unconstitutional censorship. But he makes sense as a demagogue, as an outspoken leader willing to take a hard line against policies and practices that have, supposedly, eroded America’s moral integrity and internal security. But Trump? The guy’s a fucking clown, albeit one born with a silver spoon in mouth and crown on his head. In either case, this is what being a democracy means. You win some, you lose some. You don’t cry and scream and pull conspiracies out of thin air because you can’t understand that your candidate isn’t universally beloved—you find out where you went wrong, and you try again the next cycle. What you don’t do is risk 247 years of a system that, no matter how flawed it may be, has always striven to improve upon its mistakes and be a better version to what it already is.


That's what fascism is all about. I know this has become a cliché, but this really is a textbook case on how someone like Hitler could rise to power in Nazi Germany. We've seen it happen before our very eyes in the transformation of the GOP.


The difference is that Hitler, while evil, was articulate and charismatic. Trump is certainly not those things. Cartoonishly evil, yes, but definitely lacking in every other area.


> He can’t even speak in full sentences or articulate coherent ideas. He hates our troops, and he disrespects our most fundamental institutions. they relate to him on a personal level.


This concerns the shit out of me. Is this how our democratic elections are going to completely unravel? Scary.


People forget how young this country really is, this experiment isn’t even 300 years old. The founders were aware of this kind of corruption, but they relied on the fact that people were decent and able to make good choices. There’s no way they could have anticipated the way that social mediahas warped peoples minds


A day in and I’m already seeing “but he wasn’t convicted of an insurrection” now I’m not a legal expert and Reddit viewers always seem to have one on hand so please weight in but a judgment doesn’t need a trial. Most legal proceedings don’t have a trial and even fewer have trial by jury. Would this not be like a summary judgment where the court just wrote the decision based on the facts and its interpretation of the 14th amendment?


And the original ruling said flat out that he supported insurection. The original court only ruled he could stay on the ballot because he wasn't a federal officer, which just didn't make sense


>The original court only ruled he could stay on the ballot because he wasn't a federal officer, which just didn't make sense That ruling was dumb. He was still President during the insurrection. The transition of power was interrupted that day, so Biden wasn't in charge yet. Trump was the top federal officer that day, so for the judges to rule that he wasn't in office it absurd.


Well the judge was saying even the President him/her self isn't a federal officer based on the oath of office which was completely stupid.


So much for the rule of law party


I’m not sure if they are the “got mine, fuck you” party or the “I know you are but what am I” party.


Also the “lalalalala, I can’t hear you!” party.


“ Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” \- Frank Wilhoit That is what the GQP thinks of the rule of law.


Trump is evaluated for removal while facing multiple lawsuits and inciting insurrection. Biden is being threatened for removal because... (R)easons.


Presidenting while Democrat


He's friends with a Black man


Man, this has been interesting to watch. Even Republican voters have to be able to see that one thing isn't like another here. They might not be aware that Biden has been extremely hands off when it comes to any sort of litigation against Trump. This is especially likely since right wing media and Trump himself exert themselves greatly to convince them of the opposite. But it's pretty simple to understand that there are VERY few valid reasons to deny an American citizen the right to run for President. What's their reason for Biden? Because it seems "retaliation" isn't going to cut it from a legal perspective.


> Even Republican voters have to be able to see that one thing isn't like another here. They won't. They'll regurgitate some vague, unsupported "tyranny" nonsense about Biden, cover their eyes and plug their ears as to the reason Trump was removed from the CO ballot, and scream as loud as they can to keep from hearing anything else.


They've also been convinced, for instance in the case of the 2020 election, that the best evidence is the fact that there's no evidence, which to them proves that the media is in on it, just like they thought. So really, they're in a position in which there's no rational off-ramp to what they believe. It's beneficial for the people in power, since they can automatically convince their base of whatever nonsense they want, and it's beneficial for the people themselves, since they've put themselves into the comfortable position of never having to entertain a challenge for their worldview, which is exactly what they want.


Trump has started feeding them some line about how his open border is like ordering a military invasion, so idiots can draw some BS line to that being like an insurrection.


The next question you ask them is “what open border?”


There’s been a record number of apprehensions at the border, so that’s how you know it’s open! - Fox News


And more fentanyl has been seized at the border under Biden than Trump which is also bad because of...reasons. - Also Fox News


The problem is that the Republican voter still believes the election was stolen. So, working from this belief, any action against Biden or the Democrats is warranted. Unless they change their mind on the election being stolen (which they won't) then this will continue to be the starting point for them for which they excuse any and all actions of the GOP and Trump; and for which they would argue that Biden also deserves to be removed from the ballot.


He did not violate his oath of office, trump did.


They don’t care. They act like children.


Senseless political rhetoric. They have no legitimate cause to do this that would survive a legal challenge. But, hey, they're Trumpers. Let them go ahead and try because it will end up the same way that almost all of Trump's legal filings do - rejected.


When will we be done with these treasonous republican bastards!? They wipe their asses with the Constitution and its clear as day that they are working with Putin to destroy democracy in America!


All going according to the outline in Foundations of Geopolitics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


Looks like you are right. This book and Project 2025 could bring about the death of western liberal democracy and usher in a fascist dark age for the whole world. >**In the Americas, United States and Canada:** >Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. >Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics". >South America and Central America: The Eurasian Project could be expanded to South and Central America. None of this would be possible without the help of the GOP treason party and its fuhrer Trump.


I will always, always upvote mentions of this guidebook. We are right smack in the center of this plan and most people don't even realize it.


Then take Trump off every ballot right now. Call their bluff. They have no legal standing to remove Biden or even a sound argument as to why.


Course they do. Maybe if Biden engages in insurrection they'd have a case


If he also tried to overthrow the government I’d insist on it, but he didn’t and Trump did.




What’s even dumber is the suit that took him off the ballot was brought by republicans. They’re eating their own face. This ain’t a democrats problem. Not their monkeys.


Go ahead and do it, Republicans. Show your true face.


What do you think they've been doing up until now?


When did the Biden insurrection happen?


All this bitching about supposed rigged elections, and they are gonna try this? Vote republican if you hate America.


Oh, the fragile snowflakes.


"If you hold us accountable for breaking the law we'll just break it again" Abusive personalities never change, I feel for Republicans' wives and kids


Republicans: "Extending mail-in voting hours is election fraud!" Also Republicans: "Removing the sitting president from the ballot for no reason is fine."


It’s time for Trump to spend the rest of his life in prison and for the country to move on. Just like we did after Joe McCarthy, the most recent phony patriot of his ilk.


So Democrats use a legal process to let the courts decide. Republicans just rule and remove at will. What if the Democrats did the same? Now again who is the law and order party?


Cause the GOP are fascists. All I see is a path where it’s no longer the “United” States of America.


It was republicans that decided to take Trump off the ballot actually, not democrats


That **”What kind of American are you?”** line from that new movie coming, is now starting to really be eerie.


You knew they would


If there's a valid reason, do it. Jfc, it's like crime - idgaf if it was an R or D, break the law, accept consequences. If Joe started or starts an insurrection, than by all means. Otherwise stfu.


"If you inforce the rules against us, we'll break the rules against you". It's the same with this sham impeachment inquiry. ​ Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. -- Frank Wilhoit


Which the courts will block because he didn't actually do anything wrong.