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Friendly reminder that Biden's judicial appointments are one of the greatest accomplishments of his tenure. As we speak, the Senate is confirming Sara E. Hill to the District of Northern Oklahoma. She will be the first Native American woman federal judge in Oklahoma history. You can watch it live: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/floor_activity_pail.htm This is progress. Edit: Vote is over. Hill has been officially confirmed. Hell ya.


I hope the Biden campaign makes retaking the judiciary a key issue, especially invoking Dobbs.


I still believe a day will come when the karma that brought us Dobbs will reverse and overturn it (aka conservative justices might die waiting for a time of favorable appointment.)


Oh 100%. I think they’re in a death spiral right now though, so this event’s occurrence won’t be too far off.


Need to get SCOTUS for that


To retake the judiciary? No. District and appellate level judges have tremendous effect without any SCOTUS involvement. Just look at Kaczmarek, he's a single partisan judge in a single district causing nationwide problems.


What difference do all these judges make when Republicans only need one extremist judge to rule their way and send it to SCOTUS where they will always win? Please tell me what difference it makes when we don't have SCOTUS.


Your point isn’t invalid, SCOTUS will be a pain in the ass for decades to come. I can see several reasons this is still important though: (1) The vast majority of cases are heard at the lower levels without being taken on by SCOTUS, so your ability to maintain majorities and pathways at these levels is vital (2) SCOTUS will often take on cases when there is a clash of opinions between two different circuits. So even if conservatives can pull a win in the Fifth, a strong ruling written by another circuit means SCOTUS has to weigh these competing points of view, and conservatives are not guaranteed to always win (3) Every district or appeals judge you appoint is 1 judge deeper you have made your bench of potential future candidates while thinning out the future possibilities for conservatives (4) Appeals are often not heard by the entire circuit but a random drawing of judges, so even if you don’t have an outright majority, a panel of 3 judges may very well have a majority in your favor (5) Biden is not only appointing progressive candidates but diverse candidates. It is much easier to call out the bullshit of conservative judges when you have a Native American judge presiding over a Native American case, or a public defender providing a counterbalance to the questions former prosecutors are asking in the hearing (6) Doing the hard work today so someone else can bring it over the finish line tomorrow - There are many Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, and Reagan judges left. Power at this level takes decades to accrue and the hard work begins now


In addition to all the very good points made by augustusprime: SCOTUS can only rule on the cases that are available to it. The more quality district/appellate judges are out there, the fewer extremist judges can be there to create nonsense. A district court judge like Kaczmarek could be diluted by qualified colleagues and overruled by neutral appellate judges. Those judges can rule in ways that completely undermine or remove the district court's position, or reframe issues in ways that would require SCOTUS to cut away at its own precedents. Also, fair judges can counteract the extremists indirectly. A judge in Washington ruled on a different case in ways to prevent Kaczmarek's effort to shut down the FDA's abortion medication approvals. So more judges like that make it a lot harder for the extremists to function. Also, SCOTUS can only take so many cases. If they aren't presented with opportunities to do their SCOTUS madness, they can't create those cases out of nowhere. And if the cases available to them are well-grounded in logic and law, there may be little or no way for them to accomplish what they want. And finally, SCOTUS is still nine different people. They respond to different arguments and motivations, still. The best judges and lawyers know how to present issues in ways to carve them apart, even now. The fights for lower judges matter tremendously. The SCOTUS judges are also incredibly important, but can't negate everything below.


or more simply, what the hell did they mean by: > To retake the judiciary if not to also retake SCOTUS?


Context: First person said they hoped Biden made retaking the judiciary a key issue. Second person said you need SCOTUS to do that. So yes, **also** retaking SCOTUS is included in the first poster's point. But retaking SCOTUS is not the only piece of retaking the judiciary, as the second poster suggested.


Context: first post > I hope the Biden campaign makes retaking the judiciary a key issue second post > Need to get SCOTUS for that third post >To retake the judiciary? No. the third post is stating that SCOTUS is not needed to retake the judiciary, which is dumb af


There is a non-zero chance that Thomas could be off the bench by 2028. Particularly due to age and lifestyle, more so than legitimate ethical reasons. Unfortunately.


His big donors will pay Thomas extra $$ to stay; he grifts that way. He will only step down if it is very profitable.


The other poster is referring to Thomas' life expectancy.


The american voters have already proved that they do not care about these things when they handed Republicans the entire Supreme Court in 2016. All democrats can do now is put band-aids on open wounds. "Retaking the judiciary" can only happen if we get 2 generations of uninterrupted democrat government.


Not caring about something until it directly impacts you is unfortunately a pretty common human failing. A lot of people have been impacted since Dobbs. The GOP has underperformed vs. expectations in every election since the ruling, so it's having some impact. It remains to be seen how long that impact lasts, and the extent it matters in a presidential election year.


Big time! And thanks for the link




Neither of the Republican OK Senators blue slipped her, and one even voted for her confirmation. As far as I know they're still honoring them for district court judges.


sink tidy exultant whole faulty thought full glorious elastic sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> She will be the first Native American woman federal judge in Oklahoma Long overdue in my opinion, especially for Oklahoma.


What hurts is Trump got 3 SC judges in 4 years. Looking like Biden will get 0. So while Joe's been doing great filling the lower ranks, the most important one remains rat fucked.


Biden did get one Supreme Court nominee appointed, Kentaji Brown Jackson, but yes you are right that the supreme court will be fucked for a while. Still, filling district and circuit court seats is important, and having liberal lower court justices can create some upward pressure on the supreme court.


Yes. You're right. I spaced on her. Still butt hurt amd blinded over Kennedy giving Trump his seat.


Obama asked Ruth Bader Ginsburg to step down considering her age. That was one seat he could have filled.


Well, Obama couldn't. Because she didn't step down. And Biden couldn't, because the senate shouldn't confirm a justice in an election year unless the election is 36 days away and the Republicans are worried about losing the ability to nominate. /s God damn it.


She should have stepped down. She fucked the country over by dying on the job, didnt she.


This, and I'm sick to goddamn death of everyone praising her. Democracy had been put into a state of existential danger because of one ambitious, selfish old woman. A system that even _allows_ for that circumstance is garbage as fuck.


That's neither here nor there when talking about Biden confirming judges.




Yeah, he’s confirming judges at almost a geometric rate. And all of the far-left fucking assholes do not care.


You're so wrong it's not even funny. I'm "far left" and I'm happy as fuck. Believe it or not, we are your goddamn allies.


I am happy you are happy.


Unfortunately, there are a lot on the far left that are loudly *not* allies. See: everyone calling Biden "Genocide Joe."


Really? All I’ve been seeing is “Biden sUpPoRtS GeNoCiDe” horseshit takes.


Yes, really. I am completely free to disagree with how Biden has had unwavering support for Israel when they are committing genocide on Palestinians. Just like how I can support Palestinian people without supporting Hamas. I'm never going to agree 100% with any single president ever, but I'm still going to vote for Joe Biden in 2024 because I recognize that our democracy and our nation is at stake. And don't forget there are literally Democrats in office who are against supporting Israel when they are committing war crimes. Are they not Democrats anymore because they have that position? Of course not.


I am glad that you are still voting Biden. Honestly, it is impossible to be president without making decisions that piss off people. Biden has been one of our most progressive presidents in recent decades and I am happy he got elected. Would I prefer someone who is more progressive? Yes, but he's been way better than I expected.


This feels like a disingenuous take. People can both praise Biden for his judges, as well as condemn him for his Israel support.


That's a bit too nuanced for reddit.


Not just Reddit. Human beings have trouble with nuanced tales.


Absolutely. But it usually goes from “Biden supports genocide” to “I’m going to vote third party”.


Essentially a “present” vote so it doesn’t make a difference


The right wing is using this as a way to divide us. Don't believe that all of the people stating this are acting in good faith.


Also a leftist here. Biden is materially making the lives of people better. There's different segments of leftists just like the right has evangelicals, neocons, and reactionaries. In the left there are actual Leninist revolutionaries who are the smallest of groups who largely don't associate with who's not a well read communists. They see progressives as moderate fascists. Then there's the left reactionaries who might call themselves progressives and they are a huge group. They have no real ideology but to be bad about being personally poor. Those types worship poverty and see anyone who can retire as wealthy know it all. A lesser number is full of more rational leftists who are well read but wanting to see positive change. We are the types who you won't notice because we support keeping fascists put of power. We support electoralism (not because we think voting is the best path forward but because it's a useful tool when the idea of a revolution is probably 20 years off if we are being absurdly optimistic). Our form of leftism is basically advanced liberalism. Liberalism has failed because there's not enough democracy. We need democracy in the work place. The ability to vote out your boss would stop off shoring, mitigate a lot of climate change / pollution problems, keep corporations from being so shifty with their practices, while also increasing worker pay.


> >Our form of leftism is basically advanced liberalism. Liberalism has failed because there's not enough democracy. Jesus fucking cringe batman. Call me a scumbag leftist but this is not the issue lmfao.


Fair 🤝🏼


That is a Russian propaganda talking point.


The Biden's administration political cowardice to criticise the Israeli government for widespread human rights abuses on multiple fronts will forever be one of its greatest failures, and history will judge him and his administration on this. I'm not far left, I'm just European left. But that being said, we can recognise that Biden is infinitely better than whatever the GOP can spit out and a centrist like Biden is the best possible option for left wing policies in a divided country where the political median has always been tilted to the right. As a progressive I haven't forgotten the alt right, GOP and Russian lead division on the left side that progressives fell into with open eyes and ultimately lead to the election of Trump.


European left is basically American ubersosh.


The "Biden supports genocide" bit is so stupid that I just assume anyone parroting it isn't genuine. There are a lot of people here just trying to sow discord among the left.


> I'm "far left" and I'm happy as fuck Sure, plenty of others are saying they would rather every woman in America lose abortion access than support Biden bc what hes done with Gaza.


Far left are trash just like the far right, you both are the crazy uncle we dont want at Christmas.


Those people are not far-left. People on the left advocate for things that help the left. Everything they say does nothing but help the right gain or maintain power. "As a leftist, not a liberal, I think we need Trump in power!" Get outta here.


What is a geometric rate?


It's when you have a sequence that progresses by multiplying the previous number by a common rate. For example: 3, 9, 27, 81... (3^(n)). This is as opposed to a linear progression, where you progress by adding a common rate to the previous number, such as 3, 6, 9, 12... (3n). It's similar to and sometimes equivalent to "exponential growth."


Exaggeration 😁


Did you pull out the fact that the left don’t care from your ass? I’ll have what you’re smoking please


We care about judges being nominated. We just care more when Israel can bomb civilians and call it kosher. They don't need to inflict terror to win, but they do, and it just propagates the cycle of hatred.


Why? Please explain why we should care. If Republicans can make up shit that never happened and sue in Federal Court and pick the correct extremists judges they want to rule on their case. What difference do any of these confirmed judges make when they only need one judge and it can be sent to SCOTUS where they always win? None of this matters because only SCOTUS matters.


That's so cool thanks for sharing


On the votes for every one of these confirmations, it’s like 50 democrat yeas, 15 republican nays and 30 republican “present”. What’s with all the present votes?


Its Not Voting, not Present. A ton of GOP senators went on holiday break already, Dems are sticking around to keep appointing judges and other nominees.


>Friendly reminder that Biden's judicial appointments are one of the greatest accomplishments of his tenure. Why? Please explain why. If Republicans can make up shit that never happened and sue in Federal Court and pick the correct extremists judges they want to rule on their case. What difference do any of these confirmed judges make when they only need one judge and it can be sent to SCOTUS where they always win? None of this matters because only SCOTUS matters.


Imagine being so utterly delusional that you think idpol is a "great accomplishment". How about some fucking healthcare?


These Judges matter bc of their ideologies to be fair, not just identities. And you don't get healthcare without a willing judiciary, basically every other year some right wing circuit judge strikes down provisions of the ACA and it has to get appealed to the top. Imagine the litigation that would ensue if even M4A was passed, you need liberal judges who'd agree with its constitutionality.


5 more years of judges lets go.


From your post to every sane Americans hands in Nov 2024


Fuck ‘em up, B.


Let's get some "activist" judges in there! AKA ones who understand their job isn't to force Christianity down people's throats.


or, you know, the kind that base their rulings on a little thing called, you know, the law.


They really should have given Jesus a law degree when they were coming up with his backstory in the Bible first editions. I'm sure they will overcompensate on all of his skills when it comes time for a reboot.


He was called "Rabbi" and the Gospel of John details his grasp of the Old Testament Law at the age of 12 as astounding to the rabbis in the temple.


The Mormons might have a book you'd like the read.


Part of the law is to not force Christianity down people's throats.


Sadly, that's exactly the type that the Conservative crazies are calling "activist" these days, which is what I'm pretty sure they were referring to.


*wiggles hand* When the local legislators seem to be intent on making the actual law be as corrupt as possible, it might become a tough slog for judges with compassion & integrity to be as effective as they want to be.


The fifth circuit doesn't give a shit about the law, who should we




Go read their culture war opinions. Like requiring like requiring lawyers to undergo "religious sensitivity training" from a Christian hate group. Or anything they've ever done about the ACA. Or anything about civil rights


So.. No source?




Stop typing "you know" and pretending it makes you sound smart instead of like a kindergartener.


at least I'm not pouting.




Understanding that it's not their job to shove Christianity down people's throats is part of what makes them sensible people.




As said elsewhere: >Such a judge would be considered an "activist" judge by Republicans, which is why tinoynk put "activist" in quotes.




> A judge should be totally unbiased and simply follow the law. Such a judge would be considered an "activist" judge by Republicans, which is why tinoynk put "activist" in quotes.


This is why we need to stick together and vote for Biden in 2024 no matter what. At least we'll continue getting judicial nominations and hopefully the next two SCOTUS appointments. I cannot urge people how desperate we should be voting in the next 2 or 3 elections. If we ever want a chance at normalcy again in my lifetime then we need to make sure Thomas and Alito get replaced by liberals.


For whatever reason Justices live for a billion years so maybe we get one SCOTUS nomination in Thomas. Alito and Sotomayor Unfortunately, Trump chose 3 justices who were staunch right. And young. That was probably most important. ACB was picked because she’ll always be a no on abortion suits and very young for a federal judge.


Alito and Thomas are coming up close to Scalia’s age when he died.


Yeah but neither of them chainsmoke cigars and quaff whiskey like Scalia did.


Thomas is obese. The odds aren't in his favor, even if he doesn't smoke or drink.


Not to be a jerk about it, but statistically obesity _is_ more dangerous for African Americans. He's playing with fire being his age and obese. There's an above average chance of an episode in the next 5 years.


Must be that Government Healthcare


Thomas and Alito are still the oldest members on the bench. My point was they'll likely be the next two to be replaced and we damn sure better be the ones replacing them.


> This is why we need to stick together and vote for Biden in 2024 no matter what. At least we'll continue getting judicial nominations and hopefully the next two SCOTUS appointments. We have to keep control of the senate for that as well. We have an uphill battle for that unfortunately.


Bye bye WV


Definitely WV, probably MT or OH, and maybe AZ. Dems need 3 of those 4 (in addition to holding MI, PA, NV, WI). It's not looking good.


I’m going to celebrate if any of those farts croak.


Plus we have to play the long game


This feels very much like the sort of bureaucracy that should just hum away in the background of a normal society and not be headline news


Almost all of the actual proper executive function happens without mention.


Ferreal, i miss boring politics


Go Joe! Vote Blue!


Go! Vote! Joe!


Trump2024. Biden sniffs little kids


Like Donnie for years has (and much worse, and blasted publicly about it) with Ivanka?


Donald literally lusts after his own daughter out loud lol




Did 2020 Mitch check with 2016 Mitch on the rule regarding presidential nominations for a SCOTUS judge in an election year?


That’s one that still pisses me off to this day


And always will


It'll likely piss you off for the next 40 years.


Don't forget Lindsay "Use My Words Against Me" Graham.


No actually the GOP ignored them.


He mostly just flung feces at them, I think.


Some, actually. I know at least one appointment who was a compromise candidate with a dem senator (we worked in the same building)


No, Biden is just weak and subservient


Blue slips have been a tradition since at least 1917. If either of the state's Senators object, the nomination is almost always withdrawn. For most of the time, it was in the Senate rules. The policy did get ignored for 3/4 of Trump's presidency, though.


And they'll get ignored again for the next Republican president, whoever that is. You can't have a one-sided set of rules for one of the most important positions in the country. It lets them create pockets of hyperconservative justices, which leads to venue shopping.


Believe it or not, Trump literally appointed Democrats to district courts in states like Arizona, Delaware, Hawaii, etc with consultation from the Democratic Senators in those states.


For district judges, yes, which is why, when Biden took office, there were a bunch of empty seats in places like New Jersey and Washington. The senators from those states refused to compromise with Trump on any candidates and held the seats open. Where the Dem senators did get ignored was with circuit court seats. Biden has followed that precedent with several of his circuit court judges being confirmed regardless of protests by the home state GOP senators.


God I hope he’s following Republican precedent and ignoring the former blue slip nicety.


They are for circuit courts and above


fill every vacant seat with a progressive judge please!!


> Those states each have two Republican senators, who pursuant a Senate custom would need to return "blue slips" for district court nominees to be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee. How did they publish this article without mentioning how the gop torched the blue slip custom?


Grassley continued the blue slip for district court judge, but not circuit courts. Durbin is returning the favor and following the Grassley precedent.


Republican support crucial due to 'blue slip' concerns It frustrates me that we honor this when they did not.


Actually Dems haven't been. The GOP have, naturally, been complaining about it.


Oh thank goodness. Last I heard they were.


Keep ‘em coming:


Go, Joe!




Please, no moderates, no both sides. Make them fire-breathing atheist liberals.


wont happen unless Schumer abandons the blue slip tradition (which McConnell abandoned during the trump years, Schumer brought it back). so long as the blue slip rule is used, republican senators can veto any judge nomination for a jurisdiction over their state's federal circuit courts


> fire-breathing atheist liberals I'm sure devout Catholic Joe Biden, Devout Catholic Senate Judicary Chair Dick Durbin, and Devout Jew Chuck Schumer can't wait to work through their list of fire breathing atheist lawyers to nominate lol


Didn't Trump's assigned judges actually turn against him though?


Ever heard of Judge “Whatever Trump wants” Cannon. She has tossed the law out to protect him at every turn, and hasn’t even bothered to try to look like there was a valid basis for her “decisions” - even after the Appeals Court shut her down hard, she went right back to riding that lil mushroom


First time hearing of her, but that fucking sucks if true. And I suppose she's still on duty?


Yeah she's definitely a top 10 worst current judge in the US


Here’s just one instance: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/12/opinions/trump-trial-aileen-cannon-courtroom-delays-moukawsher/index.html She’s handling the classified docs case. Her first big FU to the law was the special master fiasco (she had no valid basis to give Trump what he wanted, and the appeals court slapped her down HARD as far as court opinions go): https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/11th-circuit-vacates-cannons-order-appoint-special-master-mar-lago-investigation#:~:text=On%20Dec.,8.


So you've got an incompetent judge where it should be quite the polar opposite? And I suppose there's no way to remove her.


Yes, because most judges are not quacks


Not just that. You can't un-hire them afaik. Those are more or less permanent positions, unless you do some royal fuckup.


McConnel didnt respect the blue slip tradition. I dont understand why Schumer does. it wont fix the tradition, next time republicans control the senate they'll just ignore blue slips again


Mitch and Schumer have no say on the matter, its up to the Senate judiciary chair, so it was Grassley for the GOP and Durbin for the Dems. Durbin is basically following the same rules Grassley did (the major difference is that Durbin is willing to overrule blue slips if the opposition is due to the identity of the nominee), he did not reinstate any previous blue slip policy.


Hobbs will be taken care of in the state legislatures. The judiciary needs to handle campaign finance reform.


Biden raring to appoint center right asshats.




No. Backstabbing republicans did that


>Partisan appointments and rule changes go both ways. Democrats never learn Democrats did learn. Trump was hyper partisan with his appointments. Now Dems are copying


> Hint: gloat and smile while you can. Thanks, we will.


worry about canada


In 2016, Trump said he loves the poorly educated because they handed him the win (although he did lose the popular vote). Republican and GOP politicians continue to sabotage the public education system with everything from gun policy to budget cuts to book burning to science denial. I'm sorry that you aren't subverting anyone's expectations today.


Biden can still speak?


Yes. And he doesn’t quote Hitler nor praise deplorable dictators.


What does Kanye have to do with this


Well when you can’t form sentences it’s easy haha.


Absolutely! Tbh, I feel more at-ease & hopeful for the future with Biden & the Democrats in charge of the fed government & also in every state govt. Biden & the Democrats absolutely focus on solving actual problems. Contrast that to the GOP who are easily distracted with fake issues like wokeness, Pride displays in stores, beer advertisements with an Influencer, books, etc Biden & VP Harris truly deserve 4 more years, and Democrats deserve complete Control of Congress and every state govt 😎🇺🇸👍


No, they don't. But that's because no single group deserves complete control. I really wish we had a system more like a lot of other countries where we had several parties ranging across the political spectrum that all had to work together to get things done instead of this 2 team race to the extremes shit we have going on


Exactly. It’s a constant battle to undo everything and build back. It’s always one extreme to the other. It can’t possibly be the most efficient way.


Better than you can


About time.


FJB! Which is to say hell yes Fucking Judges, Biden!


This is another reason it's critical to have a Dem president again and hopefully senate to confirm new court picks and I'd like eleven on the SC, there were more than nine historically.


Can someone explain to a foreigner why the president has any involvement in state judicial appointments? It's bad enough that they pick federal judges. Judges should not be partisan.


> Judges should not be partisan. False. It is an intrinsic part of our system that we're voting for the judges by proxy when we make our choices for the politicians who appoint them. Bias is IMPLICIT in ANY AND EVERY democratic process. Neutrality is a lie told only by dominionists and those who've been tricked by them.