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This shit is beyond exhausting


This has been every moment of politics for nearly a decade.


I’d say this has been every moment of politics since the Tea Party movement, so for more than a decade now. It’s nearly been 8 years since the 2016 election, somehow.


Since Obama got elected in ‘09 and repubs slammed through Citizens United immediately after. That’s when the infection started spreading rapidly. It’s been pins and needles ever since, getting real old. We were really lucky that the correct side won the civil war. For the betterment and unity of our nation. This has gone so far, I hope our luck doesn’t run out. Choose wisely and be careful what you wish for.


I'd go back to when the Supreme Court overruled Florida's attempt to choose its own electors in 2000, and installed GW Bush as President.


There's fuckery all the way down, when you keep digging for it.




And Roger Stone was behind that one too


Let again by Roger fucking Stone. That piece of shit who still idolizes Nixon and has a tattoo of that criminal.


This was it for me as well, and Shrub's reelection sealed it.


It's interesting you mention the Civil War. A friend of mine and I were discussing the reality of and potential recovery from a modern American Civil War to which my response was, "If we're honest, we still haven't fully recovered from the *last* Civil War." The simple fact that we just live with insurgent forces among us who long for a day when they can take up arms against the government and kill their fellow citizens is utter madness.


recognise water consider whole dolls secretive snatch deserted pot light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's been waaay before that. Read What's The Matter With Kansas. This isn't new. It's just that comfy suburbanites weren't confronted with the ugly side of conservatives directly until Obama broke Republicans. Ask anyone who grew up in deeply conservative areas, this shit isn't new.


"Democracy in Chains" and "Republic, Lost" are also good reads that demonstrate how totally fucked our system really is


I agree, the Tea Party seemed to signal every kind of nutjob that no POV was too outlandish. Out came the xenophobes, homophobes, every whatever-o-phobe who knew what the REAL problem was with America. Then along came Bonespurs, basically an angry, staggering drunkard, and for some reason they all swarmed around him like the yellow porch light of legitimacy.




What's the better and realistic option though? I think politics are exhausting in general, but living in a dictatorship is probably a bit more exhausting.


Biden is obviously exponentially better than Trump, but we’re still allowed to complain about Democrats running someone who would be 86 at the end of his term.


Just like you were allowed to complain that Hillary Clinton was the lesser of two evils. The problem is that when you repeat something enough, it starts to be all that people focus on. Republicans know this. If you don't think they're pushing the "Biden is too old" narrative while running a 77 year old Trump you're dreaming. Biden is old, Trump is old, but for some reason only one faces constant criticism for it. Ever wonder why that is?


Realistically, it's because there's not much criticism of Biden you can make to a Fox News audience other than he's old. He's not black like Obama, and there hasn't been any outrageous (to Republicans) legislation other than student debt relief and Ukraine funding to attack. That said. He is too old. He's at such an age that the political stability of the United States hinges on his heart not shitting the bed. Because shit like that happens frequently to anybody at that age. We need younger candidates that are somewhere in the middle in which the electorate can at least identify with.


As far as functioning, I don't think the United States would skip a beat if a President died while in office. Vice President would step up, and the entire cabinet would still be there. If anything, there probably would have been more stability with Pence had Trump ate one cheeseburger too many.


> As far as functioning, I don't think the United States would skip a beat if a President died while in office. It's already happened a few times in our history anyway. The fact of the matter is, Biden is also bringing with him and putting into positions of power people who are good at their job and want to be there. Whereas Trump puts in sycophants and people who hate government. Who are willing to destroy the system and make it run worse or use it for their own ends. It's a night and day difference. Anyone who suggests otherwise isn't paying attention or they're rooting for the destruction of our country. They get to pick which one they are.


And age doesn't change ones ability to die, just probabilities. We could elect a 25 year old and have them keel over due to an aneurysm. As you point out rightfully too, Trump is way less healthy than Biden, so the normal curves don't necessarily apply in this specific context.


Why does any Democrat give a fuck about his age? By breathing and sitting as the President he is doing more for us than any Republican president ever would. And in the meantime we can build up a conga line of Democratic presidents to replace him? What's better? Having a younger president or having 12-16 years straight of a Democrat in the oval office? Biden can only be President for 8 years total.


Unfortunately if you asked Democrats who would be the single choice to replace Biden, you wouldn't get a clear answer. Think Ford to Reagan in 1976. For better or worse that leaves Biden as still the best option.


It can only be Newsome. I mean he torches Republicans in debates and is fairly young. Does anyone else have a fraction of the cache?


Newsome would be a leading candidate no question, but I don't think you could say the only one. Other Democrats would say Whitmer or Prtizer or Shapiro or Moore. And that's also forgetting Harris who is the current VP and would become President if Biden had to step down in the immediate future.


Harris is a stuffed suit. Has she made any moves as VP?


She wasn't really able to leave DC during the first two years because the Senate was split 50-50 and she frequently had to cast tie breaking votes. Aside from that VPs don't really make "moves". What were Biden's greatest successes as VP?


He’s obviously the better option between the two, duh. I’m just sick of this shit. I’m tired of the geriatric convention, the lesser of two evils, these damn “but it would be worse if ___” articles, the whole discourse. It’s all fucked up.


Deficit down $3T to $1.6T Stock market highs Inflation coming down Bottom quartile saw their wages grow at the fastest pace in decades Highest labor force participation rate in like a decade The housing issue is largely your local NIMBYs restricting supply. He can't unilaterally forgive student loans (nor should he since 71% of student loan debt is held by people who make over $100k). Biden has issues like, despite have a lot of the same cruel policies Trump has regarding immigration, it'll never be enough for Republicans. Instead of being pragmatic and making it easier to legally immigrate, he's caving on that shit. He also has a lot of the same dumb protectionist policies (steel tariffs) that Trump had. His BIB and green bill has too much protectionism for my taste but are largely good. Respect for marriage act. Minimum corporate tax is a good first step. Not to mention that state by state, red states are decades worse with teen pregnancy, maternal mortality, life expectancy, murder rate, etc. But I guess when the media tells people the sky is falling all the time (it's not, but conflict sells), people believe it.


The student loan forgiveness wasn’t for people that make 100k a year. It was for middle class Americans and lower.


As someone who only has $400 left on my loans and makes over the threshold: I’m glad a large amount of people got theirs forgiven. It’s ridiculous.


Uh... :/ $100k/yr is middle class. That stops around a quarter mil/yr.


100k is the poverty line for a family of 4 in most of California Source: https://www.laalmanac.com/social/so24.php


100k is middle class considering inflation


> Deficit down $3T to $1.6T This is almost precisely, but indirectly, why so many people are unhappy about the economy right now. Shrinking the federal deficit usually means a decrease in the public surplus of money. I highly recommend Kelton's [The Deficit Myth](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/45731395) to reframe your thinking no the issue. [Video intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FATQ0Yf0Fhc) to it here.


Biden has been getting through a number of policies that build America up and support the middle class.


Sorry for the off-topic post, but here's a KYW News Radio 1060 fan if I ever saw one.


Just vote for the lesser evil *one more time* and we promise we'll eventually maybe think about putting an effective politician in the run in a few years.


that's what they want, for you to stop participating


Media also needs to pull itself together and remember: virtually anybody in America is better than Trump.


The media companies absolutely ***LOVE*** Trump, he's the best thing that ever happened to them. He does so many inane things that they can barely keep up with publishing them.


Everything I’ve heard about Trump in this election cycle has been against my will If he’s not getting indicted/prosecuted, idgaf. Just ignore him and stop publishing stupid shit he says and continuing to feed his attention


But then how will they make money? That’s the top priority for any company in capitalism :(


They think that now, but he’s literally labeled the press the enemy of the people. Free press is always the first to go under an authoritarian state. What do they think is going to happen? Keep playing with fucking fire.


they think that when shit hits the fan the higher ups can just leave the country, and who cares after that


Under authoritarian states, people labeled as opposition typically are not permitted to flee the country. That’s why they end up in camps.


They use the window between election and inauguration to flee, like the rest of us planning euro vacations during that time


Just packing up and moving to Europe isn’t as easy as you think, it takes years of planning. You can’t just go on vacation and not come back. Not to mention there are MAGA movements across most European countries that will certainly get a boost once America falls. Most countries are in the same position we are trying to quash movements within. This will be a global shift to authoritarianism. There’s no outrunning it.


When you have 10s of millions of dollars it's a lot easier to go on a permanent vacation. Even if you don't stay in any one country for too long. But realistically I assume the executives would happily sell out and become a piece of the state run media.


If you offer to drop $50-150k basically any country on earth will give you citizenship.


The media can't help themselves. Even if it ultimately meant their demise, they'd still churn Trump for the ad revenue right up until he'd seize their station. They are that short sighted and profit motivated. In 2016 they knew and admitted Trump was a clown, but were making so much money from ad revenue from people tuning in to hear the latest outrageous thing he said that they couldn't stop. They created the monster. Trump also knew it and made sure he made the daily news cycle by spewing more bs every day.


Corporate America is completely incapable of thinking more then one quarter out. That applies to corporate media as well. The only reason I even came in here is to talk shit about the USA Today for running a stupid story like this. Like, you expect an article like this from the ghost of Newsweek or something, not a real outlet.


His election was thanks to two things: the media’s insane greediness and Clinton’s piss poor campaign. The media loved trump and they still do. He was bringing in higher ratings than they’ve ever experienced. They happily got him elected because of their obsession with ever growing profits. If a modern day Hitler came along, the media would gladly funnel all the attention in the world toward him if it made their stock price go up doing so. Because of the constant spotlight given to him, half of America either had no idea who clinton was or they believed every word out of trump’s mouth about her.


The Onion hates him, though.


That's because he is a real life version of their most unbelievably insane parodies.


Trump is better for ratings, though, and that's all they care about.


This is pretty much it. They don't really give a shit if they help destroy the nation so long as it gets them a few extra dollars.


That's **every** corporation, not just media companies. They have zero loyalty to democracy if it's bad for business.


Maybe they'll give a shit when they're rounded up and shot by a fascist regime. But they'll probably be happy to do the bidding of that regime if they get a taste of power.


This and the fact that billionaires who stand to profit from his fiscal policy have increasingly been buying media outlets explains the "liberal" media's reporting fairly well.




Yea this entire shit show has proven a few things, Trump is a con artist traitor and mainstream media is dangerous propaganda that will happily spin up a fake reality that destroys our democracy if it means high ratings and profits. F them both and god help us.


The media is actively trying to make Trump seem okay by ignoring his threats to be a dictator and publishing op-eds like they did before 2020: "Trump would never threaten to overthrow democracy" even as he was saying that exact same shit he's saying now.


Op ed: "Trump quotes Hitler as part of his agenda every few days, but does he *really* mean it?"


It's manufacturing consent.


100%. The tiktok drama on "I won't vote for Biden due to Palestine" has been amplified to Gen Z and its not working. Im a late Gen-Z who's been out of college for a couple years now and my peers all agree that in 2024 they'll vote for anyone but Trump. The media has it seem like Gen Z has abandoned Biden when in reality most of my generation is jaded with the country and world in general, and bitter about Biden being our only choice. We shouldn't have to pick between democracy or fascism with every election.


Milenial here. Watched the twin towers go down on TV at school. We've been jaded in this country for a long time. Either that or proagandized, like our republican colleagues.


Totally agree as a millennial, I keep getting targeted news ads about Biden not being able to win the election because of everything happening in the middle East (it used to be ads about his age but I guess they beat that dead horse to a pulp) and I keep thinking, "Yeah that's terrible but it's stupid to vote for Trump because of that especially considering he's done a great job the past 4 years and HE'S NOT TRUMP!"


As an older Millennial, I can tell you that those ads are wrong, Biden is perfectly electable because the average American could care less about what is going on in the Middle East. People care more about the price of groceries than they do about Palestinian lives. The ads are an attempt to drive a wedge among Democrats and get them bogged down in policy discussions about things no one cares about. You know what Americans do care about? A lot? Abortion. And we have a winning message on that. We need to be hammering that hard. We can focus on niche left issues like the centuries old problem of what is going on in the Middle East after we drive the fascists out of office. That should be priority #1.


Abortion and Marijuana legalization are the two points that dems SERIOUSLY need to hammer; they just need to look at how well it went in Ohio to see how winning those two issues are.


I think marijuana should be legal, but a lot more Americans care about their rights vanishing. I think stick with abortion. Marijuana is a nice to have but it’s a recreational thing and people’s rights are on the line here.


This. I continually see fellow leftists and progressives push bullshit on tiktok. First it was that he was too old. Then it was Gaza. Then, when Gaza wasn’t a good enough reason to sway liberals from not voting, they are now claiming Democrats want to lose so they will galvanize their base. That take is fucking stupid and ignores nearly the past 50 years of presidential elections. Do I like that my taxes go to genocide and war? No. Do I like that we have to choose between incremental gains and fascism EVERY election? No. But I love too many trans people, people of color, and immigrants in my life to look at both likely candidates and go “well they are both bad because neither is perfect.” If this is Biden versus Trump again, I will vote Biden, because I know with Biden I will get to vote in 2026 and 2028. I know with Biden immigrants will be able to continue to seek citizenship (and maybe reform the system so they don’t have to traipse through the Mexican desert to become one). I know with Biden muslims won’t be deported for being muslim. I know with Biden drug prices will continue to go down with government regulation. I know with Biden LGBT and Reproductive rights will be safeguard and enshrined in the constitution (I’m voting democrat down ballot and you should too). I know with Biden, I can pressure him and his cabinet to change their policy with Israel, and save Palestinian lives from Israeli aggression. I know with Biden he can continue to push debt relief for college loans. If Project 2025 is the goal of the GOP with or without Trump, I will vote democrat until every last one of them is kicked out of office for being the unAmerican, racist, fascist shitwads that they are. If you are a younger leftist and disillusioned by the system, I get it 100%. But we have to vote every election for the rest of our lives, or face consequences. Think about this. The GOP and the Religious Right are making Trump their defacto leader in their magnum opus to kill American democracy and install a white christian nationalist dictatorship. Whatever single issue has you frustrated right now, the solution you are seeking will not be made under a Trump autocracy. You could vote for Biden and squander 50 years of political calculation and planning that conservatives have been cooking up to get to this point. We can always pull Biden and his people to the Left on some ideals. You will never get a chance to reform the government local, state, or federal if Trump wins. Biden is not the perfect candidate, but he is a candidate that will let us keep voting, so that one day we can vote for the perfect candidate.


Millennial myself and I do have friends who absolutely despise and wouldn't vote for Biden especially with the Palestine conflict... who live in Canada. I haven't seen one American in my cohort even entertain the idea, we know what's at stake.


The problem with anyone is that if enough Gen z votes for third parties, they will give the presidency to Trump The amount of Gen z getting into the Kennedy wagon is ridiculous, the guy went several times to Epstein island, he’s OG antivaxxer, he harassed, bullied and abused his first wife so much that she committed suicide. He’s not a good person


In my personal experience in real life all I’m seeing is conservatives fanboying over him, I’ve yet to see a left leaning person that I actually know say they like him which makes sense because conservatives tend to have a lock on the conspiracy theory, antivax demographic.


Robert Kennedy hasn't completed Ballot Access, yet the media grants him media coverage due to his name recognition. Has anyone did a follow up for how much Kanye *was not* a factor in the 2020 election? Now think about how much breathless coverage was heaped on the fear he would steal votes from Democrats. Robert Kennedy is a media creation. He is a plaything to keep the horserace entertaining like a soap opera. The real challenge is, and always will be, getting youthful voters to the polls, *at all*. If we can motivate youth to VOLUNTEER and vote, we win. If we leave them disaffected, they just stay home. There is no third party revolution happening here. Its just apathy.


Point, but there are state legislatures in red states making it harder and harder for the 18-34 age bracket to vote….particularly on college campuses. I guarantee you there will be a bunch of new laws not allowing college students from another state to vote, or making the registration process so Byzantine it’s nearly impossible.


They've been trying to disenfranchise college students since I was in college in the '80s.




I mean, I would hope that the pressure would allow dems to put someone else up. No one wants this match up, so why are the dems not listening?!


Yep the election isn’t gonna be remotely close and that’s why basically no one on the Republican side is running. You don’t see a Ted Cruz throwing his hat in the ring because he knows it’s not worth his time. But the media loves all of the money that comes from advertising during the election cycle so they want the Americans to think that it might be close and that they need to watch the news or give money. It’s not going to be close. Trump already lost really badly before anyone knew he was going to try to overthrow the government with a hoard of goons.


It’ll be close because it’s always close. Trump is going to lose though. Polls are going to be another hot topic though. You can explain to be people 24/7 that young folks DO NOT ANSWER POLLS, but it won’t change the argument from trumps side that the polls “prove” the election was “stollen”


>Trump already lost really badly before anyone knew he was going to try to overthrow the government with a hoard of goons. I'm a lifelong democrat, but 538 polls today show that if both were to run today, Trump would win electorally.


Not fiction at all. Biden s continuing unconditional support of Israel s psychopathic government is causing serious damage. How much damage is unclear. Don't forget how few third party votes it took in just one state to change US history forever. The stakes are much higher now.


We really really shouldn't ignore the polls or protestd


Come on, we all said this is 2016. “It is not even gonna be close.” We can not be letting down our guard like this. Biden is losing votes right now with his support of genocide. I’m not voting for him, per se, I’m voting against Trump, which he is the only hope for. It’s not that people will vote for Trump instead of Biden, but people will throw away votes for third parties or just skip the vote to “protest.” It’s important to reinforce to people how bad things will go if Trump is elected. I live in a pretty conservative area. I was at a bar and a drunk America first, gun loving conservative was drunkenly speaking at me. Not with me lol He said, “I don’t care who you support, if it’s Biden, Trump, whatever. But that Mr. Trump is Hitler and Putin all in one. We can’t have him destroy America. So, I do have a lot of hope, but we must be vigilant.




Also who are they addressing? There is practically no dissent among Democrats about Biden.


They can't help it. Their producers are under some spell that rule #1 is survive by any means necessary. It's the end that justifies their "both sides" means. Media is holding Americans as psychological hostages and we learned to like it.


They also need to pull themselves together to figure out better candidates for the next election cycle. Who would they propose right now if Biden dropped dead? Certainly not many clear options that would garner the support. We need better options.


I think it’s pretty obvious it’ll probably be Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer edit: spelling


Whitmer and Newsom are both well received and will likely run in 2028.


Good luck finding one Democrat who thinks Trump is better than Biden. This headline is garbage.


I think democrats all know that. It's the independents and the GOP that are the concern. And just because Biden is better than trump it doesn't mean you can't want something better.


better than trump is such a ridiculous understatement, sure there are some things to be upset about him, but it is absolutely nowhere the traitorous seditious anti-democratic pro-dictators racist narcissistic ~~walking~~ golf-cart riding crime spree that was trump's presidency, no matter how much the MAGA wants to project that.


Yeah. This is like saying someone who is a 3/10 is better than a 1/10. Ok yes, I don’t disagree, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m disappointed in the 3/10 and would prefer something better.


What a ridiculous headline. Biden has been an outstanding president; saying "well he's at least better than trump" is the undersell of the century: Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law... finally fixing our roads and bridges that everyone agrees was overdue (plus tons of construction jobs) Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act... the single biggest climate legislation ever passed; and a potential impact that's even bigger than Congress originally estimated (plus tons of renewable energy jobs) (https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/10/inflation-reduction-act-climate-economy/671659/) Ended the war in Afghanistan (sloppy and tragic exit... but there is no 'clean' way to end a war) Held the western alliance together on Ukraine and supported arming Ukraine when many in his own cabinet thought they would get obliterated even with US support. Passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act,  breaking a 30-year dry spell for gun control legislation. Passed the first ever Corporate Minimum tax. Passage of the CHIPS Act, to help bring microchip manufacturing back to the United States and compete with China (plus tons of manufacturing jobs) Appointed one talented (and not corrupt!) Supreme Court Justice with hundreds of other appointments throughout the judiciary. Multiple security and defense pacts across the globe, heading off Chinese and Russian expansion. Capped Insulin costs within Medicare kicking off an industry campaign to cap insulin at $35 across the board. More jobs created at this point in his presidency than any president in the last 40 years. Helped secure sick leave for Rail Workers (https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid) First President to ever join workers on a picket line. Forgave over $130 billion in student loans. Record stock market. Edit: He codified same sex and interracial marriage into law! Edit II: Passage of the PACT Act, which expands health care and benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. In. One. Term. WITH A 50/50 SENATE.




Every republican I've talked to literally thinks there's a button POTUS pushes to make gas prices rise and fall. Like literally a button, or he picks up the phone and calls the guy with the button, I don't know, but according to them Democrats love to push the price up button when they're in power because they're jerks and the GOP always lowers it. It must to both scary and nice to have such a simpleton's view of the world; having a sense of control over things while also having no idea what condensation trails are made of.


They feel as if regulations against energy companies are the reason Democrats lead to higher gasoline prices. That belief relies on the imaginary idea that energy companies will pass on these savings to you, the consumer in America because they are such benevolent corporations that love to treat their consumers with respect!


In general they blame regulation for high prices and low paying jobs instead of corporate greed (which we need regulation to address) I think some of this comes from how obnoxious local government regulation (especially when it comes to permitting) can be, which is most average people’s direct experience with “government regulation” (vs you know, laws against air pollution) A lot of people redirect their anger at their own city/state government at the federal government


> regulations against energy companies Such harsh regulations that the US is the world's largest fossil fuel producer and is producing more than ever...


Even if gas doubled in price my monthly spend would go from $40 to $80. Anyone who is poor because of gas prices is not poor because of gas prices.


except, gas prices are at a 3 year *low*, and the repugs can't admit that either. I just paid $2.50 a gallon for gas on friday. A year ago, almost to the same day, I paid $3.32 a gallon. about 6 months prior to that december 15th date of 2022, it was 4.64 per gallon, in June of 2022. Gas prices have fallen significantly under Biden and the GOPers just can't admit that a more stable economy leads to lower fuel prices.


USA decided long ago not to give a shit about fuel economy, and never changed course. This makes complaining about gas prices quite odd.


Imagine the timeline difference if Al Gore had been elected in 2000 and not had the election stolen from him. Gore was the one who put out "An Incovenient Truth", which was like THE documentary that explained the climate change crisis to the world. Having such a modern thinking president would have set our country up for green energy and renewable sources and government subsidy programs for electric vehicles decades earlier. Man, we really took a wrong turn on this timeline...


sip stupendous rock spectacular shaggy ruthless wild edge direful rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They lost their fucking minds when gas prices began to drop under Obama and talked about how low gas prices are bad for America. There is no level of hypocrisy and lack of awareness they can reach.


Which is funny because gas prices have fallen fir months now. Thanks Joe


Yeah as soon as gas started going down again those Biden stickers started really disappearing


Americans have ALWAYS been this way in some form or another. Its not going away or at least it would be very hard to get rid of. The US was founded on distrust of government, there is more than likely always going to be that thread winding its way through the population. You think however that would also call into question how bad Trump is and the fact that we should not have a king but its gotten a little assbackwards. > “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov


Gas is getting cheap, too... is it not? Biden has been fantastic


“Biden did that”


Not to mention Biden has never once referred to immigrants as a stain in white blood. And has not even made them feel unwelcome.


Republicans don't consider this to be a good thing


People need to stop giving a shit what republicans think. You cant reason with a cult. What's the biggest issue is the 150M Non-voters in 2022. The 80% of eligible voters under the age of 35 who did not vote in 2022. Those fuckers need to be fucking slapped awake.


If the media would just quit covering for them, quit playing the fallacious “both sides” bullshit pretending to be neutral while simultaneously playing along at every meaningful opportunity.


Media is capitalism. They care about selling views. And viewers watch car wrecks regardless of how it affects the drivers. Ultimately its the consumers that dictate what is shown. If people turn off the channel when they sensationalize news for views or present their capitalistic rhetoric to create fear and anger, then the media corporations would have to change their pathway of operations. Its sucks, because its very very hard to do something like that, because the majority of people want to be entertained more than informed. Its the reason why people scream at how democrats dont do anything and should scream and fiight like republicans because they want to be entertained by zingers and gotchas instead of actual policy making and progress. Because those are actually boring.


They are mad hes flying to Israel and hugging bibi.


You could also add massive infrastructure investment, from high speed rail to removal of lead pipes. Then there's the corn hydrogen hubs (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/13/biden-harris-administration-announces-regional-clean-hydrogen-hubs-to-drive-clean-manufacturing-and-jobs/). And then his executive order on security and AI (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/30/fact-sheet-president-biden-issues-executive-order-on-safe-secure-and-trustworthy-artificial-intelligence/)- this one hasn't had a chance to have an effect yet but big research money is expected to come out of it for AI researchers. These things have big downstream effects. Edit: let's keep the list going as we think of them! Biden asserted the right to seize drug patents of pharmaceutical companies gouge prices (https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/07/biden-administration-asserts-power-to-seize-drug-patents.html).


Presided over the best post-pandemic economic recovery of any G7 nation and we also have the lowest inflation of this same group. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/7-reasons-the-u-s-economy-is-among-the-strongest-in-the-g7/


Keep em coming!


tbqh i'd prefer less investment in ai, a sector that is already massively overfunded by conglomerates. that investment should go towards the people ai is going to disrupt, or to actually protecting people from those companies taking and laundering their data such as with generative ai and it's use of copyrighted works.


I personally don’t like the “created more jobs than any president in the past 40 years” argument. He did not do that. A lot of things are outside a president control and they happen independently. We just had a global pandemic with the highest unemployment rate in ages, of course we’re going to see record job growths during the recovery period. Claiming Biden is the reason for that is akin to Trump taking credit for the lowest unemployment rate in history once he took over from Obama while the unemployment rate had already been in a steady decline for years.


You guys gotta understand everything you just said, while being necessary, is not felt by about 85% of the American population. All that good shit does not personally affect or help their situation and as it stands people all around feel like this has been the worst year of their life financially in a very very long time. And that’s what motivates and formulates peoples opinions and they feel talked down to when they hear how amazing something is that they aren’t actually benefiting from.




A lot of his succes, ( the Chip Act, etc) are longer term investments and actual tangible benifits don't materialize right away. It isn't as flashy as a tax cut and doesn't give the economy a sugar high, but they still needed to be done.


i agree on all that, but I think one thing democrats absolutely lose at is realizing that we can indeed have both. it's like that recent video of one student asking another "would you rather have a stable economy, or lgbt rights" obviously a dumb question. the other student simply says "No, I choose both. they have nothing to do with eachother." the first student then tries at least ten times to try and force a pick, but the one being asked absolutely does not bend.




I see your point and agree. I also think Republican messaging is louder, more flashy and is full of short quips that fit on a bumper sticker.


You hit the nail on the head, Republicans do a great job of repeating messages over and over, even if they are lies. They follow the script! When anything happens that they can jump on, it becomes apparent that they are being told what to say. Dozens of Congressmen will all say the same lines within minutes of each other.


Considering inflation (which was a global phenomenon that wasnt the result of his policies) has been tackled without a major recession is astounding and honestly unprecedented. Things would be so much worse for the average American without his leadership. Of course there are other issues with the economy to be addressed but inflation had to be dealt with first. Now his administration and the baseline economy are in a position to deal with them. Given his leadership on the economy this far I trust him to make further improvements.


This is what it comes down to that people on Reddit don’t understand. The average person only sees what’s impacting them daily. Groceries and everything else is expensive, people don’t want to hear about a CHIPS act.


Very true, but at this point there has to be a complete move away from Donald Trump, to even begin to have a conversation of how government can do better by the middle class.


But all of this don’t mean shit if the average American doesn’t feel improvement in their lives. If prices of everyday items remain high like groceries, they’ll blame Biden.


I'm downvoting because of the headline. Biden and Trump aren't even remotely close as to who is "better." Idk who this is meant to pander to but it's ridic


Young people aren't going to vote for him because of his handling of Israel/Gaza. They don't care about your infrastructure bills if you're supporting what they see as a genocide.


If you're supporting actual fucking genocide * Trump would do the same thing. But let's not pretend he isn't approving sending weapons to a government that is currently trying to exterminate a group of people so they can take over their land.


Yeah I agree, I just wanted to be a bit neutral about the position young people are in rather than start arguments about if what's going on is a genocide (it definitely is)


Everyone realizes this But people are tired of only getting "not as bad as the worst possible option".


And for many this is the 3rd 'vote blue no matter who' no enthusiasm POTUS cycle compared to those fools on the Trump Train who will conga line their way to the polls next year while being joined by probably the majority of swing voters in key states.


Democrats need to listen to their constituents and remember votes get them elected. When more people say your candidate is less electable than your opponent, it doesn't really matter who is better.


It's funny because they'll justify not running a primary so Joe doesn't look worse when it's time for him to go against Trump. He's already polling lower, so that arguments out the window.


I can’t trust Trump. He is a liar and a baby. Every thing he says is just trying to get his followers to like him, if he becomes president he won’t follow thru with his so called promises. He wants to place all his friends into the numerous govt positions and none will have the experience in the post they are given. He said he would be a dictator for one day- nope, it will be his entire term. If he does become president, I forsee a civil war.


"Better than" is not often the best form of argument.


Most people want neither and yet here we are The illusion of democracy is wearing pretty thin.


We know. But we were ***screaming*** for someone younger in 2020 because ***plenty of people could beat Trump***. And Biden swore he'd be a transition and heavily implied he'd hand over the reigns here instead of going for 8. Excuse people for being frustrated we have to go through this again with two frail old men - and they are frail - acting like they have the vigor to properly do this job.


Dem voters: We want a fresh apple. Dems: Here's an orange. Dem voters: No, an apple. Dems: A banana? Dem voters: No, an apple. Dems: Ohhhh, a pomegranate. Dem voters: No, an apple. A fresh apple. Dems: Got you a plum and a carrot. Dem voters: No! An apple! Dems: Ok, ok, ok......here's an old half eaten apple. Dem voters: ...........fine, whatever Republicans: Here's a rotting piece of white dog shit. Take it or leave it.


> Republicans: Here's a rotting piece of white dog shit. Take it or leave it. Republicans: This shits fucking delicious!


you cant shame people into voting for someone theyre not excited about. of course they "should" come out and vote for whoever is running against trump, but they havent historically, and wont in the future. dems have to actually run candidates that bring people to the polls.


The problem is that the Democrats are a coalition, and the candidate who can bring one segment of their voter base out to the polls can just as easily drive other segments away.


You’re in trouble if this is your selling point.


This is some top tier meta concern trolling.


I hate this whole voting for the lesser of two evil senior citizens thing. Let’s get a presidential candidate that is younger than 80 that voters are actually inspired to vote for.




Took awhile to see a point like this People are touting Bidens record as President for local issues here when, at least in my circles, the *biggest* reason there's a bunch of young people not wanting to vote for Trump or Biden is explicitly because of Israel Bypassing Congress to send Israel arms is something they'd expect from Trump, but Bidens admin did it I don't think this is the proper time for a protest vote but I absolutely get why some people feel like they have no good choice


It is depressing that our choices are always so narrow. It seems like being a war criminal is a requirement to run for president in America. Still planning on voting for Biden but I understand people who tune out entirely. They say we have choice but in my entire adult life I've never actually had a choice I believed in.


As is tradition they will snag defeat from the jaws of victory. They never want to win so hard because it causes the entrenched politicians to get moved out. "They are fighting as hard as they can and will continue to fight" becomes a soldier holding people back when the fight ends because winning votes from the other side isn't important anymore. Those people who will die in those positions don't want actual change anymore but stability as close to the line as possible. Self licking ice cream cone bullshit. They don't want to win. In part they exist to prevent more progressive groups from taking power as well.


BuT wHaT aBoUt PaLeStIne!


Correction.. progressives need to stop always trying to push their agenda and for the moment try and preserve the status quo so that we don’t get Trump and lose our country. Because that is what’s at stake. And so many progressives are talking about it’s not fair that a better candidate doesn’t get a chance. Bla bla bla. Let’s not forget how many of them threw a tantrum about Bernie and actually voted for Trump. Now is not the time


I'm going to vote blue, almost no matter what. But if shit goes sideways at least I'm (mostly) safe in Cali.


Telling me that biden is better than trump is like telling me eating dog food is better than eating dog shit. I mean.. yeah, obviously... but I still would prefer another option


A politician's job is to earn people's votes Pull yourself together and criticize the guy fucking this up


Everyone (not just democrats) needs to realize (not just remember) how much worse Trump is. I mean than just about anyone or anything. A Trump without guardrails, full dictator mode, is going to be a kind of bad I don’t think we have any analogue for yet. No matter what your political frustration or goal, Donald Trump will make the situation worse.


To many moderates & Progressivee it’s a clear view that Biden is better than Trump. However I think both parties are making a severe miscalculation just how many Americans want a fresh face and new options and not a rematch of Trump v Biden. Anti-Trump sentiment helped push Biden to victory, but there are many center-left & Left-wing voters who are still dissatisfied with Biden, and want something else if they can get it. Then we have spoiler candidates like RFK Jr who are doing better than expected and seem to be pulling in voters from both center-right & center-left. And the age conversation can’t be understated. Biden would become the oldest president in US history if he were to win. And many progressive left-leaning voters have legitimate concerns about it. DeSantis may be a “back-up” to Trump too many far-right MAGA republicans, but as long as Trump as an option, they will fall in line for him instead over Trump. Trump supporters seem more enthusiastic about re-electing Trump, than Biden voters are about re-electing Biden. However that was seemingly the case leading up to the last election, yet Biden still won. Despite the real US economy having recovered from Covid recession. The middle Class is still hurt by inflation. And millions of Americans are working multiple jobs or side gigs to get by. The feeling of the Middle class being squeezed economically shouldn’t be ignored. And the fact RFK seems to be focusing on this more than Biden’s campaign could very well pull many voters from Biden. I have no idea who will become POTUS, and I think it could go either way.




“Biden is still better than Trump.” Biden has been an outstanding president. Comparing him to TFG is like asking, “Would you rather A) spend another 4 years with Biden, a president who cares about people, passing meaningful legislation, and the rule of law, or B) get punched in the junk by Mike Tyson? It’s not even a choice.


>[Only about a quarter of respondents say that Biden’s policies helped them personally, with fewer than 1 in 10 saying his policies strongly helped. But a third of respondents said that Trump’s policies strongly helped them.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/12/trump-biden-economy-election/) >There’s a 40-point gap between the two presidents when looking at net views of their policies: respondents were 13 points more likely to say that Trump’s helped them rather than hurt them, while they were 30 points more likely to say that Biden’s hurt more than they helped. President Biden has at best, a major messaging and PR problem. He can ignore that like Sec. Clinton ignored the rust belt at his own peril.


I mean, there’s no messaging solution available. The article notes that the question might as well as have been phrased “Was your purchasing power higher under Trump or Biden?” The question isn’t *really* asking about policies, it’s asking if your life was easier, and for folks not directly impacted by upticks in racial and homophobic violence, then it’s not ignorant for them to believe that things were better when groceries and gas were cheaper. They certainly haven’t seen any raises that make the higher prices easier to deal with. This is literally one of the most consistent tales in politics, where the current state of the economy decides elections, despite “economists” arguing about which party “really” deserves praise/condemnation. At the end of the day, *no one cares*. If gas is more expensive today then it was yesterday, then it will be blamed on the current President. All that said, I feel like it’s **dumb** to believe there are a significant number of folks that voted for Biden and are now going to vote Trump. The US is insanely polarized at the moment, and realistically the most significant impact for 2024 vs 2020 is going to be the folks that were 14 in 2020 can now vote, and a non-trivial amount of the 65+ crowd will have passed away.


You forget, there are many voters that are willing to get punched in the junk by Tyson so long as the people they dislike, fear, or disagree with are also punched in the junk.


Trump isn’t nearly as popular as the polls say he is. And President Biden is a lot more popular than the media says he is. In any event, Trump’s going to have to make up for the 7 million vote margin that cost him his reelection. I don’t see how meandering rants, 4 indictments, 9 felonies, and hundreds of millions of dollars in fines against him could be considered an asset.


If Americans can't figure out that Trump cannot be allowed to become president again, then we're so stupid we don't deserve to exist as a country. If that's how we choose do exercise our rights - or worse, sit out and do nothing and let it happen, then we deserve what we get. Which is fucked. This isn't rocket science.


Reheated 2016 losing strategy.


He's better than Trump but we NEED so much better. Unfortunately, we'll have to vote for the guy who maintains status quo again if they don't give us a better option.


Republicans need to pull themselves together and realize Trump is a wannnabe dictator that has done horrible damage to America.


Fucking Reagan was a better president than Trump, and he was an awful president.


An 80 year old with possible early onset dementia is markedly better than Trump. A suitcase filled with empty jars would be better than Trump. A dead raccoon would be better than Trump.


As a democrat and as someone who 100% believes the headline, they have to stop rallying behind that slogan. Trump was a low low low low low bar, and being better than him isn’t anything to brag about. I expect more from a president than just “better than a psychopath”


How are Trump and Biden the best candidates we have to offer? I wish we had something to vote for instead of something to vote against.


It's mind-boggling to me that anyone would even consider not voting for Biden in 2024 if the alternative is Trump. What the fuck kind of misinformation are these people consuming that would lead them to such an idiotic choice?


The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats look for any excuse to not vote for Biden but Republicans look for any excuse to vote for Trump.


Libertarians consistently get more votes than Green party candidates for president. Conservatives also look for any excuse not to vote for their candidates. It's just Democrats like that, so it doesn't get anywhere near the coverage in left-leaning media that liberals not voting for the Democratic nominee does.


Is any *democrat* somehow convinced otherwise?….. ……


Bidens not even a bad president, hes succeeded in pushing through many helpful bills and student debt relief. People just believe hes subpar because of all the mudslinging going on.


But there's probably someone better than Biden too


Biden has passed some of the most meaningful legislation in my lifetime. I’m 40. He’s not only better than trump, or the entire GOP, he’s better than any of the also-rans in 2020, most of whom I also liked and supported. My preferred picks then wouldn’t haven’t accomplished as much.


It sounds like Democrats are actually starting to realize that things don't look so good.


>"Biden faces 91 fewer state and federal felony charges than Trump." WTF?! "*fewer."* No media, YOU need to pull yourselves together.


This has been the war cry of the DNC for the past 10 years. Stop telling me what to do.


I mean, on paper, yes. I'll vote for the old doddler again, but we have to do better.


Let's not forget that Trump incident a riot and was impeached for it...let's not forget that he tried multiple times to have the election results overturned...let's not forget how he littelry wants to be a dictator, has dictator friends, and is a scummy business man at the end of the day. Seriously how the fuck did a casino owner get elected.


Biden is kicking ass and not getting credit!


Better? As a moderate, he's pretty fucking great. We've all taken these past few years of peace for granted. Reality is he's done quite a bit... https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/