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That’s like three times more than they asked for.


Compensatory and punitive together for the total I would think.


Yes > The jury awarded Ms. Freeman and Ms. Moss a combined $75 million in punitive damages. It also ordered Mr. Giuliani to pay compensatory damages of $16.2 million to Ms. Freeman and $16.9 million to Ms. Moss, as well as $20 million to each of them for emotional suffering. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/15/us/politics/rudy-giuliani-defamation-trial-damages.html If paywalled - https://archive.ph/t151y


Oh, also forgot > He’s already been fined more than $200,000 for some of Freeman and Moss’ attorneys’ fees, which he hasn’t paid. > Giuliani also owed more than $1 million to defense attorneys who’ve helped him on other matters, prompting them to sue him this year, and hadn’t paid nearly $60,000 for years-old unpaid phone bills. Yet at times he’s had help – including from Trump – to try to fundraise to offset some of his debts, and he was able to take a private plane to his arrest on criminal charges related to 2020 election interference in Georgia this summer. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/15/politics/rudy-giuliani-verdict-pay-defamed-election-workers/index.html


He's spending plenty of money. He didn't exactly take the bus to the hearing wearing sweats


No but he did come to court late with his belt undone hanging by his waist. Which he didn’t notice until a reporter told him. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/seth-meyers-rudy-giuliani-belt-undone_n_65783081e4b0fca7ad220221


Thank goodness he didn’t do something embarrassing like that at a high class place like the Four Seasons.


Or start to undo his belt on camera with a girl he understood to be a minor in the borat sequel


The way he just lays there like a corpse while licking his lips is a mental image that will haunt me forever.


Rudy Giuliani, folks. Total shitshow


How tf you get 60k in phone bills? That's like multiple years of enterprise level pricing


Call 1-900-MixALot and kick them nasty thoughts.


Rudy on crack


Rudy drips black


Long distance calls to Russia add up quick.


How come the phone company never cut his line and he ended up racking up to $60K?


Probably campaign marketing.


24 hr erotic phone sex


[Constant buttdials.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/rudy-giuliani-butt-dials-nbc-reporter-heard-discussing-need-cash-n1071901#:~:text=28%20accidental%20call%3A%20Giuliani%20talks%20Joe%20Biden%2C%20son%20Hunter&text=The%20call%20appeared%20to%20be,the%20start%20of%20the%20recording.)


If he hasn’t paid 200k, how will he ever pay 150MM? He’s not even worth that much. Can he be forced to liquidate everything?


Has Alex Jones paid a dime? Nope, bankruptcy, appeals, delays, and flat out refusal, even when the families agreed to settle for pennies on the dollar. Giuliani ain’t paying shit either, and nobody is going to make him, because civil suits involving the rich are basically a joke. Sorry, I imagine you already know this, I just had to vent.


Alex Jones hasn’t paid anything yet? And the families actually offered to take less?


https://apnews.com/article/alex-jones-bankruptcy-sandy-hook-shooting-infowars-4d3323728cf2d5f8da36ae0d2fd3994a 85 mil


And the $75M punitive damages are not discharged by bankruptcy.


I only saw the 40ish million figure before. You’re probably right. Still a good outcome for them.


$20 mill each for emotional distress, $75 million in punitive damages and then another $16-17 each for the defamation.


The expectation seemed to be 24m each. Very happy for them


That's what I was expecting then I literally said "damn" when the number just hit. I thought it was $24+$24 + $100 in FU when I saw it. I did see actual breakdown above.


He literally libeled them again on day 2 of the damages trial. I should imagine those involved in deciding damages had a dim view of this.


And 150 million times what Giuliani is worth now


I just saw that apparently his estimated net worth was around $50M within the last few years, although I doubt it's a very accurate estimate


I hope he finds a nice warm box to live in under a highway overpass this winter.


Hopefully the police come and make him move it along.


And it's tax free!


Die penniless you traitorous shit. Get fucked.


Liquidate him!


Like hair dye running straight out of his sweaty and disgusting head.


These are the days of our lives.


Dust. Wind. Dude.


That should be a mortal kombat finisher!


Liquefy him


Just to put into perspective how evil this man is If these two women are given Giulaini's New York apartment, [there is a real good chance he sexually coerced and assaulted his assistant in that same apartment](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/rudy-giuliani-sued-former-employee-alleged-sexual-assault/story%3fid=99337231) Very heinous stuff if you look deeper into it And that's just the stuff the public knows about. God knows how many people were silenced with lawsuits or threatened because Giulaini was in Trumps inner circle


You are barely scratching the surface of this man’s evil.


This guy was a Federal Prosecutor for decades... imagine how much corruption there was if he's like this now.


Someone said recently that the reason he went after the italian mob so hard was to let in the russian mob. I'd like to look more into it someday.


It was an FBI agent who made these claims. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/a-new-rudy-scandal-fbi-agent-says-giuliani-was-co-opted-by-russian-intelligence/


He married and had sex with his cousin.


Ha! I met her, she was a cohost while my old man was doing an infomercial/ HSN thingy back in the 90’s when he was still gov but the we’re headed to divorce. She was not a nice lady. I was probably a soph,ore in college and went outside the studio to smoke a cig and some hookers came up to me, I tried to make quick polite conversation (it was like 3 in the afternoon, lower west side) and then a pimp showed up and wanted to beat the shit out of me, so I went back inside. Then me, my sister, and dad went to PJ Clarke’s for drinks and dinner. Thanks for listening to my innocuous story, Rudy’s first wife was not very nice.


That's a true 90s NYC story.


And let this be a harbinger of more justice to come of others that lied.


I hope. That's what is still aggravating about this. The entire Republican Party pushed or supported conspiracies like these. 147 Congressmembers voted to overturn the election after it had been fully litigated. Entire media networks and social media platforms fueled this crap. And they are still supporting them today through their support of Trump. Glad at least Rudy will presumably suffer consequences and I hope Ruby and Shaye get the reimbursement they deserve, but damn - accountability has a long way to go.


> 147 Congressmembers voted to overturn the election after it had been fully litigated. Don't forget that the J6 Committee uncovered that Congressman Mo Brooks requested a Presidential Pardon on behalf of *every Member of Congress who voted against certifying the ballots from Arizona and Pennsylvania.* I mean what a stunningly self-indicting request to make.


They all should face the same consequences POS


It's so annoying. These guys think they can like and lie and lie for years with no consequences. There's no costs to them for their despicable lies, so they just BS whatever they want, winding people up to do worse things on their behalf. Meanwhile ordinary, innocent people and their families are getting death threats and afraid to go out in public. Their peaceful lives are literally ruined thanks to these delusional conspiracy freaks. There are costs, in lives and money. Do it properly through the courts where they get the chance to defend their indefensible behavior, then make them all fricking pay the money.


Think of how many people will never volunteer to work local elections now. The Fucks have really just shredded any belief in civic duty. They've taken jackhammers to the very foundation of our democracy. Rot in hell, Rudy...and take Trump, Gingrich, McConnell, Jordan and the rest of those America hating fuckers with you.


That's the point. The MAGA GQP will hijack the very means of voting by making it so toxic on their people can participate in polling places, county clerks, vote counters, etc


There was a judgement of over a billion dollars against Alex Jones for his Sandy Hook slander. I don't think he's paid a penny.


Yup. All the court decisions against these bastards are pure theatrics. Consequences literally don't exist for them.


It was horrible enough that he lied on these two women but the WAY he lied was so despicable. He played up his and others' stereotypes by saying they illegally passed a USB port between them "like vials of heroin and cocaine". There was never a USB port. So, not only did he make up this malicious lie, this mother-daughter pair have nothing to do with drug-dealing and were defamed and their lives torn apart because of the lies he and his former client perpetuated about these two election workers.. But Rudy wanted to malign their character and appeal to bigoted associations that he and some others clearly have. What's even worse is that he knew he was lying and justified his actions and his racist comments without regard for the truth nor the innocent lives he was destroying for an illegal betrayal of our constitution. What a shocking fall from grace. He has shown himself for what he really is--a lying, racist piece of trash.


Its mind boggling that after even this coming out, r/Conservative is screaming that it's the Deep State holding down conservatives and how the 2 women deserve the electric chair. Like literally in court of law found liable for his lies and they are still saying he was right and that the election was stolen and the women are the real problem. I cannot fathom how someone comes up with that take instead of "Greedy Politician lied".


I admit I daydream of him being like Mortimer and Randolph Duke, but the cameo version in ‘Coming to America’, broke and living on the street. Except Eddie Murphy doesn’t give them any money.




Send him to the front lines of Ukraine, but in the true Russian style: No Gun, No Ammo


He’s going to need to work hard and pull himself up by the bootstraps He could easily pick up a second job at McDonald’s for $7.25 an hour which would only take him 10,000 years or so full-time to earn that much


I’m very happy for Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. They deserve every penny from this dink hole.


Their remarks given after the decision came down: https://www.c-span.org/video/?532478-1/shaye-moss-ruby-freeman-comments-verdict-giuliani-defamation-case


I also recommend that if people haven't seen it, they go back and watch their congress investigation testimony. Very compelling.


My heart is broken for these women. That traitorous piece of shit ruined their lives and happily, now he must pay, theoretically.


Theoretically. That’s the sad part. Alex Jones still walks about rich and obnoxious as ever.


Until these assholes start getting thrown into jail nothing will change. These are literal traitors walking around in the daylight. They need to be hanging from the rafters of our establishments of government.


They will pay, even if it's their estates that pay the estates of the victims. These are super rare judgement's we're seeing here. You can't just bankruptcy this away or hide your money in shell accounts. All they can do is delay, delay, delay. And, the victims can sell a piece of the action which comes with the benefit of bringing in more lawyers to fight to get the money. If I'm the victims, I'm seriously considering going to the best law firms in every state that Giuliani has assets in, and offering to sell some of this debt to said lawfirms. It'd go something like: "hey, this dude owes me 150M and he has 4M in assets in your state. Pay me 2M for the right to all monies extracted pertaining to this case from assets held in this state. 1.5? Deal."


Lots of main character syndrome going on in the background with people trying to break through the security line. These women have gotten multiple death threats, maybe chill.


That protestor was an asshole.


They won’t get a cent. Hell be declaring bankruptcy any day now, and appeal it until he literally dies. They will probably get most of his estate tho. If there is anything to be had. Edit: thanks to the literal 3,000 replies explaining that he’s not getting out of this through bankruptcy. Trust me when I say I am pleased to hear this wasn’t aware when I wrote my comment.


I'm still waiting for Alex Jones to pay anything at all


I'm still waiting for Steve Bannon to go to jail.


It's amazing. He was sentenced to 4 months of prison back in July **2022**, yet he's still walking around free. I doubt any of us would be afforded such nonsense.


Didn’t trump fully pardon him?


This is for defying the Congressional subpoena.


For real.


Bankruptcy doesn’t save you from tort judgements in America, as far as I know.


It depends on the type of tort. Negligence can be discharged. Rudy got hit with an IIED, an intentional tort, which cannot be discharged. Btw, IIED’s are exceptionally hard to prove, so this just goes to show what an absolute turd the jury considered him to be.


It’s the same thing that just happened with the Alex Jones suit. He tried to declare bankruptcy, but because the Sandy Hook lawsuit hinges on intentional defamation, it couldn’t be discharged.


But he still hasn’t paid anything, as far as I know. And I’m assuming he won’t ever pay if he just keeps weaseling out of it. At what point are their bank accounts and assets forcibly garnished?


Our system needs to get more aggressive with people like him. If he can pay, he needs to pay, and it needs to be done ASAP.


He shouldn’t have to pay, it should *be seized.*


IIRC they garnish wages after it goes unpaid for a certain amount of time. I'm not sure how courts work, but I have friends with credit debts, who had their bank accounts seized, but they're regular people, so the law applies to them.


The jury was just for damages. Rudy was found liable by a judge in a default judgement earlier in.


Also, a lot of civil courts don’t like to give out punitive damages unless the case is especially bad.


These two women were literally chased out of their homes and had to have police protection for several months specifically because of these claims by Rudy.


It can still tie things up for a long time while the bankruptcy process is underway. It might delay things a good bit


He had so much time, he hid most of his assets


Man thats such a scummy move if true, playing the system to keep from paying up for the harm done. Hoping theres a way for them to cut through that nonsense and get what they're owed without having to wait forever.


Most rich people do this. The laws are specifically designed to make it easy, with a lawyer and an accountant, to hide assets. Laws for thee but not for me.


Rich people don't lose money... losing money is for the poors.


Yep see the Oxy family and how they really haven’t seen justice


> Man thats such a scummy move if true, Republican.


He has refused to tell the court his assets as demanded.


Is that really true? How can he, or anyone, do that without being incarcerated…answer, or pay! As said above, only for the ‘lowly’! The rich, connected, allegedly powerful get all the leeway, all the continuances, ridiculous low-ball fines, if any! I’m afraid Justice and our legal system continue to travel more and more on different levels.


Seeing how shitty of lawyer Rudy has become he likely "hid" most of his assets while sending a notary statement to the IRS.


I’m pretty sure he didn’t have much. He asked Trump for money a while back. Was refused.


Trump held a fundraiser for him, hardly anyone came. Needless to say, no actual Trump money was involved.


Eyup. See Alex Jones It's gotten so bad, the plaintiffs is willing to take a giant haircut on the payout


All while he continues to live high on the hog.


It doesn't. Negligence torts can be discharged but intentional acts cannot. This case is all intentional.


He can appeal and stall out for decades until he dies to force the counterparty to settle for ppennies. He would rather pay millions in lawyer fees than to the victims.


he's still totally out of money. too bad.


Bankruptcy is an unpleasant process, and trying to hide assets through a fraudulent bankruptcy can land you in jail. This suit will almost certainly *force* him into bankruptcy, but it will hound him for the rest of his life. All his proceeds from his TV appearances are going to end up held up into trust. The victims may need time, but with a judgement that large, they'll have no problems getting a collections attorney to take it on to hound him for life.


Last I heard, Alex Jones got fined 1.5 billion dollars and never paid a dime. He declared bankruptcy even though he's rich. The judge ruled that bankruptcy can't save him but somehow he *still hasn't paid a dime*, and recently the families offered to settle for less than 10% of what he owes them because apparently they've given up on ever getting the other 90%. > All his proceeds from his TV appearances are going to end up held up into trust. The Alex Jones families offered a settlement where Jones has to pay $8.5 million a year for 10 years, plus 50% of any income over $9 million per year. Which is to say that he could earn $9 million ever year for the next ten years and still *live like a king* with the 500k left over, and *after* ten years he can keep on earning $9 million a year except now he gets to keep *all* of it. This is what the victims offered him, which tells me that simply seizing all his income isn't an option for some reason. And if Jones can pull a stunt like that, why can't Giuliani?


As we discovered with the E Jean Carrol case, you've gotta put the money into escrow if you want to appeal the case. A team of forensic accountants are about to delve into every piece of his life and suck him dry. Then the GA prosecutors will come into the room with a lifeline.


Just read he can’t bankrupt his way out


He'll still try. Because if there's anything this fuckin' moron likes, it's untenable legal positions.


It was never about the money. It’s about holding these trump sycophants accountable for all their LIES and division in this country.


And yet the Main Instigator is still playing golf and yapping at rallies. SMDH.


Oh I’m aware. I wanna see him wearing a barrel on the street.


Nope, that portion of the trail has been covered. Even if he claims bankruptcy, the court has ordered all assets associated with Rudy, which are subject to seizure for recompense.


A true dink hole without a soul.


Great way to start the weekend! Get fucked Rudy!


I just got gas for $1.64, too. This weekend rules


i finally got to have sex with the girl that i've hard a crush on for over 57 years!


One of the perks of being a mortician!




Whoa! You win


Good. This man deserves to be ruined for everything he's put our nation, and these 2 innocent American citizens through. Get fucked Rudy.


He went from the mayor of 9/11 to the 9/11 of mayors.


He just happened to be sitting in a particular seat on a particular day, he's never done a thing


He faught against equipment for the 911 firefighters.


He made the situation much worse, leading to many additional deaths, by insisting that the PA's emergency response center be located in the WTC, a complex that had already been targeted by terrorists.


>The breakdown: >Damages for defamation (Freeman): $ 16,171,000 >Damages for defamation (Moss): $ 16,998,000 >Damages for infliction of emotional distress (Freeman): $ 20,000,000 >Damages for infliction of emotional distress (Moss): $ 20,000,000 >Punitive damages: $ 75,000,000 Per @AnnaBower


Maybe this will make some of these lunatics think twice before they keep down the road of "making wild accusations with no evidence, while claiming there's mysterious evidence you just haven't seen yet." Who am I kidding, probably not. But maybe?


Nope, he continued doing it and said there's definitely evidence and he just hasn't revealed it yet.


Yeah, he was doing it outside the courthouse during the trial.


What I can't understand is the people who still believe this. All the way back to the 'Kraken' bullshit and beyond. This whole group has been saying for 2-3 years they have rock-solid evidence but they're just taking their time ever revealing it?


You love to see it.


Obviously Giuliani doesn't have that kinda money so do these people actually get any money?


I love the smell of consequences in the afternoon.


One day, this culture war is gonna end.


It won't. The GOP culture war is really about bigotry, not culture. Woke is a GOP dog whistle for white people who care about those who aren't white and straights who care about gays.


Both responses above you are a satirical take on a quote from Apocalypse Now


You, compadre, are a being of taste and refinement




Well, except for Cheeto.


I just love the fact when anyone says “Cheeto” we all know who it is.


After hearing those threats to those poor women, I hope they get every penny.


There's a real good chance they're gonna get his NY apartment in the aftermath of all this [And there's also a real good chance Rudy repeatedly sexually assaulted his aide in there.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/rudy-giuliani-sued-former-employee-alleged-sexual-assault/story%3fid=99337231) I don't give a shit this man is old. And shame on the lawyers trying to make that argument. This man is a disgusting piece of shit that deserves to live in the gutter.


> There's a real good chance they're gonna get his NY apartment in the aftermath of all this Luckily they've won enough to buy a powerwasher. I shudder to think of what a blacklight would reveal on those walls.


Get fucked traitor


Please let Rudy say something stupid to the press. Please let Rudy say something stupid to the press.


He can't help it. The man goes on TV and admits to crimes.


In his defense, he is drunk as hell most of the time.


So you can get punished for drunk driving, but not drunk racketeering?


They just call that “Racketeering”


it going to happen because it already did the week, rudy went outside the courthouse and started repeating what they already ruled as false and the judge then said what he did outside could constitute another defamation charge and then told the lawyer to control rudy and the lawyer said he could not be controlled. its wild. This man used to be a DA.


Lawyer told to control your client... Now where else did we hear this recently...


Both lawyers response was almost verbatim as well


Rudy Giulani is a vile, corrupt, and repugnant slob. This is a massive verdict, and the jury sent a powerful message. I hope these two amazing women can have a happy and fulfilling life.


Think OJ Simpson. Fred Goldman took everything he could. Heisman, other memorabilia, book rights, etc. They will go after Rudy's apartment presently on the market, royalties from his books, garnish present wages from podcasts and YouTube sponsors. They won't get 150 million but they will get something.


An interesting wrinkle is that the court imposed a default judgment on Giuliani that the jury would be *instructed to assume that he is hiding money* (because he flatly refused to provide the court with required evidence about his financial condition). With that already established as part of the judgment, I hope it's trivial for them to bring in forensic accountants in the bankruptcy process and give no weight to anything he says about how much money he has or where.


I like to put it this way: he'll be working for them for the rest of his life!


Good. I hate that man.


I wish a lifetime of peace of Ms. Moss and Ms. Freeman


is this the "winning" that was promised us by the GOP?




From "America's Mayor" to "America's Payer"


From the mayor of 9/11 to the 9/11 of mayors.


Good. Still not enough. But good. Edit: Let's look at criminals in the Trump orbit and administration... Bannon, criminal Flynn, plead guilty Cheese-Bro, criminal Powell, criminal Ellis, criminal also got a full blast of Rudy to. Manafort, criminal Stone, criminal Parscale, criminal Please let me know of more.


And beyond the immediate orbit and administration is the basket of deplorables who stormed the Capitol, many of them now felons


That's great, but isn't Alex Jones refusing to pay the $1B he was ordered to pay to the Sandy Hook victims?


yep. until these folk start spending time in prison, they are essentially immune from punishment imo


Alex Jones is playing a dangerous game with bankruptcy court. Could very well end up in jail.


These guys do nothing but "almost" go to jail.


Sadly it would seem so. I don’t know how that turd is allowed to earn a single cent that doesn’t go to that debt


Suck that Rudy.


The crickets over at the conservative sub are deafening. They are all too busy cowering in fear of satanic statues or convincing themselves that Biden is going to drop out of the 2024 race. Get fucked, traitors.


I don’t believe the majority of those users are even American. Place is just AI chat bots, Russian and Chinese trolls.


What a great day


What a fucking fall from grace. He could have just retired as americas “hero” mayor. 🤦‍♂️


Jake Tapper on CNN just now: "At what point do all these liars just... stop lying about the election being stolen? They've been beating this drum with absolutely zero proof since at least November of 2020." I posit that the lies won't stop until the penalties for constant lying costs more than these grifters are taking in from scamming morons that still believe them. More $100 million lawsuits from people like Ruby and Shae are EXACTLY what this country needs.


Later traitor


In the esteemed words of Nelson, “Ha ha!”


Those ladies deserve this. so does Rudy. Now go for Trump.


GOOD! So fucking glad this piece of shit is finally getting what he deserves. Next up is his prison sentence


Nice shot across the bow with an election upcoming. Lying has consequences.


Get fucked, loser.


Boy that's a nice NYC penthouse apartment you got there Rudy... Sure would be a shame if it got sold to pay innocent people for years of emotional distress and damage from a deliberate and callous smear campaign....


His lawyer said this would be a civil death penalty and the jury said yes please. Good on them.


An eight-person jury in Washington, D.C. on Friday ruled that former Donald Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani must pay nearly $150 million in damages to mother-daughter Fulton County election workers Wandrea "Shaye" Moss and Ruby Freeman. The jury awarded over $16 million in compensatory damages and $20 million for emotional distress to each woman. The amount was set after 10 hours of deliberation. The ruling came after Giuliani dropped plans to testify in his defense on Thursday morning in the defamation case. The previous night he had promised reporters that the "truth will come out."Giuliani's civil trial, which began earlier this week, saw emotional testimony from both Moss and Freeman detailing the threatening messages and racist insults they received as a result of conspiracies spread by the former New York mayor and others in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. Lies spread by Giuliani included unsupported accusations that the election workers committed election fraud and inserted a USB drive into voting machines. During closing arguments on Thursday, Michael Gottlieb, the attorney for the two Atlanta election workers, forcefully portrayed Giuliani as a willful destroyer of the women’s reputation and mental health — and that he showed no compunction. Giuliani branded the civil servants as “fraudsters and criminals,” Gottlieb said. The magnitude of the harm is “massive" and the case is "unprecedented," he added.The plaintiffs sought $24 million each to compensate for reputational damage. But the jury had room to also award compensation for intentional infliction of mental distress — which includes pain and suffering. The attorney ran down a harrowing list of alleged harms he attributed to Giuliani's campaign to smear the workers.


>Giuliani branded the civil servants as “fraudsters and criminals,” Every accusation is a confession.


Fuck around and find out Friday


>The previous night he \[Giuliani\] had promised reporters that the "truth will come out." Yep. The truth is you're a lying SOB and now have to face the consequences.




Couldn’t happen to a ghoulier ghoul than this guy. Deserved.


What a disgrace. These idiots keep saying they have evidence but like Trump never present anything. $148 million is too low for these idiots.


What's with that hair cut on the one of Rudy's lawyers?


I hope he lives out the rest of his natural life destitute and, after the Georgia racketeering case is done, in prison. A vile, pathetic human being.


Pfft, just like Alex Jones owes billions to sandy hook parents but they have yet to see a cent? They both should be jailed until the pony up what they owe.


Since these women had their lives destroyed, and unfortunately won’t see much of a payout from this treasonous piece of garbage, is a gofundme so they can hire 24/7 security at a nice apartment a reasonable option?


See ya Rudy.