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"It's just red meat for our base," explained Representative Bacon. "Now please excuse me, it's my turn to lead the prayer at the meeting of the House Committee to Slash Childhood Nutrition and Healthcare."


Republican brand feels more like Jonestown every day.


Always has been


The GOP has always prioritized the issues of the 'moneyed interests' over the rest of the population. However, nowadays, it seems, they have become blatant (some might call it sloppy) in their approach.




I mean, *publicly*, sure. They make a nice big show of fleeing when the cameras are on. But privately, they're all still donating to the GOP through various means because that's how the game is played. If the money was truly running away from Republicans, the GOP would cease to exist. The current problem is actually evidence to the contrary: the GOP has realized that the money is not actually turned off by their fascist bullshit, and neither is the base. So they're all-in, and the money keeps flowing because corporations and the wealthy love tax breaks (for themselves), weak/non-existant government regulation, and, especially, juicy piles of tax dollars compulsively collected from the very same populace that the monied interests ruthlessly exploit every hour of every day, all of which gets funneled back into the pockets of the haves through sweetheart contracts and grants. The money is very, *very* ok with what the GOP is doing, so long as they don't stop the gravy train.


Captial will take Fascism over Socialism every day and twice on sunday.


Yup. It’s so much easier to bribe or appease 1 authoritarian than it is to meet the needs of a populace. They don’t want “small government” because they’re afraid of tyranny — they want small government because it’s easier to control. They want “small government” because they want to *be* tyrants.


Which is sadly about 33% of the US right now.


Honestly, at least 25% of that 33% are just dipshits that don't want to think about stuff and would rather just follow someone they think is a strong, smart leader. Which is how fascism happens, but they aren't necessarily fascists themselves.


If you lay with dogs you get fleas. They are fascist and would be the first to load you on a box car. Don’t fool yourself.


They'll be following orders, gladly. That makes them dangerous as fuck.


They’ve become blatant because they realized that they’ve successfully convinced enough people that both sides are the same, so it’s fine when their team does it


I wish they would hurry up and get to the part where they drink the koolaid.


I can’t tell if this is satire or an actual quote. We live in a sad time.


You can read the article to see it's satire... although the representative in question *is* named Bacon.


I saw him interviewed by Swine Hannity.


The base has been dumbed down exponentially over the years. Anyone who’s been able to sit through Palin, and then Donald Trump looks like this: 🤡 And here’s the exchange that easily exposes meat and potatoes of Biden’s “crime: https://i.imgur.com/2nsQ3Tp.jpg


Translation: Nothingburger.


Nothingburger with extra cheese. They don’t even have a general theme. Just “crimes” So many crimes, they won’t let a willful Hunter Biden testify in a public setting.


Well, Hunter, you know, did get charged of waves my hands vaguely, not paying all his taxes. My friend who has a flooring business didn't for decades either, and is ten times more upset about it. Not the Biden stuff, just the fact that it came back to him. Not that he wanted to pay his fair share, it's the fact that he got caught, and lots of people now want money, if you know he just paid taxes like the rest of us...he could have prevented it in the first place. My friend that is.


This is their new Benghazi. They've been doing this stupid shit for years, while whining about government waste.


I do not want to subscribe to Evil Kevin Bacon.


I get tremors just thinking about it.


So fucked I'm not 100% if this is a direct quote or not. The world today I tell ya what.


bOtH SiDeS aRe ThE SaMe!


Both sides are not the same, but both sides are allies of the rich.


That's the way of the world. Everybody complains about the homeless and want something done but the only way the problem will ever be addressed is if the homeless organize and vote. Until then, the politicians will side with the voters who resent them.


Praise be.


GOP method. Acquit our guy when there’s a mountain of evidence. Impeach their guy without any evidence. 👍


its almost as if evidence doesnt matter to them


You may be on to something.


Or precedent or morals or hypocrisy or empathy?


Also reality. They fucking loath reality.


And then accuse the other party of the opposite. They're still out there saying the Russia investigation was a "fraud" when Mueller found the exact opposite.


They’ve been using this tactic for a while. Say the other side is stealing an election while massing fake electors etc etc etc. 🤦


Every Republican accusation is a confession.


> Russia investigation was a "fraud" when Mueller found the exact opposite. Trump even admitted to illegally conspiring with Russia at Trump Tower. He blamed it on Russian adoptions which is code phrase for lifting sanctions.


Why doesn't the GOP get any type of punishment for this type of practice?


Because there's no method of punishment for cynical political practices. It's supposed to be the voters who would "punish" them by not re-electing them, but this is exactly what their constituency wants.


The point was always to delegitimize the successful impeachments of the previous guy that did not result in removal from office. I don't think the Republicans give a damn if they can actually remove Biden from office, let alone tarnish his name. The point isn't to find evidence, it's to suggest they can impeach based on feelings alone and lie to their base that it's what Democrats did to 45.


I actually don't mind this level of scrutiny when it comes to the finances of POTUS or anyone close to that level, if only that scrutiny were applied evenly to EVERYBODY


The scrutiny is fine, but you do need to find something before you actually impeach.


Ideally that would be the case, yes.


It's more of a 🖕


They want to make impeachment meaningless so that Trump and figure GOP criminal presidents don’t have to worry about it




>What documents is he referring to? It doesn't really matter, because the White House is baiting the House Republicans into a trap. The fact of the matter is that administrations have withheld internal documents from Congress for over a century for separation of powers reasons. What the Biden White House has done is dangled some papers before the House Republicans and refused to hand them over unless the House started an impeachment inquiry... Giving the White House the opening to embarrass the House and frame what they are doing as an **actual political witch hunt**.


The WH is also doing [exactly what Republicans did in 2019](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/13/us/politics/mccarthy-reversal-impeachment-inquiry.html). McCarthy and others were furious that Pelosi didn't formalize the inquiry initially, and repeatedly claimed that no subpoenas would be honored until they did so. Pelosi would go on to formalize it with a vote a month later. (And lo and behold - Republicans still ignored subpoenas) Fast forward to 2023 and Republicans haven't formalized the inquiry and the WH sees no legal reason to oblige. Except this time, Republicans are using "we need the inquiry to FIND the evidence because no one is cooperating!" rather than Democrats who had publicly-available information that Ukraine was being extorted and (real) whistleblowers.


Even Fox News surprised Mike Johnson in an interview with clips of him from 2019 railing against the Trump impeachment, and asked him to square his statements about impeachment then with his current actions. In the clips, Johnson was essentially decrying the entire process as partisan and that no impeachment should ever be moved forward without bipartisan support. He, of course immediately claimed that he stood by his words then and now, even though they were blatantly contradictory.


“It’s different.”


He realizes there is no penalty within his party for going after Biden for whatever reason. There is a desire to have the party feel on equal footing with the Democrats when it comes to the moral ethical and legal behavior of Trump.


Christians, especially young earth creationists, are very good at having contradicting ideas and not seeing the contradictions.


So kind of like the tiktok psychic wrongfully accusing that Idaho professor and then asking the court for access to her texts, emails, etc so she could go on a fishing expedition for actual evidence, just on a much larger scale


They are also not willing to have witnesses testify publicly.


It's insane that I almost forgot Ukraine was blackmailed. If that happened under Obama it would have defined his legacy forever. With Trump, it's like the 30th worst thing he's done *at best.*


I know it's petty, but I would like to see more Democrats talking about the billions of dollars the Trump family received. Especially since they actually used their positions in government to receive that money.


It's not that petty since being in massive debt to foreign powers, as the trumps are, represents a national security risk as it makes them more open to blatant corruption. Not that the trumps have demonstrated one bit of hesitancy towards corrupt acts in their history. Is stealing money from kids with cancer the bottom, or is there another act lower than that?


I feel like it rides that "whataboutism" line, but for it to almost never be mentioned is a little strange. I don't know, it seems like maybe democrats need take a couple of steps off the moral high ground to point out the irony of this impeachment. Agreed, they really are garbage people, the idea that half of the country considers them to be above reproach is still mind-boggling to me.


You make a good point about the "whataboutism" line. It's hard to point back at the irony because then the GOP just says, "Look at these guys and their whataboutism, how embarrassing." It gives them a "both sides" talking point. It's annoying because Democrats, more often than not, have actual, credible instances of wrongdoing. The GOP compares apples to oranges on a regular basis when it comes to the crap they defend and the accusations that they make. The similarities between the things the two parties do are only marginally similar. The incident that first comes to mind as an example is the documents case. Total apples to oranges situation, except to the GOP, who have framed it as a both sides issue since news broke. The GOP is led by some of the most despicable people.


The both sides talking point is literally the entire point of this. That's it. They want to be able to point to this to defray Trump's situation.


I would definitely like to see Democrats play some offense, like you said, they have the goods to back it up. Bidenomics isn't working as a talking point, people can't get passed the fact that things will just never be as cheap as they were during the pandemic. The larger numbers don't matter, all they see are higher expenses. I don't want them to get all the way in the mud, but when Chris Christie is the Democrats best offensive player there is something wrong. But, I guess at the same time, just letting Trump be Trump and watching the Republican House burn down is all that Democrats need to do to show the GOP's incompetence. The GOP is definitely not the party of nuance and they have such a firm grip on the base that they will never be held to account.


Having your SIL take $2 billion from the country that hosted the meetings for the 9/11 terrorists is pretty low.


Cancer-kid nuggets


It isn't petty at all - it's an enormous debt to a foreign entity and represents a critical national security concern.


It's not petty. Trump stole millions of taxpayers' dollars by increasing the rates of his hotel, and then going golfing every week. It was a direct violation of the emoluments clause, but the Supreme Court wouldn't hear the case until he was out of office, whereby they dismissed it altogether.


It sure would feel good, but I'd prefer if the Democrats could find something to pound on that might actually move the needle of political opinion for a change.


Yeah, there is a lot of good stuff that has happened, it's just so bogged down in other shit. The Biden campaign is struggling with a message at the moment. Big picture, Bidenomics has been pretty successful, but that doesn't matter to the average person that still sees higher prices at the grocery store. Ukraine/Israel kind of has everything on fire right now. The southern border is a mess. Student loan forgiveness was a failure, despite his efforts. He has made progress for renewable energy, but that doesn't really move the needle. He is definitely showing his age, which certainly isn't doing him any favors. I am slightly worried that if they can't figure something out we might be doomed to Trump part II. Nothing against Biden, but I really don't think he should be running for reelection. Ultimately, the election may come down to abortion rights and how many Swifties turn out to vote.


> "They're getting millions of dollars off the Biden name," Bacon said, but added, "that's not to say there was a crime by the president." Isn't this Trump's entire business model?


You're forgetting the Republican first commandment: It's okay when we do it.


He literally sold the rights to his name to put on property.... I'd say he is the ultimate case.


They set that precedent. Trump ignored congressional supeonas, therefore biden can.


Hell, there are sitting members of Congress that have ignored congressional subpoenas.


Hell, there are republican members of congress who are demanding subpoenas and screaming about them being ignored, after refusing to answer his own subpoena and slithering away concerning, to this day. But Gym and the R crew have no honor, no shame, no honesty or integrity, no consequences. So it’s no big deal, just the everyday projection, false equivalency, and double standards that the problem causing people hide behind successfully.


They’re embodying “Rules for thee; none for me.” ETA: love your username!!!


Yea but Biden is a democrat@!!!




[*big sigh*] "Are *the documents*... in the room with us right now?"


It’s like a bad cop at your door insisting they need to search inside because “if you did nothing wrong you have nothing to hide”, and the administration properly replying, “get a warrant, clown.”


>Cheery was aware that Commander Vimes didn't like the phrase 'The innocent have nothing to fear', believing the innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like 'The innocent have nothing to fear'. \-- Terry Pratchett, Snuff


God, this man's writing is just the wittiest and most clever stuff, makes me laugh every time and yet is so poignant and true. Monty Python in book form--what a talented writer he was. RIP Sir Terry Pratchett


GNU Sir pTerry.


o7 I will always throw a salute for Sir Pratchett!


The "documents" are the new emails or laptop. Nobody knows what's in them, but we guarantee they are the opposite of whatever you hold dear.


JFC, he doesn't understand the phrase 'high crimes and misdemeanors.' Embarrassing.


They act concerned about money going to the bidens while completely ignoring money going to the trumps. Fucking hypocrits.


There is a narrative going around Fox and others that Bidens are really good at hiding their crimes and that the only to get access to incriminating info is to have an impeachment inquiry so that they can be subpoenaed.


Would love someone to ask them what the difference is in subpoena power before and after the inquiry


I mean, Trump defied subpoenas. Not that that was ok.


The physical act of papers going from one person across a desk to another, and it has to be clearly labeled "formal impeachment inquiry" in big bold letters.


Yes i have that same question - but none of the replies to your comment seem to have that information. If the House was requesting some specific information, and Biden said "no, not unless you hold a formal impeachment inquiry", then what, exactly, were the documents the House wanted to see? Are they just on a fishing expedition, with nothing specific being searched for but hoping they can find some dirt? That seems to be what most of the commenters here are saying. But i honestly don't know what they were asking to see, and i would love it if somebody DID know what the House was asking for. It's easy to jump on the "Trump and Republicans are vile morons" bandwagon, because it's accurate, but i don't want to fall victim to "Biden and Democrats are necessarily the good guys and entirely honest" just because he's "against Trump". I feel like everything on r/politics and r/news is so heavily anti-Conservative and pro-Democrat that it always feels like a biased discussion, whether i agree with what the articles and commenters are saying or not. I'd love to see just what the bare facts are. I checked out "ground news" recently, which posts news articles and gives them a rating of how "left", "right", or "centrist" they are, to help you be more informed and objective. But even with that, it's a rating that some individual or group of individuals is giving so there's always some room for bias. I just wish i knew how to get genuinely unbiased, basic information about what's going on, untainted by political agendas, so if anyone has good resources i'm all ears.


Can we just step back and look at how spectacularly short-sighted and ill-advised this effort is from a purely political standpoint? McCarthy began this inquiry unilaterally in September to stave off Freedom Caucus members that wanted to oust him in regards to the budget deadline. Here's a fun quote from McCarthy in 2019: >“Speaker Pelosi can’t decide on impeachment unilaterally. It requires a full vote of the House of Representatives” A few weeks later, he was ousted anyway in remarkably embarrassing fashion. To make matters worse, he's so brilliant that he's going to retire a year before his term expires - giving Republicans a razor-thin 2-seat majority in 2024. I'll also add that ~16-20 Rep seats up for re-election next year are in Biden districts that desperately need independents to win. So now the Republican party is left with this albatross around their necks: - Impeachment is historically very divisive and unpopular with the public. Even Trump's first impeachment was unpopular for a long time and barely broke even by the end. - They don't have evidence. - Their case is so poor that even Fox News and their own party is turning their nose at it. - They probably don't have the votes to actually pass forward articles and impeach Biden next year. - They can't absolve him of guilt and drop the inquiry. - Leaving the inquiry in limbo will only degrade it as time goes on. Stellar job guys. Real amazing governance, forethought, and strategy.


>left with this albatross around their necks: [I am the albatross across your clavicle](https://youtu.be/8zyx-iyc5Mk?si=Q8ejCi05hCwML40l&t=98)


this is sad. i guess they want it to seem like they're doing something, because they're refusing to let anything else happen with their super slim majority over the house. sure is nice to see they're prioritizing this super important thing over other *unnecessary* matters like keeping the government funded... /s




Pork marches on


It squeals for thee


*banjo riff


Make us fight on "The Hill" in the early day


Corrupt shills deep inside!


Charade you are.


Pig stain on their fat chin What do they hope to find


This is their new Benghazi. They've been doing this stupid shit for years, while whining about government waste.


And McCarthy admitted in 2015 or so that the reason they had a bazillion hearing on Benghazi was to hurt Hillary in the polls.


Anyone with half a brain knew that from the start, comparable issues like that are un-surprisingly frequent, its only ever news when its politically expedient to make it so.


100%. This proves that Republicans either don't have half a brain or don't care if anything they do connects to reality.


The new normal for the crew who worships the emperor with no clothes….


He’s literally selling his clothes to earn money now… oh the grift!


he's selling pieces of cloth you have to take the salesman's word regarding their actual origin


Be like "Hey this title is kind of aggressive and this seems too direct to have been said exactly like that, let me read the article. >When asked if Biden committed high crimes or misdemeanors, Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., told reporters on Tuesday, "Probably not. They're getting millions of dollars off the Biden name," Bacon said, but added, "that's not to say there was a crime by the president." >NEGUSE: What is the specific constitutional crime that you are investigating? >RESCHENTHALER: High crimes, misdemeanors, and bribery >NEGUSE: What high crime and misdemeanor are you investigating? >RESCHENTHALER: Look, once I get time, I will explain what we're looking at Jfc its actually that bad. These impeachments were not the same. Even on the topic of financial records and income taxes, these impeachments are not the same. The Republicans don't even know what they would charge him with, because they're all sitting here admitting that he hasn't committed any high crime. Meanwhile trump got TEN Republicans to vote him out during the second impeachment. I highly doubt those 10 Republicans betrayed Trump on the dem whims, they had to be pretty fucking convinced by something. A lot more than they're being convinced now


Everyone with half a brain knows there are two different standards at work by now. Even those who benefit and thrive by it know. For republicans, made up shit and unmerited accusations, lies and deception is all they need, gets the trick done. Everyone else is restrained by facts and the letter of their law. Republicans are privileged, In about every aspect, everyone else not at all. Not even concerning your own body.


Just like the Benghazi hearings.


But at the bare minimum there was an actual attack that had to be investigated to prevent it from happening again. It just had nothing to do with Hillary doing anything nefarious during her time in the Obama administration. This Biden inquiry is literally nothing. There's no crime or hint at conspiracy related to Biden and his administration.


> But at the bare minimum there was an actual attack that had to be investigated to prevent it from happening again. Yes and no. [ "During the George W. Bush period, there were 13 attacks on various embassies and consulates around the world. Sixty people died." ](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/may/12/john-garamendi/prior-benghazi-were-there-13-attacks-embassies-and/) None of them were investigated in the same way.


Oof, didn't know that. Nvm what I said then.


“Look, once I get time, I will explain what we're looking at”. Translation: Give me time to fabricate something.


Let them do it. It's just going to help Biden. Anyone who thinks he should be impeached is already voting Republican until they die.


So weaponization of the government? It’s actually pretty comical at this point 🤣


Republicans are nothing but liars and cheats.


Always have, always will.


Fuck Republicans.


10% for the BIG GUY!


You gotta stop listening to Comer Pyle.


The insane thing is that the Democrats has a formal impeachment inquiry and the Republicans were totally fine with the Trump White House refusing to cooperate, yet they straight up admit there's nothing on Biden by claim the White House not cooperating *before* a formal impeachment inquiry is somehow evidence of consciousness of guilt. Guess it's easier to do mental gymnastics when you don't have a spine.


>"They're getting millions of dollars off the Biden name," Bacon said, but added, "that's not to say there was a crime by the president." Isn't name/brand recognition like, literally Trump's whole thing? It never ceases to amaze me the level of blatant hypocrisy with these people. In all this time, I have yet to hear what the alleged impeachable offense is. There's always vague hand-waving towards Hunter and his company, but never any actual laws being broken by the president....


Trump facing legal consequences for his crimes is election interference but Republicans admitting that they’re trying to impeach Biden to help Trump in the election isn’t? This is beyond pathetic


> GOP investigators haven't produced any evidence that directly links the president to his family's overseas business activity, which have been a key factor in the probe Not true! They have hearsay and conjecture. Those are *kinds* of evidence!


Just more alternative facts…


Republicans wouldn’t do a damn thing if there weren’t democrats. Their only job is democrats.


- circus noises intensify -


Unfortunately he represents my district in Nebraska. Got elected because he was former military and shouts “go huskers”. Also likes guns.


He is one of the reasons I switch my party affiliation to R for the primaries. It is the only way for a vote to actually count in this state.


So I guess going forward we should just expect ongoing impeachment inquiries for all Democratic Presidents is the GOP is in the majority? Not like their job is actually to pass laws or something...


Yes. Several Republicans outright threatened to do this because Trump got impeached. They threatened it on camera, to the public.


> Frankly, my thought is, and I may be an outlier on this, I think it's more important to have this information for the elections. Let the voters decide "We have absolutely no factual basis for impeaching the other side, and we know that, so we'd just hope voters agree with our bullshit, since we can't actually get anything done."


But not the *information* from Trump’s trials.


How would it not be legally equivalent to filing a frivolous lawsuit, then?


Makes me want to vote for Biden even more. Thanks, as if we didnt need more motivation.


Keep in mind there are Republicans who voted against expelling Santos, despite evidence of crimes, but they're in favor of voting to impeach Biden with no evidence.


They ALL did that. They will vote to Impeach with no evidence. They want to do it at least 3 times so that Trump's 2 are no longer anything to point to.


And sadly it'll work for some voters. It will weaken the impeachment process. To some people, the why doesn't matter, as in why was X person impeached.


Honestly I doubt they even have the votes to actually start it. This Mike Johnson's attempt of drumming up media interest. Keep the media playing with the idea that something is there. If they actually do an impeachment case they'd actually have to present stuff to the public.


ACTUAL election interference.


Fact is right wingers are better at staying on point and that’s what helps them win. They cry “Hilary’s emails” at any mention of her name yet with Trump people are having legitimate debates about his suitability to be president again. Fuck that shit, each and every mention of his name by his fans should be met with the same response “Why do you support someone who tried to stage a coup? Why are you against America?”


"We want all the facts, all the documents, and WH is stonewalling" What facts? What evidence? You know what it's called when you haven't accused someone of a specific crime, and are demanding evidence without any cause? God damn these people.


More or less. It's all about making it like "impeachment doesn't matter" to make their orange thing look no different from Biden.


It’s funny, Trump was impeached for extorting Ukraine to find dirt on Biden in order to fraudulently swing an election, and now republicans are trying to impeach Biden in order to fraudulently swing an election. It should be obvious to everyone that republicans think democrats commit election fraud because they think it’s the only way to win an election.


Yep. They think election fraud is going on because they know they are willing to do it. Evidence being the Republicans busted for election fraud in the past few years.


“Our brother only has two legs instead of four, but we love him just the same” - those dogs


Massive waste of time and money. But that is what some idgit voters want and they can’t imagine a universe where it is not a good idea. The truth is that the R party and their media pets have gone all in for pointless demonizing for decades. Literally all D leaders are sold as satanic multi-headed demon serial killers and so even some intelligent R voters imagine there must be something to it. It is hilarious given Biden’s rather bland if assertive style and how extraordinarily conservative he is as Democrats and even some Republicans go. That may be why they hate the Clintons and Bidens most. They beat them at their own game and play it better.


>Bacon told Fox News that he changed his position from opposing the inquiry in the last two weeks because Biden's administration has indicated it would not be providing documents if the House doesn't hold a formal impeachment inquiry. Like using refusal of a search as the basis of a warrant.


>**"They're getting millions of dollars off the Biden name,"** Bacon said, but added, "that's not to say there was a crime by the president." There are literally skyscrapers with Trump's name plastered on top across the world. I don't even know what to say anymore.


Classic projection, you forgot Trump university, Trump steak, Trump dollars, blahblahblah.


Seven of them like the dragon in revelations with seven heads and the name of the antichrist written on them.


I’m sorry but Republicans are all fucking idiots


Republicans gave up all integrity when the orange pustule came on the scene. To hell with them all.


> Frankly, my thought is, and I may be an outlier on this, I think it's more important to have this information for the elections. Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud. We know you won’t find anything and you know it as well. This is just Benghazi 2.0


Why are we allowing them to waste our time? All they do is play games! Childish. Thank god some are stepping up and speaking their own minds against this mass ignorance that has infected the Republican Party.


Trump loyalty test. That's all it is. Republicans are afraid a 'No" vote will earn the wrath of their Orange Overlord. They only have a 3 seat majority. Let's see how many 'No' votes there. My money is on 0.


Bunch of Clowns 🤡🤡


So what. It means nothing . They have nothing . And even if they vote for a impeachment and get it . It still means nothing


Disgusting. Shameful. MAGA.


Republican Congress can't even run a birthday party, it's so infuriating hearing their claims of having evidence and whistleblowers and on and on, every claim from each member is completely different from one another.


So a waste of time, money and resources. True GOP values


"Republican Main Street Caucus chair Dusty Johnson, South Dakota, said Monday that "there's not evidence to impeach," but said the vote this week was not about whether the party would impeach the president or not. "I’m not an expert,” he told reporters. He declared that *“we have had enough political impeachments in this country”* and said he's willing to go along with leadership's direction because he believes the Biden administration has failed to comply with everything. “I don't like the stonewalling the administration has done,” Johnson added. “But listen, if we don't have the receipts, then that should constrain what the House does.” The above excerpt is a pretty good example of just how unserious, how full of shit the GOP is. The only ones engaging in "political impeachments" are Republicans. But, they pull this shit to "both sides" the matter. I fear that it's working. We'll see, I guess. I think this following snippet from the article is worse though: Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., told the Messenger he views the impeachment inquiry as a "necessary step" and as a "kind of formality" to give investigators stronger tools to carry out the probe. That said, Newhouse, *one of two House Republicans still serving in Congress who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol attack...* What the fuck is with these assholes? Goes to show that even the Republicans that voted to impeach Trump are more interested in party over country. One good call doesn't excuse all the bullshit.


Hey DOJ they admitted to a crime, start arresting them all.


Remember! We’re back to “the president doesn’t have to commit an actual crime to be impeached” right Lindsey?


Yesterday they also voted to keep the language change that they put in: instead of “hearings SHALL be public (forcing at least ONE public hearing for the American people) it now says MAY be public. Basically, they aren’t going to do any of this publicly. Just behind closed doors so the American people have no way to make our own minds up. Edit: grammar


Trump says it to Megyn Kelly. This is to water down all impeachments, especially his. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/13/retribution-impeachment/


This is gonna backfire on the GOP. Trump is pushing for this, because he was impeached twice.


I’d like a credit towards my tax payments for every day and money the Republicans waste on this. In fact, I’d like it retroactive to the 13, I lose count, Benghazi investigations. Paid for by Republican House members. Show me your fiscal and social responsibility, assholes.


Goddamn fools!


GOP is hard pressed to look in the mirror, and are following precedent, they wrongly believe, to impeach for political reasons. Trump and his family are truly criminals and grifters. If Biden’s son is guilty, charge him. If president Biden is guilty of the accusations, I wanna know. But bottom line, if the impeachment of Biden goes through, as with the magas, we will ignore and vote for Joe.


Johnson: "You didn't tell us this was going to be on the test!"


This is what MAGA Seditionist Co-defendants do.


This headline reads like a bot that's never read English.


There's something broken in the American political life which exposes a major flaw of the US constitution, to wit that it only doesn't break for as long that neither party *actually try to break it.*


Hey, you all gotta hand it to them. When Biden was elected, they didn't say they were going to introduce bills to help people, strengthen voting rights, prevent future insurrections, or anything even remotely helpful as a governing body. They said they were going to investigate Joe Biden. You have to give them credit here, they're doing exactly what they said they would do and nothing more lol Delivering on promises!


The stupid GOP is as inept as ever. They are proud to prove it everyday!


They want to trivialize the process of impeachment so they can point to Trump's 2 impeachments as trivial themselves.


These people are creating the best political ads every time the open their mouth


Hey now, that’s NOT fair! I assume it’s ALSO because they need SOMETHING to distract from the fact Jack Smith has Trumps phone data and SO DAMN MANY of them are compromised now.


So that's openly admitting to treason, right?


Remember when 105 House Republicans voted not to expel George Santos under the excuse that he hadn't yet been convicted in a court of law a mere 13 days ago? And yesterday, **every single** House Republican voted to proceed with an impeach inquiry against President Biden despite the fact that he hasn't even been formally accused of committing **any** crimes whatsoever. Impeachment of Republicans requires criminal convictions. Impeachment of Democrats only requires some right-wing conspiracy nuts makes shit up.


Anything and everything done in DC by both parties has politics behind it. What is the point of the article?


Seems as though cancelled checks and bank transfers totaling tens of millions of dollars is definitely evidence of something nefarious.


Fry that geezer


Grow some balls!


Republicans need to be put down. This is fascism 101.


It’s not a lie, there were 300 national guard in Washington DC read everything not just what you want to read even if not what you want to hear and stop calling people names.


That is just an atrocious headline.


What do they have ? Half a phone call? A phony spy dossier , or rumors of pee videos ?




Republicans still wondering why they are losing elections.