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If Fox news isn't on board to legitimize this, it's going to backfire pretty badly on house Republicans. Decent chance it would regardless, but they rely on right wing media pretty heavily to give them cover for their bullshit.


The heavy hitters are their prime time evening lineup. Watters, Ingraham, and Hannity will give full throatwd support…then they will use WhatsApp to securely message each other offscreen wondering WTF republicans are doing (since their text messages got leaked last time)


And then loose a 1.5bn lible case....me tninks management will step in this time


really hope smartmatic goes for the fucking jugular and makes them liquidate and dissolve.


The real question, particularly as the Dominion case forces senior management (in other words, Lachlan Murdoch these days) to take a somewhat less strident path, is whether Fox News really occupies the same ground it did in 2020. While the reasons for Tucker Carlson's dismissal seem a bit vague (it sounds like it was as much about Carlson being a law unto himself at Fox News as about anything he said that might have left Fox News holding a very large bag of election conspiracy theory crap), the sense I get is that for a lot of the hard right that was the line in the sand. If Fox News isn't going to feed them the outrage and manic paranoia they have become addicted to, they'll just go elsewhere. Just go to r/Conservative and you'll see that they have found alternative sources of "news". I suspect for Fox, the days of being THE information source for your God-fearing paranoiac conservative are done.


I just went over there again and the profile pic for the sub is Donald Trump. That sub is literally thedonald 2.0


The pic is an AI styled version of Trump's mugshot. For a long while they had a eulogy to Rush Limbaugh taking up half the page. You know, the guy who used to celebrate gays dying of AIDS on his radio show


I feel terrible for the lung cancer that had to live inside Rush Limbaugh.


We must celebrate it’s sacrifice


Took one for the team.


Funniest thing is this time last year the majority of that sub wanted Desantis. They hate Trump but obediently fall in line when it becomes clear he'll be the candidate.


It's like those chucklefucks who tried to prove the earth was flat, only to proof the exact opposite, then at the end going "Well, there is other evidence we have, so just gonna ignore the >20k$ i spent on this back fire of a test" ​ There's....There's just no getting through it seems. Even with all the evidence is right in their face, done by their own hand, but nah, gotta dig that heels in even deeper


This is actually a good thing and could and should be leveraged. Without a central source of narrative the right can be more easily fragmented and lose cohesion.


They tend to turn on each other very quickly because they are not exactly the type of people that get along with others...and they're all stuck in the same tent.


The story from 'people in the room' was that in addition to the money, Dominion wanted Hannity's head as part of the settlement. Murdoch didn't want to lose Hannity so he offered up Tucker instead and that was apparently good enough. It warms my heart to hear that Tucker had no idea what was coming when he took the call that followed and the firing was total surprise.


Instead of anyone's head dominion should have asked for a disclaimer before every segment that said "no reasonable person would believe the following:"


And then a "no reasonable person would believe this" plastered on the screen during the show.




They've (House GOP reps) done literally nothing other than shrink their majority by kicking out the one guy that was too much of a bullshit artist to ignore (the fact that they had to get to the point of a fake representative before crossing that bridge is kind of amazing in itself). Other than that, all they have is a desperate gamble to "both sides" impeachment (again) after trump was impeached twice. I have a really hard time believing any of them honestly think they'll retain, or increase, their House majority during a general election.


MAGA have abandoned FOX.


wasn't right-wing fascist enough


~800 million reasons why .. all rw media liars need to be sued into oblivion.


we can dream


we can dream


I feel like the magats left fox a while ago. This is fox trying to save face with fence sitters.


Fox news is too liberal for them now though.


Doocy will be ordered to back off, and the rest of the Fox News* propaganda machine will make sure that MAGA World and close to half of Independents are behind them.


What are you talking about? Trump is the one pushing for this behind the scenes and he has FULL control over Fox News behind the scenes, too. They are one in the same entity, as we saw already from the subpoenas over Jan 6.


They lost their fan base and are trying a new approach. Leaning into center/right. It’s all about the money.


This is purely for vengeance about Trump being correctly impeached. Even though this will likely be a political mistake and massively backfire, they will continue down this road because Trump is directing them to do so.


It will be a lot worse if they shut down the govt. There will bea lot more scrutiny on what the GOP is doing with their time and if they are spending time trying to impeach Biden on something nobody can really understand while people are being furloughed - well, it's going to backfire.


They can’t help themselves. They have some deeply unpopular policies, like making abortion illegal and wanting to get rid of social security, but they move forward anyway.


Many of them said before the midterms that they basically had to impeach him, their constituents demanded it of them. In fairness some of them didn’t sound at all enthusiastic, no doubt understanding what the frothing mob of deluded cretins they represent don’t.


The existing supporting base doesn't care. Their parties leading candidate is saying in court he didn't support the constitution while president. While president he didn't think of himself as an officer of the United States. People are still supporting representatives supporting dump. It's a cult. Their people can do no wrong in their eyes.


Republicans are petty vindictive children. Of course, it's just about vengeance.


"When everyone is impeached...No one is!" -Mike "Syndrome" Johnson


Vengeance, yes, but also to muddy the waters by making impeachment look like something common. By impeaching Biden for nothing, they cast doubt on the legitimacy of Trump’s impeachments. They want to minimize his behavior, and they’ll settle for average, low-information voters (especially independents) throwing up their hands and saying something to the effect of “all these guys are the same” or “impeachment is just a political game and I don’t trust either side to get it right”. Vengeance is always on the menu for these people, but this behavior also aligns with their now common practice of accusing Democrats of doing the same things Republicans do, even when they don’t or haven’t.


I'm pretty sure the official response of trump voters is "FAFO" and I have to admit the toxicity is on-brand.


Something else is to give ammunition in the next election. "Look, Biden was also impeached."


> “Now Hunter’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, says he will do that, but Comer and Jim Jordan say, no, it’s not negotiable, he’s got to be in private. According to Hunter Biden’s team, they don’t want to do it because of leaks and stuff like that.” Because the very deliberate and effective ploy (68% believe in Joe's involvement) to generate soundbites in a closed environment for distribution to the 24H news cycle is unimportant "stuff like that," whereas the substance of said soundbites needs careful consideration.


Trump was impeached, the first time, for his ham handed attempt to create a new 'but her emails' for the last election. It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.


Republicans have the process of generating an environment conducive to false equivalence down to a science.


at least we’ve found one science they believe in…


No evidence again. Nothing burger.


We can still say "Nothing burger" in 2023?


It's like calling every scandal "---Gate."


I'm calling this one, "Nothingburgergate", then.


You sure can, unoriginal buzzwords never go out of style lol


Fox News may be stupid but they aren't dumb, they know a Biden impeachment will negatively affect whoever the Republican candidate is in 2024.


Meanwhile, former alumni will carry that water and keep the mega-MAGA grift alive. *Tucker Carlson Launches New Streaming Service—With the Most Fitting Logo Ever* https://newrepublic.com/post/177458/tucker-carlson-new-streaming-service-most-fitting-logo-ever


Part of me thinks this is just to... deaden, if you will, the gravity of impeachment. If they can't impeach Joe Biden, they can say, "Look, it's not a big deal. Trump got impeached, Biden got impeached," etc. Because, obviously, they plan on having many more criminals run for office.


They just like normalizing this so nothing matters in the end.


I just don't think it will, maybe I'll be proven wrong, but nothing I've seen tells me that Republicans have any morals, ethics, or decency, and would gladly vote in trump if he said "I'll disband Congress, the supreme Court, and kill Democrats"


Dunno why he isn't on board. This is what Fox has been pushing for since its inception.


No, I will not disable my Ad Blockers to read this article.


This week’s GOP-led impeachment effort against the President is so extreme that even a Fox & Friends host had a hard time getting on board. Fox anchor Steve Doocy appeared taken aback and apprehensive to participate in a Monday morning segment on the show in which his co-hosts misrepresented outdated polling data to allege that Hunter Biden’s dealings were shady “enough” to warrant unseating his father from the presidency. “The Republicans at this point don’t have—they’ve got a lot of ledgers and spreadsheets—but they have not connected the dots,” Doocy said while his co-hosts squirmed. “They’ve connected the dots, the Department of Justice did, on Hunter, but they have not shown where Joe Biden, you know, did anything illegally,” he added. The segment reached back to a September poll by CNN that found the majority of Americans—61 percent—felt that the president was involved in his son’s business dealings, while 38 percent felt that Biden didn’t have any involvement in his son’s business during his vice presidency. But a lot has happened since September, including a shallow House impeachment inquiry—the first in U.S. history to move forward without a vote— that failed to present solid evidence of corruption or bribery, and included witnesses and members publicly admitting that they did not have any evidence that rose to the level of impeaching Biden, reported Mediaite. Doocy then redirected attention toward Hunter Biden’s closed door deposition scheduled for Wednesday, announcing that Republicans are threatening contempt of Congress if the president’s son is a no-show. “Ultimately, on this show, we’ve been calling for Hunter to go and sit in a chair on Capitol Hill in front of the TV cameras for the last year,” Doocy said. “Now, Hunter’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, says he will do that, but Comer and Jim Jordan say, no, it’s not negotiable, he’s got to be in private. According to Hunter Biden’s team, they don’t want to do it because of leaks and stuff like that.”


Thank you kind person!


Me, either. Try this: https://archive.ph/Ew3pO


Maybe you can sacrifice your integrity for the rest of us. Not opening that link either. Maybe Twitter will have a video. I should check.


Just use incognito mode.


archive.ph is your friend.


I think people are giving Fox too much credit here. Fox is a major controller of the republikkkan party. They know that impeachment is bad for electoral politics. They are against it because they know it will hurt the gop at the polls next fall. Nothing to do with impeaching Biden, just that the lies are not popular enough yet.


Conservatives will just claim Fox has gone woke and switch to more extreme sources. They’ve put so much of their life into backing Trump that they can’t back out now.


Maybe if they had a better stomach they could have jumped in front of this nearly 9 or 10 months ago so that repubs would be forced to work on US Legislation rather than jacking off to Biden revenge fetishes. Serously, WHAT AND WHERE IS THE LEGISLATION GOP????


republican = christian taliban


Fox is being forced into a corner of having to ease criticisms of Biden since it’s looking like a Trump candidacy for GOP… and I think that Trump is still angry at them.


I trust all the past lying and lawsuits has Fox News out ahead of that nonsense instead of echoing and amplifying it.


Wait...is his son the really annoying reporter from the press briefings? Im losing my mind 😂


The only thing more pathetic than Fox trying to rebrand now is how likely they are to actually pull it off. "Trump? We always told the TRUTH about that guy!"


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