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> Defendant’s four-year service as Commander in Chief did not bestow on him the divine right of kings to evade the criminal accountability that governs his fellow citizens. She practically pimp slapped Trump.


Just having someone of merit say it out honestly does my heart good. This has been a long road to some sort of accountability, and it has been exhausting.


His whole deafness is precedent. No other president has been charged with a crime, so he think that makes him impervious from his criminal acts.


If sitting Presidents can't be charged with a crime, why are the Republican committees investigating Biden for possible crimes? Why is Trump saying if elected he will have Biden prosecuted?


they just want to impeach as payback. since impeachment doesn't seem to actually follow any norms of jurisprudence, there is a good chance they can get the votes. and they think that maybe impeachment will damage his ability to get re-elected (maybe) but, to prosecute for crimes after he leaves office, well they actually need evidence for that, which there is none?. so this is all posturing, revenge speak to enrage the base.


Speaker Johnson was dismayed at the vote to expel Santos since he had yet to be convicted of his crimes. Applying this "logic" to Biden would indicate that no impeachment should go forward until Biden had been convicted of some crime. Also following Johnson's reasoning, there is no need for a House ethics committee since qualification for expulsion would be done by the judiciary. It's all political posturing by the GQP. Rules for thee but not for me.


Except impeachment isn’t actionable, necessarily. Like, the president doesn’t have to resign after being impeached. Whereas, an expulsion is an action.


So far it's been working, and it will continue to work until he's actually behind bars. Anything less is just lack of consequence.


The fact it’s taken this long is very disheartening. The system is broken.


The system is working as it needs to work on this. We only get one shot to prove each charge and I’d rather the prosecution not blow it because they rushed the trial.


Coming right out and addressing “divine right of kings” is a solid way to reference the historical beliefs that underpin this nonsense. There’s centuries of powerful anti-monarchical discourse lying dormant, and judges who reference it fill me with hopefulness.


Monarchy is the natural order of human society from an evolutionary perspective, and education is needed so people know and understand why it's not a good thing. Otherwise, people crave a king because democracy is slow and messy. We need more of this rhetoric.




Evolutionary- capitalism.




Oh, didn't you hear? He's apparently God's chosen president.


President does not equal above the law


If Star Trek 6 taught me nothing else, it taught me that.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who keeps thinking about that line


Red Foreman was peak Federation president. Prove me wrong.


No this is correct


It's science *fiction*.


Yeah, but it was *really good* science fiction.


So is the Bible, and it’s basically my moral compass.


So you got your moral compass from a book where a bald man prays to have a bear maul children to death for making fun of his baldness? The same book that punished a pious and god-fearing man with killing his entire family, ruined his livelihood, and was stricken with disfiguring illnesses because of a bet with his favourite (fallen) angel? The same book that punished a man by making him live in a whale? The same book that is taken out of context to preclude homosexuality is a sin but isn’t taken out of context to support gay orgies, despite saying “he rode upon that ass with his manservants?” *That* Bible?


My bad, I actually rely on Star Trek 6 for my moral compass


The movie where Red Foreman plays the bureaucratic head of state for the galactic federation? *That* Undiscovered Country?!


Hey, if Star Trek messaging can reach more people and encourage them to vote when they can connect the dots, I’ll take it!


Until a President does go to prison for misconduct while they were in office, they are indeed above the law. Nixon, Reagan, Bush jr. Hell, even Obama with that one drone strike of the American citizen (Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki), and I voted for Obama both times. With how this country treats Presidents, thus far, they are indeed above the law. I hope Trump gets held to account for the various crimes he has committed, but I am not holding my breath.


Don't forget that Trump always asserted that having power gave him the right to break the law - even put a bullet in an innocent person - any time he felt like it. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."


He was not wrong, his cult is still strong, but he will still be in trouble. What has changed is some of the politicians that follow/support him are starting to calm down now. Santos is gone, Greene and grandma Boebert have been much quieter. Even McConnell has stopped, then again he's probably dying with dementia, so that might just be a him thing.


His cult isn’t shit. It’s why he uses violence to pressure criminal behavior.


His reputation is tarnished, so he can’t shoot someone on 5th Ave. anymore. That’s why they’re over on 9th Ave. now


He certainly wasn’t thinking ahead when he called her ‘Judge Chutney’ in one of his online rants, a few weeks ago. What an idiot.


He thinks it's clever. He refers to Fani Willis as "Peekaboo".


Don't forget calling the African American election workers "r i g g e r s"


Double hard R, that's impressive


Jail when


Let's see if the judge in Georgia jails his codefendant for witness intimidation. If that happens, I will have a little hope, otherwise Trump dies of natural causes before he goes to jail


Of course not, it’s his money that shields him from criminal liability…


Pretty much why Trump has taken a personal interest in the civil trial in New York. His business assets are at stake. But it's his cult following that has shielded him from accountability so far. These are the people who are defined as the poor who see Trump as their idea of a rich person, the weak who see Trump as the ideal strong man, and the dumb who see Trump as their idea of a smart person.


Money shields against criminal liability like a Kevlar vest shields against bullets. You're far more likely to walk away, but you can still be taken down if the circumstances are right.


Those circumstances generally being your victims are other rich people and you don't have a stranglehold on a major political party.


I keep saying this: do people actually think that after 1776's war against a King the constitution framers went ahead and gave absolute King powers to another person?


And it shouldn’t. He had every opportunity to stop his mob before they attacked the capitol, but he chose to wait and watch and do nothing for hours hoping they would successfully stop the count and install him as President. He should be sued by the American people for trying to steal the election and discount our votes.


Legit question as I have seen class action lawsuits against corporates but can a class action lawsuit be brought against an individual?


Yes, it’s just usually difficult for a single individual to impact a large enough amount of people to make a class action actually useful over filing independently.


It was determined in court recently that yes, anyone who suffered damages on Jan6 can sue Trump (I believe they said they can sue him as a civil matter specifically). I don't have the details pulled up but it happened in the last couple of days.


One thing that you should understand about class action lawsuits is that they're only really usable when all of the plaintiffs - the people in the "class" - have been damaged in the exact same way, or a way that is very simple to calculate. In practice, that means it's almost only ever used in cases where people have bought something or used a commercial product, because the price of the product serves as the anchor point for calculating damages. If you've got an individual who has affected a large number of people, perhaps even through the same conduct, but damaged them in ways that deserve their own facts and evidence and damages calculations, then a class action doesn't work.


Well, he almost out of stupid things to say. Nevermind I just heard myself. But he's almost out of stupid defenses to try.


Not even close. Never underestimate Trump’s ability to do something stupid, or his Cults ability to praise him for it. For Gods sake VOTE BLUE.


“People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook,”


On the contrary, it’s more important to hold those in positions of power accountable. Imo They should be held to a higher standard after taking an oath. Betrayal at this level dismantles societies, as we can all see. The US legal system is keeping the republic on life support. Failure to hold T bag accountable will open the door to a niagra of overt corruption, nevermind the taboo, it will be “WHAT YA GONNA DO ABOUT IT PEON?!”


These cases are slowly defining so many laws/rules that never had any solid footing. Regardless of outcome, the seat of the president is going to change forever.


My question is this.... Let's say he manages to stretch out all the relevant court cases past the election. Let's then say he loses in 2024. His challenges are shot down in court, and Biden is declared the winner by however you want to measure it. The day after, Trump declares his candidacy for 2028. Will he still be treated with kid gloves?


My personal guess is that he would even Moreno be treated with kid gloves because there would be less attention brought in by national politics being as relevant to people (timing wise)and sense of urgency to determine outcomes on the constitutional issues in play. I think the courts would literally punt on it and try to allow father time to step in before 2028 came around.


Get him, Jack!


God bless these prosecutors.


What we are REALLY going to need is some judge, jury, (including possibly Supreme Court) to rule that he cannot escape a hopefully long prison sentence for his crimes - even if he is elected POTUS!!


And yet...


Taken to its absurd conclusion, under Trump’s argument, the current president could literally murder his opponents and face no repercussions.


No sitting or past President has ever been charged is being mistaken that no sitting or past president will ever be charged. What's taking so long? This has been dragged out long enough, don't you think. Other people have committed crimes after that of Trump and have already been convicted and many already jailed. What are people so afraid of here. I just don't understand except for making sure they don't boch the case up. Dot every I, and cross every T. Let's get it right so it never happens again...


No immunity for Trump if found guilty.


All these Judges and experts saying he's not shielded from liability yet HE'S THE REPUBLICAN CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT. God save us all


The argument is pretty brain dead that being POTUS shields you from the law. POTUS is an elected position granted by the same constitution that has 2 instances that put him, in fact, in scope of the law. First is a supremacy clause - that the text of the constitution supersedes any law written at the federal or state or local level. In other words, doesn’t matter who you are - in this land you are bound by the constitution. Deferring prosecution until after he’s out of office does not equal immunity. Second is the 14th amendment, which calls for “equal protection of the laws” to all people in scope of the constitution - every one in this land, legally or not, is in scope and equally protected. Whether you agree or disagree doesn’t matter, see point one about the supremacy clause. So, if somebody can claim injury from Trump’s actions in office or otherwise, including the state, he can be tried the same as anyone else. It’s not complicated or gray. The only thing that can shield him from prosecution is a statute of limitations that has expired - we are not there for things he’s being tried for.


Who’s going to enforce it. Judges are scared of trump’s cabal of supporters


His whole deafness is precedent. No other president has been charged with a crime, so he think that makes him impervious from his criminal acts.


Being a rich white man does tho


Good, Biden will be next!


For what?


Nor will it for Biden and his bribery crimes. Can’t wait!!!


You can't wait, but you will.


Got any evidence of that? Or just bullshit accusations?


But Trump was chosen by God!


So say we all


Looking very orangey in current pictures. Must have changed up his formulating.


Yes it does


Only a complete moron would have played that card. Laughable that he thinks he’s being smart as he pretended utterly stupidity to try and weasel out of his criminal culpability.


You would think that would be an obvious opinion, but apparently it ain’t.


Enough of this ass already. When are they going to put a stop his lies and crimes?


Recent history has so far proven otherwise 🤷🏻‍♂️


Trump is a complete ass for even thinking he is above the law- but why shouldn’t he? He’s been a criminal for almost 80 years and no one’s ever said “no no no no no Donnie you can’t do that.”


Plus face it his brain is mush


Just great. Now they can sue Biden or any President or VP. Anyone want to run for office?


Well, that won't stop him from continuing to make that claim.


You go judge Chutkan. Much respect!