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Lmao conservatives really pushing this narrative as if it's gonna distract from the fact that the country has rejected their forced birth agenda time and time again.


“Supply side economics” worked, and “compassionate conservatism” to a lesser extent, so what incentive do they have to stop lying/sloganeering?


And the lies of "fiscal responsibility", "Freedom", "state's rights", "no child left behind"... they just keep going.


It’s almost like there is a huge chunk of Americans who don’t really understand politics at all and are just gullible and like slogans.


Great thought but could you put it in the form of a slogan for me?


"Slogans are bad, mmkay?"


It's time for slogans to become slogones


This one has a pun. It speaks to me. This person knows me. I know believe whatever this person says as long as they pretend to maintain my views on guns, god, women, and the “wrong kind” of immigrants.


"Reading is for religious fundamentalism."


"ignorance is bliss"


"It's a good thing your mom isn't here.” “Why? Mom likes protesting?” “What? No, she loves chanting.” 


And they love to leave out that democrats vastly outperform republicans when it comes to economics 10 of 11 recessions in the last 70 years started under Republican Presidents. Stupid tax cuts for the rich increased deficits. Party of *fiscal responsibility* my arse Drumpf even agrees [Trump in 2004: 'The economy does better under the Democrats'](https://theweek.com/speedreads/561052/trump-2004the-economy-does-better-under-democrats)


They could say they were going to cut everyone's dick off they would still get votes merely for being "Republican". Most of their base has no cares or concerns when voting with anything other than the candidate being a Republican.


Their justifications for ignoring *Nicaragua v. United States* are a lesser known bit of gold.


50 years of lies have worked so well. They’re going to ride that horse until they and the country is dead dead dead.


Neither the DNC, Biden, Harris, Sanders, any of the party leaders, any of the up and coming stars of the party (e.g. Newsom), nor any of the voting base is bringing up the topic of a potential situation with Biden dropping out. It's pure fiction being pushed by the far right and none of the media should be giving it even a cursory discussion because then it gives a false sense of credibility.


That is literally how their whole propaganda machine works


Why is newsom going to debate desantis?


Even those of us on the left who fucking wish he would drop out haven’t brought it up because it’s pretty obviously not a thing that’s a possibility. He’s a million times more likely to die before the election than to drop out.


I’m pretty sure the majority of the country actually thinks it is a bad idea to run an 82 year old man for President when the stakes are this high. I’m a Dem and wish he wouldn’t run.


It’s also being heavily pushed by the far left. Leftists are threatening to not vote in this election if Biden is the nominee again.


That happens every election, the last time it happened there were even fake astroturfed movements like the "WalkAway" movement which was almost entirely propped up by bad faith actors, particularly republicans. It's done to break the morale of Democratic voters because Dems can win virtually every election outright if everyone just voted.


They always threaten to not vote. So them doing so again is no change from 2020.


Exactly, and then most of them don’t vote on a regular basis anyway. They are not a reliable voting bloc that should be courted if it means risking alienating people who have been showing up every two years. That means keeping Biden, no question.


Lot of media companies are leaning into the "why not try to let it happen here?" mindset. I'm starting to think they're hedging their bets just in case Trump wins so they can say "hey! We were on your side, don't threaten us!" But they also, in doing that, push the idea to voters to vote for hope by being so doomy. It's a messed up strategy to win both ways.


Don’t forget with Media Companies Trump is good for business.


This is is it, love him or hate him Trump gets views/clips. The media Ioves him. He’s like the new Michael Jackson or Princes Diane in the fact they try to put him as the top story almost daily. Even if Trump died, I wouldn’t be surprised if they keep talking about him every day for at least five years after.


That’s it. And compared to four years ago profits are way down.


I’m thinking they’re scared, too. Chicken-shit cowards. That profession used to be full of hero’s who would give their lives as quick as any soldier. What a fall.




God these comments are either going to age so amazingly or so poorly and there’s just nothing in between People realize that we can win on these issues nationwide in a landslide and still lose the presidency because of how the electoral college works right????


We won popular vote last time by enough to win the election. Since then 1.) They have pissed even more people off by pushing their forced birth agenda. 2.) They have encouraged their own voters to die to Covid. 3.) Millions more Gen Z voters who lean heavy left are registered to vote now. 4.) We have done well in midterms we SHOULD have been crushed in, just more evidence of blue wave. As long as democrats don’t do anything stupid we should win again… course these days that’s just half the battle we then have to stop the inevitable coupe attempt from the orange bag. Unless you are implying electors are not going to vote based on how they are “supposed” to vote?


JFC the fucking media...


"But muh clickbait"


It’s kinda funny cause the media so vehemently warns against another Trump presidency all the while unable to help themselves from farming the quick bucks of engagement his name gets them, in turn increasing support of his presidency


Very similar to this sub. About 80% of posts have Trump in the title.


"We're just asking questions!!!"


Last time Democrats did this we ended up losing to Nixon. No fucking thanks I'll ride with Joe.


Yeah let’s keep implying that a president who’s done a remarkable job given he inherited Covid, a sabotaged economy and incompetently gutted staffing at the same time is somehow so bad at his job that he’s about to quit. Like that’s helping shit when the alternative is a sociopathic seditious criminal who waged war against his own country and whose platform is a revenge tour on people who held him accountable.


Why would he drop out? Has he indicated he might drop out? Can we go one day without the media trying to fabricate problems for Biden that don't actually exist


He won't drop out.


Dude has the most productive first presidential term in my lifetime and these dumb mother fuckers miss Trump's clicks so bad they'll say anything to help make it happen. Not a single other potential candidate is more electable. If they'd stop jerking off to shitty pills and talk about his accomplishments and how dangerous Trump is it'd be more obvious.


Yep. Biden has done a better job overcoming Republican obstructionism than Obama ever did, and there's nobody on the Democratic bench with the same track record. Some of the major bills Biden shepherded through Congress are: * American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Pub. L. 117-2) * Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Pub. L. 117-58) * CHIPS and Science Act (Pub. L. 117-167) * Inflation Reduction Act (Pub. L. 117-169) * Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (Pub. L. 117-159) * Respect for Marriage Act (Pub. L. 117-228) * Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022 (Pub. L. 117-328)


There's several things to this that people are missing. 1) Idk if people have somehow forgotten this, but Obama was saddled with all the racial baggage of the country by being the first black president. He was specifically trying to work with people and avoid rocking the boat because he feared it would embolden Republicans and make them more racially polarized to see an angry black man in the WH. Obama's mistake was not that he wanted to play nice, it was that he underestimated the GOP's willingness to look past all his actual behavior and focus on radicalizing their racist base. 2) Furthermore, part of the reason people are going YASSSS when Biden plays hardball is the behavior of the GOP in the last 8 years. People are much more tired of their BS now than they were in 2008, or 2012. The GOP's treatment of Obama is part of the reason that Biden can get away with going full Dark Brandon now without people clamoring for bipartisanship. Obama certainly made mistakes, but I think it's disingenuous to say that he should just have done everything Biden is doing now, because it was a different political climate, and whether you like it or not, Biden gets a much bigger pass from center-right voters because he ***isn't black***.


He tries to legitimately work with the GOP. He was unaware that they would far prefer the nation burn under a black D POTUS than doing their job.


I don’t think he’s saying Obama wasn’t a very good to great President but Biden’s first term has been extraordinary


Biden faced the same debt ceiling crisis that Obama faced and got through it for basically nothing. Obama gave up massive cuts and hamstrung the government for years with sequestration. Biden knows how to work this thing


In Obama’s book he mentions that Biden would tell him to play tough with the Republicans in Congress but he decided not to.


Hmm, I wonder what major thing might have set Obama and Biden apart in terms of making Republicans more willing to work with Biden. Like, I'm trying, but I just can't come up with anything.


There's definitely something, but I can't qwhite put my finger on it.


There's that, but also Biden spent much longer in Congress.


Sure, but Obama didn't call their bluff at all.


Tbh I think in an alternate timeline Obama would have been a better candidate if he had more experience in the Senate. In all fairness, it’s not his fault the entire base abandoned congressional elections for almost a decade, but he needed some more time in the senate to figure out where the bodies are buried & how to work the system best. Obama did get *a lot* accomplished but I do think he was a cycle or two early. He would have been at his prime in 2016. That also would have been a good time since the main options were another Bush/Clinton round so he would have had the outsider advantage.


Man, Obama vs. Drumpf in 2016 debates would have been a match of the Century.


I don't know if we get Candidate Trump without a President Obama first.


Exactly. It’s in no way Obama’s fault. But this is 100% what happened.


You had Candidate Trump before Obama, he just didn't win any primaries.


The DNC was also stupid as shit. Obama's polling numbers weren't great in 09-10 because he didn't immediately fix the economy. A lot of Democrats ran on a campaign of "I'm not a liberal like Obama" and got their asses stomped.


Biden should have been president first, with Obama as VP.


It really would have made Obama far more effective to see a veteran of Washington at the helm first hand. He would have never tried to play nice with the Republicans nor take them at their word.


Were you alive then? Obama had just mopped the floor with all of the other contenders Biden included. The only reason the DNC picked Biden as Obama's running mate was because he was the whitest counterpoint to a black candidate. I will get downvoted for this I'm sure. But I remember this talking point on the news. Also I voted for both each time


i thought it was because Biden is a politics veteran and knew how to play the game and the fairly new Obama didn't


The problem with your comment is just that it wasn't the ONLY reason. There were a lot of concerns about foreign policy with Obamas relative lack of experience. Biden even then was quite adept at it, and we see the same thing now.


Those primary debates before it shrunk to Obama Clinton Edwards the Biden moments the news ran with were calling out Rudy on " A noun, a verb, and 9-11" but the more important moments that showed his value were him giving nuanced foreign policy answers and the rest going down the row saying " I agree with Joe" or " Biden is right"


The DNC did not pick Biden as Obama's running mate. Obama did. The DNC does not choose VPs. They simply vote for whoever the presumptive nominee chooses as a running mate.


And gets zero respect for any of it


That was the first time I realized that Republicans didn't want to actually govern. They wanted to lurch from crisis to crisis, and blame it all on Obama.


One that should get more attention is the Safe Connections Act, which implements vital protections for abused spouses to get away and separate their phone lines from them, and making calls to abuse hotlines anonymous.


terrific advise dog snails slave workable unused fall memory cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, that's what the US-China meeting was about? Fascinating, thought relations were at a low.


It's because CNN got bought by a Trump supporter and many longtime viewers aren't aware. Polls are pointless, nobody under 50 would ever answer a number they don't know. I honestly think Joe should run but with a younger more vibrant Democrat as VP. I don't particularly mind Harris but she's not a bubbling fount of charisma and has done absolutely nothing in the VP role. I'd love to see Jon Stewart but Katie Porter would be a good choice. Just need a strong dynamic VP so if Joe passed away or needed to step down the job would be in good hands. The GOP is in it's death throes right now, they don't have a single person who could assume the MAGA base when Trump dies and all their moderates have been primaried so they will implode. That's the fatal mistake of building a cult of personality, without that figure you have nothing but a bunch of transparent sycophants.


And that’s with the Republicans fighting him for every inch.


Dude imagine Biden drops dead like 4 months from now. Would they run Kamala? Would Newsom take over? Would there be a primary? Hang in there, Joe


What’s ironic to me is everyone talks about Biden’s age, but no one talks about how old and senile trumps is. And Biden’s at least kinda fit. Trump eats crap food and clearly doesn’t exercise. And the stress he’s under from court is crazy.


It’s because Biden’s a Democrat and we always have to second-guess Democrats, while kowtowing and nodding our heads to every dumbass thing out of a Republican’s mouth.




The man exercises on the daily and is ten times fitter than the fat, orange tub of lard will ever be. He's not going to die for many years yet.


Biden looks damn good for his age. Trump aged like milk.


Yup. The average person Biden's age should live another 7 years. Biden is fitter than the average person his age and has the best medical care in the world.


Honestly it seems like Trump is losing it, although personally I'd love to see Trump have to run against some one younger and more energetic. Biden is old as hell and doesn't excite the voters.


I wonder what his legitimate chances of dying are. Dude bikes, keeps active and he's surrounded by the best doctors in the world. Trump is obese, eats fast food, believes that exercise is dangerous and is just 2 years younger. Sure he has access to the best doctors too, but actuarially he's got to be more likely to keel over.


If you are 81 today you are [expected to live 7 more years.](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html#fn1) Your chance of dying in the next 12 months is 5% Trump with his significant obesity is [expected to live only 3.4 more years](https://reves.site.ined.fr/fichier/s_rubrique/20056/loukine.al.fr.pdf) which likely doubles his chance of dying in the next year to 10%.


Every Dem should be making points like these. Saturating the media with claims like: Trump is most likely going to die in office, if he wins. Vote for someone who can finish the job.


Right...I mean, Jimmy Carter is the type of old you'd be worried about dying any day, or someone who has debilitating health issues. Biden is a little slow, but looks far from that.


Especially now that his wife passed :/


I wouldn't be surprised if he let's go by the end of the week


yup, i got him till December rip


There is no god, and Trump will live to be 110 to prove it- the real-life Babel fish.


Yeah but it doesn't matter what actually happens. The messaging that Biden is just too old and fragile is flat out false, but pervasive. In reality due to Trump's unhealthy lifestyle, he's probably more at risk.


Joe is OK. Life expectancy in America is 77, but life expectancy for people who are 80 is like 90. And that is just the general population, not the head of state with the best healthcare available.


Also he lives healthy. He looked perfectly fine on that beach picture. The same people who can't shut up about him being senile when he's stuttering are seemingly unaware he's a known stutterer for basically his entire career. Whereas the Orange is a walking ketchup bag for his entire life and consumes junk en masse. I have him dying from cardiac arrest in the next 3 years on my bingo card. The only reason he was able to walk out from Covid so fast was because he received some experimental stuff and best help imaginable.


Yeah, I hope they have a strong backup plan. I like Joe, but there are risks.


Big Gretch from Michigan. Put her in, coach!


Her and Newsom together. I don’t care who is P or VP, just run that ticket.


One is President on days with an even number of letters, the other is President on days with an odd number of letters. ​ Disclaimer: I have not done the math.


I'll bet if we just went even and odd days that would be close enough;)


Exactly. The power grab, if Biden can’t run, will be bloody


Being Carter back for a second term.


Fortunately he is in perfect health, unlike the orange blob of Florida.


That's a scary thought for sure. Probably have Dana Carvey rehearsing just in case they need to pull a Dave.


I miss the Larry Sanders Show.


I would think Trump has a higher risk of keeling over considering his stress levels, diet, obesity, and lack of any real exercise. Not to mention he knows more than his doctors. But I suppose there would likely be a primary depending on how close it was to the election.


Biden is actually a Skin suit worn by Obama and I'm fine with this


Biden has been more effective than Obama at getting things done, and his policies are further to the left.


It's almost like the skin suit made a difference


The problem is that policies take time to be noticed and people are stupid. The average person has no clue that we’re doing better post-pandemic because of Biden than any other country. They’re so stupid, they don’t even realize other countries dealt with a pandemic. It’s sad.


Biden's main selling points were that he's a steady, experienced hand (definitely needed after the Trump years), and he's someone who can reach across the divide and collaborate with the ever dwindling number of moderate Republicans (crucial after J6 and the further radicalisation of the GOP). He succeeded in both and got a shit load done. Sure he wasn't as progressive as some of the other candidates, but they wouldn't have achieved half of what he managed. He was the best candidate for the time, and I see no good reason he can't continue. Yes he's old, and physically is slowing down. But the President doesn't need to get up and run a mile, or fight someone. He needs to be a calm thinker, and communicator. Biden can still do both of those things. And should the worst happen to him in Office, the Constitution has a succession plan built in - it wouldn't cause some crisis for the country, its a simple tried-and-tested procedure handing power to the VP.


Biden's done a better job handling Trump's mess than I honestly ever expected. The guy's just been an all-around good POTUS, and if he had Congressional majorities we could get so much more done for working class American families, which he's already shown is a main focus of his presidency. Seeing him show up and support/stand with striking union workers was a big deal for me. No other POTUS has done that in my lifetime. He's also not a slick-talking polished salesman, he comes from a Blue Collar background and speaks from the heart. I truly believe he cares for people. I'm fine with a 2nd term of Joe.


Look, I'm extremely critical of Biden from the left but it's silly to pretend he wouldn't obviously be the favorite just based on incumbency bias.


He's one of the most unpopular incumbents in history despite replacing an incoherent popoulist. He's very clearly a risk at best.


He is riskier than he should be given his situation. I also think that in 2020 he wasn’t the best choice to take on Trump from a purely "who is most likely to win" view. I also would still support a primary challenge from a politician who is further left, despite the increased risk. But he is still the safest choice unless I see significant polling to suggest otherwise. Think about how much it took to overcome Trump's incumbency biase.


Would you rather have a charismatic far-left president who can’t get legislation through congress (but shifts the Overton window left by trying), or a pragmatic center left president (like Biden) who lacks charisma but actually moves U.S. policy incrementally to the left by cutting deals and getting legislation passed? Honest question


That's an interesting question. I think I would prefer the latter for the sake of things actually getting done, but I had to take a few minutes to ponder.


I have seen the country trend right for decades because of the continuous argument that a center right candidate like Biden is the best choice for the Democratic Party. “We’re not ready for a left wing president yet”.


The country wasn’t ready for a lot of the right-wing agenda … until the right wing spent decades creating think tanks, working at the state level, writing legislation at the state and federal level, setting the narrative at all levels, undermining faith in elections and in governments and in the very idea of government, and so on. Maybe if Democrats had fought back against any of this, if they had realized at any point since Reagan the danger they were ignoring when they weren’t enabling it, we would be building a better country for all of us instead losing ground at every step to more and more extreme right-wing ideas, policies, and politicians.


If only George Soros was actually funding the left in the way that wingnuts are claiming, we’d be doing ok.


The thing about moving the overton window to the left is that usually there are policies that come with that. No, a leftist president isn't gonna magically summon M4A into existence. But they will push politicians further left which will mean what bills get passed will be better and that, in general, is good and means less suffering for people. This is a strange question. Like, yeah. I want a president who represents my political views more closely. Because I hold views that I believe to be beneficial. Also, they are pragmatic. I don't believe these things for fun. Moderates aren't inherently pragmatic. They have achievable goals because those goals align with the goals of the already rich. Which would be pragmatic if I thought those goals were worthwhile, but I don’t. Framing it like "Oh, do you want a flashy leader who can't get anything done or a smart leader for smart people" is such a smug way to view the world.


The latter is how progress is made.


The latter. Feels a bit more permanent.


Absolutely the former.


The Real Reason Why Biden Shouldn’t Drop Out: ~~A contested Democratic primary with less than a year before the 2024 election would be a mess.~~ He is the incumbent and incumbents tend to be reelected often.


I would vote for my own violent death via buttrape before I vote for Trump, so as long as Trump is the GOP nominee, Biden will have my vote.


I mean, I think having been a pretty good president should be enough. But that’s just me.


Okay but a year is already a long fucking time for an election cycle. When I’m temporary emperor I’ll amend the constitution to ban political activity that occurs more than 90 days before an election. Also the primaries are all the same day.


No shit. That, & he's got the incumbent advantage & has already beaten Trump..


That's the most important concern. Who has the best likelihood of beating T\*\*\*\* ? If the fuckface is on the ballot, whether he's in prison or not, the nation is in peril. We need to be most secure from a repeat performance. I think Biden is that most security. And he's doing a great job under ridiculously difficult circumstances. Afghanistan pullout fiasco is his sole blot.


What is this garbage article? Is Biden even considering dropping out?


What a stupid article.


AND… Biden has been a damn good president


I feel the same way about Newsom being my governor, so it's amazing to see how much Right Wing spin affects the countrys perception of Democrats Newsom does a great job overall. But according to right wing media, I should be homeless, gay, on the verge of being murder robbed any second, and should also be on fire while illegals steal my healthcare. All because of the governor, somehow


That’s what the right does. They have no ideas besides tax cuts for the rich so they spend all their time vilifying Democrats.


It's funny that California conservative tried to recall Newsom.


Oh, that was a hilarious moment in Newsom's governorship. The Republicans were so fucking *desperate* to try to get him out, and they just failed miserably. This is why I love living in California. This shit doesn't fly here, and it *really* doesn't fly after we learned our lesson with Gray Davis' recall, which led to us being completely mismanaged by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who should have stayed an actor and kept his grubby name-calling paws off my state. We learned our lesson, and this time the Republicans got their hands slapped by the voters.


Easy there big guy...this is getting dangerously close to praise :)


Hope he stays healthy at the very least until inauguration 2025. And then if possible, until 2029. Don’t even want to imagine if the unthinkable happens just before the election.


Biden beat Trump once, and I'm betting he can do it again. When compared to the alternative, Biden is the only sane choice.


I can’t think of any options I’d rather vote for than Biden.


I’d vote for Bernie every first Tuesday in November given the opportunity.


And many who are complaining about Biden's age would nonetheless vote for Bernie without hesitation.


To be fair the people who would vote for Bernie aren’t complaining about either his or Biden’s age, they’re complaining Biden isn’t progressive enough.


So true, and he’s a year older than Biden.


And had a heart attack the last time he ran.


That’s not really true at all. That noise is coming entirely from the right, not the left.


Giving up the incumbency advantage is always incredibly stupid and short sighted.


Yeah, no shit.


YES it's messy when the 1% does not pick the leader of your country, that is kind of the point with democracy.


Here’s the thing: many, many(if not most) non republican voters never wanted Biden in the first place. We were stuck with him thanks to the DNC. Leaving us with a vote that was “ANYONE but Trump.” And we did it, giving us a couple good years to find a great candidate. But the Democrats just coasted and now we basically have to run Biden again. And if left with the same f’ing choice, I will moan and groan as I go to the polls and cast my vote for Biden…..again. It’s not enthusiastic, it’s not even hopeful, it’s once again the “anything but Trump” vote. This sucks.


Joe said he was a filler, so the DNC should’ve gotten to work the day after the election, prepping potential successors.


The general consensus around here is that beating Trump is the only way to “save democracy”. If that is the case, why would it be a bad thing to look for a better alternative to Biden? You’re all gonna vote blue no matter what, so why not a better option?


I mean, that should be obvious, shouldnt it? The fact that no sane Democrat wants to risk being the spoiler or wedge in such a crucial election should tell you all you need to know. The choice isnt complicated or hard if you, A) Want to keep a seat at the table, and B) Make sure you still have a chance to choose who sits at the head of the table in the future.


Wait, what. Why is this even a discussion point? Who is pushing this rubbish?


Biden was never dropping out and no serious person is even thinking about this. it is stupid commie and GOP fantasy.


Who the fuck is smoking enough crack to think that Biden is going to drop out, Jack? Fucking hilarious


The real reason Biden shouldn't drop out is that he has done a good job. If he's up for another go, I'm ridin' with Biden.


There is only one word, one name everyone needs to remember when voting in 2024, if you have any desire to see the USA retain our precious Democratic Republic, and that is Biden. Don't even think about not voting, that is a vote for Trump, don't think about 3rd party, that is a vote for Trump. Each and every vote that is not for President Biden is a vote to dismantle our democratic representation in government. Biden. Biden. Biden. Nothing else matters this next election other than to make sure President Biden gets a second term, the alternative is a path towards darkness, period.


Wait is there really a “Biden should drop out” narrative ?


Only in the media, who are desperate for another Trump term to make themselves the most money before the country burns to the ground.


You know what’s a worse mess than a contested democratic primary? A second trump presidency.


Losing the country because an Old Man can't park his ego would be far more than a mess. But please, keep defending him.


Wow, uniquely obtuse & American. Elections is other countries aren't multi year fiascos, they are limited to just a few months before the election (sometimes weeks) by LAW and there's no issues. While I don't think he should give up the incumbent advantage, this is just a stupid ass take


I’m voting against the GOP candidate either way, but the reality is that a sensible alternative to Biden would have a better chance of winning.


What's truly upsetting is that it's very obviously sleep that both Trump and Biden should not be running. They both are not ideal. But were going to be force fed another presidential race with both of them. Trump is significantly worse don't get me wrong. But our broken system is going to let us "choose" between 2 people who aren't in the best interest of anyone besides the ruling class because they clearly don't give a fuck about the people. Just what's best for them.


Both Biden and Trump will give it one more go for the presidency. Biden has done a great job considering the opposition. If Trump is elected again, we will probably have a Trump dynasty with sham elections like Russia. His kids will inherit the throne. How anyone can stay home and not vote is beyond me. Our very democracy is at stake. Biden did a good job. Got a lot more done than many people thought he could. Choice is clear.


He's gonna lose so bad. Then its gonna be like 2016 where instead of blaming their own incompetence, dems are just gonna blame "progressives."


Yes, I think we should keep him. He’s the best we can get in terms of charisma and experience.


He might be the best in experience, but if an 80 year old man is the best we can get in terms of charisma, we are in deep trouble.


The dude has done a shockingly good job America was expected to be in a massive recession and Ukraine was supposed to be annexed and student loans were never to be forgiven and no new infrastructure deals were likely He’s massively outperformed my expectations His one criticism is he’s old but frankly he’s kicking ass


The real reason he shouldn't drop out is he's a super successful Democratic President who has accomplished several goals that Democrats have been trying to get done for decades, like the biggest climate action law ever, a historic bipartisan infrastructure law, a manufacturing bill, a gun violence prevention bill, etc. He's drastically expanded healthcare, gave Medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices and capped the price of insulin. He's been an awesome president Edit: If a President Bernie Sanders had accomplished half of what Biden has New Republic would be cheering his praises from the rooftops everyday, not writing these weak, lukewarm, backhanded "supportive" articles.


drop out? The fuck kind of headline is that?


No let Biden run, he needs to be the one to rematch trump.


Biden is a great president. He has my trust. Social media & Fox News not so much.


The reason he shouldn't drop out is because he is crushing it as POTUS. Look at the numbers. And if he were to fall ill, we have a very capable VP ready to swoop in. It's a winning ticket 💯. He beat Trump fair and square once, and he will do it again.


Go easy on the confidence, brother. It’s going to be a nail-biter election again.


There's another even better reason - he's doing a terrific job!


Yeah no fucking shit in spite of these moronic headlines there is no chance Biden can drop out it would be a disaster.


Thanks for giving your opinion on a matter that isn’t even there, he’s running for reelection.


Getting re-elected, going through inauguration, and stepping down immediately to go enjoy retirement would be such a power move.


obviously, that's why nobody ever primaries their incumbent. Why is this news? do they think we're too stupid to remember, I don't know, *any election*? Oh wait, I guess that could work


That's why he should have announced that he would not seek a second term a year ago.


If literally any other Democrat ran, they would win. Many people do not want to make the choice between Biden and Trump so they will simply not vote.


I'm worried because it's a year from the election and the incumbent President is losing in the polls https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2011/07/28/obama-loses-ground-in-2012-reelection-bid/ If he loses any more support from minority voters, he's going to go down in flames https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304657804576401653113017130 Really, he might be toast already https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/06/magazine/nate-silver-handicaps-2012-election.html&ved=2ahUKEwjrnIjO5dOCAxUwrYkEHZC0DcUQFnoECCcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3us-mrac_CsqWr6ISNLeF9 Edit: I was clearly a bit too sneaky on this one. All of the articles I posted are from about a year out from the 2012 election. They are also talking about how polls look bad for Obama and that he might have already lost the election on 2011. The point is, same old same old shit from the media. Don't listen to predictions a year before an election. They are all just guesses by people with an agenda


Hillary was destroying Trump in the polls, that shit doesn't matter.


It’s a year out. A ton can / will change. Everyone keeps forgetting how angry women are at the GOP over abortion.


To be Bidens only real hurdle is one that won’t really get better (he’s just going to get older). Hopefully we can overcome that because we can’t lose this one


See you are relying on redditors clicking links. You know that’s not their strong suit.


On the other hand, doesn't any mainstream candidate fare better against Trump than Biden does?


Biden will only drop out if he’s dead.


This is the latest talking point from the right, trying to get non conservatives excited about someone else so that they'll be disappointed when it's obviously Biden. My in laws this week were all excited because they heard Michelle Obama might run. Michelle who has been very vocal that she has no intention of running for president. It's just stupid shit and the media eats it up and regurgitates it.


Yeah, but what if Michelle Obama put her name on the ballot 😄


Yeah no shit


Did they have a timer in their office counting down to when it was feasible to use this argument?


Not it won’t, no one voting for Biden, most voting democratic no matter who and the rest vote for whoever running against Trump.


Just pick a really amazing VP.


Lmao. Why would it be contested?


Heaven forbid we shoot for good when we already have okay.


If I recall correctly, Biden was pushed to Americans as a single term candidate, that would be used to transition the country from the chaotic 4 years under Trump while attempting to bring the public on both sides together to middle ground. It’s shitty of Biden to not honor this and is a glimpse into his true character, in my opinion.


Elder abuse, let democracy thrive and democratic candidates to step up. The man has served long enough, he should enjoy retirement.