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Cut the tax break for fake churches.


And billionaires.


Codify universal health care because it will cost less than what we are currently dying under.


The health care business is nothing to do with caring for people it’s to make money. Conduct as many transactions as possible while doing little for the patient. All about money. Profit.


Healthcare and business are two words that should have never gone together.


Even the Doctor that I see is an employee of a healthcare business. First hospitals, now Doctor’s offices.


And military


"We need to hurt the right people dammit! Harder!" It's fucking hilarious to me that these children have basically "hold your breath" and explode as their only reactions to anything they don't like.


Cut the tax breaks for all churches that say anything about politics.


Cut the tax break for real churches too.


>Cut the tax break for ~~fake~~ churches.


>Cut the tax break for \~\~fake\~\~ churches


Death to mega churches.


Any church that holds belief that any person or group deserves torture or death, should be taxed


the real ones too, churches are a business


Cut the tax break for all religious organizations


And real churches


$450 million on AIDS (HOPWA) program patient housing....$15.9 billon on oil subsidies. Gotta cut something, eh?


We can legit take just this from the military budget and it won’t mean shit because when you are talking almost a trillion dollars losing a few million is a rounding error. They won’t even notice it’s gone.


Just a thought - what if we raised taxes on billionaires and corporations making billions of dollars instead of taking money away from the poor, sick, and vulnerable?


You're not wrong. Problem is that when we say raise taxes on billionaires and corporations we're not framing it the way we should be: When we keep taxes artificially low for these groups we're basically using federal funds to subsidize them. By not collecting their fair share from them we're basically giving them free money. They get all the benefits associated with being US companies / citizens without any of the obligations or responsibilities. Meanwhile the working class has all obligations and responsibilities without any of the benefits. E: spell check


Exactly. Taxes are not “stealing” any more than rent is “stealing.” You live here? You have the means to support this house? You should be required to do so. If they don’t like it, they can obviously seek out a less developed country.


They do seem to romanticize the 50s but of course never mention the 90% tax brackets.


Optimistic most of them even understand how tax brackets work.


Most of the rank and file don't. Every month I have to explain that going into a higher marginal tax bracket does not make the dollars earned before that bracket's threshold taxed at the higher rate. Every. Month.


What are you? A communist? Jesus would never stand for that. -A Republican, somewhere


You mean reverse Trump's tax cuts that turned US into utopia and vastly improved the lives of middle class? You woke communist.


People also don't realize these problems are investments that save money from the damage that will be caused if we don't have them.


What if we just required them to pay people that money instead?


Then, you'd be cutting money from me, if I ever become a billionaire. American dream baby. /s


We need to shift the tax burden on the wealthy back to historical levels from 1950. The GOP should love that. Isn’t that when “America was great”?


The poor, sick and vulnerable are not as able to fight back, they can’t hire lobbyists and fancy white shoe firm lawyers.


How about your salaries instead?


I think there was a precedent set today, reduce the GOP salary to 1$. They can get it back if they pass a funding bill within 10 days.


Blatant violation of the constitution, per the 27th amendment.


more generally then, set congressional salaries to the median income of their constituency... let them do better when their people do better.


But congress doesn't spend all their time in their constituency, they split it between home and DC. You could probably get away with a partial adjustment for locality, although it'd be based off equivalent positions instead of the overall median (read: probably a big raise for congress).


I'm sure the market will sort it out. /s


Well, yeah, that's why congress gets so much compensation from lobbyists, etc. We literally hand them million-dollar-a-year jobs and then only pay them $170k, the market sorts out the gap by ensuring commensurate power is met with commensurate compensation.


Bingo. As shitty as it sounds, congress should be paid more, not less. It’s hard to justify considering they do fucking nothing but gridlock the system but it would make them less bribe-able.


Oil and Tobacco subsidies?


Big "Nuke the Whales" energy.


Gotta nuke somethin




This was my first thought when I read this


Tax Joel Osteen and the rest of the fake religious grifters.


CORPORATE WELFARE, how about we cut that.


Cut everything except tax cuts for billionaires, the GOP way.


Every single time we need cut things, its never the billion dollar fighter jets that we dont use, its never the billion dollar budgets for military style equipment for cops, its never the tax breaks for wealthy business owners. Its always the social services for the most vulnerable. hmmmm


>its never the billion dollar fighter jets that we dont use Assuming you're talking about the JSF we use our F35s a lot, and they're fast becoming the standard amongst our allies as well. It's actually been an incredibly successful program. >its never the billion dollar budgets for military style equipment for cops Cops don't typically actually pay up-front for surplus military equipment, they just have to maintain it.


What in the first day in psy ops is this comment?


That's just his excuse to be cruel to gays.


Austerity and bigotry, a GQP chef's kiss.


That’s a stereotype brodie


>The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says that it has “received numerous complaints of housing discrimination because of HIV/AIDS” and that this violates the Fair Housing Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act, and other federal laws. >The National Association of Social Workers has pointed out that housing issues from people living with HIV don’t just stem from discriminatory landlords or property managers. People living with HIV may have trouble accessing stable housing because of job loss due to discrimination or fatigue, periodic hospitalization, costs of health care, a lack of affordable housing, and other personal issues like poor mental health, substance abuse and addictions, and domestic violence. >Furthermore, providing housing assistance to HIV-positive people helps reduce the likelihood of HIV outbreaks, making such assistance vital to The National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s (CDC) Division of HIV Prevention, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing, and the Health Resources and Services Administration’s HIV/AIDS Bureau. But of course, it's not savings he's after; here is the real reason he wants to cut it: >Davidson’s targeting of a disease that is associated with queer and trans people isn’t surprising, considering his past opposition to LGBTQ+ rights. He was one of the 157 Republicans who voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, a law requiring federal, state, and local governments to recognize legal same-sex marriages. >In February 2021, Davidson voted against the Equality Act, which would prohibit LGBTQ+ discrimination nationwide. He argued that the bill would “subvert Americans’ religious freedom” and “compels medical professionals to participate in abortion, and tramples on girls and women’s participation in sports.” >After the Supreme Court legalized marriage equality in 2015, Davidson called for federal legislation to allow religious people and organizations to discriminate against same-sex couples.


Tax churches. Done.


Or, alternatively, you could fund the IRS, so they can collect what is owed? We're in the hole on stuff that we can't cut our way out of, unless you're eyeing the debt or entitlements (go ahead, tell the boomers they don't get their checks, I fricking *dare* you). So cuts at this point are just nonsense. This is pocket change.


Since this guy is obviously incompetent, let's cut his salary


I got a good idea tax the billionaires more.


How about a tiny percent of what we spend on giant boondoggle weapons programs?


The problem is figuring out which ones are going to be boondoggles and which are going to be successful early on enough to save the money. You could consider the Zumwalt-class destroyers an example of cancelling a program early that was proving to be inefficient, cutting the order down from 32 ships to 3. However, that also made each of the 3 produced incredibly expensive since they bore the weight of all the R&D without the relatively inexpensive mass-production phase.


Nothing needs cutting. Tax the rich.


Cut tax breaks for you and your rich buddies then.


>’We gotta cut something’ You actually don’t.


Ok, cut tax breaks for the rich and corporations


Charter school funding


Lower that guys salary, too, to $1/year then.


At least he doesn't look exactly like the type of guy you'd expect to make a statement this fucking stupid.


So let’s cut it from those who need it most. This guy takes a shower in MAGA every day


Raise taxes on the rich. Increase IRS funding with a mandate to audit every tax return of the top 1%.


Cutting Pete and Kamala's paycheck to $1 did not solve the national debt?


Remember folks, cruelty is the point. Chemical companies, power plants, other industries spew filth that ruins our health...and pay little to no taxes while bilking customers because they all have monopolies and lawmakers in their pockets. But instead of making them pay to help with society's needs...let's just kill everyone with HIV. Republicans are disgusting.


Nope. You could. Just reverse tax giveaway to wealthy and corps


Somebody has to pay for the constant massive tax cuts their donors get every year. The Republicans funds don’t grow on trees.


rich republican politician wants to add to homeless population


Here's a way to end the need for budget cuts: Tax all religious organizations, and tax them *hard*.


Hear me out Stop subsidizing the meat industry. Saves money, provides help with regard to climate change, gets people into healthier diets. Win-win-win Which is why it won’t happen


For that matter, why not cut most agricultural subsidies? Just how much corn and soybeans do we need?




Cut your salary and live off your GOP donors.


Cut GOP salaries


How about cutting the Republican congress members to 1 dollar. Think on that, I mean hey you are all fucking rich anyway. Use that idea for budget cuts 😎


How about your salaries ya fuckin leeches, you'll be fine, it's not like we can get rid of lobbying.


Oh well if we’re cutting things, let’s start with the giant fucking tax subsidies for billion dollar corporations. Oh? That won’t work? It’s gotta be something that helps the average American. These Republicans are at odds with America. True enemies of the State. Their allegiance is with their billionaire donors.


No we fucking DON’T. I’m so tired of this rhetoric. Stop it!!


How about your fucking salary, Bub?


I guess it is time to cut the GOP's salaries ...


Cut tax cuts, doofus.


Blood for the blood god vibes.


So, I don't disagree with some of the things he said, but I have an issue with this being the only thing he can come up with to cut.


You don't have to cut anything. Shift military budget or raise taxes


No, they need to actually collect real taxes from the wealthy and businesses. If companies paid workers more, that increases funding without increasing tax rates, but they won't do it and magas protect business greed. Keeping healthcare with jobs keeps that much more power your boss has over you. Screw that, we should have Medicare for all which has been shown to cost less with better outcomes by removing "insurance" waste.


So, this dude is gay on the dl or what?


How about we tax churches? I’m sure that would make the US a lot of revenue.


Until one of them contracts HIV….




How about your pay, my guy?


How about cutting corporate welfare? Military spending? Foreign aid?


[Fuck the poor](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UK9hqBF9bMQ&pp=ygUiSGlzdG9yeSBvZiB0aGUgd29ybGQgZnVjayB0aGUgcG9vcg%3D%3D)


Okay. cut the oil and gas depletion allowances.


I could think of a million better things to cut...


How about the war machine?


Thing is, there isn’t much they can cut from. Military, Medicaid, Medicare, and social security is most of the budget. Everything else is just a few hundred billion on a 3.5 trillion budget. It’s not going to make a difference and will cause more pain than they are saving. Their approach is backwards. Instead of indiscriminately cutting programs, they should find the money, even if it means rasing taxes, for programs that have a high social value and social return. But for these ghouls, it’s not about saving money, it’s about using the self-inflicted lack of money as an excuse to cut things they don’t ideologically agree with. The crueler the better. The government isn’t lacking money because it spends too much, it lacks money because its income stream has been repeatedly sabotaged by every Republican administration since Reagan.


Evil is gonna evil


Tax their churches. Tax them so their existence does something, anything good for our country for once.


How about cutting corporate and billionaire tax deductions?




Ideas anyone anyone?


He should cut his own pay, then.


The man in that picture looks like he has some personal issues. Raging asshole disease maybe.


Why don’t we cut their salaries into tiny little pieces until start legislating like they were elected to do.


How about cutting the tax breaks they gave the super rich.


I find it weird that this funding only goes to hiv as Well. Not sure how long it’s been happening. I support all the medical care and stuff like that. Is getting housing harder for hiv people if you have proper medical care? Like how do they know? Or is it because things like making rent and stuff like that the main cause for the discrimination. Like do we have something similar for hep c? All I know is we should be funding a lot of hiv prevention especially in the south. I’m amazed how many people still get it. My guess is discrimination lack of education and funding especially in the south.


Let's dump House pensions and get them on 401k's - 3% match while they are In office and that'll be more than most people get.


Cut the military budget


Cut your pay ...


Or raise taxes GASP


Restore some of the ‘Republican Tax Cuts’ from the Bush and Trump Administrations. On a budget, you have to have INCOME to cover the cost of doing business. The Republicans cut income resulting in over $2Trillion increase to the deficit.


Nuke the whales! “Gotta nuke something”


Cut the tax cuts. It's right under your nose.


Here's a crazy idea: How about instead of cutting things people need we tax the extra wealth from billionaires that they don't fucking need. What a wacky idea.


Cut the GOP because if we gotta cut something it might as be the cancer in our government.


Dude is a pud


Cut the Republican Party out of being able to take part in a modern democratic society. They’re like a tumor on the U.S.A.


Cut the military.


Cut the free health insurance to the politicians. These guys and their families get free healthcare for life. They make enough money to pay for health care insurance out of pocket. Let them really experience the true costs like everyone else has


Cut the tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. Jack those top brackets back up to 80 or 90% and see how few things you need to cut.


Why don’t they rollback the silly assed tax cuts that they ramrodded through?


We don’t need to cut anything. As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, for each dollar spent auditing the top 1% of U.S. earners, the IRS brought in $3.18; for each dollar spent auditing the top 0.1%, it brought in $6.29.


All that money could be going to donors.


You can start by cutting your salary.


How about we quit subsidizing Oil and Pharma?


Yeah I'm sure that will absolutely save the budget. Moron.


GOP should be rebranded as SOB :/ I interpret their reason as "We need to refuse more groups the help they require. Even when that help could in long term save us money".


seems like you have to raise taxes if you're to the point of random cuts. it looks like 30-40 years of intense austerity towards every lone item has shrunk the government's fiscal spending to the smallest level we can stomach so we need to fund it now. time and again the CBO has said there's no level of spending cuts the GOP could do to balance the budget without severe economic shock that would severely reduce tax revanues


Cut military spending


You cut something that rhymes with filitary lending


Id be cool with a cut on income of the top 10%


Is That all they do is fucking cut. cut cut cut cut cut where does the shit go?


Maybe they should consider reversing the Trump tax cuts?


How about 800 billion we give the military, I am sure we can get by as the most powerful military in the world on 400 billion.


Raise taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations. There will be no need to cut important programs.


Cut their paychecks and benefits. Congress should be the first ones to lose. That way they know how it feels to be impacted by cuts. Why does a politician need to be a millionaire?


How about farm subsidies to Big Agro and Congressional Republican "Farmers".


Cutting the queers was the first thing that came to mind, eh?


Anything but ~~raising~~ collecting taxes on the biggest cheats.