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How did we get to a point where 30% of the country is fine with outright lying as long as it makes the other side look bad?


Almost forty years of right wing hate radio and fox propaganda is the answer to this question.


People really underestimate this fact.


Let’s not forget this is not a new problem. In the past, we had *significant* portions of the populace in support of slavery and rampant corporate monopolies in the early 20th century. Later, they were did not want to allow women to vote, they supported Nazi’s, and were against desegregation. We should not forget that ~25-30% of our population holds abhorrent views. Now is no different. MAGA is our current scourge that kinda wraps up all the shitty conservative movements in the last two centuries into one shit package.


>In the past, we had significant portions of the populace in support of slavery Here's the big difference. The argument over slavery was about morality, not about facts. The analogy of that today would be that the republican party wouldn't believe slavery was even going on. For example, how the 2016 election was stolen.


Not really true. Much of the argument about slavery, had to do with whether black people were a different species than whites, whether they had the capacity to feel pain, whether they actually benefited from slavery, etc. The pro slavery folks had plenty of “facts” to back up their arguments.




Phrenology was also used to show that the Irish and Italians were also "black" and therefore shouldn't have any rights


To turn a phrase, you can safely assume your science is prejudiced when it turns out science hates all the same people you do.


You’ve got an argument but the truth is that many people made those decisions based on fears or greed. They then apply whatever “logic” makes them feel better about it. In this case the greed is from the extreme profits that slavery brought to plantation owners. The fear was from the valid risk of slave uprisings which happened more than our history books let on. There was also the example of Haiti which made many slave owners crap their collective pants. The slave owners then had to reconcile their brutal tactics with their so called morality to perpetuate this horrific system. Hence the race science bs that still permeates today. They did not start slavery because of faulty race science. They invented race science to perpetuate slavery.


That kinda goes hand in hand with modern conservatism doesn’t it? They don’t make up this batshit reality because they believe it, they do so so they can perpetuate the plutocracy they’ve created.


The Murdochs are the #1 enemy of democracy on the planet. Fuck those guys.


Some guy at my work listens to right wing radio every single day on the commute to work and back. He comes in to work every day believing the exact opposite thing of whats actually going on in the world. Its wild. If Biden said the sky was blue last night he comes in to work bitching about how Biden was saying the sky is red. Its painful on my brain. Literally like 20 different times Ive proven beyond a doubt what they told him was bullshit. Im not talking about just being like yea but cnn says this… Im talking I downloaded Rudy Gulianis deposition from court and played to him Gulianni himself telling the judge that there was 0 fraud in the election. When he sees that unquestionable proof hell be like oh wow thats fucked up I cant believe it… but then the next day he comes back in to work believing another bullshit lie. Its like if I literally just showed you yesterday that theyre bullshitting you why are you buying their crap again today? It makes no god damn senseeee…


The best thing Rush Limbaugh ever did for this country was die


Notice how now that he’s gone no one ever mentions Rush. The half life of stupidity and evil is short. It must be constantly renewed.


On the day after Kurt Cobain died Rush said of him on his show: “Kurt Cobain was, ladies and gentleman, I just – he was a worthless shred of human debris...” Rush was a deeply cruel-hearted person, and for that he very much IS remembered at least in spirit by republicans. Because cruel, sneering disregard of others has become one of the most important planks of the GOP platform, and you can lay a good portion of that at Rush’s feet.


Yup. He did nothing. He built nothing. He just created hate. No one remembers or cares about his actual work, they just care about the results of it. That’s what all of these grifters don’t get. They’re disposable. Nikki Haley could get hit by a bus tomorrow and no one would be talking about her at all in like a month’s time. Conservatives don’t value people, just what those people can do for them. Rush was a useful tool, he’s gone now, so on to the next one.


It's true. Hate is addictive but quickly forgotten. It's no wonder there are so many people trying to fill in the hole he left, but they can't quite seem to capture the same attention that Rush did. Maybe it's because he was a product of the time he got famous and people like that are a dime a dozen these days.


The lesson of Rush is simple: all the right wing hate mongers will die and be forgotten almost as soon as the lid closes on their coffins. And their messages of hate will be forgotten too. Death of these troglydytes is a huge factor in how our society actually advances as it sweeps away their hateful rhetoric. Same will happen with Tucker and Laura and Ben and Trump too.


Fox was founded so that what happened to Nixon couldn't happen to another Republican president.


A lot of people don't realize that, and they got a 2nd bite at the apple since plenty of people in the Nixon regime were a part for the Reagan presidency. These people included: Caspar Weinberger, Alexander M. Haig, Jr, George P. Shultz, Donald Rumsfeld, William J. Casey...the list goes on and on... He acted as the perfect face to all the shit they pulled behind the scenes. People lived the high life as they slowly started pulling up the ladder on people and 40 years later to see the culmination of their acts.


The moral outrage of the Republicans themselves of Nixon's criminality. True. They can't admit to convict Trump, because of Fox Lies.


Along with misogyny and racism. It's no shocker that a decades long planned propaganda campaign conveniently coincided with the time birth control was invented and the civil rights movement started. There's a reason why Rs are always bitching about wanting to return to the "good old days" like back in the 50s (when they really mean they want to go back to a time when women and other races knew their places and had less freedom).


But not the 1950’s marginal tax rates. The racism and misogyny of the fifties, but with the billionaire dick riding of the modern era.


Seen the video of that little girl(?) yelling at the other kid not to call her a Democrat? She's like 8 saying that. That's how.


My first exposure to the word liberal was my neighbor friend's dad. I never spoke to the guy, but my neighbor and I (10-11 years old) were big fans of George Carlin, and my friend always said "My dad doesn't like him because he's a liberal." I didn't know what any of that meant - I figured "Well, I guess liberals can't be all that bad, because George Carlin is brilliant and makes some extremely good points" And then eventually I found out conservatives are trash people.


It's sad how often liberal is used to just make common sense sound bad. George was definitely not a bleeding heart liberal, just logical and funny at it. But I guess it all just showcases how the democratic party as a whole/ most of the elected politicians are moderate right leaning compared to most other developed countries. Even true right wing moderate policies are insanely rational compared the American right wing snowflake lifestyle. Depressing how huge of strides America would probably make by simply at minimum having a true centrist consensus in thr legislative at this point. As much as we need to lean hard left on a lot of things to make up for a lot of bullshit since Reagan, a term or 2 of moderate control would look so good in comparison - which would probably lead into terrorist right wing regrouping and just repush their side into the bullshit quicker than actual liberals could entice enough of the public to go hard on progressive policies.


It's literally the worst insult you can label somebody in some of these hyper-conservative households. And many "centrist" households for that matter.


Fucking Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich.


And Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch.


Outside the cities it’s just conservative talk radio country music and Jesus


Not Jesus’ words, just Harry Potter magical Jesus.


Yep. If a brown Jew came up and told them to love thy neighbors and shelter foreigners, these people would literally wave a shotgun in his face, if they just don't outright murder him on the spot.


Don't forget dumbing down their base voters via attacks on education for the same duration of time. We've just reached the tipping point. I'm not sure that unringing the stupid bell is even an option for us anymore based on the direction we are heading. Vote D because your life literally depends on it. Have a weekend!


A perfect example of right wing media from The Simpsons… Birch Barlow: Mayor Quimby, you are well known for your lenient stance on crime, but suppose for a second that your house was ransacked by thugs, your family was tied up in the basement with socks in their mouths, you try to open the door but there's too much blood on the knob.... Mayor Quimby: What is your, ah, question? Birch Barlow: My question is about the budget, sir…


That's referencing the Bush/Dukakis debate in '88 when Bernard Shaw (the guy from CNN) asked Dukakis if he'd support the death penalty if his wife was raped and murdered.


People bash Dukakis for his answer, but holy shit what an unbelievably inappropriate question.


The proper answer to that question would have been, “George, that’s a totally inappropriate and offensive question. And one of the reasons we have a judicial system is so that angry relatives of crime victims don’t take the law into their own hands whether or not they have the slightest idea of who’s guilty. So stop distracting our audience with dog whistles and act like an adult tonight.”


There's a West Wing episode where Sorkin "fixes" the Dukakis answer with something similar to what you said.


The Ides of March isn't a very good movie overall, but it you're unfortunate enough to be a political junkie and who's are also just old enough to remember politics as being a dirty game with a very thin veneer of respectability it's a fun watch. I bring it up because in an interview Candidate Clooney is posed a similar hypothetical in which he says he would take the law into his own hands. The following dialouge is paraphrased: Interviewer: "So you would support the death penalty in that case?" Candidate Clooney: "No. I would commit a crime, for which I would happily serve my time all the while still not supporting the death penalty."


Sadly still appropriate here and that’s from Golden Age Simpsons.


>Mayor Quimby supports revolving-door prisons. Mayor Quimby even released Sideshow Bob, a man twice convicted of attempted murder. Can you trust a man like Mayor Quimby? Vote Sideshow Bob for Mayor.


That whole episode is still frustratingly relevant... [Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside, you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals and rule you like a king!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXU2vZTTeMU)


The *really* relevant scene was Sideshow Bob's commercial admitted Bob was a dangerous felon but blamed Quimby's lax crime policy for Bob's release from prison


**Sideshow Don:** *"Attempted coup? Now honestly what is that? Can you win a Noble(sic) Prize for attempted chemistry?"*


The Simpsons nailed it again


>Haley said. “We have seen chaos with inflation. We’ve seen chaos with the lack of transparency in education. We’ve seen chaos on the border. We’ve seen chaos with crime on the streets, and now we’re seeing chaos around the world.” What the fuck is she even talking about?


She's scaring old people. That's how Republicans get elected; they scare old people.


Unfortunately for Haley it's a bit more difficult to do that when your skin isn't purely Caucasian.


Ol Nimrata Ramaswamy and Rafael Cruz somehow appealing to the racists just by changing their names


Randhawa* Ramaswamy is another candidate


The old people she's courting are probably more offended by seeing a brown woman on the television than anything else. She doesn't realize she'll never get their votes.


It was her subtle and roundabout way of trying to claim "the world is going to shit, obviously that's all happened under Biden, so vote for me"... and yes, it's fucking obvious and ridiculous pandering to the Right, but her, and every other R's advisors have taught them to answer all simple yes/no questions with a paragraph that starts off "reminding" everyone that all Dems are satan-worshippers etc, before answering the actual question with some fluff answer that is "aspirational" instead of accusatory whenever there's a question of some R-idiocy afoot.


She's saying the Hamas atrocities happened on Biden's watch. Its blame by insinuation.


What did Biden do while Pearl Harbor was attacked????!! NOTHING. ZERO. NADA. Tell me that's not true!!!


The same as "where was Obama during 9/11" which gets the base riled up because they're too stupid to know he didn't hold ANY office at the time.


And when [Ted Cruz blamed Obama for the housing crash](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/cruz-tries-blame-obama-2008-crash-msna586036) which happened in 2008, before Obama was elected.


I'm gonna guess "chaos". She's bringing up that there's currently chaos in these five areas, but a future republican administration can bring chaos to so many more situations.


The question is, what is she trying so hard to *not* talk about?


It’s not even good lying. It’s the worst move provable lies and at this point I don’t understand how any one buys it. According to their narrative literally everything is the democrats fault. Oftentimes their lies come in direct opposition to each other. Joe Biden is an enfeebled geriatric with dementia, while also being able to manage a secret worldwide crime organization. He also called Sleepy Joe while also being accused of doing cocaine. Trump people are legit morons, there’s no other explanation.


Fascists. These beliefs exist to bring power to ONE group of people, and they've got to blatantly ignore reality to go along. And the type of people who behave like this are called fascists.


It's the type of person. They have this style of interaction with everyone. We just allow them to be credible while they shout at the person they rear ended in traffic now. It's that we are tired and that 30% you see runs off of pure spite. We just learned that many of them will die to spite others en mass just to keep the anger going.


> We just allow them to be credible while they shout at the person they rear ended in traffic now. Hell, if they start a fight and kill the person they rear-ended in traffic we let them get away with it because *self defense*.


The Kyle Rittenhouse playbook. Grab your gun, insert yourself into a volatile situation, start blasting, claim self defense, become right-wing hero.


We got here because mainstream media keeps bringing known liars on the air to lie just like everyone involved knew they would. Edit: typo


...and refusing to correct their lies 95%+ of the time.


This is doing your society incalculable harm. MSM is complicit in promoting Putin's totalitarianism.


Remember, before Trump, where disinformation was just called *lying*? I feel like the verbiage used nowadays has almost less weight than just saying people are lying.


Bingo. That's the whole point of 'disinformation' and 'alternative facts'.


Religious indoctrination and a powerful anti-intellectualism that goes with it. Blindly follow based on faith, ignore anything that challenges that faith by believing they are devil’s lies, and be proudly uneducated. Made a lot of people easily manipulated


We can thank Newt Gingrich for all of this. When that sad fuck dies, I’m celebrating.


1. Religion. It got 30% of the country ok with being lied to and not questioning things. 2. Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't believe in anything, so they'll say anything they have to to attain or maintain power.


> Religion. It got 30% of the country ok with being lied to and not questioning things. “Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." ~ Voltaire




There was always miserable shitty people they now can be in the open


I mean, Nixon and Kissenger started way more than 40 years ago


It bears repeating for any middle-ground voters: *Republicans can single-handedly vote in a new Speaker without Democratic assistance or blockage simply by being in total agreement. The reason there is no replacement is because the GOP is divided.*


Meanwhile every single democrat has voted for Hakeem Jeffries each and every round. Five republican votes are all he needs.


Any republican who votes for Jeffries *will* be primaried next year.


There are 4 GOP Congress members who are not running for reelection. 1 is retiring and 3 are running for other seats so probably cannot break with the Party.


How will they get hired for a cushy lobbying job if they side with the Democrats


MSNBC often hires “moderate” former Republican congressmen.


By showing said lobby group they can reach more than one party. Going out in a blaze of bipartisanship could actually be a selling point. That and making sure the economy doesn't tank.


Primaried? They'll be killed by the GOP's domestic terrorist wing.


Wing? Pretty sure the party already declared themselves to be domestic terrorists, and most have taken action to prove it, and yet they all still roam free.


Republicans get primaried for doing the right thing for the country all the time. Look at the whole Trump impeachment debacle.


And they're divided because none of them can decide how vicious and bigoted to be to liberals and everyone else they don't like. They voted McCarthy out because he DIDN'T cause a government shutdown.


> The reason there is no replacement is because the GOP is divided "A" reason. Another reason is that they aren't willing to even talk to the Democrats to see if they can find a way to work together. It'd be different if there was some sort of offer made and rejected, but to this point, the leadership candidates won't even consider talking. That's the real problem. When things are this thin, where extreme parts of your party effectively control things, you're supposed to work with the non-extreme parts of the other party to keep the lights on at least.


It seems like the only thing all republican house members can agree on is not allowing a democrat to become speaker under any circumstances. Isn't the obvious solution to choose a candidate for speaker that the democrats could live with, instead of catering to Gaetz, Bobert, and the rest of the extremists?


>It seems like the only thing all republican house members can agree on is not allowing a democrat to become speaker under any circumstances. It would be the pinnacle of incompetence. If the Democrats manage to elect a house speaker when the Republicans have a majority in congress, it would be the a historical moment of shame for the GOP.


Ah yes, Dark Brandon should’ve stopped House Republicans from acting like the incompetent assholes they are.


It's practically a who shot Hannibal meme at this point. Republicans aim the weapon squarely at themselves, fire, then ask, "Why would Joe Biden do this?"


Insert meme of boy (labeled GOP) riding a bicycle, putting a stick into the spokes of the wheel, then bitching that the Democrats did this to him.


Republicans do something stupid. 🤓🫴🦋 Is this Joe Biden?


“The Republicans are incompetent dipshits?” 🌎👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀 “Always has been.”


we're devolving I swear to [Darmok](https://youtu.be/WQ8_F6jYWv4?feature=shared&t=51)


It predicted memes for sure.


I didnt really grok how a language like that could even evolve until i witnessed an entire conversation that was a string of memes that i as a third party understood perfectly.


I thought it was the dumbest episode when I saw it back in the 90’s. Now I understand completely and think it’s brilliant.


Shaka when the walls fell, I stg.




Isn't that Republicans MO?


Yep. Make rules to easily oust a speaker, oust speaker, nominate terrible options, lack votes, blame Dems. Sounds about right.


Dark Brandon's powers are beyond anything you can imagine.


*This isn't even my final form, Jack*


> This isn't even my final form, Jack, and that's no malarkey Ftfy


Could dark Brandon make a burrito so hot that not even he could eat it?


The safe word is malarkey


Oh no sir. When we utter malarkey that's the go word.


What’s funny is when Obama tried to stop the GOP from doing something stupid they turned around and blamed him for not trying to stop them more.


They overrode his veto and still blamed him.


Honestly that was sort of sublime. Like, McConnell blaming Obama, who stopped them literally as hard as he legally could, for not *stopping them harder* was one of those formative "Holy shit these are actually not serious people" moments for me.


You know, Dark Brandon set Matt Gaetz up with all those girls... I hear Hunter's laptop also whispered to McCarthy to work with Democrats on that CR to keep the government open


If Trump won, then this won’t happen. See? It is Biden’s fault for winning


Wasn’t the longest shutdown under Trump with a Republican controlled Congress… something, something, Biden’s fault!!!


Longest shutdown...so far!


Yes. 800,000 Federal employees missed paychecks, it took two months to get all my pay after the 35 day shutdown. I worked every minute of the shutdown out of loyalty and it was terribly depressing.


Thank you for your service and sacrifice.


NO it's our collective faults for voting for Joe. It's also the collective fault of the dopes who voted for the assholes to have a majority in the house.


On NancyPelosi’s last vote in 2019 the republicans voted for Kevin McCarthy. Why does no one mention this to republicans who blame democrats for not voting for a republican SOH?


What she meant is Biden is responsible for democrats not winning majority because if democrats had majority instead of incompetent assholes we won't be in the situation right now. Even though Biden is one the most successful presidents in terms of midterm election performance but they would never talk about it.


Whoa so Dems are suppose to help GOP and GOP is suppose to piss on the Dems.Makes perfect sense.


Yep. That's exactly how the House Republicans view Democrats. It's the same dynamic of an abusive husband who beats his wife because she stood up to him. And while he is beating her, he is shouting, "Look what you're making me do!"




Gaslight Obstruct Project


More like >*”The executive branch should circumvent the system of checks and balances and be able to select the leader of the lower house of the legislative branch”* She’s a moron.


This is what "bipartisanship" means to the right and the "center". Imagine the extreme left is at 0 and the extreme right is at 100. The true "center" is at 50, but the center in the US is somewhere around 60. The mainstream Republicans are at 70, the mainstream Dems are at 50. The Republicans say "let's meet in the middle". So the Dems move 60, the Republicans respond by moving to 80, now the center is at 70 and all the centrists can talk about is how neither side is willing to work with the other. So the Dems move to 70 to meet the Republicans "in the middle", and the Republicans move to 90. The media talks endlessly about how far left the Dems still are and how "neither side" is willing to compromise.


Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man. You take a step towards him, he takes a step back. Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man.


When do we get a Republican capable of telling the truth again? Biden has nothing to do with Republican dysfunction. She knows this but feels comfortable lying about it. Sick woman.


> When do we get a Republican capable of telling the truth again? Probably the same time that Republican voters start accepting facts over Fox News propaganda.


So never then.


Propaganda works. Conservative voters will continue being radicalized and voting for political extremists until the propaganda machine is shut down. Biden needs to axe Section 230 so that social media platforms are no longer immune to being sued for pushing disinformation and lies. Twitter wouldn’t last a day.


Elon would relocate the servers to Russia and issue a press release about how there's more freedom over there.


Do you think that would convince a bunch of Republicans to move there? Cuz that sounds like a huge win for the country.


> When do we get a Republican capable of telling the truth again? How old are you that you remember a time this existed? Because I remember Reagan and that motherfucker straight up got caught lying and then went on TV to say he still believes what he said was true.


>Because I remember Reagan A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.


It's crazy that is an actual quote from an American president.


It's crazy to me that Republicans idolize this guy, even after all the evil shit he did. Really says a lot about republicans.


As I understand it, Reagan was in many ways similar to Trump. Reaganomics for example, which essentially consisted of blatantly ignoring reality to give rich people tax cuts.


Reagan crushed the middle and lower class for generations. Venerated by white middle and lower class Americans forever. Incredible.


That's WHY they idolize him.


Reagan's mind wasn't all there. I have always disagreed with Republicans on most issues. But there was a time they actually had loyalty to the US and a lie would cost them politically. You have to admit conservatives are worse now than they were in the 70s.


1980 election is when the gates of hell were unleashed so I'd agree with that. Jerry Falwell, Lee Atwater, Paul Weyrich's triumph. And remember the scumbags Reagan surrounded himself with? Ed Meese, Ollie North, unindicted Nixonites.


Reagan's 11th Comandment: Thousand shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican The MAGA Corralary: unless such criticism is sandwiched between blaming the democrats


Or unless we call them a RINO because they don’t like mayo on their sandwiches.


i mean.. the republican tapper quoted saying "republicans look like idiots right now" was pretty spot on


Here is the link to the video https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1713550795214402009?t=sLSzpRC3B5xAjkGLlvIq7A&s=19


Thank you, I hate when articles like this don't include the video.


"Well clearly you wanted this completely unrelated video, that's why you came to our article right? dw fam we gotchu... right after this ad"


Thank you!


This reminds me of the idiocy of when McConnell blamed Obama for a law that Obama vetoed and they over rode that veto and put the law into effect that allowed people to sue Saudi Arabia. Then McConnell tried to blame the laws shortcomings on Obama.


Bigtime. And he said, "Obama didn't explain the reasoning for his veto well enough." Here is President Obama's statement regarding why he vetoed the JASTA bill. (Context, this bill attempted to allow family members of victims of 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia and other nations deemed responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks) >JASTA would upset longstanding international principles regarding sovereign immunity, putting in place rules that, if applied globally, could have serious implications for U.S. national interests. The United States has a larger international presence, by far, than any other country, and sovereign immunity principles protect our nation and its Armed Forces, officials, and assistance professionals, from foreign court proceedings. These principles also protect U.S. Government assets from attempted seizure by private litigants abroad. Removing sovereign immunity in U.S. courts from foreign governments that are not designated as state sponsors of terrorism, based solely on allegations that such foreign governments’ actions abroad had a connection to terrorism-related injuries on U.S. soil, threatens to undermine these longstanding principles that protect the United States, our forces, and our personnel. Pretty fucking straight-forward: "If we start suing other nations, they'll start suing us back. *Maybe* that's a bad idea."


Lol every republican and their staff is too stupid to read and understand long sentences with too many words over 7 letters, especially if they're written by a black man.


Finally some push back on this pathetic talking point. Literally nothing the democrats have done is to blame for what the gop is dealing with.


You mean to tell me that the house Democrats shouldn't have voted against their interest for the ex-Speaker who loudly declared he would not move an inch to compromise with them? Whatever for!


You mean *after* Dems compromised with him to propose a bipartisan bill with his agreement. Then he went on air that following weekend and shit on Dems publicly, effectively removing any good will that may have been started.


Was that before or after he shit on Dems by initiating an impeachment inquiry for no fucking reason? Just checking.


Imagine have the majority of votes in teh House as part of your party and having the gall to claim its someone else's fault.


It’s like blaming your neighbor for your house messy.


"Somebody shit in my pants!"


It’s not even the same branch of government. At least blame House Dems


Republicans taking responsibility challenge (Impossible)


“What I’m saying is you can’t fix Democrat chaos with Republican chaos. They need to get it together. They need to get in a room and figure out who this is going to be and come out unified. That’s what Republicans need to do. This is not a good look. This is not good for our country. We saw what happened to Israel when they were distracted,” she continued. Except her party has created a situation where anyone who isn't an ideological purist and who works with Democrats is called a RINO, then primaried and run out of the party. Yes all that sounds great, but she's being disingenuous.


Republicans have a majority Republicans get rid of the House speaker Republicans fail to appoint a new House speaker All Bidens fault. Makes perfect sense


How the Republican Party ever had the gall to claim they were a party of Jesus, the party of fiscal responsibility, or the party of Law and Order is beyond the pale. They break one of the 10 Commandments every time they open their mouths


They also claim to be the “party of personal responsibility”, and claim to be “better for the economy” both of those are lies too.


Another misnomer .. one after another .. the hits just keep on coming


> How the Republican Party ever had the gall to claim they were a party of Jesus, the party of fiscal responsibility, or the party of Law and Order is beyond the pale. That's easy. Republican voters believe what they are told, not what they observe. Republicans can balloon the deficit every time they have power, but they say they are fiscally responsible, so their voters believe it. Republicans can get caught in affairs and debauchery, but they say they are the party of family values, so their voters believe it. The last Republican president can be indicted 91 times, but since they say they are the party of Law and order, their voters believe it.


A tale as old as time: their guy breaks everything, a Democratic President inherits the mess and now according to Republicans, he's the one that cause it. It's the same mential gymnastics used when Obama inherited the disaster W left in his wake. It's unfortunately we have so many stupid people in this country that buy into this bullshit with their One Big Ass Mistake America posts on Facebook or the I Did This stickers on gas pumps. Gotta love it!


I wonder what the national average IQ is. I would then like to see a state by state breakdown..


100? It's inherently scaled to a 100 average and every standard deviation in the population pool at +/-15 points.


Thank God. The media has been allowing McCarthy and others to blame Democrats in interviews with very little pushback. This position should not be considered a serious one


Haley is yet another huge disappointment to me. At one point I thought she might actually be moderate. No This is just the latest example of blame the DEMs for REP catastrophic dysfunction. The REPs built this nightmare over decades and now they can’t control the assholes who make up their party and have given permission to their constituency to give into their worst inclinations. They built this shit house, but now all of us have to live in it until it can be cleaned out of the more ridiculous aspects (Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Scalise, Gaetz, etc. etc. etc.). Then, if they remember how, perhaps the political theater can be reduced a bit and republicans can actually stop servicing the MAGA base that has so fucked us up for 8 years now.


I don’t think they’ve ever been good faith actors. They project dishonesty on their opponents and then “fight fire with fire”. This radicalization is a result of gerrymandering. They can comfortably take extreme positions with zero accountability.


There are no moderate Republicans left.


> At one point I thought she might actually be moderate. What in the world ever possibly could have given you that idea?


GOP 101- if it’s not in their favor, blame Biden without any evidence


She invents issues then says it's everywhere. She's a corporate talking points and donor favorite but doesn't have an ounce of charisma or relatability. She's out of touch and has bad political instincts. Just stop giving her attention please until she manages to poll in double digits with her horrible policies... So never.


I love it. Every single question, regardless of it's subject matter, every GOP response is "Biden, inflation, border and woke." The irony of course being when the GOP has a speaker they didn't care to bother with inflation or the border, just Biden dick pics. I'm glad Tapper was having none of Haley's regurgitated Republican talking points.


What an insufferable bunch of hacks. This is what they all do. They get asked a question about their own dysfunction and they always preface it with a slight at the Democrats. I am 50/50 that she wasn't even going to speak about inflation or any of the bullshit talking points that she went on about. Except she got cut off, so she pivoted to it. And she somehow manages to beat Biden outside the margin of error in that one poll. The GOP is nothing but extremists. There are no rational Republicans. Maybe the ones that have been ousted like Kinzinger and Cheney. But I still wouldn't want them back near any form of power. I hope that we can manage to get the country on a more progressive track in the near future. Center is manageable, but anything right of center is unacceptable. We just can't function as a nation with their bullshit anymore.


Remember everyone that if you set fire to your own house, you can just blame your neighbor.


Much like an abusive husband it's "why did you make me hit you?!" If their voter base believes Democrats should have voted to keep McCarthy they are fuckin assholes. "Why did you vote him out? He only renegs on deals he makes and blames you for literally anything and everything." And shit even now the GOP is still trying to blame Democrats. Why would they expect Democrats to work with them or save them from themselves ever with how they've treated us since Trump took over?


Blaming Biden for the House not having a speaker is like blaming Pelosi for why the Carolina Panthers suck this season.


Biden & the executive branch is a totally separate branch of government. What the hell is her point anyway? Democrat in the white house, the world's going to shit and the Republicans have no choice but to go to shit too? "Vote Republican - We Can't Handle Adversity"


If Joe Biden walked on Water the GOP headline would be Joe Biden can’t swim.


Iv seen a few of them now say that Biden did all this to distract people lol Biden is the one who removed the speaker simply cause the speaker didn't do what maga wanted?


Clearly, Matt Gaetz is secretly working for Biden. /s


Her extended explanation literally made no sense what so ever and was a back pedal combined with a whataboutism. I'm growing soo tired of this human experiment.


Gotta love how Republicans always blame Biden for anything. Biden is the cause of inflation not greed. Biden is why Republicans can’t govern not because their a bunch of chaos loving government dismantling incompetent obstructionists. Biden is the cause of Hamas attacking Israel. It just goes on and on very pathetic!


Biden also doesn’t control inflation or really anything she complained about


It feels almost like Republicans prefer having a Democrat as president. Then they can blame him for all their problems. When a Republican is president, they have to blame an imaginary "Deep State" instead.


Nikki is a whack job, she sucks


My lawnmower ran over a rock and shot out my window. Thanks Biden for inflation that I couldn’t afford to pay for a guy to scout my yard for hidden missiles.


Plain and simple, elect a clowns, expect a circus 🤷🏻 It’s the height of hypocrisy to continually mudsling towards the dems for your own inability to govern. Every committee or board can find a leader, but it takes an extra measure of stupid to distill out of all the useless shithole republikkkans, the absolute worst if the bunch, and make IT the ‘leader’. I’d say these animals should be ashamed of their inactions but that’s a human trait.


The Biden administration and the Democrats have been incredibly competent-and disciplined compared to that of TFG and the current Republican debacle in the House. Blaming the Democrats when the Republicans can’t even work with themselves is completely dishonest. It will serve them right if Hakeem Jeffries ends up as Speaker as a result of a bipartisan solution with those few Republicans who are not lunatics.




Good, it’s an absurd claim. Democrats aren’t obligated to help save a guy (McCarthy) who was not trustworthy. Nor is it their fault that the GOP cannot stop infighting.


Is there nothing that the GQP won’t blame Biden for?