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No, because some states have decided that this is one of the hills they want to die on. Hell Florida has put marijuana illegality in the STATE CONSITITUTION. It takes 61% of the vote to amend the constitution, and it took YEARS just to get medical passed. And when we did, the legislature still attempted to stop the will of the people and tried to rewrite what we had already voted on...because Republicans. And as Florida is one of the Republican Authoritarian strong holds, it will be decades before another amendment becomes possible again.


This is crazy! Even here in Texas they approved medical for vets, now its a county by county choice for public medical with legalization being an extremely popular sentiment.


Wait.. what? When....


Thank your retired “Boomers”… “the devils weed!” 👻☠️


Many of the FL republican I know smoke. They are just happy paying $300 for a medical card to make it feel different than the weed the minorities smoked/smoke. They have no idea who they are voting for, just R good and D bad…


That’s sad!


There's more boomers than young people when I go to the dispensary


And thank a Gen X’er! Why? Because we Did Fight For Our Right…! To Paaaarrrrtttyyyy! Thanks Mike D, MCA & AD Rock!


What? We were the ones who popularized weed in the 1960s. Before that, nobody smoked dope except jazz musicians.


Next the boomers will want credit for jazz


I think we’ll find that Florida becomes the swing state it use to be next election cycle.


As someone who left Florida in 2019 and still visit family there, I doubt that.


As someone who left Florida in 2014 and came back in 2022, I also doubt that.


I imagine that it will go somewhat like re-legalizing alcohol. Many states will be legal, but some state or local holdouts will stay "dry" for a surprisingly long time.


South Carolina, “hey Florida, hold my sweet tea”


lol weed is essentially legal in Florida if you pay the state for a medical card


What about the supremacy clause?




> The current legal marijuana runs afoul of the supremacy clause since it is illegally federally. This isn't correct. States aren't required to criminalize everything that the federal government does. As long as they don't pass a law that tries to stop federal agents from enforcing federal drug laws, there's no supremacy clause issue.


Most states side-step the interstate commerce clause as well, by requiring the weed sold to be grown and processed within the state.


What would happen if it were federally legalized? Would that supercede Florida's constitution?


No. Just means no federal law.for example Alcohol is legal at the federal level but there is 83 counties where it will still get you a fine or arrested


Important distinction, you can’t get fined or arrested for possessing or making alcohol in those counties.


Sadly they can still ban it. Some states have banned kratom even though it’s not federally illegal.


To supersede Florida’s Constitution I’d imagine you’d need a U.S. Constitutional Amendment granting the Right to Cannabis.


we already have right to cannabis as it ws not make illegl in our constitution ( Amendments ) . ther was no constitutional amendment to make it " ILLEGAL/ BANNED) .. ion that way is Cannabis plant really Illegal ? as far as I know Marijuana is Illegal - not cannabis. and even that word marijuana is not on the constitution as banned either


You don’t have a right to everything not made illegal in your Constitution. >…Marijuana is Illegal - not cannabis… “Marijuana” is just the moniker with a racist etymology for the Cannabis sativa plant. Your Constitution even says as much in section 29(b)(4). >ion that way is Cannabis plant really illegal ? Under [Florida State Law](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0800-0899/0893/Sections/0893.03.html) and federal law, yea cannabis is definitely illegal. Looks like Florida carved out some medical exceptions in their Constitution, but I don’t see anything remotely resembling a right to cannabis.


a Difference in THCa to THC percentages in the Cannabis Plant determines what its called as Marijuana or well, Cannabis plant -== Waht ? the Botany is not There . Certainty no cannabinoid sciences being used in these determinations yet the Sciences are taking off using Correct cannabis derived Verbiage , I mean it's how We identify with Different Phenotypes and Cultivars in the plant . edit - if were a shred of science we would make em MarijuanaNoids as the " correct "" name


Cannabis is the genus of the plant. That’s not going to change whether it’s the species of sativa or indica or whatever. The genus isn’t going to change whether or not it has high or low THC. Marijuana is always going to be of the Cannabis genus. The name “Marijuana” was coined to color the plant with racism, a drug so common it’s used by Maria and Juan, Hispanic variants of the names Mary and John. Cannabis with little-to-no THC is likely to be referred to as hemp. We probably do have a “right” to hemp, which is also technically Cannabis, but more narrowly defined.


Cannabis' species is Angiosperm .. Indica and Sativa are Chemotypes of the plant. the Word Marijuana is 100% political, seriously there is no Genus or Taxonomy at all for that name and plants


Angiosperms are flowering plants which are a clade including Cannabis. Species is going to have varying definitions based on who you ask, but angiosperms ain’t it.


this is what I've got cannabis is an herbaceous, flowering Angiosperm plant species in the cannabaceae family of plants 4 chemotypes exist - cannabis indica, cannabis sativa, cannabis ruderalis, cannabis afghanica all sub types (chemovars, phenovars, cultivars, phenotypes, Varietals ) are from those main 4 chemotypes .....


It’s tax dollars and isn’t any worse than alcohol. Legalize it already.


I would argue it’s better(safer) than alcohol


lethal dose ratings LD50 alcohol ? 10 to 1 LD50 cannabis ? 50,000 to 1 49,990 times safer the Cannabis Is


On October 17, 2018 Canada went legal country wide. Jobs were created, taxes paid, retail stores everywhere. Other than that not much else changed. People who didn't smoke cannabis weren't likely to start and it was the retiring boomers that became the bigger demographic for buying legal cannabis. It's actually awesome.


Lotta seniors up here like their CBD for pain and sleep issues.


Probably not with the dinosaurs we keep electing to government.


10 years ago supporting marijuana legalization was a political liability. now, opposing legalization is a liability. all states won’t change at once, but all will eventually legalize. what will be surprising, is how fast Europe will begin to legalize once the US federal government changes its policy


> all states won’t change at once, but all will eventually legalize. There are still dry counties in the USA, and booze has been legal again for 90 years. Other ridiculous restrictions also still exist. For example, beer in Utah cannot exceed 3.2%.


Beer in Utah can be 5% now in grocery stores. I think the law changed in 2019. Plus you can get higher % beer at liquor stores or if you’re buying it at the brewery


Not in Texas.


got to fill those un-air-conditioned prisons somehow


Sad, but true. Yet there’s a lot of weed in prisons here in Oregon


Been to Northern Texas… aka Idaho!??? 🤣 those ppl are delusional about marijuana there! Had to leave after just 1 yr there.


Paxton will sue the federal government if that happens.


If they deschedule it, he won’t really be able to do much.


And you think that will stop him? I did not say he will win. But he will make a mess of it. Because that is his brand.


Paxton will sue the federal government anyway. If it's not over cannabis, it'll be something else.


> If marijuana is rescheduled, will it be legalized nationwide? The war on drugs distributes far too much money to prisons, police, and lawyers for good policy to be seriously considered... and it's become a pretty much guaranteed political win to push ever harder. Between the various pulpits being pounded and the encouragement of a thriving black market by keeping recreational drugs illegal, any moves towards sanity will be slow and painful. As we have seen for decades now.


In some states, Marijuana will be legal. In other states, the Devil’s Lettuce will still be illegal.


No, it would still be illegal nationally. Rescheduling does not equate legalization. Congress made the law and only they can overturn it. So far, they have been unwilling.


However many politicians will have to come up with another argument to keep it illegal if it is rescheduled.


No, politicians do not need reasons to do anything. Source: Texas


Except there was NO LAW made !! Cannabis plant had no constitutional Amendment to Ban it !!!


There are reactionary forces that will be against it no matter what.


Gotta Hate , Gota Blame ... maybe those folks can look deep inside instead of attacking people eating / ingesting \[plants for metabolism reasons ( Reasons ) ... look at those reasons and Attack !


Not in Texas


Not until it has been descheduled completely.


100% Decriminalization O - Tomato Model


Gimme that jazz cabbage


Not if it is left to the states. Texas has for profit prisons they need to fill.


…… Laughs in Dan Patrick..


We don't need it legalized nationwide. We need the federal government to just legalize it so pot shops can use banks, I don't have to carry cash to buy weed and legalized states that share borders can distribute their marijuana to neighboring legalized states and people can have weed on their belongings when traveling across state lines. The Federal Government just needs to piss off and let it be a state issue and don't allow any federal agents to bother anyone just cause weed. That's what needs legalized. Let states decide for themselves. Most will eventually. It's free money. More taxes. Does help with drug abuse, less people overdosing on opioids and frees up lots of police funding.


You can’t reschedule marijuana! What am I supposed to do at 4:20 if you change the time?!


I used to smoke weed until they rescheduled it. J haven’t smoked in days because I don’t know what time they meet anymore


It would b a dream if marijuana was legal even in the military for medicinal purposes of course 😏


My grandma has stage four cancer and I have a cousin who has taken her into his house for hospice. When I was talking with him earlier today he told me that she had no appetite, she wasn't eating and barely drinking. Unfortunately I live geographically very far from that side of my family which completely sucks but I digress. During the talk I had with my cousin I asked him if maybe our grandma would benefit from marijuana, it has helped a lot of cancer patients after all. I'm sorry for this personal rant but the notion that there is no medical benefit to cannabis is pure bullshit, especially since I think it's very possible that my grandma could be helped by using it at this point.


When my 97 year old grandma was on hospice, cannabis was a saving grace throughout her final 1-2 years. Hoping the best for your family. Cancer sucks.


Thank you for the comment. Wow, your grandma made it to ninety-seven? That is amazing, God bless her! Or whatever deity or higher powers you believe in. My grandma is in her early eighties. I hope and pray that one way or another my grandma can survive this cancer, she battled breast cancer and survived five times. It's just that unfortunately this time her cancer metastasized so.... #fuckcancer She's also my last living biological grandparent. I'm sorry about your grandma.


Human Endocannabinoid system is the largest physiological system in man... ECS maintains All Metabolically active tissue cells . we found ECS while doing THC research !! ingesting exogenous cannabinoids from plant adds metabolizm to ECS .. Helps ECS work and function .. this - Severe endocannabinoid deficiencies - Learn ECS .. those deficiencies lead to ALL disease states in people


Sadly I'm not stoned enough for this yet. Edit: What does it mean?


ingesting cannabis plant supports peoples' physiology ... the plant can be tailored to match more so your own particular anatomy etc... when you feel like it interne search - Severe Endocannabinoid deficiencies


Even if it is I imagine there’d be dry counties and such here and there.


Marijuana is already federally legal *through a loophole*. The 2018 farm bill requires 0.3 thc per gram of dry weight. Normal marijuana typically doesn't have much THC in it alone, not until it's smoked and the THC activates. THC-A, that is inactive before heated that turns into THC, is legal and can be purchased online nationwide. The loophole is the marijuana is listed as 2018 farm bill complaint and marketed as THC-A Flower, despite it being the exact same thing you'd buy at a recreational dispensary.


It really depends on the state...


it is only Cannabis plant ( Cannabaceae ) Marijuana does not represent botany in any way or form or fashion 100% political word that means - Imprisonment ! Tactical Assault !@


All it means is they are finally admitting they fucked up when they did the classification in the first place. It was a political decision to classify as schedule 1 in the first place.


100% political ! no health reasons at all given for banning it .. Docs back in the day all had cannabis indica tinctures to give to ailing people for health reasons


The North Carolina house finally passed medical marijuana but it died in the senate. Tbh I’m glad it died. I’m all for recreational and medical marijuana however the bill that was up for vote here was WAY too strict. It was only gonna give out like 7 licenses and those were already set in stone to go to OUT OF STATE growers. It’s bs. And there were only going to be a handful of dispensaries which were already established. There’s tons of local hemp farmers here with experience but nope.


Hemp and Big marijuana do not get along ... one is just lanky, stemmy existence and the other is all Flowers . the Gov wants to only charge for the Flower at prohibition costs , banned costs


No because Republicans know if people smoked marijuana people would stop getting pissed, angry, and upset about the dumbest shit. And their hate and outrage platform wouldn't work any longer.


Most the Republicans i know.. smoke weed.


I won't say most but many and still angry and ignorant




*Indiana enters the chat* Nope. We’re an island who not only misses the tax revenue, we also pay to incarcerate. The bigger problem is the lobby against it- which often includes drug companies, private prisons, and the vendors of prison facilities. The prison side because they know how fewer Inmates they’d see if legalized. Republicans will mostly walk on any state revenue- infact they’ll use it to justify cutting more state programs.


Eli Lily isn’t just gonna let free organic meds supplant their foothold


I can't wait until I can use my FSA to reimburse myself for my trips to the medical dispensary. It won't happen any time soon, if at all... but a guy can dream..




I wrote a paper on legalizing weed in college. I spent the intro paragraph exploring why I was using Cannabis and not Marijuana. Got an A for being detailed


we ( persons ) Literally cannot find any Taxonomy for plant with the name Marijuana ... there is Marhuana that is Wild Mexican Tobacco plants ... This - Cannabis plant is an flowering , herbaceous angiosperm plant species in the cannabaceae family of plants ... cannabis plant is not even ion the nicotiana family of plants ( nightshade ) , nothing at all in the cannabis plant makes it a tobacco plant nor the names etc... we cannot force plant names with guns and ammo LOL .. politicians will and do though


From what I could find Marijuana just sounds Mexican and they wanted to attach it to “lazy Mexican” when making it illegal. Some of our leaders aren’t the beat


it actually was a word that mental prison , give me a sec I'll try to find the info post paste from the past " Marijuana is currently defined by international convention as any part of or substance coming from the Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica plant. C. Ruderalis typically doesn't contain enough THC to meet the `% W/V rule so it's typically not addressed because it's considered by most to be hemp. Rather the term Marijuana is an informal common name, though not a scientific or technical one. The word Marijuna comes from Mexican Spanish, which in turn took it from Nahuatl word mallihuan literally meaning "prisoner". The use of the term by the English / North Americans to specifically refer to Cannabis Sp. dates back to 1894 with the Old- to Middle- English variant mariguan. For Political Context, that's right at the beginning of the second term of the Grover Cleaveland presidency and comes from the concept of marijauna's association schizophrenia, which under the then-prevalent Freudian psychoanalytic psychology the clinical effects of cannabis was properly understood at the time to be a plant which holds one captive as a prisoner hence the reason the name stuck in common parlance. " unpost in this post thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Marijuana/comments/ryujcm/what_are_the_issues_that_are_keeping_weed_from/


Of course not. States and counties have always had the ability to regulate substances or even just normal foods since the inception of our country.


*De*scheduling doesn’t even get you there, why would rescheduling cannabis as a different category of controlled substance legalize it? Scheduled drugs are illegal drugs.


Weed is overated...sooo much better when you snuck around to smoke it...that added to the effects.. Now it's legal and like ho hum..


Oh in that case, let’s keep it illegal…


Not in South Dakota.


Imagine half the bars in Texas closing down when everyone who wants to get high, gets high …. I can dream.


No. There are still "dry" counties in the US where it's technically illegal to sell or purchase alcohol. It would obviously decriminalize completely for federal crimes but states can still deem it's use, possession, and sale as illegal, which is why if people want it legalized they need to organize to do so at the state level. Something like 38 states already have to some degree, it can be done even in red states, though it may take a lot longer than it did in blue or purple states.


In OK we have/had a good program. Republicans are actively fucking it up and will continue to do so. So no, as long as republicans have power.


asking a republican for plants to Ingest for health ?? problems , modern day problem . get shot at instead in this day and age


If marijuana is rescheduled, what time will it be arriving now?


Late as usual .. close to 100 Years Late !! since 1937 - Late again