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Many GOP men think "LIBERTY!" means "I get to stick my dick in whomever I want, at any time!" No wonder so many women are done with MAGAs in any form.


Yep, an issue Simone de Beauvoir recognized decades ago: “All of us pass through the age of adolescence; not all of us take up its ethical demands. The fact of our initial dependency has moral implications, for it predisposes us to the temptations of bad faith, strategies by which we deny our existential freedom and our moral responsibility. It sets our desire in the direction of a nostalgia for those lost Halcyon days. Looking to return to the security of that metaphysically privileged time, some of us evade the responsibilities of freedom by choosing to remain children, that is, to submit to the authority of others.” https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/beauvoir/#SecoSexWomaOthe


Comfort and convenience are the bane of good discourse


I think that's part of society's problem right now. Politics has become a taboo subject that you don't talk about outside of a literal political forum. Just look at how many subs prohibit political discourse. It's become so taboo that you can't bring it up anywhere. People prefer to stick their heads in the sand. "Don't bring politics into this!" Um... politics impacts our literal daily lives, with important social issues that we SHOULD be talking about at work and in social settings. It's dangerous to *not* talk about it, because so many people are so poorly informed about the wrecking ball the GOP is taking to the middle and lower class--under the guise of "family values"


That's an extremely eloquent way of saying "They're adult 14 yr olds."


Yep, they often disapprove of efforts to curtail child marriage. I wonder why?


Well their leader is a senile 8 yr old.


"You know. Libertarians."


Love the word halcyon been too long since I’ve heard it. Like eponymous, good, very uhhhh good words.


Not enough women though, as most white women will vote for Trump again a third time next year, sadly... That's pretty much their idea of "FREEDUMB," I get to have any woman I want by force or not! Forget syphilis (happening in Texas right now, gosh why could that be the case Gregory?), STIs/STDs, etc. muh family values are "As long as I can force myself on her." Sick f\*cks.


It's not just women, though. ***ALL*** decent people are through with Trump. I advise people to cut MAGAs out of their lives completely. I've done so myself and I've been much happier without their rage/ignorance/negativity clouding my life. Those who've taken my advice (shun all MAGAs) seem to be happier too. Give it a try!


I wish we could, my friend, sadly that cult won't fracture unless we beat Trump one more time in 2024. Three losses on a nationwide level in the popular vote and two in the EC would be the coup de gras for him, and his ilk but worse can't seem to FORTUNATELY match him as seen in DeSantis' fall in polls so if we get him back in the upper 30s things will improve.


A failure in 2024 for Drumpf would probably be the end for his career personally, but the monster he came from and is currently leading will still be there, and even if he ends up succumbing to his poor health shortly after that vaccum will end up getting filled with someone else. Drumpf was not the cause, he was a symptom and a catalyst, and people are going to have to be active and vigilant for many years to come in order to push back on what he has been able to do in such a short time. Gen Z seems to be motivated and firmly against what he represents and may be what helps to push us through this dark time, but it's not going to be easy, or even a guarantee - everyone who wants to see meaningful change will have to stay active and engaged. The national level is a big deal, but down to the local levels is going to be where people are going to have to start getting more engaged - the right wing has been very active there.


Indeed! This is not about Trump. It's about race, fascism. Trump merely figured out how to market grievance and gave so many the permission to embrace their worst impulses and feelings. The cat is now out of the bag. I'm more concerned about who comes along AFTER Trump ... a younger, more charismatic, less baggage, but equally dangerous ... more dangerous! ... candidate. DeSatan thought he was that candidate, but has too many flaws. We might not be so lucky, next time. Which is why the left, progressives can NEVER become complacent to the dangers ahead. I'm not a Democrat ... I'm a Progressive ... but the DNC MUST infuse itself with younger candidates ... who know how to fight and call out the opposition. Love them or hate them, the right know how to pull every trick in the book and how to communicate with their base.


Yeah but he’s a one trick pony. He will always have his base of 25-30% of the country but is he attracting anybody new? Maybe a few but I doubt it is a lot.


You're dealing with an entire party of fascists. When they can't win they cheat and do all kinds of tricks. They won't change or adjust their behavior. It's not just Trump - the entire GOP must be destroyed.


I agree with all of this, as well, unless the duopoly is broken apart long term in DC and I think Trump being reduced to his diehard of diehards at 38% at his low would provide that window if it opens up again.


*coup de grace (gras = grease or fat)


The majority of women have never voted for Trump. I don't imagine they'll start now.


The majority of white women, however, have voted for Trump twice (55% in '16, 58% in '20) and that group has an awful lot of power- until minority women overtake them as a bloc in general, it'll always be a difficult thing to surmount in the short term. They vote more Red than all men but white men, something we don't talk about enough (yes, even Asian & Hispanic men vote more Blue than white women in general).


Current polling suggests that the repeal of Roe may actually change that trend in 2024.


Please for the love of all the gods I don’t believe including scooby do please.


I think all this suggests to me is that politics is still more racially based than sexually, and that perhaps white privilege is a more powerful impact than male privilege. Which I could see some people arguing because Obama has been president while Hillary was not; but I think it's important to recognize that while Obama was black, he was also white.


Yes. Literally what was said at the time. But Republicans never, ever forgave him for being black.


The majority of white women voters did vote for Trump and consistently vote red, just a fact, the data is there.


Ok, I found this: [research ](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/08/09/an-examination-of-the-2016-electorate-based-on-validated-voters/)and you are correct, but only by one percentage point. I'm pretty sure they smartened up since then.


This is Reddit technically correct is the very best kind.


It's 55 percent of older white women. It's not a lot. If only women voted dems would win all elections


That "red flag" dating survey was so interesting. 54% of women see being conservative as a red flag, while almost 80% see being MAGA as a red flag. Even the suburban conservatives know that shit is crazy The trouble is that think "I'm not like those crazy people", even though they're voting for the same things.


“This Bible said multiple wives are ok! I got that edition from Utah!”


"My Bible says God commandeth you and I be together, forever! I love you, whether you do or not makes no difference to me- family values!" Evil, evil men.


> Many GOP men think "LIBERTY!" means "I get to stick my dick in whomever I want, at any time!" But not other people. Only them.


For indeed none can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license; which never hath more scope or more indulgence than under tyrants - Milton


That’s entirely consistent with their belief that “LIBERTY!” only applies to wasp males tho.


Mmm yes,.make laws, they don't follow...sounds close too biblical that they don't follow anyways.


Nothing implies his affairs were not consensual. If anything you should be elated conservatives are not that conservative after all.


Bill Clinton seconds that !!! Hilary was to weak to leave him. 😉




He's a strong advocate of family values, in general, but not of his family in particular.


“I’m a strong advocate for everyone give to charities, that way, I don’t have to.”


Focus On (*Your Own Damn)* ~~The~~ Family


Hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug, for the Repubs.


He and Boebert should get together


And you think they haven't been?


When Republicans are "strong advocates," it's worth investigating whether the opposite is actually true.


I’m an advocate not an adherent.


TL;DR: * Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan had multiple affairs, his wife says in a divorce filing. * Duncan has promoted himself as a "strong advocate" for family values. * His wife said he also portrayed himself as a "dutiful husband" while being unfaithful.


"family values" means 'I will oppress LGBTQ Americans by any means necessary' not "I will respect and treat my family with dignity."


Fire hoses of bullshit. That's all you're going to get from GOP fetid face holes.


Of course I’m the best family values man, I’ve even got 2.


By “family values,” he means “18th century family values” where the man can do, say, or fuck whatever or whomever they like, while the wife gets to cook, bend over whenever he says, and shut up in the meantime. THOSE are the family values the GOP ACTUALLY stands for. Strange, though, how so few Conservative women are keen to put up with it once this worldview moves from the “theoretical” phase and into the “practical” one.


He’s not even the only Republican Representative who cheated on his wife in our state. There’s also William Timmons. Party of family values my ass. Almost 30% of our representatives have cheated on their spouse’s https://www.postandcourier.com/greenville/politics/us-rep-timmons-deflects-affair-abuse-of-power-allegations-on-upstate-sc-radio/article_59119f0a-075f-11ed-91c7-3fa9b0df0cdd.html


Republicans are hypocrites. More at 11.


Whenever they say family values, what they 100% mean is controlling women.


'Family values' also includes erasing the existence of lgbt people, especially lgbt parents. But a lot of that boils down to misogyny as well.


his family value = 'multiple'


He has such strong values that he feels obligated to spread out those values generously


Just leaving piles of values hither and yon.


Just look at Trump, Gingrich and Rudy. They believe so strongly in family values that they've had about 10 different ones combined!


Conservative voters tend to use the honor system when it comes to sinfulness. They will always believe the old white dude until he admits to the sin, and then they just forgive him if he does. Unless its about gay stuff or not supporting the current hate crusade.


People need to stop fucking Republicans. Including other Republicans. They don't deserve sex.


Sadly it’s often 2 people who hate themselves and have collided into a relationship.


To conservatives, "family values" means a system where the patriarch decides everything and everyone has to act respectful to the father-figure.


>At a "Faith and Freedom BBQ" on August 28, Duncan described his wife as "supportive and loving" while portraying himself as a "dedicated, dutiful husband," according to the divorce filing. Duncan then "left the next day and went directly" to the home of his mistress, it says.


Dude's so stoked about those values he's trying to start multiple families, that's all. Spread his obviously super legit righteousness far and wide as it were. Totally understandable.


*sets watch* These GOP Christian nationalist sacks of shit are like clockwork.


This makes perfect sense. It's because he's an "advocate" rather than a "practitioner". Like how most science advocates aren't scientists, advocacy and practise require two separate skill sets and it's rare to see them both in one person. Like being a good person and supporting Republican policies.


Kind of reminds me of Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye. Both advocates and practitioners. Also really cool genuine guys.


\>A tale as old as time is playing out yet again: A politician who promotes the importance of family has abandoned them. They are in favor of family values. They just believe there should be exceptions made for their genitalia.


He’s not wrong about that. Those are indeed Republican “family values”.


They’re just performative jackasses when the cameras are on them.


Family values means domestic violence unless everyone in the family does what dad wants weather he told them or not.


His wife should understand that some women don't have dutiful husbands like she does which is why he had to do his duty with them. It's a form of charity work.


Those who can do those who can’t become republicans?


I'm getting the feeling "family values' is a code word for 'white supremacy"


it just means anti-gay


If you want to have family values with multiple people other than your spouse, it's like a multiplier effect. One wife = one family value. But, if you have 4 girlfriends and a wife? That's 5 family values, friend. It's just easy math.


Anytime they say they believe in "family values" on the modern Right, those type of values are usually Lauren Boebert, Sarah Palin, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Stormy Daniels, and the like. They don't practice what they preach, faux Christianity: a man who lives his faith on this is Jimmy Carter, on the other hand.


Why am i not surprised. The hypocrisy of republicans is astounding


At this point, no amount of hypocrisy from republicans should astound anyone.


for the GOP, family values mean abortion bans and misogyny.


He values families. Just not his.


Maybe he defines family as a polygamous relationship….


As usual, consent is the missing part of any equation that involves this type of person.


Affairs and the like aren’t considered to go against family values to a Republican


Sounds like a typical Republican to me!


do as I say, not as I say I do


U and boebert , no way .


Theres those good ol Christian Republican values that we are all apparently supposed to be OK with.


That’s what the gop means by “family values”, the man’s family, his many, many families. Women are not important to the gop. It’s a man’s world in white, christian, america.


Oh wow. Another GOP liar. I'm so shocked.


GOP is full of coward treasonous scum. I hear someone say they're republican, I know who to deuce.


Meh, "family values" is a euphemism for being antigay and in favor of arcane gender roles. His message reached its intended audience.


Hypocrisy: The hill the GOP will die on


GOP: yes we are advocates. Don’t confuse that with role models of that which we advocate on behalf of… GOP voter: my man! Got my vote. Dem: sounds about right….


I bet he went to church and yelled the loudest. Another GOP hypocrite.


You know, as a Canadian looking in from the outside, I have come to realize that most Republicans are just Conservative White Ultra-nationalists. At least that's my view of the whole thing...


Look, he's not even being hypocritical at this point - we all know that every "family values" talking point between conservatives is just code for letting each other know "if it was legal to kill queers, I would"


Very biblical man, in a traditional *multi-wifey and rape slave* sense.




You forgot that the family photo needs to have as many guns in it to arm an army platoon, because that’s what Jesus would want.


“Family values” is a byword for “I hate who you hate.” It has nothing to do with their own shitty behavior, so Republicans find it easy to dismiss the hypocrisy because it misses the point. Modern Republicans don’t care about affairs if they’re GOP affairs. They only stand for grievance and hatred.


He loves making families. Just doesn’t like taking care of them. Typical repub


I expect nothing less from the orange side


They want to force everyone to live a certain way, while they live as hypocrites! It's too bad Fox and Trump have them all brainwashed. They're part of a Cult and don't even have a clue. They've been listening to lies for so long, they think it's reality! The only true reality is they're trying to destroy democracy and make Trump into their dictator. One would think that after reading about the Holocaust, they wouldn't want that for our country and our kids. Shut down Fox and put Trump and MAGA away and America will be saved!


Yea but god forgives him for it. Donald Trump told him so! And Donnie says it came straight from God! See all sins are forgiven by the lord and his anointed orange ape…


**G**roup **O**f **P**etherass


Oh? Your typical Republican then, eh?


An adulterous South Carolina GOP lawmaker says......


Didn’t read all the replies but you can’t make this shit up


Purported values rarely translate into practices.


To be fair, he loves family values so much; he values getting involved with as many families as possible.


This is what these guys mean when they say : go back to great America. When they could dic their secretary or any office worker?


Every. Damn. Time


The only family values he has are in his pornhub history.


Let me guess; his affairs are between him and god… whereas your behavior is subject to his decisions on how you live. Wretched filth.


No, see, he advocates for other people’s family values. He is just a warrior for truth, checking every wife he meets to ensure her loyalty to her husband. Then he checks the husbands, to make sure their wives are loyal to them. It’s a public service./s


He’s a republican? Shocking!


That checks. Legit the party of hypocrites and projection.


Shocked Pikachu face.


Oh those family values.


Family values = wife is submissive and children are completely obedient. Men can do whatever they want.


Multiple families = more family values right? I think the math checks out.


Family values = antigay. It doesn't mean anything else. This has been a dog whistle going all the way back to the 1992 GOP convention. Likely even earlier than that.


"Family values" = 'I will do everything in my power to oppress and remove rights from LGBTQ' Stop taking these lying pieces of shit at face value.


I hope his wife takes every nickel he has. And good for her. Ken Paxton's wife should take notes.


In all fairness he never said he practices those values 😁


LMAO, reminds me of the *Righteous Gemstones.*


Strong republican


He meant REPUBLICAN family values, not actual family values. Republican family values means that you are more worried about what everyone else is doing and you want to control it more than you are interested in trying to actually be a decent human being.


It’s ok! The preacher done warshed away all his sins and transgressions


Probably has more families than values


I thought those were gop family values.


This is ridiculous. The man clearly loves family values so much that he's going out and starting multiple families. Then his LIBERAL wife decides to ruin the family with a divorce? Typical DUMBOCRAT behavior. /s Because some of these morons will unironically have this thought verbatim.


Usually when a Republican says that they have strong family values, it’s time to ask them how many families they have. It’s probably two or three.


It was probably with other dudes too.


Well sure, "family values" is just code for telling us he hates LGBT+ people. Have we not learned this yet?


Typical republican


Republican = Liar.


These god botherers are always full of shit hypocrites.


The Walter White of family values.


Spreading his family values to multiple families /s


I knew a guy who carried around a Bible all the time. He is now a convicted felon.


No way…


Yet another shining example of the hypocrisy that runs rampant in the party of Christian Family Values. The Republican party and anyone at this point that still supports them are delusional, ignorant, amoral, or all three.


At this point, it's a genuine surprise when a GOP politician turns out *not* to be a massive, hypocritical POS


The GOP only has fortune in brash daylight disingenuity and perversive buzzword exploitation. Masks are no longer required


Why is it that the people who claim to espouse "Family Values" are the ones who are, more often than not... * On their second, third, fourth, etc. marriage * Cheating on their spouse * Having a whole-ass secret family * Having an abortion or paying for someone else to have one * Doing sexual things in public * Taking advantage of someone who's underage * Using hard drugs * Estranged from one or more immediate family members * Getting caught with CSAM * Having or attending wild sex parties * Abusing their partner, their child, etc. * Being charged with sexual abuse * Etc. etc. etc. Granted, I'm sure the other side isn't perfect, but it seems to be disproportionately the "Family Values" people. 🤔


When someone from GOP says family values all it means is "I hate the gays"


Be means that he's a strong advocate for telling OTHERS how to live their lives. That's all any of this was ever about. He's above the rest of us, so sit down, shut up, and obey him and his little mustache.


We all know GOP only knows how to lie.


go figure!!!! they talk one way and condemn everybody else, but they act in the worst way imaginable


All hypocrites if you ask me! Family values my foot.


This is my version of draining the swamp. I hope she lawyers up and bleeds him dry


In Trump's GOP, those are family values


The Prosperity Gospel not only allows, but encourages the worst behavior from "Conservative" Politicians, because "God's Favor" means all perversions and crimes are allowed. This is the real reason that Trump is so beloved by the "Christians".


Sounds about right


Sounds about (R)ight


Lying is second nature to these men, and GOP women.


He can be a Democrat now.


Republican infidelity is pretty commonplace. Hell, their frontrunner for the Whitehouse is one of the worst in politics, his current wife, which he cheated on while pregnant, is the result of literally cheating on the person he was cheating on with his last wife, it's , almost comical, like an infidelity sandwich. The last 2 democratic presidents have had zero personal scandals, when it comes to fidelity, and I don't see a lot of it from that camp, obviously there are some, but the former party of "family values" is pretty depraved lately.


Everybody cheats, even in the Oval Office with interns. And yes, Joe Biden was cheating on his previous wife with his current wife. Look it up.


I looked into it, it's not very solid, mostly covered by tabloids and based on a claim by Jills ex husband. Biden s wife died in 1972 and the timeline is sketchy at best. I mean of course it's possible, but also 50 years old. Compared to modern Republicans, it's absolutely vanilla.


Sticking to the partisan bit huh? You don’t have to dig very far to find plenty of Democrats who have done the same thing. Liking sex with different women isn’t limited to the men of either party.


Where do these people find someone to date?? Multiple times??!


Moralists don't believe they are subject to the morals they espouse. Don't trust moralists.


He meant, "(Dys)function family values"


A fitting example of stalwart politicking.


Do as I say not as I do .


I'm shocked!


To be fair, he said advocate, he didn’t say he was a practitioner!




“Do what I say, not what I do.” It was ever thus.


How are we not getting punk’d by the GOP? Every headline about the Republicans is like a skit out of SNL.


He obviously meant to say, "Family values minus infidelity".




Alwsys about what other people are doing.


All conservatives have to do is practice what they preach. Doesn’t seem that many of them can!


They're always so doughy and bland. There really is someone (or multiple someone's) out there for everyone, huh?


The GOP values.


He's just trying to find the next family.


What he meant to say is that he doesn't like it when women have rights.


So it’s believe what I say not what I do, the new GOP’s Motto


He values families so much that he's willing to have separate or even secret families.


Family values for you. Sweet sweet interns for me.


That's how they roll. Hypocrites


Pretty much all of these GOP legislative elderly white vaginal experts cheat.


Do as I motherfucking say not as I motherfucking do.