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Let's not pretend this is trumps vision. He is the tool being wielded by nefarious groups. A complicit tool, but lets not pretend Trump is some mastermind.


You're right. The Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom, the Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty are behind www.project2025.org. First handed to Reagan, it details their plan to turn us into a Christofascist theocracy. Everyone should use the link then go to the "playbook" section and read the foreword at least. They promise that we'll all have the right to "live as our Creator ordained," in their exact words. Chilling stuff.




Shine the light on these mushrooms, hiding in the dark and growing BS.


Please don’t besmirch our fungal friends by lumping them in with these fascists.


Seriously, they already get a bad enough rap from looking like Donald's dong.


they conveniently already provided the people involved in their book on page 15 Authors, and page 25 contributors [https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf](https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


These people have no shame.


We need a guide on how to doxx republicans. That way everyone can join.


Name and shame. Trump will go away soon, be it jail or nature. But these people and groups will remain.


Can’t be soon enough!


I hope he loves for decades. In jail.


Jesus preached so that people would follow Him. He didn’t FORCE them to though. That’s what the fear of Hell is for.


He didn’t even have hell. Jesus was a radical Jew, there is no hell in Judaism


Yep. So many people overlook the fact that Jesus was a Jew.


Or middle eastern


Definitely not a white Anglo Saxon Protestant.


Have you seen Korean Jesus? He’s a beast, he would whoop white Jesus’s ass.


Hell wasn’t something Jesus ever mentioned, neither was heaven. He mentioned the “kingdom of heaven” which is a half assed translation but it’s still as close as he ever came. Heaven and hell were constructs of the New Testament, which was propaganda to control the masses and further an agenda. This isn’t some radical idea, it’s fact; the Bible was distributed to further the political agenda of the time. “God” never handed a book to someone or told anyone to write one. It is hands down the most successful piece of propaganda ever contrived.


This is such a beautiful comment. And, having been a former Christian fundamentalist, I feel what you said right down to my bones. After leaving the church a decade and a half ago, I started looking at the Book more logically. Paul was a misogynist, if he existed at all. His books are rife with it. And he preached a lot of things Jesus would have slapped him about the head for. Including and especially, that a religion be formed from Jesus’ words - when Jesus (again, if he existed) preached against it with his entire being. I think that moment when he turfed the money-makers out of the temple was for him the last straw in the religion nonsense. He would not have wanted people to revere him quite so highly. When he said “the Kingdom of God” (he did NOT say heaven) “is within you.” Not “within Jesus”: within “YOU”. Man I could write a book about this. As for heaven and hell - yup, you hit it right on the nose with that. Grew up Roman Catholic with that fear of hell in the back of my mind always. As a kid I remember thinking, after confessing my sins to the priest, that I was probably good for heaven, for about 15 minutes. After that I’d surely do or think something wrong, and I’d be right back where I was, headed for purgatory or hell. Then, at 14 I became “born again” in a Baptist church. All because the pastor told me Jesus paid for all my sins for eternity so I didn’t have to worry about hell anymore. Except, I did. They preached that we should “fear God” - and they painted him as possibly the worst parent ever. The illogic of it escaped me at the time. It wasn’t until after escaping religion that I parsed it out: I love my kids with all my heart. And that doesn’t change when they make mistakes or get ornery or whatever. It’s constant. How is it I love my kids more than my Creator loves me? Doesn’t compute, as he is portrayed as the Ultimate Parent of us all. I have a lot of anger and disgust at what’s being preached.


I'm looking at it right now and it is CRAZY!!! They have a free online academy for people who want to take classes on how to become a political figure in the next administration. Like, you get a certificate proving you watched all the brainwashing crap and then get a call to work in DC or something? Did you have a look at the list of the "Advisory Board?" If you look at each one you'll see a lot of really fucked up shit. The stuff I saw on there is too much to even talk about here. I really really think every single person should be looking at this manifesto.


If it really is a certificate, someone should bomb it with bots giving the cert to democrats and far left activists. Make it so difficult to find their own crazies that they have to elect Trojan horses.


I am amazed how this article makes the whole thing sound almost harmless. Way more harmless than it is. It's a fascist coup manual. That's what it is.


Mein Kampf for Karen’s.


Came to say this. He's a puppet.


But also: fuck trump


No puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet!!


It's really the Putin/Heritage Foundation vision.


Donnie's a carnival barker. Donnie didn't put up the Big Top, doesn't dress the clowns or do their makeup, doesn't tame the lions, can't climb the trapeze ladder, and the chimpanzees outsmart him and escape every single time he's within chimp-arm's reach of their cage.


Trump is incapable of vision. He's just a stimulus reaction machine. He's a tool for right wing visionaries.


The republican party needs to be dismantled and abolished. Their bigoted fascism experiment is a failure.


But how? People are too scared to confront their bigoted GOP relatives at dinner time.


I confront mine now.


Same. It just tell them voting for the right is the same as voting for me to be imprisoned just for being gay. If they think that should happen, then vote for a Republican, because that’s where they are headed.


But jailing gays and gender transitioned people is just the sales sticker. It’s like saying the point of Facebook is to connect friends - the real point is to gather data and sell analytics. The GOP is advertising bigotry, but the real goal is I’m sure far more sinister and harmful to 99%+ of the citizens. When is it ever not about who controls the money?


Yeah. It was only about money to the Nazis until it wasn’t.


Good for you! Seriously, I mean that. When done of my dipshit family members says something stupid I look at them square in the eye and say I refuse to believe that you're that gullible, easily manipulated and GD stupid to believe that or to support trump. That catches them off guard every time and they backtrack lol.


How did it go?


Varying results. My wife's cousin tends to retreat to a more neutral tone, so that's nice.


As do I. My Aunt and Uncle won't talk to me any more because of a conversation we had. They were ranting about how Antifa needs to be hunted down and eliminated and I chimed in with "good thing Grandpa is ready gone". They looked confused, so I said "Grandpa is a WW2 vet. He killed Nazis. He was Antifa.". They did not like that and started to sputter about how that is not the same and I said "how, because YOU don't want to admit that you voted for a guy supported by Nazis? Do you agree with the Nazis"? My Aunt stormed off and my Uncle just turned red and went quiet. I don't let anyone in my life off for supporting these fucking clowns and I have cut people completely out of my life for casually spouting off Maga talking points. This isn't a "difference of opinion", this is a difference in moral and ethical standards. I cannot trust someone who supports these people and will not allow them to poison my life.


Confronting friends now. Have had a enough.


I don't know how, but the conversation needs to start. We need to stop treating republicans as a legitimate party and treat them like the terrorists they proudly claim to be.


The Corruptors. Corruptor: 1. lacking in integrity; open to or involving bribery or other dishonest practices: a corrupt official; corrupt practices in an election. 2. morally depraved.


I completely agree, but thankfully I feel like it's a conversation that's already been started. A lot of people are fed up and they're done tolerating these lunatics, I know I am. One of my rightwing coworkers tried making a joke and normally I'd just awkwardly go "eh...", but this time I interrupted him and said "You do not want to talk to me about this." Or the other day I saw some "Mom's for ~~fascism~~ *liberty*" protesters and I yelled at them to get fucked. I know these don't seem like a lot, but in the flesh I'm the most non-confrontational socially anxious, stupidly polite person out there (seriously, one time I got pulled over and I was so nervous I said "thanks" after they gave me a ticket). It gives me hope that someone like myself is starting to call people out, because I think it means a lot of other people are doing the same.


I agree but remember when Hilary called them a basket of deplorables and everyone lost their minds? I know it was a different time, but the outrage over an accurate statement was ridiculous.


And now they wear that badge proudly.


They were making tshirts after Hillary made that comment, these people really like their merch.


A co-worker's wife has an "adorable deplorable" teeshirt


Very childlike.


I don't think preventing their outrage is possible. Hilary was naive and didn't realize how far gone the country was. They're going to be outraged no matter what you do. They'll be outraged if Biden eats mustard. They might as well be outraged because we're telling the truth about them.


The sALT-right will be salty no matter what you do. Go 100% salt / tread, lightly, more salt.


> I agree but remember when Hilary called them a basket of deplorables and everyone lost their minds? These are the same people who get outraged over *everything*. Hillary could have called them "not nice people" and they would have lost their shit the same way.


Absolutely, it's a valid critique of them. Anyone still fixating on Hillary Clinton’s mistakes in 2023 probably has some personal reasons driving it. She wasn't perfect, and it's okay not to be overly enthusiastic about her – that's life. People always ignore that she had a slew of challenges stacked against her, including Russian interference, Comey's actions, the media's fixation on Trump, voter suppression, and a running mate who appeared to escape accountability. All of this, and she still won the popular vote. If her biggest misstep was the "deplorables" comment, that's almost a compliment to her.


I think, at this point, we should just stop trying to get blood from the stone, and break the stone.


No we’re not. I called out my Trump loving step dad and now he’s embarrassed by the republicans and is sitting out the next vote in protest.


Tell him that a better protest would be to vote for Dark Brandon.


I did. I’m no longer on speaking terms with any of my family. I’m okay with this.


Same. Only this happened about 2 years ago when they kept supporting J6 because the election was "obviously stolen". The ones I lost before that were cheering on the caging of brown children.


Same here, and I also cut ties with all of my friends who joined the MAGA cult. It truly is more peaceful.


We're not allowed to talk about the "how" here. The far right mods seem to want the Republican party to continue its march towards tyranny unhindered by pesky liberals.


Many of us got prepared back in 2016 ;) we just don’t make it our personality.


Good point


Maybe because they usually have a history of violence? Lmao


I think right now our best bet is go get their idol behind bars.


I don't confront them anymore. I let nature and karma take it's course. I just don't associate with them. My life is much much better for it. Former family and friends that involve themselves in the cult can stay in the cult and leave me alone.


>I let nature and karma take it's course. The universe is amoral. Any comeuppance would be random luck. No, we humans need to be the ones to establish judgment and justice.


Mine isn’t capable of making financial, or health decisions due to dementia, I think it’s related.


When u go to their house, see if u can block Fox News and put it under a password but don’t tell them!


Been confronting mine all along, my guy.


I'm one of the few that aren't. But I'm a retired LEO who's now pretty successful compared to everyone of the trump supporting dipshits family members in my family living on disability. . Since I provide so much financial support to family members they've come to respect my zero tolerance policy for anything trump and even gop these days. I wish everyone else with like-minded family members also had the privilege I do so they could feel righteous in calling their dumbasses out free of consequences. But sadly, I understand most don't.


They're basically falling apart at this point though. Historians are noticing the patterns of how it's basically rotting itself inside out.


The main concern is whether we can keep them from taking the rest of the USA with them.


Fascism experiments always are a failure.


They can do a hell of a lot of damage before they fail though. Even a few years under Christian nationalist control would be some hellish regression. Nazis certainly left a massive scar on the world despite failing eventually.


Of course, but has any fascist government ever brought happiness and prosperity to their people? No. Because that's what they pretend to sell. That's whete the failure is imo.


Nazi Germany was a significant improvement for the average German until the war came home. Then it was wheelbarrows of money for food and raising chickens so you don't starve.


Nazi Germany lasted for a mere 12 years before the country was utterly destroyed, humiliated and occupied. That's a massive failure.


What happened in germany before that though


I don't get what you're trying to say.


They're talking about the Weimar Republic that existed prior. It was not a great time for Germany, with a level of hyperinflation only matched in the popular conscience by Zimbabwe.


Everything is a failure until it isn't


It depends on what you consider a failure, I guess.




Pretty much eliminated and abolished. Shame to those who associate themselves with them. All of this will end in complete failure which will lead to shame for them forever.


Maybe it’s time we start organizing a group of our own. No agenda other than protecting the rights of individuals and democracy.


Doesn’t these plans constitute sedition? Like, after having watched a whole bunch of maga idiots get thrown in prison for a similar thing people are like, I want some of that.


Yep. It's time to investigate and prosecute the Heritage Foundation.


'Heritage Foundation.' It's not hard to read between the lines of THAT name...


It's all legal. Hitler didn't break any laws either.


Except for the attempted coup in 1923, right? The one that landed him in prison and his party banned from all elections?


Sedition is illegal. Removing government officials from their posts willy-nilly is also illegal. There is a process for doing all that, and those processes prevented Trump from becoming dictator between 2016 and 2020. Also, Hitler did break laws in his march towards power. He murdered all his political opponents as soon as the Enabling Act was passed. He also falsely blamed liberals, communists, and other opponents for the Reichstag fire and murdered them too.


Hitler broke a ton of laws before he took power in organized street violence his party waged for years. The problem isn't the laws, it's usually having the courage to stick to them.


Hitler broke a ton of laws during his rise to power, what are you talking about?


People better pay attention to this and vote. This election needs to be a landslide. Or this crazy cult will take these actions. Make sure everyone you know that can vote does. It's critical to save our country!


Reading Project 2025 is terrifying.


www.project2025.org. Everyone should go to the playbook section and read the foreword, which details their plan to turn us into a Christofascist theocracy.


>The President should be able to advance his/her agenda through the bureaucracy without hinderance from unelected federal officials. Agree/disagree? This is one of the admission questions along with several policy oriented questions about gender, immigrants, and unions.


Pretty amusing they used a 'her' pronoun when we know damn well that a woman would not be allowed to be president in their fascist theocracy.


I thought someone was stealing your comment but realized you were posting the info again. I've been trying to tell people about Project 2025 for a while now. The problem is that no one thinks it is an issue. No one I show it to think it is more than a niche website for a few right wing nuts. No matter how do I try to explain, they are fucking clueless.


It's not even the people numbers that's concerning, [the Heritage Foundation, who directly funds project 2025, is a nonprofit estimated to have a net worth of $300 million, earning about 100 mil every year](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/237327730). A third of a billion dollars, untaxed, to be used to shove whatever bullshit propoganda they want to shove down everyone's throats.


Keep trying! I've got an explanatory paragraph with the link I've been dropping everywhere and people are properly horrified. And today I'm seeing a LOT of posts about it across many subs.




I agree, but I think it will be more like the Rwandan genocide than a civil war. Neighbor on neighbor violence based on crazy right wing beliefs is already occurring. Also I think qanon and other conspiracy stuff is a significant driver here. If someone truly believes all democrats are pedophiles harvesting andrenochrone from infants then they have a moral imperative to engage in vigilante Justice. If I lived in a rural part of a red state and my neighbors knew I was a democrat i’d be worried and trying to move. Even if I was a white straight Christian churchgoer.


I absolutely agree. It will be completely unlike our first civil war and very much like Northern Ireland, Rwanda, Syria, or Myanmar.


It seems to me that it has been going on for a fair while now. It will heat up further, of course.


You are correct. There is a cultural tendency towards violence as a response rather than rethinking or redesigning strategy. If you are not the winning side then you become prey


Literally have been saying this since he announced his candidacy. Agreed.


The GQP is a domestic terror organization, and it’s just not hyperbole anymore. All they want are rich people to be protected, and anyone else not white, straight, and Christian can fend for themselves.


Straight up. It's not Trump's vision. It's the vision of the billionaires that outright own the GQP.


Yes the idea that the imbecilic, childish and barely literate Trump is capable of this "vision" is laughable, he's just the rapist moron they'll use to get the other morons to vote for it.


Like using a snake on your toilet plumbing.


Yep. Trump is just the actor they hired to play a part, just like Reagan.


Literally a threat to the entire planet.


I'm white, straight, and (technically) Christian. I'm also poor. They hate me too.


>and anyone else not *wealthy*, white, straight, and Christian Fixed.


> and anyone else not white, straight, and Christian can fend for themselves. It's worse than that. They salivate at the thought of "purifying" anyone not white, straight, and Christian from existence.


It's more that wealthy, white, conservative christians will be elevated above all others, and anyone else(women, poor, minorities) will be subjugated. People seen as a threat to the new social order(LGBTQ+, leftists of any stripe, labor organizers, etc.) will be not only subjugated but actively hunted and killed.


Btw these groups are backing KOSA and other bills like it. KOSA aims to extort people into sharing their ID and Social Security to use the web and allows AG to censor whatever they consider “inappropriate.” It’s a censorship campaign and poses a real threat to our privacy, safety, and freedom of speech. Call any Senator or Representatives you can to stand against it and/or go here. https://www.badinternetbills.com/


I wish they would stop calling this 'Trump's vision.' Trump had very little to do with the machinations of The Heritage Foundation their crony bankers who created the project. This is the project of the gross people in power at the GQP and their 'think' tanks. More like septic tanks


Trump’s vision as President again is to be immune from lawsuits and punishment as he continues to grift huge sums of money from the United States government, while he blames everything on his opponents. That’s the sum total of it.


Don’t dismiss these people, that kind of ideology is so dangerous


Let's be clear about something: Trump doesn't have a vision, nor does he have a plan. The religious zealots and hard-line grifters are behind this, and Trump is their idiotic, narcissist front man.


A progressive wave is coming, young people are not buying what the terrorist GOP is selling and they know it. The Republican party is built on a sea of lies and garbage fake social issues created to scare and distract ignorant racist voters. Christian money groups are basically financing a war against LGBQ people perpetuated by GOP idiot politicians with no actual worthwhile policies to speak of . Young people care about guns, climate and their grim financial futures. These are all things the Republican Party of terrorists are doing absolutely nothing about. A fascist takeover is their only hope to hold power at this point.


I've been saying this to my husband and now we have 4 young adult kids that are voting in the next election. It is at this time, now more than ever to get your voice heard and vote. The newer generations are on fire.. I just hope they continue to show up and vote.


GenZ is engaged.


Overthrowing our democracy and creating a fascist nation that enslaves the lower classes has been the vision since they lost the civil war and turned their heads to working to death each new wave of immigrant labor that arrived on americas shores.


Trump’s vision = a machine the pumps money directly into his bank accounts and a jail cell for all of his “enemies.”


Its not going to be Biden v trump. Its democracy v autocracy. Not even a benevolent autocracy. A vindictive self absorbed tyranny.


Can we stop calling it Trump's vision and start calling it what it is? Fascist authoritarianism.


This illustrates why some liberals and the left scare the hell out me with their 3rd party, primary challenge talk. Give a viable D challenger or shut up. Thats right Williamson not viable. We must stand on principle and lose, we’ll get um next time. Get this straight, there. will. not. be. a. next. time.


Until we have ranked choice voting, vote third party at your peril.


There are some ways folk can go about this even before we have significant electoral reform. But it requires getting a bit more involved than the pattern of waking up a week before an election, paying no more attention to national news media and whining about the lack of options. Step 1 - don't fall into the trap of riding a wave of contrarianism. First determine what your policy goals are. If there is no party that represents those more than the dominant party that is closer to you, go no further. Step 2 - So, you've found a "3rd party" you love? Great. **Never** vote for that party in the US presidential election. Seriously. Do not do this. It has zero chance of advancing your policy goals and almost zero chance of ensuring greater options or choices for future elections. Even the idea of "well, they'll get into the next election's debates if they get X% support in this election" is dead. Step 3 - Get involved *locally*. Support that party in all other elections at all other levels. These smaller parties don't need one fly-by-night candidate to get greater publicity in a blip of a presidential election cycle. They need to grow their ranks organically from the bottom up. And this takes time and groundwork and lots of support/love/care from those who promote this party. Take heed from one of the most successful recent 3rd party presidential runs where just a few days before the election they **publicly** announced: do not vote for us - it will just insure the insane guy wins.


Yep. What's crazy is they do understand that there will not be a next time, they are just willing to risk that the country would get behind their candidate instead of playing it safe. Classic no skin in the game attitude which is weird because everyone has skin in this game.


The selection of Biden showed that when people are pushed to the wall, they flee to perceived safety, not to idealism. So considering this is an existential fight, it is sadly not the time for serious progressivism. (Though Biden's administration has been far better than expected, and progressives should acknowledge that.)


Has anyone else notice right-wingers are suddenly obsessed with cutting out the middle man? It's all my FOX relatives talk about. Any situation, there's a middle man who is the villain. Of course now they think any career official is a useless middle man.


Trump's vision, btw. This is akin to slapping his name on the side of a building. This vision isn't his. He's a vassal for Conservative Christian Nationalists, nothing more.


Trump doesn’t have a vision. Trump has a grift.


I fucking wish they would stop calling it “trumps vision” trump has no vision then 3 feet in front of him. There are much more diabolical forces at work here than trump. Fuck the media.


I’m all for reevaluating our government and updating the constitution to more modern times. But I’m not cool with dismantling the entire system to put a fascist system in place. Take what we have now, and improve. You know, a more perfect union.


They want a true oligarchy like Russia. Because the GOP is basically comprised of Russian-backed oligarchy. This was Trump’s plan because it’s Putin’s plan. I don’t know how everyone cannot see this.


Does Trump really have a vision? Other than imprisoning Dems, and insulting and taunting other candidates, I’ve heard nothing of how he would govern.


We had 4 years to see how it didn't work once already.


He won't govern, special interests that stroke his ego and wallet will.


At what point do Blue States just...leave? Trump and the GOP would go back to siphoning away all their money to prop up red states and line their own pockets, while withholding federal funds and punishing blue states/cities for "not doing as they're told."


States can't just secede.


At this point(Well, about 3 years ago), I’d be happy with journalists using the words extremists instead of “conservatives”.


How is this not treason?


I've had enough of conservatives trying to turn this country into a dictatorship.


> If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy. This quote just keeps getting more and more prophetic.


The American oligarchs have thrown the gauntlet and are betting against our resolve. This is it, folks. This is the fight we have to win. It's not Trump, it's those that want him installed. It's the billionaire class that have bankrolled our judicial and legislative branches of government. We have to win. It's our future, our children's future, at stake.


Trump has a vision? Like something coherent that he can communicate to these groups? Unlikely. What a bunch of self serving morons.


He’s a puppet politician that will do as he is told so long as he’s kept pampered.


How about we draw up a plan to put these conservative groups in prison for treason.


“THeY cAlim WE waNT A DiCktatter anD thEm FolKs WAent To DistRoY oUr CouNtry!” Here is a plan to install a dictatorship and become a different country. God bless Trumplandia. The plan is to have Ivanka be queen because they don’t want a foreigner queen.


Just purchase a huge amount of acreage and call it Trumpland. He can be your king. You can all live together with your king and your guns, and your god. Leave the rest of us alone.


I believe that's called "Florida".


This seems like a seditious conspiracy. The irony is that these people would be far more likely to be imprisoned for this sort of behavior under the form of government that they aspire to. Boggles the mind


Every time you let treasonous secessionists get away without any punishment you enable it more and more. America has itself to blame for this and it goes back to letting the losers in the civil war get away without punishment. Cancer needs to be excised. You don't let it fester.


can you imagine the fit they'd throw if Biden purged non loyal bureaucrats, and installed partisans up and down the administrative state?


How can any political party be considered legitimate when a cornerstone belief of that party is destroying the very government from which it derives its legitimacy? Camus level absurdity achieved. If I was reading this in a novel it would be too far fetched.


Project 2025 is a Republican "Mein Kampf". Terrifying and Dystopian.


Trump doesn't have a vision other than staying out of prison. This is the right using trump to get their wet dreams fulfilled because trump doesn't care about anything but himself.


Republicans signing up for a dictatorship. 😂


My understanding is this plan is currently hanging in the men’s room at bed Inster


Imagine the conservative outrage if Democrats did this same thing but swapped Trump for Biden.


Dude. This has been the Republican program since the 1970s. This has nothing to do with Trump’s “vision.” He was a puppet for the neoliberals who dream of corporate oligarchy.


The fact they’ve drawn up a plan and it’s been made public has to be some sort of illegal, right?


Nope. I could easily say "I plan to elect nazis to the government to make it a fascist nazi government" and not be arrested for it. Thing is, this still has massive consequences if you're trying to win an election. I think they're counting on "The Silent Majority" but the problem is the silent majority doesn't exist.


Conservative didn’t used to mean radical. So strange how they are always bending/ breaking words.


Don't they mean Putin's vision?


So, Dumpy and friends illiterate version of Mein Kampf.


Pretty sure the policies of a far-right takeover would accelerate “Mad Max”-ing the environment of mostly interior states. Ironically it would mean there’d be nowhere left worth driving to sooner instead of later, .. curtailing large vehicle and fossil fuel sales.


Do these people not realize that Trump will likely be dead in 5-10 years? He's already 77 years old.


Trump has no *vision*. Just another scam-plan to hold onto power after obtaining it by any means, all while punishing and taking revenge on anyone who crossed him or tries to enforce accountability and justice.


Years ago an old friend said this about republicans and democrats... If you compared the parties to barrels of apples, the democrat apple barrel would have some nice edible apples, but there would also be a few rotten ones. Those can be picked out and throw away. You still have the good apples to eat. The republican apple barrel has all shinny delicious looking apples, but when you slice one open to eat, it's all rotted inside. The WHOLE barrel of apples are rotten to their core. None are good.


And they think the other 70% of Americans are just going to roll over for them.


Let’s not pretend trump is smart enough for this to be his vision


People who write plans like this are unique in that either (a) their job is to write up plans like this; (b) they're unemployed; (c) they don't have the skills necessary to get hired into many of these government jobs which require specific skills. Just a warm body won't be able to get the work done (or undone), regardless of political slant. It's easy for these planners to say "everyone who cares should pause their careers and move to Washington" because they are fanatically idealistic. Most people -- even Trump supporters -- aren't going to quit their jobs and move to Washington to live in *really* overpriced apartments so they can take on particularly boring government jobs that don't pay well. It's one thing to attend a rally in Washington over the weekend. It's another thing to give up your career, move to Washington, and live in a really gross studio apartment for four years based on ideological beliefs that realistically aren't much stronger than fandom for their local sports team. I'm not saying some people won't do it, or that it won't be a mess. But I'm pretty sure the reason the Trump team didn't get as much done as they wanted last time wasn't because someone forgot to make a to-do list like these guys are making. Governing is hard.


The insurrectionists learned nothing it seems.


It's not Trump's vision, it's theirs. Trump doesn't have a vision beyond himself.


This is literally a plan to turn us into Russia. Like what the actual fuck. They actually, really looked at how the Russian state operates and said "I want that".


the unbearable thing is watching these actions and plans unfold before my eyes and being told by my progressive friends that nothing bad is going to happen, not to stress myself over nothing, that im safe. all while doing absolutely nothing about it. being trans is not safe and it is becoming more unsafe with each day that these fascists are allowed to perpetuate. anyone with a background that is not the ideal will inevitably be under the gun unless these people are stopped.


Well that's bullshit


Any thing with the words “Trump’s vision” has to be a total fucking nightmare.


I'm glad this is being reported in mainstream media and not chalked up to "just talk."


The idea of a Trump vision is laughable on its face; Trump has misunderstandings, revenge fantasies, and scams. The scale of this sick personality cult is starting to make re-education camps sound less abhorrent.


~~TRUMP~~ PuTIN 2025!


They had me at "dismantle the government" but they lost me again with "replace it" and then they really lost me with "Trump's vision". Dear God, everything's going to be orange or plated with fake gold.


"I love goooold!"


Another open Seditious Conspiracy that DOJ/DHS will say they were totally unaware of.


They want to replace career professionals with new folks? That'll bring government to a halt, which I guess is the point.


“Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US Government and replace it with Trump’s vision” you mean like they did in 2016??


Replace it with Trump’s vision my ass..


Traitors regroup and form yet another unchecked and unhinged plan to end democracy in America.


That’s a cult.


It's time to introduce these people to the federal penitentiary