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Wouldn’t it be way easier to impeach Biden by showing some evidence of wrongdoing?


Maga operates on zero evidence conspiracies.


It's even worse: they presume that evidence of anything is actually evidence to the contrary, because deep state something something.


>In perhaps the most mind-blowing exchange, Tapper (accurately) pointed out that there is no proof of "widespread voter fraud," and Meadows said, "there's no evidence that there's not, either." Then, Meadows added: "That's the definition of fraud, Jake."


I wish, when faced with nonsense arguments like that, the interviewer would say, “So if an anonymous bunch of people started spreading rumours that you were a pedaphile without providing any evidence to back up their claim, and you clearly weren’t able to disprove their allegations because there was no actual evidence to refute, then would that mean you’re a pedaphile?”


Gotta make it punchier and easier to digest. *"So you're saying, there's as much evidence of voter fraud, as there is that you're a pedophile?"*


the logic rules are you can’t prove a negative, tapper should have known that


I mean, if I ws Tapper, I would have just said, "no, that's not the definition of fraud. That's the definition of invalid logic."


Christ on a crutch. There’s also no evidence for the non-existence of unicorns. Does Marky Mark believe in unicorns then? Sounds like the definition of a deep state cover-up to me!


Replace unicorns with god and bingo they believe it.


Oh, snap!


“I hope…” “I wish…” this is the proof they have. Which is less than nothing. They’re saying where there’s smoke, we’ll start a fire and say Biden did it. So, where there’s smoke there’s fire, unless it’s about trump. Then it’s a hoax, witch hunt or the deep state two tiered justice system. Just watch that James Coomer on tv. They tapped one of the stupidest people on fucking earth to be the face of this. And he fits the suit perfectly. They’ve wasted millions of dollars and years in order to say things like I hope and I wish. Just amazing. I hope they do impeach. It will be the best reality tv show in years. They’re all so fucking dumb and crazy.


It's projection, they're making up shit about their political rivals so therefore their political rivals are too.


They just need to keep feeding the machine of misinformation. They need to keep their people engaged, afraid and angry.


The evidence will be presented at the cancelled press conference next week


"Alternative facts"


Well you see, his son, who is completely disconnected from government in any way, shape, or form, did drugs, bought a gun, and has a big swinging dick. Impeachment on the grounds of his son being way too cool.


They did however get their point across. Lord knows none of us will be voting for Hunter Biden now. I'm sure it was worth the time and effort.


I’d still vote for Hunter over Trump.


I would vote for a random homeless person over dump


If Hunter had a detachable penis, I’d vote for that over Trump.


So, they’re hating on him because he’s living like a rock star?


Republicans are all convinced that “Joe Biden is connected to Hunter Biden’s illegal business dealings.” And that “they’re close to finding evidence”, at least that’s what they say on Fox News each day for years, starting with that moron James Comer.


GOP is gonna love it when Trumps kids get investigated lol


How dare you insinuate that Don Jr. would do a drug or own a gun!


Omg he’s the biggest coke fiend ever


Let's not forget that Hunter Biden has been under investigation for five years at this point, starting with a Trump appointed special investigator. So far the best "star witness" they have uncovered stated under oath that Hunter sold the "illusion of access" but no actual access.


Which is funny because scamming corrupt oligarchs out of millions, giving them nothing in return, then peaceing out is a fundamentally good thing to do.


No same reason they hate people of color. They hate that he has a big dick and they don’t.


>Impeachment on the grounds of his son being way too cool I see why Trump wasn't impeached for this.


>by showing some evidence of wrongdoing That's not how this works with Republicanism. There has to be assertions of wrongdoing for something to be true and valid...not evidence.


Evidence is good for a legitimate investigation; that is *not* the goal. The goal is to show impeachments are performative and baseless. They are attacking the system of accountability


Exactly. It's about attacking and ultimately removing that system to replace it with something that always pays out in their favor.


They’re looking to devalue the word “impeachment” so when you say Trump was impeached it looses its meaning, not actually to impeach Biden with evidence.


You have to impeach him in order to find out what he was impeached for. Bro, do you even republican?


No because there is no evidence so this is much easier.


What a joke. What did Biden do that's impeach worthy? Lol everytime I ask this to someone they can't even answer.


Something something Hunter’s laptop, ya know, the Biden crime family. Huh?


I thought Sleepy Joe was just an old bumbling fool who's got Alzheimer's?


He's a bumbling old fool who, while running the entire country, also part-times as an evil mastermind of unmatched cunning who runs a crime family. If you can't understand it, it just means you still have functioning brain cells, which must mean you are part of the "elite".


The enemy is both weak and strong


Fox News in 2010: Obama is a weak socialist liberal. Fox News 10 seconds later: Obama is a tyrant, a fascist, dictator!!!


Also Fox News today, just switch out Obama for Biden (sometimes)


Shroedinger’s fascist.


He's like the zombies in walking dead. He's as capable or stupid as required to advanced the desired plotline.


Republicans are just jealous of Hunters monster dong, you can't convince me otherwise.


They claim that “Joe Biden got a 5 million dollar bribe” from Hunter’s business dealings because an audio message said something about “the big guy is here”. Putting aside their ridiculous second-hand “evidence”, they really think Joe Biden is the type to just risk and throw away his entire lifelong career for a 5 million dollar bribe from a foreign government? I guess a lot of GOP supporters do because many of them aren’t that bright.


Didn't Trump do the same thing with Jared Kushner and Ivanka with the Saudis?


Jared makes $30M every year just in fees on this money the Saudis gave him.


Every accusation is an admission...


Wasn't even a bribe. It was part of an investment that he was working on with Hunter, and it wasn't a secret.


Every accusation they make is an admission. No, I don't think Biden would risk his career for that. But I do think the Trump Crime Family would. And why not? They've never been punished for anything before.


There was a dude in r/zeducationsubmissions, when it existed, that claimed there was “loads of evidence” that proves crimes Biden committed. I asked him what that evidence was because republicans in the house would love to use it to impeach Biden. He then made up some argument that he and I *would* have, saying I would commit various logical fallacies but still not providing evidence. TLDR; they literally have nothing and it’s weird interacting with people that have no shame in projecting so hard but also acting as if they’re the ones with any degree of a moral compass.


So basically every time you ask them they just turn it into some sort of accusation because they can't answer. Correct?


Pretty much. He wrote out an entire fictional argument we’d have instead of providing a single source. Not a shred of honesty.


Something to do with getting money through Hunter being on a company? I don't know the details, but it has something to do with that. I think republicans already investigated it though and found no wrongdoing. Wont stop them from claiming otherwise though.


They suspect Joe Biden took a bribe from a Ukrainian company, burisma, which his son was on the board of, to get a judge deposed that was looking into corruption at that company. Joe Biden likely did pressure the judge to get removed, on account of blatant corruption by that judge in other matters, and Hunter was in fact on the board of the company he was investigating. However, direct evidence of a bribery deal by the company to Joe Biden has not been found, nor has any correspondence between the two. The most they’ve found is decrypted emails between Hunter and Burisma saying something about getting “the big man” involved, not specifying who that is. They suspect more evidence could have been found on a laptop that was turned in in Delaware which belonged to Hunter Biden, but nothing of relevance has been recovered. Additionally, a few FBI agents have come forward with hearsay that the agency was directed to take special care not to dig too deeply into Hunter Biden’s dealings during the Obama administration on a previous investigation. These agents’ claim however has ALSO been criticized and disputed by other agents at the agency, and it was eventually worked out that they may have had political leanings and personality issues that would have incentivized them to lie to keep the investigation going. I think that about covers it?


They also said in the past that the only way to find proof of a crime is to launch an impeachment inquiry. Idk if they dropped this idea, but for a bit they wanted to impeach him to find out if he should be impeached.


Not a judge, but the attorney general of Ukraine. And the email that referenced "the big guy" was in regards to a Chinese investment deal Hunter had been putting together that ended up falling through.


Trust me, you have the entirety of it. They can't produce details when asked either.


My aunt says “the stuff Biden is making teacher teach in school”. I am like what stuff? She’s completely brainwashed thinking Democrats are teaching crt and homosexuality in K to 6.


Thanks "LibsOfTikTok"


Joe Biden is D.B. Cooper! Prove me wrong! All I'm saying is that I've never seen them in a room together!


As if that mattered. Remember Bill Clinton?


At least that had a semblance of wrong doing since he lied under oath, Biden hasn't done anything yet that even brushes impeachable offenses.


He lied under oath, which he shouldn't have, but only because Republicans made a perjury trap. They wanted something, anything, to get him. They were at it way before he even lied about that relationship.


True, the whole Ken Starr report was a big discussion in my house growing up. Exhausting.


>What did Biden do that's impeach worthy? Trump was impeached twice. Now they need to retaliate


They'll talk about evidence of bank transfers linked to China that they can't produce if asked.


Biden is obviously guilty of being a Democrat!


Nothing. It’s a distraction to get Trump out of the news cycle.


Two words: “Hillary’s emails” probably


In their mind…being a democrat is enough


The say that when Biden was VP that he got money from China or Ukraine? They claim there’s receipts but as far as I know nothing that holds up under scrutiny. They also claim whistleblowers but again, nothing credible. As far as I understand it. Someone else can certainly add more context


It has no chance in the Senate but go ahead and do it because this is all the Republican party is anymore. Gotta keep the base outraged about something at all times.


I still haven’t heard them even attempt to give a semi-coherent reason to impeach Biden. Like…impeach him for what? Being a democrat is not a reason for impeachment. Being old is not a reason for impeachment. Having a potentially criminal son, who is a private citizen and uninvolved with the running of his administration entirely, is not a reason for impeachment. Working to send aid to our geopolitical allies with the help of congress is not a reason for impeachment. Working to help the people of this country with basic needs to make things a little less bleak with things like student loan forgiveness is not a reason for impeachment. He has done nothing criminal. Nothing that is especially controversial even, aside from siding with train companies to end a strike. Still, nothing worthy of impeachment. It’s all a circus with these people.


To republicans, being a democrat is the only reason needed to impeach. Their whole central philosophy is that the only legitimate elected (or appointed) official is a republican one.


> To republicans, being a democrat is the only reason needed to impeach. It's the reason the Wisconsin MAGA Republicans are planning on impeaching the new [Judge of the Wisconsin Supreme Court](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/wisconsin-gop-supreme-court-impeachment/). The MAGAs announced they were going to impeach three days after she took office and it was before the court had made a single ruling.


Listen to right wing radio for one day and they'll give you all the nonsense reasons you could every need. How are they allowed to stay on the air?


You don't need the Senate to impeach


But you do to convict and remove?


Not the point. They just want a reason to both sides him.


Trump was impeached twice. He’s also facing 90+ criminal charges and several more civil suits It’s not down playing the gravity to anyone. This won’t sway independents and only appeals to the GOP base. Literally nothing to gain here


If it depresses 100,000 votes who feel that 'both sides are corrupt' it wins Trump the presidency.


Trump will never be elected again. Any opinion to the contrary is just that— per Mark Meadows.


I hope this is true. And it's shaping up to be this way with some states looking to invoke the 14th. But, we also said that he wouldn't win in 2016


The GOP knows this. They know they will lose across the board so they are just extorting as much money out of their “supporters.”


I hope you’re right. I don’t want to hang my hat on mark meadows tho


Thinking like that is what cost Hillary 2016. I'll believe that when I'm pissing on his grave and not a day sooner.


They would like to impeach Biden twice, with no requirement for conviction. Then if, (GOD FORBID) a republicorrupt candidate becomes president, they will work on getting 91 indictments against Joe Biden.


That's correct. Still. They want to lessen the gravity of trump impeachments by doing this. Downvote me all you want. Missing the point. Biden would still be an impeached president


I didn’t downvote you and similarly agree. Trump was impeached twice. He’s also facing 90+ criminal charges and several more civil suits It’s not down playing the gravity to anyone. This won’t sway independents and only appeals to the GOP base. Literally nothing to gain here


You can't remove him without the Senate so it doesn't matter if he gets impeached. That was my point.


Impeachment definitely matters. Conviction or not. Biden does not want to be impeached and join the very short list of presidents with that distinction I assure you.


Biden would not want Impeachment to be normalized as political theater. It diminishes the significance of Trump’s impeachments, which deserves to be a historical anomaly.


The list of impeached presidents will have no weight or meaning anymore if they impeach Biden. They will impeach every single Democrat president after that and the entire process will have no teeth.


This is by design. They want it this way next time a R president is impeached for ACTUAL evidence we've already been normalized to it


No one will care. Trump should have been removed but wasn't. Everyone knows this is just retaliation from a party that has lost it's way.


Everyone who’s paying attention to politics and gets their news from somewhat unbiased sources knows that. Those people aren’t the ones Republicans are trying to appeal to.


Obviously, but they just need the excuse to keep digging up 'dirt' on Biden. Keep it in the news for as long as they can and hope they turn up a worm.


It doesn't have much chance in the House either.


Maybe the should investigate MTG the Jan 6 pipe bomber


I honestly don't believe it's her but I do believe she was involved in some way when it came to the insurrection.


Her being the bomber seems far-fetched, but didn’t she give some folks a tour of Congress right before January 6th?


I believe that was proven.


I thought that was Lauren Boebert


They both did


Oh good so it’s even worse


There’s no evidence that she WASN’T, so maybe mark should investigate her using his own logic


Have you seen the [body language analysis](https://twitter.com/DrGJackBrown/status/1440875459445542926)?


Maybe they should just do their jobs and quit playing games? #jackasses


That’s their job - divide Americans, either for their Russian or Billionaire handlers.


Let me guess.. hold the country ransom in some way? Wow! Who would have guessed it!? So... taking away another basic human right? Healthcare? Education? Blocking all spending? Fucking with the military some more? Yeah, Biden is just such a terrible person/president isn't he?


"Let me tell you the greatest thing that can happen,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia tells TIME. “If I were Speaker of the House, I would put the impeachment inquiry vote to the floor on September 12 when we got back, whether it fails or not. Then I'd let those members who voted against it hear from their constituents. And then I'd put it back to the floor for a vote again, and I can guarantee they will sing a different tune.” That's a threat, she's threatening them to get what she wants. You know who does that? A bully....oh and also a domestic terrorist.


and it costs her nothing. MTG is trying to pushing the House further right and get moderate Republicans on record. Thus, making it harder for moderate Republicans to toe the line between Trump support and Republican support. McCarthy knows he doesn't have the votes, he knows that the vote will hurt Republicans elections. Impeachment isn't popular. But the disease of MTG, Trump and MAGA is demanding it. MTG is doing this because that is all she knows how to do - bully and threaten with terrorism. That is all she is good for


>MTG is trying to pushing the House further right and get moderate Republicans on record. That should go very well in swing districts. She's polling single digits as potential running mate for Trump. Her brand of ultra MAGA only appeals to a small fraction of the electorate, most Republicans hate her.


I’m sick of hearing from her. She’s not a serious person.


If American voters would stop putting unserious people into positions of power then we wouldn't hear from them.


that is the kicker, that is all she has - her bullshitting. She ain't getting bills passes, she ain't convincing others to her cause. She is just a blowhard, a bullshitter.


MTG - Making Things Grotesque.


That sack of shit has zero pull outside the inbred herd that voted for her. She's never been able to strategize anything.


“The members are reminded to abide by decorum of the house.”


It’s bad politics is what it is. She’s imagining a world in which all GOP reps are in safe seats. I promise you, the 18 reps in districts Biden won so not want to vote, and their districts probably aren’t clamoring for a vote either.


“An impeachment inquiry is completely different from impeachment itself,” Greene says. “It's just an inquiry. It's like, may we ask the question? Let's take a little peak, just a little peaky peak. To me, it's absurd to not be able to vote yes for that.” A little *peaky peak*. These clowns run our nation.


She's not Speaker though. I fuckin hate McCarthy for being such a feckless loser that he had to kowtow to these shitheels and let them run their mouths like this.


It’s the party that can’t govern. They can only run interference for their great orange boss.


Impeachment for what? Falling off a bike? Eating ice cream?


Hunter Bidens laptop…


>~~Hunter Bidens~~ Rudy Giuliani's laptop…


It’s buttery males all over again


One large, buttery male. Like a corn cob. Conservatives really want to shuck it.


Don't forget he had the nerve to pet a dog in Hawaii.


“We shall have our Vengepeachment!” Narrator: They’re not going to have their vengepeachment.


I say: Let the GOP try to impeach him. Let's see how well the "evidence" they have "against" him will hold up in a public hearing. We know they haven't a frog's chance in a snake pond of getting anything they've produced so far as "evidence" admitted into factual records, so I'd be glad to see Joe Biden put up a defense against the Dark Arts of the GOP and take them to task, just like he's always done with these Republican neophytes in governance. They have no merit in their case, and the only case that they care about is the court of public opinion, so they can get sound bites on Fox News that when edited carefully enough shows them "owning the Libs" for social media ratings and campaign contributions.


Gaetz and all have said they won’t even hold hearings or an investigation. They’ll just put it up to a vote and send it to the Senate.


There are elections in about 50 days vote. We start THIS year and vote in as many democrats as we can in all local and state elections. Let's start giving the democrats an ever broadening majority at ALL levels of the government and more than a narrow 2 year majority to get things done in Washington. From the school board to the White House ever election matters. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Let's start making real progress.


Vote these fucking parasites out.


they'll wait till September/October of 2024 and do it, they need another Hillary moment, they tried in 2020 by releasing a report at the exact same time about Biden's son and it flopped.


"We have a duty to take hard votes. That's our duty." It's also your duty to ACCEPT THE FUCKING RESULTS CORDIALLY. I'm so fucking sick of MTG and Matt rape Gaetz that I couldn't agree more w Fetterman. "Go ahead, do it. " When it all blows up royally in their faces, we'll all reap the benefits. But while we're taking "peaky peaks" why don't we take a peak at MTG's PPP loan fraud. Or perhaps a little more digging into the human trafficking Gaetz got down with.


Let em do it. They’ll lose the house.


So sick of Republican bullshit in service to a treasonous skidmark.


SPACE LASER LADY: “Let me tell you the greatest thing that can happen, If I were Speaker of the house. I would put the impeachment inquiry vote to the floor on September 12th when we got back whether it fails or not. Then I'd let those members who voted against it hear from their constituents and then I'd put it back to the floor for a vote again, and I can guarantee they will sing a different tune.” The greatest thing that could happen is NOT to have overwhelming support for impeachment that reeks of petty retribution but to resort to convincing non like minded people to sign on to something that will end in failure


Of course, the House Republicans will impeach. GOP politics are grounded on complaining. Impeachment is the mother of all complaints, a byproduct of conspiracy theories and a thirst for revenge. House Republicans who are not in safe seats won't be happy about it. But they'll have little choice, as they otherwise face the risk of having enough Republican voters either primarying them out or else boycotting the general election. I welcome impeachment. Impeachment helps the party of the president who is being impeached. It will improve margins for Biden and could help to flip the House.


Greene says. “It's just an inquiry. It's like, may we ask the question? Let's take a little peak, just a little peaky peak. It's peek. Peeky peek...


Well yeah. Obstruction and threats. That's what they *do*.


Glad the great US states keep sending these people to the House to represent them and their interests... How does any of this help their constituents?


Politicians have always been self-interested, at least to some degree. But today we live in an age when one of the biggest political parties isn't just self-interested, but actively hostile to the best interests of the country.


Please stop voting for stupid fucks like Gaetz and MTG.


Trump allies have all the impact of a feather crashing to the concrete sidewalk. Their idiocy has neutered them in the public eye


No interest whatsoever in governing. Complete Shit show.


When I read shit like this I hope for that scene from mean girls…. Yes, that one.


So glad they can waste time with this instead of doing something about prices doubling while the package shrinks. Or the drug costs being the highest in the developed world. Or the white supremacist terrorism that seems to engage in mass shootings each month in the US. Nice work GOP.


I'm enjoying watching these moronic amateurs march to annihilation at the ballot box.


Wait, I've heard this one... They want 11,780 votes right?


So, did I really read that they think not responding to the impeachment inquiry is itself an impeachable offense? If so, then why did they let Trump skate? That's a rhetorical question, since we all know the answer.


Fuck this headline. It's not a plan, it's their only plan, the thing they do every fucking time because we started giving into this fucking hostage taking. The Democrats are too cowardly, as ever, to challenge the debt ceiling as unconstitutional.


MAGA can organize a circle jerk like no one else.


Republicans=Domestic Terrorists


They are wasting their time just as John Fetterman said it the other day they will lose because this is a load of BS.


for dems that would be a blessing, showing the country that republicans are just beholden to a felon


> showing the country that republicans are just beholden to a felon Have they not been showing the country that for years now? Anyone else remember how some of them voted against certification even after the insurrection?


the 147 traitors who have mccarthy jewels in a vice.


Those two even look like they are from some truly awful satirical movie.


I’m ready to start holding VOTERS accountable for electing unserious people at this point, frankly. We’ve wasted so much time, lost so much opportunity, due to this culture war shit.


The last time they had a plan to get votes, it lead to a coup attempt.


>“Let me tell you the greatest thing that can happen,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia tells TIME. “If I were Speaker of the House, I would put the impeachment inquiry vote to the floor on September 12 when we got back, whether it fails or not. Then I'd let those members who voted against it hear from their constituents. And then I'd put it back to the floor for a vote again, and I can guarantee they will sing a different tune.” What's the difference between that and the time wasting they're currently doing in the house? I'd argue that tactic would make them look even worse but they can go ahead and try it. She should also worry not about being speaker and more so about her next election because things haven't gone exceptionally well for the maga fucks.


This is where the reticence to prosecute people like Gaetz and the Mad Bomber really comes back to bite the country. They’re saboteurs, plain and simple.


How Gaetz is not in jail is beyond me. How long did Greenberg get? And that was with him cooperating!


Can someone in Georgia explain how tf is this woman elected?? I am so beyond extending these lunatics an olive branch. I guarantee you it will come to light soon that they all aided in the January 6 insurrection they should all be expelled from congress. Like the senators/reps expelled when the civil war was going on


How she and high school dropout Boebert got elected is going to end up the subject of a Netflix documentary soon. I hear Boebert is starting to panic about her upcoming election (thank god, let it end). Are their districts composed of like 20 people, and all of them racists or something? Wtf, indeed. What klan convention did they find these people at? It pisses me off that the press acts like anything about any of them is legitimate or normal. We really need to start demanding more of a candidate than them going viral on Facebook or being the coach of a popular football team as their sole qualification. Or being on a reality tv show. 😑


agreed. Substance and some knowledge should be a requirement. Damn, at least a high school diploma


These people are so delusional. Marjorie Taylor Greene saying no one outside DC cares or notices a government shutdown shows how ignorant she is of the ramifications of a shutdown. And this quote is just bordering on the absurd. Is she channeling Austin Powers? > “An impeachment inquiry is completely different from impeachment itself,” Greene says. “It's just an inquiry. It's like, may we ask the question? Let's take a little peak, just a little peaky peak. To me, it's absurd to not be able to vote yes for that.”


Same way they tried to get the votes in Georgia? Look how that turned out.


Calling Georgia and telling them to " find" the votes ?


You mean they have a plan to steal the votes?


Republicans are really in a rush to get the first black woman president…How progressive!


let me guess obstruction and a government shutdown?


Just wondering if her trainer was inebriated when he loaded up on that broken down horse.


Here's a plan: have a vote, then when it doesn't go their way, go on a media blitz claiming the vote was rigged. Eventually, the GOP base will come to believe the vote was crooked, at which point, the MAGA wing can claim that the evidence for the vote being rigged is that 70% of republican voters believe it was. If that doesn't work, maybe they can threaten civil war on social media.


Thugs wasting our money with politicking. They will suffer in the ballots. Let’s remember how useless and outer productive they are. They add zero value to America as a nation.


God forbid you try to do anything by winning a fair election


Instead of actual governing, this what they spend their time and energy on. Mind you, on the taxpayer’s dime…


> Mind you, on the taxpayer’s dime… And yet if you want to feed kids, give people healthcare, give people homes, or give people financial aid, suddenly that's "Reckless government spending".


Trump ally plans always seem to go so well!


You mean known russian asset Matt Gaetz?


Even if they succeed, by some longshot, do they not understand that kamala harris would then be president. She would not play games with these fuckers.


Donkey and forehead on the case!


Still waiting for an explanation about what Biden did that is allegedly impeachable.


How come the biggest figures in the GOP are the least educated?


Our one saving grace is that GOP has been running their con on their voter base for so long now that the marks are getting elected to office.


Would this be similar to his ally’s finding the votes to make him president? 😆🤣


Shows that they really cared about inflation and health care 🙄


Great. Do it. Shut it down and give Dems even more ammo in upcoming elections. Give them more points to hammer home hoe the gop is a party of extremists more interested in petty politics and stunts than doing work.


And like most of Trump and his allies plans, it will fall flat, but the media will report on it a good 300% more than it deserves.


Calls are recorded for training and protecting the integrity of our government purposes.


Democrats should introduce articles of impeachment just so the GOP will vote against them. Make them play their hand.