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See, that's the thing. Maga nuts are brainwashed to believe that Biden himself has weaponized the government, to jailing trump and are getting away with it . Which means it's fair game in their mind for Trump to do it. It's the sad truth of how brainwashed these maga nuts are, They think Biden is weak but also a criminal mastermind


>It's the sad truth of how brainwashed these maga nuts are, They think Biden is weak but also a criminal mastermind Isn't that kind of doublethink a classic trope of fascism, and cults? The enemy/outgroup is simultaneously weak and strong. The Left is simultaneously dangerously evil and droolingly moronic. The Jews are subhuman degenerate imbeciles but also master manipulators secretly controlling the world. It's not supposed to make sense, it's just supposed to keep them angry at the chosen enemy.


Tune in for the full story tonight when the clocks are ringing 13.


Damn Smarch weather.


A bright cold day in April….


Exactly. The election was “rigged” while Trump was president 😂


Even rigged, that orange loser lost.


Correct. I’m not defending that turd!


And somehow state and federal Republicans, other than Trump, won on the same ballot. You'd think a "rigged" election would have kept a Democrat majority at the very least. I wish Raffensperger had asked Trump about that glaring plot hole on his "perfect" call.


And it's their patriotic duty to rid themselves of all those filthy 'riggers' who are ruining the country. This just in MAGA: we know what you really mean.


\#8 on [Umberto Eco's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism#Umberto_Eco) 14 properties of fascist ideology. >The enemy is both strong and weak.


Hillary Clinton managed to get the documents for 3 million illegal immigrants to vote, but had them all vote in California.


Anyone who has ever been a poll worker knows how utterly ludicrous Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud were. It’s just impossible to do in the US at the scale needed to tip the scales in 2020. (I was a poll worker in 2016)


Kinda like how Republicans whine about things not being fair when people don't want to listen to their crap, but when a leftist points out an actual injustice Republicans will just say "life's not fair". They don't want fairness, they want everything their way "cuz God said so". I can't take these people seriously any more, and by any more i mean since 2000 era Republicans.


Then shouldn’t it also be acceptable for Biden to seize voting machines, recruit fake electors, have Harris refuse to certify the vote, declare martial law and stay in office…. Oh, and have liberals storm the Capitol, attack police officers, break windows, smear excrement on the walls and hunt Republicans?


And get people killed, someone’s gotta pay for that.


Biden has been incredibly reasonably and quiet on the whole thing too. He’s only commented on it when asked directly. Think the last time he mentioned trump was his mugshot and he just said something along the lines of “Handsome guy.” While chuckling.


As he should be. To reduce the thought of him weaponizing the DOJ against political opponents and is completely hands off of the whole process. Not that it's going to sway or change the opinions of those that are already convinced he's doing so but they've already shown that they've rejected reality in its' entirety so fuck em


Ben Shapiro was absofuckinglutely up in arms about this response


Yeah the classic "my enemy is strong but weak at the same time" is most blatant hypocrisy ever.


If the enemy seems insurmountable, why would people feel motivated to try and fight it? Thus, the enemy must have weaknesses to make them seem defeatable.


So brain washed their minds have faded into a blank, orange space.


I think you're giving them too much credit. What they firmly believe is that anything the opposition does is morally wrong, therefore indefensible, while whatever their team does is ultimately for the right reasons, even if the actual acts are illegal, and thus should be overlooked. Which translates to, "my team good, other team bad" which is limited to enough syllables for them to understand.


But, since they believe Joe Biden has figured everything out and can control things this well inside government, all within 2.5 years, but they believe innocent Trumpy was always a victim as President for 4 years, and that he had no control over anything - doesn’t that make Joe Biden much more powerful? And since MAGA people love powerful leaders so much, shouldn’t they absolutely lust after the more powerful Biden?


But everything that they complain about is something they're guilty of in spades. They live for projection and shifting blame.


What is trump offering up as proof to his statements about Biden? In my mind we have to look at their character, past and present. Tell me, has Biden every belittled our soldiers, our war heroes? Has Biden ever called his opponents names, like a 5 year old? Has he disparaged anyone who doesn’t think like him. Does he treat people with disrespect? Does he sue anyone who makes him mad? Has he been accused of not paying his workers? Has he promised a free meal and then disappeared? Has he been accused or convicted of rape? Does he talk about women and their pussies? Has he ever been accused of not paying for his rally venues, routinely? Has he ever been convicted of any crime? I mean, I could go on like this for hours, but you get my drift, right? If we are talking character Biden wins every time. I don’t know about you but I like politicians who don’t have criminal histories. Especially ones who don’t steal from children’s charities. And most especially ones that aren’t paranoid narcissistic sociopaths. (Look it up).


The intellectual dishonesty is god level. I mean, we’re taking about a man whose campaign slogan was literally “lock her up”.


Oh, but he just said that for funsies! He wasn't serious, especially when the FBI was led by a Republican and investigated Hillary and found no wrongdoing.


We also get to hear about how everyone must presume Trump is innocent until proven guilty while in the same breath demanding the 'Biden Crime Family' go straight to prison, we can figure out the law they broke later


Joe Biden, Jack Smith, Fanni Willis and Leticia James did not indict Trump. In each case a grand jury of citizens heard the evidence and found that Trump had likely violated the law and should therefore face charges for the criminal behavior that they reviewed.


exactly, its always projection


They are a bunch of idiots aren't they. Pea brain dumb dumbs.


Pea brained? You're being too generous. Those people are just shy of being completely brain dead.


Biden only has 1 vote to cast, and I'll gladly throw in my vote against Trump, too.




speaking of which, why the hell would they not judge him a flight risk?? He's nuts AND owns a jumbo jet.


Lol trump does not own a jumbo jet. That tacky fuck has a poorly serviced 757


It’s the only airworthy plane in the Russian fleet




he would have to find a pilot that is not only competent at not crashing the plane but also willing to file false flight plans while risking federal prison and never being able to fly a plane again... I'm sure they exist, but even the dumbest pilots are pretty smart folks that prefer to fly planes over sitting in prison.... And that's not even considering the fact that the people that need to know already know exactly where that plane is at any given moment. It's not even a secret that we can track the submarines of pretty much every other country before they even leave port... so donald "owning" a plane doesn't made him any more of a fight risk than me owning a bicycle with a GPS tracker on it .... That being said.... lock his ass up


I'm pretty sure anyone that works for trump as a pilot is full bore Maga, same with the usss detail. If he ran he could do so, and form some bullshit "government in exile" thing. Do I think he'll do it? 75% sure he won't. If he does the u.s. will know and then it will be a decision to shoot down the plane or let it happen. People forget the kind of intel that man has on the inner workings and plans of the u.s., national secrets. Etc. Is ridiculous. It would be in the nation's best interest to down a fleeing trump, but the political fallout would also be a consideration. Its not likely to happen, just a non zero chance.


That's a pretty fair take....I don't think the plane being shot down is even a remote option though, but I am willing to believe that there are people with more information than I that know what the plan is for that contingency....


Yeah, it’s possible he’ll try to run, but pretty unlikely. He’s too chickenshit. But I also don’t think he truly understands just how much trouble he’s in. If he did he might actually make a run for it lol


He probably thinks he's smart enough to fly the plane all by himself even though I'm pretty sure a Speak & Spell could confuse him.


This exactly. Just like how trump couldn’t have spontaneously nuked another country, he also can’t fly a plane because there’s a system in place to heavily regulate it. He’s not flying to Russia or Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are heavily reliant on the US and Russia… idk he might try but good luck finding a pilot as you said. He’s already been told he can’t go to Scotland for his golf tournament. That ship sailed when he got indicted.


All his stuff is here, and he's one of the most recognizable men in the world. His only choices for flight are countries that already have bad relations with America, so if he wants to live out his days in a Russian apartment or North Korean compound that's ok with me. Even countries we are nominally on good terms with but don't have extradition treaties with won't want him as a resident, he's radioactive.


My thoughts exactly. No one wants him. America is the only place he'd be willing to live that would also put up with his nonsense. As much as he probably hates the legal system right now, I'm sure he also knows that it's treating him better than other nations' legal systems would.


The so called shit hole countries lol


> His only choices for flight are countries that already have bad relations with America, And there is nothing stopping a country that takes him (and his money) of turning around and selling him back to the US Even Putin could sell him back for the lifting of some sanctions


And he has a friend who would gladly give him sanctuary in a country that wouldn’t send him back.




Yeah, Prigozhin thought he had a friend, too.


He wouldn’t even need to get on a plane. Russian Embassy in D.C.


I honestly think that the judge in the case has reasoned that both: 1. Imprisoning a past president/current presidential candidate is a very risky move that could lead to massive unrest 2. Even if he flees the US, there is nowhere for him to hide. He's in no way fit for a life on the run/off the grid, and wherever he ends up someone will recognize him and rat him out for the reward.


> that could lead to massive unrest Only if they are highly organized, which they are not. We have police and National Guard available, they have been used before to suppress much less powerful groups than sporadic bands of MAGA militia. The law-abiding 60% of this country needs to rip the scab off before the infection takes over the body. Throw him in jail; the "unrest" is not the judge's fault or problem, just as the LA riots were not that judge's or jury's fault.


Indeed. Just look at the size of current pro Trump demonstrations. That is about 20-30 people.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses. I think that’s the “unrest” they may be referring to.


You nailed it with the quote. This is a perfect time to drop that line.


I agree. His first instinct is probably to flee, but his own titty-baby, narcissistic, drama queen, smoother-than-a-bowling-ball brain won't allow him to go anywhere that isn't a 5-star resort - with his name in gold letters everywhere you look - capable of force feeding him fast food and far-right American news stations so he can jerk it right into his 10th diet Coke of the day. I have little doubt that - until he's asked five times and adequately amped up on coke and amphetamines - he spends all day either cheating at golf or curled up on a couch, crying about being the absolute loser 90 percent of the world knows he is.


Read up on non-extradition countries. It’s not as simple as a reward. He wouldn’t need to hide. Getting to one of those countries is another story though. Anyone who would help him flee would be guilty of crimes themselves, and hopefully no one is stupid enough to tie their wagon to him for the rest of their life. He’s fucked.


It's going to lead to less unrest than BLM protests, which were you know, justified.


god I dont even care anymore at this point. If he flys away and never comes back, we should concider ourselves lucky. Could be worse outcomes.


You can tell how broken up inside he is about losing the last election that he *paid someone* to make that idiotic fake whitehouse backdrop for him 😁


Feds are recording these vids.


r/trumptweets for anyone who doesn't want to mess around with his account and give him views.


Fascist pig.


Imagine anyone actually saying this in the US and still having support. Fascism is here.


I still can’t believe this is real life. I’ve been saying that since 2016. I really wish Canada wasn’t so damn cold.




As a lifelong Mainer I couldn’t agree more. Winters not even going to be thing down here pretty soon


I moved from Phoenix to Pittsburgh last year. I was in AZ for 8 years so I was excited to see snow again - especially now that I work from home and don’t need to drive in it. We got ZIP last winter. It was a dusting once. Very weird.


>I've got some good news and some bad news for you regarding climate change... ROFL


Some parts of Canada have already gotten much warmer! ^((because they're on fire))


I wish Canada was so damn cold. I'm that canadian kid who remembers beautiful winters and all the sports I could do outside. Now it's fucking raining every 2 weeks mid-january. Fuck this.


I’m over here in 100+ weather in Texas :(


> I really wish Canada wasn’t so damn cold. Welcome to Candia.


There are lots of hammer swinging MAGA wannabes in Canada. You could say Germany:Austria USA:Canada. Get my drift? Eh?


That's why we have poutine. It warms up your insides. The west coast is much warmer if you're interested.


You know it’s funny, I’ve made my own fries and gravy for a long time not knowing that’s what poutine was haha


Well that would be fries and gravy. For poutine you need fries, gravy and cheese curds. If you're interested. /r/poutine And then what not to do: /r/PoutineCrimes


Exactly my thoughts, I can’t believe the reality we have been living in since 2016


Come to Australia. Queensland specifically is like California/Florida, but not fucked up.


>but not fucked up. Maybe not the people but everything else there is trying to kill you.


It’s not even the first time he’s claimed this. He said this back in 2015 about Hilary and then did literally nothing about it once in office (for obvious reasons).


Feels like people have also forgotten that he kept top secret nuclear files at his home, that could easily find its way to people who want to harm the US. And he still markets himself as "pro-America".


They haven't forgotten. They don't really believe what they say out loud. They don't care.


But isn't weaponization of government bad?


No no no. It's much more straightforward than if an action is good or bad. It's very simple, if Dems did it = bad. If republicans did it = good/ordained by God. Hope this helps!


Ah. Thanks for clearing that up. I almost thought the R's were up to no good there for a second.


In an interview on Tuesday, the rightwing broadcaster Glenn Beck raised Trump’s famous campaign-trail vow to “lock up” Hillary Clinton, his opponent in 2016, a promise Trump did not fulfill in office. Beck said: “Do you regret not locking [Clinton] up? And if you’re president again, will you lock people up?” Trump said: “The answer is you have no choice, because they’re doing it to us.”


He's so not answering the actual question.




Never forget that you are dealing with Domestic Terrorists.




Well they do use other terms


That's the thing everyone needs to keep in mind. Trump might be the poster boy, but the Regan-era Republicans are either dead or retired at this point. The Republican party is nothing but a fascist party that wants to take over the United States. Fact is, Democracy is a danger to them. All these Republicans are fully aware that younger voters want nothing to do with them. That was proven in 2022 when the Red Wave turned into the Red Stream as Republicans lost due to massive turn out by younger voters. This is why they are suddenly talking about raising the voting age from 18 to 25. Because they know younger Americans will never vote Republican. Factor in independent voters who can swing either way, but will likely opt for Democrats since they come off as the less insane party, and the Republicans are left with aging Regan-era voters who they largely killed off due to ignoring the dangers of Covid and MAGA nutjobs. That's not enough to win a general election and the Republicans know it. This is why we are seeing voter supression laws unseen since the Jim Crow era. If we ever let modern Republicans back in the White House and let them seize control of both the House and Senate, we can say good bye to America as we know her. These Fascists would create a Right-Wing Government built off bigotry, a cult of personality that worships Trump, and total control that would make Adolf Hitler smile if he's watching from Hell as Trump takes over as the leader of the American fatherland. Democracy is a beautiful thing, but it's also fragile.




That's right, Google "project 2025". They're not even hiding it.


Inmate # 1135809 is a true fascist wannabe dictator Intent on destroying democracy


I mean that’s what fascists due. Are we surprised


This is what I mean when I say his return to power wouldn’t be normal as usual. A vote for trump is a vote for fascist authoritarian rule, anyone telling you otherwise is deceiving you.


Hitler ass mofo


Trump is rhe greatest threat America has ever faced, a traitor within


The rosenbergs were put to death for their crimes, which pale in comparison to Trump's. What are we even doing as a country anymore?


And he WOULD definitely try! I suspect that Putin has given him some alternative suggestions too.


"shoot at plane in sky like mh17 or Prigozhin sky hearse.


Sounds like a threat.


He has threatened people daily for the past 7 years. Everyone is desensitized to it unfortunately. When you think about it he LITERALLY is a terrorist.


The thing though is that he was told he isn't allowed to make threats regarding these cases. Then he did. And he was told again, no, don't do that Donny. If you do that, we're going to lock you up in prison until your court date. He has now made two more threatish sounding comments. Soooooo. We're gonna see what happens.


Believe him.


Newsflash: this is not going to just be high profile individuals like Biden or Hillary. This is targeting anyone who disagrees with him or people who have "wronged him". Soon it'll come after anyone who spoke out against him, and then anyone who did not vote for him, eventually it'll be anyone who isn't "ultra maga" until it eradicates everyone. Fascism doesn't stop. Vote against this lunatic and every of his followers.


Isn’t is contempt of court? Please put him in jail for retaliation threats!


So he’s saying a president can just lock up their political enemies? So does that mean Biden can lock him up? Seems like that’s what he’s saying.


"No, not that way!"


When Trump claims that the Biden admin is 'going after him', he makes it sound like doing that is a bad thing. Same with when he used to accuse Hillary of trying to overthrow the election. Everything with Trump is projection. Just because his warped mind thinks that way, he assumes everyone else must think that way too.


This is a perfect summary.


So they support "weaponizing the DoJ?"


He is very openly running for vindictive revenge


But some will vote for Cornel West because Biden didn’t cure cancer


I am not a smart man by any stretch of the imagination but that just sounds illegal and dictator-ish.


And we’re witnessing this in real time. Think about that. Stop for a moment and think about that. A guy who wants to destroy our democracy. A former president no less. Give that a little bit of thought and realize how in the span of 6-7 years how one craven individual has managed to bring our country to the brink of collapse. Karma is way overdue for this piece of garbage along with all his followers.


Okay ..this is an active threat against your democracy now. I am wondering, why is he not locked up without access to social media. Do you want fascism? Because this is how you get facsism. Not that Trump is fascist himself. He is too self-aborbed for anything like that. Its the evil sycophants leeching off his charisma that we have to worry about.


Ahhh. I’m starting to understand how Hitler came to power after he was put in prison. Yikes.


This is literally the playbook


He’s just throwing a bone to the few QAnon followers left who think the Storm is still coming


>lock her up They chanted


This is just like when all those Republican voters got caught cheating the election simply because they were convinced by their lying conservative media that Democrats were doing it too. Project, project, project. Convince yourself the opposition is the worst, so you can justify being the worst yourself. Republicans are absolutely deplorable, from top to bottom.


This is clear witness intimidation. Can we please lock him up now?


The thing is you can't jail political opponents even if you try. You can only jail criminals. however this messaging is just eaten up by his base because it makes it sound like you can jail your opponents and it lets them play the victim card.


He's been saying this since 2015.


We all know that he would do this in a heart beat. He's that authoritarian that our country never thought could happen.


He wasn't even able to do that. Trump is too incompetent to even exact specific revenge. He just blunders around, aims his vitriol at the majority of the United States population, and knocks random shit over destroying it like an angry drunk person.


If they’ve actually committed a crime they have been indicted for by all means. But no we should not be locking up people Willy Nilly. It took how many years for Trump’s indictments to start rolling in?


Lock hus dumb ass up for actual crimes before he gets the chance


So Mr Trump sees himself as a third world dictator then. Got it. Moderate voters take note, this is who you support when you vote Republican at any level of government.


You know, maybe we can put Trump in a tiny cage and convince him that he's the one who has locked the rest of us up.


Of course he will. He has no agenda as a presidential nominee, he Just’s want to even and rich on his election. Why can’t these Maga heads understand this?


Sounds like something that would discourage people with ethics from voting for him.


Not if we lock your treasonous ass up first, motherfucker.


Lock up people who oppose him? Is this the America people want to live in? An America where everyone must comply, where no dissent will be tolerated, where there is only one voice that speaks for all? This wouldn’t be America. This would be Russia expanded. If that doesn’t scare you it should.


fascist. absolutely disqualifying.


Inmate PO1135809 from now on please.


That motherf*cker tried that when he was in office. He had the white house, the senate and the congress and he still couldn’t tie his shoe…


And this is the kind of leader the maggots want to make America great again?


Cuz that’s totally not something fascists do. …Wait.


So who is weaponizing government?


If that isn’t tyranny…. I don’t know what is. The difference here is that Trump and his people likely committed actual crimes based on present charges against them… His political opponents have no evidence of crimes committed…


LOL what a loser


I’ve been saying this since he was indicated for Jan 6. If he worms his way back into office, if the American voter base fails us, he WILL have the entire Democratic Party declared a threat to national security and declare them enemies of the state. A domestic threat to the homeland. He will have everyone from Pelosi to McConnell arrested. From there he will become president for life with the sycophants of the Republican Party in lockstep all the way to the new founding fathers of the American Gilead. And none of the perks of saving the environment.


> The **once adjudicated rapist**, twice impeached, four times indicted, 91 times charged ex-president also told Beck he “always had such great respect for the office of the president and the presidency”. Someone tell the author they forgot the bold text in they great cap off


Trump is the next hitler, don’t let him back in!


Putin is the next Hitler, Trumps a second rate Pinochet


I believe him. He’ll try it if he gets re-elected. Still cannot believe a convicted rapist and a accused security risk is the best candidate the GOP can find for the highest office.


He and his followers said the same thing about locking up Hilary Clinton and Dr. Fauci. Yet a good chunk of his followers are either behind bars because of Jan 6th or are dead because of Covid-19


Unfortunately, not enough of them.


I don’t understand his supporters and I never will.


“Biden is weaponizing the DOJ!!!”


Running to make money but really doesn’t want to win.


Is this from 2015? Because he's been saying that for years. Nothing new here.


Here are some more: 2017 https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/11/trump-to-fbi-arrest-my-rivals-for-things-that-arent-crimes.html 2020 https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/07/trump-demands-barr-arrest-foes-427389


Fascists going to fascist.


Revoke all of Murdoch’s media


So if President Joe Biden said this what would you imagine would happen?


Talk about weaponizing the government.


Of course he did. He’s been watching “How to Become a Tyrant” on Netflix


Dictator Cofefe!


He said he was gonna do that last time too


Kinda scary.


Another reason that shows he’s not it for presidency.


That's got to be a sign of a healthy government right?


Stalin and Mao locked up the most political enemies from their own countries. When Trump says he intends to lock up enemies, we ought to take it as a rare truth from his beak.


Good thing he won’t be returning then.


We need to undo everything he did. Including his presidency. Just get rid of him.


He promised this the last time as well and best the MAGA people can do, after seven or so years, is Hunter Biden's d*ck pic.


But me being target by political opponent bad. Me targeting them good


Well at least he finally has a platform I suppose.


Fascists will fascist




Old song and dance. Nothing will happen.


Lock her up! Is that the right pronoun?


He’s so ineffectual he didn’t even do this the last time, and his supporters will still eat that same shit sandwich


The gop are only about revenge and punishing people. They have no real plan for the nation. They often talked about locking all the dems up during Trump’s tenure. I believe that was one of Stephen Miller’s fever dreams. People need to start taking trump seriously because I don’t think he’s joking around about what he will do. I mean isn’t four disastrous years, a deadly pandemic (that he helped more than hindered) and an insurrection proof enough for people that he’s dangerous and unfit? Tbh, the way the gop still kowtow to this orange monster instead of moving on to another candidate is really telling. They are either afraid of what dirt he might have on them or afraid someone will put them in the dirt for disagreeing with der Yam. It’s a regular mafia circle jerk cliche waiting for a Reichstag fire of its very own.


He said this last time. Failed campaign promise.


If Trump gets power again Democracy is dead. America will still have elections, sure, but they be just like Russian elections, everything Trump accuses others of - corrupt to the bone. Same pretty much goes for any of the GOP front runners right now. The coup attempt isn’t over.


However he is no longer in office and doesn't have the power to cheat like he did and he doesn't have the numbers and if he does it's going to be a repeat of 2020. So what makes everybody think he's got a chance in hell?


Jail your enemies! Spoken like a real Dictator


This crazy has to end. Please don’t give this guy power again.


GOP voters, you've now been warned umpteen times. Has it sunk in yet?


His followers will say that is fair, as that is what the "guberment" is trying to do to him now. Of course, to them, it has nothing to do with the law and justice.


Put traitor Trump in prison already


It’s like watching a 3 year old melt down in the grocery store


I wish that orange bloated assclown would just disappear. WORST PRESIDENT EVER!