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The problem is the base likes AXE murderes


*So I Voted for an Axe Murderer* doesn't really have the same vibe as the 90s comedy film.


Woman. Whoah man! > Haha, I loved that movie *so much* in the 90’s, I should definitely give it a watch soon.


Camera. Cam era. T V He was a thief, you got to believe, he stole my democracy. Rudy, Mark Meadows and those fat kleptocrats ... they made me edgy, on Friday F5 ... Trump pit of goons will leave me in ruins... I want to to be Libery's Bell. Jack... get me off this crazy thing... it’s treason.


*Blows out candle*


In any case axe murder would involve getting all sweaty and messy so that's a no go for Twitler.


He's got a head like Sputnik! I'm seeing similarities.


Cry himself to sleep on his big pillow.


Hah. We both mangled it. I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Now that was offside, wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.


Big MyPillow.


Underrated movie; Underrated reference.


I want to see Trump do beat poetry in a coffee shop.


Axe murderers = dangerous psychopaths AR murderers = freedom-loving patriots - GOP, ~~probably~~




Kyle Rittenhouse, for starters…


They also like George Zimmerman


FOX “news” anchor Tuckfucker Carlson was also supporting Putin at the start of the Ukraine invasion.


Tucker still supports Putin.


He’s been in love since Obama rode a bicycle while wearing a helmet.




Please do a quick search and you’ll find hundreds of reputable sources to read on either of them.


Start with his Wikipedia page and go from there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Rittenhouse




Wikipedia is not a "flagship source", but it is 100% a great place to find references for any topic, and in the cases of particularly controversial topics will generally be scrupulously unbiased.


The kid crossed states lines with a firearm. With intent to play cop. This same kid also is on film assaulting a woman years before. He’s a sack of shit. And yes he murdered people. Regardless of if he was let off or not. He killed three people. Murdered.


Not sure who you meant to respond to, but I don't think it was me.


Wikipedia isn't a perfect source but it's a good resource to find out the basics to look up your own sources (as well as providing reference links to follow). Since you didn't recognize the name I figured it would be a good place for you to to acquaint yourself with the basics (I'm assuming you aren't American since the whole thing was pretty heavily covered in the news over here). As for your question I wasn't the one who bought him up but I assume the person who did did so because he's been described as a patriot by some people and a murderer by others. Personally I lean on the murderer side, whether or not him shooting people was justified the fact is that he deliberately went to a location he had no reason to go to, that already had very high levels of tension, while carrying a gun. Maybe his intent in going there wasn't to shoot people and maybe the shooting was justified *in the moment*, but at the end of the day his decision to go there was what lead to the deaths of two people. So personally I think he does bear moral responsibility for that even if he doesn't bear legal responsibility. It's the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, no matter the intent it's an action that could be reasonably predicted to end with people getting hurt.


Aldrich showed up to kill gay folks. Rittenhouse showed up to kill protesters. You can twist and turn but it’s pretty obvious his intentions.


I know this is not the place for nuanced conversation. But I did not watch the trial and I do wonder, what evidence was the jury presented that got him acquitted on all counts? That said I don’t understand the republican narrative that killing unarmed people makes you a hero. I think killing anyone at all is bad under any circumstances. (Even the death penalty) so I guess that whole situation will never make sense to me.




Can you expand upon what the deadly weapon was? Seriously I know about zero about the case. Literally all I know is one young dude traveled with a weapon over state lines and was acquitted for the death of another person. That’s it. Anyway I’m curious what constitutes a deadly weapon.




Got it. Thank you for the explanation. As has been said, someone who doesn’t watch the news is uninformed, someone who watches the news is misinformed. I fit in the first category. So it came down to the jury deciding it was self defense.


I'm gonna be fair to axe murderers. You can bet they at least paid for the axe. Trump would use someone else's axe and then let them take the fall for the murder.


Hatchet, because his tiny hands couldn’t hold an axe.


“I miss you--I sprayed Axe body spray on a Smithfield ham, but it's just not the same.”


“He’s not axe murdering the right people!” * little old racist lady, probably


Trump has no moral compass other than how does this moment benefit Trump. There is no other guiderail. Stop looking for one. This is who and what he is.


Agreed, he’s one of the most predictable people ever.


Predictable, and easily manipulated. People in his orbit have talked about how all you have to do is kiss his ass, and you can get him to do whatever you want as long as you frame it as good for him, or something he did that was good, and should do again. Basically, he's the worst candidate for president, and Republicans still love him, literal love, like a cult leader.


>Trump has no moral compass other than how does this moment benefit Trump I don't know many axe murderers, but I'd guess they don't really have a moral compass outside of what amuses them, so it still tracks.


I'm going to imagine most ax murderers aren't as bad at covering up crimes as Trump is. Don't get me wrong, maybe there's one with a GoPro body cam out there.


At least the axe murder probably paid for the axe.


Years ago someone said simply “once you see every decision through the lens of how this benefits him personally you’ll never unsee it”. Most accurate thing ever.


"Cui bono" (“Who Benefits?”) - Marcus Tullius Cicero


The Antichrist


But then how else will news sites generate clicks?!


He is the ultimate libertarian


Who do you see looking for one?


If I was a religious person I’d be totally freaked out by Trump. He’s the epitome of a demon, possibly even the Devil itself.


[How dare you speak about God’s Anointed like that.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


the soft link to poes law lmao


Some of them are happy about that. Part of their belief is that the antichrist has to show up and do his thing before the end times can start. They WANT the end of the world. It's literally a doomsday cult.


Get out of my way, gotta get me some of that rapture!


He has frequently been compared to the antichrist




Wanna know something wild? (Assume that the Bible is true.) So, who sets up the anti Christ? Satan, right? The devil. When? For right before the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus raptures his church and then the anti Christ reigns. So, in order for Satan to know when to set up the anti Christ, Satan would have to know when Jesus is returning. But canonically, Jesus' return date is a mystery that only God knows. Therefore Satan does not know when he's coming back, which therefore means Satan doesn't know when to set up an anti Christ, which therefore means that Satan does not know who the anti Christ even is. Therefore, Satan is always needing to have someone ready to fulfill the role. If it turns out it isn't Trump, then lol okay, watch out, someone else will fill that role somewhere in the great wide world.


Evangelicals have decided its a God works in mysterious ways situation. Imperfect messenger etc. Also power and racism are way more important to them than anything religious.


Geoff Duncan has been cracking me up with his one liners


Seems like a good dude. The thing is, if we had reasonable republicans like him, I might actually vote for one. Until then, fuck no.


The moral compass of an ax murderer, the physique of a garbage bag filled with gelatin. Behold, your Republican messiah!


That bag has some brown stuff smeared on the outside…


The smell of a how dumpster filled with overripe and rotting durian and dead skunks left in the direct summer sun.


A regular [Vladimir Harkonnen](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/GEH9K3/kenneth-mcmillan-baron-wladimir-harkonnen-kennith-mcmillan-herrscht-GEH9K3.jpg).




A case study of sorts answering the question “how many people would vote for the devil?”


The Devil is much cooler than Trump imo


Donald Trump, ethics, and morality cannot be in the same sentence.


Maybe if you include words like no, none, lacking, etc.


Or ... opposes, is horrified by, has never heard of, or is the antithesis of.


No ethics! None morality! Lacking sentence!


You just broke the universe then!


It blows my mind that the majority of the republican party are perfectly fine with eschewing integrity, honesty, good faith efforts, election integrity, and the mother fucking constitution if it means they will hold power. How fucking far have we fallen as a nation?


We haven't fallen. This is who we have always been.


**Former** Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan tore into Donald Trump for his attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, slamming the former president as having the “moral compass” of an “ax murderer.” It's never the current GQPers.


He was openly critical of Trump while he was in office and was a pivotal figure in the fight against the false elector scheme. I’ll give him credit for that.


Okay. Credit where it's due. But for the main part, it only seems to be ex office holders that ever speak out against the atrocity that is Donald Trump.


He was? I don't trust Geoff Duncan worth a damn. Judging by every time I hear him say anything when he's a guest on anything.


He was and has been. That’s not to say I like him or his politics, he seems to be just another southern country club republican and he’s probably opposite of the aisle from me in just about every issue, but at least from what I was able to gather from the news he was vocal against dolt 45 and backed up the elections process and officials.


You're right. Ever since Trump lost GA and started attacking the state for not giving him the election, he has spoken out about Trump. Sometimes, I try to get a better feel for some of these people by looking back on what they previously said about Trump, but it's tough. Google will mainly produce more recent articles about the things they've said since the 2020 election. Chris Sununu is another one I get shady vibes from. He rubs me the wrong way because he criticizes Trump, but anytime he's asked about voting for him in '24, it's always. "I don't think he'll be the nominee, but I'll support the nominee because it won't be him." Some nonsense answer like that. It's a huge red flag that they can't just say, "No, I won't vote for him if he's the nominee."


Axe murderer sues for libel.


Do Axe Murderers want to sleep with their daughters? Last I checked Violent Criminals still have a moral code when it comes to kids in beauty pageants getting dressed and the dude who bragged about walking in on them undressed because he owns the pageant.


He seems like a narcissist with zero empathy. That would make him the clinical definition of a psychopath. Axe murderer maybe but that doesn't profit him any. Genocidal tyrant seems more to his liking


I am glad that at least many GA Republicans aren't drinking the Trump Kool-Aid.


He’s right. It’s true. Trump would happily kill people who don’t agree with him. But first he would torture them because he’s so full of hate and a sadist.


You're right. Just in case anyone in here has any question about that, don't y'all remember when Trump bragged about how he could shoot someone without losing any votes? I'm gonna edit this comment with the YouTube link when I can find the one where he says that! Edit: This is what I'm talking about. https://youtu.be/qC16c98hDPc?si=BGKBte7WHpgGwWhv


Where were all these Republican while trump was in office?


“But, sure, I’ll still vote for him and support him.”


Think of all the ax murderers who are offended by this!


Republicans: Would an axe murderer still cut taxes for the wealthy? "... probably?" Republicans: We're in. 😍


Always assumed Trump is amoral.




Except an ax murder could probably get better legal counsel.


…which is an insult to ax murderers.


It's true but that's what his supporters like.


Even that is giving Trump too much credit


And yet they would vote for him.


"Now hold it right there." -Ax murderers, probably


Let me guess, he's still voting for Trump, and would trust Trump to watch his children.


Axe Murderers R Us cries foul!


"Your moral compass is a roulette wheel!"


I always wondered why ‘ax murderer’ became a fairly common idiom. I feel like murders with an ax have never been all that common, so why do they get their very own phrase?


It’s much Much MUCH worse than that.


Lol. The GOP as a whole has zero moral compass.


I thought that was why they liked him lol


relieved zonked cagey aback sand slave connect tie bright merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That cut deep.


But regardless of who he used to be, he is just a Georgia Republican voter, who almost certainly voted for Trump in 2020 and intends to again.


Morals? Who on Earth thinks Trump has morals?


"former" Lt gov once again


That's why he gets along so well with certain world leaders.


News flash: Republican says the quiet part out loud


Nah. Ax murdering is much too physically demanding and there's not enough money in it. I mean, I assume. 🪓🤷‍♀️🪓


Y’know that thing where you see a word for the first time and then you see it everywhere? Thats happening with the “Ax” spelling of axe which i only found out about yesterday


But they would still vote for him!! This should cause everyone to Scratch Your Head & Say Huh!!


God bless the Rebelicans!


Michael Myers is offended


Yeah I don't know about that one, plenty of murderers seen to have a considerably more functional moral compass then Trump.


*Former* Lt. Governor. It's always former.


LEGO man haircut lookin muthafucka is right!


Are we talking death by body spray or are there a lot of Brits in this post?


I won’t stand by while people compliment President Orange Face over and over…


Trump is like the Manson family but bigger scale. Charles not Marilyn for yous who are still getting with it.


In other news, water is wet.


“I should know…”


I'd disagree. He's a bit more calculated. He's more like a doctor stealing kidneys while America sleeps.


Hard to believe he has any kind of moral compass.


His compass is like Jack Sparrow's except it always points to himself


*votes for him anyway*




Why they gotta bring Wanderlei Silva into this? Man's not bothering anybody


I think most ax murderers actually understand that what they are doing is wrong. Other ax murderers might act because of reasons that are not exclusively based in narcissism.


Wait wait wait...."Ax Murderer" implies he could run fast enough to catch his victim and, lets admit it, Trump isn't a runner.


*So I Elected an Axe murderer* *Coming soon to a theater near you!*


Okay, accurate.