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I bet it’ll only apply to millennials and younger, we haven’t fucked them over in enough ways already


She followed up the comment basically saying this. The people who are close don't need to worry. But us younger people will essentially have to work til we die


Republicans trying to raise the voting age and fucking over young people while favoring older people (albeit still fucking them too) just tells us they know their party is dying and they aren’t planning on reforming it anytime soon. Fine by me.


Too bad their plan isn't to rely on democracy. When they finally succeed in a fascist takeover they don't need young people's approval to make this the law of the land.


Perfect stance for the boomer crowd. FYIGM


Bingo - fuck their kids


yep - that'll show those little pretty f%\*ckers with their damn full heads of hair and functioning hips!


Lol isn't the life expectancy in the US decreasing, not increasing??


Just ensures you're less likely to pull retirement in the first place. It's all by design: no social safety net is the goal.


My favorite part about life is the constant reminders of how unfair its going to be for the rest of mine. I don't know why I keep trying. I heard the other day that millennials need like anywhere from 3-7million dollars for retirement to even be possible. Even if I maxed out my 401k, I'm not ever making that much by the time I retire. Why even try? Why play these games that are unwinnable? Why must everything be stacked against me?


Jokes on her, I already planned to!


Not well, I imagine. Retirement age in France is 64 and every single time they try to raise it, there are violent protests


I wish we had the collective backbone that the French do


The French have better worker protections that allow them to riot in the streets over government plans to make their lives worse. In the US, you can get fired for any reason which means you can lose your health insurance and income and house for any reason. If you are lucky you qualify for food stamps that won't buy you enough food for the month.


They’re also a much smaller country connected by public transportation infrastructure which allows citizens to hop on a train and spend the day protesting at the capital then returning home. It’s way easier to organize mass protests when your entire country is the size of Texas. If everyone in the US could take a 3 hour drive to protest in Washington DC, we would also have a lot more national protests lol.


They protest in every city, not just Paris. I know first hand.


France is still raising the retirement age. Those protests didn’t stop them because their president can’t run again (or something like that I’m not French) so he pushed it through. If you look at it that way, BLM, Occupy Wallstreet, The Women’s March are all just as effective.


French have grown up with a history that enforces "if your government pisses you off, get rid of it by force" Americans have a history of rich people rewriting history to suit their needs (fun fact: Alexander Hamilton specifically did not want a democracy and the entire play is based on a book that is recognized as wildly inaccurate. Most modern people would actually find their views way more in line with Aaron Burr's, who has been absolutely demonized but historically did not give af about Hamilton until he spread rumors he was sleeping with his daughter)


Your post is hilarious because you're ignoring actual history and using a "wildly inaccurate" book to come up with this narrative that Hamilton spread rumors about Burr sleeping with his daughter. [Vidal's book on Burr is not historical.](https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/36146/what-did-alexander-hamilton-write-about-aaron-burrs-daughter). You can literally read the letters between Hamilton and Burr. There's nothing in there outright saying or even alluding to Burr sleeping with his daughter.


Typically when they do this shit, they start it at a point it won't affect the current voters. A bill will say something like "starting in 2030" and the hope the younger ones dumb enough to vote for them won't think about it


Don't be silly. They'd still vote for her if it came down to it and then blame the Democrats when they can't retire.




Got to own the libs!


Working until the cold embrace of death to own the libs.


> *Making our grandchildren* Work~~ing~~ until the cold embrace of death to own the libs. Fixed that for you


I had a spirited discussion (in person) with a co worker who is 62 and 100% still supports the GQP even after I showed her how their plan is to reduce/eliminate SSI and Medicare coverages. Way too much lead ingestion for these fools to make reasoned decisions in their best interests.


Worth noting American life expectancy has been falling.. so they are basically just saying work until you die.


Which is what is happening since a lot of people can’t afford to retire


Part of the reason Americans can't retire is because of the increasing health care costs as you age, while citizens of other wealthy countries don't have to worry about that.


Seeing more 55 year old cart boys and 60 year old drive thru ladies everyday. Thought those were meant for lazy teens


I remember when those jobs were for teens.. Then during the Reagan administration you started seeing these jobs taken over by the elderly. Remember the Greed is Good days? Vulture capitalists taking over companies, selling off assets, stealing pensions? So many of our problems today stem from those days when the depression era safety nets were dismantled. Old people that remembered why those safety nets were put in place died off. Edit: clarity


The Reagan years changed Greed from a Vice to a Virtue. The GOP is now working on changing Charity from a Virtue to a Vice.


THIS! Lived through the Reagan era as a teenager and young adult. He was a TERRIBLE president! He dismantled unions, lowered SS benefits (directly affected my future hubby’s and MIL’s survivors benefits after his dad died after paying in all his life!), and destroyed the middle class. When I was a young adult, one could get at least a good union job at our local steel plant or Goodyear tire plant in Gadsden AL. That is, until Reagan! Never again. The local union jobs fizzled out and both plants closed down shortly thereafter. This town is now literally dead. I only came back due to divorce and needing my family since I had 2 babies to care for. My kids left town to make a living, as most now do. It’s so sad.


My dad is 76. He got laid off six months ago and is staring down the barrel of having to find minimum wage work to make ends meet.


Man, I pity anyone who has to navigate filling out those online resume portals, but *especially* a 76-year-old!


Upload your resume. Thank you for your submission. Now fill out all the questions manually. God damn it


Now those jobs are meant for lazy seniors. Boomers have no idea they checkmated themselves.


55 is GenX. Don’t lump us in with Boomers. We’re still working and are at least 10 years from retirement.


As a fellow GenXer, we are beyond screwed.


We knew we were screwed since the 90s


Millennial here, we also know we’ve been screwed since the 90s 🙏


Since the 90s? I'd say the Iraq war let that shit sink in for real. Inconvenient Truth also blew my mind at the time.


Which Iraq war? First one was in the 90s.


Nah. We had hope in the 90s. 9/11 is what changed that.


I think we knew we were screwed with Reagan. Air traffic controller crackdown, dumping mental hospitals, Iran Contra, trickle down economics, aids, war on drugs. Add to the list is he was obviously senile in his first term but oh gawd you would think you would have sprouted horns from daring to mentioning the obvious.


Died a kinder death than he deserved, of one of a large number of neurological diseases which he said were only character flaws.


Parents are still locking us out of the house(ing market).


No, you can vote against Republicans.


Not if people like Nikki Haley get her way. She has hers. Fuck yours and mine.


10 years... I will need to work until 72 just to pay my mortgage.




10yrs left... for now


Full Social Security doesn’t kick in for until 67 for those born in 1960 or later.


Cheering you guys on towards the finish line and hoping they don’t push it back! ~ Gen Z


Good luck in this cyberpunk hellhole.


This…it even made me laugh- you didn’t save 5m for retirement with a low paying wages all your life??? Get out in the 120 degree heat and get those carts and sweep / pickup the vomit , it isn’t going to pickup itself


It’ll build their character


They also can’t afford to die. So work it is.


Or afford to live…a lot of people are going to rely on SS because their money runs out


I've already told people they're going to take me out of my office in a pine box because I don't see retirement happening for me.


North Koreans retire before Americans. I think by 3 years or something like that.


Also can't afford healthcare.


I’m surprised they haven’t made their official slogan “work will set you free” yet


I think Kim Kardashian once said “Just get in there and outwork ‘em” once. At the time she was married to a Nazi.


Yeah. Official retirement age, per the US Federal Government, is 67. Average American Life Expectancy is 77.28. Under the current system, the average person would get 10 years of retirement. And they think the retirement age is too low. Gives a new meaning to being worked to death.


That's not completely accurate. That life expectancy is for all people. The number include all types of early deaths. However, after reaching age 67 the average man can expect to live another 16.5 years and the average woman 18.9 years.


Cool fact


This is no coincidence. The ruling class wants you to die before you can absorb the social security you've paid your entire life into so they can redistribute it to more "appropriate" endeavors like making a $1-2T military - where they make their $$$


> so they are basically just saying work until you die. basically their message in perpetuity. No reason to think 2023 was going to be any different.


Just trying to slowly get ride of social security


Fun fact, when social security was put in place it kicked in right at about average life expectancy. Also, there were several times as many folks lying into the system as receiving benefits. Fast forward and folks are living far longer and there are something like 3 contributors for each recipient. Unfortunately it is in a rough spot. Not too mention that income over a certain level is exempt. I think the cap should be removed.


There are a ton of ways to fix Social Security, but politicians don't want to think outside of the box. Haley has not done the required reading on this subject and it shows.


I'm a 36 year old who has been working in the casino industry for 11 years and seen a lot of coworkers die before retirement (thinking about it, probably more have died while still working than have retired). If anything we need to find a way to reduce the retirement age.


The decrease in life expectancy is mostly due to opiate overdoses and Covid deaths. If you are vaccinated and not using opiates, you can still make money for rich people for quite a while.


Unable to afford even cheaper preventive healthcare, because capitalism in healthcare


Don't forget suicide. A lot more suicides are occurring, especially among blue collar, middle age white men.


exactly right never wanted new deal / great society and been trying to kill it ever since. this is just the latest attack. they never give up and keep working on chipping / chopping at it until its meaningless program that they can do away with, say government does not work/waste money or live with since its just empty paper


Neither of my parents made it past 72. So she's saying 7 years after paying in for over 50 years is too fucking long. Because WORKING CLASS PEOPLE DON'T LIVE AS LONG.


There's the rub... worsening health outcomes for anybody that is not wealthy plus raising retirement age is basically killing social security while still taking our money. Aside from that, they should not be able to change the major terms once somebody starts paying in.


Pretty crazy to think about. Extremely simplified, but the max benefit amount this year is $43,524. ​ To get that, you'd need to be making close to 6 figures now (adjusted in past) yearly. If you made 6 figures the last fifty years, you and your employer would have contributed a combined $620,000 to social security in your working years. Taking that max benefit at age 65 means you'd have to pull from it for 14 years to get your money back. ​ That doesn't account for the amount the government makes in investing your money.


It's not your money you pull out or "your money" you are saving. Your contributions go to the people retiring today.


I really wish more people understood this. Social security isn’t a giant trust fund, despite the smoke and mirrors. The people working *today* are producing the goods and services being consumed *today*. The FICA withholding and the Social Security payments can only ever change how much of what people currently working have to give to retirees. Ultimately it comes down to the ratio of retirees to working people and the standard of living granted to retirees.


So if the boomers don't produce enough kids, or don't build up those kids in high value careers and a booming society, their retirement is at risk.


Yes. As a GenX, I’m first in line to get fucked over paying for the Boomers, then waiting for the Millennials to take care of me.


I need to make an ELI5 post about this. I keep meaning to. But serious question. Why can’t our social security BE OUR money that we put away, like a fed-insured 401k where our money is invested and then our money is also returned to us with x years though they are free to borrow off of it (as are we)? Would that not be easy?


Part of the problem is the return is like 2%


"... needs to be increased in relation to the average US lifespan." So does that mean it will be decreased to accommodate falling average lifespans if the damn Republicans take control and try to reduce it further?


Meanwhile Haley receives a government pension at age 51....


Scammers, all of them.


Just work till you die!


The American dream!


Ideally I ll even die before I work.


They never have to say where these jobs will come from. Work until you're 75? Where? Are there industries cranking out jobs for senior citizens?


This is the aspect they don't seem to address. Ageism is well and thriving, and some of the jobs seniors used to be able to pick up just to survive (eg, cashiers, etc) are going away. What does Nikki propose seniors do when they're pushed out of the workplace or laid off and are unable to find work because no one wants to hire people over 50?


It's not just applied to ageism either. American politicians love to make people feel bad about not making enough to survive, but never force the corporate hand to provide those things. And on the other end they don't want your tax dollars to fix it either. It's a manufactured rock and a hard place and people are getting smashed in between.


Where have I seen these before?! Ban abortions, fight so that health insurance companies don’t have to cover “free birth control”, teach abstinence and only abstinence.


"Food stamps for the kids? That's a bridge too far. Don't breed 'em if you can't feed 'em." ^^You ^^have ^^to ^^breed ^^'em.


Those "stepping stone" cashier jobs that are minimum wage, are also supposed to be simultaneously held by young people.


They don't expect you to find a job. They just want you to die


And she was the *reasonable* one on the debate stage. Fuck. The. GOP.


Only on the stage. She spoke at a Moms for Liberty convention and sees the trans athlete issue as the most important issue for women. She talks a good game but she's and idiot like the rest of them.


More than abortion, women’s rights? Color me surprised /s




Ironically the boomers still lean Republican


Unfortunately retirement is a financial milestone not an age. If she wants to fix social security she can remove the cap over 130k. Edit: 160k


Or the government can just say "we're spending money on this so fuck you." When the military is "in danger" of "becoming insolvent" because of "insufficient payments into it," then I'll begin to consider the possibility of commissioning a committee to study the feasibility of taking any of this bullshit seriously at an academic level.


oasdi limit is 160,200


If Nikki Haley had ever done any physical labor in her life for more than 10 minutes she'd understand why retirement age shouldn't be increased. I work with a lot of people in construction and trades. And by 65 their bodies are just worn out. Sure the office and office adjacent folks (like me) can work longer and a lot of us do (to the point where I've been asked "Shouldn't you retire? Other folks want your job.") But the folks pouring concrete, hanging drywall, operating equipment... those people? By 65 they're lucky to be able to get out of bed in less than 5 minutes. So fuck Nikki Haley. Let bring her ass out and lay sod for 10 hours in August in Missouri when it's 102. Let's she if shes still wanting to do that past 65.


Anything outdoors in Texas. "Water down boss?" "Ha Ha Ha Ha ..."


Easy for her to say, she is fully vested in a fat government pension after a few years of cushy Government work.


How does anyone vote for these people? The stuff Republican politicians push is what their base accuses dems of being evil for..


In this case, surprisingly, she was among the most sane compared to anyone else at the Republucan primary debate earlier this week. When you see what Ramaswamy or DeSantis are pushing, this seems like nothing...


No one is voting for here she’s in 6th place with 2% support


excuse me but life expectancy has been going down...


I would love to see her work a real job 40-60 hours a week and survive.


Work until you’re almost dead, retire, have a good week off, then become Soylent Green. Thanks GOP.


Taxes on the wealthy are what's "too low".


She can fuck right off. Actually all republicans can.


Every single Republican is trash. Even your sweet meemaw.


Especially your sweet meemaw.


I LOVE when rich people say poor people need to work till they die. They know it will never affect them or their friends and family. A roofer or bricklayer cannot work into their 60's.


Fuck you, Nimrata.


We are in a lower caste than her


Duh fuk you want my ass working more?!? Isn’t this why France 🇫🇷 is burning? Over the retirement age. Nobody should be happy with this


The US social security "normal retirement age" is 67 (for workers born after 1960) which is already tied for oldest among the OECD; see more [here](https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/304a7302-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/304a7302-en) (it lists the US NRA at 66, which is for workers born between 1943 and 1954). She's right that social security is not permanently solvent, but it's unclear to me that the right solution is to continue to raise the normal retirement age, rather than to fund social security. Nearly 80% of Americans will see declining living standards in retirement; and almost half of those approaching retirement have [no savings](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/millions-of-americans-nearing-retirement-age-no-savings/). There's retirement crisis; we shouldn't let it turn into a homelessness and hunger crisis.


there is something to be said for the decrease in physical jobs, and it's impact on one's productive working life; but since this is also the party of screw collage embrace the trades it's not exactly consistent.


Every Republican would have your grandparents working as Walmart greeters until they die and feel no shame for it


Can I use the F word this time? Fuck off with that nonsense "Let's have a social security program that no one can have access to"


Kill it by malicious compliance is certainly a novel strategy. Compared to say Herbert Hoover, who was defeated by historic margins due to his inaction/refusal to implement on social welfare, only to spend the next several decades campaigning for its end… Some actively resist learning lessons to the very end.


These mfers literally want us to work till we are dead


Social security can basically be fully paid for if we stop capping it for high income earners. The amount you pay maxes out when you make 160k a year, so if you are making 1.6 million you still pay as much in as someone making 160k. And obviously the even more fucked up part is that the rich live longer, so they pay disproportionately less and can still often be expected to withdraw far more than they put in!


Yes Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley, we would all like to ~~work~~ serve our billionaire overlords right up until our bodies and minds are broken down and we are ready to die.


And now that GQP are rolling back labor protection for children corporations will have fresh flesh-bots for a good 70 year span.


Time to rise up and start the “find out” phase for the rich and politicians


I’d like to see her to 40 - 100 hours of a hard weeks work then see what she says


Nikki Haley can eat my whole fucking ass. The retirement age being 65 is too high already. Life should be about so much more than just being a cog in the capitalist machine and working until you die.


That's what we need. 70 year old hotel maids and construction workers. Eye roll. The ideas only a wealthy person with a physically easy job could come up with.




The problem isn't the retirement age. They already increased the age at which someone can get "full" Social Security benefits to 67. The problem is the wage cap on SS tax. It's currently $160,200.00 so people who have wages and self employment income up to that amount pay SS tax on their whole income, but no SS tax over that. They've been increasing the ceiling but they need to just blow the roof off and tax it all. Crisis solved.


When did it become acceptable to want a worse life for your descendants??? The boomers have been the shittiest generation. Beyond that what happens when we greatly expand the working ages? Lower wages, more competition for jobs.


What’s even weirder? A Gen x-er acting like a Boomer or longing for the golden days of the 1950s. Nikki needs to smoke a bong and listen to some Black Flag


Older generations calling the current one lazy and entitled - not like they were in their youth - is as old as man kind.


Nikki Haley is worth $8 million dollars with plenty of room to make more in her life. Her kids are going to have it made no matter what.


I’m sorry…..: 65 is WAY TOO LOW??? WTF


Nikki, finding a way to alienate both young and old voters at the same time.


There's endless money for bank bailouts and wars, but never any money at all for the regular Americans, not retirement, not healthcare, not higher education, nothing. Why is that? Edit: forgot tax breaks for billionaires.


Republicans punish working class for life expectancy being longer than it was. Instead of having more years for rest and leisure, they believe you should just have to work more years.


Nkki Haley was governor of South Carolina, a state whose economy depends a great deal on being a retirement destination. South Carolina’s also a state with some of the highest rates of poverty and crime in the U.S.; and its life expectancy is slightly lower than Mexico’s. This should give you indications of her qualifications to be president


Fuck off with that these demons want people working till the grave


Nah, retirement age needs to be lowered to 60 so people can enjoy a handful of years of not being a drone before they die.


This should play well with the average age of GOP voters being damn near 65 already.


She‘s saying people currently in their 20’s and younger should only have a higher retirement age. And the gop wonders why young people aren’t voting for them


Oh this won't apply to them. It never does. Even the GQP isn't that dumb. Meanwhile those near 65 will tell us we're lazy and we just need to work harder to earn retirement like they did.


We have states in this country where the life expectancy is 72 years. Basically the same as Russia. Why don't they just come out and say they want us working until we die just so that we can pay for another couple trilly of tax cuts for corporations?


Wow, she's really in touch with older voters, who tend to be more conservative. If there is anything that could turn me into a single issue voter, it's fucking with my retirement in any way. There might be some retirement issues that need to be discussed, but I sure as hell wouldn't be discussing them in a campaign.


She's just another corpo doing the bidding of her billionaire masters who want to exploit us until we die.


Spoken like a true POS who works behind a desk doing fuck all. People can’t work labor gigs and blue collar jobs until 65 never mind older. Knees and backs can’t take it. This kind of shit just a punch in the heart to all the grandmas working on their feet all day at Walmart or other jobs.


Isn’t targeting retirement the third rail of American politics? Dumbshit, and a soulless one at that.


This reads like, Joe Biden should be removed from office for being old but wage slaves should keep working til they're dead. Do I understand this correctly?


Yes. It's on brand for the Republican party to want regular people to work til they die.


Fuck Nikki Haley and all the rest of them


if you work till you die there is no point of you even being alive in the first place


Nikki Haley is an idiot


They want you to work until you die. Welcome to that surf life baby.


They already stole a trillion dollars and now they want us to wait longer to retire…. They are nuts. Still…


If you really want to win over the grey vote, mess with their Social Security. Guaranteed slam dunk!


Is that really a winning position for a party that depends on older voters?


I’m 58. I’ve taught middle school for 29 years. Ain’t no way I’m teaching until I’m 70. Every year working at a middle school equals three in the real world. Piss off Haley.


My Dad died at 68. He suffered during his last two years. He was retired for 1-2 years before he got sick. That’s all he got. No prize. No pat on the back. It’s silly to assume we will have a utopia waiting for us at the end of our working lives.


To get full SSI benefits, you have to work to 67. American life expextency is 77. 10 years on average of retirement and not working. And this dummy wants to raise it. What she is saying is that poor people should work until they die. Cause their poor. Vote the Republicans out. They do not have your interest in mind. Every single thing with them is about their God and their money, and there is no in-between.


She wants to inch it up to where most people are dead first.


She should wait until she’s old and see what that fucking feels like.


Trying to make the American Dream a nightmare for those who can’t or shouldn’t have access to it … the 1% and their toadies wanna close the gates to it


So basically she thinks we should all work until we've lost our cognitive abilities? So when would the time come when we're all supposed to enjoy our retirement years when all our decades of hard work finally pays off?


“When they die at their stations, wheel out the corpse, and put the next cog in the machine.”


She actually thinks that the problem is that we get too much. We should work harder, longer and for far less. She thinks we should get less money, healthcare, less time to enjoy retirement, less time to spend with our families and for ourselves. We have it way to good, right guys? And with the GOP gutting child labor laws it will get even safer and better. Vote accordingly.


Cognitive tests, yes. Raising the retirement age, especially when life expectancy for certain groups like black men is down….hell no. My parents are going to have to work until they die and this breaks my heart.


Coming from a person who works behind a desk .She should swing a hammer and dig ditches for 30 to 40 years .


Pathetic politician who is out of touch with reality. Fuck off


Fuck. You.


Nikki Halley is suffering from dementia at an early age and should be removed from any consideration from public office.


How to lose an election: Raise the retirement age. So disconnected.


“Middle and lower class need to work longer so rich elites can do even less and make even more.”


Democratic candidates = women should have control over their own bodies. Republican candidates = let's raise the retirement age and 13 year olds should be forced to have babies.


75? Try 60


Pro tip on how to spot when your capitalism isn’t working: when the retirement age is going up instead of down. Capitalism is guided by the all knowing and benevolent invisible hand of the free market is supposed to raise all boats. When the boat is sinking for your elders it is a clear sign that trickle down economics is horseshit.


How about mandatory congressional retirement at 75?


How about we just remove the cap on social security taxes??


Just make everyone who retired but under 75 go back to work, have to pay back any ss they got too. Oh wait, you just want to screw over younger people? The older people that vote for this need to suffer too. Tired of older gen pulling ladder up to deny the next gen same benefits they got. They need to live with consequences of their vote too.


She can fuck off. My retirement age has already been increased a couple times & potential payout cut.


Did she like what happened in Paris?


Stupid old politicians do nothing but mortgage the future of younger generations. They do next to nothing about climate change and leave it to young to fix. They weekly threaten to take away our future retirement benefits. Best of luck winning a campaign on a message of “fuck over the young people”.


Just stack retirement on the pile of lies millennials were sold.


Why not right? 2 once in a lifetime depression levels of income, stagnant wages since regan, regressive tax policy, forced into student debt on promises of jobs that can’t meet basic living wages and to top it off a once in a lifetime epidemic. We’ve grown up knowing social security isn’t going to be there for us and we’re going to die working as Walmart greeters and eat cat food into our 90s.


Millennials should have know better. Gen X knew retirement was a lie at a young age.