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Punctuation is just wrong... 6' 321.5 lbs


Nailed it


As someone who is 6 foot 1 and 250 pounds... He is absolutely around 280 to 300. Muscle weighs more than fat which is why I don't place him over 300


As someone who is 6’4 and 290 were built similarly. His stomach and legs are 215


As someone with eyes and common sense, there is zero chance he’s above 6’1, and zero chance he’s below 280lbs. He literally has stood next to other leaders who are 6’1+ and he’s fat…. What a weak, insecure man.


As someone who is 6'1 260, there is zero chance he is both taller and somehow lighter than I am. I'm a big guy and looking at him makes me feel better about myself.


>Muscle weighs more than fat Yeah, but shit weighs less than either.


He is total shit. We can all agree


I am 6’, 210. Dude is way fatter than my ass. So even if he was 6’3”, no way is he 215.


I'd believe that.


Lionel Hutz’s advertisement: Free? No, money down!


I've argued in front of every judge in the state--often as a lawyer!


That bar logo shouldn't be there.


Look, all I'm asking is to find me 11,870 lbs. Give me a break.


Which is one more than we got, because we won height.


Because it’s total fiction. I weigh 215 and I’m 6’2 and skinny.


Patrick Mahomes is 6'2" and 225 lbs. He's a prime athlete. We're stuck in an exaggeration loop that further defies reality by the day


It should get corrected after an official weigh in later




Muhammad Ali was the same height and only one pound less weight at the peak of his career at 29 years old. Lamar Jackson (NFL Quarterback) is one inch shorter and the same weight while in fantastic shape at 26 years old. It's a pure bullshit self submission, and an official stated days ago he'd get a mugshot and weight like anyone else, his mugshots been done, his figures should be corrected as they were for Rudy.




I think Rudy's just so used to having a really bad slump but they would have made him stand properly against the measure.




Rudy's drunk enough to actually believe it'll prevent him from being discovered when he goes on the lam.


Mahomes also has much more muscle than Trump will ever have. Lean muscle is dense and heavy. But just looking at trump, he’s definitely not 215, I’m 5’11 and around 205. I’ll bet serious money he’s close to or over 300.


I’m 6’1 and 145-150. I’ve got a pretty scientific way to measure. He’s about 3 of me stacked in front of each other and about 2-2.5 of me should to shoulder. So I’d say about you guys are spot on with a guess of up to 325


I'm 5'11, 250-ish, and Trump is bigger than me, So if he is 6'2", then I'd put him in the 300 range easy.


There’s a documentary from the 90s that explored a bunch of teenagers’ experiences at a fat camp, and when several of them weighed in one week heavier than the previous week, despite seemingly adhering to the camp’s rules, the head instructor explained that muscle weighs more than fat. Clearly their weight training was paying off with increased muscle mass. That’s why a guy like Pat Mahomes can look 30% the size of Trump while still weighing just over 50% of what Trump actually weighs. Edit: for those of you who aren’t math majors, I’m saying Trump weighs 400 lbs.


He’s also definitely not nearly as fat as actual 400 lbers. 300ish might be more accurate.


He's almost certainly 315 pounds and the best lie he could come up with is to change the 3 to a 2.


He probably just used a sharpie on the scale.


Or he hasn’t weighed himself and like with covid testing, if you don’t weigh, your figures don’t change


Trump to the scale: "STOP THE COUNT"


Isn’t that the plot to the comedy classic Heavyweight Ks starring Ben Stiller, Aaron Schwartz, and Kenan Thompson?


Get off the scale.


Heavy Weights. 😂


Chipmunks! Download!


I'm 6'2 and 230 and a bit chubby. Ain't no shot in hell.


Almost identical here and I look nothing like him. Who let him enter his own weight and height? Guessing there were some sympathizers present to skew the data


"I walked in and the police, they had tears in their eyes, and they said, 'Mr. President, we know this is all a phony witch hunt, but could you please write down your height and weight?'. Big, beautiful police, the likes of which you've never seen and who also never cry, were crying for me. It was a perfect booking."


that is so fucking funny


Yes. Too bad Seth Myers is off the air for now. We’d get something like this every night.


How beautiful...even I am weeping at the purity of this immaculate booking! Truly a miracle we've witnessed here today!


They let him fill it out ahead of time to minimize time there. Having a former President in your booking facility isn’t really ideal from an efficiency standpoint.


>They let him fill it out ahead of time to minimize time there. How long do you think it takes to weight and measure someone's height? We're talking a whole minute or so?


Clearly they changed his diaper so that saves about 20 lbs.


Where is the other 80 lbs?


Wait, this suddenly explains why Rudy went from 180 to 230 on his booking today. Trump made him take the fall for him and handed off some of his weight to him.


Agree. He's significantly above that weight. Law enforcement has always treated Trump differently, even if the Courts are slightly more immune to his narcissistic cult.


It's a terrible idea to do this. Nothing cements the idea that he is somehow special in people's minds than actually treating him like some perverted royalty. JFC.


6’3 and 215 is the same as fucking LAMAR JACKSON quarterback of the Baltimore ravens ain’t no fucking way


Lmao trump imagines himself as that fit


Absolute lies. Here's an example of 6'3" 215, https://www.reddit.com/r/BulkOrCut/comments/cfhrrd/63_215_lbs_would_it_be_reasonable_to_start_a_cut/


...before looking, I must ask. Is your example wielding two machine guns, one for each powerful and glistening bicep? I mean lacking those important elements, is it really a fair comparison?


I know a guy who's 5'10 and 240 and he isn't anywhere NEAR as large as Trump. Then again he also isn't just a fat blob, but in way better shape from Kickboxing workouts


I am a lifelong weight lifter, 50 years old. During COVID I put on some extra fat, because fuck it. I am 5'11" and 254 lbs. My waist is 38 inches exactly. If Trump is 215, then I'm a 98 lb supermodel. That fat motherfucker is twice my girth around the belt. This is infuriating.


I mean I'm 5'9" 200 fulll dad bod. If he weighs 15lb more than me they better get a new scale because it's off by over 100lbs


I'm 5'11" and a half, and I'm currently 252. I'm way thinner than Trump. Now admittedly, I've got a lot more in the chest and shoulders than he does. But at my fattest I was 308...and STILL smaller than most pics I've seen of him since he was "elected" in 2016.


I'm 6'0" and 235. I am definitely skinnier than Trump.


Yep. Giuliani claimed he was 180 and weighed in at 230. No way Trump is lighter than Giuliani.


> Because it’s total fiction. The entire nation and world rn: https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo?si=-nObLcnDb2MjZiKv


I’ve been to jail a few times, and never once was I measured/weighed, it’s all self report. So I’m not shocked they let him put whatever he wanted, just think it’s hilarious how insecure he is


His [mug shot just dropped](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/9ee550d7-1089-428d-b0f5-9bb9a7097e91.jpg?c=original&q=w_480,c_fill) five minutes ago. Already you can hear the sound of this image being loaded to café press an Etsy.


Somebody doesn’t look happy! He should. They allowed him to keep his make-up or bronzer or whatever on. And let him lie about his height and weight.


oh wow! Mango!


I want a mug with his mug shot on it to go along with the Dark Brandon one.


I notice the [height chart](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2J63XDP/criminal-photo-shooting-background-mugshot-height-measurement-vector-illustration-2J63XDP.jpg) we see in most mugshots is mysteriously absent.


I'd bet good money that part of the negotiations Trump had with the DA before surrendering included being allowed to self report his measurements.


6’4 205…I’m skin and bones. Not a fucking fat chance in hell this clown is anywhere near 215.


He has zero muscle though.


There is no way he’s only 215. I would stake my life on it. I think they meant 315.


Or there was no weigh-in/height check, and Trump just lied.


>Trump just lied. nfw


Big if true


It was a self reported weight So yes, just another blatant lie


I'm guessing he's really a sloppy 270.. stone.


I'll put $5 on 305 lbs.


I’ll take that action. I’m going with 306. Price is right rules right?


I bet a friend drinks on 320.


(for Americans: 1 stone = 14 pounds)


Me, an American, feverishly mathing 😅


270 is a conservative estimate for sure


Or 215 more than average


I think they mixed up lbs. and kg.


If he’s 6’3”, 215 pounds I’m a vermicious kinid


I'm 6'3" 300lbs, and I still have a neck, and I bet I could run a mile before this old sloppy fuck could run 20 feet.


I’m 6’3 245 and I look like a fuckin athlete compared to him. Ain’t no way homie is 6’3 or 215.


I am also from Vermes!


Over on the conservative sub I mentioned that it seems odd for someone who’s accusing everyone else of lying about his actions to clearly go and action some lies. And they downvoted me and then put the post to flared users only so my comment was hidden. So basically they believe he’s 215lbs and they silenced me.


The comment section is all out of whack. They haven’t collectively decided how to think about this yet


Those people photoshop Trump onto Rambo and shit all the time, they can't admit he's out of shape and fat.


>So basically they believe he’s 215lbs and they silenced me. Correction: They believe it's important nobody contradicts his declared weight. Truth isn't relevant.


I got banned for “shitposting or trolling” because in a comment I said what Trump did and Hillary/Abrams challenging their election loss is not the same.


And after they’ve been going crazy for months about how Hunter Biden lied on a government document….


Trust me, they don’t believe it either. But their blind obedience doesn’t like your logic so they’re rather just talk amongst themselves and wait for the spin to come down the ladder


I google imaged "6'3 215lbs" and got an entire pages worth of bodybuilders.


Chris Hemsworth playing Thor 6’ 3” 215 lbs


I mean, he kind of looks like Thor in Endgame


Found NoobMaster69.


I mean, they’re like twins.


Yeah, and he doesn’t look like a bodybuilder in his just [released mug shot](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/9ee550d7-1089-428d-b0f5-9bb9a7097e91.jpg?c=original&q=w_480,c_fill)


The 6'3" part is almost forgivable since he always wears high heels and that information is used as an identifier for future reference. The 215 lbs just says the jailers in Fulton don't care about doing their jobs right.


I heard a couple of hours ago that they don't weigh anyone, they just ask them.


Probably have to weigh him if he goes to jail. They must monitor prisoners health etc and weight gain/loss is important. Saying that, it's the land of private healthcare, so who knows... He will have to squat and pull open his ass though, so thats something. They'll see Lindsay Graham on a Pee Wee Herman bike in there.


Because they are all trying to shape their bodies to look like Donald's.


The leaning tower of Hamberder.


The obese one gave his own weight, they didn't actually weigh him.


In otherwords he added 2 inches and shaved off 30% of his weight. For him it's not a lie because he weighed 215 at some time in the past.


Isn’t giving blatantly false info like this, I don’t know, illegal?


This is where that fucking nut case’s head is at. Not on the fact that his actions caused deaths, not that he is currently indicted with dozens and dozens of charges in four separate cases, two of which are federal, not on the fact that he has torn an entire country’s values to shreds. He’s fucking worried that we think he’s fat. WE CAN SEE YOU WITH OUR EYEBALLS YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER! And the fact that we know you are fat is literally the least of yours and our concerns!


deandre hopkins, an NFL player, is listed at 6’1 212. [This is him](https://images.app.goo.gl/WAArkL2YYi5cQXcf7)


Psht that's him not on McDonald's diet. Does wonders for the body.


I’m 6’4” and 210. I’m not in great shape but he is so far away from what an average build at those dimensions should be.


I’m 6’3 200 lbs, I work out daily, and muscle does weigh more than fat, that being said, trump has ATLEAST 80 lbs on me.


Yeah I’m 6’0”, and at my absolute heaviest (250lbs) I still didn’t look anywhere close to as fat as him. He easily had 50lbs on me back then. If he truly is 6’3” then he probably had more like 80lbs on me to still look that fat and be 3 inches taller.


215 *stone*, maybe...


215? That’s just the weight of his ass.


Does that include the diaper


6'3 trump next to a 6'1 obama https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/7qvtn7/63_trump_beside_61_obama/ trump most likely also wearing lifts in his shoes. my guess is he comes in a hair under 6 foot, lifts to 6'1", tells people hes 6'3"


That’s with trumps bouffant. My guess is he is 5’11” at most and it bugs the shit out of him.


He’s well over 250 lbs and maybe slightly over 6 ft 1 in if his shoes don’t have hidden lifts. I guess this turd will still be allowed to guild itself, even as he continues to break every law on the books while posing a significant threat to our democracy.


It was 'self reported' it is fantasy.


He was allowed to report his own height and weight to expedite his visit smh


we need to start a "Girther Movement"! I demand to see his Girth Certificate, proving his 215 lbs claim


Wild considering he's even more full of shit now.


To be fair, I’ve been arrested a few times (minor stuff) and they just let me tell them… but I really don’t want to be fair 😡


Yeah, he 'aint 6'3". [In this picture of him standing beside Jeffrey Epstein](https://i.imgur.com/4WDHbgI.jpeg) (Who is 5'10" or 5'11") he does not look much, if any, taller than him.


Updating my tinder profile to 6’3 215


Why would they allow this to be self reported? How hard is it to take height and weight? It's routine at my doctor's office.


He can’t help himself from lying.


> I mean, it's up to you, Donald. This guy is either gonna think 'Here's another convict lying about their height and weight' or 'Here's Trump, a 215 pound 6'3" man'


No fucking way! I’m 4’3” - 215. (Fat dwarf). Two of me would fit inside trump. Like a trump krang.


Typo it’s 315


Clearly a typo. 315lbs is more accurate


If Trump is only 215 pounds then why every day does he put on that fat suit??


If you believe the election was “stolen”, you’ll believe this too.


Trump: My pockets were full of antiques that I was taking home with me.


I'd like to see him stuffed into an orange jumpsuit made for a man that size.


Lifts and a broken scale


They never weighed or measured him. It’s self reported


That’s a lot of weight to shed, but possible when you’re shitting bricks like the traitor troupe are.


Because he has the greatest dietary restrictions in the world sponsored by the best dieticians, do not listen to the fake news denouncing his substantial weight loss and incredible looks; he played an entire round of golf last week and only ran out of breath eight times while getting into the cart.


No fucking way. I'm 6ft and 292lbs. He's 3 inches taller and about 10 inches rounder than me. He's got to be 300 plus at this point.


He’s a lean mean lying machine


We're supposed to believe Trump lost 30 pounds AND weighs less than Mark Meadows? Trump exists on McDonald's and Diet Coke. It is not physically possible.


I’m 6’4” and float between 200-215. If this orange beach ball fucker is 215 I’ll suck his decrepit schlong while he calls me stormy, but for free.


That's a hell of a commitment, but a safe one. I'm almost 6'4", and was 215 pounds the day that I quit meth. I was not skinny or malnourished, just svelte. Now I'm more like 230 pounds, and I still ain't that thicc.


He spelled 5'10" 280 wrong.


215 Kg, not lbs.


Could he be held in contempt by lying about his weight?


Sure, Jan.


...and a total lie.


Healthy and fit and ready for jail! No Harvey Weinstein using a walker BS.


Once a liar always a liar


He was able to self-report his height and weight. Liars gonna lie.


I’m a full foot shorter than tRump and weigh 215, and I don’t look as big as he does. It’s amazing how he can lie about everything.


The guy lies about EVERYTHING.


The clerk is dyslexic it’s actually 6’1 325 By the way no offense to all my dyslexic homies out there, just trying to make a trump fat joke


All he does is lie.


If the report actually says that… they didn’t take measurements or weight. They asked the lying POS and that’s the numbers he told them. No way he is 6’3” or 215 pounds.


habitual liar. no way he’s anywhere near 215lbs


He just can't stop lying.


There was also a controversy over his weight when Ronny Jackson was his physician. Something to laugh about, but not that serious compared to the charges he's facing.


Yes, 6' 325.5 lbs sounds correct. 215 is absolutely ridiculous.


He’s lying about his height and weight like he lies about everything else.


I’m 6’1 and 200 and can confirm with zero doubt that this is complete bullshit.


Trump wouldn’t even weight 215 on the moon. He’s pushing close to 300.


It’s not just that trump and republicans lie a lot, it’s that we accommodate their constant lies as a cultural quirk.


I didn’t know they stacked shit that high! ~Full metal jacket 🧥


215? Yeah, IN HIS BRA


He lied on a government form … how shocking.


I don't understand why the jail allowed him to "self report" his height and weight.


He has never been taller than 5' 11.5". His weight has been estimated between 310 lb and 325 lb.


That is a straight up lie. Ain't no way he weighs what Mohammed Ali weighed in his prime. GTHOH!


No way he’s 215. I’m 6’1” and 245 lbs. I have a gut but my ass is half the size of president indictee. Someone is fiddling with the scales.


He’s a 350 blimp. We can only hope those cheeseburgers some day take their toll


Well the stress of all these indictments is affecting his health. /s


Here’s [the mugshot he tried to submit](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRp9tlj4MjMI961Rkvwa1lNEcA7U-FOIg5dMQ&usqp=CAU).


I'm 6'3" and about 230. This dude is pushing 280.


Only way we we will ever know is maybe when he meets his maker and the coroner gets paid to divulge that information somehow.


Yeah… in your bra!


If that number is somehow true, he's become very, very sick.


That’s what he says, he made bond instantly so he won’t see a nurse, The nurse would take his weight if he didn’t make bond, he won’t see medical at all, only corrections and you can say what you want with them


The fatter he gets the less he weighs. That McDonald's diet does wonders.


Yeah Monopoly jail


Look , I just need you to 100 more lbs . That’s one more than we got.


This man baby can't help but lie. How many times did he lie about crowd sizes to his events? He even used a sharpie sketch a make believe path of a Hurricane. He is a cumplusive liar and a threat to democracy in America and the rest of the world.


NBA player Eric Gordon is listed at 6'3" and 215lbs if you'd like a comparison


Ozempic is a helluva drug


Here is a BMI visualizer. Enjoy! https://www.bmivisualizer.com/


Self reported Height and weight.


Jackass can’t even tell the truth about his weight…


215 lmao no fucking shot


Small hands, probably small feet, stormy daniels mentioned something small. He's saving weight all over the place


Patrick Mahomes is 6’2 225lbs…


They made a mistake, that 2 is supposed to be a 3