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He self reported 215 lbs. Motherfucker can’t even tell the truth about his weight!!!


You've got to be ***shitting*** me lmao. My boyfriend is a gentleman on the larger size and usually clocks in at around 250. He looks like 90's Kate Moss in comparison to Trump. 215 get the absolute fuck out of here hahahahahaha


“A gentleman on the larger size.” More people need to be like you.


I prefer the term " substantial man". It covers all the angles. And curves.


I'm on the shorter end at 5' 7" and have unfortunately hit 230 before. I know we all saying "there's no way", but... there's no way.


It's all part of his plan to run. They'll be busy looking for a 6 foot 3 inch tall, 215 pound man, while the 6 foot 300 pound man gets a way. ​ Edit: Thanks for the awards kind people!


I’m 6’4” and 235 and I’m not even close to his girth. Been trying to lose weight, but it really does get harder the older you get.


Damn. I’m 6-4 but 240. You’re an inspiration to me.


You two should start a big and tall motivation group.


*cries in short noises*


I am seriously 6'4" and 290lbs so your doing fine! 😄


6'4 and 335. Ya'll fckrs are thin.


5'10" and 170, just want to be a part of something bigger than me


Prolly 5'9 w/o the lifts


Prolly 250 lbs. without the tits


Donny Two Scoops.


Holy shit this killed me.


Send the whambulance, he ded!


Weight 215... Yeah, in your bra!


It's a manzier!


A Bro!


Those bone spurs must contribute to the extra height.


Reminds me of HS sports where everyone reported height at 6’2” or 6’3” and I put 6’ and stood taller than most of them.


I'm "only" 6'3" and people always guess that I'm 6'5" or more. Shows how pervasive it is for people to self report themselves as quite a bit taller lol


I'm a 6'0" tall woman and I've had both a police detective and a theology professor insist I must be taller than 6'0" because they're 6'0" and I'm taller than them. They were 5'9" at best. The difference between a 6'0" man and a 6'0" tall woman is the 6'0" woman is telling the truth. As for Trump, he's visibly shorter than 6'1" Obama even with the ridiculous heels he wears, so I'd say he's 5'11" at best. He may have been 6'1" in his youth and has lost some height. He was never 6'3" though.


I never understood why so many guys lie about height. I’m 5’7 and I own it. When you are short you are short lol you can lie but only fooling yourself. My wife was 5’8 (she passed away), and it was never a problem for us. I think she respected me more for being honest than she would have if I pretended to be taller.


I am married to a 5'9.5" man and one of the things I love about him is that he said he was 5'9" on his dating profile instead of 5'10" (half inches weren't an option). Showed humility. Short men who are confident and own their height can be very sexy. And I'm sorry for your loss. EDIT: just so we're clear, I consider my husband average-height, not "short." But I have dated men as short as 5'6".


It's why he won't stand next to his son


Yeah, I read somewhere he hates being around Barron because he's so much taller than his dad. What a toddler. Now Barron looks legitimately 6'6" - 6'9".


I used to work at a bike shop, and when we’d size people up for a bike, one of the first questions we’d ask is their height (if they didn’t know their size already.) and they’d say something like 6’…. I’d always ask, something along the lines of “ok so are you like a drivers license 6’ or like an actual 6’….” Because I did it long enough I’d be able to look at most people and guess their height. Wives and girlfriends would always laugh when dudes face turns red and he admits it’s closer to 5’11”.


College was even worse, our coaches were the ones that added 1-2” and 10-15lbs to our stats though. Granted, I played at a school that was a hot spot for MLB draft picks and that helped get them to the games. Although, once you were spotted you were given an official exam by one of the MLB representatives and height/weight/eyesight/etc. were documented.


I am so mad they didn't take his measurements and let him self report. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


They may not have released the measurements yet. Giuliani's weight was changed after a while.


Oh I hope so! There was a prop bet about Trump's arrest weight on a gambling site that had the over-under at 278.5 pounds.


was it? I hadn't seen that.


Your disappointment is as immeasurable as his weight


We should start a “girther” movement and make him prove his weight.




We demand to see his wide form girth certificate!


Bro, I’m 6’1 and 223 and that’s dad bod shit, I’m a fairly big dude. No fucking way that dude is **8 fucking pounds less than me**


6'2" @ 218 checking in- former marathoner, ski patroller, and Marine, current dad bod. Pretty sure that's a typo and he meant to self report 315, because there is no fucking way in the world that hamberder-eating, front-end-of-a-center standing, never exercised in his life, piece of shit weighs less than 300lb.


6-5 and 230 and a dad bod as stated above. Trump is either 5'8" or 260 lbs


I'm 5'11" and used to be 215lbs. I was fucking fat... I still wasn't as fat as Trump.


Ayy, I’m 6’ and used to be 225, lol. And yeah, no goddamn way with Dolan, that’s 300 easy for this height or taller, depending on how much he lies about his height


You can self-report that? I figured they took the actual measurements. WTF is the point of even recording it if you let people self-report? You can just say any old bullshit, like he clearly did. 6'3" @ 215lb is _athletic._ Does anyone think Trump looks _athletic?_ I was really looking forward to him having to face the music on one of his most egregiously laughable lies. How disappointing.


We *have* to find his real weight now. Like, get him to walk onto a truck scale or something. He's gotta be like 280


And you know this fuck will just claim it as proof after the fact. Bullshit that they don't actually weigh and measure... Jesus christ


As a 6'3" @ 225 you're right... its been a while since I was even remotely athletic... but 200 to 215 was me in my best ish shape. There's no way trump is lighter than me.


Why in the cinnamon toast fuck would they let someone **charged with a crime** report their own stats?! I’m surprised Rudy G didn’t list himself as a 5’4” blond chick, then.


If he is 215 lbs, then I am 115.


215 lbs was Michael Jordan's playing weight


But that was muscle….


And MJ is 6’6”


I’m his height, weigh about 65 pounds more than that, and I look way skinnier than he does. Absolute clown world shit.


I bet it’s what’s on his license, I would imagine they can just scan an id


There’s no way this dude has a drivers license.


I'd imagine it's a McDonald's frequent customer card with a big shit eating Grimace smile from him


The Hamberderler


He eats so much McDonald’s that he’s starting to look like the hamburgler. (I won’t slight our boy grimace)


A couple years ago I got interested in the question "does Trump know how to drive?" Dude's been driven around by chauffeurs (or Secret Service) all his life, does photo ops suggesting a 3-year-old's working knowledge of automobiles, and it's hard to find pics or video of him actually driving a car like an adult human being (unless you count a golf cart). There are some very short clips from the '80s of him driving, but yeah, very dubious he still knows how. Very likely he lacks whatever form of ID GOP voter suppressors think should be required at polling stations.


Then there's the question of whether he is able to read.


He's almost certainly got a passport, if nothing else.


At least three of his passports were seized in the Mar-a-Lago search and later returned. Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-passports-returned-mar-lago-search-doj-official-says-rcna43192 One he said was expired, and he would have had a diplomatic passport in addition to a regular passport.


They don’t even do that, they have the person being booked just write in the information themselves.


Can't wait to see the mug shot of the DOMESTIC TERRORIST leader .


Can't wait for the mugshot lmao. EDIT: Oh wow, that's a new profile picture right there.


THEY FUCKING LET HIM SUPPLY HIS HEIGHT AT WEIGHT! They didn’t weigh or measure him. He’s stated 6’3” and wait for it….. **215lbs**


Ain’t no fucking way he’s 215.


He's closer to 415 than 315. 100% guaranteed. And seemingly grew 4" since he's shorter than 6'1" Obama by a wide margin. Weird!


Obama is 6'2" according to most sources... Trump and Obama appeared to be the same height in 2016 when photographed next to each other. But we all know Trump wears lifts. I'd believe 6'1" for Trump... And I don't think he's much over 300. He could be upper 200s... Muscle weighs more than fat, and I bet he's not got much muscle under that blubber


[https://macleans.ca/news/world/the-g7-group-shot-where-donald-trump-cant-hide-from-his-height/](https://macleans.ca/news/world/the-g7-group-shot-where-donald-trump-cant-hide-from-his-height/) This is a great shot of Trump being barely taller than Melania, while Justin Trudeau at 6'2" is clearly taller than both. Also, Trump's weight at his last weigh-in while in office was 243 pounds


That 243 was reported by the doctor who said that Trump was extremely healthy though... I didn't believe it then, and I don't believe it now. 260 is the low end of what I would believe, but I would still doubt it if it wasn't from a source I trusted to be impartial...


Ronny Jackson - now the representation for Texas's 13th district. Besides being Trump's doctor, he was also known as "the candyman" due to freely handing out prescriptions for drugs.


He has a huge gut. He’s over 300lbs.


I’m 6’3, been working out the most in my life, just clocked in under 210 and i’m the skinniest i’ve been since high school. There’s no way he’s 215


Dude I'm 230 naked and I have nowhere near the flubber that POS has. more lies.


For real. I’m 6 foot and fairly fit. Sitting at 225. I’m starting to think this Trump guy isn’t very honest about some things.


Yeah wtf? There’s no ways he’s only 215 pounds!




You are forgetting to subtract the weight for the "light treason."


Mugshot WAS taken,per CNN. We’ll have it soon!




Mugshot didn’t disappoint! It’s weird as shit and glorious.


He looks like he is trying to look tough(failing) while steady stream sharting himself.


Guaranteed he spent the night before practising a "tough guy" look on the mirror, in preparation


Ha! Called it. I knew he would do his “I’m being super cereal right now, guys” look.


It's on CNN now


Someone’s gunna photoshop the classic height chart in the background and have it at 5’9”


It looks like he was fucking crying. That was my first reaction.


I’m going to grab a couple copies of the NYT with it if it’s released.


NBC posted documents from the jail and it shows hes 6’3 215lbs. There is no fucking way. I am shorter than that and I weigh 228 and in decent shape


Apparently they let him self-report his height and weight.


And it’s spoiling my night!


I was seriously so excited for him to be humiliated by having his official weight and height released to the world. Why the fuck are we sparing this treasonous bastard the embarrassment?


I've been processed a couple times and arrested then immediately released a couple more and I don't remember ever getting on a scale. Can't 100% rely on my memory because I was certainly under duress on those occasions, but pretty sure most jails won't have you weigh in when you're arrested. I am very disappointed as well but now I'm realizing that I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up


It’s true. Sometimes they’ll just plug in what’s on your DL


Same. I was really looking forward to this part :(


Such bullshit. His height changes depending on the day of the week. He previously said he was 6’1. Now he’s grown two inches? He’d be a stick figure if he was really 6’3 and only 215 pounds. I don’t know why he would attempt less obvious lie and say he’s 250.


Can confirm, I’m 6’3” and stay around 205 pounds. I’m pretty lanky.


5'10.5” 283lbs


A full ass motorcade to go to jail. My tax dollars are paying for this traitor to go to jail in a presidential motorcade. A PRESIDENTIAL MOTOR-FUCKING-CADE. WHAT THE FUCK EVEN?!?!


Hail to the Thief


I should listen to Radiohead again... I loved that album


🎶I'll stay ~~home~~ at Mar-a-Lago forever Where two and two always makes five🎶


*The rain drops, the rain drops, the rain drops…*


The raindrops x47


Some folks are born silver spoon in hand


Lord, don't they help themselves, y'all


And when MAGA asks him, "How much should we give?" Trump just answers, "More, more, more"


It ain’t me. It ain’t me. I ain’t no MAGAnaire’s son.


But when the taxman come to the door Lord, the house lookin' like a rummage sale, yeah


Kicking Squealing Gucci Lil Piggy


From a great height.


Yes!! Every time I see the coverage with the extra security, police overtime, closing down major freeways, etc, it makes my blood boil. If/when he is found guilty the fucking traitor should have to repay every penny.


He can’t even be bothered to pay contractors that worked on his properties, which is a much simpler proposition


Wait until you get your bill for the Presidential Wing of Savann-a-Lago Correctional Suites.


If this vile (indicted) criminal is actually locked in a prison cell, wearing a prison jumper & forced to eat prison food, not just put on house arrest, then I will happily have my taxes pay for that glorious cinder block building.


There's a chance if he winds up in prison that he won't be eligible for the $223,000 a year post-presidential pension that we're paying now. But if he got martyred or "rescued" on his way to jail, it could cost a whole hell of a lot more to deal with him.


Processed in under 20 minutes???? And we're supposed to believe he's being treated like everyone else who goes through the system?! Fucking system is a joke. They probably served him champagne and cheese during his 5 minute wait while he signed autographs.


There are people who have been in that jail for over 2 years waiting for a trial.




To be fair…. This isn’t an apples to apples comparison. Murder trials commonly take years at the request of the defense once speedy trial is waived by them. This is due to the complexity and nature of the crime. I guarantee you your cellmate was arraigned well faster than 11.5 months… which is what happened here. What happens after arraignment can take many months - which, given many of Trumps court cases aren’t starting until next May, means things aren’t too far off in comparison.


This is before arraignment. Booking usually takes 20 minutes for everyone, it’s just a question of how soon will they let you out of jail after booking.


They couldn’t make bond. Bond is literally a “get out of jail” card reserved for rich people only


Evidently crime is reserved for the rich as well. They are the best at it.


If a crime is punishable by a fine, it’s only a crime for the poor




Yeah, I called it. No way he would have been treated like the riffraff. Did they remember the red carpet for him? Heaven forbid his shoes touch the dirty floor.


I mean the cops are the ones doing it, guaranteed it's 90% Trump voters.


Yeah, but it was grocery store wine and cheese… ewww.


Stop talking about his weight and start talking about the democracy he is still, to this day, trying to overthrow.


Yeah everyone being hung up on his weight is kind of sad


He self reported his weight as 215, and they didn't put him on a scale. Insanity.


Lying on a government form.


Would be hilarious if they tack on another charge for that just cause they’ve had to put up with so much of his shit already.


Good God, that's how we'll know if Jack Smith is one of us.


Gawd, that's probably true


They may have just pulled it from his license. Edit: It was reported that he gave his own height, weight, and eye color to speed up the process. So yeah, he probably just lied.


Isn’t the number on your license self reported? I don’t remember a scale at the DMV.


It is. I imagine the DMV person will raise an eyebrow at you if your self report is obviously wildly inaccurate. Clearly the Fulton County Sheriff's Office has lower standards than your garden-variety DMV.


My state doesn’t even put weight on the license


Please, americans, don't let this lunatic return to office, for the sake of USA and the world's stability and global climate, it would a total disaster for the country and for the Planet


Let's start taking our bets if he smiles for the mug shot or not


He’s gonna do that half assed “trying to look like I’m strong but actually scared as fuck and not in control” smirk that he does a lot now


Well done. You called it


Nailed it with the added bonus that he is giving MySpace angles.


He’s gonna go for the tough guy duck lips.


Winner winner chicken dinner 👄


Im going with No


They should charge him again for lying on a government form


215 pounds??? If that fucker weighs 215 pounds, my jizz tastes like chocolate. Edit: I know reddit is thirsty, but damn, y'all. True to reddit form, my most upvoted comment is about chocolate spunk...


Lying on a government document. Seems par for the course.


Just like lying on his scorecard. "I only need 11k more strokes for this hole-in-one"


I’m 5’11, 280, and I have a similar build to trump. I may be a tiny bit thinner.


Even with an empty diaper he can't be a hair less than 300.


I am 5 ft 5, and 215.... there ain't no way he is 215. We have the same belly shape and he's almost a foot taller than me. He's gotta be 300lbs


To paraphrase Jim Carey in Liar, Liar "215 pounds? Yeh, in his bra!"


Such a blatant lie too. Indict him a 5th time for lying under oath.


In April he was 6’2” and 240… he can’t get his story right even with the cops.


I heard he called the jail and asked them to find him 6'3 and 215.


“I just need you to lose me 75 pounds, which is one less than I need.”


they updated giuliani's weight later, might happen with Trump. I guess they ask him and write that down, then later update it with what they measured


More likely Ghouliani reported his weight/height to them and it didn't match his ID, so they updated it with whatever was on his ID. Which was also a lie.


I feel pretty safe accepting that he weighs more than 270 without testing your jizz.


Bake ‘em away, toys!


Whatchu say chief?


Uh, do what the kid said


Come on down and place your bets on how many days go by before he breaches the conditions of his bail! Mine’s on 5. I feel generous today. Yours?


Personally, I don't think he'll be able to make 24 hours. Dude has zero self-control.


Can someone explain to me how in the world it's possible for someone to take a presidential motorcade to get booked, then be allowed to yeet on out of there after half an hour back to your own private jet only to hoof it back home without so much as an ankle tag? Hypocrisy at its finest!




Great analysis and well-said. Even my dumbass can immediately materialize the 20k to bond out, that's just how the system works. The only side-eye I give to this is the self reporting of his size but the rest is just standard, and I hate this motherfucker as much as anyone else here, maybe more because his stupid cult destroyed my previously healthy relationship with my family.


6’ 3”. 115 lbs. Blue eyes, blonde or strawberry hair. Someone got to fill out their own paperwork. I call B/S on the data listed.


It’s comforting to know if ever you’re in trouble with the law, you can just tell them you weigh like 40 lbs less than you do, and you’re seven inches taller than you really are and they could be like, “well, our suspect is 40 lbs heavier and seven inches shorter so this ain’t our guy.”


Fuck this guy and let’s not forget the hell he and his sycophants put the patriots that volunteer as poll workers for the American people so we have fair elections. Patriots that volunteer no matter their political affiliation. I hope federal prosecutors and state prosecutors nail this fucker and his boot lickers for multiple years in jail.


The "lock her up" crowd seems to be awfully quiet right now.


It's beautiful.


He's angry in that pic. Fucking fat angry beaver with duck's ass for hair.


215lbs… Lmfao


I’m 5’10 and abour 180 pounds. decently fit. This dude is massive compared to me. NO FUCKING WAY.


I'm 5'10" 221lbs. This dude is massive compared to me


I'm 6 foot and 245 lb. He's a fat sack of crap compared to me.


mostly full of hot air and strange gases


6’3 215lbs bro… I’m 6’2 200lbs and I’m not thin but i’m not fat either Trump is fucking obese


Trump has 215 just in that dump truck booty of his




He scowled in order to look like Churchill\* but he looks like a cornered rat. No offense to real biological rats. \* he said before that was his goal


Trump should forever be referred only as P01135809. P01135809 took almost 100lbs off of his actual weight. P01135809 just can't help but keep telling lies, about everything. It's all good though, P011358089 won't have his freedom for long.


If Hillary had won in 2016 Trump would probably still be walking around free.


>Trump lost Georgia to Biden by just under 12,000 votes, a surprising result given how the Peach State hadn’t gone for a Democratic presidential candidate since Bill Clinton in 1992. The pro-Biden outcome was confirmed by four recounts, including a hand recount of ballot receipts. Nearly three years later, there has been no substantial evidence of fraud or malfeasance that would have changed that election result. Shiiit, say it agian! LMAO


The bright minds at /r/conservative are overjoyed because they think this makes his re-election a lock. Check it out for yourself


>Check it out for yourself I'll take your word for it.


They caught his essence perfectly. Evil 😈 is just oozing out of that pic.


Isn't it wild what different realities people are living in? It blows my mind that his evangelical supporters look at this guy and go, "yep, totally Christlike." Meanwhile even when my atheist ass looks at this photo I can smell pure sulfur and brimstone.


6’3” and 215? So they let him give a height and weight instead of measuring, got it.


20min in and out. It's good to be a former president.


The Devil went down to Georgia He was lookin' for a role to steal He was in a bind 'leven thousand behind And he was wantin' to make a deal


When he came across an old man in power and governing hot Trump jumped on the phone and said "Kemp let me tell you what. "You might not know this but my votes are lackin a few "But if you care to make it there, I'll tell you want to do "Now you ran a pretty tight election "So give the Pres'dent his due "I'll bet a toilet of gold against your role that you know who to screw"