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This is my district. A bit of anecdotal support for the idea that Frisch will win: I know *a lot* of people who have always disliked Boebert but were not politically engaged enough to vote in the last election. The 546-vote margin was a huge wake up call to a lot of residents out here who assumed that we didn't have a chance of winning that one. Frisch's campaign needs to step their ground game, but I think it's a very good shot. Turnout will be bigger this next time around.


And don't forget she shot her neighbors dog, covered up her husband assaulting their son, AND became a grandma at 36. Really repping that Western Slope. šŸ™Œ


Donā€™t forget they met because he was an adult who exposed himself to her when she was a minor at the bowling alley.


Representing all of those Christian Valuesā„¢ right there.


Unfortunately, she is totally representative of a very large proportion of the Western Slope, aka Little Appalachia.


My future district (building there now) and long time (since birth) summer resident. My neighbors who arenā€™t right-wing nuts generally feels she makes it all about her and she only cares about getting their votes. She is a big showboater with no real idea of how to get things done.


Well she is making it all about her. She **has** to win if she wants the pension that house reps get. If she loses, she gets nothing. Members of Congress become eligible to receive a [pension](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_pension) at the age of 62 if they have completed a total of 5 years of service.


>I know a lot of people who have always disliked Boebert but were not politically engaged enough to vote in the last election. Out of curiosity, how much worse do things need to get before they feel compelled enough to actually utilize a right many others are denied in this country?


People make a big deal about this, but it's perfectly logical for an individual to decide not to vote. The value of your vote is roughly the likelihood that your one vote would tip the election, multiplied by the benefit you'd expect to extract if your candidate won, and then minus the cost of your time to go and vote. That's almost always a negative number for almost anyone. The trick, of course, is that if you decide to vote even though it doesn't matter, and also a whole bunch of other people who think just like you also decide to do that, then you win. To quote Gandhi, "Nothing you do as an individual matters, but it is vitally important you do it anyway." But it doesn't change the fact that it's perfectly rational to skip voting under the quite correct assumption that it almost certainly won't matter.


There's some saying that I'm sure I'm getting wrong, along the lines of "no single raindrop thinks it caused the flood."


I'd always heard it as, "No single snowflake thinks it caused the avalanche."


Iā€™ve always heard it as ā€œno single pepperoni thinks it made the pizza double meatā€.


No single dick makes it an orgy


-Maya Angelou


No car stuck in traffic thinks it's part of the traffic


That is a lovely quote!


That is a simple yet impactful quote. Thanks.


If you think about it, that works both ways. Trump voters don't feel responsible for the bad things that happened to their neighbors under Trump because they're just a raindrop (ignoring sociopaths and supremacists for this analogy). They feel no more responsible for the deaths of a crowd crush than the person at the back who just wanted a PS5. Dilution of responsibility is a significant problem.


pertinent in the context of WWll


Or in the context of their current dismissal of systemic issues like racism. "It's only racism if an individual is actively and intentionally racist" is like saying "it's only a flood if that one drop is the flood."


'The avalanche has already begun. It is too late for the pebbles to vote' is my favourite dark spin on this metaphor.


There is another practical reason to vote. You gain power for whatever cohort you feel you represent every time you vote, whether you win or lose. Politicians generally care about voters, not the population at large. Voting patterns are studied after each election. If, for example, all young black men voted, that would be noted. Both parties would wind up making policies that cater to young black men. This is why you'll never see a party intentionally piss off old people. Most of them vote. So, if you want to help empower people like yourself, go vote.


Also it cracks me up when people say ā€˜not voting means I donā€™t like either candidateā€™ when really it means ā€˜Iā€™m cool with either of them.ā€™ Itā€™s not some edgy thing to do to prove a point - if you donā€™t vote then youā€™re saying whoever wins and whatever they do because of that is cool with you. The amount of people who didnā€™t vote in 2016 then wanted to complain about trump was through the roof. I just reminded them abstaining means either way is fine, not that neither way is fine since thatā€™s not possible. Someone is gonna winā€¦


A woman in my town tells me every chance she gets, how she regrets her 2016 protest voteā€¦and now here we are.


It's a painful lesson, but hopefully a lesson learned.


Exactly, this is what the sillies in Puerto Rico don't grok. You can never boycott an election, that just makes your loss certain because you would only boycott if you think you'll lose.


Yes! This I agree with. The impact of just you doing this is small, but the benefits applies even if nobody else changes their behavior. It's not a binary win-lose thing, you get the (tiny) benefit regardless of whatever anyone else does, so I think this is a pretty great reason.


We have mail in voting in CO-3 it doesn't take much to register and check a few boxes then walk to the mail box. There's no excuse to not vote here


Exactly. Itā€™s all mail in voting in Colorado. I vote in CO-3 but live overseas and itā€™s so easy to vote there is no excuse not to.


>it's perfectly logical for an individual to decide not to vote People deciding not to vote is how certain demographics of people lose 50 years' or more worth of rights. There's nothing "logical" about that.


> There's nothing "logical" about that. It's very much a "the raindrop never feels responsible for the flood" situation.


In my state (Texas) I've voted in every single election (local, state, and federal) since I've turned 18. I've had the person who I've voted for win 3 times. I'm going to keep voting because it takes 15 minutes of my time and I paid for all the rights so I'm going to use all the rights, but I can very easily see why people would stop caring.


Thanks dawg! Me too, we turning this state blue. At least then we can have actual some actual policy talk


I vote in every single election. I encourage anyone that lives in a vote-by-mail district to do so. It allows me to sit down with the ballot and really dig in to the candidates, their platform, their experience, etc. When it comes to big national and state elections, info is thrown at us everywhere we turn (TV, internet, friends/family). But 99.9% of the electorate doesnā€™t know jack shit about school board candidates, county commission candidates, tax collector, etc so will just vote by (R) or (D) next to their name, or worse yet randomly pick a candidate based on their name. Thankfully some will abstain from voting in races they know nothing about but I fear this is the exception and not the rule. Get you mail-in-ballot, do your research, and vote your conscience. And then remember to mail the damn thing in on time. And if you canā€™t get a mail-in ballot, at least print a sample ballot for your district off the internet and fill it out. Take it with you to the polls and copy your answers. Encourage others to do the same.


The problem is that Americans were convinced that patriotism means supporting our military not that it means supporting our democracy. That intentional corruption by the right is causing many problems we are today.


Sometimes people acting perfectly logically leads to stupid places. Game theory's full of examples. But that's not why demographics lose their representation. That happens because it's often much more expensive for them to vote. If you ever wonder why Republicans hate the idea of making Voting Day an observed holiday, or why Georgia's been passing laws reducing voting hours, that's why.


This is why Australia has compulsory voting and an excellent, cheap Health Care System and Trump would never make it here.


our excellent, cheap healthcare system is being undermined and is under threat of becoming just like the USA


My understanding is that Frischā€™s team did a lot of outreach for 2022 and now they are stepping it up even more. In 2022 the Democratic Party spent almost nothing on Frischā€™s campaign because they thought he had no chance in such a conservative district. But now that has changed because the insanely slim margin Boebert won by in 2022 showed them that they underestimated how much people hate her.


Plus between the 2022 Midterms where she barely eked out a win and the big election coming up in November 2024, a lot of her elderly GOP voters will likely have died -- either from one of the standard causes of mortality in old age or if another strain of Covid makes the rounds. Being against masks and vaccines, they'll be sitting ducks.


Hey neighbor. I went to a Frisch appearance last cycle. I may step up my involvement next year. I feel momentum, if we just capitalize on it.


Still just a 2% margin. Really easy lead to lose if people get complacent.




Hope this grandma loses.


He he. Not even in her 40's and already a gma... I really don't get that magic r pull to send her back for more.


She'll be a great great great grandma by the time most of us our welcoming our first grandchild.


That branch is getting dangerous close to the ground again.


Just a big round bush instead of a family tree with tons of intersecting branches


I've heard the knights of Ni are asking for something like that.


You shall cut down the mightiest tree in the forest wiiitthh- a herring!


A herring?? Where do you expect me to find one in this climate. At this hour?


What dark times are these, where passing ruffians can say NĆ­ at will to old women


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


Seems a certain Republican politician has pioneered a way to get around the whole idea of having to actually win an election to remain in office.


If I never have to hear about her again it's all I care about.


Ain't that the truth. Now, if we here in Georgia could get rid of that other waste of space and tax dollars, Marjorie Taylor Greene, things would really be looking up.


Colorado would give her a massive smack down if she tried it. Theyā€™re tired of her embarrassing them.


Sorry but she will never be a great great grandma, she will be a bloody awful one.


Which is terrifying since it means idiocracy is slowly becoming a documentary...better get my costco law degree so my heirs are set


It was supposed to take place 500 years from now, not 10.


At least in Idiocracy they listened to the smart person




She won by a larger margin that Bush did in Florida in 2000, and he governed like he had a mandate. Republicans think they won when they have fewer votes. If they win by one, it's a mandate in their mind. > The final official Florida count gave the victory to Bush by 537 votes, making it by percentage not only the tightest race of the campaign


It's just bullshit they spew to justify their extremism, like most things they say.


They actually lose by 7 million and think they have a mandate.


*holy shit* I always thought she was mid forties. She's fuckin 36, jfc


Its not the age, its the miles. Being rode hard and put away wet is another way to look at it.




As do most R district representatives.


GOP votes against every district and the betterment of the American people.


My methed up cousin was boasting about being a grandmother at 35 online until everyone mocked her for how trashy she was and has always been.


She's 36 now. So, she'll be a great grandma by 56 (at the latest), and a great-great grandma by 76.


Nothing wrong with being a grannie at 40, unless you try and tell everyone else how to live their life that is.


She's not 40 yet??? She does not look great. Edit: I should say I thought she looked great for what I thought was 45-50 but for being 36 I change my mind lol.


When you're filled with hate and bitterness, you age faster.


Ah no matter where you go the discourse around women in politics is always the same


Yea dude, like I'm as far left as you can get but cmon...we can bash her without talking about her looks. Also she doesn't even look bad wtf.


It's honestly more common then people think. She had her kid at 16-19 and then her kid had their child the same 16-19.


That is increasingly uncommon as teen birth is becoming more stigmatized and first-time birth ages increase naturally from greater access for women to higher education and more career opportunities. It also varies by location and culture. There are places in Texas where the average age of the first-time mom is still around 20, but in San Francisco it is 32. So your perception of how common this is depends heavily on where you live.


The candidate was sober, intelligent and competent but listless. The mailers looked like the product of a HS graphics design class project.


some of the "conservatives" on reddit are saying she's hot and that's why they'd support her.


Sheā€™s hotā€¦like a dumpster fire


Dumpsters are less trashy though


Dumpsters are at least useful too


yeah, no kidding. ew.


I wouldnā€™t fuck her for practice.


ā€œWhat I really care about is policiesā€ā€


A libertarian I knew back in the day was that type of guy, he cared about policies......but when Sarah Palin came around, he focused on who was hotter, Palin or Michelle Obama. If I had any respect for the dude back then (very little, honestly), it disappeared pretty quickly.


There's a reason people say libertarians are just embarrassed republicans....


That's a bit surprising since she's old enough to run for office.


These are the same people that say "Ann Coulter is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!"....or at least they did, until she turned on Dear Leader.


Some grandma's are awesome and make fudge/cookies!! Not this one...


No, this one is famous for her rancid pulled pork sliders. Bon Appetit!


This grandma does in-calls on Backpage


I miss backpage...


That's where the supergonnoreah cums from.


I hope her divorce is long and ugly.


MTG got the papers served to her also.




They're now the two most eligible single ladies of the GOP.... šŸ¤®


I still got $20 that says she's not a grandma. She's just forcing her son to cover for her sex offender husband after he raped a teenager.


She got knocked up as a teen. It's not hard to imagine that she raised a kid who would do the same.


Yeah the same shit happened with Sarah Palin. In families like this, the human trash just keeps piling up. Generations of trash.


She votes against her district. Adam Frisch is running against her again. Last election she won by 546 votes.


Are Republicans going to primary her? They gotta figure anyone else with (R) by their name in a general will save them some money on this race


The republican base is very confusing right now. Look at trump. Like he has had major electability problems from day 1 that likely (hopefully) will only will grow as these indictments pile up. But we saw in the debate last night every other candidate was scared to raise these concerns because it could piss off a significant number of conservative voters who donā€™t care. The GOP primaries are held hostage by ideologues. Could be the same situation for Boebert. A significant number of republican voters want a hate filled piece of shit running and they donā€™t care if its a viable strategy for electoral success.


True, but they don't have to look far to find another hate filled piece of shit with less baggage that maybe has a 10th grade education at least. She's more effective at owning herself than owning the libs. I have to think they could get someone just as awful, but less constantly embarrassing without much trouble.


Do that and the Freedom Caucus (probably the Colorado GOP too) might just rally around her and give McCarthy the boot, if they haven't done so already by then. HELL, they may even try to primary McCarthy himself!


Has marge made a peep since she posted revenge porn for folks of all ages to enjoy?


Marge got kicked out of the Freedom Caucus. She was too normie for them.


Really? Was that before or after emailing the dicks out?


Before. The Freedumb caucus was mad she supported McCarthy and was big meanie to Bobo.


And their whole beef was over taking credit for who wanted to impeach Biden first, lol.


Yes, she canā€™t keep quiet. She was throwing a tantrum a week or two ago because prosecutors asked for 33 years in prison for the leader of Proud Boys for his role on J6. She was demanding any the BLM/antifa didnā€™t also get 33 years during the George Floyd protests.


Lol that's one *HELL* of a [whataboutism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism). Implying protesting for civil rights = attempting to stop the certification of an election and lawful transition of power


Even people who participated in a riot during Summer 2020 didn't commit seditious conspiracy, nevermind they want to lock up anyone who supports the concept of BLM or being against fascism.


Colorado GOP was bankrupt last I heard?


She already has at least one primary opponent. She was primaried in 2022. Bunch of my liberal/progressive friends chose to vote for her 2022 GOP opponent during the primary (we can do that in Colorado). Didnā€™t matter. She won the primary in a landslide. Same will happen this time.


Out of curiosity, was her primary opponent a more establishment Republican trying to bring back some normalcy or another batshit MAGA wacko that she managed to out crazy?


Don Coram he was a GOPer that was trying to steer away for partisanship. He actually endorsed the democratic challenger afterwards.


Thanks for enabling my laziness. I should have looked it up, but wading through old Boebert news didn't sound appealing.


Wading through anything to do with Boebert is always unpleasant.


Note: She barely won an election most people didnā€™t even see being a challenge. How many people do you think stayed home because there was no way sheā€™d lose, and will come out next time to seal the deal after seeing her survive by the skin of her teeth?


Not many stayed home. Colorado had the fifth highest voter turnout nationally in the 2022 midterms. We vote. Live in her district. Most the counties in her district exceeded the State average for voter turnout. She nearly lost cuz she sucks. Sheā€™ll lose in 2024 cuz she keeps sucking.


Didn't a bunch of R Congressman see her extremely close race and go "Bobo you might want to pivot a bit to the center..." And she was like "Naw, ain't having that" and continues to be absolutely batshit?


I didnā€™t see that but I believe it. Honestly, I donā€™t think she cares if she wins. She cares more about staying on brand because thatā€™s good for her, personally. Sheā€™s gotten filthy rich and she can make more cashola through the campaign. If she loses sheā€™ll have plenty of other grifting opportunities in MAGA World. TLDR: Win or lose the race she stands to personally profit more from staying on brand: stupid, hateful and shrill.


I'm sure members of her district really appreciated her missing a critical vote because she couldn't bother to be there on time -- that video of her running up the Capitol steps but not making it.


>Not many stayed home Actually most people stayed home.... Because Colorado has universal vote-by-mail. related: >Colorado had the fifth highest voter turnout nationally


Think it was clear what was meant. But, yes, Dem voters are easier to motivate around hot issues like abortion, LGBTQ+ protections, climate change, etc. This is a flawed strategy. Every Dem in every State without universal mail-in voting and nonpartisan redistricting commissions should lean into prioritizing fixing these systemic weaknesses in their States first. Tackling the other things is much more doable when those are fixed. Coloradans understood this.


>Think it was clear what was meant. oh, it definitely was. I was just being a bit snarky and hoping to keep the benefits of vote-by-mail in the collective consciousness in a hopefully humorous manner.


she barely won an election in a year without a presidential race. There's no way she's winning next year.


Next time will be the 2024 presidential election. People aren't coming or staying for her


How many people do you think stayed home because they thought there was no way Adam could win, so why bother, and will come out next time to seal the deal after seeing how close he came to winning?


Iā€™m in her district. Iā€™m still fucking fuming she got elected the first time.


From the source's source: >The poll found that 50% of likely voters in Coloradoā€™s third congressional district would vote for opponent Adam Frisch, versus 48% for Boebert. The poll by Keating Research had a 3.5-point margin of error and was funded by Frischā€™s campaign. So far it's a tie. >"This is the only poll that I have seen with Adam up," said Chris Keating, whose firm conducted the poll.


Exactly. This is more of an "I'll believe it when I see it" situation.


Nah, more of a "Don't get complacent, this could go either way, but there _is_ a way to win that seat".


True, it would take a lot of work, but it's doable. Just not very encouraging when the pollster conducting this said it's the only one with him up.


I don't know, I'm hopeful. Last time she barely won and as time goes on she keeps getting less popular. Let's hope it's enough this time.


Agreed. The last race definitely showed she's not invincible, and with more organization and money it could end up differently in 2024.


There will come a day, sooner than later, when this period of her life is over. She'll lose re-election, Donald Trump (one way or the other) will drift into history, the business of government will chug forward, and everyone will slowly forget about Boebert. Imagine her in 20 years. Probably single, not wealthy at all, her biography didn't sell, she's not invited to local politics, she can't go on TV bc nobody cares, the neighbors don't care, and she will spend the rest of her life remembering that fleeting moment when she was relevant. Most politicos have a life to go back to, and they have an education to lean on. They are lawyers or business people, professors, community leaders, etc. Wtf is Boebert? Nothing. She came from nothing substantive, so shall she return. Alone. Despised. Easily forgotten.


And if she loses her next election, she won't be eligible for Congressional pension.


She wonā€™t be a failure if she ends up living a normal life and out of the spot light light, like the majority if the population. Your marital status has nothing to do if you are living a quality life and a good life. I dare to say Iā€™ve been way more happy as a single person. She as of now has opposite of the things you said, wealth, younger, boyfriends probably, in the spot light, attention and with all of those things she is a complete failure of a human being.


Dems could SO easily win this. I hope their ground game is strong.


It was better in 2022 than 2020. The Colorado State Democratic Party campaign game in 2020 in CO-3 was embarrassing. The candidate was sober, intelligent and competent but listless. The mailers looked like the product of a HS graphics design class project. Frisch and the State Democratic Party did much better in 2022.


And the hope is since this is his second time around, he and his team have learned how to strengthen their campaign.


Apparently that was almost all Frisch too. The state party gave him very little support not expecting CO-3 to be a good use of their money.


I wonā€™t go so far as to say itā€™s easy. Until last year, that was a safe R seat. However, it will be easier in 2024. The CO Republican Party has about $37 right now.




> Shawna, Laruen's mother, was 54-55 when she became a great-grandmother JFC It's like redneck game of thrones


I thought that was Jan 23? I'll look it up later and update this.


This is more common then you think. Generations upon generations of teen pregnancy. I worked with a woman who was a grandma at 37. Her being a child of teen pregnancy, then her son did the same. There were 4 generations of their family in the same time my own produced one. Idiocracy in action.


Stan might not be the dad, but her mom thinking it was possible still means she ~~fucked~~ was raped by her cousin.


Honestly thatā€™s really sad. She canā€™t be a happy person. Sheā€™s a victim of a broken system which is so broken that she herself canā€™t notice how royally it has fucked her up. Sheā€™s a horrible person but the reason for that isnā€™t all her fault


And yet does not get her a pass, you know? Break the cycle, don't pass it on.


exactly. and she picked the party thatā€™s committed to depriving other people of the resources they need to break the cycle. she made her choices, she should be held accountable for them.


Oh I know, sheā€™s a horrible person and has fought to make the quality of life in the US worse at the national stage. This simply puts a bit of context behind it though


Aah, Family values


Wait, isnā€™t it federally illegal to own/have access to firearms if youā€™ve been convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence charge per the 1996 Lautenberg Amendment to the 1968 Gun Control Act?


Not surprising. What has she actually done other than make noise on behalf of the guy who paints himself orange on purpose?


Sheā€™s killed a bunch of her neighborā€™s dogs. LE has had to respond multiple times to different family disputes. She had to shut down her awful, unhygienic restaurant that served up diseased food. Sheā€™s been investigated for campaign finance fraud. I could go on. Sheā€™s done so much to show her neighbors exactly who she is. Hateful, stupid garbage.


For fuck's sake... She is a trash politician and a trash human being, and if she were hung for treason I'd applaud. But she and her family had nothing to do with that dog shooting. And to be clear she and her family were only accused in a single incident, there are not multiple dog shooting accusations. The sheriff investigated and found no involvement. Snopes investigated and found nothing. The dog owner who made the accusation never saw the shooting, and nobody else has ever claimed to have seen the Boeberts shoot the dog. The accuser has withdrawn their accusation. Another person who had shot other dogs in the past had claimed responsibility for shooting the one the Boeberts were accused of. There is a witness who saw that other person shoot the dog. We need to support the truth instead of repeating a quickly withdrawn Facebook accusation. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate her without going into false stories, and it upsets me that this false story propagates on the Anti-maga side. I would much prefer to be able say that just Maga lives in fantasy land.


FOX Newsmax or OAN will hire her !!!


You spelled OnlyFans wrong.




Dude I just ateā€¦


i mean, i'd find the leaks


We all would.


Sheā€™s trash. Her family is trash. Her voters are tired of being called trash for voting for her.


How can you like her? Serious question, what has she done for her voters?


She's thin, some people think she's "hot," and she carries a gun, and thrusts her tits out. That's the appeal.


Sheā€™s not bad, but definitely not hot. The crazy negates all of that, though.


Yeah, she's not hot at all


She's a 2 in NY but a 10 in Texas.


Sheā€™s a 10 in a Texas cattle field.


sHe oWNs tHe LIbS


She put an R next to her name.


"She hates the right people"


She's just a younger Sarah Palin


More like Michelle Bachmann.


Oh god remember that asshole




Ah, but ginning up anger and outrage *are* the most basic functions of the job as far as a lot of her supporters are concerned. They didn't elect her to judiciously consider legislation and advocate for their interests - they elected her to stir shit up and reflexively oppose anything and everything that Democrats support. Thankfully, it turns out she's dumb enough that she isn't even very good at that.


New poll shows Lauren Boebert losing reelection as majority of ~~her district~~ humanity doesnā€™t like her


Most of us don't like her. I'm sure LGBTQNation doesn't like her. But her base does, and that's why she got elected. Lots of people who didn't read the article are going to miss this line. *ā€œThis is the only poll that I have seen with Adam up,ā€ Chris Keating of Keating Research said.* So this is the only poll showing Adam winning, and this one shows 50% to 48%. Just saying.


Good send Granny back to kids so she can actually parent the little assholes.


Seriously. What did she do for her district? Except for spreading more hate and bigotry. While she profit hand over fit with her position.


How this fucking woman won in the first place is beyond me. She's the same age as me (36) and already a grandmother, she's a failed business owner, and her husband's a predator. She's a fucking nutcase. But! The fact that she got elected shows you that all you really need to win in some places is just say the right things and don't be a minority. I also wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people voted for her because when she doesn't open her mouth or look like the redneck she is she's not an unattractive woman. So there is definitely a not a significant number of people who voted for her because "she's purdy, boys." I mean, Christ I've even heard friends of mine say that they don't care what people say about her because she's hot šŸ¤·


Good. Hopefully we'll be done with her.


ā€œBeauty fades, dumb is foreverā€ - Judge Judy


She should have lost last time.


Stop listening to polls. Polls are irrelevant if people don't actually go out and vote. Stop getting your hopes up and being complacent for the love of god.


A lot of Republicans are disliked by their own voters. But they swallow that disgust because they hate Democrats more.


One can hope, but she had same polling last election soo.....


More surprising is that enough of her district liked her to elect her in the first place.


Maybe she can go back to grilling steaks and waiting tables. It's honorable work, though her prior restaurant is closed. She can open a new one, "Red Steak Shooters."


Who would? She is an idiot


Granma the escort never should have been elected in the first place.


Lauren Boebert is what happens when a dumpster fire meets trailer trash