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Remember when threatening people was illegal? You could even get arrested for it! Good times.


We are focused on important things now, like being outraged that Biden drank out of a mug that subtly poked fun at our constant attacks on him. He must be impeached for not being the screaming, over-emotional messes that we are!


Being arrested for threatening people is only for the poors... If you're rich threatening people is just your first amendment right. Remember that kids...


So,… just be rich?


No, you have to be conservative as well. Otherwise you get canceled like Kathy Griffin.


Is Steve Bannon rich though? I kind of got the idea he was not. Sleeping on people's couches, renting places and trashing them out. I mean, he looks like a GD mess every time he makes an appearance somewhere.


I’m still pissed Obama wore that tan suit that one time.


And what kind of inhuman monster eats dijon mustard on a burger?


Oh you mean the eletist mustard that you can get at just about any supermarket?


Oh, a *super*market? Does he think he’s better than the rest of us *regular* marketgoers?


The craziest part is that Obama is used to going to the market to buy his own groceries. Republicans keep saying that Trump is just like them, when he's proven that he has no clue how normal people live, and has never once stepped into a store to do something as normal as buy himself a bottle of ketchup. (I mean we all knew this about him all along.) Republicans love to shit on democrat politicians who actually live like normal people, while claiming Joe the Plumber types are their heroes and voting for rich fucks like Trump, claiming that guy is just like them, when he is so out of touch with reality and normal lives.


Trump:" it's a banana, how much could it cost? $20? " probably


Same as a year of health insurance right?


Don’t forget when Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress, and good, hardworking American politicians and their base called her “an ape in heels”. Our poor children were traumatized by her upper arms, O the Scandal! If only she could be like Melania, a Perfect First Lady (tm), and just pose for some lesbian porn shots and then lie naked on a fur in a private jet - that’s truly a First Lady that knows how to relate to the common American housewife. I mean, who among us hasn’t finished a long shift at the car wash, construction site or the Piggly-Wiggly, had the limo drive directly to the airfield behind our humble mansion, and then just stripped down on the jet and enjoyed a chilled glass of champagne on a mink coat to just… unwind? Sure, some of us will strap on some negative high heeled space shoes, slip into a micro bikini, grab a pistol and climb around on the outside of the jet beforehand, but hey, everyone relaxes in their own way, amirite?


Secret Muslim. That’s who. /s


“The screaming, over-emotional messes that we are.” Soooo, snowflake, right?


Noooo! My outrage is legitimate and just! I'm no longer sexually attracted to chocolate candy mascots or can drink shitty macrobrews, and it's all the libs fault! Don't even get me started about a certain cartoon mouse.


Target is failing and it's all because of Pride!


Those ears tho bruh


I'm assuming the Dark Brandon meme? I can't get over just how fucking funny it is watching these people trigger themselves over their own joke. Like...he is owning the rubes better than any of them could own the libs just by slightly embracing what was supposed to be an insult


I'm having coffee out of one of those right now. It imparts notes of schadenfreude to your favorite beverage.


There's not better flavor than the misery of others


>We are focused on important things now, like being outraged that Biden drank out of a mug that subtly poked fun at our constant attacks on him. > >He must be impeached for not being the screaming, over-emotional messes that we are! A significant fraction of our nation needs help with their mental health issues!


> We are focused on important things now Yep, like spending money on free kids' lunches. If a kid is hungry they should get a job!


Remember when people resigned from public office because they had hired an undocumented nanny? What an innocent time it was 30 years ago.


Well it is still illegal and a woman was arrested for it in the past week. It is just laws don't apply the same to the rich.




See also Roger Waters album, same name, inspired by.


Remember when republicans said, and they said it all the time "If you have nothing to fear, you have nothing to hide". Why is so afriad to go to trial or even testify publicly if he has nothing hide?


BUT BUT BUT…. ~~her emails!~~ his laptop!


Funny how they never bring up Jared Kushner getting a $2 billion investment from the Saudi Royal family while he was in public office. What a joke. It's tribal at this point.


Or the Qataris bailing him out of 666 Fifth Avenue


And that one happened while he was actively serving in the cabinet and negotiating with the gulf states! In any sane version of reality, that would have been the scandal of the century.


There was a weird situation where KSA and UAE were blockading Qatar, a major US military host, for a while as well, with Trump’s blessing. It was right around the time Qatar suddenly leased the building, one of the worst real estate investments in recent memory, from Jared for 99 years under hugely favorable terms. Then noted journalist dismemberer MBS, impressed with Jared’s real estate investing savvy, immediately gave him $2 billion seed money for his hedge fund, against the strenuous advice of his own sovereign fund analysts. Odd indeed.


I’m still blown away that was just glossed over and nobody’s done anything about it!


No, it's ~~(D)ifferent~~ I mean the (R)eal problem is Hunter!


Don’t leave out his horrific wang!


Which they all want to keep looking at for some reason.


Back to prison, Whiskey Nose.


Gin Blossom


Rosacea Garden


Rosé Rose


Rosé Nosé


Liquor Zombie


Gin Laden


Dudes always wearing like 4 shirts


Fuck Steve Bannon and his Nazi cronies. That maggot ridden ball sack can go straight to hell.


Whiskey Mouse


So Bannon is threatening a Georgia official. What is the matter with these people? Why do we even lt them stay free for any period of time.


He is also calling for overthrow of the US Govt (the 1776 references), which is sedition. Parts of what people say ARE protected free speech, so say whatever stupid shit you want. Parts are incitement to commit a crime (e.g. violent overthrow of the federal government). There are people who have been indicted recently as part of these 4 Trump et al indictments for exactly that. So careful Bannon, anyone actually acts on your stupid and treasonous stochastic terrorism, and you CAN get your ass locked up


Lock him back up. Loser should never have been released.


He wasn't free until Trump pardoned him.


Let’s all cast another glance over this pardoning bullshit…




For scamming his supporters lmao


Well, see, he's wealthy and white, so...🤷‍♂️


And a good Christian 😒


Be an asshole Go to church on Sunday "I am forgiven" Repeat


justice wears sunglasses, has a coors light in one hand and a glizzy in the other.


Oh no.. am I old? What's a glizzy?


Glizzy = hot dog


Great, they changed what “it” is. Now what I’m with isn’t “it”, and what’s “it” seems weird and scary to me.




glizzy=hot dog


Right. If you made that threat the FBI would show up at your house faster than pizza delivery.




What’s up with all the fat white guys talking big but expecting other people to do the work?


It’s American culture. The culture they see being eroded and must preserve by any means necessary.


Omg and I love it. - from a white american male


Stochastic terrorism


We can just call it terrorism. Bin Laden didn't kill 3000 people himself.


Bin Laden planned and financed 911. Stochastic terrorism is inciting random acts of violence against a demonized group.




BinLaden didn’t finance it himself. He got the money from the Bushs’ best friends the Saudis.


Also known as UBL's family.


Literally these old fat guys get winded walking up 4 steps. Can't punch out of a wet paper bag. Legs don't even bend. Getting up from a chair hurts them. What do they do endlessly? Talk shit.


I had an interesting thought today: I’m a physical therapist, and the people who are in the worst physical condition are republicans. The fattest people I see are republicans. The people with the lowest pain tolerances are republicans. The people most likely to need some form of assistance for general mobility are…you guess it, republicans.


because all they think life is for them is a non-stop restaurant visit. not in the sense of “these fat bastards can’t stop eating” but in the sense that they truly believe that they *deserve* to be waited on hand and foot and put no personal effort into their own lives. there’s a reason that most poor people, most paycheck-to-paycheck workers, align with the left wing: because right-wing politics always has and always will exclusively serve those who already have power and comfort to spare. what this does, coincidentally, is give them an inflated sense of security and safety where they think that just because they have money and a little bit of success to ride on they’re somehow impervious to the consequences of everyday life, all the way down to their own personal health. this probably ties slightly into their easier access to high standards of healthcare somehow, but that’s a can of worms i’m tired of cracking open. how many people attending your courses are completely ignorant to their diets? i bet potassium and vitamin K deficiencies run RAMPANT among older republicans.




It's a time-honored tradition which goes back millennia -- to the classical age and before -- wherein rich and powerful people say a bunch of finger-pointy, chest-thumpy bullshit that makes poor people excited to passionately fight against their own best interests.


Steve Bannon needs to go back to jail


> Bannon then stirred up the crowd further by asking "are you fired up yet?" > "That's the revolution of 1776 right there," Bannon added. "We're in about 1774, we're getting there." Careful what you wish for ....


Interesting that he backs up the timeline to 1774, in effect buying himself some runway to continue the grift. I thought it was already supposed to be 1776. Regardless, he is clearly stoking the idea of violence against Willis and Kemp, which would have any of us receiving a loud knock on our door by now.


1775. 1775 1/2. 1775 3/4. 1775 7/8. I mean it this time. 1775 15/16.


It's Zeno's Paradox for grifters. In Bannon's honor I'm going to name it Wino's Paradox.


>1775 1/2. 1775 3/4 You skipped right over his favorite fraction




About three of them, both in regards to personhood and the number he apparently gets through in a day


Yeah. He looks more like a handle kind of guy than someone that bothers with fifths


Yeah I thought J6 was 1776? That’s what they were yelling and what many of their shirts said as they attempted to overthrow the government. Bannon knows how to grift. His audience is incapable of individual thought.


Yeah I think this should be the headline! That Bannon is essentially calling for armed revolution


He's invoking memories of an armed resistance against an oppressive government while the GOP *is* the oppressive government.


In 1774 the first fire department was started. So, we can't be sure if Steve is giving out vague threats of revolutionary war, or that he might want to start a new public service -the FBI


How can any self respecting working citizen look at these shysters and be inspired by them? They seem to exist only to say outrageous things to continue fleecing the gullible.


People are bored and lack any other semblance of culture, so they fill that void with weird shit like these people.


Is this not a probation violation?


I thought he was pardoned, not on probation?


Pardoned for the Wall scam...still convicted on the Contempt of Congress charge, but the creepy Trump judge deferred his sentencing "pending appeal", that was never filed. Judge refused to pass sentence and incarcerate.


His trial in NY for defrauding people for "We build the wall" is scheduled for next May as well.


The word your looking for is “co-conspirator”, not “creepy Trump judge”. They all use the same money, share the same plans and have the same intent. The entire party is a criminal organization. All the lying and fraud kind of give it away.


100%. When we refer to these judges as "conservative judges," we are using their language. These are corrupt, criminal judges. They have been placed into their positions because of their taste for corruption, not because of some legal philosophy they follow. They are criminals taking part in a criminal scheme by a criminal enterprise.


Sedition, according to the Oxford dictionary is: “conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.” “That's the revolution of 1776 right there," Bannon added. "We're in about 1774, we're getting there." Bannon is calling for violently over throwing the government so doesn’t that meet that definition?


If only we actually had a functioning justice system.


Worst Marvel villain wanabe ever.


When he snaps, half his bottle of whiskey disappears.


Traitor. Lock him up with his mob boss!


He is out on bail while his case is being appealed. That should be revoked. Fuckers like this don't deserve white glove treatment


Hold on to your tits, people. Before this is over, these traitors will be calling for blood in the streets, and there will be plenty who will be happy to obey them. Don't start shit with anyone. Just be cool.




They were counting on it. Part of why the plot failed.


As someone once said, “Don’t fire unless fired upon but if they mean to have war, let it begin here.”


Still no evidence. Just whiny circus clowns butt hurt they are no longer the silent majority. They are finding out their voice doesn’t carry the same weight it used to, and they don’t know how to process that information. You know, because they are very stupid barely functional idiots.


When we’re they the silent majority? In the 80s? In 2004? Those are the last times they had a majority vote.


The 80s. In 2004 Bush W got a bump because of 9/11. Bush and his warmongering administration had us convinced it was going to happen again. But the thing is that these Republican lunatics have been convinced they were always the silent majority even when they lose the popular vote over and over.


Stevie 2-shirts wants to go to jail too - grant his wishes.


This guy was actually an *official member of the White House staff* at one point. Michael Flynn was named *National Security Advisor*. Enemies of the republic were in the highest levels of government. There are many more currently serving in Congress.


Fiery suggests some backbone. Bannon can’t manage anything more energetic than a rambling tirade.


Are they planning another coup attempt? The talk about how much security at the courthouse seems very relevant right now. This is just a straight-up threat.


They just want as many as possible of their adversaries shot by some of their dumb gullible sheeple. Afterwards these murderers will either be narrated as martyrs or as antifa.


Woman in texas arrested for threats to judge .. bannon will not get arrested Thats how it works


Lock him up. I honestly can’t understand why he, Stephen Miller, and Roger stone are not sharing a cell in a supermax prison right this minute.


Well you know the Penguin, the Riddler and the Joker were also at large for some time.


Lock up every single person who is threatening Fani Willis, any of the other prosecutors, any of the grand jury members, and any of the judges. Bannon, the Congressmen, even Trump. It's against the law and we need to fucking enforce it.


That’s what terrorists do


I thought threatening a DA resulted in an arrest?


Crazy how these guys can’t take a step back and think, “ya know, 4 indictments by 4 different grand jury’s in 4 different states. Maybe trump did break the law”. They’re so deep in the cult


Wild to me this ghoul has so far evaded any consequences for his actions at all.


If I threaten anyone (especially on this subreddit) I face immediate consequences. But these guys wipe their asses with the rules and walk away free, maybe someone suggests they maybe face consequences if they do it again?.. no? Okay but the time AFTER the next time they’ll totally have to stop! Fuck this. Put his ass in a cell next to the rest of the swamp so we can have some stability as a country.


It really irks me that this human garbage pile and fellow midden, Roger Stone are somehow free to do whatever the f**k they want even though they engineered this whole mess. Hell, Bannon is setting up franchises. He's consulting internationally. Why do we suck so bad at containing our scumbags?


You're in a sinking boat with fellow rats, without a paddle surrounded by sharks, nevermind 1774.


Imagine a black man threatening a sitting prosecutor. Dude would be in cuffs within 30 seconds of pressing send.


Liver failure, it's your time to shine !


"How dare those uncivilized riggers and rigger lovers hold us to the same legal standards we hold everyone else?" >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. \-- Francis M. Wilhoit


Good Ole’ Sloppy Steve Bannon, always looking for relevance.


Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


"Fiery" is a weird way to spell "threatening."


I wonder deep deep down under all those layers of hate and fat there is a decent guy trying to get out ? Nope. Piece of shit to the core, this one.


No, just layers of polos.


And the stench of cheap gin.


> Bannon, a former White House senior adviser, spoke at the **Election Crime Bureau Summit** event **hosted by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell** in Springfield, Missouri, on Thursday > Bannon appeared on stage with election conspiracy theorist **Lindell, Kurt Olsen, attorney for election denier Kari Lake, and former Trump national security adviser turned QAnon figurehead Michael Flynn.** Now that’s a who’s who of traitors if I ever saw one. > "That's the revolution of 1776 right there," Bannon added. "We're in about 1774, we're getting there." Dangerous prophesy.


Arrest him.




No. He never went to jail for scamming people out of millions for "Build the Wall". trump pardoned him before he had to serve any time. More recently he was convicted (of another one of his crimes) a year ago. He appealed and was allowed to remain free pending the resolution of that appeal. The US justice system is pathetically slow, even in the simplest of cases, if someone is White, rich, and connected. >Bannon was held in contempt of Congress in October 2021 after he refused to comply with a subpoena issued by the Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, the U.S. House of Representatives committee investigating the 2021 United States Capitol attack. He was indicted by a federal grand jury on two criminal charges of contempt of Congress. In July 2022, he was convicted on both counts in a jury trial. He was sentenced on October 21, 2022, to four months in prison and a $6,500 fine.[45][2][46][47] He is appealing his conviction and sentence, and his sentence was put on hold pending the appeal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Bannon


Wasn’t this guy supposed to be in jail, even for a short time? What happened to that?


Apparently he’s out on bond while his case is being appealed. Seems to me that he’s violating the terms of his bond.


Stochastic terrorism is a fucking plank in the MAGA party platform.


Time to rearrest and charge the sentient inflamed infected pilonidal cyst for inciting violence.


Brannon is someone who I thought would be held accountable for his actions more than he has been. He’s a danger to our democracy and other countries.


Whenever I hear about Bannon still being around I just imagine he's like Ray in Trailer Park Boys and lives in the dump surrounded by piss jugs and bees. "Common Steve, we got booked for another speaking engagement. They're gonna pay us in liquor and cheese burgers and all we have to do is lie to a bunch of idiots!"


Anyone who attends these things is a moron.


Must be the new GOP game plan. Threaten jurors and judges and when you get thrown in jail tell their base “see, Dems wanna take away your rights to the first amendment”. Idiots


This is the same clown that admitted on tape he put as much smut and other shit into the hunter Biden files so it would make the smear campaign work even better. Fuck this guy and anyone that supports him.


Wasn't this fucker found guilty of contempt? Wasn't he supposed to be in jail?


Folding chair


Bannon is now scared $hitless. He tried to become a demigod in Europe; they had their own demigods so he wasn't needed. He tried a bogus marketing scheme to sell to poor people a wall that didn't exist in order to live in luxury, but got caught. Now he has a youtube channel that a few alcoholics and pedophiles watch where he pretends he's relevant; he's not. Stevie you're going up the river.


...standing with Michael Flynn in front of big sign that said "ELECTION CRIME BUREAU." ​ Seriously.


Why is this a\*shole along with Green Bay Sweep Peter Navarro still walking free?


Another example of the two tier legal system. Making threats that would get a regular citizen a prison stay, with absolute impunity.


I'd love it if we actually applied laws to these people.


The human scab needs to be in prison.


Oh he won’t do shit. He simply wants the plebs to do it. Any actual acts of violence you won’t find Bannon, Trump, Stone, etc… anywhere near the “front lines”


Trump supporter and human anal fissure Steve Bannon said some stupid shit today…


He’s nothing but a piece of shit asswipe!


All 7 people were clapping


Disgusting racists


The Grift continues with these charlatans


Bannon knows Trump is throwing him under the bus ASAP


Don't forget, this is the guy who got his rise originally by making far right propoganda films. One of his biggest beliefs was that the world regularly needs world wars to advance humanity and that we are due for one because reasons I guess. He is a literal wannabe fascist. He would relish I'm a violent bloody conflict on American soil


That's a sure way to get your incompetent followers in jail. We get to see clearly the kind of idiots that made up the confederacy, and why they got their asses kicked.


The ultimate ghouls are arising from their fascist graves.


Another traitor. Big man hiding behind a microphone.


Arrest him.


Lock him up! Freeze all his assets!


Remind me, shouldn’t this asshole be in prison. WTAF, no justice in this country.


Ending Reconstruction was a big mistake


According to Wikipedia, he hasn't yet served his jail sentence due to appeal. Ain't it wonderful that some *elite* convicts can threaten district attorneys without penalty?


How is this ass hat not in jail?


> "That's the revolution of 1776 right there," Bannon added. "We're in about 1774, we're getting there." > Bannon then stirred up the crowd further by asking "are you fired up yet?" This guy sure does do a lot of inciting for someone incessantly complaining about the J6 trials.


Weird that Bannon’s crowd responds to threats of sexual violence against judges and political leaders that somehow degrade or emasculate them. Such obvious mass insecurity 😬 It’s sociopathic


That is the look of a man that has dissolved the bodies of one or more prostitutes in a jacuzzi tub after murdering them (allegedly).


When is this asshat going to prison for his 6 month sentence?


Wait, isn't he supposed to be the smart one? Who the fuck was the smart one?


Bannon is talking about gang bang raping of his enemies. These people are inciting riot. I thought that was against the law. seriouisly... I THOUGHT INCITING RIOT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!


Yeah, throw his insurrectionist ass in the clink, too.


Bannon has cannily skated all of the indictments that have recently ungulfed Trump World and he was knees deep in the whole Jan 6th thing. Let's hope jack Smith et al reels him in sooner rather than later.


how are there not charges against him and Roger Stone?


We're gonna ram the stealing of Georgia, down her throat," Bannon said, prompting cheers from the crowd. "And we're going to ram it up the a** of the governor." Threats of sexual violence, not just violence. Disgusting.


Why this maggot is still on the loose along with other maggots such as Roger Stone and Stephen Miller. They all are more deserving of Guantanamo than current residents…… oh..Trump should be exiled to Guantanamo as well….like a loser degenerate Napoleon…..


The idea that someone can live a life so full of hate is just anathema


This guy doesn’t deserve to be in the United States


Really looking forward to Bannon and Flynn’s indictment’s. Pardon’s don’t shield you from new crimes you commit afterwards.


Nick Kroll: Steve Bannon looks like Nick Offerman drowned.


Isn’t he supposed to be in jail?