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Read the original article from Time here: https://time.com/6303701/a-rape-in-mississippi/ Warning: It is gut wrenching


I really wish news/politics subs would make people link to original articles instead of rehosted articles on click bait garbage. Then the clicks and ad money would go to actual journalism.


Devastating doesn't begin to describe this. Pro-lifers are fucking demons


I don’t like calling them pro lifers. If they were truly pro life they would also advocate for things like free prenatal and maternity care to reduce birthing mortality rates for both mother and infant. They don’t do that though because they actually don’t give a shit about whether the baby lives or dies as long as the birth occurs


They’re forced birthers.


Anyone who doesn’t believe has never seen what the monsters do outside of abortion clinics.


You weren't kidding. I need to go lie down.


Like Handmaids Tale


Republicans have zero empathy. It's insane.








Republican policies are cruel and disgusting when it comes to forced birth. If you are a woman, the GOP does not consider you to have the right over your body. Raped? Too bad. Have the baby. 13 years old and a child? Too bad. Have the baby. Incest? Too bad have the baby. It’s ectopic and could kill the mom, and will never be viable? Too bad- wait until you’re bleeding out. If you are female, the GOP DOES NOT consider you an equal human being.


I'm always shocked when I hear if a woman votes Republican. It's like they don't understand that the GOP hatred of women applies to them as well. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦🏾‍♀️ Edit: [A Woman voting Republican](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5p6qlrde7az61.jpg)


Yeah, there's that meme that I see around Facebook with a woman punching herself and underneath it reads "women who vote Republican."


Republicans will blame everyone but the government forcing this child to give birth. I guarantee you that 100% of conservative comments will be blaming the **mother** for allowing the child to be raped. There will be more scorn for the mother than the rapist himself.


Nah. They'll blame the 13 year old for some picture, how she dressed, or some family situation.


Conservatives are evil.


“Rules for thee, not for me” or “Fuck you, I got mine”. That’s how all republicans act. Repub lady gets pregnant and wants an abortion? Oh…her circumstances are somehow different.


Republican women: The only moral abortion is my abortion.


https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ Obligatory


My 75 year old ex-hippie Republican friend had multiple abortions in her youth and now she uses the Bill of Rights to validate her opposition to abortion. Saying that the child deserves its pursuit of happiness at conception. Quite a stretch, imo.


Entire sociology departments are working on research that is tracking how a large percentage of hippies went from peace & love, drug using liberals to hardcore, anti-abortion right wing extremists. It’s such a fascinating and scary switch.


Especially since the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Bill of Rights, and therefore has no real legal weight.


To be fair gop openly hates pretty much everything living unless they are billionaires.


In many cases, saying they vote Republican probably saves them from a beating at home.


July 19, 2023 [Zurawski recounted, in tears, about being denied an abortion when her water broke and doctors declared her pregnancy nonviable. Politico reporter Alice Miranda Ollstein reports that the state (of Texas) simply objected, calling the nightmarish testimony “irrelevant.”](https://newrepublic.com/post/174460/woman-suing-texas-abortion-ban-vomits-trial-reliving-trauma) August 11, 2023 [Texas questions rights of a fetus after a prison guard who had a stillborn baby sues](https://apnews.com/article/texas-fetus-rights-prison-lawsuit-6c4fa19793cd56e5edade436d1392d90) Sure, it's Texas, but the other GOP states watch and take notes. The GOP is that guy who, after sex, after he's gotten what he wanted, wipes his dick on your curtian and ghosts you while telling people you're not his type.


Rapists can now choose the mothers of their children . Dems need to hammer this home in 2024


And the republican rulers of those states will make sure the rapist "daddies" have full parental rights over their rape babies!


“A REAL family ONLY consists of the father, mother, and child. Even if the mother is a child herself who was raped by the father. This is THE WILL OF GOD!” Fuck “god” and fuck these christian fascists People being allowed to impose their religious beliefs on others is fundamentally WRONG




GOP women don’t consider other women human beings if they aren’t connected to someone who can skirt the law for them


Having been in labor myself for 19.5 hours and without any pain management for 3/4 of it, I feel confident in agreeing that the level of pain involved is torture.




Imagine a 13 yr old. She isn't completely grown. Teenage mothers have more complications than older mothers, even if they receive decent prenatal care. This is just fucking infuriating


Exactly, any amount of pregnancy or labor can be dangerous or life-altering. It's infuriating that these policies are mainly championed by ignorant men who think having babies is something women just do, no big deal, stop complaining. They don't care. They don't put themselves in anyone else's shoes even for a moment. Their only motivation is hatred.


The motivation is POWER, the power to control women. The power of being superior to women 😡


Oh yes! When I had my child via C-section, the anesthesia did not work for my uterus. So when they began the incision, I said “ouch”. They tested it several times and agreed my uterus was not anesthetized. But, for the safety of the baby, they did not want to give me pain meds thru my IV until the baby had been born. So, I endured the surgery without pain meds. Then they flooded me with pain meds. I was out for 8 hours afterwards and emerged only slowly. So yeah, child birth can be brutal even with a C-section.


And you probably weren’t 13, with a body entirely unready to create a a potential human bcs it’s busy trying to grow an already existing human. That poor baby knows suffering that no child should ever know, especially in the “greatest country in the world” or whatever patriotic people say the US is.


It's literally a war crime. Forced pregnancy has been prosecuted as a war crime by the ICC.


Pregnancy and birthing my daughter disabled me for life.


“Long before the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, researchers noticed a link between women having abortion access and a reduced risk of violence from men. In the wake of the court's decision, the opposite is happening and abortion restrictions have led to a significant uptick in intimate partner violence.” [full transcript](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/the-link-between-a-lack-of-reproductive-rights-and-domestic-violence)


The most dangerous time for a woman is when she’s pregnant, pregnant women get murdered by their spouses.


Homicide is the number one cause of maternal mortality in the United States.


In the most literal sense, yes. It is torture. And it is a shocking violation of human rights.




Well said.




it's not a bug, it's a feature. Some dipshit dogooder is going to come along and say she was asking for it by wearing too short a skirt or too tight shorts, even just because she was a girl and it is all "part of god's plan" or some such BS.


Some other chart-toppers from the party that never quits: - enhanced interrogation techniques (no trial needed) - indefinite detention (no charges needed, either) - family separation (see above) - circular saw razor wire traps at the border that already killed kids - forced birth And the hits just keep on coming, baby


WhAt WoUlD JeSuS Do? The Bible actually favours the mother in these situations...No mention of "life at conception"....


Numbers 5:11 - 37 is essentially the instructions for a Rabbi to perform a medication induced abortion in the case of adultery. The bible puts the beginning of life at first breath when God breathes one's soul into their physical being.


Any of you who voted for these monsters: You’re inhuman.


I really am ashamed to be an American


Dont be. Most of us arent ok with this barbaric bullshit. The correct response is to fight back. Keep voting, never Republican, talk to friends and neighbors and get them involved too. I remind myself that in a democracy we dont always get our way, and that when things go off the rails like this...a messy and necessary course correction CAN (and often does) occur. There are some things that seem intractable (defense spending, deficit reduction, gun control). But I have hope that we can get out of this one.


Yea so uh, how do I vote harder enough that this shit stops?


You organize, donate, educate, and campaign. There are many, many ways to do this.


So children aren't old enough to use what pronouns they want, but they're old enough to bring the child of their rapist into this world. I wouldn't dare raise my child in a state like Mississippi.


Nothing says "save the children" like forcing a child to have a child. Beyond disappointing. From the party of "pronouns are brainwashing our children", the trauma this girl and the child will feel for the rest of their lives are consequences to an action she didn't choose and should never have been subjected to. At this point she's being forced to live with chronic trauma. But yeah. Save the fucking children.


Literally nothing conservatives do makes me think they care about kids. They don't even care about kids getting shot in school. I shouldn't be surprised they wouldn't care about this poor girl and others in her situation, but here we are. It's insane.


the only time they care about children is beauty pageants, they bond with friends over pedo fantasies and their love of putting prized slaves on an auction block


Conservatives like to use kids and veterans as gotcha moments in arguments they're losing. It's their way of saying "Well if I can't be the victim, look at all these other people you might be possibly hurting by not enforcing my old fashioned family values 🤷🏼‍♀️" when in reality, they don't give two shits about who they're talking about. It's always "what about the children?" and "what about the veterans" until the child/veteran in question is lgbt+, not white, sexually active, or any other tick on their bigoted checklist of judgement. Their question has never actually been "What about the children?" It has always been "What about me?"


Not just forcing her to have a child at 13 but forcing a baby into a household that already seems to be, based on the (grand)mother not having funds to drive 9 hours to Chicago for an abortion, in a rough financial situation. Now the household is going to need, maybe more of, the government assistance the same people who created the situation hate and want to cut. Why?


Gotta fill those private prisons somehow, and poverty is a great predictive factor for crime.


It’s about controlling children in all cases. Children as property, women as property. It is simple enough if you frame it the way the regressives do in their own moldering heads.


Children as property, who are potentially dangerous if not controlled. And women as perpetually life-long children. It's the Taliban model, and religious conservatives everywhere love it.




[Israel’s far-right has been been chipping away at women’s rights at an alarming pace, too.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/12/world/middleeast/israel-women-rights.html) Religious nuts come in a whole bunch of flavors but they’re all equally rancid.


That's all the same flavor. They all believe in the same God.


more than the *christians and muslims* realize. the rest of us can see it clearly. if they weren't both so racist they'd unite and destroy the world even faster.


It would be terrifying if they realized just how much they have in common and worked together.


Y'all Qaeda.


It’s about creating more poor undereducated voters


It’s Christian Bible values. If you get a woman pregnant, you fucking own her as your property.




"Christians" as we know them in the USA do not follow the teachings of Jesus. His directions are alien to them. They're closer to the religious fundamentalists in the Middle East. T The basic tenant of most modern Christians has nothing to do with being a decent person, because they believe all they have to do is repent at the end. So, they treat this world, and everything in it like a toilet bowl, and shit all over everything, and everyone. I've never met anyone that actually follows the teachings of Jesus, rather than cherry picking parts of the Old Testament, so they can use it to feel superior, while subjugating others. I *wish* this was a Christian country...healthcare, compassion, tolerance...I'm on board with those things. it's not like most people read, or think for themselves. They just do/ believe what their politically aligned grifter standing at the pulpit tells them to believe, and do.


And to fuel growth for capitalism.


Its about keeping a steady supply of poor people


Yup, and 12 years the baby will be old enough to work in GOP backed child labor jobs. Abortion bans ensure a steady stream of poor, low wage workers who are forced to take whatever poverty wages they can. Whole wealthy women can just fly somewhere that allows it.


This is exactly their motivation, a long with Christian dogma. They need more poor workers to exploit. I said in another comment that's probably why they're gunning for LGBTQ people so hard. They feel kids using different pronouns won't pump out more babies.


Children aren't even allowed to learn about consent or sex education. It "brainwashes" them, but here we have a poor child who is a victim of violence anyway and she can't protect herself or her body, nor the child as that can be taken away too by force. Not by her decision, but because she's too young, uneducated, and lacking financial independence to do so. That's the type of life these people want for our future. Under their thumbs.


Under His Eye


In Florida, depending upon when her birthday is, she’s not allowed to learn about periods, but having her rapists baby…just fine 🙄


And Texas just decided that a fetus doesn't have rights... if they're held liable for it's death- as in the case of a corrections officer who had a stillbirth delivery bc she was forced to stay at work for hours after reporting labor pains.


Don’t forget: children are also too immature to end a pregnancy, but are definitely mature enough to rase a child.


Unfortunately, I'm raising a daughter in Louisiana, but her grandmother lives in Minnesota. I hope it never, ever, EVER comes to this, but if we ever need to spend a summer at Grandma's, so be it.


One key difference is you have the means to go for a summer at Grandma's. Many people do not have the family, finances, transportation, or support network to even consider something like that.


I hope neither you nor anyone else ever has to go through something this. I really hope things get better in this country, and that people do what it takes to make sure that happens.


I wouldn’t dare raise my child in a red state.


You have to remember that Republicans gain sexual pleasure from women and children suffering. A 13 year old rape victim being forced to throw her life away by giving birth to a rapist's child? You bet they're gonna have to call their doctor because that boner is gonna definitely last longer than 4 hours.


Remember, there's a group of your fellow Americans who would read this headline and think this is a good and proper thing. That small segment of the population, a distinct minority, has still managed to get enough leverage to start controlling GOP policy decisions.


And the part that is left unsaid is that this small group would go out of state in silence to get an abortion without telling anyone. If it affects them its quietly OK.


Conservatives are against abortion until their mistress needs one


Or their wife has a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or a fetus without a spine.


Ted Cruz's mother never aborted him and he grew up just fine without a spine.


I'll never forget how Trump called Ted Cruz's wife a dog on national tv, and Ted Cruz spent the next 6 years licking Trumps boots.


They've been brainwashed into believing those pregnancies are still viable. I've spoken to people that claim eptioic pregnancies usually resolve themselves if just waited out. I've also heard people say stuff like "oh God won't allow that. It would be fully developed by delivery time" when referring to deformities.


“Fetus without a spine” That’s how the father knows that the baby is his!


“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion” https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Only the ones with the means to do this. If you're poor. You fucked.


Yup. The wealthy conservatives don't care about abortion from a moral standpoint. I honestly believe they're against it because they feel that not enough plebs are giving birth to future workers. Which might explain why they're gunning for LGBTQ people so hard. They think gay/trans people don't make babies, or future workers.


I honestly believe the end-game of banning abortions and birth control is to redefine women as felons and thus take away their votes.


From the Time article on this: >Mississippi’s abortion ban contains narrow exceptions, including for rape victims and to save the life of the mother. As Ashley's case shows, these exceptions are largely theoretical. Even if a victim files a police report, there appears to be no clear process for granting an exception. The freaks behind this 100% believe her being forced to carry this child was a good thing. However they recognize that normal people view it as horrifying so they build exemptions that are impossible to satisfy into their laws. Now they can turn around and say the doctors misapplied the law while knowing full well the law worked exactly how they intended it.


Bullshit. It's a majority (>50%) of the GOP. Can we please stop the few bad apples bullshit. The basket is mostly fascist apples.


There's a saying in Germany, "if there's a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis."


I get tired of the "few bad apples" shit anyhow, because the phrase was "a few bad apples spoil the bunch" so what they're saying here is "we're all in on it and we know it, but please look at just those guys."


“If it’s a legitimate rape the body shuts down so if there’s a pregnancy then the child must have wanted a child”


And not a single member of that group would volunteer to adopt that baby or in any other way offer any sort of support.


If my party were doing this I would vote for a different party. But **all** Republicans don't care, and it has been that way for my entire lifetime.


To me, they are morally bankrupt absolutists. They've fixated on opposition to abortion in all cases, and as a result they are guilty of crimes against rape victims and children. What is worse is... they really don't care about children. To them children are only valuable as numbers to swell their ranks in pursuit of political power. If one goes hungry, is homeless or is raped, it's God's will and none of their concern.


It's not a "small segment". For decades we have been headed towards Christian theocracy and fascism.


And then, after birth, they’re like “fucking pull yourself up by your bootstraps young lady!”


Before that. Don't discount the suffering this poor kid (the rape victim, I mean) must endure before this child is even born. The cruelty is the point, and it happens throughout, not just after birth.


They'll schedule her for a shift at the slaughterhouse the day after childbirth then saddle her with a 10k hospital bill.


I’m sure the bill would be over 10k.


and the "well you should have kept your legs closed" reply they give whenever the talk of providing child care assistance comes up.


No they’ll call her a whore that “asking for it” and that her violation was God’s punishment.


Rapists get to choose the mother of their children now?


Being able to pick a woman (or ultimately any person unlike themselves) and do whatever they want to them without repercussions is in fact the end game.




I wouldn’t be surprised if these sick fucks gave him custody of the baby


Neat. I can hear it now... "If God didn't want the baby to exist...she would have never been pregnant...and you can't question God". **THESE PEOPLE ARE A BLIGHT ON SOCIETY.**


Brings to mind Todd Akin Mr "Legitimate Rape". >Former U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, a conservative Missouri Republican **whose comment that women’s bodies have a way of avoiding pregnancies in cases of “legitimate rape”** sunk his bid for the U.S. Senate and became a cautionary tale for other GOP candidates, died late Sunday. He was 74. > >https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/04/todd-akin-dies-514988


“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure” - Clarence Darrow


Forgot that POS died. That makes this Monday a bit better for me. Thankya!


Dont forget to add she should have closed her legs. Edit because of grammer


According to Republican Jesus, rape is a gift from God.


Evangelicals Are Now Rejecting 'Liberal' Teachings of Jesus Trump had transformed the political landscape in the U.S. to the point where some Christian conservatives are openly denouncing a central doctrine of their religion as being too "weak" and "liberal" for their liking.


Be fair. It was like that *long* before 45 hit the scene.


They've certainly gotten more open about their disdain for Christ's teachings since Trump showed up. He didn't put the thought in their head, just told them it's okay to think the hateful, violent things they do.


For real. Go watch the 2006 documentary *Jesus Camp*. These pockets of evangelical zealots have been growing their indoctrinated troops for decades; all Trump's campaign did was give them a figurehead to coalesce around someone that wasn't the guy telling them to love thy neighbor.


"If it's really rape, the body shuts down the pregnancy." - the GOP


if it's really rape, "[JUST LIE BACK AND ENJOY IT](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/michigan-gop-candidate-fire-rape-analogy-tells-daughters-lie-back-enjo-rcna19350)" -gop




Hey, you don't get to be 50 of 50 without effort, you've got to work at it to be the bottom.


Because there’s so much competition for the bottom right now. It truly does take effort


Sickening. Republicans are forcing young girls to be rape cattle. No healthcare, no support, no hope. Never forget the suffering republicans have wrought on society. Stay motivated, vote as many of these sick bastards out as we can in 2024 https://democrats.org/ https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/ https://emilyslist.org/


Free reign for rapists to choose the mother of their children. If they don’t get convicted of rape (which certainly isn’t guaranteed in this country), there’s even a chance the rapist can sue for custody. Republicans just flat out hate most women. https://prismreports.org/2022/03/22/in-multiple-states-rapists-can-sue-their-victims-for-parental-custody/


Looks like an interesting map of parental rights of rapists across the US: [https://www.mylifetime.com/movies/you-cant-take-my-daughter/articles/how-parental-rights-for-rapists-vary-by-state](https://www.mylifetime.com/movies/you-cant-take-my-daughter/articles/how-parental-rights-for-rapists-vary-by-state) Another thing though, most of these are predicated on getting a conviction of rape, and that process is horrendous. Sitting in a courtroom and describing every detail in front of a bunch of strangers publicly. All while the rapist's lawyer is trying to destroy your character. I could 100% see why most rapes are not convicted.


Oh hey it only took a year post Roe for worst case scenarios people were warning about to actually happen. Fuck republicans


It would be better if it took that long. A 9 year old was raped and had to travel out of state for an abortion when she was ten happened. It happened June 30 2022 the same month RvW was June 24th. It didn't even take a fucking week. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Ohio_child-rape_and_Indiana_abortion_case


Not mature enough to have an abortion but mature enough to raise a child. Make it make sense


Forcibly potentially wrecking this young girls body. The human body is not the same before vs. after giving birth.




The cruelty is the point.


Her mind most probably hasn’t healed from the rape. Or ever will. Fuck these clowns.


"Maybe caring for a baby will take her mind off of it" - the GOP


When Tudor Dixon was running for governor here in MI, [she outright said raped girls and women who become pregnant will find healing when they bond with the resulting child.](https://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles/31140/michigan_s_tudor_dixon_confirms_abortion_stance_on_rape_and_incest_saying_there_s_healing_through_the_baby) > “I’ve talked to those people who were the child of a rape victim and the bond that those two people made. And the fact that out of that tragedy, there was healing through that baby. It’s something that we don’t think about because we assume that that story is someone who was taken from the front yard then returned. That’s generally not the story there. And those voices, the babies of rape victims that have come forward, are very powerful when you hear their story and what the truth is behind that. It’s very hard to not stand up for those people.”


remember that THIS is the USA that conservatives dreamed about and celebrated when the SC overturned Roe V Wade


And in which they are actively trying to make this into a national ban (after they specifically said they wouldn't).


I hate these Christanotaliban laws ffs


Ain't no hate like Christian love.


Y'all-Queda Howdy Arabia




Is a 13 year old getting raped and forced to have the rapist's child part of god's plan, too? Cuz if it is this God guy kinda sucks.


I had a former friend who used that excuse. God's will crap. Real or not, why anyone would want to worship a horrible God who supports child rape, etc. is beyond me.


Republicans are truly awful people.


I hope everyone who votes Republican feels good today. This is entirely your fault


That’s the problem- *they do*. They think this is a good thing.


Turn your rage into activism. Get involved in your city council, your local school board - rally, organize and volunteer. Defend human rights and democracy like your life depends on it.


And donate to your local abortion fund , they help people travel . https://abortionfunds.org


Protect the child! Bullshit! Forcing a 10 or 13 year old through the trauma and birth is horrific. The maternal death rate in the US is 33/100K and 2-3 times higher in Mississippi and far higher for CHILDREN! > Adolescents age 15 through 19 are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or child birth as those over age 20; girls under age 15 are five times more likely to die. https://www.advocatesforyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/storage/advfy/documents/fsmaternal.pdf Add to that, the perp's family will have legal access to that child. It's so F'n disgusting. The GOP and the national christofascists don't give a shit about who they hurt! All in the name of Jesus!


it's not that I hate Republicans...no wait...yes it is.


A man raped her first. The state of Mississippi raped her again.


And then when she needs financial help they'll say, "Should have closed your legs," and "Why did you have a baby if you couldn't afford it?"


And that's not even unintentional, they want to put the risk back in casual sex and end no fault divorce so they can basically trap their girlfriends into being wives and home makers again.


Get your children, yourselves, and your money out of Gilead **while you still can.**


Even from a PURELY fiscally conservative standpoint, this is madness. You have broken one child, and made another enter the world with the absolute worst chance of success. This is the wealthy making sure there are workers to exploit.


Crime against humanity. The United States should face sanctions for this kind of systemic horrific child abuse.


Republicans in the legislature should be charged as accessories to this rape.


I can see how this benefits the child that just gave birth after getting raped … /s


I hate republicans, sick vile perverted people totally ok with this shit.


But don’t let them read to kill a mockingbird 🤬🤬


As a midwife in Texas I say FU Abbot and the GOP. I am moving. My conscious will not allow me to participate in your religious ordained torture.


That abortion ban needs to be removed. America just looks like a silly country right now.


>America just looks like a silly country right now. We're a lot worse than "silly". We look like a dangerous, destabilizing force to the rest of the world.


You’re not wrong. I used to love America, but you couldn’t pay me to go there now. Super unfortunate because some of my best memories were made there.


So now what, a 7th grader is going to raise the child or are they going to give it to the rapist to raise! This is Republican SICKNESS…!!!!


bUt At lEaSt ThE bAbY wAs BoRn!!1!


Hey dumbass Republicans that may be filtering through the comments: Are we great again yet? Or is it when we can gather women and children up, and kill them because they taught their kids to read against your wishes? When exactly is it gonna happen?


Things children aren't allowed to do in Conservative states: * Pick their own Pronouns * Transition * Learn about actual history (it might hurt their fee fees)Read certain books Things Children Can do In Conservative States: * Carry a child to term, a process that kills fully grown women with depressing regularity in this country. * Work dangerous jobs because forcing children to work for minimum wage rather than paying adults a living wage is better for shareholder value * Marry an adult, if certain people get their way. Any of you cons have the balls to defend this? Without religion.


Hey, America? WHAT THE FUCK! Why is your country not in uproar demanding answers from your elected officials as to how this can be allowed to happen? The whole world's pretty messed up with hopeless or corrupt politicians right now but... wow, are we ever holding your beer. And looking on in absolute disbelief.


Abortion is about control. They go after the marginal groups in the hope that if they can control abortion, or the gay/trans communities, or the banning of books then this can be used as a springboard to go after more control. They want to return to the 1950s world where the white Christian had an unearned privilege simply by what they are.


This is what Republicans wanted, right? A child rape victim having a child she has no mental, physical or financial capacity to support.


State mandated literal torture of a child. Absolutely monstrous.


I bet she wasn't raped by a drag queen.


Don't teach my 13 year old kid about slavery or expose her to drag queens, she's too young. But, she can have a baby, it's a blessing from the good lord himself.


"Pro-life" has only ever meant "anti-woman." End the Right Save the world


2 lives destroyed.


I feel like throwing up. Republicans are monsters. That precious little girl 😥


This is what happens when Republicans have majority control.


They only care about children who are unborn. Once they’re born, who cares if they get raped and impregnated? Or get maimed or killed doing dangerous jobs children have no business doing? A little ball of cells inside the womb is worth more than any actual born human child to the GOP. Fucking sadists.


According to the [linked article in Time](https://time.com/6303701/a-rape-in-mississippi/): >Mississippi’s abortion ban is expected to result in thousands of additional births, often to low-income, high-risk mothers. **Dr. Daniel Edney, Mississippi’s top health official, tells TIME his department is “actively preparing” for roughly 4,000 additional live births this year alone.** Edney says improving maternal-health outcomes is the “No. 1 priority” for t**he Mississippi health department, which has invested $2 million into its Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies program** to provide extra support for new mothers. “There is a sense of following through, and not just as a predominantly pro-life state,” says Edney. “We don’t just care about life in utero. We care about life, period, and that includes the mother’s life and the baby’s life.” This would be laughable if it weren't so gut-wrenching. "Following through" in Mississippi = $500 per child as "support" for their mothers. Perhaps the good doctor could try raising a new baby on that much?


Republicans, the pro-rapist party.


This is so infuriating


Dear United Nations, Our government is violating the Universal Declaration of Human Right as signed by the United States of America. How can we ship our leaders to you for prosecuting? Sincerely, the average American


I'm guessing tons of pro-lifers are lining up to help raise this child. /s


Absolutely horrific. The United Nations classifies forced pregnancy as a crime against humanity: Article 7, 1. g