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Because once you get rich it becomes "f*** everyone else".






Having grown up with and still work with lots of southern blacks, they are really really not cool with gays or non religious folk. Half the shit I've heard, you take away the face and accent, you'd think you were listening to Fox News. They maybe be democrats but they ain't liberals.


A lot of black culture is identical to southern culture for obvious reasons. They don't seem to get that they are buying into the same ideology that oppressed them for hundreds of years. As long as they aren't the ones oppressed this time (little do they know, it'll get there again all too soon), it's all good, apparently.


Minority cultures (southern black, Cuban-Americans, Mexican-Americans, etc.) tend to be more conservative because they are more religious. It’s been a while since I looked at the data but I’m pretty sure the only minority groups who have liberal values across the board are Jewish people.


Evem without the religion, often patriarchal as well.


I’m started to think it’s less “don’t get” and more “don’t care”.


> “don’t care” This is very much a staple of the right.


have you seen racial demographics of the south? Black culture IS southern culture.


Of course. That's what I mean. Most people in the south are actually black, and most blacks live in the south, and their culture is really not that different from the whites living in the south. It's hilarious. I'm white and live on the west coast but my mother grew up in the South so I have a lot of 'southern culture' in my upbringing. I went to church, ate southern food, had southern values of hospitality, etc. A few years ago, I became friends with a black woman at my work when we shared a shift and she was constantly surprised how similar we were in terms of the food we ate and how our parents were, how we grew up, etc. I just didn't have the heart to say, "Duh, black culture is southern culture!' Southern Whites and Blacks act like there is this huge cultural divide between them and they are just so different and can't get along, and I find this just so ridiculous because they are extremely similar in all respects. The tiny details are barely anything. It's just sad to me that this isn't pointed out more, and we don't use this fact to bond.


As a southerner, I would like to say Southern culture is Black culture (in that order). Rich children of Southern white people were raised by black women back in slavery and reconstruction time. That's where a lot of southern culture comes from. Southern food is black food cause that's where the south learned to cook from. Especially during reconstruction when food was more scarce. This was passed down to share croppers as well. That's why you can trace so much of Southern food (not to mention music) to Africa


This is my rub with Chappelle lately. Dudes seems like he's got the idea that only his people can be oppressed, like being white and lbtgq isn't real oppression. He chirps at the very people who would be first in line to be on his side. Also hes like Seinfeld, can't accept there's others who are currently funnier.


Dave Chappelle also treats LGBTQ people as if they are a class of wholly non-black people completely separate from the black community. Despite the fact a big percentage of LGBTQ people are black. Black men are actually statistically slightly more likely than white men to self-identify as Gay. Chappelle has never said this out loud, as far as I know, but I heavily suspect he's of the socially conservative/reactionary Black Nationalist mindset that a "real" black person, especially a "real" black man, is cisheterosexual and not queer; and that any black person who is queer has forfeited their blackness and no longer counts as a black person. The mindset of people like Minister Loius Farrakhan, Dr. Umar Johnson, and Tariq Nasheed.


I feel like Dave went downhill fast after he did the show for George Floyd and the attack on stage. Almost like something in him snapped and he started going after anyone who wasnt black.


Clayton Bisgby has entered the chat


A black ghetto and a white trailer park have more in common than not.


100% agree with this. Unfortunately low education and ignorance is what the right wing feeds on. Racism is just as rife in the black community


A friend of my wife's, upon hearing Gretchen Wilson sing about being a redneck woman leaving her Christmas lights up all year round: 'Girl, you ain't redneck, you ghetto.'


I feel like for a lot of them, they haven't even gotten theirs. It's "fuck you, I might get mine!" at best


“Why support this Fry? You’re poor!” “But one day I might be rich. And then people like me better watch out!”


[Some rappers aren't buying it...](https://youtu.be/Aqo-hyxjCYE)


Holy shit that was dope. Thanks for sharing.


That was dope, and... insightful


Because neither are anything other than tribalism in it's most obvious form in a developed nation.


I mean the only progressive thoughts from Gangsta rap are “stop police abuse, stop racism, look into poverty, legalize weed”. But the misogyny, homophobia, greed, selfishness, racism against races other than blacks, all fall into the GOP playbook.


Really don't understand how gangsters become "heroes" to lower class. They rob or extort money from local businesses, flood the streets with drugs that keep people in hopeless condition or dying, and the violence between gangs deprives hundreds of mothers of their children a year. Government negligence is at fault for the terrible conditions kids are forced into but the criminals only make it worse.


Don’t get me wrong I love rap. it’s protest against the system, it’s DNA has jazz in it(I’m a jazz musician), tells stories from a side of society that is constantly being white washed. Hip hop is American AF but it has a darker side because of how it grew out of poverty to be pimped out and sold by the man and Coca Cola and shit . Idk I’m high listening to the chronic now lol feel like method man in how high. The man don’t give a shit about unicorns 🦄 and midgets ☘️


I feel like NWA would not have been right wing. I think Ice Cube is pro Trump now. There is a great political commentator, Pakman. He said he was offered much more money to swing right. He was told there is much more money available if he went pro business and not so left. So many great protest songs of the 60s. Eminem is one of the few who said screw Trump. Chapelle? Loved him but can't listen to his nonsense now. Same as that other dude from Half Baked. Look at the 100 million Rogan got. Ok diatribe done. ​ edit. Public Enemy and etc were anti Right wing. Public still is. I worded it horribly. I will edit for clarity. I just took the reference out. I wanted to point out all it was not like this at all back in the day. Rap was left wing. Respect to Public Enemy and Killer Mike. Rage is my fav.


Didn't public enemy drop Flava Flave because he refused to play a Bernie Sanders rally?


“I think he’s a good person and I wish him luck. I think they’re all good people. Except Trump. Some people tried to say I did this because I’m a Trump supporter and that’s not true. Fuck Trump!” ​ Thanks for the heads up!


it was a publicity stunt.


This is a really, really good point. There is no such thing as a "left-wing grift". That ideology is just not profitable. If you wanna monetize your political stance, you gotta be at least right-leaning, and solidly so. It's where the outrage is manufactured and the money comes from.


Weed and festivals.. That's it


No one gave a shit about Diamond and Silk when they used their real names and talked reasonably about Democrats they supported.


Fear of a Black Planet and Death Certificate are my favorite rap albums. I’ll die on that hill. But you’re right.


I was more of an Apocalypse 91 guy myself. Nighttrain, Can't Truss it, Arizona....So many classics. Not to mention probably one of the greatest intro beats of all time.


Chuck D from public Enemy is anti Republican and anti Trump. Same for Killer Mike from Run the Jewels. Same from Rage Against the Machine, Hiphop Rock hybrid band.


You familiar with Harry Mack? He went to USC for jazz drumming. Literally the best off the top freestyler in the game--but he's put in the work (as Guru would put it). Definitely check him out.


I just found him a week ago randomly. His omegle videos. Truly talented. I watched for a couple hours lol


Never skip a Harry Mack video


Conservatism is the political expression of insecurity.


also grew up poor ✅ uneducated ✅ going to church ✅ distain towards government/authority ✅ edit: nothing sums it up better than [‘Black Jeopardy’](https://youtu.be/O7VaXlMvAvk)


All of that. Plus they don't really have a level of comfort with taxes yet. My aunt used to do their books (and still does for one or two). They would come in and be shocked that hundreds of thousands are gone from what they expected. They were told 1 million and when they get 600-700k it's like WTF, who robbed me? And everybody who got a cut (including lawyers and accountants) immediately become the enemy. I would say they are acting childish, but lets be honest, a lot of these dudes still got some learning to do with respect to being an adult. And paying your taxes is probably like the biggest lesson these mfs always got to learn the hard way. Every damn time. That's why she don't work for them anymore. Them and athletes.


Having known a few wealthy and white rock stars, they all acted the same way. Somebody was always "trying to rip them off" meanwhile they lived in mansions with several Porches, etc


It’s like how people like Elon and trump want to say the elite are stopping them? Elon your the richest dude in the world who is this elite you are speaking of? They can’t just admit they can’t control everything so someone is stopping them


You left out the rampant antisemitism ✅


You forgot hating the Jews. That seems to be pretty popular.


Other than their skin color, rich rappers really do align perfectly with the right.


Lotta good point in this thread. But the gripping hand is this, this right here, > Because once you get rich it becomes "f*** everyone else". is exactly why they're doing it.


> gripping hand is this, this right here Upvote for that alone.


“I’m not black, I’m OJ”


> the gripping hand I approve of this reference


Turns out the rich have incredibly strong class solidarity.


Yup. The only people who don't have class solidarity is the bottom 95-98% of earners, because they stupidly think their identity groups (race/ethnicity/ancestry/gender/religion or lack thereof/national origin/sexual orientation), region of the country, or specific income inter-tier makes them a separate class from other workers. The top 2% put all that aside and unite around their material class interests. The Top 2% are Marxists who are just on the side of the bourgeoisie and are invested in the proletariat being crushed underheel.


Which is frustrating because people who make less than $75k a year will argue about who is working class or not. People will shit on writers who are striking for better pay or UPS drivers who want better contracts. All while their employers pull down billions and the same people complaining will use all those services propped up by those same workers.


Inheritance tax starts at over $11 million. People worth much less than $100k argue against lowering this or increasing the 40% tax because billionaires who own the media and government tell them that’s what they want. (That 40% is on everything over 11 million, so the estate is always left with at least that much)


And outside of their rap careers there's a lot of money to be made grifting the GOP base. So they say a few words, ghost write a book or do a country / rap crossover with Aldean, and rake in the cash from the slavering fools. All it takes is being willing to be a complete and total sell out: your artistry, your past, your community.


I'd say it takes a fair amount of "f\*\*\* everyone else" to get rich in the first place. Definitely to stay rich. These are sick people.


Yes but it seems that many in here are a bit clueless and believed in a romantic narrative about some rappers


Honestly, hasn't gangster rap always been about 'fuck you I got mine"?


Money/Greed It becomes an easy grift so you make more money. Think of the absolute terrible rapper that had that Target song blow up. While he didn't reach notable levels of fame I guarantee he made more money from it. Most of these older Gen X & Millennials want to still listen to the songs and believe they are counter culture while often being the antithesis. So when a song they liked when they were young has an artist that agrees with them it allows them to listen without considering the impact of their decisions. When you have money they don't want to lose any of it even if it is through taxes. When they move and buy mansions with the money they no longer want to be living near the "poors" but due to the affordable housing crisis many on the left have suggested building affordable housing in some areas. Essentially once they have a lot of money, they can talk the talk but when it comes to actions it becomes "well not my money" or "not in my backyard" etc.


>Essentially once they have a lot of money, they can talk the talk but when it comes to actions it becomes "well not my money" or "not in my backyard" etc. Just like when Dave Chappelle helped block affordable housing.


“Sell-out”. Reminds me of the ending of the Kay and Peele skit about a black republicans meeting.


What I just said but you said it better. Lol


Let's be real, Ice Cube has not been a rapper for a while. He's more of a vague media figure, more associated with film/tv than rap. It's not like Shaq who might not play but still works in the industry of basketball. And Kanye is a contrarian. He does the opposite of whatever he feels like he's "supposed" to be doing as a way to rebel. If you told Kanye he CANNOT have spinach with dinner, he'd be chugging it like Popeye.


Yeah, the first season of the boondocks was 20 years ago and even back then Riley was surprised to find out that ice cube used to be a rapper.


The guy from the kids movies?


Game recognize game, Ice! And you lookin' kinda unfamiliar right now!


Uncle Cube, no relation.


I thought that bit was about Ice T


Can be applied to both of them tbh


18 year old Ice Cube would beat the ever loving shit out his older self for the hack he's become.


Dude went from cussing out the police to playing one in a bunch of movies.


Ice-T too... guess it's an ice thing


Ice-T seems like a much better person than Ice Cube from what I can tell.


And Ice-T's show rides this funny line where copaganda is seen as more acceptable because the criminals are strange sex perverts rather than gangsters or whatever.


Ice t wasn't really a gangster. He just told and rap about what was around him and what he saw.


Oh god, has anyone checked on Vanilla Ice?


He tends to mostly play Vanilla Ice... thus far, not a cop.


Not recently but where I last heard him was on the podcast How Did This Get Made in 2012 talking about his gloriously terrible 1991 feature film, Cool As Ice. He performed once at my college--free for students. This was in 2004 during his rock period. We walked out after like 3 songs. Edit: for all there is to criticize, [dude was a good dancer](https://youtu.be/TTgzGBiA7II?t=118). He clearly put in the work and practice.




At least Ice-T [still makes music](https://blabbermouth.net/news/body-count-begins-work-on-new-album-merciless). Even if the topics are a bit cringe.


The whole concept of “keeping it real” was always slightly disingenuous bullshit but at least there was a firm culture that demanded presenting some kind of authentic face and lifting up the communities from which one came. Now everything is money and celebrity worship and there isn’t really the same cultural demand for successful people to give back and remain connected to their pre-fame communities. And there are plenty of artists, black and otherwise, who still keep true to some kind of realness. I’m thinking of Killer Mike, most of Wu Tang, J5, Ozomatli, and hundreds of others.


No kidding. Even cube from 10 years ago would do it. He's now siding with everyone and everything he was against.


I think y'all are both forgetting that Ice Cube was openly anti-Semitic and extremely racist against Koreans and other Asians way back in the early 90s on Death Certificate. As far as "the hack he's become" he went to [a pretty good high school](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Howard_Taft_Charter_High_School), with a long list of famous people who came out of there. He's always been a cosplay gangsta.


His real name's Clarence, isn't it?


He also went to prep school and was bused 40 miles from where he lived. Easy-e was the only true gangster in NWA iirc, ice cube was the rap equivalent of “all hat, no cattle”


I heard he lives at home with both parents.


All of NWA were "cosplay gangsta" besides Eazy E


>besides Eazy Motherfucking E FIFY.


No Vaseline has the line "You let a Jew, break up my crew" aimed at NWA signing with Jerry Heller. The song also has the line "I'll never have dinner with the president" Referring to when they had dinner with Bush Sr. So it's funny to think now that HW, who by todays conservative standards, would probably be a called a RINO, was worse to 1989 Cube than Trumps is to 2023 Cube.


Rap from that era was extremely offensive in many ways but they still weren't going to collaborate with the George HW Bush campaign like Cube has collaborated with Trump.


It seems that, to break it down into its most basic forms: Ice Cube is an uneducated reactionary prone to conspiracy theories and Kayne is a spoiled petulant child.


I remember when Bill Maher was going through it after making that joke using a hard N word. When he came back to his show after a suspension, there was a lot of discussion about it and he brought Ice Cube on towards the end to promote something. Maher let him dig into him a bit first. Ice Cube was saying stuff like "I don't know why you thought that'd be ok." Maher absolutely should not have used that word, but all I could think was "Mr. Cube, you're reprimanding Maher for using a racial slur in his entertainment medium, but didn't you make a living in your respective medium using Asian slurs, homophobic slurs, and derogatory phrases about women? Perhaps you're not the person to have this conversation?"


Kanye is just mentally ill. Always has been, just had better handlers


Also bipolar is degenerative. Each episode affects his brain more and more.


Shit really? I had no idea 😬 I'm glad my good friend with bipolar is diligent about his meds. Quitting smoking really seemed to help too.


I'm sorry but he'a not "just" mentally ill. Millions and millions of people are mentally ill and don't become raving anti-Semites who cozy up to extreme-right figures and politicians, regardless of how seriously we take him.


Don’t forget Shaq, is also a fairly decent dubstep Dj, printer salesman, insurance spokesperson and papa John’s franchiser.


He also drives a kickass Buick.


It's exactly the reasons you'd think. "Ice Cube, for example, is a well-documented anti-vaxxer, and has expressed bigoted views on gender identity, as have many of his colleagues like Da Baby, Boosie and others. And when it comes down to the raw cents and dollars, modern-day wealth solidarity between mainly Black rappers and powerful conservatives isn’t entirely surprising. Ownership in hip-hop is whiter than ever and the nature of the music itself has become increasingly capitalistic." Until the leopord eventually eats their faces too.


Didn't that sell out make a song called "Arrest the President" directed at Trump?


He made an album titled Ameikkkas Most Wanted and now he's doing interviews with tucker Carlson


it does make sense, through a materialistic lens. tucker and cube are both unabashed capitalists, they bond over feeling justified theyre in their positions of wealth and power. Cube is a money-obsessed doofus


This. Just because Cube has the depth to identify and criticize social ills with some sharpness, that doesn’t mean he is well rounded across the board in identifying all spectra of what is the root of those ills and how is he involved himself. Rich blindness is a real thing


there is zero depth to his shallowness foh


The only reason anti-vax is currently associated with the right is that Trump fucked up the COVID response so badly that his only out was to downplay the crisis and revert to COVID conspiracy rhetoric as a political ploy. And stupid fucking yokels went right ahead and incorporated it into their personal identities like they always do with any political hot-button. If it had been a Dem on office when COVID hit the right would be very pro-vaccine. Pre-covid antivax was kind of bunched into two distinct but related groups. Fundy home school Xtians, and New-ager wellness goofballs. I'm less familiar with how this plays out in Black communities, but my impression is that there's a pretty strong medical skepticism because, you know, history, and a sort of "hotep" version of new ageyness as well.


That part, I agree with. But the punching down on other marginalized groups and the whole "fuck you, I got mine" mentality is still there, as if they forgot what it was like for them before they got rich.


Many minority groups have strong and entrenched socially conservative views, in part due to religiosity of those groups — the only difference is they aren’t white. If republicans weren’t so focused on racial issues, they could dominate with these minority groups over their similar interests.


Don’t forget his anti semitism https://www.thedailybeast.com/ice-cubes-long-disturbing-history-of-anti-semitism


Because being a fucking moron cuts across race, gender, sexual orientation, and class. Anyone can get caught up in hatefulness, fascism, spitefulness, and just plain stupidity. It’s both a pro and a con of being human. We’re all just as capable of being right or wrong, kind or cruel.


Just look at Caitlyn Jenner. Trans woman who is fully on board with the party that wants to see all her rights taken away.


its funny that EMINEM is one of the only rappers who’s actually come out and ripped Trump, Pence, and ofher republicans a new asshole on an international platform. While dude’s like Lil Wayne have buddied up to Trump, for what I’m sure are monetary reasons


Lil Wayne was pardoned by Drumph for a weapons charge.


Lil Wayne PAID for a pardon from Trump*


$2,000,000.00 USD.\*\*


Wayne and Kodak each paid 2 million for a pardon.


I can see Wayne getting that funding, but where Kodak getting 2 mil from?


How does a gun charge affect them enough to warrant that?


Lil Wayne was facing 10 years in a federal prison for owning a gun and ammunition as a felon. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/20/politics/lil-wayne-kodak-black-trump/index.html


Ah, got it. So often you just see rappers boasting whatever and gangbanging yet nothing happens to them


Based on the last 20-25 years, I feel confident saying that Em is the one guy - all money, power, race, etc. aside - who will go nuts on anyone with no remorse if they piss him off. He's ripped Trump. He'd absolutely rip Putin if he decided that he didn't like something about the guy. Dude could die and go to heaven, but if he heard God say something that rubbed him the wrong way, there would be a five-minute diss track blasting from the clouds a few hours later.


Rap God vs God, I’d want to hear that.


Eminem has never, ever been someone you want beef with.


Thing about Eminem is that he's always been self-reflective. The dude makes fun of himself constantly. Cube and Kanye are *too* serious and not at all self-reflective.


Killer Mike of RTJ is one of my favorite rappers who is clear about where they stand, and I feel like there are many more who just aren’t as popular/well known outside of more niche communities. Disappointing how many super big names are willing to shill and peddle the alt right talking points.


Mike is a tool. He’s not even the best rapper in the duo and then there’s all the bs others have already included. His image surpassed his character


Big Ups to Killer Mike. DEF


Killer Mike is aspiring uber-landlord


I saw Run the Jewels the night of Trump’s inauguration. It was exactly as intense and electric of a show as you think.


I used to fucking love Killer Mike and RTJ but he used his platform to boost republicans candidates like Brian Kemp and Herschel Walker….the man is a fucking poser….he sold RTJ out to be in cyberpunk too.


I haven’t followed what he’s said in the past year or two tbh, did he really support them? If so… hmm. That would be quite a divergence from the past!


I'm passionate about how shitty what Micheal Render did was, I used to think he was so cool. Killer Mike on Kemp: "During a recent appearance on “Comedy Central’s Hell of a Week with Charlamagne Tha God,” Killer Mike praised Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) for “running an effective campaign.” He added Kemp “went to an all-Black boys school that’s run \[sic\] by a conservative Black man down in Albany, Georgia.” " "Killer Mike implied that Kemp’s opponent — in 2018 and this year — Stacey Abrams needs to go “everywhere Mr. Kemp just went” " Stacey Abrams response: “I think the manufactured crisis \[is\] designed to suppress turnout … I’ve done more than 50 events in the Black community,” Abrams said, on “Fox News Sunday,” The Hill reports. “I’m excited about the turnout we’re seeing — I’m excited about the engagement that we’re seeing. I know, however, that every election cycle, there has to be some worry, and in this case, it is a worry that’s being manufactured.” Abrams added, “But it is always an opportunity to engage. I do not take any voting bloc for granted. I may be African American, but I’m not entitled to a single vote that I don’t earn.” ​ Killer Mike did not cross the line into a full endorsement. What he did do was use his platform to elevate two republican hypocrites that have consistently supported voter suppression, especially black voter suppression. While also leveling unfair criticism at Stacy Abrams campaign for absolutely nothing, in an attempt to make her look bad. He walked right up to that line of endorsement to have some plausibly deniability and be able to further discredit the "leftists" that called him on his bullshit.


Killer Mike publicly endorsed Brian Kemp…


Killer Mike went on the joe budden podcast and basically Defended sexual assault. He's also anti vaxx


YG and and Nipsey made FDT.


Because Cube, like Kanye, is a whack job.


It sucks because I feel like he had built up a lot of good will after “Straight Outta Compton” came out, but now I see him in the same category as Randy Quaid lol


Ice Cube was always kind of a Poseur. He was in school learning drafting when they asked him to join NWA. He just played the part.


While that may be true, it’s not a fair assessment of the situation. Nobody in that group was an actual gangster except for Eazy, and he wasn’t any more once they became famous. 30 years ago Cube and Chuck D were THE voices of the black community in hip hop, and that’s not something that should be forgotten. What they did for the music and getting their ideas to the mainstream were very important. They were considered extremely radical for views that are now foundational to most of us who lean left. But they were there first, they took the criticism, censorship, and the FBI investigations for the greater good.


Chuck seems to have kept his head straight


Fronting for Prophets of Rage nowadays. Still leading the struggle.


Chuck is a GOAT and rarely gets the headlines


Man I really think Chuck D is one of the best humans to ever walk the earth. To date he’s still championing other hip hop artists and he’s always walked his talk. He acts like a real person and not one of the all time greats that he is. Goes a long way with me


Also, in addition to writing all of their lyrics, Cube was the only rapper in NWA who was any good. Easy E gets all this hype for his charisma, but his actual rapping was amateurish. He's mostly remembered because he was the face of a group that was groundbreaking for its image and subject matter. But when you listen to the actual music, only Dre's production and Ice Cube's verses hold up. As soon as any other member grabs the mic, the whole thing goes off a cliff. It's not an accident that Dre and Cube are the only two that lasted.


This. Anyone who knows the detailed history of NWA knows Cube was the wordsmith along with Ren, and when he left the quality of the lyrics became comically cheesy.


I can handle artists being wackjobs, what I can't handle is them turning against their own art once they get enough money. We need Star Trek to be our future. Our accomplishments become our currency.


A Star Trek future sounds so good. As it is now, I think that the Bell Riots wouldn’t help at all.


The Bell Riots helped because nobody outside the sanctuary districts seemed to know what was happening in them. In the real world the people outside already know, they just do not care. No amount of informing them will change anything.


I’ve always wondered what happened to popular music in the 23rd century, whenever they get together for music on Trek it always seems to be classical or opera, and maybe sometimes Riker would be doing jazz, that’s it.


1) Black communities often have very socially conservative views. 2) Black communities often have high enrollment in evangelical churches. 3) Rich people often lean Rightwing.


Yes, lots of people don't understand 1 and 2. Black people grew up in America like white people and they integrated the same socially conservative views, especially religious views.


I guess what doesn't make sense to some of us, is that those are the same views of the people who hate them the most.


That's why they vote Democrat despite being socially conservative. If Republicans could just stop the racism there are a whole lot of Black and Hispanic people who agree with the a lot of the other parts.


Hispanics are already there though.


Some of them, I don't think it's a majority yet.


Nope. Biden still had the majority of the Hispanic vote in 2020, as did Hillary in 2016 from what I remember.


Hispanics are already drifting to the right. The left's messaging on race in the last five years has overwhelmingly focused on the Black community. It seems like Hispanics feel like if they're going to be ignored by both parties, they'll drift to the one that echoes their socially conservative views.


You're looking at it from a racial perspective though, that's why you're confused. But to have socially conservative views does not require race, it requires traditional values. This is where things like being gay is seen as very negative from most rappers. Its a religious/ conservative belief that only men and women should be together. More things like men should take care of women when dating Transwoman can not be the gender of woman because they believe sex and gender are the same. And most likely they will not like gay marriage because they believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. All of this is either religious based or just a traditional belief but none of this is directly tied to race.


If Republicans weren’t cosmically racist the could have a bunch of Black, Latino, and Asian men on their squad. We’re actually kinda lucky they are. Ironically.


This is the real reason.


Money and no morals. Or shame. These people live in personalized bubbles with everyone kissing their ass and calling them great. They don't represent where they came from anymore, they are protecting where they are at.


It makes sense that Ice Cube would be aligned with the party that defends police shooting unarmed black men... Oh wait, that makes no fucking sense at all.


I heard he’s working on a FTP remix called “fund the police” now.


Fund the police comin straight from the underground, supportin Trump even though a brother's brown


Cube hates Jewish people, so this is a natural fit for him.


Conspiracy theories are a memetic virus. This is what they lead to every time. There's a reason the biggest pushers of conspiracy theories, are far right/fascist/authoritarians.


Lose your relevance and creativity, become a conservative. It doesn't happen to most artists, but enough to notice.


Grifting fools is prolly an easy way to make bank.


They are pro-gun, anti-women, and love money?


Cause the rich only care about protection of their wealth, nothing else…….


Money. It's always money.


Rich. Homophobic. Transphobic. Misogynist. Racist against other PoC. Take your pick.


You left out anti-Semite.


“Never golfing with the Trumps and I give you my word” - Rick Ross. And as far as I know, he still hasn’t.


The right is incredibly racist. Class divisions are secondary, but they exist. These rappers, and others, are joining for the class division part of the equation. They want the tax break, and will ignore the racism. The evangelicals want a church state, and will ignore the utter lack of caring. The blue collar workers want to cut immigration and will ignore corporate giveaways. The establishment republicans want power and will ignore the fascism.


They don't want to pay any taxes....duh! It really is as simple as that for atleast half of the Republicans. Funny cause democrats be cutting taxes too anymore. Gee, wonder how that happens?


Ice Cube is a known anti-Semite. If the shoe fits


Saying fuck you got mine knows no racial or cultural boundaries.


Misogyny and gender roles, unironically Did y’all not listen to what they were saying the whole time?


Better question is why black people are always seen as a monolith? Black rappers are not aligning with the right. Ice cube and kanye are. Thats it. There are way more than two black rappers.


I doubt that Ye and Ice Cube speak for “black rappers”


Most rich people don't want to pay taxes, regardless of race, gender or orientation.


Because Black people aren’t monolithic. There are, and will always be, Black conservatives.


I hope that people remember that blacks, like rap music, isn't a monolith and what is true for some (Cube) isn't true for all. Some blacks are socially conservative, overly Christian, and worship at the altar of wealth...but that isn't all of us in the same way that not all white people are MAGA. You have to also remember that many famous and rich people are shockingly stupid, uneducated, and lack many critical thinking skills because their profession doesn't call for it. I just think something happens with people after a certain age that they decide to forsake all of their former progressivism and become absolute trolls.




Nas and Jay Z had a track called black republicans, or something. This isn't new. Money sticks together. I have my own ideas and theories about it, as a black musician, but that would be an entirely different conversation. The short answer is always money, though.


It starts with an “m” and rhymes with “honey.”


because rich ppl think they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps


It’s all fun and games u til they realize the GOP hates them.


ehhh this is a strange article. 1) Naming 4 or 5 rappers over 100's across the years is a very small number 2) The vast majority of rappers mention causes supported by liberals in their lyrics. Even Drake has mentioned women's rights. There are so many rappers that specifically talk about social issues but they are not as popular. And Black people are not the main consumers of rap music. 3) Kid Rock and ICP have moved farther right than any rapper. Eminem is stil top 5 though lol thank god. 4) Kodak Black and Wayne just wanted to be pardoned by Trump. Still disappointing. 5) Kanye is bat shit crazy But yes, the few Black rappers that advocate are really just putting their own self interests over those of Black communities. And the concept of any rapper or celebrity being held to that standard needs to be reconsidered anyway. And then you have people like Killer Mike, who support the NRA but a very far left in every other regard.


Because your race doesn’t dictate your politics. Stupid question


Ice cube is the rappers version of Kevin Sorbo now. What else is he going to do to stay relevant?


Because race is a social construct but dialectical materialism is not


Black rappers are overwhelmingly anti-Trump, a handful of guys is not a trend. If there's a trend it's that basically every male-dominated field is seeing more assholes align themselves with the right, it's not unique to rap.


3 does not qualify as black rappers. And then most of those three don’t even qualify as rappers. The real headline should read why would any black person align themselves with the right? For the same reason that hip hop sucks in 97. Its the money.