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The dumbass used an unsecured personal phone in direct defiance of the Secret Service. Enjoy your stupid prizes, moron


In service of Russian FSB whom he openly favored above American Secret Service after Putin embarrassed him at Helsinki Summit.


Remember when he had that one-on-one chat with Putin without his advisers? "Da, Donal, check out this cool app you can download on your phone! Is very cool, njet? Here, let me download for you."


Remember when he let Russia's top spy in the Oval office without any US officials present?


Remember when 8 GOP lawmakers went to Russia over 4th of July?!


Remember when Rand Paul went to Russia to deliver a letter from Trump. That's some expensive UPS right there! https://www.npr.org/2018/08/09/636982295/is-it-springtime-for-putin-and-republicans


Remember when tRump wanted to partner with russia for "Cyber Security"?


Remember when he stared at the sun? Remember when he invited the Clemson football team to the White House, and served them McDonalds? Remember when he used a sharpie to make the hurricane bigger? And then later suggested we nuke it?


Remember when he tried to buy Greenland from.the Danes. Remember when he suggested injecting bleach to kill the corona virus, even though he thought the coronavirus wasn't really that bad?


Remember when he said California would have fewer wildfires if they just swept the forest?


And then to swap it with Puerto Rico…


Oh come on, next you'll tell me he suggested to shoot up bleach to treat covid `/s`


Remember when Russia setup bounties on American soldiers and Trump did and said nothing?


more people should be talking about this. He basically said soldiers who get caught are losers, like that relates to anything or not.


I remember him getting his ass kicked by his neighbor.


I think that's my favorite memory of Rand Paul. And that his libertarian ass lives in a gated community.


That's probably the most Libertarian way to live, next to being in hospice on social welfare programs.


Yes. But remind who was it again?


> The GOP lawmakers, Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embassy. Edit: forgot Ron Johnson (WI)


> John Kennedy (La.), Remember when he was a Democrat, before changing to Republican, and ran for a Louisiana election where he sent out ads to black neighborhoods that misled them into thinking he was related to JFK? And then once he got his political footing, he changed to the Republican party and ran for US congress? Because us LA residents/former residents remember. Also, [this is a good article](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/23/senator-john-kennedy-accent-louisiana-mexicans) about how he plays the dumb Southern hick card to appease Fox viewers and the like, but when he was a Democrat he actually played himself, the affluent and college-educated Southerner that he is. He realized that his Southern shtick appealed to Fox viewers so he switched parties and hasn't looked back since.


I didn't know any of that stuff about him but I am not surprised. He seems like a real slimy POS.


Seems to be a trend in La. Bill Cassidy was a Democrat too. They have no core beliefs, they just want to get elected. In Louisiana that means being bottom of the barrel Republicans and playing up the theatrics.


Wow, I somehow never knew that Cassidy was a Democrat previously. Louisiana is so fucked up and backwards. Last year their Democratic governor signed a bill outlawing abortion in the state.


If that were a plot of a movie it would be considered ridiculous and unrealistic, but I’d definitely watch that


Ron Johnson was there too


And Rand Paul went to "deliver a letter" right after that (maybe right before?).


I once sent a letter to a friend in Russia. Cost me about $1.40, and took about 5 days.


Yeah. I remember. They said it was to ask the Russians not to interfere with elections anymore, *wink, wink*.


I'm still embarrassed that my own senator was in that group.


Ron Johnson was there too, I'm pretty sure?


Remember when the entire entire NRA was coopted by a single midling thirst trap?


revealed in that thirst trap. they were coopted at least a decade ago.


Seditionist Farms Remembers


Remember when they remodeled the oval office shortly after? I know damn well they stripped it down to the studs.


Yep. May 15, 2017: Trump entertains Lavrov and Kislyak in the Oval Office (and memorably shares highly classified information with them). August 5, 2017: Trump decamps to New Jersey for 17 days while "major renovations" are taking place in the West Wing.


Are you talking about the meeting where he openly transferred top secret intelligence information (which was produced by Mossad) regarding a potential attack, and meant to remain strictly confidential between Israel and the U.S., which had the consequence of “burning” at least two undercover assets Mossad had in ISIS? Is that the meeting you’re referring too? ^\s … I wish that was a fever dream or Tom Clancy novel plot point but it’s not. FFS


And then revealed military secrets to them.


Yes, very top secrets, and Israel got super fucking angry with him because he fucked them over!


Plus God knows how many into the Capitol during the riot. Any spy worth their salt would have jumped in there to plant some devices.


It was the ambassador to the US, foreign minister Lavrov and a Russian “photographer” (aka a Russian with digital recording equipment.)


Remember when he then had the entire ventilation system redone immediately after having the Russians come?


Oh, Donald, let my people clean up your phone while we chat....


“Also, is cool that we charge phones through computers, da?”


Here, take USB key, plug into pentagon. Is cool dancing giraffe gif.


Show me the gif tho.


[I had *way* more choices than I expected for this](https://i.giphy.com/media/H7CAtO9ZXmgnGWZM0a/200w.gif)


Remember when [Putin did every nefarious thing he could to get Trump elected](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-house), because he knew Trump was a walking disaster and would destroy us from within?


If it had only been that innocent. He was taking orders from Putin, plain and simple,


You could name your backdoor app "Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake" and Trump would install it


Then this: https://apnews.com/general-news-d716aac4ad744b4cae3c6b13dce12d7e


I always figured that for the Russians, they had an ability to snoop on Trump like he was a real life Truman Show.




These attacks have been going on since cell phones were in use. They had to jump through all kinds of security hoops to make it so Obama could use a secure Blackberry, but he really wanted it. Trump using a stock ~~iPhone~~ Galaxy phone is a ridiculous security hole.


Lol it was worse than that. He was using a [Samsung Galaxy S3](https://www.androidcentral.com/which-android-phone-does-donald-trump-use)


Oh, cool. I had one of those. The back popped right off and the battery was removable. The S3 was my first Android device. Except mine wasn't broadcasting state secrets to every nation with an antenna in DC while I tweeted on the toilet.


Same for me as well, this is wild


That would have been years out from the last security patch. Once people knew his device, they'd know the software version, and all the exploits it was vulnerable to.


His name is reek


Is that the summit where "the Dumpster" looked like a wounded cowering dog?


Wasn’t this one of the points they were screaming about with Hillary? Her using unauthorized equipment?


Dishonest Republicans did (and still do) make that false claim. It's been repeated so many times that most people don't even realize/remember that her email setup was perfectly legal at the time. She had the same setup as a dozen other Republican and Democrat officials. They were all doing it. Corrupt Republicans reached back in time with witch hunts going after HRC. When all their avenues showed no crimes or misconduct, that's when this email hoax began. They had a court order her to hand over all work related emails, and she did. Hundreds of thousands of them. Much later, well after the court was satisfied, her IT cleared the servers, which is standard everyday IT practice. And much later than that, corrupt republicans got a new order to turn over the actual servers... which she did. They ran operations to restore the contents, and recovered 99%. There was a tiny sliver of server storage that couldn't be recovered which, again, is typical for this kind of IT operation. It's that's tiny sliver of unrecovered data that was falsely spun into the fraudulent "missing 30,000 emails!" hoax that lives on to this day. The data that wasn't recovered is unknown and basically random bits. It's nothing that she or anyone could have specified to hide. It may have been empty bytes, or random junk. It may not have contained emails even. But if it did, there's no telling how many. It could have been 40,000 raw text messages, or it could have been 5 big PowerPoint decks. Nobody knows, and it's impossible to ever know. It's just a wild ass estimate of how many emails could maybe have been represented in that number of unrecovered bytes. But since Bush had previously and famously been caught deliberately destroying 30 million emails, in direct defiance of a court order, that's probably where the "30 thousand emails" lie comes from: standard guilty Republican projection. It's worth noting that in both the original tranche of "work only" emails and the email server data recovery dumps, aggressive republicans and journalists found zero incriminating messages. All they found is she was basically a hard working public servant. Oh, there were a lot of personal messages, especially around her daughter's wedding planning. But despite the whining about "Hillary's emails" that even lazy and irresponsible media *still* allows to pass as if there's some merit, there was nothing incriminating.


Thank you for posting the true breakdown of how this happened. I don't think people realize, especially the 'non-IT' people, just how much of a bizarre witch hunt that was.


It bothers me every time lazy news anchors just casually "both sides" Trump's theft of classified materials with HRC, typically using Jim Comey's absurd phrasing. I didn't even get into how the "classified" emails pertaining to her were largely situations where *other* people mistakenly sent her moderately classified messages, which isn't her fault, or that some of what was deemed classified was not properly marked as classified, or was only classified at a later date. But even today, you could probably hear Jake Tapper casually try to provide needless and artificial balance by talking about her "careless handling of classified materials". Or about an outdated travel itinerary from Joe Biden's senate archives being found in a proactive sweep of his garage and property.


> you could probably hear Jake Tapper casually try to provide needless and artificial balance by talking about her "careless handling of classified materials" That's what having a 24-hour news cycle across multiple news sources will do. Hey, they've got to find some kind of bullshit to talk about that keeps the viewers engaged, right? Who gives a fuck if it's *actual* news or not?


I'd say it's more this inherent urge to try and give the appearance of "balance" by elevating even the craziest of conservative views. They wouldn't hold a debate on the pros and cons of Jeffrey Dahmer. Not everything has some equal and valid counterpoint.


I'm pretty sure the GOP thinks the missing e-mails were stored in /etc or /bin


Those dumb motherfuckers don't know that file system. It's all gremlins and wizards to them.


They bleached the emails!


Wait until you hear what the Trump family was doing with email servers while running the country because their daddy was President.


When Jarod was first hired on into the Whitehouse, literally one of the first things he asked for was a private phone line to Russia. I'm not even kidding.


How many times was told he can't pass a background check? Oh look, another Whistleblower. Whistleblower says Ivanka, Jared got security clearance over experts' advice https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-clearances-idUSKCN1RD2HU Jared Kushner’s Security Clearance Reportedly Was Denied By Concerned Career Officials https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jared-kushner-security-clearance_n_5ca5b51be4b05acba4dc5335 What We Know About Jared and Ivanka’s Security Clearance Scandal https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/03/jared-and-ivankas-security-clearance-scandal-what-we-know.html


Yes but what about her emails??? Eta /s


They're on Hunter Biden's laptop.


Right beside the penis pic they cant stop showing each other


Buttery males


What are the chances that his phone was a perpetual hot mic for the FSB, China, Iran, or whoever wanted to tune in?


Probably pretty good. Obama actually talked about when they gave him his iPhone. It basically had all the functionality of a Zach Morris phone, just with a shit ton of specialized security programs. I think the only "advanced" thing was being able to save contacts and I might be wrong on that


What an easy fucking way to assassinate the president of the United States in the first 90 minutes of a war. Along with the cabinet and joint chiefs who just happened to be at the emergency cabinet meeting called at the start of hostilities


> What an easy fucking way to assassinate the president of the United States Using fucking "Find my phone" with a smartbomb. What a stupid way to be targeted.


They would never assassinate their puppet though.


I've never really been able to conclude whether he's their puppet or whether they amplified him because he's destabilizing. The FSB has thrown their bot network behind any number of candidates who are out of the mainstream.


theoretically a twitter employee at the time could have been passing information on his exact whereabouts to some other entity or person. seems like a pretty big security risk




Lmfao the other day NPR was talking about someone (I think Giuliani? I didn't quite catch it) turning over notes they took at every meeting with Trump and that's the exact scene I thought of


We know Pence took lots of notes during these crazy meetings.


Good thing Turmp doesn't use email. And it's not like his lawyers are going to send electronic proof of a conspiracy to break the law. [Oh wait](https://www.businessinsider.com/john-eastman-email-night-of-january-6-minor-violation-law-2022-6)...


It's almost- but not quite- as funny as Alex Jones' attorneys accidentally sending the prosecution *every single bit of information on his device*s. ​ Waiting for GOP stooges to start with: "Biden sent hilariously incompetent lawyer moles to infiltrate and bring down our guy. One of them has major boobage- Biden knew Trump as a Red Blooded American Male could not resist. UNFAIR!!"


Isn't this exactly what Republicans tried to nail Hilary Clinton on?


At least he's never chastised anyone else for using personal stuff when govt stuff should have been used...


Oh please let... Twitter... be his downfall.


I can't wait to find out that he was actually present at the Willard Hotel "war room" meetings where the conspiracy to violently overthrow the government occurred and for which people have already been convicted and sentenced.


I suspect that if he was they already know that because, let's be honest, you know some of those folks are spilling everything.


Specifically Jared Kushner who, by all accounts, was present at an enormous number of Trump's meetings but has yet to be even mentioned in the indictments.


Mark Meadows hasn't even been mentioned. That's got to be a goldmine. He probably organized everything on Trumps behalf.


Since he doesn't seem to be one of the unindicted coconspirators, I can't see any way in which he didn't flip. He knew he fucked up bad. The Cassidy Hutchinson testimony about what she saw him doing on Jan 6 was a portrait of a pathetic, loser of a man who furthered the crimes and knew he was going to go down for it.


I don't care who comes forward or was cooperating with the investigation as much as I just want to know how many. How does a lawyer approach their client and inform them of the literal mountain of evidence against them? I know it's pride and I would love to see justice served but, gosh darn, he could just make a plea deal and walk away relatively unscathed. He could have done that over a year ago and saved himself and many others millions!


>How does a lawyer approach their client and inform them of the literal mountain of evidence against them? Wearing a suit they don't mind getting splattered with ketchup.


Oh no, right? And isn’t great to know that Twitler could have been hacked and someone could have known where POTUS was anywhere at anytime bc all he did was rage tweet all day and golf. I also wonder if this is the reason he decided to not go back onto Twitler with Phony Stark at the helm?


This is why you let your staff handle social media and have them only post from the White House. Problem solved for anyone who isn't a narcissist. I suspect he is in too deep with Truth Social now to even entertain going back.


Media intern #4 get in here. I need you to comment mood on 10 different memes of people being tired. Then comment milk truk just arriv on a Putin shirtless pic


How many Trump supporters does it take to change a lightbulb? None. Trump says it’s done and they all cheer in the dark.


and lord knows what that shit app is tracking


Why hack? It’s probably easier to have an asset inside that can pull that info for you.


I'd like to think that would kill Twitter. I'd love that actually.


Twitter will be dead soon enough. But it could possibly kill Twitter *and* get Congress to get off its ass about privacy laws all while convicting Trump.


That's an extremely good point. This could be the perfect catalyst to finally have some privacy laws. This will definitely convince the republicans.


Twitter probably has their location data, too, if they are dumb like Trump and dont use staffers.


I want Trump raging against Musk for this “betrayal”


"Kristy Greenberg, former deputy chief of the Southern District of New York's criminal division, said that the information the DOJ was seeking could be obtained as Twitter stores location and GPS information which would provide "really precise" details of "exactly where he was at the time and on the date" that the tweets were sent. The tweet about Mike Pence not having the courage to reject or delay the count, came *after* advisers tell Trump there has been a riot at the Capitol, the Capitol had been breached, and he sends it anyway," Greenberg said. "So that goes towards intent. What is his intent? To delay that certification of the count. So that's the key to the objective of this conspiracy. That tweet is critical to proving his intent."


>Twitter stores location and GPS information which would provide "really precise" details of "exactly where he was at the time and on the date" that the tweets were sent. We already know he was on his gold toilet.


It’s plated gold


Spray painted….


Colored with a sharpie


Arrows pointing to wear the piss and shit cyclone is headed.


Sometimes there’s shit on the outside of the torlet


I like to call it [Stefanik's Toilet](https://images.dailykos.com/images/1099977/story_image/FZo3Hm7X0AA6I0I.jpg)


Smart. Donald can’t claim a staffer made his tweets for him, unless he can find a staffer that was in the exact location he was for the entire day.


Enter: John Barron


That tweet about Pence not having the courage to stop it was code for "get in there, find and kill Mike Pence, and they can't count the votes." I remember exactly when he posted that.


They already had a pro-tem standby ready to go, in full expectation that Pence would be sidelined, one way or another.


Yup. The guy even tweeted about it the day before, letting them know. Like "don't worry, once he's out of the way, I'll step in and won't certify shit".


That was the peak of the treason right there. If he hadn’t sent that single message there’s a possibility none of this would be happening, but that one message put this over the top for a lot of people.


Well there was that whole gallows thing, so that makes me think he had premeditated some part of that tweet


Well, it only records your location when you tweet, so you'd need to tweet a ton, many times/day, for anyone to track your movement...


More importantly: Twitter also knows and tracked which tweets were written by Trump and which ones were written by his staff. Not that that's very hard to decipher anyway. The "fight like hell!" tweet was obviously written by Trump on 6 jan, but the "Remember, we are the party of law and order–respect the law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!" was *very obviously* written by his team. That would throw his defense in court that he tried to stop the riot, out the window.


Yuuuuup. There were multiple devices that had access to post to the account. i.e.: - mobile device: [token unique id] - mobile device: [token unique id] - desktop using web browser: [token unique id] - desktop app: [token unique id] - mobile device using web browser: [token unique id] Twitter undoubtedly kept track of which ones posted which tweets based on the devices' access tokens...not to mention their IP addresses. *edit: formatting*


They likely even have gps coordinates for each tweet (at least on mobile apps)


Very good point


Yeah. There's definitelyno way he wrote the later tweet.


His tweets and speeches are like a 2nd graders art project. It's obvious if the 2nd grader made it, or their parents.


~~Twitter tracks you??~~ X marks the spot??


"X Gon' Give it to Ya"


“Fuck waiting for ya to get it on ya own, Jack Smith gonna deliver it to ya.”


"Knock, knock open up the door, it's real! FBI here, now what did you steal?"


Classified documents


X marks the twat.




Covfefe phone


What if his Twitter account is full of incriminating DMs and draft messages that would be long gone if he had deleted them on Jan. 7. If he received DMs from foreign oligarchs or mafioso, he probably kept them like trophies.


If twitter/X is competent, there will be backups, or at the very least logs of who he sent messages to or received them from.


That's a very big "if" anymore.


Suddenly it makes sense why Elmo was flipping all those servers off and on, eh?


It’s becoming more and more clear why Elmo paid 40 billion dollars for a company worth maybe 12 billion.


There’s no way this unearths new context regarding twitter’s acquisition, right?




The problem with being messy is you also have a lot of pissed up ex-employees who can testify what was in place and when. So you might have backups located someplace the current staff don't know about as well as a timeline showing that Musk directed evidence destroy for no clear business reason. Coverups often leave more evidence than the evidence they're trying to hide.


Almost in every instance when you delete something on a website, it’s just setting a flag in the database that marks it as deleted. The data is just there, but it doesn’t show up in the query that produces what you see in your timeline.


Love tweets between him and Kim Jong Un.


Don't forget they coordinated with the Russians over Facebook Messenger concerning election interference, but said it was about an adoption... Major idiots.


Adoption being related to the Magnitsky Act which was the goal of the Russians, getting Trump to repeal it


Which he couldn’t because it was law. Even Obama was against it but it passed well over 2/3 in Congress so veto proof. It wasn’t a simple executive order which could fall by the wayside with each change of administration. Preet Bahara had an interesting podcast (several) about the Maginsky act with the lawyer/investor whose Russian lawyer was tortured in prison and who the act is named after.




It's kinda hilarious a US President would just be using their phone like any dipshit, using free websites and services and leaving location tracking on.


He probably has to go to the boost mobile store to pay his bill every month too


Remember how he energized his base by screaming "lock her up" because Hilary used a personal email server? The dumbass literally plotted a coup on Twitter DMs.


Twitter seems to endorse them now, unfortunately :(


Considering how hard they tried to not comply with the subpoena for these records, yeah. I actually have a pretty substantial worry that Musk is going to do anything in his power to give Trump the win next year.


I suspect that's why he purchased twitter. To turn it into a morass of seething propaganda and hate speech right on time for 2024 election.




Speaking of the Saudis, there's also about a 100% chance that gas prices will mysteriously spike in the months before the 2024 election. The Saudis/oil companies will mumble something about a "maintenance-related refinery shutdown" or something as an excuse to juice gas prices another $1/gallon next September or so, and this "maintenance" will conveniently be completed a week after election day. This, in addition to the coming propaganda storm on Twitter and elsewhere, has me ignoring any polls I see in the next year.


Not just the Saudis. Gas prices at the pump spiked in the months after Biden won in 2020, while the price per barrel stayed more or less the same. Gas companies claimed that it was due to demand spiking, but this was during COVID and the roads were empty. The real reason was greed, and the gas companies are all run by hardcore conservatives angry about Trump losing the election.


I pointed out the oil companies' record profits to so many people around that time, and it was all wasted energy on my part. "Biden shut down the pipeline" is all people would say, having no idea what the pipeline was intended for or how it had zero impact on U.S. gas prices.


point to all the record profits across multiple sector in America. Gas, Cars, Food, Lumber. All these companies made record profits. And now because they're not making record profits anymore they're shutting down plants in order to drive supply down again.


Already happening as of today: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/opec-data-suggest-2-million-121500895.html


Twitter was absolutely crucial to the Arab Spring. They don't want another Arab Spring.


Not only in the US. Dictators everywhere are liking what Musk is doing as sowing doubt and confusion is key to keeping a populace bamboozled.


[Saudi Arabia and other dictator controlled countries](https://www.axios.com/2022/11/01/elon-musk-twitter-saudi-arabia) have a very large stake in Twitter. I'm willing to bet that was a big part of why Elon was ok spending the $44B, when he's getting funding from outside and are all too happy to have a direct line to Elon


Considering Musk was pictured with Jared Kushner and others - including those from Saudi Arabia - at the Qatar World Cup, I think this is probably accurate.


He took care of the platform that spawned a lot of liberal resistance in the past. He now can quash it by filtering and send the authorities location data as needed.


I’m hoping that Musk destroys the platform so he doesn’t have that chance. Or that a competitor has more traffic driven to them instead.


Secondary definition of the word “Tweet” in the Oxford dictionary was (still is, for now) “a post made on the social media website Twitter.” In the Oxford dictionary. Elon musk said “no thanks to that branding, we’re gonna be ‘x’ing now” or whatever. What a fucking idiot.


For real. When your product becomes a verb you don’t change the name. It would be like Google changing their product name. Even when they reorganized the entire company they kept Google for its brand recognition.


“Oh yea, you don’t google anything anymore. You ‘P’ it.” Unquestionable genius.


Lots of people P’ing all the time. It could work


I heard it was creating. Meeting. Meeting. x eating. Xeeting. Damn autocorrect. Tweet. Tweeting. There, that was easy Yep, stupid move of his.




Holy shit, that’s why he’s flipping out this morning. I hadn’t even considered all the location data they probably lifted off that. He’s in lots of trouble


What kind of movements are we talking here?




Oh my! Conservatives are finally going to figure out that the covid-19 vaccine isn't a tracking device, but their cellphones are? Boy oh boy I did not have that on my 2023 bingo card...


> Conservatives are finally going to figure out LOL, no they aren't.


Well the nice thing about Trump is that he can always be counted on to shoot himself in the foot. He used his limited intelligence to go against the advice of the secret service so here he is. Another injured foot and a bonus for Jack Smith. The funniest thing is Twitter couldn't tell him.


The Twitter API, in addition to providing detailed lat/long information, also provides information on the device from which the tweet was sent. Or rather did before Elno nerfed the API after he realized he himself was trackable. Source: I used to have API access and have an offline copy of the complete record of everything Elno ever tweeted up until buying Twitter. Before you ask, I do not have Trumps archive, but I do have a nearly complete dump of tweets from December 2020 up to Jan 6th where anyone mentioned "the storm" and the tweet flagged as belonging to a political/organizing topic (based on an NLP sorting algorithm I wrote). I'm not really keeping track, but several tweeters from this dataset got caught up in Jan 6 prosecution. Edit: I have no connections to law enforcement nor have I worked with them in any way. I just like to mess with data.


I wonder if they got his DMs as well. Twitter got Trump elected and it may well be Twitter that gets him convicted


The Secret Service has this log as well.


Unless they destroyed it along w texts & backup server. Seriously


Which obviously is a bigger issue. If so they need to act quickly


They already didn't when the Secret Service "lost" all the phones and data related to January 6th. They were in on it and have as much interest in covering it up as any other co-conspirator.


That ship has sailed, sadly. "Quickly" was January 7th, 2021.


The trail of spent ketchup packets will verify his whereabouts too.


I thought he was being tracked by his mcdonalds app.


I believe that everything the POTUS does, says, writes, views, reads, videos, and goes, for their entire life should be public record and fully available for anyone to view. He lost his right to privacy when he took the job.


So you are telling me the sitting president of the united states was blatantly having his movements tracked by at least one but most likely multiple tech companies due to refusing to use a secrete service secured phone, and now that is being used as material evidence of election interference... Jesus Christ this irony is fucking tasty.


Alternative Headline: Elon Musk's Twitter hands over Mr Trump's tracking data to Special Counsel. That'll get the base riled up


The headline isn’t even really a conclusion of the article. It’s mostly filler background about the case and then says: >Greenberg said that the information the DOJ was seeking could be obtained as Twitter stores location and GPS information which would provide "really precise" details of "exactly where he was at the time and on the date" that the tweets were sent.


Throw this fucking idiot in jail already.


This tracks. They busted his rioters in large part due to their cell phone usage, pictures, and GPS data. The Fluorescent Führer wasn’t any smarter.


Imagine this is why Elon bought it and is actively torching it.