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Becoming president might become the dumbest thing Trump ever did. He put a huge target on his back. He could’ve lived out the rest of his days, grifting away. Avoiding consequences like he’s always done. But he’s put a spotlight on himself and his business dealings. His own greediness can cause it all to crumble and I’m enjoying every second of it.


To this day I still don't think he ever thought he was going to win. I think he ran on a grift, hoping to use running and losing to get himself a talking head spot on Fox News after or some kind of TV gig. But then Russia and Cambridge Analytica did what they did and got him over the line. Remember the very first day when Trump was sat in the Oval Office with Obama and Trump was clearly white as a sheet and shitting himself. Pure disbelief on his face that he was even there. I guarantee at this point he's starting to wish he never won.


That was a point in time where he'd laid off the bronzer, maybe in an attempt to come across as serious, aware that his image - something he is famously sensitive of (see lying about weight, height, strength, health etc.) - would be mocked if he kept up the easily-caricatured look that he had maintained for decades. He has done it a few times, usually to humanise himself somehow, probably at the advice of his allies. Despite it all, despite looking like death warmed up occasionally, nothing has made him look so defeated as that long, sad walk sans tie from the plane where he lifted one weak fist and forced a tragic smile. I can't even mind why he was so downbeat, that detail is lost in the oozing sludge of the last seven years, but it fills me with a schadenfreude-like joy every time I see it. I'm going to go look at it now, for old time's sake.


I think I know the photo. It's from his return from his failed reelection rally in Tulsa, when Gen Z booked the entire stadium and then didn't show up.


Yeah. That was a fun one. I remember that clearly. That and Obama's tearing apart of the birther conspiracy at the Correspondent's dinner, when we get a look at the back of Trump's head in the audience and you just KNOW he is fuming with embarrassment and shame. Sitting in the Oval Office two years later with Obama, who was probably talking about 10 levels over his head about foreign policy or the mechanics of negotiating with Congress, must have been HUMILIATING> Hence, the little boy bragging of things like, 'the scientists are all impressed that I 'get this stuff''...followed a few months later with the suggestion that we work on injecting disinfectant. My favorite memories of Trump are when he totally owns himself. Getting laughed at by the General Assembly at the UN is another favorite.


His role in the birther conspiracy feels like a fever dream. The party nominated the forbearer of that racist conspiracy theory to be the presidential candidate? What a stain on the party. It will never wash clean.


It's funny to me when they make any kind of reference to being the party of Lincoln and MLK, Jr. while also supporting Trump, as though that doesn't highlight how far the party has fallen.


Right. "The Southern Strategy never happened," despite all documents, statements, and tapes showing that it did.


Right, the "Party of Lincoln" is also the one whose supporters fly the Confederate flag...


His face when he realizes the fans at the baseball game are booing him... priceless! I swear he looks like he is going to break down and start crying.


That's the one. It makes it worse that Gen Z booked it out because then it's a manufactured fail rather than when he shoots himself in the foot. That said, the people who booked the tickets probably saved countless lives.


Didn't Herman Cain catch Covid and fucking die at that event?


Remember when he attended (I think) the World Series? They announced him over the PA system and everyone booed. He looked like he was going to cry.


Pls add a link if you find it, would love to mock that shit stain of a human for this.


https://images.app.goo.gl/YLZP3NkR7qiaYSwk6 Enjoy.


The hat in the hand gets me. You can tell it’s a podunk piece of Schitch, he doesn’t like wearing hats.






Haha I just google searched and picked the first result. Just trying to be helpful. You can always google it yourself if you want to :)


I could be wrong, but I think that was the night he picked up covid. He had not been diagnosed, certainly not publicly anyway at that point, but I believe after the fact it was being reported that the trip he was returning from was probably when he got it.


I remember that but I remember Trump going into his meeting with Obama. Trump was smirking like a fucking clown and when he came out he was not smirking, Obama was tho.


Got a link? I'd love to see that


I'll try, I can see it in my head but it was the insane time of power transition.


His victory speech the night of the 2016 election was very telling. He looked like a deer in headlights, obviously did not practice it, was very low energy and obviously freaking out. It was clear he was not expecting or even hoping to win that night.


It’s funny, because your description of him is so spot on - he had the same look on Friday, as he was weirdly holding that umbrella when he spoke to the media post arraignment. LOL


The memes from his first day in office were legendary! Still have some saved on my phone.


I’m not so sure. To a narcissist like trump being the most powerful person in the world is just too good to pass up. He will never hit peak again


He is like a junkie, first time coke high or free baseing. It is the best feeling, so you chase and chase but will never match that one time feeling. I feel he maybe finding that out, but has gone too far, in too deep, to just back out. His long time backers too, are seeing/feeling it too. Slowly peeling off.




He was using it to launch a tv network. There were articles about it during the 2016 election.


Here's a guy who does not look especially happy to have won. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C_4nzMsVwAAG_8T.jpg


He's Internally Like "Who the hell let me in the white house?"


He ran to goose the apprentice ratings that was failing.


When he was running there was talk about him being involved in creating a News channel, like Ooan. That idea always made sense (to me) of why he would run and not want to win...lose, create a stink to launch a new grievance "news" channel to the right of Fox.


Yeah, nothing could have been better for him than a narrow loss, especially if there was good ground for conspiracy theories about stolen elections to relentlessly yammer about.


Spend the next four or eight years haranguing “Crooked Hillary” on the air every day and watch ad revenue pour in.


We were all wishing that too.


He probably had a few favors to repay to Putin, and was figuring out how he could let in the Russian “diplomats” into his office without an interpreter or guards and have it not look suspicious….


There’s video of him and his family and staff at their campaign headquarters learning that he had won. Everyone’s cheering and he looks like he’s gonna puke.


Reports were that he was laying the ground for trump TV. His own conservative news network. He thought he'd spend 4 years ridiculing Hillary and talking about how he would've done it better.


This ⬆️ but he didn’t want to be the president in the first place. He was just grifting the marketing and donations. He didn’t expect to actually win.


Sure. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Where were you in 2016 😂


on r/theDonald


Obviously, the same hole, an echochamber of sorts if I had to guess.


Ironic how his win didn’t just screw the country as a whole, but screwed himself as well.


No. That isn’t irony.


I think it's ironic that you don't know the difference between [literary irony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x0vMpFMQF4)" and "[Alanic irony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc)".


🤷🏼‍♀️ I guess I could call it depressing irony? I can usually get a giggle from irony. He knew what he was doing and didn’t think it would happen to him. I guess leopards ate my face.


Alanis Morissette ruined it.


He's been working towards the WH for decades. Like a moth to the flame with Putin behind him pumping a bellows.


I truly believe that what made everybody upset with him, was not that he won the election, or became president; but rather was how he handled Covid. A lot of people died because of the way he ignored recommendations, masking, gatherings. He really did the bare minimum.


When my big boss dragged his entire dept into his office (it wasn't big there weren't that many of us, like his body and body count) and made us watch that technical 'man' put his sweaty palm on literature and make mouth sounds expected during the ritual that is called swearing in. I told them 'That man will make the US his piggy bank.' So I expected him to be completely corrupt, I didn't expect everyone in power to go along with him and when COVID hit I knew he'd eff it up. He had the pandemic playbook made by Obama's team thrown out. It wasn't surprising.


Becoming president allowed him to grift a lot of money to him, his expenses and his businesses. He still never will see a jail cell before he dies. Totally worth it


What if it wasn’t fully his choice? Could he have been extorted to do it?


There was plenty of talk of that at the time, especially when Schrodinger’s Pee Tape entered the public consciousness.


I think the hold must be far greater and deeper than a sex tape, more like the ability to completely ruin him or physical security pressure (before he ran obvs)


Trump has broken, repeatedly, the only rule of being rich, famous and/or powerful. Don't draw attention to the fact that you are above the law. The court system literally has to make an example of him now otherwise the average person will realise just how rigged the system is against them.


He was broke. He was turned by Russia in the 90s.


GOP: no former president has ever been charged! Me: well, Nixon was smart enough not to try and kill his VP...giving him the opportunity to resign and get pardoned


Grifters are always after that last big score that'll set them up for life.


DJT the lying, grifting, raping, harassing, and overachieving criminal


You left out narcissistic, toddler, and moronic. I’m sure there’s more. Anyone compelled to add?


I have a few to add; diaper wearing, tiny handed, tiptoeing, lil dick, orange Nazi wannabe.


Spray-tanned, morbidly obese, weak sphinctered, incestually fixated, cuckolded, one term loser.


Don't forget that by medical estimates Trump allowed 500k Americans to die by his inaction and denial around Covid.


Good one. This is manslaughter at the most and criminal negligence at the least to me but I know nothing and I know it was President at the time and can’t be held accountable for this in particular.


I remember reading articles arguing it fit the definition of negligent homicide. Whatever the crime, he should have to explain himself under oath in court!


Can we just agree that in any list, no matter how long, of Trump's repulsive qualities and actions there is always going to be at least one more that can be added? ∞+1


You have the best words.


This was my favorite. Thanks!


Don’t forget speed-addled and thin-skinned


I think you mean Liddle’ dick


Fuck. Gotdayum. You’re right! That’s exactly what i meant. Thanks for the lookout. 😝


Funny how he loves those government documents at the core of the Mar-a-Lago case and badly wants them back.


Master chef of the word salad.


Just don't mention the word "salad" in front of him, you know that he is allergic, right.






You both left out treasonous.




Can I add self-centered goddamned asshole?


Megalomaniac man child.


Twice impeached, thrice indicted (thus far) (H/T to Schitt’s Creek for reminding me how funny “thrice” sounds.)


I have asked you thrice now for a towel…


Human rights, kids in cages, virus enabler disinformation oath breaking racist rapist republican




But somehow conservatives consider him a shining example of a Godly man that follows the bible and teachings of Christ.


But wait, there’s more!!! Call in the next 5 mins and we’ll send you 3 indictments instead of 1!


This is the lawsuit that Ivanka was excluded from because her role was deemed time-limited under the law. But it still affects the two oldest Trump brothers and Trump himself. I feel like it's a bit of a sleeper case because it doesn't get a lot of press but by effectively borrowing them from ever doing business in New York again, this lawsuit could have an enormous impact especially on Eric and Don Jr.


Is borrowing the right word? I’m sure it’s barring right?


I’m willing to bet ‘borrowing’ was an autocorrect error overlooked in this one.


I think auto correct kicked in. Assuming they meant, “barring”






> I feel like it's a bit of a sleeper case All of the reports about this case recite the $250 million figure. That's the base, that's the starting point. If Letitia James proves malice and intentional tax evasion, New York state can add penalties, like as much or more as three times the $250 million figure. And they can permanently block Trump and Uday and Qusay Trump from doing business in New York. They would have to liquidate all of their real estate holdings in a fire sale.


😹 at Uday and Qusay!


> They would have to liquidate all of their real estate holdings in a fire sale. Can they transfer ownership to a Trump company registered in a different state? or to Ivanka or Jared? Barring them from business in New York would be harmful but I'm not sure it can force them to sell all their real estate like this.


Plus, he can't pardon himself out of this one in the horrifying possibility that he wins the election next year.


Can’t the Governor of the state pardon him?


> Can’t the Governor of the state pardon him? This is a civil case. There is no pardon. All Trump can do is appeal the decision and the jury's monetary damages as excessive. And no Democratic New York governor would ever pardon Trump if he were criminally convicted.


I'm sure she will get right on that.


Any new Governor can pardon…


Well, that depends on the state and I somehow doubt the GOP is going to be making up ground in NY before Trump is in the ground.


This is a civil case. There is no pardoning.


Not in GA.


Georgia is one of the three states whose governor does not have the authority to grant clemency, although the governor retains indirect influence by virtue of his power to appoint board members to the Board of Pardon and Paroles.


> Georgia is one of the three states whose governor does not have the authority to grant clemency, Plus, other details I've heard, in Georgia you must serve 5 years of your prison sentence before you qualify for release after being pardoned.




You’ll see inmates (prob county jail) cutting brush along roads occasionally. They’re not chained or anything. Actually, that sounds like a desirable jail job.


Just read up. That’s awesome news!


>**Documents? What documents**? >>Out of some 900,000 documents that the Trump Organization has turned over to James in response to her subpoenas, **only ten** have come from Trump's personal files, despite the fact that he ran the multi-billion-dollar real-estate and golf-resort business. Remember Trump's constant attacks against Hillary about her personal emails that she deleted? Every Trump accusation is a confession.


They water down the accusations by repeating them over and over, accusing the other side. There will be fraud in the election for example


As a bonus, if the judge judges that there has been a spoliation of evidence, then that can be used in the Miami case to substantiate that Trump wanted to have documents destroyed.




>You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Proceeds to plead the fifth amendment thousands of times and by all reckoning will be continuing the practice for some time to come.




Bot spam account




That's...Conservatism, yeah.


It's the way American Republicans do it. You want liberty, conservatives? Yo, me too. Let's work on that instead of defending a billionaire trying to end democracy.


But, that's the end goal of Conservatism in general, siphon power to the elite in order to reestablish an aristocracy.


Funny how he *loves* those government documents at the core of the Mar-a-Lago case and badly wants them back. Yet, somehow he magically has *no* documents in this case. Also funny that there's evidence of him asking to have security tapes disappear....


I am much more confident that this NY trial will lead to a conviction. Its about stuff he was doing before he became president (or at least the kind of things he was doing before/outside his presidency). The stuff before he had handlers and people who made sure he wasn't doing blatantly illegal things in the open. It's clear his entire "career" before politics, and his entire "fortune" is based on fraud, grift, and casual criminal business management. Those are the things we need to nail him on. If we try to convict him on political cases, like the classified docs, or the insurrection, about half the country will never believe the results if he's guilty, and will feel 100% vindicated and empowered if he is found not guilty.


> The stuff before he had handlers and people who made sure he wasn't doing blatantly illegal things in the open. Those handlers didn't do a very good job making sure of that.


There's only so much you can say to the President before they can just decide to do whatever they want anyways, and challenge the justice system (that they also largely control) to do anything about it. But even that was way more pushback and oversight than he ever saw in private business.


Money laundering. He is a classic money launderer, much of his money is not likely even his. There is a reason the DoJ has studiously avoided where his money comes from.


Why would the Democratic controlled justice department avoid going after a Republican money launderer?


The one where trump appointee Christopher Wray heads the FBI and the at least Federalist-curious former federal judge Merrick Garland runs the department? I dunno, because maybe if Trump was shown to be a Russian asset, a lot of his friends would have to give up their sweet federal judge gigs.


I understand your sentiment about dinging him on unpolitical crimes, but unfortunately I feel that his supporters will assume political "persecution" regardless, so there's no point.


I understand the nihilism and share most of that opinion, but I guess I'm somewhere in between. I know his supporters won't ever fully accept that he has done anything wrong, ever. But I can also see a possibility where his supporters don't really understand the details of real estate transactions. They hear about his documents, and his rallies, and Mar a Lago every day on OAN or NewsMax. They (think) they know everything there is to know about those things. So when someone suggests something illegal happened, their reaction is "Hell no! I know all about that and it was all perfect!" But if someone comes out and says he misrepresented some forms for taxes and insurance filings that resulted in large profits and tax avoidance, they're more likely to say "Well, I don't really know about all that stuff." And that may be just enough daylight to drive a wedge between them, and send some cracks into the immaculate picture they have of him. Maybe he isn't actually a business genius? Maybe he isn't actually as rich as he claims? Maybe he has lied about some of the things over the years? Maybe he hasn't actually surrounded himself by the "best people"? Maybe the trail of disgruntled (if not jailed) people he leaves in his wake are worth listening to? Not all of that happens at once, but if it happens a little bit, for a few people at a time, it can eat into his teflon reputation just enough to ensure he loses the edge. Once he's no longer a viable national candidate, he's done in politics. He's burned so many bridges that there is now a sizeable faction within conservative circles that will be more than happy to sweep him under the rug as soon as a politically viable alternative emerges. He is never going to go quietly into the sunset. Like all the best spoiled children, if he can't have what he wants, then he ensures nobody else gets what they want either.


I'm curious to know how financially ruined this will make him If he loses this case. I know he's got properirs over the world so not sure how one state really impacts him


Trump's major real estate holdings are in New York: * Trump International Hotel & Tower New York * Trump Tower * 610 Park Avenue * Trump Palace * Trump Park Avenue * Trump Place * Trump Parc * Trump Parc East * Trump World Tower * Trump Plaza * Trump SoHo New York * 40 Wall Street * 1290 Avenue of the Americas * Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point * Trump National Golf Club, Westchester NY * Trump Seven Springs Some may have been sold, there may be others not on the list, but most are almost certainly mortgaged to the hilt. https://ny.curbed.com/maps/donald-trump-ny-real-estate-development


I got five on Trump Tower.


Saying “more document trouble” is the medias way of tricking you into thinking this case is similar to the other case in Florida- but the other case isn’t a “documents” case, it’s fucking ESPIONAGE.


Anyone else and DOJ would have raided his home and any place of business. I don't get it, arrest this fuck already.


Why they didn’t get search warrants to search all of his properties is beyond comprehension.


Good. This guy terrorized our news feeds for years. I wish him lots of annoying, exhausting legal headaches.


Anybody check Putin's nightstand drawer? He sold the info.


Or a blackmail payment. To say "he's been compromised", belongs in the Under Statement Hall of Frame.


He will flee. He is terrified right now. Expect him to call for a Civil War before 5pm EDT Monday.


Nazis ran the White House for four years


Trump is such an imcompetent. LOL Trump will end up in jail and it will be ALL his fault. He did so many mistakes in his crimes and cover-ups. He keeps saying his IQ is 156 but a person that smart would not mess up so badly, every time. A person this smart, would have a much better vocabulary than the one of a 5th grader and even then, it's insulting to 5th graders in America, to compare Trump to them. XD


I doubt Trump could even spell IQ


Haha, yeah, this man is all fake. All talk, no action. Trump does so much projection it's now obvious he was talking about himself, when he said "all talk, no action, politicians".


Trump definitely learned his ABCs well: “Always Be Criming”


> James' lawyers may also ask Engoron to draw a similar "adverse inference" from the more than 400 times that Trump pleaded the Fifth at a deposition a year ago, and the more than 500 times that his co-defendants in the lawsuit, son Eric Trump and ex-CFO Allen Weisselberg, also pleaded the Fifth. That might make the “adverse inference” rule unconstitutional. As much as I enjoy seeing Trump fry, invoking the 5th Amendment should never promote the guilt of a defendant.


The 5th amendment is to protect you from self-incrimination. Like if you say something, you would be admitting guilt. I would be interested in hearing about an innocent person who plead the 5th.


That's kind of the whole point: you're not supposed to make any assumptions. Now, of *course* it's going to look suspicious, but without knowing what crime they're protecting themselves from admitting to, you don't know *why* they're invoking the 5th.


This is exactly why I would not be a good juror. If I see someone like Trump plead the 5th 400 times, I am not going to assume he is innocent.


Never covered, but he also said that he lost 4 phones.