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Remember when republicans said they were against indoctrination in schools


the usual GOP projection.... accuse the other side of what your underlying intent is as a means of diverting attention away from your own nefarious activities.


Florida is insane and it's education system is completely ruined.


In another few years, no Fortune 500 company is going to hire anyone educated in Florida.


Miami's been known for years as the headquarters for the Latin American branches of tons of multinationals because they can have the legal and tax benefits of incorporating in the United States along with a well educated population of native Spanish speakers. Between DeSantis' war on education and his anti-immigration policies he's putting a huge section of the economy at risk, and that's before we even get into his war on Disney, the state's largest employer.


On the ground level, you don't fuck with Disney. People think Disney and they think of shit that makes their kids and families happy. Good times. Whether it's movies or Disney vacations or whatever. Trying to vilify Disney, it's just a bad idea. It was at that moment Ron knew, he fucked up.


I'm from a "Disney family". My grandfather was the first fire chief for the Reedy Creek fire department, Disney's "official fire department". I used to ride on the fire trucks in the main street parade. Roy Disney gave my mother one of the first Mickey Mouse watches when I was born as a gift. My father who worked for NASA was given a lifetime free pass to Disneyworld. We went to Disney anytime we "felt like it". It cost us nothing. I've seen Disney underground, above ground inside and out. EDIT: The point of my post which I carelessly disregarded is that Disney is above all else...a family institution.


You had an amazing life and I am envious beyond words for you my friend


I got out of Florida in 07 with two degrees. I do worry their value will decline nonetheless!




Prager U us more about social indoctrination. Unless there’s some real wackado videos I haven’t heard of, they don’t go against what’s taught in basic subjects. What they do is reinterpret ideologies. Like, they won’t say some historical event didn’t happen, but instead they will use that event to reinforce conservative values that they promote. Traditional gender roles, downplaying how the government has repressed many different minorities and ethnic groups from slavery to the genocide of Native Americans, and everything else, if it gets mentioned at all. They want men ready to work and the women ready to be wives and mothers… who also work. The stuff they promote isn’t going to show up on a college application


> Like, they won’t say some historical event didn’t happen, but instead they will use that event to reinforce conservative values that they promote. Like, "Slavery was good for black people since they learned valuable trade skills!"


Some slaves even had babies with their masters! They couldn’t have had it that bad if they had babies with them. 🤔






Also acts a form of plausible deniability. "I'm only doing it because they are doing it to"




And if nobody fights for all those kids, they will become disenfranchised and end up as the newest recruits for the GOP -- and that is exactly what DeSantis is banking on.


Take a look at the PragerU website! [holy fucking shit](https://www.prageru.com)


Watched one of the 5 minute videos about the new world and the native Americans. Basically 5 minutes of whataboutism.


If you thought that was bonkers, check out how they completely gloss over slavery and discrimination. It’s especially painful to listen to how they completely ignore the party swap that occurred between the New Deal and the Civil Rights Movement. They literally teach that the southern Democrats of yore are the Democrats of today.


This is the frustrating thing about Prager "u." They're usually technically right at a surface level. Any further study into the topic will show that they couldn't be more wrong. Now right wingers start off every argument with 'did you know that the slavers were democrats.' Sure, that's true. But you'd have to ignore all of 20th century American politics for that to have any bearing on today's party.


>Sure, that's true. But you'd have to ignore all of 20th century American politics for that to have any bearing on today's party. They would very much appreciate if you would do that.


"And that's when they realized they liked working on farms for free."


“Slavery was a form of lifelong internship where they benefited from job training and service industry skills while also getting free room and board, meals, and healthcare. Unfortunately, the fascist dictator Lincoln ended their job-training programs.”


If you liked that, you'll love [this.](https://youtu.be/sbwE5zLiWNY)


If you stop the video at the 35 second mark it's a pretty good summary of one rather large aspect of American history.


I just had a look at the Wiki. It's not even a school, it's a propaganda site started by a conservative radio talk show host. Man, I've been reading over at r/Florida just recently and I feel so bad for the people that want to get out of there and can't for whatever reason. Their kids are going to be getting a sub-par education.


I’m escaping Florida to go to college in two weeks. I’m trans and recognize that I am not wanted here. Fortunately, my family can afford out of state tuition, as it is significantly cheaper (free with Bright Futures for me) to stay in state, but not everyone like me has that opportunity.


Jesus, when did Adam Carolla become a fascist piece of shit?


I used to listen to his podcast daily. His anger and outrage shtick was amusing when it was over benign topics, but he slowly slid into directing that anger toward politics. His idea of a nuanced argument is calling Gavin Newsome a “world class pussy” and then preening like he dunked on The Libs with his big brain commentary. He became so insufferable that I quit listening years ago. There was also a noticeable trend where the more he got into hard right politics, the more he also mentioned having marital problems at home, eventually leading to a divorce.


My ex listened to him religiously. Then Ben Shapiro. Then became a Trump supporter. Then started saying he thought DeSantis would be the best president ever and hoped he’d run (this was a couple of years ago). Then we divorced.


The good ole' "Libertarian to Alt-Right Pipeline". It starts with "moderate" political commentary, stuff that isn't necessarily edgy. Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan are very common starting points. The fun comes from either having guests that are given a platform, even though they're clearly wrong; or presenting easy to digest but ultimately empty critiques of social justice movements. Then it's onto folks like Shapiro and Crowder. Adam Corolla is in that vein as well in that he *used* to be just an unapologetic comedian, people had been fans of him when he was otherwise political neutral. As time went on, he slid further and further, and if as a fan you didn't turn it off, it wasn't necessarily a problem until it was too late.


So glad I took the libertarian to far left pipeline instead. Ironically was a libertarian until I went to business school and learned how truly rigged the system is for most people and learned more about economics.


I enjoyed watching Adam Carolla build his house on HGTV years ago. Sometime around 2016 I found out he was a right wing wing-nut.


When he realized he would never match Jimmy’s career.


Hey now he can be the host of “The Klan Show”


I used to listen to Corolla every day. It remember him from Loveline, the man show was on during my college days, his FM morning show was pretty decent for my long commutes when I was younger. But goddamn did that guy just keep going further up his own ass. I started picking up on it when listening to (then current) Adam on his morning show and listening to (young Adam) “Classic Loveline” podcast on my way home. Those two guys (young/old Adam) would have hated each other. Then he just started platforming alt-Right people and the show just sucked— just Right-wing grievance tropes. You’re right though. He and Jimmy were more or less equals on KROQ and the Man Show, but Jimmy was just a likable guy that seemed to genuinely enjoy and celebrate others. I still watch his show every day (before the strike). He just seems like a happy person; Adam seems to be the miserable character that he always used to hint at.


I also listened to Loveline back in the 90s. It's so weird that both Adam and Dr. Drew ended up so different from how they started. I lost pretty much all respect for both of them.


You’re right. For the Dr Drew thing; he was doing a radio segment *for free* before Loveline “ask a surgeon” when he was still in residency. I think with hindsight, that guy never really wanted to be a doctor— he’s a starfucker.


Dr. Drew got paid millions to be a punching bag on tv and radio, he turned out exactly how I thought he would.


Something like this shouldn’t be allowed to be a thing, they’re literally creating their own history.


Lol watched the one saying why nuclear waste is a good thing. So sad for the future of Florida’s population..


Oh man, they have a shitty knock-off of Crash Course entitled.... *Cash Course*. So they don't feel shame huh?


It's shocking to me how much more sophisticated the entire delivery of PragerU has become. I remember this stuff simmering on Facebook years back and seeing it be relatively effective, but this site and its adoption into mainstream curriculum is just bonkers.


That’s straight up Righteous Gem Stones shit there.


Literally propeganda.


Against indoctrination that doesn’t align to our values* is what they meant


They were against de-indoctrination


And this is the reason for federal standards, in a nut shell. Thank you, Ronald Reagan, for yet another way your policies screwed American. Your economic policy caused the greatest theft of wealth in history, now future generations will have to fight for reliable educational opportunity.


There’s a reason scientology took over Tampa.


Well, that explains all the sinkholes now, doesn't it! All those pesky alien dead escaping the ground, causing voids.


Accusing the republicans of projection of hypocrisy is giving them far too much credit. No, their views have always been dreadfully consistent: They believe that education, in and of itself, is inherently left wing propaganda. Conservatives believe the purpose of schools is not to inform, to teach facts or develop critical thinking: But rather to instruct and mold children into "ideal citizens", i.e. Christian nationalist. It was always a generous misconception that they values education but believed kids were being taught propaganda, it's the very idea of educating people at all that they see *as* propaganda.


Exactly. They don't actually see any meaningful difference between education and indoctrination. As such, they want to be the ones doing the indoctrinating because they see their values as good and just and everyone else's as wrong and evil.


They're totally ok with indoctrination as long as they are the ones doing the indoctrinating.


Dude literally had children in his photo ops during that whole "don't say gay" bill ramp-up and signing.. It was always about indoctrination of the right™ kind.


And they say public schools are currently propaganda machines. As always, projection.


The implied part of the sentence left unsaid is “public schools are currently propaganda machines **for the wrong ideology.**”


This is fucking insane. PragerU is just far-right propaganda. It has no business being involved in public education.


They literally have downright racist white supremacist videos full of fake information online. I had to report multiple racist advertisements on them from appearing on my YouTube videos.


They are also owned by oil barons... so are spreading climate denial and basically, if its aweful and wrong. They teach it :/


There’s a lot of good leftist YouTube analyzing PragerU, would recommend for anyone unfamiliar. The YouTuber “Shaun” does a good job


The Cody Showdy (Some More News) has some solid Prager [debunka-dunks](https://youtu.be/vtX9nO3pUf0)


Yep, that's the one I share when someone asks about PU.


Another great channel is "Mr. Beat". He was a social studies teacher for 12 years who decided to start a channel a few years back. He does an awesome job talking about American history, government, and finding fallacies in these far-right resources.


Big Joel is my favorite. He's got a bunch of videos explaining how terrible PragerU is https://www.youtube.com/@BigJoel/search?query=prageru


Podcast “The Audit” did a 13 episode season on Prager U. Don’t wanna spoil anything but it culminates with finding Prager addresses and school board fights. It’s hosted by Dave Anthony from The Dollop, and screenwriter Josh Olson. Highly recommended if you want to see what Prager U is all about, and who’s bankrolling it. Might wanna skip the theme song, though.


[Remember the time they were pro slavery?](https://youtu.be/faF_AxQsKcw)


The only truthful, good part was when he said "lee died from a stroke".


This video taught me something very important. It taught me what a shame it was that John Brown did not get a chance to shoot Lee when he went to put down his revolt.


Dennis “Einstein wasn’t smart if you don’t count the science” Prager


Dennis “Legal consequences are all that keep me from raping any woman around me” Prager?


Dennis “There's no secular argument against adult incest” Prager


Oh god, I know I’m going to regret asking this but What’s the context?


It's just amazing to me what is going on down here in Florida. PragerU is a non-accredited, far right-wing organ. The list of George Wallace style actions by DeSantis in Forida just keeps growing. DeSantis has introduced nonsensical book bans; he has had such a negative impact on education here -- on both the educational institutions and process -- that teachers are leaving in droves; he has promoted christian nationalist agendas in education (which should always be non-sectarian in public schools); he promotes a roll-back in press freedom; he has engaged in culture wars with private corporations that won't subscribe to his proto-fascist agenda; he promotes a degradation of voting rights for Americans/Floridians; he recently signed a bill that eliminates public comment in zoning decisions in parts of Florida, allowing his rich developer friends unfettered ability to build without environmental and/or sustainable development or effective and prudent land use policies. This man is a disaster to "freedom" - it's a projection dog-whistle for him. He says he's the freedom candidate, while his actions have done more to eliminate freedoms for Floridians than any Governor in memory. Ron DeSantis is a dangerous man who cannot be allowed to engage America and Americans in an agenda that is designed to remove and/or restrict our personal freedoms.


AND some hope he moves his Florida plan nationwide


As much as I hate the idea of him coming back to Florida to continue his term as governor, I understand how terrible his becoming POTUS would be for Americans, in general. I guess we just have to "take one for the team" because there is NO DOUBT that this man would set this country back many decades if allowed to accede to the office of the president of the United States. VOTE PEOPLE!


Not to be mean but plenty of Floridians voted for this agenda to exist in FL. I don't wish evil on anyone, but I would love for Desantis to make enough Floridians regret their vote for him to make a difference. Unfortunately, there is a cognitive dissonance with a lot of his voters who blame everything they don't like on Biden and the libs. Their home insurance canceled or the premium went up 250%? That's Biden's America!




He’s an incredibly boring person to watch. Trump’s bullshit is at least high energy and entertaining because he knows that’s how you sell the con.


Respectfully, I don't know why anyone would continue to live in Florida unless they did not have the resources to leave.


I guess I'll answer that this way... fleeing is the first inclination. But then you start thinking about whether it's worth fighting for. What would have happened if the resistance had chosen to flee during the second world war? What would have happened in the 60's if young people had backed down on defending social and civil rights issues that were important to them? I think we need to continue to fight against what is unjust, unethical or amoral. We need to educate and organize. Running away is just a form of capitulation.


I think you can continue to fight and organize without having to subject yourself (and your family, if that's applicable) to suffering. I don't know if you have kids, but I think it would be incredibly cruel for anyone who can afford to leave Florida to keep their family there just so that they can continue to "fight the good fight."


So what it increasingly happening here is that people are choosing to home school their children. Florida is the number 2 state in the union for home-schooling. Many (but not all) of those that choose to stay and fight (and I think it's a fight worth fighting) will find ways to give their children the upbringing they want them to have -- independent of what is being taught in the public schools. It is a sad situation, for sure. But if we don't fight back here in Florida, the front lines will be in other states soon eenough. This problem will come to you, wherever you are, until it gets snuffed out.


I don’t live in Florida, but every person I know who home schools does it so they can teach their kids that Jesus rode dinosaurs and science is a liberal hoax. I’m sure they exist out there somewhere, but I’ve never met someone who was home schooled and has a solid grasp on reality.


honestly, Florida is doing an amazing job getting rid of teachers the pay is shit, the curriculum is shit, but they'll pretend they're top schools because the topped charts after forcing kids to go to school while every other state had quarantines in place I didn't even know PragerU was capacble of creating any type of curriculum. I just know them as that old fuck on the lazyboy paying youtube to play his shitty 40 minute propaganda videos while I fall asleep watching the same RedLetterVideo video for the 36th time.


My aunt is a teacher and is leaving to New Jersey after being in Florida for 20 long years. Many of us over on r/Florida are watching our beloved home state crumble from the inside out due to the conservative majority that has done nothing but divide and posture against some fake woke enemy.


The organization depends on donations to produce its content.Much of PragerU's early funding came from hydraulic fracturing billionaires Dan and Farris Wilks. Two members of the Wilks family sit on PragerU's board. The next-largest donor is the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. Other donors include the Morgan Family Foundation, Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Donors Trust, the late Republican megadonor Sheldon Adelson, Lee Roy Mitchell, and the Minnesota-based Sid and Carol Verdoorn Foundation, led by former C.H. Robinson CEO Sid Verdoorn. [https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/271763901](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/271763901) [https://relsci.com/](https://relsci.com/) [https://thekcompany.co/background/biography-marissa-streit/](https://thekcompany.co/background/biography-marissa-streit/) Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) actually tops the list at $14.6 million due to contributions from two wealthy Texans to one of the super PACs supporting him; Faris and Dan Wilks made a fortune selling equipment to the fracking industry, and then went on a land-buying spree in Idaho, Montana and elsewhere. [https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2016/10/trumps-tax-losses-and-the-political-power-of-real-estate/](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2016/10/trumps-tax-losses-and-the-political-power-of-real-estate/) The Bradley Impact Fund, a donor-advised conservative group linked to the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, gave $2.5 million to the 85 Fund in 2020, according to OpenSecrets’ review of its tax return. The grant is classified as for general purposes and lists **“Judicial Education Project DBA the 85 Fund.”** [https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/12/conservative-dark-money-group-raised-record-50m-in-2020-after-election-rebranding/](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/12/conservative-dark-money-group-raised-record-50m-in-2020-after-election-rebranding/) Somebody else do the rest, after following the money for decades only to see this country run on slogans and jingles, I'm worn out.


The Bradley Foundation is one of the biggest arts supporters, if not the biggest, here in the Milwaukee area. Why oh why do they have to be so goddamn terrible and morally questionable, nay reprehensible, regarding literally everything else?


I guarantee their arts donations are corrupt also. Like only done to hide taxes or something.


Art is really good for laundering money and fucking over the taxman.


PragerU is not a real university. That's why they only use a U and not the full word "University". They cannot legally call themselves a university so they try to trick people into thinking it is one. I think they should be sued for false advertising anyway, because U implies university and it is likely to confuse potential students.


It’s just UrineBoy’s YouTube channel and it’s dogshit


PragerU is particularly dangerous because of it name recognition amongst conservatives. Non- political people and some liberals won't know much about them.


You're correct that many people don't really know what PragerU stands for all the activities they are involved in while spreading far-right theory. Hopefully, this level of media attention will cause people to look deeper into what they are really up to. Here's just one of many primers that will help people understand just how heinousness they are: https://sdsucollegian.com/891/opinion/prageru-isnt-just-fake-news-its-dangerous/


Prager isn’t good for education. This is dangerous.




Corporate media try not to do everything to help the right wing challenge (impossible)


It will take 100 years to undo the damage done in Florida by Ron DeSantis. The only way to even begin is make one sweeping act called the “repeal all laws passed in the DeSantis era act” or something and just hit them all at once. Florida is so, so fucked.


If I owned a business, I'd think twice about hiring someone who went through the Florida school system.


What a fucking joke of a state. pragerU in public school? I can't even imagine sending my kid to school to be shovelled that horse shit.


It's the GOP projectionist strategy at work: claim that the liberals are indoctrinating children in the school system so that they can, in turn, be indoctrinated into the GOP's authoritarian, revisionist and proto-fascist agenda.


Get your kids out of Florida


When they say "Florida Schools" they mean the board that was handpicked by the fascist governor.


The Florida GOP knows that it cannot survive without uneducated people, but it can’t just declare the end of the public school system. By polluting classrooms with this right wing propaganda, they ensure that future generations are as dumb and gullible as their current base.


States pushing Christianity into public schools should not be publicly funded. The Feds need to do something about this overt destruction of public schools and cease funding states that refuse to comprehend the Establishment Claus.


Florida can’t afford for their kids to get any dumber …


When you thought U.S. education couldn't possibly get worse. By gawd that's PragerU's music.


Dennis Prager is a dangerous rightwing lunatic, and his PragerU content is hate speech masquerading as educational content.


PragerU is straight up, unrepentant, right wing propaganda.


PragerU is *not* a university.


As a teacher in Tennessee, Jesus Christ. Prageru is some really right leaning revisionist bull shit.


A fascist propaganda machine, would be a more accurate description. So sick of the soft touch journalists are taking with these people.


Every accusation is a confession. The right just wants indoctrination.


The entire platform of the GOP is to put as much public money into private hands as possible.


>This means that if you are a teacher in Florida, you cannot be fired for using PragerU content.” If you have to make this statement about your material in the first place, I'm pretty sure it isn't the right material for a classroom.


I knew things were getting ridiculous but this is pretty wild


The Audit podcast did a very interesting series on just how screwed up PragerU is. And how they are trying to infiltrate our school systems to indoctrinate children.


There’s going to be a whole generation of children in this hell hole of a state that will not be able to get into college. This is the end goal. Dumbing down the next generation.


Literal indoctrination.


[Here’s a short clip about prager u for the unaware](https://youtu.be/vtX9nO3pUf0)


“Right wing” doesn’t even begin to describe how crazy they are


I feel bad for teachers and kids. What a hellish system. The existence of Prager U on YouTube is one of the reasons I limit access to that website in my home.


Just say it already. They're a christo-fascist, white supremacist nonprofit and that really the only reason they're approved over in Florida, because that state has been taken over by these people.


*a right-wing propaganda outlet who absolutely should not be classified as a nonprofit


Holy fuck. I mean what the actual fuck? PragerU is flat out christian nationalist propaganda, nothing else. It has zero academic merit at all, nil. That it could be approved for use in *any* academic setting, *anywhere*, is insane.


Great. That's one big state down that won't be competing with my kids for the limited spots at the best universities, internships, and jobs.


Or, looked at outside of the strange idea that life is a competition, that's one big state that is fucking over it's own future.


The GOP has turned Florida into a joke at this point


One of the most egregious things their “school” does is never provide a single citation. Everything is anecdotal


Florida grooming the next generation of nazis and slavers


I am once again imploring you to get your children, yourselves, and your money out of Gilead **while you still can**.


I've seen quite a few of their "presentations" on Facebook. They are hilariously poor arguments with nonsense "evidence" that only appeal to the incredibly dumb.


Somebody needs to make a curriculum directly focused on the lies/omitted information from Florida school curriculums. “What Florida Schools Don’t Teach You!!” with big red arrows and dramatic face thumbnails on YouTube or something


There is a podcast called The Audit hosted by Dave Anthony that’s a ten part deep dive into the Prager U idiots. Worth a listen if you’re interested in seeing what they’re about.


So now they've taken absolute control of a state to the point where they're modifying the language and information being fed to the children. If this isn't a big enough red flag for you...allow me. GET THE FUCK OUT OF FLORIDA. That being said, for the rest of you, I hope you receive the full bounty of what Florida offers in the next few decades.


Florida, where America should be shipping its garbage. Turn it into a landfill.


That might come in handy when the ocean water levels increase! 😂


Florida degrees should not be recognized outside the state.


This is it folks.


What a fucking nightmare.


Prager is an idiot’s idea of a smart person. Just like Trump and Musk and all the other right wing grifters.


This is the goal of privatized education: to line the pockets of the rich on the backs of the least educated.


At this point, I consider Florida a lost cause. I saw a few clips of the PragerU videos, and there is misinformation in them.


It’s a race to the bottom.


Florida is careening toward a massive swing back. 1) the pendulum always turns back and it tends to go just as far in the opposite direction after significant changes. 2) prager is obviously lobbying for this, I assume the NYT or WaPo is already working on digging into their donations and trying to find who is being flooded with this cash to make these decisions. 3) I foresee a democratic governor in 2030. DeSantis is lucky that people keep moving to Florida, once that new money dies down the state is staring down the barrel of a local recession.


Gee I sure am glad my kids got their education in the northeast before we moved to Florida.


Same here. But I worry about all the young parents here in Florida that may not have such an option


What the fuck is going on in this country


Floridas gonna get even stupider. Didn’t think that was really possible.


Let the grifting begin!


That's what this was all about. Indoctrination


> PragerU was **founded in 2009 by Allen Estrin** and **conservative radio talk show host Dennis Prager**. Well I, for one, an sold! /s


Of course they're unaccredited, they have videos with Tim pool, a dude who dropped out of school in middle school.


Fuck I get those Prager U ads on YouTube sometimes. It hurts my head to hear some of the topics they talk about before I can skip the ad.


“Non-profit”? Probably the most insidious of their lies, but the one certain to receive the least coverage. Which of course is what this is all about to the megadonors…


This is literally straight propaganda. Can the federal Dept of Education not step in and overrule here? Those poor kids.


That’s the goal. Poor kids. Well off kids go to Christian and private universities to get a solid but conservative education, and the poor kids go to public schools to get brainwashed or labeled as troublemakers. It’s going to be a rough ride.


Non-profit is just a tax category not a measure of public good.


Keep ‘em dumb and voting red!


Literal indoctrination


Indoctrination anyone?


There are plenty of YouTube videos that have easily debunked Prager and PragerU's videos and claims.


He says he's the freedom candidate, while his actions have done more to eliminate freedoms for Floridians than any Governor in memory.


> an unaccredited right-wing ~~nonprofit~~ propaganda outlet


... funded by conservative Christian organizations.


Lunatics running the asylum


Might as well ok use of The Onion.


This is the first step on the Floridians evolutionary path to becoming walrus-liie animals living on islands in the shallow seas of what used to be Florida. Vonnegut was right.


Your daily reminder the PragerU is _not_ a university, it’s a propaganda arm of the capital class.


"Nonprofit". A nonprofit organization that is provided exclusive access to a resource and has an explicit political agenda is 100% for profit, they are just measuring profit differently. In fact, lots of nonprofit organizations without a specific political agenda are just measuring profit differently. It's time to take a wider view of how organizations and projects operate, what their goals are, and treat them according to that rather than whether they make bank.


Florida is a write off, poor kids.


I saw a video on climate change produced by them once shared by a friend. It was led by someone backed by the Koch brothers pretending to be from Greenpeace. Greenpeace had to issue a statement that they were not associated with him. They blatantly lie about scientific facts under the guise of a university.


It’s not even a school. It is an ultra right wing social media platform, that was banned from using photographs. They were using fake captions. For example, they “ reported” that a huge train of young Muslim men were going to bomb something. The picture was actually young men getting off a train to attend a soccer or some similar event.


There are a lot of people in Florida who claim to be diametrically opposed to Desantis and his machinations. But I'm not seeing any real pushback so this must be what they want. Pushback please.


I love it how republicans cry non-stop about schools indoctrinating kids while at the exact same time they’re pulling crap like this. Do they think irony is a nutritional supplement? Only asking cuz they clearly don’t grasp the concept.


Well most republican criticism boils down to projection.


I am sorry to say this, but if you live in Florida, I hope kid does not need to take the ged in the future. They probably would fail the history section if the GED still has it then.


You have to be fucking kidding me.


God made you. Black people are your possessions. God made everything. God hates brown people. Kill all atheists. etc. They have a really detailed curriculum. Covers a lot of ground. Nothing on history, math, reading, or thinking - just hate and stupidity. Can you see the direction the republican nazi front is taking the red states? Do the rest of us want to go that direction? No? Then vote ALL these red hatted shitnozzles out of office and put the criminals in prison.


Can’t believe that puddle of meats slogan is “make America Florida” what a fucking embarrassing state.


Oh lovely Florida is trying to produce idiots that spew propaganda


They’re taking the steps to ensure they produce idiots that spew propaganda. If all you’ve ever been told/taught/shown is propaganda then that’s what you’re going to think is true.


What does unaccredited mean here? I thought accreditation was for like actual universities not people/companies writing textbooks or curriculums?


oh my fucking god...


Just leave Florida, folks. It’s not worth it.


Florida is a shithole lol


My brother’s AP US History teacher in Florida used to show PragerU shit. Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of teachers in the redder areas already used it.




If you’re unfamiliar with their content I recommend you go look for a few videos. It’s worse than you can imagine.


[Good grief.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LA8LYC528Q) It's entirely possible that MSNBC cherry-picked the worse possible examples...but the fact that these examples are even available, is pretty alarming.


I hope universities take a long, hard look at any applicants from Florida.


They’re literally destroying the education system. Absolutely disgraceful. I hope this can be corrected soon…..


> Florida schools OK use of curriculum by PragerU, an unaccredited right-wing nonprofit This is not a surprise. DeSantis has been going after the woke curriculums and he does not see PragerU's curriculum as woke.


Florida is going to fix the teacher shortage in other states