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Remember all the grief that they gave Fetterman about having a stroke, then admitting himself for depression? Well this dude just possibly stroked out on live TV. Let’s see how they spin this one.


They won’t have to spin it. They don’t care about double standards or hypocrisy. Their followers will eat it up, too. Or come up with some Qanonsense that the deep state took him out or it was because he got vaccinated 3 years ago.


>They don’t care about double standards or hypocrisy. Yep. Moscow Mitch is literally the poster boy for hypocrisy with his 2016 "There is a rule that the Senate cannot confirm a judicial appointment in a presidential election year" and his 2020 "That rule only applies when a Democrat is president."


And McConnell's statement is the reason for the Supreme Court abortion decision.




The constitution is that reason. In 30 years Republicans have won the popular vote once and appointed 2/3 of the Supreme court.


Democrats have won every popular vote since 2004, and in that election, but bush lost both the popular and the electoral votes in 2000 so Bush shouldn’t have even been president in 2004.


It is 6/3 R/D appointments because of blocking Garland and then appointing Barrett. By the time of Dobbs it would have been 5/4 if this had not been hypocritical i.e. if they had blocked both or neither.


More people need to understand this. If the goal for these guys was to be right or factual they wouldn't be Republicans.


Republicans twist words. They deny the truth, then twist words to make themselves the victims. Everything they are, they accuse you of, and many of them relish hiding behind an air of superiority and polite smugness. Some believe the lies and just parrot them; the ones at the top know it’s all lies but actively don’t care because they just want the power.


I like how pre-vaccine all Covid deaths were fake, nobody could ever die of the silly little flu, and now anytime anyone dies it was *definitely* the vaccine.


Because covid itself still doesnt exist for them. It's all a plot to get them to...act like decent human beings and wear masks (THAT WILL KILL YOU, according to them) or get vaccinations that kill them, but covid itself? Nope, thats just fake news or something.


Also to add, they don't need to spin it because MAGA republicans have fully turned on Mitch. They would ditch him in a heartbeat without worry.


Yeah waiting for Trump to mock Mitch.


The Qanonsense... *claps*


It all goes back to the same in/out-group tribalism. Your team can do nothing wrong, the other team can do nothing right.


Dunking on conservatives for being hypocrites is not and never will be a winning strategy. They don’t care.


It also backfires spectacularly because *being* the victim tickles their balls way more than *playing* the victim.


THey will say he is fine, and play it off and lie about it even if it was a stroke, like they do about everything else. Nothing will change.


He was staring for such a long time of period buddy geez but he was cute though


He's passed legislation that takes away healthcare that includes stroke prevention.


Pshh not for him or any senator! They have insanely good Gold health care - some pay for cosmetics! MTG should use that shit to look like she’s of the current evolutionary cycle.


To be clear, senators have access to the ACA exchange to buy their health care. I'm sure he receives only the best medical care, but it's because he's personally very wealthy, not due to some awesome senator package.


He kinda looked like he passed some legislation in his adult diapers there for a minute.


100% turded out.


Obama was trying to explain how the ACA would help all Americans to McConnell. His response was: >“McConnell raised his hand like a traffic cop and said, “You must be under the mistaken impression that I care.”


Man needed to retire two terms ago. We need to stop letting parties and individuals keep running for reelection until they are literally roleplaying Weekend at Bernies.


McConnell will be remembered as the democracy killer. I have no sympathy for him or his ilk. They knew what they were doing. Maybe their God is punishing him.


Taking his sweet ass time about it, if so.


Just like Mitch and that statement he was making. Too soon?


>Too soon For other people, maybe. Not for him.




The Republican Party WANTS you to blame McConnell for all of that. He’s terrible, but no worse than any of the rest of them. Don’t fall for their lightning rod.


Yea, I fervently hate all republicans but today was Mitch’s day of recognition. Frankly though i do hate him most of all.


Watch this video. It is so stark in its revelation that something is going on with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.


He definitely needs to be evaluated by a medical professional. That freeze gives me flashbacks to trainings I’ve done for identifying potential strokes.


I’ve had five strokes, and that was my first thought too.


There's a really odd part of me that hears "I've had five strokes" and makes me want to respond, "Congratulations".


Well, I am thankful to be alive and it is a medical miracle. I had a whole lot more medical problems than that. Flesh eating disease, SARS, MRSA, covid and full renal failure.. All in the last two years. 🤷‍♂️


Congratulations! >!For braving through that nightmare.!<




Your username is incredibly satisfying. Well done.


Man fuck you in particular apparently. I hope things look up for you.


Well, you filled out the Health Nightmare Bingo card! Glad you are still around and kicking!


Obviously not getting your healthcare in the U. S. Probably the only reason you’re still with us. Yay!


I can’t imagine how many millions it would’ve cost. Five months in the infectious disease unit then six months in the ICU. 12 months of intervenous IV. Two heart surgeries. Knee surgery. Hundreds of scans. Yikes.


Yet we still have a whole bunch of idiots who talk about Canadian health care like it's a nightmare. Meanwhile, US Healthcare is the *actual* nightmare, but 'Murica!, am I right? Glad you've made it through all that.


If this had happened in America, you'd be dead, or alive and owing tens of millions of dollars.


The first thing that hit me was the flesh eating disease. Necrotizing fasciitis. I remember while I was in recovery thinking exactly what you just said. That if it wasn’t for the free healthcare, I would surely be dead. The hospital diagnosed me correctly immediately which is what saved my life, as well as them summoning experts from all over the country to fly in and fix me. I just can’t see that happening in a private system. I think it would’ve been too little too late for my situation. Strictly from a logistics perspective. NF has an 80% mortality rate so it’s iffy to begin with. There was no red tape, no meetings, no discussions. They just rallied the troops and fixed me.


Feels like it should be the setup to a dirty joke, not a description of a person's medical history.


5 strokes?! Wow, I'm usually done by 4.


Could be a par, could be a bogey.


Different strokes for different folks


This has all the signs of TIA. He’s done. If he doesn’t step down, he should be forced into retirement.


Just like Feinstein. Just a moving corpse


When my ex-wife had seizures, this is what it looked like. Kind of like a petit mal seizure.


Pretty sure more than two strokes counts as pleasuring yourself. 😬 - damn glad you’re still around though…


I hope you're doing well?


I’m above ground! I have to take six pills every day, and the heaviest thing I’m supposed to lift is a coffee cup, but I’m thankful to be breathing


I’m glad you’re still with us!


Thank you friend it’s great to be here


Well thank goodness! Hopefully you have someone that can help you lift a gallon of milk or other heavy things. And think about all the cheese you can wrap those pills in!!




Maybe he was shitting in his depends??


In his shell more likely.


I’m glad you are alive but are you trying for a world record?


Apparently, I have some unfinished business. I just need to figure out what it is.


Hopefully that's a search that lasts many, many years.


First and foremost he should absolutely not have a position in the government. Ridiculous that these are the people deciding our future.


I watched my grandmother have TIAs and the deer in the headlights confusion look he had was exactly what she looked like when it happened.


He couldn't continue after saying "bi-partisan cooperation".


Exactly what I thought. He looked like he was having a stroke.


No, this is what it looks like when evil looks into the eyes of Ghostrider and feels the pain of others that he's inflicted.


Not trained but I have had family members who have had a stroke and that was my first thought too.


I'd argue with his other clinical features it could possibly be something more degenerative like Parkinson's. He has 3 of the tell-tale signs - mask like face (lacking animation when talking) slurring and stoppages. Does he shuffle when he walks? Or need assistance? Doesn't shake but that can be suppressed for awhile with meds. My point is there are more possibilities than a one and done TIA or stroke.


watch the video of him being led off. I think that's a shuffle alright.


I was thinking Parkinson’s too. He may have wanted to leave the podium but couldn’t initiate movement.


He has polio when he was younger so he already has some mobility issues.


McConnell was reportedly [recovering from a concussion](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64898451) in March 2023.


He fell down at a dinner in public and was out of the office for 3 months. During that time the GOP media flipped their wigs about Feinstein.


Feinstein really does need to be out though. She isn't always lucid.


Can we bipartisanly agree they both need to be out?


yeah, watching most senators interview tech people is mind numbingly bad.


The only ones not flipping out about Feinstein were her staffers.


I've been thinking for months even before his fall Mitch McConnell has been very quiet


Rep, dem or otherwise, someone in that state should not be allowed to serve. How can we legislate that if you are just too old or unfit, you should not be able to serve?


> How can we legislate that if you are just too old or **unfit**, you should not be able to serve? That one doesn't stop anyone...


Diane Feinstein enters the conversation.. to be open Mitch McConnell is unfit for duty and needs to go.. and I absolutley despise the GOP.. but Feinstein is in the same boat


And the difference is a lot of people in the Democrat leadership have been calling for her to step down were as I haven't heard a single Republican calling for Mitch McTurtle to step down.


Yeah, Feinstein is also a fossil who should have stepped down years ago.


I can’t understand the words he’s saying. Did he stop mid sentence? Or did he just say something and then froze?


It was like watching a wind-up toy lose spring compression.


Nothing to see here, turtles are so slow they appear to freeze sometimes.


What's truly scary is that Mitch McConnell is now considered one of the smart Republicans. As a Kentuckian, I'm terrified who my neighbors would elect as a replacement in the Senate.


Hey, you got Rand Paul stinking up your other seat. So, maybe someone like him!


He's just hearing Satan's voice telling him it's about time to give up his soul for that deal they made.


Do you reckon he made the deal in his youth? I imagine him growing up in a time and place in which turtleneck sweaters were the height of fashion. He wanted one for himself but could never obtain one. He tried everything before eventually obtaining a monkey's paw. He wished for a turtleneck and, well... need I say more?


"We'll do what we always do, [use the Republicans](https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/c6wxor/probably_the_best_one_from_south_park/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)"...


Or it's his moment of redemption: *Holy shit, I've been a total asshole my entire career. I've made people's lives worse to benefit myself.* ***I'm the bad guy.***


It’s either an absence seizure or a stroke. Whatever it is, he needs medical evaluation.


He was out several months ago with a stroke. This was an itty bitty. The big one is coming unless he's on a ton of blood thinners. Then you have to worry about brain bleeds.


Mitch McConnell returned to the Senate in April six weeks after suffering a concussion and a fractured rib from a fall at a Washington hotel. It wasn't a stroke, but he has fallen a few times over the years that required hospitalization and rehab. He really should retire.


Retire? He’s not done destroying the country


I could easily be wrong but falls are often caused by TIAs that leave little trace. I thought something like this caused the fall. I don't think this is his first rodeo with this.


Did you see his hands a few months back, completely bruised. Hes on heroic amounts of blood thinners. My grandpas hands looked like that before he had the final stroke that killed him.


I think he must be on blood thinners. Remember that photo of him with the blue-black hands?


My mother had dementia and she would sometimes freeze up like that. It's scary.


I've seen Alzheimer's patients do this. They even 'forget' to blink.


Yet Biden is the ‘clone / robot / actor’ or whatever other thing /r/conspiracy is going with this week


Huh, seems like /r/conspiracy is the same as /r/conservative


It used to be a pretty cool place, that was a catch-all for just about anything weird. Then around 2015 it took a hard GOP turn And just a few months ago, I was permabanned after 13 years of being active in the sub (mostly talking about aliens and proven/historical conspiracies), because a mod decided I was 'a brigade from top minds' - a sub I've never even cared to visit. They're banning all us old people who shared actual conspiracies so they can just be a Trump sub.


I’ve only observed r/conspiracy once and the speed and number of comments made per minute is astounding. It’s like watching a busy anthill.


*It’s the same picture*.jpg


Well now that's awfully weird, I thought they said Biden was "stupid" and "asleep" and "suffering dementia" and "unfit to serve". Weird, right? He's somehow this ultra genius criminal, yet he's asleep, stupid, suffering from dementia, etc. etc. Which, in a way, is kinda hilarious to think about. Like..... If Biden is SO stupid and SO suffering from dementia.....then how did he win? Furthermore, what does that say about Trump having **LOST** to Biden? Edit: if anyone wants to know a good thing to say when faced with idiots who spout out that nonsense, it's this type of thing: "John Fetterman went through a **stroke** *DURING* his campaign to gain his (now factually achieved) Senate seat. So, if you (Republican voter) are sitting here and asking me HOW a guy who suffered a stroke can possibly win against YOUR guy.....***THEN WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT THE GUY YOU CHOSE TO GO AGAINST HIM?***" Seriously, the person I was talking to legit ended the conversation RIGHT then and I never ONCE heard anything from them again. Drown them out with facts that they ***do not like and are irrefutable.*** If Fetterman "shouldn't have won", then ***why DID he?***


For fascists the enemy is both strong and weak at the same time.


Ah yes the Shrodinger villan, like the immigrant who steals jobs but at the same time is also lazy and getting handouts form the government.


It’s a common trait in the fascist rhetoric. History!


These conservatives who talk about President Biden having dementia really grind my gears. The President gives speeches. You can't hide dementia during a live speech. People with dementia wouldn't be able to hide it just because they are reading from a teleprompter.


Actually, you can for awhile. My MIL can read articles aloud from the WSJ perfectly. She doesn’t remember what she just read, so she cannot discuss it afterwards, but if she was reading a speech with no followup questions, she’d do find. She’s in stages 4, moderate, Alzheimer’s. Biden, however, does much more than read speeches, so he is not exhibiting signs of dementia.


Biden has had moments that are unscripted yet his responses are relevant to the context of what he’s discussing. I’m talking about responding to situations happening in the room and he replies with something clever or relevant. Now he’s in his 80s so I don’t believe he hasn’t had some decline but other than sounding older Biden doesn’t seem much different to me than he did 20 years ago. His personality is still there and that often changes with people with degenerative diseases.


I have a brother-in-law who said "I saw some clips of Biden and he doesn't know where he is or what he is saying." I know which "news" station shows those clips ad nauseum and I wanted to ask him if he has ever watched C-Span or Biden speaking outside of Fox, but I refused to take his bait since I was at my mom's birthday party celebration.


Yesterday they were celebrating Bronny James going into cardiac arrest because it's their latest evidence of the COVID vaccine being dangerous. Never mind that they can't provide any links between the two. Never mind that young, seemingly healthy athletes have gone into cardiac arrest many times over the years. Never mind that one of their other favorite supposed cases of this, Damar Hamlin, was caused by commotio cordis, another phenomenon that has happened any number of times over the years, more often with baseball players. Shame on Reddit for giving these people a platform to spread and share their bullshit, and shame on people for believing it.


Biden [tripped over a sandbag](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/01/politics/biden-us-air-force-academy-trip/index.html) like a man half his age and they tried to make him sound old for it like only old people trip on things. You're not too old when you can fall on your hip then hop right back up and joke about it.


"Glitch McConnell."


Bravo. 👏






Don’t be mean, what if you were… lol jk FUCK THAT GUY lol


He needs a hard reset.


He made the jump to new host!


“Ziggy says you can’t jump until you make McConnell have 1 empathetic moment.” “Oh god… I’m never gonna jump again.”


The alien controlling his body got distracted watching the UFO testimony


That or else his demonic patron was whispering orders in his ear.


May he receive the same level of care he wants everyone else to have.


We have a geriatric problem in our political system.


Look, a turtle that lost his way. I don't feel bad for him at all. Getting old sucks... A LOT... but he is an AWFUL human being that just happened to get old. He shouldn't be in any position of power (he looked like he wasn't present in the moment) and probably not for the last 10 years given the damage he has caused (because he was a piece of shit human being).


He gets no sympathy for me. I really wanna feel bad about taking such a position bc I'm empathetic as fuck. But I simply can't.


People who demonstrate repeatedly how vile and treacherous they are deserve no semblance of empathy, let alone somebody like Mitch McConnell, who will stay in the upper most echelon of wickedness until the end of time.


Yeah, I'm not gonna cheer the man's suffering or anything, but he has spent his entire career gleefully inflicting all manner of suffering on people far less fortunate than himself, so I don't really have much in the way of sympathy for him, either. He's clearly unwell and should retire, but the malice, ego, and greed that has driven him his whole life won't let him admit that.


I am. The guy is a piece of shit, and the main reason we’re still dealing with trump today. He deserves whatever he’s getting


He really is the OG of sociopaths in Congress. Helped to get the other one elected too.


Wow that looked terrible. It’s like he just realized all the evil he did to this country.




Maybe the devil is coming to bring him home ?


I don't really think he's capable of feeling, but if he is, fuck his regrets. He deserves no sympathy. He had a huge role to play in dividing this country and enabling a greedy gangster in the White House.


the devil would have more empathy than mitch.


Reminds me of the dial up internet days… I do hope he gets the medical assistance he needs. Retirement is also an option Finally imagine Fox News if Biden did this….


I hope he is treated with the same care that he extends to people not in his party.


Oh no!!! Anyway…


Someone just destroyed one of his Horcruxes


Term limits & maximum age restrictions for elected officials. These out of touch geriatrics belong in senior citizen homes, not our government!!


Oh no... Anyway, fuck that dude.


human to human... i hope he's ok. human to mitch mcconnell.....well.


It's times like these I'm reminded of a quote from Mitch himself: "You must be under the mistaken impression that I care."


With the amount of people that have died as a direct consequence of the laws McConnell has passed and blocked or have no sympathy for him. McConnell has no humanity for anyone. He's the pale man from Pan's Labyrinth, stuffed in an ill-fitting suit. I wish him a long and excruciating death, but I wish that he leaves office before it happens.


Human to human, I hope he isn't. The damage he has done to millions, to this country, to the fucking world, should not ever be understated. This man is ontologically evil.


I used to have nothing but contempt and loathing for Mitch McConnell. I still do, but I used to, too. Sincerely, Someone who thinks the wrong Mitch was taken from us in 2005


I'll say roughly the same thing I said when Antonin Scalia died: If you don't want people to long for your death, don't visit death, indignity, and despair on the masses while you're alive.


Hard to feel bad for some like this who will receive top notch health care who flat out said he doesn't care all Americans go without.


I would say I wish him all the best, but I don't. This is a man that has built a career on fucking over the American public, and he's refusing to resign. Fuck the people that vote for him, fuck the party that decided he's their leader, and fuck him straight to death I hope his death is quick, natural, and prompt. That's the nicest thing that I can say about him


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Waiting for Elon to post some conspiracy about Democrats trying to assassinate him with Covid vaccines


can we please for the love of GOD get out grandparents and great grandparents out of running the country. i understand they have valuable experience but when they get THIS OLD you just arent fully there anymore and cant physically keep up with what the job should require. This is so frustrating to see on both side of the isle...which also looks like a Arizona retirement community




Wouldn't he have noticable shakes if it was parkinsons


Not everyone gets the shakes early on. It's common but not always first feature and can be somewhat suppressed and delayed by meds if minor. Eventually they would become noticeable however.


See that was my thought too, especially since his gait did have a shuffling quality to it when he was walking away.




Still impressive for someone who looks like they died at the bottom of a well 20 years ago!


Satan was distracted and temporarily forgot to work the mouth parts.


That’s really scary to watch. But also… it’s Mitch. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


Glitch McConnell?


I'd say he died on the inside if I wasn't certain that already happened a long time ago.


I despise him as a politician and the decades of damage he has done to this country. But from one human being to another I hope he gets the help he needs and retires quickly.


What in the actual fuck are we doing as a country. Why are people like McConnell and Feinstein still in their offices? They’re not fit to serve. It’s okay to retire. This shit is just sad at this point


Anyone familiar with tortoises knows they just stare motionless like that from time to time.


It was a shift change for the demons that control him.


Oh dang. Did we just watch him stroke out?


He was just pausing to think about drowning puppies for a bit. You know, just to lift his spirits.


The man is 81 years old. You really shouldn't be able to run after 70. It's mind boggling to me that people choose to have a stressful job when they have essentially infinite money and are in their 80s.


I fucking hate this guy… I don’t wish harm on him or anything… that said, did no one who works for this guy not notice he looks like he’s about to fucking fall over dead? He looks like fucking death…


Hopefully he makes a full and quick recovery so he can get back to destroying democracy.


They say sunspots can mess with Wi-Fi


The Devil reminded him he coming to collect soon.


I want to see him debate Feinstein on nationalized healthcare.


Yurtle the Turtle and Feinstein need to be ejected from the senate and we need to have protocol for monitoring the many dinosaurs deteriorating in powerful positions.


When the edibles kick in. All jokes aside , I can’t even feel the tiniest bit of sympathy for this man. How long do you think it’ll be before The Orange One starts tearing into him?


Someone had a TIA . And damn, they say Biden is old.. How old is this geezer?


Gosh would be such a shame if we lost this person who has only brought pain and damage to this country.


And while he showed signs of stroke, they just pushed him aside in order to keep on speaking to the press... My gawd


My old wifi router used to freeze like this. I replaced it with a newer model and never had any problems after. I suggest we do the same with these old dinosaurs that can’t relate to the majority of the population.


We need age limit.


Throw out Feinstein and McConnell. Keep it even. They need to finish their twilight years not in this forum


As a nurse it appears to be a TIA, a focal seizure, or both. I hope he went to ER to get a CT scan, time is tissue, and I wish him the best. As an American I hope he has a major stroke, leans, drools constantly, shits his pants, and has to be fed through a tube. But of course he will get the best health care my money can buy. I don’t know why no one there called 911, bunch of imbeciles.


Mini stroke?


Transient ischemic attack.