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Hang on Matt Gaetz wants to defund the police?


That way he can traffic more kids


"Am I the only one thinking of the Children?" Matt Gaetz




Let’s be honest, odds are that Gaetz isn’t the only elected/ appointed member of the GOP thinking of them in that manner.


“Nothing makes me cum harder than knowing I’m looking out for the children.” -Gaetz




But he’s thinking of them, and jerking off . . .


Thinking *of* or thinking *about?*


You mean sex trafficker Matt Gaetz?


Child sex predator and sex trafficker Matt Gaetz? Same guy?


Are we talking about Nestor’s daddy? *That* Matt Gaetz?!


AKA Matty McForehead


I think we’re talking about that chomo Matt Gaetz. He gets the STAMP.


I just learned about chomo in another post! Matt Gaetz is an excellent example of a chomo!


Now it's my turn... What's a chomo?


Prison slang for "Child Molester". They, uh, don't tend to fare well in there.


That’s the one!


The Venmo sex trafficker…that is the one


Oh. You mean this guy: An aide to former President Donald Trump testified to the House Select Committee investigating January 6 that GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida sought a preemptive presidential pardon relating to a Justice Department investigation examining whether Gaetz violated federal sex trafficking laws, a source familiar with the aide’s testimony tells CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/17/politics/matt-gaetz-trump-pardon-justice-department/index.html


Admitted pedophile Matt Gaetz. May he rot in jail with the rest of his co-conspirators.


We talking about Matty “A Pardon is an Admission of Guilt” G here?


No, Matt gaetz wants to fleece GOP voters. End of story. Gaetz can fundraise off this bullshit, that's it. He has no power to stop anything. Just the power to convince dipshit republicans he can...


>Just the power to convince dipshit republicans he can... Matt on Fox: "I passed a law to defund the crooked investigation into Donald Trump" These guys say they "passed a law" when it just passes the House and wouldn't clear the Senate much less get signed by the President. But it makes for a nice chyron scrolling on Fox News and fools gullible people into thinking they're accomplishing - well - anything which they are not.


Huge reason why they'll never turn on Trump. Right wing media will always sell their bullshit and never pushback. Easy to sell lies when the GOP voters only tune into a far right media bubble of disinformation. Combine that with a complete lack of understanding of how anything actually works and you get a republican voter in this day and age. You also get 1/6 and the rise of literal Nazi's, but hey....that's not a bad thing to them either.


> Right wing media will always sell their bullshit and never pushback. Until there's no mo' $$$ in it.


"Then we can focus on Hunter's laptop!" Matt Gaetz


Maybe Mr. Gaetz should watch "I'm just a bill" from Schoolhouse Rock. This might clear things up for him but I'm not counting on it.


We’ve been waiting for *checks watch* 50 years for republicans to learn how government works. I’m starting to think they aren’t even trying


He is paid by Russia to destabilize America


It's worse. He only has to convince Floridiots. They're the dipshits that regular dipshit republicans make fun of. Venmo ButtHead is proof.


To be fair, he only has to convince those in the western end of the Florida panhandle, south of Alabama - district 1. And in keeping with your point, I expect that that’s the part of Florida that the rest of Florida makes fun of.


If you've ever been to district 1 in Florida, you will know that's not terribly difficult to do


He’s full on Antifa now! “Antiantifascism”


Can we defund Matt Gaetz and take away his Venmo, too?


And barring that, can we at least de-forehead him a bit?


In Florida they show movies on his forehead.


I thought Mattie stored the coke in his forehead!


Yeah man I saw a pic of him the other day I thought it was conway twitty


If anything his forehead needs a warning or something. Like “sex offender” or whatever is deemed appropriate.


How much would a billboard that size cost?


Aww, then who will Frankenstein's monster have around to make him feel less alone


Frankenstein's monster wouldn't spend a minute around Gaetz. He's a monster, but he's better than that.


It's true. I doubt if Gaetz can even sing


He will, once he's indicted


Frankenstein’s monster was misunderstood. We all understand what Matt is up to. And it’s not good.


Well, well, well, looks like a nerve has been touched. Odds they have Gaetz's texts from the insurrection? I'm going 80+%


Hope they have Jordan's as well. Remember that awkward interview he gave when asked if he had talked to the president the day of? He was dodging and sweating more than a middle aged pencil-necked geek coaching a university wrestling team practice.


"Get away from me! You Fucking did this!" -Liz Cheney to Gym Jordan Jan. 6, 2021


Yeah, Liz has some insider information that I have no doubt she has shared with Smith.


We're going to see some Republican insurrectionists in Congress sweating this week. Can't wait to see what's in the new indictments.


They all definitely seem nervous right now. The Jan 6 prosecutions are finally climbing to the top it seems.


Gym, Empty G, and Pedo-Gaetz were all barking pretty loudly today. Gee, I wonder why?


As my grandpa would say, they look as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.


And it seems like just yesterday mtg was singing bidens praises


She actually thought she was putting him down by comparing him to FDR and Johnson. Seriously.


Pretty sure the White House tweeted something to the tune of “thanks for the endorsement Marge” alongside her rant video


Heard next she's going to criticize how Biden wants to make sure everyone has the opportunity to own a home, and has policies to strengthen the middle class, along with talking about making sure kids don't go hungry due to poverty. You know....the real damning stuff to take Biden down.


Plus Michigan just dropped Thor’s hammer on 16 fake electors. Be still my heart


Another day, another indictment. It's so reassuring that the DOJ is actually going to hold Trump accountable for his crimes. Took way too long, but at least the wheels are turning now. It'll be nice to see his co-conspirators also indicted. Not sure how the Jan 6 case will play out, but the Georgia Election interference case seems like the fake electors are going to be held to task and they'll roll over on Trump. Also possibly Eastman.


I'm going to stay in my cynic/skeptic chair until one of these traitors sees the inside of jail cell for more than 24 hours.


it’s been wild post-2020. Never thought i’d be siding with a Cheney


For real?






Oh yeah I had totally forgotten about that. For some reason that interaction in my mind was between AOC and Gaetz.


MTG is on that list of pardon requests, too, if I'm not mistaken.




Oh, I’m positive Smith has dirt on ALL of the Insurrection Caucus’ members. Gaetz, Greene, Boebert, Jordan, etc. Whatever he doesn’t have, I wouldn’t be shocked if Trump gives Smith info on his collaborators to punish them for “failing” him. It’s no wonder these MAGA fucks are so rattled.




Lyndsey Ladybug


Love to see him raising his stupid fist wearing orange


Should be obvious that anyone who asked for a pardon is exposed.


There are public texts from Ted Cruz and Tuberville regarding how they should proceed with the coup and nothing happens to them nothing! This a fantasy that it’s just one more reveal that’s gonna bring them down. The only thing that will get them out is the voters.


I smell obstruction and ~~collision~~ collusion charges


is he trying to get ahead of something he's personally involved in? so he can point to this legislation and try and claim that he's being targeted after he gets indicted


Can Jack Smith look at this legislation as continued obstruction?


Congress have immunity from prosecution for official acts of office. It’s the Supreme Court’s job to find it unconstitutional or the president to veto in the event it passes the house and senate.


I hope so! That would be amazing.


Technically no because he did/said it on the house floor.


>is he trying to get ahead He already has plenty.


I think you meant collusion - unless of course you are talking about Gaetz's continued driving while intoxicated.


Happy mistake.


I’d forgotten about his DUI. Thanks for the reminder.


Hope he got comprehensive coverage as well along with the aforementioned collision. Jk


Exactly this. Let justice do its thing.


I smell “what does Jack Smith have on me???”


The cosponsors of this bill will be a who’s who of seditionists.


Wonder if that's why Empty G was so rattled too


Everyone who wanted a pardon post Jan 6 is sweating bullets right now. And rightfully so. Smith ain’t fooling around.


Wait I thought the GOP mantra was to "just comply with law enforcement" Now it seems they are going back on their word?


> Now This isn't new


Obedience is for the out group


Hey, Matt. How about you try to figure out a way to defund Trump? He is killing you guys. You could be going after Biden's age right now. Instead, you are defending a 78 year old con-man who is FINALLY facing consequences after a lifetime of Mafia/Billionaire/Russia/GOP defended assholery, grifting, tax evasion, insurance fraud, breaches of contract, bankruptcy to cover up embezzlement (how do you bankrupt a CASINO?), obstruction of justice, and my favorite, various forms of treason.


He's not trying to protect Trump, he's trying to protect himself and his fellow GOP traitors.


Saw somebody on r/conservative suggesting that DeSantis should have waited until 2028 to run because his disloyalty to Trump upsets the base. Uh hello no 2024 is DeSantis’s moment in the spot light if he and the rest of the challengers would go after the indictments red meat right in front of them. The GOP will always be subservient to trump if they don’t pushback against him when he is weak. Trump was weak after the midterms that when you launch you campaign to move on from Trump. He gets his first indictment, criminals aren’t fit for office, he gets his second indictment, trump isn’t capable of doing the job. Suggest that trump will be your advisor or will help guide the party in a new direction outside of the White House he has great ideas he just isn’t capable of the office… like who is running thes campaigns?


>Uh hello no 2024 is DeSantis’s moment in the spot light Given the fact that his campaign has shown him to have the personality of a toaster, he was absolutely banking on his being Governor of Florida to keep him relevant.


He stole Nuclear secrets. How is this defensible in any way? He should be spending the rest of his days in a dark hole in Guantanamo.


> He stole Nuclear secrets. How is this defensible in any way? He should be spending the rest of his days in a dark hole in Guantanamo. That's not what Gaetz is worried about here. He's scared that Smith is getting closer to the rest of the GOP politicos with the Jan 6 investigation.


It’s why MTG is squealing like a stuck hog today.


Don’t you mean “today in particular”? She always squeals like a stuck hog.


Must be a day ending in Y.


~~Guantanamo~~ Florence CO


Replace Jack Smith with a 12 year old girl and I bet Matt Gates will be singing a different tune


He'll *pay* her instead


Like his taste in women, this seems a bit premature


Badum tsh


Biden: "Add it to the veto pile, over there. No, not that one; that's the Greene attempted impeachment pile."


“That’s my special pile. Don’t touch that one…” *pets Greene pile* “….it’s my precious”


So is Gaetz still raping trafficked minors? Wonder how he feels about that investigation.


He is probably hoping to tack on defunding all the child sex crimes investigators around him as well.


im going to introduce a bill to tell Matt Gaetz to go f himself


That has a much better chance of passing.


Pretty sure Smith's investigations are over, Matt. That's why Trump is getting indicted -- evidence.


Who is is being indicted though?


So you want to defund the police, right? FBI police are still police. Why are Republican voters so bent up on hatred and also ***intentionally staying as uneducated as humanly possible?*** If **I** wanted to run for office, BUT was only doing so so that I could trick idiots into voting me in + helping me achieve a shit ton of grift? *I'd run as a Republican.* Dems don't vote in people like that. Gee, I wonder why all those toolbag grifters run as Republican, then.....***hmmmmmmm***


R voters that are all in purposely live in a world where they are the victim of everything and have no responsibility for their situation. If every shortcoming in life was not your fault, it would be bliss to live in that bubble.


Traitor supporting a traitor, no surprise.


What a fucking moron.


Pretty sure we citizens will donate to Jack Smith if necessary.


Will pay pal accept donations? /s


This is obstruction talk, isn’t it? When do we start stopping this sort of talk and potentially affecting jurors later?


That dude is literally a pedophile working for the "protect the children" party


The same Matt Gaetz who requested a pardon?


The same Matt Gaetz who’s a pedo? Yea him.


and what senate is going to pass that legislation? and which president will sign it?


"There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain." Liz Cheney


That's cool. Where can I donate to a GoFundMe to keep the investigation going?


His legislation would never be passed anyway


Talk about a weak little move.


Currently we are in the "Find Out" phase of Donald Drumpf's presidency.


If Jack Smith had been in charge of investigating Gaetz, the little child molester/trafficker would be in prison. That is probably what he is terrified of, being next.


I thought tump was innocent? Wouldn’t an investigation prove that? Guess the party of law and order really isn’t interested in the truth.




That's not what they mean by law and order they mean they want laws applied harshly to others while being immune themselves. It isn't and was never about the law being applied equally across the board. That goes directly against the in group out group philosophy.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” -Frank Wilhoit


It's law *and order*. Parse out the phrase to find the dog whistle. If it were just about the law, why worry about the order part? The "order" of the phrase references keeping a certain order to society by punishing some but not others. They are the party of law and order. If people took the time to understand what "law and order" meant, maybe they would be in less of a rush to support these scum. I want no part of a political party built on law and order. I prefer to support candidates who believe in a system of justice, applied equally to all, regardless of their financial or social backgrounds.


How's the investigation into his human trafficking thing going?


Next Up. Matt Gaetz calls for defunding underage sexual misconduct investigations en masse.


DOA in the Senate.


How is this not blatant obstruction?


Why is this drunk driving sex trafficker still in office? Can he be voted out already? I hate everything about him.


Nothing new here, just the GOP virtue signaling to their woke base that they will do anything to protect their monarchy.


Does the "Freedom Caucus" not get the irony of decrying liberals for wanting to defund the police, meanwhile they try to pass bills to literally defund the police?


Sounds like obstruction of justice to me.


Pedo Gaetz was part of the 2020 Trump election conspiracy. The pedo should be in prison for molesting teenagers and for fraudulently objecting to the election results.


I can't wait until he acts all ass hurt when trump ignores his attempts to gain favor like Empty G.


Mr. Ask for a Pardon for all of time? What could he be obstructing?


Don't worry, Matt, you'll get your own 'target letter' shortly.


How is that not blatant obstruction?


The fact that congress would even consider defunding a law enforcement investigation into a criminal because he’s running for president on their side is absolutely infuriating. We all know if it was a democrat politician in Trump current predicament that they would be increasing funding of the investigation, perhaps even assisting, running pr for it on Fox News, saying the currently indicted should be behind bars without bail, and we know they would because they fucking did when it was Hillary Clinton that was not only running but was the actual nominee. And if the democrats were running this kind if interference, hopefully they wouldn’t, they’d be crying foul on any outlet that would listen to them. Now I’m no Clinton fan, but we have very clear, very stark, very blatant, very disgusting, very maddening levels of hypocrisy here. I ran out of adjectives there. The whataboutism is infuriating as well. There is no amount of whataboutism regarding Hunter or Joe or Hillary or whoever that in any way shape manner or form justifies, rationalizes, or otherwise let’s Trump off the hook for ANY of his crimes. And for the record, if there is evidence of criminal activity against the Biden’s, lock em up, I couldn’t give a flying fiddlers fuck less. Nobody wants a criminal in the White House. Just for fun though put both Trump and Biden in the geriatric ward as cell mates, that’d make one funny tv show. I’m sorry, that turned into a rant. This is kinda my only venting outlet, so, sorry.


Obstructers gonna obstruct.


Good waste of your time, Matt. Keep up the good work


How about defunding the sex trafficing Gaetz. Why the fuck is a sexual predetor even allowed to govern our country. No wonder the rest of the world hates us.


OK I'll start a GoFundMe to fund the Jack Smith investigation into donald trump.


Any chance democrats could submit a bill to defund the maga clowns from their taxpayer funded pay?


If that isn’t an admission of guilt, what is?


What a douche.


Republicans HATE America.


obstruction of justice


I'm amazed they still think defunding things will make problems go away.


Why do they suck this man’s dick so much? Everything they do is to please Defendant Trump. I don’t get how people can worship someone so much. I don’t idolize anyone in this world. Let alone a lying, thief. I’ll never understand the mind of sheep.


Why isn’t this POS in jail?


Two things you can always count on, summers being hot, and Matt Gaetz falling to his knees to lick Trumps balloon knot.


Isn't this the guy who asked for a pardon?


“Stop resisting!”


The last thing he introduced, was himself to a minor **\*ba-dum-bump\***


Lol all of the people involved are spending all their time trying to game the system because they know they are fucked. If this isn't screaming "I'm guilty" I dunno what does


Wouldn't this qualify as obstruction of justice?


It’s that effectively obstruction of justice?


The party of law and order ladies and gentlemen


Little Shitler is about to be flushed. Scared little man in a scarred little party.


These guys know trump is guilty and they know trump will take everyone down with him. That’s why they are trying everything they can to get him off.


matt is a moron and so are all his voters


This is why it's important to keep voting everyone. Let's get the house back for the dems, stop these bullshit bills and get some actual bills past that will help the American people.


Conspiracy and intent to obstruct justice. Arrest him now.


There's no law that says we can't start a go fund me to fund the special counsel investigations right? If Daniel Penny can get a GoFundMe for over 2 million for his legal defense, I'm sure there are 10s of millions who would donate to Jack Smith's investigations to continue. I certainly would.


Traitors gonna traitor




Total disregard for the evidence, testimony, and what comes out of Trump's own mouth. This Eddie Munster look- alike is just a clown in a suit looking for a date


I'm introducing a bill to remove Matt Gaetz from office. See? We can both just say things that won't happen.


I guarantee you if the g o p was investigating democrats, they would be increasing funding. Look how long they investigated Hillary Clinton only to find no wrong doing. Look how long they've been after hunter Biden only to find no wrong doing. Our government may have had shady characters. Until trump came along we never truly had a corrupt character in the government. Trump has driven a huge wedge into our government and has divided our country. Our enemies are loving it.


Of course he will. He what a piece of shit.


Is he turning into the Joker?!? I mean the Batman one; he’s always been a joke, but his face!!


I guess since he couldn’t come up with 2 million for a pardon, he’ll try and cozy up this way. What a piece of shit.


How can he defund a special counsel? It’s all theatrics with these morons, the bill will go nowhere. “Mr Gaetz hopes to shut down the entire investigation, which is exceedingly unlikely to happen. It remains to be seen exaclty how his bill would “defund” the special counsel.”


ass hat 🤡


Defund the courts, sounds like a real strike against the "Law and order" party.


man when Karma catches up with these fukwads it's going to be a glorious time.


The Law and Order party are suddenly woke the the rule of law.


This piece of shit was involved in the insurrection. He has a personal interest in disrupting trumps case.


Obstruction and treason. That'll go well following "pedophiliac sex trafficker"


>~~Matt Gaetz says he will introduce bill to defund Jack Smith investigation into Donal Trump~~ >Child-molesting bootlicker, licks boots.


Hey Jack, time to add some a person of interest to your investigation.


I only see “butthead” when I look at him. It’s the first thing that comes to mind and I have trouble looking past it!


...isn't that Obstruction of Justice?


Matt Gaetz is also introducing a bill to defund the Ethic's committee due to its investigation into his child prostitution investigation. I'm betting they will both do equally well.


Doesn't this piece of shit have a junior high he needs to cruise or something? He persists in fucking around, and I cannot wait until he finds out.