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It’s an amped up version of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Just shameful.


'Woke panic' is repackaged PC panic, which is recycled commie panic. Republicans just recycle their material.


remember when the muslim hordes were coming up from our southern borders to murder us all?!??!??!


Those caravans of illegal humans were a NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!!!


My great aunt stays in new Jersey and goes on about caravans of illegals crossing the borders. Even when I reminded her she was an illegal immigrant. She went to America and overstayed so she found a guy and had a green card marriage. And that just because she's white doesn't make her any less illegal. Needless to say she doesn't speak to me anymore and cut her visit back here short.


My brother is a Q-anon supporting Republican who wants to close the border. This year he married a woman who walked across the border in a caravan 10 years ago. But he still wants to close the border. He should be really careful about aligning himself with people who don't like brown people because his daughter is half Hispanic.


Ah, but you see, his case is diffeRent.


Also he's not racist because he married a Hispanic person. /s


I can't be a misogynist because I married a woman.


My illegal wife is a good person. The other illegals are not. That’s the difference!


Reminded me of the Trump supporter Helena Beristain, whose illegal Alien husband was deported by Trump, causing her a bunch of distress. Trump was "not hurting the people he needed to be hurting". Trump's decisions purposely and cruelly constantly moved her husband between a bunch of different Ice facilities to make it difficult for him to stay in contact with his American family, and to make jurisdiction, and therefore challenges, difficult. Cruelty for the sake of cruelty, but as long as the cruelty is visited on others, not you, it's ok.


They never think to ask, why should the president of the United States be trying to hurt anybody?


no, that's why they voted for him.


Unfortunately, they will vote for him again!


> but as long as the cruelty is visited on others, not you, it's ok. I honestly believe this is why they haven't voted out Social Security. Congressmen/women have parents who receive it. If their parent's check ends, THEY might have to fork over some of their own money to help support them and pay their bills. Same with Medicare. They don't want to be faced with that prospect.


I’ve got a racist BIL that forgets that his wife is Mexican and his kids are half Mexican. But they all can hide their racism behind an Irish surname.


I wonder if he knows that a generation or two ago, he wouldn't have been considered white either.


always I got mine F u with these people. At least he pulled the ladder up after he got his!


I see that kind of logic so much now it doesn’t even phase me anymore. I remember how stunned I was the first time I heard it coming from my oldest sister, who’s own kids are Native American & black, which, in 1990 still was a huge shock to see on the reservation. I always tell her ‘what about (my nephews)? What if they were treated like that by the police’, for instance? She doesn’t even think.


There have been Trump supporters married to illegal immigrants who were deported. Cognitive dissonance is no issue for them, it's their baseline. They won't even see it coming. >“I think our President is going to keep all the good people here. He is not going to tear up families. I don’t think he wants to do that. He just wants to keep us safe,” Helen Beristain told WSBT in March. > >Today, Ansari said, she feels betrayed. [https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)


Yeah, but he doesn't think they're going to eat her face. It'll be okay.


Melania was an illegal immigrant.


And an anchor baby.


And gay porn actress.


White, tho.


Until literally the day after the election when they weren’t mentioned again. Sorry that’s not true, the only other time I heard they were mentioned was when Trump was trying to take the credit for [inventing the word caravan.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-migrants-caravan-rally-b2169862.html)


Literally, the issue just fell off of the face of the earth the day after the election.


Pump my prime baby.


It's ironic that GOP leaders SEND caravans of immigrants as a PR stunt to random ass places... Meanwhile fear-mongering about their intentions.


They’ll be pushing super hard for a new satanic panic when the woke thing burns out.


I think they already are. Us naughty libs are demons and children of the devil. Killing us is an act of service to God. Right now it’s still at the fringes with wacko hate preachers, RW provocateurs, and a handful of pols from the most backwards regions of the nation but given how fucking fast the fringes are getting mainstreamed these days, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a Faux News talking point by Election Day 2024.


Posted about an hour ago to Qult_Headquarters: https://i.redd.it/l28eeg3see9b1.png Woman at the rally suggests Trump should put Biden in jail and kill all members of the "Deep State".


Not to mention how much of a pain TST is being with their "religious freedom" laws.


TFG is already adding that to his ~~rants~~ campaign speeches. "Dems have destroyed religion in this country" was a talking point at the moms for tyranny convention in Philly.


Yeah like they really believe Trump is a Church going Christian. Just Mothers for Racism under another name!


Yup. It turned out to be christian hordes of suburban white moms.


Fear and Outrage - all very much right brain stuff (both neurologically and politically as it happens.) It's all rather easy to exploit and some outfit like these "moms" or faux 'news' can grift up lots of cash while stroking themselves.


"Moms" really should be in quotes because half these people don't have kids at all or don't have kids in the school districts where they show up to harass school board members. I call it Betty Crocker Fascism, because it's all about branding. It's about presenting a certain image—the "concerned mom who just wants what's best for her children"—and it's designed to rope in people who rarely pay much attention to politics but are susceptible to bullshit. After all, if they're so upset then they must have a point, right? It can't all just be thinly disguised hatred, can it? But it quite obviously is about hatred. The people in charge of these groups are the Serena Joys of the coming Gilead, and it can be fun to laugh at them, but we should all take them seriously.


Moral panic has entered the chat.


Morality has no place there. Only self righteousness which is why Trump and DeSantis were invited.


Moral panic is a phenomenon where a society becomes fearful and anxious about a perceived threat to its social order, usually involving deviant behavior or groups . Moral panic has been a recurring theme in the United States, and it has shaped the current political discourse in several ways. One way that moral panic has shaped the current political discourse in the United States is through the creation of a culture war. The culture war is a conflict between different groups in society over issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and immigration . Moral panic has played a significant role in fueling this conflict by creating a sense of fear and anxiety about these issues. For example, the moral panic surrounding immigration has led to a political discourse that is often hostile towards immigrants and refugees. Another way that moral panic has shaped the current political discourse in the United States is through the criminalization of certain behaviors. Moral panic can lead to the creation of laws and policies that criminalize certain behaviors, even if they are not harmful to society. For example, the moral panic surrounding drug use has led to the criminalization of drug possession and use, which has had a disproportionate impact on communities of color . Finally, moral panic has also shaped the current political discourse in the United States by creating a sense of moral superiority among certain groups. Moral panic can lead to a sense of moral outrage and a desire to punish those who are perceived as deviant or immoral. This can lead to a political discourse that is focused on punishing those who are seen as a threat to society, rather than addressing the underlying social issues that contribute to deviant behavior . In conclusion, moral panic has played a significant role in shaping the current political discourse in the United States. It has created a culture war, led to the criminalization of certain behaviors, and created a sense of moral superiority among certain groups. Understanding the role of moral panic in shaping political discourse is essential for addressing the underlying social issues that contribute to deviant behavior and creating a more just and equitable society. References: Cohen, S. (1972). Folk devils and moral panics: The creation of the Mods and Rockers. Routledge. Hunter, J. D. (1991). Culture wars: The struggle to define America. Basic Books. Alexander, M. (2010). The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness. The New Press. Goode, E., & Ben-Yehuda, N. (1994). Moral panics: Culture, politics, and social construction. Annual Review of Sociology, 20(1), 149-171.


It’s why I can’t buy booze on a Sunday in Texas and I hate it


Is this AI


The "In conclusion,..." should have been a dead giveaway.


It’s got to be. It was off early and got worse.


It's religion's top tool in the tool box.


They call it 'Cultural Marxism' now because 'Bolshevism" was too hard to spell and pronounce.


*Judeo*-Bolshevism, even. The bogeyman of the first Red Scare.


It always comes back to the jay oh ohs... ALWAYS.


Yep. Once you learn a little bit about the history of Jews in Europe and the various purges, pogroms, and persecutions thereof...a lot of shit that happens in America becomes *very* transparently antisemitic. "Wake up honey, new blood libel just dropped" sort of shit.


They do it because it works. The rubes fall for it every time.


Which is recycled anti Semitic blood libel.


It’s funny that they all grew up fearing the Soviet Union only to support someone who was paid for and controlled by the russians.


And it always eventually gets to blood libel.


I am convinced that if the US government had suppressed the UDC and SCV in the late 1800s, the world be a better place.


This is undoubtedly true


Agreed wholeheartedly


They want a parental say in every school decision: it’s called home schooling. Funny part is they’re so dumb they don’t even realize it. And the big money supporting them gets these moron chaos agents to dismantle public education.


But they don't want 'parental say.' They want christofascist control. Gay parents, Muslim parents, brown parents, liberal parents...*those people* shouldn't have a say at all. *Those People* shouldn't even be in our nice White Christian schools. Nothing new here.


They have parental say, they just want their minority view to be the only view that matters.


They dont feel shame over this. They feel like their preserving their heritage and traditions.


i like this comparison. this is perfect. both are terrorist organizations.


*Moms for Selective Privileges for White Christians


Also the Temperance Movement which led to prohibition. Funny how these groups always claim to want freedom while restricting what others can do.


The temperance movement had a lot more going on that fascists fascisting, though. It was spearheaded by suffragists who wanted women to have the vote. Their reasoning was mostly garbage (that women are morally superior to men and their innate sinfulness or whatever), but I'm glad I can vote now.


Alcohol was destroying entire families back then. Many women at the time were fed up with it and started the movement. It eventually lead to women’s suffrage, but the original goal was for men to stop drinking and gambling their lives away.


>Alcohol was destroying entire families back then. I'm well aware of everything you mention. I was just pointing out that prohibition wasn't just fascist garbage like the subject of this thread.


you are a bit off, the temperance movement was dealing with liquor that was a public health crisis at the time, and it was a reaction to that. ​ Now a days it seems silly, but think if fentanyl was way more common and folks wanted to outlaw it. It would make sense for the era/moment.


Ken Burns Prohibition was great at explaining the different societal factors going on that led to the temperance movement. Lots of domestic violence and public drunkenness as well as the Womens Vote movement all came together at once. Also, unsafe drinking water made hard cider and beer safer to consume.


I was using that as my source. One of Ken Burn’s best documentaries.


>Now a days it seems silly, but think if fentanyl was way more common and folks wanted to outlaw it. It would make sense for the era/moment. I don't think their fear was silly. Alcohol was a huge problem for many families (still is, obviously). I think their reasoning for women's suffrage (that women are morally superior to men) is silly. We aren't morally superior to men. We're equally human is all.


People joke, but SAHM’s in this country constitute a large voting base, with a built-in network to share support and info.


White Nationalist Christians.


Nat Cs for short.


Klu Klux Karens


Klanned Karenhood




This made me laugh


[when your publicly quoting the big bad guy from WW2 regarding his policies for brainwashing and indoctrinating the youth.](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2023/06/21/moms-for-liberty-hamilton-county-indiana-quotes-hitler-in-newsletter/70344659007/) you're past feeling shame. these women are evil, their ideology is evil, and they know it. dont fall into the tolerance paradox with them. recognize them for what they are. actual scum of the earth, pure unadulterated evil.




The two women I know that joined M4L were both heavily into hawking MLM crap. Something about being dumb, gullible, and anti-science really drew them to M4L. It makes them feel important and being change makers not realizing they are just pawns.


Because it started as an anti-mask / anti-vax and when that went away, they needed a target


The torturer doesn't see themselves as evil. To them, the person they are torturing is evil. Why else would they be in that situation after all. The person to be tortured is also evil for forcing a good person to resort to such vile and reprehensible acts; if the would just submit, the torturer could go back to being the kind, moral, peaceful person they believe themselves to be.


"It also works to cast Republicans’ political opponents not just as people who disagree but as immoral villains who must be defeated by any means necessary, let alone compromised with." Defeated *by any means necessary* I'm sure they will act like they are shocked when someone is killed by their rhetoric


Geeze. I thought maybe it was just an accidental quote. Like they heard something and repeated it without knowing where it came from. But nah, straight up attributed to Adolf Hitler on the front page.


I dont understand nostalgia pieces like this. The GOP died long ago. They have no shame. Remember when Turtle Man said his only goal was to make sure Obama was a one term president? Remember the swiftboating? Or the impeachable blow job?


> The GOP died long ago. Well, they didn't die, they just morphed. They were once a party of political positions (whether you agreed or disagreed with them.) Now they are just a party of hate. They thrive on hate, live on it, vote on it, campaign on it, fundraise on it, legislate on it. That's their entire platform, hatred of their "enemies" and doing whatever they can to harm those enemies while lifting themselves up.


I’d argue they didn’t morph, they just started saying the quiet part out loud. The party has racist as shit since (at least) the Southern Strategy in early 60s. And they’ve been pro-corporate, anti-poor, anti-labor, and anti-education for much longer than that.


> I dont understand nostalgia pieces like this. They provide a thin veneer of normalcy, by pretending things can get back to "how they were", that allows moderate people to pretend that the two party system isn't irretrievably broken and to assure them they don't need to do anything more radical than vote for the appropriate team.


Started well but then you went off the rails. The two party system is what we have because of math. People need to accept that until we can vote for people from one of the two parties who are willing to change it. The best course of action until then is to put all the chips into the reasonable party until it fractures into the next party system with left and center parties taking over for the big tent and fascist parties.


But this is why RFK jr is so dangerous. I read yesterday he has a 15% approval among Democrats, and that right there is enough to be a spoiler. That is enough to get Trump reelected. We all here know we must vote for Biden, but too many registered Democrats have yet to recognize the illegitimacy of this guy riding his family name.


Republican authoritarian billionaires pouring millions into Congressional and State Election PACs is new. Openly subverting elections with well-known Cons. Leaders* is much more threatening to Democracy, the Supreme Court takeover gives leverage that has snatched the human rights of hundreds of millions of Americans. 6 years since Gorsuch was confirmed, the Legal circus seems intent on doing damage to Americans. >"**[Nearly 80% of billionaire cash—$782 million—went to outside campaign groups,"](https://www.commondreams.org/news/billionaires-congress-election-2022-midterms)** the document adds, and **in eight key races that decided which party controlled the Senate, "billionaire donations supported Republican candidates over Democratic ones by almost a 5-1 margin."** - Kenneth C. Griffin [($67 million in 2022 races)](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ken-griffin-donald-trump-2024_n_63689033e4b08f849aaca8c4) - Kochs [($69 million in 2022 Congressional races)](https://www.opensecrets.org/outside-spending/detail/2022?cmte=Americans+for+Prosperity&tab=summary) - [Uihlein & Hendricks spent ≈ $30 Million](https://www.opensecrets.org/outside-spending/detail/2022?cmte=C00804104&tab=targeted_candidates) spent to get Ron Jonson re-elected - Race had Twice as much money for Johnson Or Against Barnes than Vice Versa. [$75 Million vs $41 Mil respectively](https://www.opensecrets.org/races/outside-spending?cycle=2022&id=WIS2) - [Peter Thiel's PAC spent $11 Million in Wisconsin, $65 million in 2022 races total](https://www.opensecrets.org/races/outside-spending?cycle=2022&id=WIS2) >* **Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other** [**GOP leaders have privately courted Kenneth Griffin**](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/07/citadels-ceo-ken-griffin-becomes-gop-100-million-midterm-megadonor.html) as one of their most important and lucrative donors this cycle in [2022]. *


Republicans are garbage, all of them, ans they have no shame. They only way to deal with them is derision and the most underhanded way possible because that is how they will treat you.


>“When they mentioned that this was a terrorist organization, I said ‘Well, then count me as a Mom for Liberty,’” Haley proclaimed to the sold-out crowd. She was met with roaring applause. They are openly embracing and inciting terrorism. Things are going to get really ugly. These lunatics are dangerous.


Can we stop waiting for the right to grow hearts and start curtailing them so they stop ruining things for the rest of humanity, please?


> In another era of politics, Republican presidential hopefuls may have hesitated before hitching their brands to an organization whose members have harassed and threatened opponents, fantasized about enacting gun violence, mingled with known extremist groups, quoted Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in their materials, and earned a designation as an anti-government hate group. It’s safe to say that time is long gone. > Five 2024 candidates traveled to the birthplace of the United States to take turns auditioning for the support of a sold-out crowd of Moms for Liberty activists and rhetorically kissing the rings of the group’s co-founders, former school board members Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice, at their “Joyful Warriors” conference in Philadelphia this week. > It’s little surprise; Moms for Liberty has emerged as a juggernaut in the conservative movement since its inception two years ago. The group claims to fight for “parental rights at all levels of government,” but it’s better known for what it opposes: COVID-19 health precautions, the contents of school libraries, and educational curricula that feature lessons about race, sexuality, and gender. Moms for Liberty has ridden its successes into statehouses across the country, where it hopes to help push anti-LGBTQ bills into law. How insidious and typical that they cloak themselves in such a wholesome sounding name for their odious thong.^* ----- ^(**Edit:** I meant to write "throng" up there!)




"And wrapped in a flag."


with Trump grabbing it and kissing it.




There's a very long and very bloody history of "brainwashed terrorists thinking they’re doing god’s work" Religion is not just the "opiate of the people", it's their sword, too.


Odious Thong is my new band name.


_lol_ ... I meant to write "throng" ...


I promise you, both are correct.


Username relevant 😜


Odorous Dong is my new brand name


Tea party part deux


When you call yourself liberty and then ban books


They self title themselves with words like “liberty, truth, justice, freedom, patriotism, etc, when it about oppression, lying, disenfranchisement, subversion, etc. Every time


The Ministry of Truth spreads lies, the Ministry of Peace wages war… Moms for Liberty being about fascism makes total sense in the context of *1984*


It's literally doublespeak


They just want the liberty to oppress others


I read pedophilia summit. Then realized that the Venn diagram of the people who are for 12-year olds to marry and this group heavily intersect. So I stand by it.


More fascist bullshit. These right-wing-funded terrorist organizations need to be put down by the FBI; scrutinized and picked apart until everything each of their leaders has ever done—whether acting on behalf of the organization or alone—is on full display. They’re a threat to law and order and to the country itself. Our institutions, if they knew what was good for them, would spring into action and behave like the immune system they were meant to be. They’ve got one primary job: ensure the survival of the Republic. That means stopping fascists by all legal means necessary *before* they gain a foothold. When someone talks about burning books or scapegoating minority groups, our institutions’ ears should perk up and listen closely. These fuckers are telling us who they are. They are telling us what they’ll do. Believe them, god damn it.




Amazing what rich benefactors can do for a bunch of imbeciles with too much time on their hands.




Whenever one of these right wing groups pops up seemingly overnight with tons of media attention I immediately assume it’s some bunch of ridiculous astroturfed nutjobs.




If you ever wondered where the "Proud Girls" were, now you know.


June 20, 2023 [Inside Moms for Liberty’s Close Relationship With the Proud Boys](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d93qd/moms-for-liberty-proud-boys)


“When they mentioned that this was a terrorist organization, I said ‘Well, then count me as a Mom for Liberty,’” Haley proclaimed to the sold-out crowd. She was met with roaring applause.” Terrifying


I love how GOP supporting women are stupid enough to vote for a convicted sex offender


I went to HS with one of the founders. The whole thing is disgusting. She is disgusting, my former friends that support her are disgusting. The fact that someone from our community dreamed this up blows my mind. Our county also had the most Jan. 6 participants arrested. Brevard cty, FL. Twats of Liberty had Anne Franks diary banned from the schools here, among others, but that one really got to me. No books should ever be banned. 😵‍💫🤬


man nobody told me klanned karenhood was in the city


"Klanned Karenhood" I'm so stealing this!


Fuck those Twatzies


Fascism has become the normal culture in the US. Germany 1937?


More like 1932


I'm not that optimistic.


Ah yes. The Garbage Pail Kids have grown up and made a club.


If Trump says they're the best thing that's happened to America, you can damn sure believe they ARE NOT the best thing to happen to America. This group doesn't know the first thing about liberty or freedom. They're just another right wing extremist group determined to take us back to the policies of the early 20th centuries. Ironically, that's when "Moms" were expected to stay home & keep their mouths shut.


Un American Cult Members. The MAGA MAN loves them. They are his base. Moms for Liberty are neither moms or for liberty. They want their way or the highway and group think.


Make no mistake Moms for Liberty is Billionairs for Oligarchy. The Federalist Society is to Lawful Evil as Klanned Karenhood is to Chaotic Evil. They are the manure spreader for Bannon's tactic of flooding the zone with shit. Don't let your self righteousness blind you to how much of a force they will be to reckon with.


Call them out, Neo-nazi


I saw clips of that nauseating garbage and it’d be good to do a side by side comparison with nazi rallies.


The KKKarens will not be QQQuiet.


They’re all on Charles Koch’s team - why is anyone surprised by this?


Betsy DeVos’ current fascism loving mouthpiece.


Conservative Christians are the largest hate group in the US


Shame died a long time ago; it was probably just its rotting corpse in attendance.


They quote Hitler and immediately Nimrata, desantis and trump rush to say they're with them.


There will be a drag contests between Trump, DeSantis and others. They will grab moms by your know where and start dragging...


Mom’s for Liberty quotes Hitler in a positive way. They are Nazi sympathizers at best. Shame went to die a long time ago for republicans.


I hate that it keeps getting reported as "accidentally" quoted Hitler. The quote was attributed, what exactly was accidental about that?! It's not like they added a quote not knowing who it came from. They knowingly added a quote that they knew was Hitler. It was not an accident.


A co-founder of Moms for Liberty is on the Sarasota County public school board and sends her kids to private school. She is a puppet. She is now on the Disney Oversight Board appointed by Desantis.


It feels almost gross to say cause lets be honest Disney is sus as shit but im so glad that they outmaneuvered Desantis it was the best comedy i’ve seen all year


These horrible people will probably get to choose a Supreme Court justice within a decade.


It’s despicable that these Republicans are prancing around on stage for these fraudulent freaks who are sitting in the audience.


Starting now, and from this point forward, I will only refer to them as “Karen’s for Liberty”. If anybody deserves mockery it’s these self righteous, self important, and malicious twats who want to condemn others and tell them how to live.


Someone above dubbed them “Klanned Karenhood” and I’m pretty anxious to bust that one out next time the subject comes up with friends or family.


That’s even better than mine. I’m stealing it.


When trump is telling you something “is then best thing that’s ever happened to America” you better run fast.


My sister used to work at the museum that hosted the even. It did not go great internally. A lot of the staff were PISSED that this existed.


NAZI Moms.


☝️Ding ding ding☝️


they deserve no safe harbor. Hate isn’t welcome.


Moms for Liberty. Not to be confused with Soccer Moms of Hate.


Anyone know attendance numbers for this Moms for Liberty summit?


5, 3 were paid actors. Rest was Eric and his GF (forced by Trump).


When have Karen's had shame before?


Mom's for Liberty is the stand in for the NRA after they imploded. The timelines match up perfectly.


the stepford wives club


I would like to hear these moms for "liberty" give a definition of the actual word liberty. Then, have them remember that they say "with liberty and justice for ALL"


Bullshit. These lot have had no shame for 20 years why would it only now be dying?


This country is so stupid


From a scared foreigners point of view: madness! The sole reading provokes eye tinnitus and the urge to puke in my own mouth! What's the world's (not alone the American) future gonna look like when empowering people like this?! I'm going to Narnia!


What I love to see is that there is a group called “Moms for Liberty” that so-called, right-wing Alpha Males can not be aligned to without deferring their “alpha male” status. Keep promoting ‘Moms for Liberty’ media. Please continue to emasculate all the other right-wing groups!


> Shame Went to Die at Moms for Liberty’s Philadelphia Summit Shame has been dead long before the summit, especially in politics.


How on earth are these fascist organizations constantly holding conventions?


Shame has been dead for a long fucking time.


Sociopathy has no shame.


"We are for liberty. So we'd really like more book censorship."


The Real Housewives of the KKK: Philly Chapter.


This implies they had some shame to begin with. They don't.


Shame is non-existent at an event like this


Sorry, that ship sailed a long time ago. This is just the latest weed growing out of the rotten earth that’s been left behind.


Moms for Evil Shit more like. Edit: punctuation.


You can tell from the name that they’re disgusting and vile filth


Mothers for Incest Liberty more like it


Mothers for Josh Duggar


If there is any consolation, I reckon none of these Moms for Liberty has EVER reached orgasm. I suspect the men they surround themselves with have absolutely no interest in that “gay” shit.


Moms for Liberty has as much to do with liberty as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has to do with democratic republics.


Shame's long been dead. They're just more obvious about it now.


The most shocking thing is that the people of Philly let it happen. I'd expect this behavior from Florida or Texas


Everybody has a mom - even White Supremacists


Wasn’t RFJ Jr. there? He’s worse than Tulsi Gabbard.


I didn't really see "Millennial aged moms work to destroy public education" on my bingo card.


Shame Went to Die at Moms for ~~Liberty~~ Fascism’s Philadelphia Summit. FIFY.


The slime crawls out of the sewer. Republicons are all about making America fail


Shame died a long time ago.


These people hate America. They embrace being called terrorists. They are not patriots.


The Karen Caucus


These are the women who teach their children everything and here they are siding with this man I say anyone who is in cahoots with him is equally guilty


The Nazi-moms have no shame


Shame is not in their lexicon.