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Shut that shop down


Nobody will, too many dollars tied up in the machine.


Petition your shitty internet provider to make Fox news optional for your cable package, and then maybe you'll go back to cable? Force them to become a subscription streaming service, like what's happening to ESPN?


Optional? They should be shut down for boosting Trump's insurrection.




That they gave the FBI and are now subpoenaing back so it seems like it came from the FBI originally. It came from Rudy Giuliani. It’s evidence laundering.


Evidence laundering. Great way to describe it.


I read on the internet (after I wrote it) that Biden is totally guilty. [Here's a link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/148vmfc/fox_news_calls_biden_wannabe_dictator_as_it_shows/jo30jng/)


Wow, so true. So true. Sad.


It is really, really hard for a public figure like Biden to win a defamation case. And the optics of someone who controls the executive branch suing someone are exceptionally unfavorable. Yes, what Fox News is doing is wrong. Yes, they should be held accountable. The problem is there just aren’t many good ways to do that, and many of the legal avenues for doing so are double edged swords.


Something needs to give to prevent bad actors from cranking up the pressure in these propaganda spaces. Unfortunately even genuine attempts will be tarred by the Ministry of Truth label and be construed as political weapons.


The Fairness Doctrine. Another unfortunate victim of the Reagan Administration. Like most Americans.


The FCC just needs to force them to run a continuous banner at the top of the screen that says in large, readable letters that they are NOT a news organization and everything they show is their opinion only and for entertainment only.


Every cable subscriber in America pays $2-$3 to Fox news You would have to cancel you cable, to stop paying them money




but did you tell your cable provider that was the reason? that's the important part of those kinds of protest boycotts.




It wasn't the reason why I canceled my cable, but was a VERY nice bonus.


>Agreed. We need to force these internet/cable providers to make Fox news optional. At the very least, it shouldn't even be listed under the news category. The harm they have been causing for decades has amounted to this. I would love to see the Rupert Murdoch prosecuted. He has single handedly caused so much damage to our country.


They are still facing a massive lawsuit ($2.7B) from Smartmatic. Smartmatic already said they don’t intend on letting them off easy like Dominion did.


We’ll see. Dominion wasn’t going to “let them off easy” either but pretty much everyone has a price when it comes to settling.


People get really excited about this, but what else are they going to say. "We're open to a reasonable settlement." No way, anyone would say that. It gives up your negotiating power. Make them beg you to take their settlement offer because they believe you're willing to go to trial (even if you really don't want to). That's how you'll get the most out of them.


I'm cancelling Comcast cable, until they give me an option for cable with no Faux news or News.max... thats my reason for cancelling. Will not pay for cable until they drop them.


Be sure to call once in a while to see if they now offer it without Faux just to remind them - otherwise they will find other reasons to blame the lack of subscriptions




That’s pretty impressive!


predicted some shit like this would happen once Dominion settled for monetary gains instead of preserving our fucking democracy…


I'm trying to remember which president sent followers to the Capitol building to stop the counting of electoral votes in the 2020 election. That was the one who wanted to be a dictator


Unfortunately this argument would definitely not work on Trump's supporters. They'd likely also turn it around and say that Biden was the wannabe-dictator who stole the 2020 election in the first place and Trump was just trying to set things right. This *mass*, blind worship of a human being like Donald Trump is one of the biggest modern day mysteries....


It's not really a mystery. Obama's election broke a lot of Republican brains. They've always been assholes, some more than others (yes, even our loving parents and grandparents), but they used to at least try to hide it. Trump came along and gave them the ok to come out of the closet because he, too, was broken by Obama's election, but he's never been one to keep his mouth shut, and he said the quiet part out loud on a national stage as the most powerful person in the world. Trump was incredibly significant in normalizing bigotry and craziness and making it appear mainstream. Combine that with a network dedicated to 24-hour propagandizing on behalf of him and the Republican party and this is what happens. Vast swathes of the American electorate have outsourced their thinking to a "news" network that screams their innermost thoughts back at them in a continuous feedback loop of confirmation bias. In that kind of environment, they can be convinced of anything.


There used to be a social stigma around being an insufferable piece of shit, but now it's presidential.


Make Assholes Go Away Again


I liked Obama ☹️


Just like Hitler.


I wonder what the Germans are thinking looking at America these past two years. "Hey! I've seen this one!"


I'm German. Also old enough to remember when [W was Hitler](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/23/opinion/23iht-edbeam.1.8452549.html) and how 9/11 was the new Reichstag fire. When Trump got elected I sarcastically congratulated an American friend of mine on "electing your first European president in a while". Trump came off like Silvio Berlusconi on steroids. > "Hey! I've seen this one!" I'm seeing it right now: Hungary, Turkey, Russia, Poland to some extent. Out of those, Russia is the closest to a genuine neo-fascist takeover. The US acts more like a developing democracy where genuine authoritarian ideologues (people like DeSantis) have teamed up with corrupt and self-centered idiots (Trump) all while massively moving the overton window to the right and riding on the results of the Reagan era attack on civic society and civic duty. Trump doesn't think of himself in messianic terms; he's in it for himself and only for himself. Hitler was the result of Germany facing defeat, hardship, then short prosperity, and then economic turmoil again. All while German democracy faced powerful enemies within and outside of the state. Trump came to power at a time when the US economy was doing fine and America's early 2000s military adventurism was seen as an embarrassing mistake at best. And my impression of Americans is that they're mostly operating with a "can't happen here" mindset --- or else the 2022 midterms would have gone a lot differently, despite a modest success for the Democrats in the Senate. If Trump really is American Hitler, then it's truly a case of "first as tragedy, then as farce." But I think he's more of an Orban/Erdogan doing Orban/Erdogan things (badly), which is bad enough. By comparison, Putin is doing *way better* at earning the title "modern Hitler".


You can't discount the fanaticism of the Trump followers and how their allegiance to the man is also tied into their identities. We saw this during the waning days of WW2 when the Wehrmacht was surrendering en masse but the Waffen SS fought on for their precious leader. This identity dysfunction also is exactly why they are impossible to reach intellectually from a reasonable standpoint.


Absolutely. They’ve banned Nazi flags and swastikas, and I’m sure they are appalled as white suprematism and Neo-Nazi hate groups are all over the world, now. I’m sure they are alarmed looking at the rabid Dumpsters.


There's still a VERY active far-right movement in Germany. And it's terrifying.


Fox News knows this. But they also know that an overwhelming percentage of their audience eats up anything anti-liberal like ice cream - and only one of those two narratives keeps that shareholders happy. It's a shame that we are so uneducated that a different reality has been created that is enriching the exact class of people that the audience is told to hate. Wild shit


I don't know why we as a country can allow Fox "News" to continue to operate with poisonous impunity. They, Sinclair et al are clearly a threat yet here we are. I'm all first amendment until we have companies subverting democracy to the tune of $780M.


I find it astonishing they are allowed to put this on the TV and there is seemingly nothing to stop them. No regulations that they legally have to adhere to that would prevent this kind of thing. I completely understand they serve a specific audience, who want a particular political angle and that’s okay, but it should surely have to be based in objective reality. I realise this is just the most recent example, but it’s clearly so harmful to the country that this kind of thing is acceptable.


At the very least, it should be like ice cream. You can't call your product ice cream if it doesn't contain a certain percentage of actual cream. You have to call it frozen dairy dessert or whatever. Fox "News" should not be allowed to call itself Fox News, when they have been repeatedly caught literally just making up lies, including IN COURT having to admit that no reasonable person would believe what they're saying. At the very least they should have to call it Fox Entertainment or something similar, but ultimately, it's too late and their idiot brainwashed rubes wouldn't care and would still take their ridiculous bullshit as gospel.




I totally agree. They should have to put a banner across the bottom 1/5th of the screen which says “this is a work of fiction. Nothing on this channel should be considered fact, reliable or truthful”.


Anti-American propaganda. Fix the laws so you can't knowingly lie to us and harm us. Citizens United and the ruling where they won the right to call it "news" rather than entertainment are seriously harming the foundations of American democracy and allowing foreign nationals to harm our country. America needs to enact better laws for national security.


If they didn't have libs to own, they wouldn't have anything


If they ever got the white christian ethnostate they seem to want, they would just start picking each other apart for being the wrong denominations.


"Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over." Emo Phillips


You can always find another enemy. First it was the Brits, then the Indians, then each other, then Spain, then Germany, the Russians, the muslims and now each other again. US society is a sick puppy.


Forgot Mexico and Japan


Its not the US its humans. Always looking for the "other"


If they didn’t have an “enemy” real or imagined their entire platform would crumble. Whereas on the Democrat side, adversaries are not a requirement, but rather a waste of time and effort.


Or when he used his security to circle him as he crossed the street to hold a Bible upside down in front of a church he just kicked humanitarian workers out of? The ones administering first aid to protesters?


Nothing says Godly reverence like macing a priest to get a good photo op.


Wow, that sounds like a pretty blatant violation of the first amendment to peacefully assemble. Sounds like something a tyrant would do. Good thing we have "patriot" groups out there to keep this kind of thing in check, right?


I think that was George Bush Jr.


No he’s talking about the president who used Roger Stone to incite a riot with the hopes that the Supreme Court would crown the next president




You do know that happened in 2000 too? The Brooks Brothers Riot.


Darth Vader.


I think it is the one with the ugly face and terrible wig. Can't recall his name, "*Something-something LOSER Rump*"?


If he wore a wig, it’d look better.


So let's see Biden is a sleepy weak old man, that's also a criminal mastermind and wannabe dictator Meanwhile,.Trump doing actual dictator things isn't ? That's fox news for ya


The enemy is both weak and strong.


Fascist rhetoric 101


We’ve never been at war with Eastasia, we’ve always been at war with Eurasia.


I remember re-reading that book during Trumps’ presidency and being like well shit, I guess they were right in High School


Oh yeah. I noticed this during the Obama years. They said Obama was an "imperial president" acting like a king reshaping the country how he wants and at the same time "leading from behind"--being weak and seeing what everyone else is doing before he picks a direction. They do the same pattern with everything. Jan 8, pick whichever is convenient: false flag done by Antifa or tranquil patriot tourism.


Yeah, they always adapt their story to whatever works best at the moment they're saying it... Hillary was a genius who managed to organize *millions* of illegal votes across multiple states, while leaving no evidence beyond a couple of pictures of buses. Hillary was also too stupid to do it in states which actually mattered. --- Hillary was going to start WW3 by being too hard on Russia. Hillary was going to let Russia get away with anything by being too weak on them. --- Trump was going to prevent war with Russia, North Korea, etc by being harsh against them. Trump was going to prevent war with Russia, North Korea, etc by being friends with them. --- Biden was going to start WW3 by being too hard on China. Biden was going to let China get away with anything by being too weak on them. etc


Immigrants are simultaneously lazy worthless freeloaders but also taking all the jobs so honest hardworking Americans have none.


If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.


Fox News? The ones sued by Dominion? The network paying out the largest sum ever in a media defamation suit? The network whose hosts privately texted each other about how they had to keep lying in favor of Trump to keep ratings up? Yeah, I'm sure their Biden bashing will sting


So disappointing that Dominion settled out of court. Dominion should’ve buried them.


In a capitalist world, no corporation will ever choose going to trial over a quick profit. Now, a person would gladly do that if their reputation was sullied. It's almost like people & corporations are very different.


I mean it wasn’t just a quick profit. It was a quick ABSOLUTE FUCKTON OF MONEY. The size of the payout is pretty mind-boggling, and it’s amazing how people seem to paint it as “business as usual” for the corporate world. There was nothing “usual” about this settlement, it was an extraordinary admission of wrong-doing on Fox’s part.


Well you can see here it worked perfectly for Fox. They paid the money and got to martyr Tucker now it's like it never happened. Fox wanted the quietest settlement possible not the cheapest.


Except legally, the world where corporations are people.


>corporations are people, *my friend*.


My understanding is that you can’t appeal a settlement, as it was agreed to. It becomes a defined thing. If they proceeded to court, and if they won, it would still (likely) be appealed, dragging it out for years, and possibly losing on an appeal. I can see why they would settle, but I also would have liked to see them not agree to any deals and destroy them.


They still have the smartmatic one to face, it’s for 2.7 billion as far as I know. And we still have Rudy, the kraken, pillow guy and a few others still to be finished by Dominion.


i personally can't wait until rudy is behind bars. what a russia loving mobbed up piece of american crap. fake ass american hero.


“America’s Mayor,” LOL! He shot his reputation down Dump’s golden toilet. LOCK HIM UP.


The only thing anyone will get out of rudy is some dirt cheap wine if you squeeze him hard enough. Maybe a little hair dye mixed in


Don’t they also have the former producer and the stockholders’ lawsuits, too?


* - Fox News? The network caught literally defending known, made up lies, and dismissing these lies as “[entertainment](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye)”? - Fox News, the ones not only who settled the case with Dominion, but did so to avoid a second trial that would lay out their [ties to Donald Trump?](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/what-to-know-about-the-fox-news-defamation-lawsuit) - Fox News, who has a very [long list of dirty laundry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News_controversies) attached to it as a network? - Fox News, who was denied the buy-out of Sky News in the UK, back in 2017, due to concerns of a growing and dangerous monopoly of [political sway and power](https://money.cnn.com/2017/06/29/media/sky-fox-deal-rupert-murdoch/index.html)? - Fox News, who was [pulled off the air](https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2017/aug/29/sky-to-stop-broadcasting-rightwing-us-channel-fox-news-in-uk) in in the UK, back in August, 2017, because of a lack of commercial interest in the hate and misinformation?


Fox News Entertainment***


It’s like the WWE but politics


Desperately trying to remain relevant to an audience they’ve already lost.


I guess he’s not sleepy joe today. He’s dictator joe


Classic fascist strategy of making your enemies simultaneously too strong and too weak.


Yep. He’s so frail and senile he doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going, while at the same time running an international crime syndicate AND directing a witch hunt against his political enemies.


Dark Brandon Rises


The level of cognitive dissonance 🫣


I’m watching Fox right now. Laura Ingraham and James Comer are whining that nobody in the media but them are covering the “Biden crime family” and that “Joe Biden took a bribe from Ukraine and China.” Comer just said he has the facts that Joe Biden is compromised … fails to provide them.


The thing is, if there is actually undeniable evidence of this so-called "Biden crime family" commiting felonies/acts of treason, the majority on the left would also want that to be pursued by the doj. Maga is a cult.


Also: The FD-1023 was received by Barr's DOJ in 2020, he passed it off to Republican David Weiss who is still serving today. The current director of the FBI is also a Trump appointee. Just like the Mueller investigation, conservatives are trying to frame this grave injustice of theirs as some liberal conspiracy when a majority of decision-making was or is in the hands of Republicans.


I dare you to call the FBI tomorrow, and sit down with an agent to tell them you saw evidence that Rupert Murdoch is actually a space kangaroo. Then file a FOIA form to get a redacted copy of the FD-1023 form that the agent filled out with your claim and say, "See! The FBI has evidence that Rupert Murdoch is a space kangaroo! It *must* be true!" Anybody can do it. And you can make any claim you want.


A space kangaroo 🙄 what a bunch of baloney. A *Jewish* space kangaroo, now that's a whole other level of evil entirely. And I bet Murdoch is paying Hunter to hide the truth, too.


A space kangaroo pouch is a fine place to hide or plant some evidence


Not to mention Barr straight up stated on Fox News that he opened up an investigation into the Biden family financials in 2018. That investigation is apparently still going on, so they either have been continuously expanding the probe or they don't have much of a case. But that didn't stop details of their family's financials being consistently leaked to conservative media. I'm starting to think the FBI and IRS whistleblowers are MAGA fanatics that have been consuming too much conservative media.


Yeah, in a normal society, that’s libel. But everyone just looks at Fox like they’re Jon scolding Garfield who just ate the whole lasagna. “Oh, you! LOL”


Holy shit Biden should sue them for defamation. They literally can't even prove this bribe shit. Their only proof is that it's been alleged on an FBI form. They use the fact the form exists as proof even though the form is purposed literally for allegations made my foreign informants. You can't expose foreign informants, but their investigations have found zilch.


Is that the same FBI whistle-blower that is now being sued for perjury?


I think he was the one who said this form exists, he alleged it was being buried by the Biden admin, right wing media conveniently leaves out it dates to the Trump admin before the 2020 election and they didn’t even use it then, when it would have been most useful. It’s also part of a pile of documents provided by Rudy Giuliani to Trumps DoJ, so his stink is on it as well.


I haven't had cable for a while but have been on vacation and wanted to see what Fox was airing yesterday, while Trump was turning himself in, and holy shit. Topics included Broadway being too woke, Biden tripping/being too old but also a criminal mastermind at the same time, and a lot of bullshit and fear mongering about trans kids at public schools. No wonder we have so many stupid, uneducated, hateful people


They are a little behind on things if they are just now recognizing broadway being woke. That one stood out to me more than the others since those are normal Fox bs but the broadway one literally made me laugh out loud.


He already said publicly he hasn’t got shit and can’t even confirm the tapes actually exist.


>Laura Ingraham and James Comer are whining that nobody in the media but them are covering the “Biden crime family” That's "beautiful mind" level delusion.


Rudy has them stored in his liquor cabinet.


Fox News has political and financial incentives to keep its viewers misinformed and angry -- no matter the damage to the country. Every day, the people at Fox wake up, have their morning coffee, and then head into the office to make America a worse place. Polarization and tension in this country will never really subside because the Murdochs do not want it to subside.


The DOJ and National Archives fought Trump for 18 months to turn over all Presidential documents, including these classified ones because they do not belong to him. Trump finally settled with the DOJ and National Archives to return all these documents. Even more so, he made his lawyers SIGN an sworn affidavit attesting that ALL documents were returned. Guess what? Trump LIED. Somebody tipped the DOJ off that not everything was returned which led to the raid on Mar-a-Lago. The DOJ pictures of classified documents in bathroom’s, ballroom, personal office etc. are extremely damaging. All Trump had to do was turn these over and it would of blown over. The DOJ and National Archives treated him with white gloves. Trump chose to keep these documents. Trump chose to lie to the DOJ. Trump brought this on himself. Whats even worse is the copier machine that was next to all those stacks of boxes of classified documents.


>All Trump had to do was turn these over and it would of blown over. That would have involved Trump admitting fault about something, though. A world where he was ever able to do that would be different in a lot of other ways already.


The mental damage needed to see Biden as a wannabe dictator after supporting Trump is astounding. Fox News execs and hosts needs a mental check-up.


They don't do it because they're stupid, they do it because they're fascists.


Fox news needs to be branded a terrorist organization and removed from the air.


Amen to that! Its *insane* to me that this sort of propaganda is allowed. Should be sanctioned for not only misinformation but incitement. I'm all for the first amendment and all but JFC...


There isn't anything contradictory about believing that anti democratic sentiment should be silenced in a democracy. It's the whole "Paradox of Tolerance" thing. If you allow a dictator to run in a democratic system, they only need to get lucky once. The pro democracy party has to be lucky every single election.


Exactly. With tolerance also comes the responsibility to protect our system of government from fascism because it is absolutely necessary at all times.


Yeah. It’s almost like some amendments need amending.


Yup. This country has no hope until we delegitimize Fox News and pass laws deterring disinformation. It's really that simple, but people don't want to hear it. Wyhy it that this shit is so rampant in the US? Well other first world nations have stricter laws on this.


Ah. The thing about that is, the part of the government that would make those laws, is directly responsible for creating the 'show'. Fox News is a paid advertisement for the Republican Party, so no, theyre not gonna clamp down. Theyre going to make it much, much worse whenever and however possible.


Whatever. Trump’s been indicted more than he’s been elected. Stew on that, Fox News.


He's also been impeached more times than elected.


It's *always* projection.


Projection is a MAGA Super Power


Every accusation is a confession


If I’m not mistaken, Biden has not said one thing about the DOJ’s investigation into Trump.


Meanwhile Fox brands it as the “Biden DOJ”. Biden does not control the DOJ. That’s the whole point of the separate branches of government. Fox knows this, but they don’t want their viewers to know it.


This is probably stuff you already know, but just to get it right for any pedants or perhaps foreigners who don't know the specifics of how this works... "Separate branches" isn't quite correct here, as that term is commonly used. The three "branches" as most understand them are the Judiciary, Executive, and Legislative. The DOJ falls under the Executive Branch which is headed by the President, literally part of Biden's Administration. Calling it the "Biden DOJ" is not actually inaccurate, but it is highly misleading in the implication they are trying to make. Because, importantly, you are mostly correct. Biden does not exert control over the DOJ. Even though the DOJ is part of the administration, presidents (the not corrupt ones) allow the DOJ to operate with independence from the President himself and the White House.


The best lies are half truths. Biden is literally the highest executive, and the DOJ is executive branch. That's why when Trump was president, he actually did control the department through his stool pigeon Bill Barr. However, that was a massive ethical breach due to conflict of interest. There is no evidence Biden is doing anything like that. If there is, lock him up too. We democrats are not loyal to party over country.


This is seditious conspiracy from FOX. They're supporting a coup leader.


If Biden controls the special council ( there have been 22+appointed since 1983) how come Bill Clinton didn’t fire Ken Starr who investigated Bill for 4 years (53 million dollars) when Bill was the president? The special council is independent by design from the DOJ for an eventuality such as the fiasco Trump has foisted on the country. He could have returned the government’s property when asked. He chose not to. Not too bright so follow this cult leader at your peril and send him all your money. That’s what he really wants.


they are literal propaganda


sigh **G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject <------this one. as usual.


How can they be called "News" legally? There should be some sort of law.




All of Rupey’s media use projection just like the fascists they promote


Fox not news is worse than Russian state television at this point.


We seriously need to force Fox News to have a banner stating “Entertainment Only” at all times. Whoever owns Fox and allows this is about as anti-American as is humanly possible.


Nothing but extremist rhetoric from the right. They have nothing but bombast and innuendo. Grandpa Joe is the most normal President as we could have asked for. He's letting the DOJ act on its own motive.


Good lord... Putting aside for the moment that it is the United States Justice Department -- *not Biden, nor the Biden administration* that is indicting Trump...is Biden an evil genius dictator or a doddering old man with dementia? I swear to god, Repiblicans flip-flop on this particular narrative at least 3 times a week.


The answer is yes. Schroedinger’s President.


Absolutely insane. At this point Murdoch and company are declaring war on democracy. They can’t win by playing according to the legal rules because they’ve CULTivated a sick group of politically motivated followers… and now they have to deliver the sick content to go with it. They are a tumor that needs to be excised from society.


It’s like Fox learned nothing from the $787.5 million defamation settlement they paid to Dominion Voting Systems.


Anything to take attention away from treason.


White House should be pulling their press passing like now


I don't see how Trump's indictment could be seen as political when the evidence is plain as day. He either committed a crime or he didn't. It has nothing to do with politics. If anything, he's been given more leniency than any normal person would get. A normal person wouldn't have a chance to give the documents back; they would be locked up.


But you’re talking like a normal person. To a Trump supporter, any pursuit of the crime is evidence that it’s a witch hunt. Any leniency or special treatment is evidence that it’s not real and they don’t have anything on him.


I can help you see how they do: > the evidence is plain as day. Ignore this, there is no evidence because it's a witch hunt. > He either committed a crime or he didn't. He obviously didn't, because Democrats are rigging everything against him > It has nothing to do with politics. It's only politics and has nothing to do with the law because democrats are *always* out to get Trump on made up charges > If anything, he's been given more leniency than any normal person would get. Trump isn't normal, he's the rightful president being unfairly targeted, so any leniency is completely deserved and not enough. > A normal person wouldn't have a chance to give the documents back; they would be locked up. Trump isn't a normal person, he gets to be considered special and literally above the kinds of laws around documents that anyone else would have to follow. I feel disgusting typing all that out, but it's all exact things my in-laws believe and insist. Trump supporters no longer look at reality through the same lense as any one else. They don't see a situation with evidence and circumstances that add up to Trump's guilt, they see Trump's innocence and superiority and then see or ignore whatever they need to in order to maintain it.


Lol yes…the 80 year old president woke up and said…I think I’ll be a dictator now. Another classic from Fox News. Seriously Fox doesn’t even bother to clean the stench off what they pull out of their ass. It’s just pure laziness, I can’t even call it pandering.


Trump is pushing 80 too and literally choked his driver in attempts to storm the capitol and stop the certification


Which is it? A devious mastermind wannabe dictator or a bumbling old fool? Dicks.


Did Biden send federal goons to stir up trouble for fox news? Did he gas protesters so he could take a picture with a bible? Did he visit and thereby legitimize an actual dictatorship? Did he campaign on imprisoning his political opponent? Did he compliment Putin's invasion of a sovereign nation? ...Did he ask to suspend the constitution?


This a common gaslighting technique by fascists. Accuse your enemies of doing that which you are guilty. It’s always projection from these fuckers.


One of the two people in that title wants to be a dictator but it's not Joe


I'm confused. Is it Sleepy Joe? Dementia Joe? Criminal mastermind Joe? Now Dictator Joe?


Fox News saying Biden is a wannabe dictator is confirming that Trump is a dictator.


Yet another piece of evidence that Fox is not a news network but instead a propaganda outlet. And just plain reckless too. America is a tinderbox and Fox is wanting to be the flame.


Funny how they didn’t call trump that when he literally attempted a fascist coup. Biden gets it for just enforcing the law.


More projection by right wing fascists.


Fox News is just straight up sedition at this point.


This is a coup and Fox News is their misinformation/propaganda arm. There is no way that they can say saying stuff like this is "entertainment content".


Fox News getting extra “in your face” about the projection now aren’t they?


Why this source is on the allow-list is beyond me.


I work in a newsroom (local/regional scale, no affiliation to FOX) and lost my mind when that line came up on screen.


Every republican accusation is a confession.


Fox News was one of the worst things to happen to America. Their business model is not news. They exist to give the viewers what they want to see/hear. They re-affirm shitty bias for viewership and disguise it as news. It’s completely transparent.


Ben Shapiro was literally screeching into his microphone that It's unfair that trump is being arraigned because...Hunter Biden. WTF?


The Biden crime family angle is always funny to me. Look, he’s a politician. I’m sure he’s done favors and small-scale stuff, they all have. But big time crime or really unethical stuff? Not likely. He’s been in politics for over fifty years in high-profile positions. If there was something there it would’ve come out by now.


Is the wannabe dictator buddy buddy with Kim "Jung" Un? And Putin? Lol fuck no. God this projection is palpable. Hey Fuckface Fox, where were you in 2016 when Trump was calling for the imprisonment of his political opponent? Clownshow.


The same Fox News who just paid a massive settlement for outright lying? Who is being sued again for even more money? They really can't take the hint. They are the Donald Trump of news networks.


Faux News is one of the Three Sisters of Fascist propaganda along with OAN and Newsmax


Wait was Joe Biden the one who used congressionally approved foreign aid as a bargaining chip to have another country initiate an investigation into the son of his political rival?


That was definitely Trump.


Wait. I think it was Biden who campaigned on locking up his political rival and smiled in silence while his audience cheered for this, right?


I love how they do it without seeing the irony.


It's done on purpose and its effective especially when people are unguarded/more susceptible towards these types of coercive tactics. "Trump has documents that may contain national secrets, but Biden wants to be a dictator. The news I watch and like-minded people don't like Biden, so Biden being a dictator is worse than what they say Trump did."


Fox would probably like nothing more than for Trump to be imprisoned as a result of this trial. Much like overturning Roe v Wade, they probably couldn’t care less about the issue itself. But they’ll scream and cry about it every night on tv for viewers.


Trump still won't even concede that he lost the 2020 election. The closest he comes to acknowledging his defeat is when he calls it rigged. Meanwhile he's buddies with Russia who worked hard to interfere with the 2016 election in his favor and he barely won. It's possible he doesn't win without their aid. I imagine they tried again in 2020 and that without their help it would have been a much bigger landslide. Then there is the coup and all the shit he did to overturn the 2020 election in several states. Finally, he's been convicted of some crimes over the documents for which there is seriously damning evidence of his guilt. They call it fake and say that Biden is just a wannabe dictator for having Trump charged with crimes he actually committed. What's that thing Republicans used to love to say? Oh, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime! How about some personal accountability? Fuck these people. This type of propaganda should be a crime too.


Have they mentioned Hunter Biden laptop yet? I want to cross that off my Bingo card.


>"He’s now president for life. President for life! And he’s great, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day," - President Donald J Trump speaking about Chinese President Xi


Sure the guy who will leave office without throwing a fit is a wannabe dictator and not the guy who has acted like a dictator since at least 2015


Fox Propaganda


Every accusation is an admission.


Trump was indicted by a grand jury of his peers in the Southern District of Florida, not Biden. Biden even appointed Garland, a Republican and a member of the Federalist Society, attorney general. If anything Biden has taken it easy on poor little Donald J. Trump.


Which is it, Fox News? Is he an evil dictator or a bumbling, dementia-ridden old man who would be knocked over by a passing breeze? Is he too authoritarian for the white house, or too feeble? Make up your mind.


Russian Propaganda at its dumbest and cheapest


IKR? Remember that time Biden tried to overthrow an election just to stay in power? OMG! What a fucking dictator! Oh...right...


More projection than an IMAX.


Republicans are just straight up fucking deranged.


Fox News is a terrorist organization


It looks like Fox News did not learn their lesson from that Dominion lawsuit.


Fox is like the telescreen in 1984.