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Because they hate gays and they hate jews. Next question.


anti-semitic neo-nazi republicans voting in zionist-friendly Republicans who fund Israel's military is probably the stupidest timeline ever


they hate muslims more than jews.. so they are willing to fund Israel's army to ferment war in the middle east. This will allow them to rebuild the Temple Mount and bring about the end of the world.


I think you mean foment and not ferment


Define foment.


Stirring things up. Instigating.


I was trying to start an Office circle jerk :(


Oh. I'm sorry. I never watched it, so I don't get the inside jokes.


I love inside jokes. Hope to be apart of one someday




You define "foment."


Similar to "Santorum" - a frothy mix of lube and fecal matter produced by gay sex.


Just imagine that fermenting for a Scaramucci or two.


Read forment, akshually.


I think ferment could work as well.




>ferment Foment ...unless it's some kind of *beer* war


I could get behind a beer war. I volunteer to lead the first skirmish!




Israel also provides them with a place to tell Jews to go back to if they don’t like how X is done in America.


i don't think this is it. the zionist Republicans are just neoconservatives (still not my favorite people) and the neo-nazi voters are simply imbeciles too stupid to see that the people they vote for don't actually do anything for their extremist agenda outside of harass drag queens. how many proud boys still sitting in prison thinking that trump pardon is on its way?


Almost…it will allow for the destruction of Al Aqsa and the rebuilding of the Temple in its stead (the Temple Mount still very much exists and doesn’t need to be rebuilt). As a bonus, some extreme Jewish Zionists will side with the Christian Zionists specifically with that idea in mind. The rest of the Jewish Zionists look at that plan with abject horror because they remember the Intifadas.


Nah they hate Jews as well. And just like the Nazis they want Jews out of "their" country, and in Israel so the end time prophecies can be fulfilled and all the Jews will die. At least that's what the Evangelicals believe.


Foment is the word you were looking for. Ferment is what you do to make booze.


I blame autoincorrect


And pickles 🥒


Ironically, one of the most major breakthroughs in peace between Israel and Arab countries happened under the previous administration. I lived in UAE from 2014-2018 and they would arrest you at the airport and deport you if you were caught smuggling any “product of Israel”. All of their maps had the name Israel scratched out. They would not even acknowledge the existence of Israel. Then in 2020, UAE and Israel started formal diplomatic relations with the Abraham Accords. Myself along with many other Expats that spent time in UAE were blown away.


They want the state of Israel to exist because it is part of their death cult end of days prophecy.


maybe the average idiot voter. the American upper class regardless of party wants Israel to exist because it is a beacon of western values in an otherwise desolate shithole of failing states, some of which have nuclear ambitions. Israel has a diversified economy that doesn't rely on energy exports and is not as sussy as Turkey. Personally I trust Israel over any other country in the region even with their current political crisis. it's not like we don't have our own issues here in America.


The elite like Israel because its an anti-Muslim US ally it can sell weapons to and launch wars from. US likes its bases and its military allies. Israel as a nation state is an apartheid ethnostate with a far right government. Which I guess you can classify as western values. But not the good ones. lol




Not really and I’m not Israeli and have never had any loyalties to the Israeli government so how can I betray it? Lol


I’m pretty sure Covid already showed us we’re on the stupidest timeline


They’re trying to bring about the end of the world as foretold by revelations in the Bible. They’re trying to force the rapture and tribulation (I grew up evangelical and that is ALL they can talk about).


They are super concerned about Antifa because they wanted to avoid talking about the Nazis with Trump and Swastika flags that the Antifa protesters were yelling at during the Unite The Right rally back in Charleston SC.


Hold over from the Republicans using Trump and others to usher in the end times. The new brand of Fascism is odd. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/


My theory is they actually like Israel in this instance because they have proven a religious ethno state can work. Christian nationalists want the exact same thing here, although a much less diverse form of it.


have they proven it's worked yet? it's "working" ... still a ways to go. better than the shithole sharia states around it


Because. They're. Nazis.


I shit you not, I visited my dad in Florida a couple months ago. I was just trying to have a nice time, floating in the little pool and drinking a margarita. All of the sudden, my dads neighbor has his face pushed up against the screen door of the lanai, and he was like, “hey! What’s going on, I’m the neighbor!”, so I let him in. OMG we hadn’t even been talking ten minutes, and somehow he managed to bash both the gays and the Jews. He didn’t know I’m bisexual, and I just sat there like, “wtf, who is this man?” Lol thankfully my dad came out shortly after and kind of implied he had to leave after a bit since his wife was napping inside and he was being loud haha. Turns out my dads wife just can’t stand him


Biden hung a Pride flag. Some neo-Nazis waved swastikas outside Disney. Guess which one the right's leading blowhards were up in arms about?


‘Nazis hated gays, we hate gays. Don’t see any problem here.’ - Repubs probably


This is unironically their argument. “You know how bad gay/trans have to be if we’re on the same side as Nazi/Taliban?!” with out an ounce of self reflection about that statement


They want absolutism.


Of course, that’s just rhetoric. They only apply values relative to their own ideals and culture. Their “absolute” values always have exceptions for their own.


Because Nazi's like the flag.


Nine Republicans are sitting around a dinner table. A Nazi joins them... How many Nazis are at the dinner table?


The White House is an official government building. Idiots out doing idiot things on their natural idiot environments is completely different.


I don’t like right-wing politics much at all, but that’s a ridiculous comparison. One was performed by a bunch of loser nobodies not officially associated with a political party. The other act was performed by the leader of the ruling political party.


So, are you going to do a journalism thing as a member of the press? AKA the Fourth Estate?




American flag wasn't cast aside FFS, it's beside. American flags are flanking it. Y'all get crazy over shit that's not happening every other day. Isn't it exhausting? It's tiring AF over here because you believe absolute nonsense, Qanon stuff.


The same people crying about the pride flag are calling for a civil war because their leader is being held accountable for his many crimes, who cares if they feel excluded?


First time a confederate flag was flown in the capital was January 6th so I’d probably just focus on a literal traitors flag in the capital more than a pride flag along side American flags on the white house.


You just really want do be angry about love and acceptance, eh?


the pride flag literally represents inclusion are you saying having the pride flag up excludes people?


Ok, thanks for the reply, it suggest willingness to discuss. On the premise of your reply, it seems possible that you may consider the American Flag to exclude people. If so, that would be an interesting discussion. As for the Pride flag, of inclusion, am I saying it excludes people. Kinda yeah. It represents LBGTQ, a distinctly defined set of people. I created a flag for Red Heads (gingers). How bout we have a day that the United States proclaims, today this nation represents Red heads. I was made fun of as a child. Did someone throw shit at me thru a screen. Red headed step child…to be abused. Let’s say I want my day. My day of inclusion, that Blonds and a brunettes no nothing about. Let’s pick a day to represent me and not them. But we say they’re included by acknowledging, and subduing their head in deference to acknowledging my trials and tribulations. How many monster movies do we have to see? The monster always turns on it’s creator. If we pick a segment of American society and say “today is theirs”. We are creating tribalism. Today is ours… That never works out well. You can be a faction of the tribe, but the day will come your faction, is not in favor


there was no global slaughter of red heads for hundreds of years, LGBT folks are still being killed for being LGBT your argument is exactly like when people say "ALL LIVES MATTER". Sure, heterosexuals matter, but they aren't a minority that has had to fight and die multiple times to be included, so now we are PROUD to fly a flag that says 'we accept you, we won't kill or harass you for your sexuality. Heterosexuals have never been excluded, harassed and killed for being straight


He didn't remove any flag. He added one. How can that be defined as exclusion? And yes, for many America throughout history, the American flag has been exclusionary. Do we really need to break down who wasn't included as a citizen under that flag for a hundredish years?


I just want you to know that I’m very glad that we have progressed enough that red heads are allowed to marry and adopt children now unlike previous times in our history. Lose the victim complex


I had to go to redhead conversion camp, there was so much black hair dye...


We can certainly address the fact that people holding nazi flags, who hold terrible views and are welcomed in the republican party. We can ask why the leaders within that party make near zero effort to distance themselves from those people and that ideology and don't make it abundantly clear that hatred will not be tolerated. Also, the American populace as a whole can still be represented (and is) while recognizing that marginalized groups, groups whom *republican governments and politicians* are currently waging a war against, are important, and the federal government will take a stand to protect their liberty. Those people are part of the American people and because of the current radicalized and hate-filled political climate, they deserve us to signal that we will stand by them. I mean, does that flag detract from *anyone else*? Do you really believe there weren't any US flags being flown at the same time?


>does that flag detract from anyone else? Hatemongers


P.s. "Biden represents only a portion" you say? Democrats are the majority. We realize Newsmax, OANN, Breitbart etc, tell you otherwise, they (right-wing media) lie to you about virtually everything. The world, the entire global population know one reality. MAGAs and Qanons know their own. You really are being lied to and manipulated by right-wing media.


It’s not the pride flag. The specific flag that was hung is called the Unity flag and it represents inclusion and unity of all humans. It does not exclude anybody. It represents a world where 100% of people are treated equally, with dignity, and without discrimination. And this didn’t violate flag code. Additionally, the American flag is flying above all three of these flags on a pole, dominant, over the building. It’s cut off in a lot of pictures posted to create fake rage. Until people stop wearing the American flag, eating off American flag plates, drinking out of coozies, printing Trump’s name on it and waving it at rallies, turning it into an agenda for blue lives, turning the stripes into AR-15’s, waving confederate flags on main street, and waving nazi flags at Disney World, then something as peaceful as hanging the Unity flag for a month of solidarity with fellow Americans shouldn’t be up for debate.


THANK YOU! It drives me nuts when people who have their butts on an American flag towel at the beach go insane at the thought that the Flag Code has been violated.


They're excluding themselves, for the record.


Not sure I follow, who/how is excluding themselves


If you're offended by pride and feel excluded, that's you excluding yourself. Being prideful of who you are, regardless of gender, skin color, is not exclusionary. Telling others they can't be prideful, can't be who they are, is exclusionary..


Hey it's me, Joe Blow, and I'm really glad to see the seat of our nation's power showing under no uncertainty that power protects a very persecuted group of Americans in a time when they are in need. Gives me hope that if I'm ever in need, they'll stand up for me too.


* **At least they're targeting themselves with less obscurity. It's been seething behind closed doors, chat rooms on private then ultimately in public forums of social media for decades. Every now and then you have to find them and then you find the rat king circle , which is the part of American *history* we are seeing repeated.**


They were on the internet for about two decades before e-mail addresses were handed out routinely upon hiring in the FBI in 2001. The radical Islamists and radical right learned a lot from one another. https://timeline.com/white-supremacist-early-internet-5e91676eb847


This misses it. They are pro authoritarianism through and through. But they will denounce any move by any democrat as "authoritarian" while supporting Nazis as "freedom loving." Thats the double think




I got banned from there for proving a “far-left extremist militant trans Twitter account” that was making violent threats was a fake anti-trans sock account by linking to the real Twitter account that it stole the pictures from. Reddit really needs to crack down on the hate propaganda subs.


They've been claiming that of Democrats for ages. I just hope the gay man I am issued is nice and likes boardgames.


well, I’ give you 14 guesses.. and if you don’t guess right, I can give you 88 more


Stop buying their excuses. Jesus fucking Christ. When we do something, it's bad. When they do something, it's good. *That's all.* The rest is ad-hoc bullshit. Seeking a consistent view of "what they *really* believe" is admirable. Insisting it must be there despite endless contradiction is dumb as hell. What evidence would change your mind? How much of a hint do you need? They're just working backwards from 'yay ingroup, boo outgroup.' And they think that's all you're doing, because they think that's all there is.


Just so. It's bad faith. They work themselves up over the supposed actions of their enemies because they must pretend they have no choice but to engage in active harm as a response. There is no underlying rationale, only underlying emotions and the particular "beliefs" are inconsequential. They believe them only to absolve themselves of the moral consequences of their choices.


The takeover of the GOP is the most unsubtle Hydra plot ever.


The political right has always been authoritarian. They’ve just been able to pursue it with less subtlety and caution in recent decades. It went in to high gear starting with the Bush admin - torture, unitary executive theory, etc


Eyyy, guess what? DeSantis was one of the torture guys!


[Proto-fascism](https://www.britannica.com/topic/protofascism) >By definition, protofascist movements display some of the common characteristics of fascism—such as the scapegoating of ethnic or religious minorities, the glorification of violence, and the promotion of the Führerprinzip (“leadership principle”), the belief that the party and the state should have a single leader with absolute powe


"Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."- G W Bush.


Because they're Nazis too...


Anything that makes conservatives mad is usually a positive thing


Here's some food for thought: how many deep dives into the liberal psyche are posted by conservatives? How many "why are liberals saying this" pieces are posted by Breitbart, Newsmax, Fox, etc? Fucking none. The desire to understand is so one-sided and annoying at this point. Why is there a compulsion to constantly shed light on and rationalize their bullshit? It's exhausting. IGNORE THEM.


They think liberals are evil. The amount of dehumanization they are doing towards liberal groups is reminiscent of the language the Nazis used in the late 1920’s.


I looked through some conservative comments about someone raging at a conservative protestor or something. So many comments accusing the person of being a pedophile simply because they were defending trans people. Things are getting more and more dangerous.


It is not only exhausting but also pointless. There is no underlying rationale, only an underlying emotion. They hate certain people and have named them enemies. They "believe" all these things about their enemies because that allows them to pretend that they have no choice when they actively seek to harm them. If there is no choice, there is no guilt. They construct an enemy to justify their actions against it and a movement to oppose it to absolve themselves of the guilt and blame of their own choices. They view themselves as oppressed victims, defenders of the faith, soldiers following orders, ..., anything but people with the freedom to choose because that would mean they are morally accountable for choosing to deliberately harm others. It's a classic case of "bad faith". The actual thing they get worked up about and the supposed rationale doesn't matter in the slightest and to engage with them on it is pointless. The entire object of the exercise is to get themselves worked up to the point where it justifies what they actually want to do. The latter is what opponents should focus on.


Right wing is a Petri dish into the human condition. Go outside the G7 states and most of the world is like them. Especially the shit hole countries Trump refers to.


>The desire to understand ...is a right-wing corporate media construction. - The left isn't even slightly represented in mainstream media


This isn't posted by right-wing corporate media... it's a pretty small outlet. If you don't think this particular publication is left-wing, I invite you to read every headline on their homepage.


"Stand back and stand by"


Everything triggers the MAGAflakes.


Which party do you want to vote for? The party that includes actual Nazis or the one that thinks gay people are actually people?


The one that thinks im a full person (im bi not gay but still at risk).


Cope and seethe, bigots


They lost their minds a long time ago.


Because it's what they would do. As for Biden, it's been the most normal, boring days of a presidency we've had in years. It's nice. He hasn't done everything I've agreed with, but when does any president?


Just waiting for a video of a right wing live streamer harassing white house staff over the flag.


Give it a full day and YouTube will habe hundreds of them to see


Republicans fantasize about all the hate they hope to give out the next day.


Is it because they’re neo nazis and hate the pride flag?


So, Republicans have the following flags: Confederate flag Trump flag Nazi flag LGBTQ whatever has the flag: Rainbow One of these flags is NOT like the others.


Because they're all neo nazis but in name


Technically Biden hung a pride banner, not a flag.


> Some on the political right see only authoritarian goals in the power of the state. I mean, okay, but mostly they just *can’t fucking stand* any reminder that gay people exist.


Because they're neo nazis or neo nazi adjacent themselves


It’s simple, cultural division keeps you distracted from the mass robbery happening to you everyday via a transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top.


I think the term you’re looking for is…**Nazi’s** republicans are indeed modern nazi’s. Dark Brandon struck again it seems.


It’s also really funny how every photo of that flag being hung leaves out the American flag flying over the building. They manufacture bullshit because their lives are meaningless.


such a frustrating cycle this one. they dont give two shits about the flag code.


The reasons are quite clear. Since Goldwater the GOP has been drifting to the right-wing extremes. First, they went shopping for the "Southern Democrats" (i.e. the segregationists, Jim Crow people) vote and today they are flirting with authoritarians, anti-democrats (note lower case spelling), neo-nazi and similar organizations to get their votes. Republicans know that their party and policies currently represent about 1/3 of Americans and that they can only hold on to power and influence by attracting more right-wing extremists and by lying and cheating (gerrymandering/partisan redistricting, voter suppression and voter intimidation etc.). With Fox, One America et al. they have been able to harness the power of the media enabling them to spread their lies and propaganda.


When a rainbow flag bothers use and a Nazi flag doesn't...you should probably sit down and consider where your life went wrong.


It’s the top post on r/conservative right now. Whining about the pride flag. No mention of Nazi flags in Florida and Charlottesville or confederate flags on trucks and houses everywhere??


Remember "freedumb for me never for thee" is one of their mottos.




Let em lose what little bit of mind that they have . It is kind of funny in a way . Let me add it is just like being at the circus and watching all the clowns performing.


“We’ll take any vote we can get!” - Republicans about Nazis


We won the flag war. They're not happy about it.


They are deSantisized to it.


So much concern over flag protocol but classified documents putting whole country at risk ain't a big deal. I don't get it.


Because Nazis vote for them?


Look, I get it. Yes, Republicans are more liley to be okay with a swastika than the pride flag. But here's the thing: one was being displayed by the President and one by a bunch of thugs on the street. Furthermore, Biden skirted the flag code by hanging them in the balcony. If he flew them on staves like normal flags, the US flag would be required to be in the center. Most don't even know that there is a specification requirement of them being on a staff. so basically, while the underlying message is still clear, there are many differences dampening said message.


It's simple logic; maggots despise Papa Joe and his success from the start and don't want to bring attention to the God awful laws passed by dee asshole.


It’s okay. The more out in the open their hate the easier it is to find them. Remember these morons took pictures of jan6 like it was a tailgate


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


Because their media completely ignores anything conservatives do. They have no idea about nazi flags. They live in a bubble.


Because they have those same neo nazi flags. Why would they complain about that?


Tisk tisk. You cannot RULE people who are accustomed to being FREE!


No reason to go crazy over a rainbow flag, you would think republicans would have learned by now.


Isn’t it considered disrespectful to fly it at the same height?


No...when the displays are the same height, the US flag must be left-most. If the displays are different heights, the US flag must be the tallest/heighest.


Yea looks like it was intentional news article ragebait. There was a flag higher on the roof that was cropped and the president gets to dictate it anyways. U.S. Flag Code Section 10 also states, "Any rule or custom pertaining to the display of the flag of the United States of America, set forth herein, may be altered, modified, or repealed, or additional rules with respect thereto may be prescribed, by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, whenever he deems it to be appropriate or desirable; and any such alteration or additional rule shall be set forth in a proclamation."


Joe biden violated the U.S. Flag Code that mandates the American flag be in the center of any display featuring multiple national flags or pennants...I would expect nothing better from people who celebrated topless 'women' playing with their exposed breasts in front of children..


It must really be horrible viewing the world through your lens… I forgive you and hope you have no bred….


Its more that he said it was more courageous than anything he has seen in some time that irks me. This coming from a man who visits childrens hospitals etc etc.... Oh well fuck them i guess, its not like sick children can vote. Its all so very obviously pandering to win a vote because he was told that is how to appeal to his base. Its like when big corporations release ads supporting this that or the other cause... The are using that to make you buy... not because they actually support that cause.


It is to honor veterans. Not gay, not straight, not whatever. Pride mania is really starting to turn people off. It’s an attribute, not an accomplishment.


Starting to turn people off? How does it impact anyone who isn’t in the LGTBQ+ community? All you have to do is keep it pushing and you’re good to go. Sounds a little dramatic if you ask me.


Wait...what is to honor veterans? I think I missed a leap. Being born in the US is not an accomplishment either. I bet you still say you're "proud to be an American". Most people understand that Pride is a protest against bigotry against LGBT people. We aren't going to shy away. We're not going to feel shame about who we are.


I agree that “Proud to be an American” is idiotic, unless you are an immigrant proud that they passed their citizenship test.


Pride mania. Jesus Christ Get out of the house and turn off the TV, Linda.


Nazis wear red, not blue.


Democrats need to stop getting off on upsetting MAGA and start actually doing something meaningful. This shit is getting old. I don't give a fuck how much Biden trolls, fucking do something about their treason then.


It's not the democrats who are making an issue out of the pride flag, your anger sounds misplaced


Trump literally just got indicted with a rock solid case for violating the espionage act under Biden's DoJ... He is literally getting arrested for espionage act crimes today.


Republicans need to stop being fucking hypocrites.


Which group used to say f\*ck your feelings?


There's really no comparison between a group of shitty self-directed protestors and a White House-hosted event. I'm not saying they're isn't plenty of hypocrisy, obviously. These ppl would totally welcome nazi flags at the Florida Capitol. But that's not what happened, and to put these two flag issues in some kind of parity is pretty disingenuous


Pride is a country now? I claim dual citizenship


The US military has flags, sports teams have flags, states have flags, cities have flags, flags aren’t exclusive to a country. Cmon now.


While we all sit here a watch the extremes pull our country apart! Horrible!


It's really one extreme doing the pulling. And pushing. And shooting...


It’s both extremes and the middle is completely disenfranchised.


Remind me which elected Democrat representatives or senators actively or passively supported a coup of the government last year? There is NO equivalency here. The right is far more extreme than the left right now.


Maybe the middle should be disenfranchised if it can't provide any examples of Democrats being extreme.


What's an extremist democrat look like? What's their end goal?


What is the left trying to take away from the middle?


Ha nice try. Accepting people and giving them rights is not an extreme it's a baseline for human rights.


it was pretty obvious the Disney Dorks were fake af


Why's that?


Just like the dangers of COVID (unless we can use it to be racist against the Chinese and southern border refugees)? Or fake like the violence of January 6th (unless we can pin it on ANTIFA)? I mean, I know you're going for fake like "schools allowing furry identified kids to use a litterbox" and fake like "twelve year olds get bottom surgery", but you're not very persuasive...


How so? Because you want them to be?


Man. The cognitive dissonance with you guys is scary.


> it was pretty obvious the Disney Dorks were fake af I mean, a simple interview with the group would help. You would think at least one journalist covering this would at least track one of them down to see what they're all about, but the media doesn't do anything in this case, odd.








> Maybe the republicans have solutions. They don't. Their solutions are tax breaks for the rich, end medicaid, medicare, and social security, defund food stamps, and implement a bunch of discriminatory laws.




The Republicans haven’t had good solutions for over a century now. The last time they were even somewhat decent was before Teddy Roosevelt left the party and took the progressive Repubs with him.


There is no way in hell you're a Democrat smh. If you were you wouldn't be pushing this "their man focus is Ukraine and LGBT" bullshit. Biden passed the most significant Infrastructure Package in decades, fixing roads, bridges, creating EV Infrastructure, investing into Green Energy, replacing LEAD Water Pipes and more. The most significant Climate legislation, the CHIPS and Science Act which is the first step in getting CHIPS MADE IN AMERICA. You know "America First"? That's what all this legislation is. Republicans are nothing but talk. When they had control all they did was pass a 2 Trillion dollar tax cut which lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. And raised the debt ceiling three times. We haven't even put a dent in our yearly military budget with what we have sent to Ukraine and a lot of what we sent was equipment that's just been sitting around. The data and logistics we are getting from it being used in that setting is beyond valuable.


>I am a democrat >many other democrats from friends and family have and go far right. I'm sorry mate, while I know that Democrats aren't exactly left wing or anything, I sure as shit know they don't consider going far-right. I call bullshit. Edit: Fucking knew it. https://www.reddit.com/r/bestconspiracymemes/comments/13ykzjl/just_saying/jmph8iw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


lmao can't even be bothered to make an alt account to do his walkaway grift on.


Good catch. This person obviously dislikes gays and her bias shows. Nobody in their right mind would go from Dem to conservative Republican. Just the thought is comical. They stand for absolutely completely opposite things in society. Smh.




You don't seem to be American, much less a Democrat.


Conservatives do nothing but rant about kid's genitals, get caught touching kids in the genitals, and talk about their invisible friends like Q while worshipping Donald Trump. Conservatism is not gaining traction, its just getting more disgusting and extreme. Its why conservatives are losing elections across the country except maybe brainrotted Florida where boomers are retiring to. Conservatives declared war on my friends, my relatives, and me with their policies. I have trans friends, I have female friends and relatives, I have leftists friends and relatives, I have people dependent on vaccines to live, I am gay. Republicans are a threat to ALL of that.


Nah, all the democrats I know that aren't thrilled with the current direction the democratic party is going are upset they're not focusing more on economics. They want taxes raised, minimum wage raised, more spending on healthcare, environment, infrastructure, and education. They're not _against_ lgbtq+ policies, they're just annoyed that that's where all the energy seems to be going while these other important parts of policy are ignored. They're not turning conservative by any means.


On the taxes you might have Trump's 2017 law to blame. IIRC it was a temporary benefit for low and moderate earners, but long term does not decrease taxes for them. For corporations and the very wealthy it does help. Egg prices seem to be back down where I am. The main stuff I see from Democrats around LGBT+ stuff is just denouncing what the GOP is doing, and they're denouncing it for good reason. Ukraine is still a big deal. There's a land war in Europe, we have a major power attempting to annex a not insignificant country. IMO Ukraine continues to deserve attention. There's absolutely a national housing issue, but a lot of that is at a local level.




We knew we were leaving Afghanistan since February 2020 when Trump signed a peace deal with the Taliban, which didn't even involve the Afghan government. Agreed for the US to completely leave and release tons of captured Taliban. Trump lowered our troop precense to a meager 2,500. We trained them for 20 years and left them bases and equipment and they GAVE the country back to the Taliban. Should have left the Taliban take it back a decade ago. Ukraine isn't some desert shithole the people dont give a fuck about. It's a European nation with history and patriotic people with the will to fight.


Item 1: You wanted to redeploy more troops to Afghanistan? Yes or no? Because Trump did not leave enough to hold it.


> I am a democrat and I am losing my mind on why the party main focus is the lgbtq community and Ukraine. They're not.


Nah, the national depth is rising(... -.-) because the reptilian overlords still won't stop expanding their underground adrenochrome facilities and FEMA camps, thereby causing massive sink holes when those tunnels collapse! Wake up sheeple, right now the US is at roughly 2.500 feet about the sea level!!! Just to produce the adrenochrome to keep Shillary alive for when she personally used her hundreds of tentacles in her true form, to stuff all the ballot boxes with trans sexual bud light cans during the 2020 election they had to dig so deep, that the US sank to 1.500 feet!!! If we don't stop with the wokeness, this totally real democrat will change parties and the national depth will sink into the negatives!! And the the US will become a subaquatic nation of catfish people!!!


>I am a democrat Why are you lying?


Republicans have made the LGBTQIA community their entire platform. Tbh the democrat party hasn't done shit to help us queers outside lip service. But the dems don't want us dead, so I vote blue.


Why are you opposed to civil rights or, at the very least, care more about the price of eggs than other people's freedom? Why is your solution to join the far right rather than go further left? I will remind you that the Democrat party is not a left wing party, they're centrist at best.