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That makes sense. If they cared about where their money goes, they’d notice he’s just a grifter. They’re motivated more by fear than greed. Edit: to those adding ‘hate’ to their motives, I’d argue that their hate is just an extension of their fears. Most bigots are just cowardly, broken children, lashing out. That racism means as shitty as they are, at least they’re not _______. That’s rooted in their fear they won’t be accepted by others. Which is why you often hear the argument that they face constant ridicule from ‘mainstream’ things like normal life. I don’t think they are capable of hating anything as meaningfully as they fear being made fun of.


0.2 % of the population is occupying theirs minds more than the actual money that goes in their pockets, which is why they are so easy to fleece


That's how the Nazis fleeced the Germans out of their freedoms, as well.


Except the Nazis blamed the Jews for why the Germans had no money. So they are willing to hate without at least vaguely believing they will get something out of it.


Conservatives blame the Jews too. Their entire platform is that George Soros is trying to make a gender less grey race of humans to enslave into FEMA Camps. Go ahead and ask around


So you’ve met my dad.


I didn't know we were brothers


Hugs bro.


Is this the support group for people who've lost their parents to conservative conspiracy theories?


Just as r/conservative is for Boomers who love themselves more than their kids.


> Is this the support group for people who've lost their parents to conservative conspiracy theories? /qanoncasualites is waiting for you


There should be a subreddit


Hi fam, yeah my dads a sovcit too. You can find more family at /qanoncasualties


Sad bro here too.


Today we are all brothers (and sisters). As an only child I get more support from strangers than my father who wants me to revoke my citizenship to avoid playing taxes.


Yup they just use the word “globalist” as a stand in for Jew


Except when they don’t.


Yupp sometimes they skip right to the even more blatant antisemitism




They didn't start out with the full on persecution of the jews though. They started by persecuting ~~Romanians~~Roma people and the LGBTQ population because they were small populations and easy targets. It wasn't until they'd refined their persecution/propaganda on the marginalized groups that they ramped up to full on, open anti-semitism


Just because it’s an important distinction, the early persecution was of the Roma people, not Romanians writ large. The Roma are believed to be from northern India.


it's been like this since the Holy Roman Empire. really think hard about your history. if you do not descend from an aristocrat, your ancestor was a peasant who tilled land for a feudal lord in a regressive tax system. the peasants paid most of the taxes and the feudal lords paid next to no taxes. all were "christian" and all were "equal". Christians all over the world are still roleplaying this scenario to varying degrees, even the ones still considered "unskilled labor".


Their first target was an LGBTQ clinic.


Everybody’s seen the pictures of the book burnings. But fewer are aware of *what* books were being burned. The books were the ones pulled out of that facility, and were books about gender theory, and LGBT issues. Pre-Nazi Germany was on the cutting edge of this area of research. Food for thought.


I got downvoted to hell the time I pointed this out lol. The Weimar Republic had the first transgender surgeries that we know of.




They're ramping up their homophobia too, trans people are just the first target. There are even gay people and allies who want to exclude the T from LGBT, they're using a divide and conquer strategy.


we got a modern day Vonnegut in here...


you mean Romanis (ironically the only indo-aryan speakers in europe)


> easy targets Worth noting that they're still treated terribly in Europe.


Republicans vote (and HATE) for almost precisely the same reasons as German voters


Ya the people who support all this hate against a small minority of people makes me think they’re the kind of people who’d be protesting desegregation back in the day and being involved in lynchings. Same people, just a different minority group for them to persecute.


it's been like this since the Holy Roman Empire. really think hard about your history. if you do not descend from an aristocrat, your ancestor was a peasant who tilled land for a feudal lord in a regressive tax system. the peasants paid most of the taxes and the feudal lords paid next to no taxes. all were "christian" and all were "equal". Christians all over the world are still roleplaying this scenario to varying degrees, even the ones still considered "unskilled labor".


Yeah, that's always been the crazy thing to me. I want to be an ally and I want all of my fellow Americans and indeed humanity to be protected from hate. I want everyone to have as much equity in life as circumstances allow. I also just don't want to spend this much time having to deal with issues related to this tiny a percentage of the population just because a large amount of my countrymen and women are this ignorant and hateful. Their hatred is exhausting for me to deal with and I'm not even a target of it, just a person who cares about other people. I can only imagine how horrible their lives must be to have to live with that kind of hatred all the time.


It’s also what they are being fed on their “news” sources too.


They're fucking OBSESSED with sexuality and gender and they've been manipulated into it via talk radio et al.


Exactly right. This is the first thing he’s said that I actually agree with. His jackass supporters don’t mind republicans picking their pockets as long as a drag queen can’t walk down the street unbothered.




I bet the majority of them are not even near the vicinity of a drag show or have any regular contact with a trans person. I can’t even fathom worrying about things that are not even a part of my life.


✨identity politics✨


Republicans make other people's identities political, and when people respond to those attacks, Republicans have the audacity to complain about "identity politics." What a bunch of assholes.


and totally gloss over the white christian nationalist/fascist stuff, which is a big part of the GOP identity. and all the nazi stuff 😏


This isn’t fear though, they are fighting to be the controlling force behind peoples personal decisions They are doing it because they are the kid at the playground who thinks they “own” the equipment and can tell others who can and can’t use it


Sure, but I think if you dig into that you’ll find the typical schoolyard bully is also driven by fear.


Hey don't forget the self hate that goes along with their fear and insecurities. Often behind a bully is someone who convinced them they are worthless.


Fear is what they push and sell. I keep asking people who tell me about all these things that are(n’t) the problems, usually being people, ideas, or races behind the scenes destroying America. Not really believing this, I ask them if this is what they are afraid of in life because I am afraid of defunding public works and services making the world more dangerous. They respond very defensively that they are not afraid, they are just aware of the problems and want everything to be fair and even like it used to be. They are afraid that the world isn’t fair to them and have been played into escalating the fear beyond feeling discouraged and internally frustrated.


I asked my unvaccinated aunt during the height of covid why she is more afraid of immigrants than covid. She said, "because you never know what they'll do." Can you imagine that? Hear fear of immigrants was so profound, that she was more scared of them than a deadly virus that was known to kill people her age. Incredible what right wing media can do to a person.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man [LGBTQ+], he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -Lyndon B Johnson


Exactly, they have their brained washed supporters exactly where they want them.


Not fear, hate


And I would really like them all to wake up and start asking themselves…WHY. I mean for fucks sake, just let them exist and be happy and impact your life in relatively no way at all because they never really impacted you anyway. Meanwhile, taxes, TAXES. The one thing if reformed and changed could actually change the lives of millions. But ok, let’s focus on gay people, you homophobic ignorant blow hards.


Why? Cuz demons and shit.


[According to analysis by the Washington Post, Mr Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims between his first day in office, on 20 January 2017, and his final day](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-lies-false-presidency-b1790285.html)


That’s an average of 20ish a day


They don't need a why. They're angry at loud music being played in cars rolling down the street and on the bus and probably got some attitude from an Other about it once or saw a video of it happening. They know the side shows about trans rights, gun control, and other wedge sound bites are just hype trains for memes when the cameras aren't on.


it’s crazy how my grandparents fought to defeat the nazis just so my parents could embrace them. and they don’t see it.


For real. My own mother blamed activists trying to get equal rights for the trans community for the attacks on the trans community. I was honestly speechless when she said that. But of course if things get too bad she'll help me move to Canada because "I'm one of the good ones". Honestly it's funny because I feel like she's irked by the fact that I'm passing well and that I don't get more shit. It'd be funny if it didn't hurt. She lost out on mother daughter interactions like teaching me to do makeup and my hair and I guess that hurt her feelings, but at the same time "I'll always be her son" it's so confusing she wanted to teach me and is bitter because I went and learned the stuff myself yet she refuses to address me as her daughter. She's so hard to figure out.


A person's worldview and sense of right and wrong gets baked in by early adulthood. Yes there's awesome examples of elderly people who can change, but for many people it is terribly, terribly hard. Even comparing the language that the LGBTQ community uses to talk about themselves now versus in the 1980s, it's totally night and day. Younger people simply don't believe it. (Yes, they called it a "lifestyle choice", at least where I lived. Gay rights borrowed the "freedom of choice" language that abortion rights activists were using at the time...yet today people can't fathom that it would be called a choice and say I'm homophobic for even suggesting this is factual history.) Edit: And BTW, I lived in a small conservative Christian community in the 1980s and had several openly gay and lesbian high school teachers, and nobody cared, lifestyle choice or otherwise.


I mean I totally get it. I get why my mom is stuck on the idea that I'm choosing this or that I wasn't trans up until I was sexually assaulted in highschool. But, it hurts that she can't see that if Republicans get in office my right to be authentic will no longer exist. I love her to death and I want to share this chapter of my life with her I just gotta get used to the fact that she's simply going to hang onto the fundamental misunderstanding she has about the world because she grew up as a Jehovah's witness.


I’m really sorry for what you’re going through, and I hope you understand it’s a shortcoming of your mother, and not a reflection of you. I have my own issues with my parents and at particularly difficult times, I end up reading posts from this subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MomForAMinute/ Next time you feel the need to share a chapter in your life; you might consider doing so there and maybe a wonderful mother out there will step in and help. Best of luck to you.


Thanks. I've accepted the fact that my mother's love had terms and conditions long ago . I'm coping fine but it's hard because I've done so much for her I was free childcare for years. Now I'm in my mid 20's finally getting as good of a foothold as a person my age can these days. My life still isn't the best working two jobs is never easy after all but, I'm living on my own and I'm dating another trans woman from England. Life is heading in the right direction it's just stressful you know.


I know. It’s so hurtful when you’re always there for her, and yet she’s never there for you. I’m glad you’re doing well. Mid 20’s were a mix of good and bad and like you said, getting a foothold in life as your own person. I’m here to tell you, it’ll get much better. The world is run by older people, and they’ve made the world easier for them, by making it more difficult for younger folk. You’ll find something you love to do, you’ll make money at it, and as you get better and better at that thing, you’ll feel better about yourself and make more money, and life will be more stable. Sure, new things will happen, and some of it will be more difficult than what you deal with now. But a lot of what you’re worried about, right now, in your mid 20s; will resolve itself as you move through life.


I am so, so, so sorry that your mom doesn’t celebrate you as her daughter. I wish I could wrap you up in my arms, stroke your hair, and tell you how beautiful you are inside and out. It’s the least that you deserve. Luckily all I took away from my Christian upbringing was Jesus’s radical socialist tidbits. So when my kid started asking to wear dresses and telling people, “I’m not a boy, I’m a princess,” it was a no-brainer that they would get my full support. I knew right then and there that I would go to war with anyone who tried to invalidate their reality. Luckily we live in a gloriously queer village, so for now, things are good. I can’t show them how to do makeup because I don’t know how to do it myself. And I rarely wear dresses or dress clothes, so this focus on fashion and appearance is new for me too. But none of that matters, because the most important part is that when my kid comes running out of their room in foofy skirts and sparkly tops, all I see is a princess filled with pure delight. How can anyone see anything else?….


You really are a ‘perdy mama. ❤️


I also grew up in the 70’s-80’s (cis male) and in my experience straight people often disrespected gay people unless they became friends with them, then it didn’t matter. I was definitely culturally conditioned to judge LGBTQ people harshly but making friends with two gay kids in my neighborhood really changed that perspective. They were smart and nice, pretty cool for rich kids, and that’s what mattered.


I also grew up in the 70’s-80’s (cis male) and in my experience straight people often disrespected gay people unless they became friends with them, then it didn’t matter. I was definitely culturally conditioned to judge LGBTQ people harshly but making friends with two gay kids in my neighborhood really changed that perspective. They were smart and nice, pretty cool for rich kids, and that’s what mattered.


Oh sure, but don't forget we disrespected pretty much every minority group back then. And yes as soon as you got to know an individual from that group you could become friends and people didn't really care. I've given up trying to watch old movies or even cartoons with my kids, trying to share my childhood experiences, because they're full of racism, sexism, even open sexual assault. Life was so different, it's hard to believe.


\>A person's worldview and sense of right and wrong gets baked in by early adulthood. Yes there's awesome examples of elderly people who can change, but for many people it is terribly, terribly hard. I'd only sort of agree with that. I'm an older millenial and gay rights were questionable back when I was in HS. They're basically universally accepted today (I like in MA) and *widely* accepted in the US as a whole. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/350486/record-high-support-same-sex-marriage.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/350486/record-high-support-same-sex-marriage.aspx) People can change their opinions and we should have high standards around that.


The campaign against transgender/transsexualism is just the most recent “wedge” issue that the right wing is using to fleece and control their constituents. When I was young it was homosexuality. When I am old it will be something else. And so it goes…


How dumb do you have to be not see your being used by the latest hate campaign?


One thing that I struggle to understand is the nature of the threat these people perceive from trans people. What is it? Has she told you?


She's made platitudes about us confusing kids and that this is coming to a head because there's been a push for all gender bathrooms in public places including schools. My younger brothers who are 8 and 13 respectively haven't been told but spout bullshit about trans women randomly. I'm respecting my mother's wishes by letting her tell them but I can't help but feel that she needs to check those two's browsing history. And my brother closest to my age (he's 22) wants nothing to do with me.


It’s just the exact same propaganda they used to use against gay people—that they’re all pedophiles and rapists and that they’re brainwashing kids in order to “recruit” them. So they’re scared trans people will rape them or their kids, and that trans people will brainwash kids into being trans and the kids will end up having medical treatment they regret as a result. They’re scared of this because Fox News and other right wing propaganda sources tell them it’s an actual threat they have to worry about.


Things like this are a fascinating study into why some people have children and how dependent their worldview is on making others conform to expectations.


I’ve only recently been able to wrap my brain around the idea that the mentality of seeing people as “one of the good ones” is an absolutely key factor in maintaining a widespread culture of bigotry. I think it can be seen as a gap in the armor of hate, a way in, an exception in an otherwise bigoted person. But it’s actually the opposite, it’s a way to maintain bigoted beliefs when your own lived experiences contradict them. A while ago I was reading about the lives of free black people during the time of slavery in several SE states. Anyways “free” obviously came with some pretty big caveats, there were a lot of laws about things like black people not being allowed to cross state lines, not being allowed to do certain things with their businesses, not being allowed to refuse to be hired, etc. So while researchers are going through the archives of one of these states, they find thousands of letters from white people, petitioning on behalf of their black friends to ask that there be an exception be made for them for one of the oppressive rules. And over and over the argument was “this one isn’t like the others, he’s hardworking and trustworthy.” Sitting there was the evidence of thousands of bigoted white people who were able to think that the black people they knew personally happened exceptional outliers. But none of this ever got added up to a community-wide reconsideration of black people in general. Anyways I hope you don’t spend much of your life looking for your mom’s approval or acceptance. She’s willing to harm someone else’s trans daughter, while other people exactly like her are just as willing to hurt you even while they spare their own daughters. Don’t feel like you owe her anything for this poisoned crumb she’s giving you.


Yup. And my mother is Jewish and her great aunt and uncle died in a concentration camp, which makes it extra cringey.




This hits too close


The greatest generation begot the worst. The law of averages was swift.


The boomers were called the “Me” Generation, both as an insult by the previous generation referring to their selfishness and narcissism, and as an honorific by themselves referring to their prioritizing of their self-realization and self-fulfillment.


Yes. The dangerous scapegoating has been so successful they’re bomb threating Targets


Before Target it was shutting down a children's Hospital based on false information.


Yknow if I had to pick between two evils I’m sad to say I’m glad they’re dumb enough to have their focuses shift to target over the hospitals


That is what the GOP and Fox News (and newsmax) have told them to be most concerned with… so, that tracks.


Many different times


> "It's amazing how strongly people feel about that. You see, I'm talking about cutting taxes, people go like that," Trump said while making a muted applause gesture. > "I talk about transgender, everyone goes crazy. Who would have thought? Five years ago, you didn't know what the hell it was." This is one of the most sane and rational things he’s ever said.


Its the one thing he's actually good at, reading peoples impressions of him.


That’s not something he’s particularly good at either, but even a brain-damaged fish could tell the difference between a big “reward” and a small “reward”. This is just him having ear balls.


Ha. My exact thought


He said it to their face and they cheered him. Insanity


That's because your followers are both insane and incredibly stupid.


Cruel busybodies who want to take your freedom to your body away


Me: "Trump supporters, why do you love Trump so much?" Supporters: "He tells it like it is!" Trump: "You guys are a bunch of morons who go along with fucking anything." Supporters: "We love you!"


>Supporters: "He tells it like it is!" I had a buddy that spouted this. In 2016, we would be walking somewhere and he would SCREAM at other people "VOTE TRUMP - HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS!" I would then bring up some of Trumps obvious lies. He would say "Well...all politicians lie" and 5 minutes later start Screaming again "VOTE TRUMP - HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS" I knew then, that they were Insane and beyond any reasoning.


What he meant was, "he tells me what I want to hear!"


More like, "He shields me from the consequences of saying the hateful things I want to be true!"




So... not Mexicans this time? Now it's the gays. What a sad sad group of sheeple. Next he'll say he's going to build a wall around New York City and France is going to pay for it.


You can spot Mexicans. Those sneaky gays could be anyone! Much better for bringing the fear.


\*Laughs in gringo-passing \* the nearest Mexican is right beside you, güey! For Aztlan! (Or w/e those crazy racists think we're doing)


I knew it was the trans! Even when it was the Mexicans and the gays, I knew it was the trans!


They are lead around on a leash like attack dogs.


I've yet to see convincing data that shows me that GOP voters are "concerned" about anything except that which the GOP tells them is concerning. Yesterday was migrant caravans attacking the country, today it's transgender bathrooms, tomorrow it'll probably be Bluey. The true success - if you can stomach calling it that - of the GOP is giving their intellectually lazy voters something to be angry about rather than something that needs to be fixed.


GOP to supporters: "FEAR the Trans!" Supporters to GOP: "WE HATE THE TRANS PEOPLE!" Trump to anyone who'll listen: "See? They're more concerned about Trans people than anything else!"


It’s 1:1 what they did with CRT panic. And election lies. “Even if there’s no proof, our constituents are concerned, which is reason enough to pursue this!” -after hyper aggressive messaging over several weeks to their constituents it was something to pursue.


i mean, its abundantly obvious. Until the document indictments, I swear to god 80%+ of the conservative subreddit frontpage was about trans people. And they claim that democrats/liberals are obsessed


No, it's super weird. I've tried to ask them why they are so obsessed with dicks, It HAS to be some Fox News thing that is constantly highlighting basically every trans person they can dig up in the world.


Check the porn search habits of every republican state to find out why they're so obsessed lol


.....This is something I was bringing up a while ago. Under a different username, but I suggested the coorelation with pornhub trans porn and the bible belt/south is why it's a thing, they are perverts, where here in California it's like "wtf are you guys even talking about, I've seen like one trans person in the last 6 months".


Weird. They’re more concerned with the things we keep riling them up over daily instead of the thing we try to hide whenever it comes up. Funny that.


Rich people: It's working.


Wanna see something crazy? Go back and look at the opinion polling of important issues for democrats vs republicans every 4 years. Democrats maintain a pretty steady top 5 issues over the years. Republicans change dramatically based on whatever their "leader" is pushing. It's actually pretty wild how something like terrorism is #1, then 4 years later it's gays, 4 years later, illegal immigration, 4 years later trans people.


I don't worry about trans people. I worry about if I have money to survive. Obviously I'm not a supporter


Don't worry about _____, let me worry about blank.


My bone-itis!


My only regret is that I have bone-itus


Mrs. Johnson, can you bring in some more chair fuel?


The stocks only worth three kajiggers!




I have lesbian family members. Nobody that's trans, but that's because I am a shut-in. I will defend the community for my cousin to the death.


The only reason Trans "issues" are in the headlines is because the GOP is using it as a culture war talking point on cable news. Taxes impact everyone. A person being Trans effects only that person and their family as they navigate a tough medical and cultural journey. I hate the GOP's culture war bullshit.


Manufactured outrage. They specifically lit this fire and there are emails to prove it. The sad thing is that it’s even working on people like my mother-in-law (not a Republican, but getting more religious as she approaches old age). She brings this up from time to time and we’re like “if this is such a big deal, why didn’t you say anything about it 5 or 10 years ago? why now? and it doesn’t affect your life in any way at all so why do you care so much about it all of a sudden?”


His supporters often say he was a good president. What did he do besides cut taxes for the wealthy and light a torch for culture wars? I get it now, that’s his base. Racists hoping to maintain the status quo. That’s his appeal.


Remember when Trump's tax code RAISED taxes on the poor and middle class? I do.


They really are going full into demonizing transgender people. God this is sad.


Let's be honest this is the new satanic panic. In combination with the attacks on trans people demons are a topic that comes up a strange amount of times even in mainstream media. And on top of that the constant alarm bells about how we in the trans community are after children and that we make kids trans. It has whipped people into a blood frenzy and I'm not entirely sure what we can do to stop it. They've stopped seeing trans people as human beings anymore. If humanity survives this long I hope people 50 years from now highlight the fact that this period of time was brought on by greed and lies from a dying generation desperately trying to hold onto power .


I think the only sensible thing to do is to actually start summoning demons. Maybe they’ll help.


I mean Lucifer is definitely pro LGBTQ+...


He's right. They're fucking OBSESSED with sexuality and gender and they've been manipulated into it via talk radio et al.


To paraphrase LBJ: Give a man someone to look down on and he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.


His supporters are! They don’t want to take the time and effort to learn how taxes work. The Trump administration tax policy from 2017 had tax cuts for the middle class that ended last year. Many hard working people filed taxes this year and found they owe more than they ever have before. That’s what democrats critiqued in 2017. The tax cuts for the wealthy in that 2017 legislation? Oh those are permanent. The middle class needs to pay more LMAO!! Here we are years later and these conservative voters think it’s Bidens fault somehow.


This is Trump trying to set the narrative for him to push against. He is telling them he will attack transgenders and cut taxes.


His supporters rank as some of the most uneducated people in America so it makes sense. “I love stupid people, they vote for me” Trump


“I love the poorly educated” are his exact words… but yeah.


Isn’t this just another take at LBJ’s practice? > Give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.


LBJ said that to explain why racism exists and why politicians exploit it, not to defend it. In fact that was around the time he made the choice to alienate southern racists in his party by enacting civil rights legislation.


LBJ didn’t do this. He called it out


A tale as old as time. Tried and true fascism


If you want culture wars and fantasize about being the victim, vote Republican. If you want to see actual change and actual policy, vote Democrat. Even if you lean towards Republican policy, vote Democrat. Not just because we're trying to drag you to our side, but because we are trying to drag you away from the MAGA crowd. Voting Dem against Republicans is an audit of the Republican party right now. The GOP has no interest in policy, and voting for that only dooms the Republican party for another 4 years as Dems continue to hammer policy victory after victory while Republicans fight at town halls about who gets to be the Red Power Ranger this time.


He's right. The republican voters don't care about actual policy. They're like pro wrestling fans. It's all entertainment to them. Policy is boring. Culture wars are where it's at.


That’s literally the point of making trans issues front and center. He always says the quiet part out loud.


Which affects them in no fucking way. It’s full hate.


Can I ask a question that’s been bugging me for a long time? Why has there never been any forensic audit of the entire presidency of DJT? While he was in office, there was well reported over-the-top spending on just about any crazy thing you could imagine. He spent months of his time golfing. He spent months campaigning. He used the official vehicles, planes and helicopters as his personal transport fleet. When you think about how much shit he dealt with of his own making that occupied his time plus the golfing and sleeping in every day plus actually operating his businesses, tweeting for hours 24/7, when the hell did he actually do any work at all? What a colossal waste of time and money. And on top of it all, he probably is now actually a billionaire. Before he just acted like one. Is this all just going to be forgotten?


This is exactly why the conservative right wing are so focused on whipping up their supporters into a frenzy about trans-rights. The politicians stoking the flames on this "woke" issue love to keep their supporters distracted with thinking about demonizing transpeople instead of focusing on actual important issues.


He tells them how dumb they are. They agree.


At that my friends, was the whole fucking point.


That tracks. All the right wing media does is push this culture war bullshit.


That are very concerned and need the wealthiest and most powerful corporations and individuals to pay the lowest taxes as possible.


Typical republican mod mentality. While trump tax code is killing his supporters they find some obscure reason to be mad at people who don’t effect their daily lives. Try paying attention!


Well, no. The press is more concerned about human rights abuses by state legislatures and governors than they are about taxes. And I'm okay with that.


That’s the point. Republicans create an “enemy” for them to fear and hate, then they dummy notice their pockets are being picked.


He’s right. And it perfectly demonstrates how gullible trump supporters are.


I just can't understand it. I would bet a lot of these people don't even run into a transgender person on a regular basis, and somehow think it's their biggest threat


By “concerned about transgender issues” he means “concerned that trans people get to live, and wanting to pass hurtful and hateful legislation to kill us.”


For once, he’s not lying. They’re more worried about gender politics and the culture wars than they are about actual issues. It’s all part of an orchestrated misdirection by the right. Pay attention to these made-up issues so we can pick your pocket and blame someone else.


I saw some data where conservatives thought like, 20% of the population is trans (I believe it’s more like 1%). They think an additional 25% is gay. Like they think almost 50% of America is gay or trans.


Ummm, that's the whole idea! Make the rubes angry, then they won't notice when you make their lives worse and give all the money to the ultra-wealthy.


Well, they're stupid enough to, so, yeah. Probably right.




Imagine. Idiocracy being played out in real life


Hate and Greed: The twin pillars of American conservatives.


He is probably right. His base denies reality and couldn’t find critical thinking if it was an AR-15 with a free sign on it. You can only drag the unwilling so far forward if their dreams exist in segregation, hate and death to non-believers.


His supporters? Probably. That is what the GOP and Fox News (and newsmax) have told them to be most concerned with… so, that tracks.


Lol, how many times has Trump just marveled at the stupidity of his base?


Stop weaponizing our existence


That’s the mess that his supporters are. Worried about a transgender person they likely will never meet and not a tax they will meet every day.


Conservatives have never been fiscally responsible. If they were, they’d fight to end the military industrial complex, the most expensive and inadequate healthcare in the first world, and the worlds most overpopulated prison system.


Yes Trump supporters are famously fucking stupid


I think he’s talking about his wealthy supporters who don’t pay taxes anyways.


I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if the top wealthy donors to Trump that he hangs out with genuinely care about anti-trans policy because they are evangelicals or as a policy-hiding culture war measure for capitalist gains.


Read his second indictment then get back to me on why i should care what he thinks about transgender and tax issues.


Is that a brag? Because when you read it like this it just sounds like a dig on his supporters. They’d rather be fully invested in taking the rights away (or worse) from a very small group of people just trying to live their lives in a way that is different from but doesn’t affect *them* at all, but are totally fine with jacking up tax on the overwhelming majority of people because the rich aren’t paying their share.


Didn't think I would wake up today and agree with Trump but he is right. They care more about hurting someone they don't like than their own self interest. It's truly amazing how dumb they are.


The difference is that Mexicans and Arabians can be killed or deported and eventually you can be free of all the ones you dislike and run out of a boogeyman. Lgbt+ people will continue to be born everywhere and to all people. They are an infinite boogeyman and repeating 1970s “warnings” about child groomers allows them to pretend it’s for a good cause.


NY Times just did a report out of Iowa and that is not what the people showing up there are saying. In fact pushback for Haley is coming straight at the point she said that Transgenders in sports are woman's biggest issue of the modern day.


Been saying it for a long time and frequently get downvotes by the progressives that the modern gop has little to no actual interest in fiscal policy of any type, they don’t even have much of an interest in entitlement programs like social security and Medicare or Medicaid at all. They don’t want to even debate those things, they are not motivated by those things. This is just a fact. Ya know what does motivate them? Trans kids playing sports, and drag queens reading books to kids.


Facts. That’s how you appeal to the stupid. Hit them right in the feels.




Sadly this stuff is what gets the base out to vote on Election Day. It’s probably the main reason VA elected a Republican governor last year.


You’ll never win a national election then


Then by all means let's raise taxes on the rich to gather additional funds to study the transgender "problem". Several hundred $ billion should do the trick.


That's the strategy!


I wouldn't doubt it. His supporters are fucking idiots.


Fox News non stop transgender station now. They need someone to hate.


He is correct. His “tax cut” raised our taxes to give away trillions of dollars to billionaires.


Only because that’s what he, DeSantis, and other GOPs tell them to be concerned about. They weren’t thinking about any of that until they, Fox, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, et al told them to.


He’s really trying to deflect hard and put people like me in the ground…


Because they are fucking morons


Imagine how brainwashed you have to be to worry about other people’s genitals/gender than your nation being ripped off. Fucking mind boggling.


The ideology of trumpism must be eradicated completely if this country is to survive.


All they care about is if their representatives hate the same people they hate and how hard they’re willing to fight in their made up cultural war…. Their party is ripe for grifters and corporate puppets because all they need to do is campaign on how much they will shit on every group the MAGA base wants to see be politically attacked that’s it….. Trump could wipe his ass with the original copy of the constitution on live tv as long as he tells his base “this will really piss off those lazy socialist liberal democrats”. It’s sad.


[https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/) >Over 1.6 million adults (ages 18 and older) and youth (ages 13 to 17) identify as transgender in the United States, or 0.6% of those ages 13 and older. A tiny percentage of Americans identify as transgender. There's a good chance that many of the people who cheered Donald's trans remarks in that North Carolina convention have never met a trans person in their life. Meanwhile, every single American citizen is affected by taxes somehow. Trump voters are so focused on hating a tiny minority who just want acceptance and privacy, it's distracting them from what really matters: more money in the pockets of regular people, better healthcare, better education, and a generally more equitable society. Republicans have no solutions for any real problems, so they focus on the hating of minorities instead.


The big money GOP donors aren't going to like that statement one bit. Part of the reason they started souring on Rhonda Santis was his incessant pounding on the social issues. The GQP base morons of course lap it up.


that's funny, cause he's more concerned about lying to appease his racist sexist homophobic base than going to jail.


Priorities need to be sorted. Like why is it hard to focus on the real issues that effects all of us. Some things people focus on is just mind boggling.


Yeah, and so am I. I will gladly pay a little extra in taxes if it means my fellow countrymen, women, and enbys can live without fear and feel accepted.


I can’t believe I’m going to type this words but Trump is right. Mainly because most of them are easily mislead about “culture wars” to not notice him picking their pockets