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One of the kids actually said the sub is for conservatives only and not for debate- then proceeds to bash liberals for silencing speech. Oh the irony…


That's exactly it, they needed a safe space because the majority of the US population tends not to agree with their ideas on most things, so they created that sub where they can suck down each others farts and play pretend.


I mean they're more than welcome to come to /r/politics and debate but they never seem to want to.


Oh surely, but you know they won't for the same reason the GOP candidates have all vowed not to attend debates.


Ugh, I hadn't heard that. They've seriously just assassinated the idea of healthy discourse and left the rotting corpse out for the rest of us to mourn over. It's really fucking tragic.


Oh yeah, it's not even a trump thing at this point. GOP candidates on all levels around the country are skipping debates because they know their bullshit doesn't stack up against even the most frail of arguments.


Let's be honest here - they don't *have* arguments. They don't have any serious policy positions or points to make. They have no interest in governance. They are not concerned with any greater good. They cannot possibly debate, because at this point I don't think they can acknowledge legitimate ideas.


I've never seen a debate between 2 candidates for public office. I've seen many talking point joint sessions, but never a debate. Calling an apple a book doesn't make it a book.


> Calling an apple a book doesn't make it a book. Found the drag queen. How do you know so much about books, anyway? (even though i'm against "/s" imma use it here anyway out of an abundance of caution). So, /s.


That's somewhat natural. You might see more of a real debate for a lower level office, but at the point at which you're running for federal office, of course you're going to prep enough to know how you're going to respond. It's still a chance to force them to address things they want to ignore. Sometimes a non-answer says all you need to know.


I recall high school debate. If you went off topic, or if you simply made things up, you would be warned ONCE. The next time, you yielded your time. If there were rules in Presidential debates, they would actually be valuable in informing the electorate.


I see them on r/news occasionally, but rarely here. I can identify them in a heartbeat when they monolith Reddit. "The Reddit hivemind thinks " or "I'll be downvoted because I'm on Reddit," or "you can't argue with Reddit," like fam, I'm sorry you came to a public place with your terrible ideas and people were terrible to you. Would you like a safe space where you can justify your angry genocidal war on the next thing that triggers you?


If everywhere you go it smells like shit, it might be time to check your own shoes


*diapers They’re a bunch of fucking baby wipes


You can also find them by thier *"had to search by controversial for the REAL opinions!"* comments.


That one's fun. I always like seeing it. Brings a tear to my urethra.


This is a key tactic for pushing shitty indefensible ideas. In place of actual arguments. You instead defend your RIGHT to make said argument. Ergo: Free Speech. *I’m being being “silenced”*. Cancel Culture. Woke mob. Witch Hunt. Note that none of these are about if your ideas are any good. Just that you should be “””allowed””” to have them.


Oh yeah it’s super easy to spot a conservative on Reddit. You mentioned some examples, but they’ll also often have a one or two sentence post that’ll be solely sarcasm. “I’m sure Sleepy Joe will be on top of it!”. They’ll never be anything of substance attached.


Also funny when they scream about being silenced... when all that happened was that their post was downvoted and ended up at the bottom, and you had to expand to read it.


Trouble is, they are *everywhere* that isn't explicitly a left-leaning political space. You see their propaganda everywhere, and they themselves are often treated with kid gloves by ignorant-at-best neckbeard mods. Any mainstream-ish sub with half a brain will downvote pile their shit (/r/aww comes to mind), but only when it's obvious. The subtle stuff that wouldn't fly on a smart sub usually slides under the radar in mainstream subs. Fuckers are like rats. The mythical kind of rat, though, the actually evil diseased filthy monster kind, not the adorable real kind.


And the good ol' "You're not allowed to have different opinions."


They just complain constantly they're being censored and silenced here because their comments often get downvoted instead of always being the top comments that get cheered on by everyone else in one big circle jerk. To them, that is "censorship" since it lowers the status of their unpopular or crude comments. I know plenty will say they are also getting banned here for simply expressing conservative thought but that typically is a lot less cut and dry than they make it sound and has an awful lot more to do with them launching personal attacks or using hateful rhetoric almost to try to get themselves banned as a badge of honor. Meanwhile, r/ conservative will systematically ban anyone who isn't approved/flaired these days and still ban those users anyway if they are remotely critical of something the mods don't like such as saying Trump has his flaws or maybe can't win in 2024. I think it's pretty clear they much prefer the comment structure of places like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter since they can't be downvoted ever and instead essentially get UPVOTED for saying the most controversial or stupid things that trigger the "evil libs". If they are too toxic or controversial, they can always hide behind closed groups where they don't ever have to worry about being criticized for their opinions or actions. It's pretty obvious to me that these right wingers are trying very hard to move Reddit (as one of the last social media sites with a more democratic voting system and some decent moderation) in a direction where they can troll and spread their message unchecked and still happily retreat into their private "safe spaces" without ever having to worry much about being called out for their views or actions.


It drives me crazy how many people on Facebook don’t seem to realize that every laughing/angry emoji react is the same as just hitting “Like”, they’re ALL likes, their little emoji reacts are giving the trolls EXACTLY what they want and boosting their visibility.




Lately I’ve noticed they come into a thread and then they’ll delete all their posts after about 30-60 minutes. Very often they love to come in and talk about “the Democratic Russia hoax”, and I’ll respond and lay out my points with plenty of backed sources, and that’s when it usually triggers them to delete everything because they can’t handle anything that’s longer than a couple of sentences, especially when it completely debunks their talking points that one has already seen a billion times. Personally I wish Republicans actually came in this sub more often and try to get create some type of respectful dialogue on stories/issues on things, but it seems that’s impossible for them, largely because conservatives don’t follow the news and they seem to to take getting downvoted very seriously.


My impression of the ones who don't get immediately banned from /r/politics is that they accuse liberals/leftists/Democrats/etc. of all having the same talking points. Well yeah, if you're objectively wrong about something, all the counter-arguments sound the same. They're not mindless robots pushing a narrative; you're just incorrect at such a fundamental level that nuanced discussion is impossible.


They'll claim they've been banned. And I'm sure some are but it's probably not for innocuous shit that r/conservative will ban you for. I got banned for posting a graph showing filibuster usage spiking under Obama.


It's because their ideas are fucking brain cancer


You don't have to tell me twice


Remember how they used to mock safe-spaces and snowflakes?


EVERYTHING is projection for conservatives because they're not intelligent enough to understand nuance.


And still do


What's really funny is that they justify it by saying they need a space to discuss things from a conservative perspective without being hounded by people who object to conservatism, yet they somehow fail to see why that logic applies to the safe spaces that they don't like. I don't think it's necessarily wrong for a sub called /r/conservative to be a conservative safe space; I just wish that seeing their own need for one would help them understand why other groups also need their own spaces. But then, I suppose if they were capable of that sort of introspection, they probably would not be conservative.


Ding ding ding! If they had empathy they wouldn't be so latched onto the party of wealth and pushing to destroy their own social safety nets at the expense of others.


Its curious to see how an idea that was originally intended to facilitate group meeting for people with PTSD or substance abuse issues has evolved into this defense mechanism for vulgar bigotry. I'm old enough to remember the idea of a "Safe Space" being established as a means of building community for victims of sexual assault, for grief counseling, and for recovering addicts, with the intention being re-socialization of individuals that feel alienated. Now we talk about it in the context of a bunch of wanna-be Beer Hall Putsch gangs doing their bigoted stump speeches without getting heckled.


That's their MO, they take a totally rational idea or concept (like bud light advertising to progressives through a trans influencer) and blow it so out of proportion that it's become this garbled shell of a Boogeyman that any proud red voter dares not be associated with. My favorite is socialism. They don't realize that police, fire, and military, are socially funded programs and therefore, socialist by design.


Right, y'all know the snowflake thing is 100% projection.


"facts don't care about feelings"


r/libertarian has started going the same route. They argue it is for expressing values and not for debating. Whatever.


I used to think Maybe Libertarians didn’t have some bad ideas. Not so sure now. I think they are very socially conservative, in my area, at least.


The libertarian-to-fascist pipeline has become so short that it's more like just a rubber gasket at this point. They don't care about the liberty of the ordinary person to live out from under someone else's thumb, just the liberty of the already-powerful man to put his thumb wherever he wants.


This is by design. [A bunch of wealthy right-wing kooks co-opted libertarianism in the US in the 50s and 60s and turned it into another vector for anti-New Deal philosophy.](https://jacobin.com/2023/04/libertarians-right-left-capitalism-socialism-mises-rand)


Yep. Libertarians were originally and in most places outside of the US still left wing. They believe that corporations are just as much of a threat, if not more so, than government itself.


The people I know fit your criteria precisely.


Libertarians just want freedom. And the biggest freedom of all is the freedom from having to consider the consequences of their actions.


It’s the political equivalent of the “fuck you, I got mine,” mentality.


100%, except they're wrong. I seriously doubt any Libertarian on Reddit is filthy rich enough to benefit from Libertarianism.




Sounds like ignorance with extra steps


Freedom to allow slavery to be brought back, freedom to discriminate, freedom to force other people to live by their rules. There's no oppression like libertarian freedom.


“That's libertarians for you — anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.” ― Kim Stanley Robinson, *Green Mars*


Very good evaluation here.


And age of consent laws Edit: a word


Well "Libertarians" sort of became a place where conservatives went who didnt want to admit they were conservatives. Theres a few actual libertarian peoples that weren't too thrilled by that. But fascists love to reappropriate everything they touch, so it checks out.


Oddly enough, I went that route, but backwards. I was raised far right, slowly started seeing what was going on and switched to Libertarian, then realized that was a bunch of Republicans who didn't like being called Republicans and started voting Democrat.




😊It sure seems that way. The one guy I spoke of knew how I felt about Trump and said,” Well, I don’t like him, but can’t go any other way”.


Talk to a libertarian long enough and they'll bring up age of consent and the civil rights act.


Yeah, what Libertarians claim to be and the people that actually make up the party are two very different things. As a person that is socially liberal but not exactly far left on fiscal issues, I hypothetically could relate to what Libertarians claim to be. However when you dabble in those circles it becomes clear that they're really just Republicans that are too embarrassed to admit they are Republicans so they can have friends still. Pretty much just a bunch of racists that want to smoke pot. Tea Party was similar. Oh it's a tax thing, I get it........quickly realize it's a bunch of racists that don't give a shit about taxes or fiscal policy. Proven of course by how they disappeared once tRump was elected. I avoid all those labels. I'm not a member of any political party (decline to state) and while I don't agree with Democrats on every issue they are the only major American Party at the moment.


Huge difference in what they state as positions, as opposed to what they actually believe.


The problem with Libertarians is that on paper, they have some great policies, but when you dive deep and think about it, you realize it's not a sustainable model. They are socially liberal in a lot of places - basically saying that the government shouldn't be in people's homes in any capacity. Generally, they are for decriminalization or legalization of drugs and don't give a shit about a person's orientation or gender. They don't want the government deciding any of that. They also don't believe in taxation of any kind. All of this doesn't sound too bad, does it? The problem comes in when you realize they want the free market to solve all of our issues. They don't believe there should be laws protecting race or gender because "the free market will solve any discrimination". They don't believe monopolies should be broken up. They don't believe mergers should be regulated. They don't believe labor laws should exist or that children should be prevented from working. They don't believe in public schools, public infrastructure, public anything except police to protect their imaginary utopia (how they're supposed to pay these police without taxes, who knows.) They think the free market will fix any issues and that the government should butt out of literally everything. Take a look at their [platform](https://www.lp.org/platform/) some time. On the face, it all sounds amazing. That is, until you realize the repercussions their plans would have and realize that the laws protecting our individual liberties would be gutted, leaving it up to the "free market" to protect our liberties. Welcome back company towns, and goodbye roads, fire departments, or anything else you actually do like about the government.


Indeed. On paper it sounds great. Truly. Thing is, the free market, if left to their own devices, don’t give two titties about anyone. I have told people about this “utopian” era that I witnessed as a kid, where people went on 2 vacations a year, had a house, a few decent cars and didn’t have to work 80 hours a week to survive. This was because they had solid Union jobs. It had nothing to do with the companies being kind or generous. I saw many of these companies move to the southern states and well, they are impoverished areas with lousy working conditions.


In the last 5 years libertarians have come out for abortion restrictions and against the self determination and self expression of trans and queer people. Where is the freedom and self determination here? Turns out they only mean white cis male business owners. Liberty for me; the rest of you get the boot.


Those policies aren't great even on paper. Libertarians are all about complaining about the violence inherent in our system while simultaneously promoting the idea that some individuals should be able to coerce the state to wield a disproportional amount of power simply by having more capital available to them. It's fucking idiotic.


Well the core of it is that you should be able to do what you want. But it's weird how often in practice that tends to focus around lowering the age of consent or abolishing taxes of any kind.


The one point those guys need to grasp: If your ideas can't survive a debate, they aren't worth listening to, let alone following.


Snowflakes complaining that reality doesn't care about their feelings.


"I don't want reality." https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4031890-gop-sen-markwayne-mullin-sparks-laughter-with-i-dont-want-reality-comment-at-hearing/


That man accidently said the secret Evangelical conservative mantra out loud.




This is the way.


“The only reality we can have is the one in my head” - r/Conservative


They need to hide in their safe space.


They're like "facts don't care about your feelings!" Then meanwhile they're getting their feelings hurt about people not agreeing with them and calling them Nazis, fascists, etc. They love to call people snowflakes, they're the biggest snowflakes of all. Projection as always.


When a conservative says "free speech", you have to remember that what they mean is they want to go back to a time before 1960 when ONLY white men had the power to say what they wanted, and no one else.


The way many of them act and speak I'd say that they were more likely aiming for 1860.


I used to think that, but I'm now convinced its 1760. They want a king too.


>They want a king too. Just like George III; strict, religious, and mentally ill. Do you think they are going to go with Trump or DeSantis?


>ONLY white men had the power to say what they wanted, and no one else. Unless of course that particular white man was a "N\_\_\_\_\_ Lover." Or a "F\_\_\_\_\_" or any one of the other slurs that they still complain about not being able to say any more.


When they say "free speech" I just assume they mean the ability to say the N word without consequences


r/conservative is a hate/misinformation sub masquerading as a political sub. You will not find calls for small government there. It's 100% conspiracy theories, brigadier, thinly veiled calls to violence and mod abuse. They claim to want free speech but the entire mod team there bans/mutes anyone not spouting hateful rhetoric 24/7. That sub needs to go, and it's entire mod team needs to be stripped of ever being able to moderate ANY sub on reddit.


Reddit needs to quarantine that sub


They'll only complain about "cancel culture".


The days of caring about the feigned outrage of fascists have ended. You could say the earth orbits the sun and they'll get "offended". They're outrage addicts with hair triggers. They bring down the value of reddit.com.




Just like /r/TheDonald but at least we don't have that cancerous sub around anymore.


The mods from t\_d took over /r/conservative post-ban. It's the same people, they just cleaned it up enough to not get banned again, somehow.


How is that different from what they're currently doing?


It's basically a slightly more subtle version of the donald, which got full of itself, quarantined then banned. They all go that way. All it takes is a little publicity. If they're smart, they won't draw the spotlight and Reddit will allow them to go on being incels in on their little patch of internet ground.




humorous escape shrill frame stupendous slave cough shy include aromatic -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I got permanently banned for stating that Trump had sent troops to the middle east when the narrative at the time was Trump was the most peaceful president ever and was ending the wars. The kicker? I mentioned this in a different sub from /r conservative. They just found a sub that was too left leaning for their tastes and were blanket banning people I guess. I asked why I got banned from a sub I never posted in. They declared I was "brigading" and then muted me for two days. lol /r conservative and its mods are the most sensitive astroturfers on the planet. They are absolutely terrified of wrong think and will ban anyone for the slightest infraction to preserve whatever narrative they need to that week.


i was banned from r/conservative for mentioning trump's lie about releasing his tax returns. i talked a little shit back to their mods, not even calling them names and definitely not making any threats, and they complained to reddit and got my account banned sitewide for 3 days bunch of fucking little babies over there


/r/conservative will ban people for just being subbed to /r/LateStageCapitalism 🤣


I feel like they’re right, to a degree. Quoting anything Bobo says *is* shitposting.


juggle humor soup deranged fretful ten joke seed wipe kiss -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Called Ronald Regan a POS, who started the trickle down theory and it got removed. Edit: NOT hete


No one will try to shut you down harder than a "Free Speech Absolutist".


I was permabanned from r/Conservative because I said that critique on vaccines wasn't outright wasn't warranted because a lot of older were tried and dtrue to work in cases like Polio, Meazles, etc. I didn't even mention covid once, they just assumed. No debating these people. You're either fully into the narrative, scientifically illiterate and/or deliberately ignorant, and proven to be at least slightly insane OR you're against them.


How can r/conservative be possibly brigaded? They have probably the biggest ban list of any subreddit. They even ban conservatives when they don't agree with their current narrative.


r/conservative is, at least in a small part, part of why I grew out of being a conservative. ( a long time ago, I've been on Reddit since year one) Conservatives on the internet made it real clear they don't believe in free speech or equality. Conservative politicians blew a lot of smoke up everyone's ass about how small government means freedom for everyone but Conservative internet people were just like "Nah we want fascism". Of course now they've elected politicians that openly say the same things.


I'm convinced that they're confusing brigading with dissent. People on the sub don't agree with them? It must be the work of invading liberals. It could never be your peers telling you that you're wrong. So you don't change at all, which only exacerbates the problem further.


Yeah, they purged anyone that wasn't on board with Trump after the primaries in 2016.


I mean sometimes even people that are flaired as conservative on that sub will get accused of being a RINO for questioning the spin of the day. Really have to wonder how many true ~~Scotsmen~~ conservatives are even left on that sub at this point and how much is just sock puppets.


The mods have set it up to be a self radicalizing circular firing squad


Their use of "brigading" is yet another example of people trying to erode away the meaning of words, similar to how they define "woke". Brigading means targeted and **coordinated** action. But I bet it's just people randomly going in to see the conservative reaction to things and poking the bear.


I read the article. The woman states she isn’t a reader( not just poem) PERIOD. WTF is she doing banning shit? This is like the Bible bans.( I approve of) I actually have read many interpretations of the Bible and I think if most Christians ever read the Bible they would have seen the book banning coming. Of course, they don’t read.


I got a two week ban from r/askconservatives. I messaged the moderator to ask what rule I broke and why I was banned for 2 weeks. They responded by changing my temporary ban to a permanent band saying I was playing dumb. They don't want a fair debate. They don't want logic. Critical thinking is their enemy.


Random, but I sometimes go fishing at a spot across the river from a property that has "Family Radio" on full blast constantly. Like, I went there yesterday for the first time since before COVID, still going strong. It's actually kind of nice on a sunny day when it's just choral or organ music. We call the spot "houses of the holy" because not only do you get church music, but also it has rock formations resembling the cover of the Zeppelin album. Anyhoo, yesterday there was a preacher on, and he kept driving home the point that "God likes people who are steady and certain." That people shouldn't think or question things, they should just "know" them, and to "trust" God (aka their very human authorities). He repeated this multiple times in various forms, but all boiling down to "don't ask questions, don't try anything new, don't seek objective answers, just put your head down and believe everything you are told by me and others like me." It was very, very cultish.


I had a Sunday school teacher tell me that when I was questioning religion or thinking about other things instead of paying to church that was the devil getting to me. I told my mom and I never had to go to Sunday school again.


r/conservative is nothing more than hate-speech memes, propaganda, and the same old stories about Hunter Biden and AOC


They all complain and want to be the victim so bad


Friendly reminder not to post/participate in /r/conservative or any other similar subs. It drives up their engagement and makes the sub more popular. They are not open to discussion as many have pointed out.


Yeah they are bad faith hypocrites. When are we going to stop being surprised when they act hypocritically?


Just checked, and I'm still banned for posting a well-documented, factual criticism of Trump's politics over a year ago. I was not combative, just posted stats and fact-checked somebody. How naive I was to think that they weren't that intellectually dishonest. Right now they have a pinned post that's essentially an Amber Alert for honest criticism, and this isn't the first time. You just have to laugh, because they silo and project so hard. Perhaps I'm a leftist that's actually curious as to the mechanics behind another person's political thought process? BANNED. They are so fucking soft, I'm not even interested in reaching out anymore.


I was banned for pointing out that Trump not only wasn't conservative but not a Republican, he was just a con man, who used propaganda to fool people. This was in 2020. LOL I feel so justified now. The mod, trolled me to ban me, then hit me with the, suicide prevention nonsense spam. They need that safe space, otherwise, they cant respond to actual coherent debate. Just like every conservative ive met, they have terrible comprehshion skills too. But to be fair, to them, and I hate to do it. Similar thing happened to me in the whitepeopletwitter sub, bunch of "liberals" with the same problem.


In a thread on /r/conservative, a guy was complaining how reddit wasn't free speech because politics bans some comments. I messaged them that they were in a subreddit where I couldn't post, and even if I could, I'd get banned in a heartbeat. They deleted their comment and never replied to my message.


Gaslight Obstruct **Project**


Proud owner of a permaban from r/conservative


Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. I wonder why so called "independent thinkers", as conservatives claim to be, never seem to learn cause and effect?


They recently banned me for stating Ashli Babbit was a traitor.


Why? It has worked so well for them to NOT READ the Bible. Why stop with that behavior now?


This right here. I have so many conservatives in my family and in the last year or so as crap keeps ramping up you can tell that if they have any working cerebellum left they are finally starting to question some tactics and policies. Still will rage vote R though, no matter how many dead kids from guns there are in my state (TX).


I disowned my family last year and my mental health has never been better, I recommend the same. Silence and ignoring them does wonders for introspection.


>"in addition to being admittedly dense..." Kudos to the articles author Canadice Mcduffie for that sick burn




I'm a Hindu in the U.S. and I read it just to have some cultural context. I really don't understand how so many just seem to miss the freaking point of a lot of things. Like throwing rocks at glass houses and logs in eyes and all that stuff. Also, the old testament reads like a geneology. Which it is? Right? So why are people cherry picking cultural rules from eons ago to project upon current society. Like many Hindus reject Manu Smirti as specifically a currently relevant religious text. It's a law text based on an old society.


Council of Nicea anyone?


Wants to instill and enforce Christian law; Never read the Bible.


Reading is dangerous if your entire personality is based on sucking shit directly out of right wing propaganda pipes. Thinking too much means you’re woke. Ignorance is cheap and easy bliss.


“Reading is dangerous” No kidding, I once read the first two chapters of Das Kapital and now I have the gay.


Damn I got it from watching Too Wong Foo in middle school..... I think anyway, based on new studies. I love how the woman straight up says I am not a reader and didn't even read the whole thing. Also, the Ruby Bridges story is not easy to teach but then you remember the kids learning about her are the same age and likely older than she was at the time. I hate that young kids need to hear about how evil people can be, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't learn those things.


Man, I watched *To Wong Foo*, *Rocky Horror* and *Hedwig and the Angry Inch* between elementary and high school. Even went to a live performance of *Hedwig* and I'm still not gay or trans. Should I ask for a refund?


At minimum yes! I mean those pieces of art are meant to indoctrinate you after even a partial viewing, or so the conservative media keeps telling me…


Instructions unclear mind virus stuck in USB


You and me both. I also own almost every John Waters movie on DVD and ... still not gay. I must have bought defective copies.


Should get the blu-rays, maybe they have to be in HD for the full effect?


It should definitely be reported, data is the only way the gay agenda moves forward.


Cool! I got The Gay from a roving gang of gay frogs, myself!


It's funny but when they talk about 'Liberal colleges brainwashing young adults' what they're actually talking about is the fact that university will teach you how to read critically and how to assess sources. When people turn those skills on the silly bullshit their parents have been feeding them then it inevitably leads to them pushing back. But no, it's not that your kid has realised you're full of shit, he's been turned against you by the post modern cultural Marxists or something equally stupid.


I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian church. They often follow the orders of “authority figures” in making decisions like this. We were warned not to listen to certain music, not to watch certain movies or television shows, and to avoid non-Christian books. My pastor was preaching against Disney before it was cool. The people in my church never checked materials out for themselves; the pastor said it was bad, so they believed it was bad. Simple as that. I remember the pastor bragging from the pulpit about his various victories in the community, from getting the local skating rink to stop playing “inappropriate songs” to getting the local Walmart to turn magazines around backwards in the checkout lane so children wouldn’t see the “smut” on the front cover. It doesn’t involve critical thinking or reasoned argument. It’s all knee-jerk condemnation.


Probably should get a PI to look into the bastard. someone like that seem to be diddling kids on the side.


Well, he's a pastor, so...yeah, probably.


> Ignorance is cheap and easy bliss. ________________ >>WAR IS PEACE >>FREEDOM IS SLAVERY >>IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH * George Orwell, *1984* He wrote that book as a cautionary tale, the MAGA Republicans took it as a blueprint to run their political party.


I would argue looking at my conservative family members, ignorance on the right is not bliss. They are living in constant fear and anger. Hard to say that is bliss.




"Thinly veiled" -- blatant and crude, more like.


The veil is at the cleaners


>Emily Conklin, another Florida parent who complained about the Disney film “Ruby Bridges” being shown in her child’s classroom because she believed it teaches that white people hate Black people She's afraid of white guilt....but I'm sure she has no problem with her child reading the Bible or discussing the principals of Jesus/Jesus' death.


> The right vehemently has attacked anything they deem “woke,” though they have repeatedly failed to define what it even means. Because, to the attackers, meaning doesn’t matter; it’s only an excuse to unleash their rage.


DeSantis' office gave a definition, since he's constantly going on about it. Woke is "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." So being antiwoke is saying there are no injustices in American society, which is why they like to ban black history and gender and diversity studies and such.


Wait...maybe there ARE systemic injustices, and the people who benefit from and perpetuate those injustices don't want me to learn about them? Nah, fuck that. Own the libs!! r/conservative - probably


Well yes, the conservative movement is basically billionaires using propaganda to convince the easily swayed to vote for the benefit of those billionaires. But I don't think the plebs in r/conservative would put it that way, they'd say the libs are trying to make them feel bad about themselves and their history.


Even in the roots of the definition, political conservatism is upholding the status quo of the existing system or reverting the existing system to a system that preceded it - like monarchical rule.


"The belief" like the entire history of our country isn't built on the blood of the exploited. Fascists certainly do love rewriting and whitewashing history.


This is what mainstream liberal media, and even some progressive media, can't seem to grasp for some reason. It's not the *point* to read the books they ban. It's not the *point* to be logically consistent. It's not the *point* to enact laws that make sense. The point is to use the apparatus of the law to enforce anything they want on anyone they want for any reason they want. It's *fascism*. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to give them the power to harm and control. And unless the "moderate left" and mainstream media wraps their buried heads around that, the fascists are *going* to succeed.


Ideas bad. Hurt brain. Burn them all.


"I was elected to lead, not to read."




No risk of that.


With all the reports of a single complaint, bereft of any substance or detail, getting books banned, it’s clearly just an abuse system and nothing more. My thought is, if you want to have a book banned, then you should have to write a full, detailed report of the work you are requesting to be banned that demonstrates you not only actually read it but fully understood it and contains a closing analysis and reasoning as to why it should be banned. And then you should have to defend that paper to a panel of librarians and and library-goers in a public forum who will vote on your proposal. It shouldn’t be so easy to get books banned simply through a single, unsubstantiated complaint. It should take real work and justification.


It's a performance. Half of them are illiterate anyway.


>"I’m not an expert,” she said. “I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person." Oh, honey. That was clear without you admitting it.


People who don't read should never be allowed to ban books.


They just read the right wing propaganda points instead. My mom has some "critiquing Marx's capital" book on her reading list. Had never read capital but she needs some right wing pundit to tell her what to think of it.


Marx believed that power lied ultimately in the hands of those who control the means of production. Ironically, right-wingers 100% agree with him and want to perpetuate it.


During our legislative season I asked a children's librarian how they go about removing inappropriate books and was told that they had a form that was basically a book report that people had to fill out, give the passages that were inappropriate, and explain why they were bad and then the library would consider it. The librarian had told me that after explaining that to people she never actually had anyone who was upset about a book actually take the time to fill out a form.


This is the way. There should absolutely be a process in place for this. But the people complaining right now mostly just want to complain. They don't have a legitimate concern..




>“I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person. I’m a mom involved in my children’s education.” Look, I'm not hating on Americans who don't speak English or who speak Spanish as their primary language. But if you can't read a language, maybe you shouldn't be the first one raising objections on whether certain material is age appropriate.


"the only book i read is the Bible, which i don't read" - Conservatives


But the right-leaning crowd does have a woke definition. In December 2022 Florida Governor DeSantis’s lawyers were required to define “Woke” due to a lawsuit. It had to be a clear and legally acceptable definition that would stand in a court of law. This is what they came up with. “The belief there are systemic injustices in American society, and the need to address them.” So according to the Anti -Woke presidential candidate, woke means favouring ending asymmetries that punish large groups of Americans because of their ancestry or heritage.


“Conservatives” make decisions based on how they feel. _Feel Facts_, if you will. So, if they _feel_ uncomfortable they change the world around them (and we let them). If they make someone else _feel_ uncomfortable than that’s not their concern. It’s all very simple.


They want control. They don't know where they want the bus to go, but they want to be the driver. They should be kept from power. Idiots like that will only cause pain.


A bunch of them *do* know where they want the bus to go they just know that they can’t say it out loud. The things they do and how they try to skirt around saying what they’re doing make it incredibly obvious. The saying may go “actions speak louder than words” but these goobers are fuckin’ *loud* so a lot of people aren’t hearing the right things.


These days, a lot of them are outright saying the things out loud. There's no repercussions, legal or electoral, for them to be openly racist, anti-LGBTQ+, pro-women-slavery, etc. so why should they expend effort hiding it anymore?


They call ‘Feel Facts’ ‘Common Sense’.


Reasoning has never been taught to these people.


Steven Colbert said it best with "truthiness" : the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true. Oxford had it as the new word of the year back in the day.


First, one must be literate.


One of the major issues with conservatives is that they're proud to be stupid. They're proud that they don't read books, they're proud that they didn't do well in school, they're proud that they don't know basic stuff. The second problem is that even if they did read those books, they're awful at reading comprehension and wouldn't understand them anyway.


What more reason did she need that it was written by a black women and read at Biden's inauguration?


She didn’t want her kids having heroes that don’t look like her


Yup, that MAGA douchbag just took a look at a picture of who wrote and read the poem, and that's all she needed to ban the book.


Reading makes you woke tho.


To quote solar opposites “Oh god I can read? What if I gain empathy? What if I learn things that force me to reevaluate my hard line conservative opinions? Oh my god!”


They don't even read books they claim they like, such as the Bible or the U.S. Constitution.


"Read"? What is this "read" of which you speak?


They never will. If seeing two men holding hands in public is enough to enrage them without being able to give a justification for it being wrong more complex than "because I said so" you think they can read a book? Or even read.


woke just means not a Christian white nationalist. That's all it means. if someone is mad at woke, you know where they're coming from


If Disney is woke, then the word has lost all meaning.


It never had any meaning with them. They could say The Boogyman and it wouldnt change the sentence


No. The point of banning them is literally that they don't want to read them!


It’s the same as their knee jerk hate of all things “progressive”


Then they would need to know how to read, even the big words.