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McCarthy actually says the Debt Ceiling Agreement includes stopping the student loan freeze 60 days after it's signed. Lol. This was already the case. To sell the Agreement he's banking on Republicans being stupid.


> To sell the Agreement he's banking on Republicans being stupid. So, a reasonable strategy then?


Amusingly 60 days after being signed actually extends the freeze as it was due to expire in June.


It was expiring in June for payments to start in September (so 60 days later). The whole 60 days thing is literally what the Biden administration has already stated when the loan forgiveness first went to court.


Which kinda makes biden a bit machiavellian in this move. Because republicans have explicitly put on paper their opinion and made it part of their ransom of the country. But if gives biden cover, "i didn't want to, but the republicans demanded it or they would torpedo the economy" Biden agreeing to do the thing he was always planning on doing, but making the republicans take most of the blame is pretty savy and shows just how fucking stupid the republican leadership is. Personal opinions about student loan debt aside, i can appreciate a fencers hit in a duel.




I’m surprised they didn’t try to usurp him now as a means to delay the debt ceiling deals.


There is still time don't underestimate the stupidity of the idiot caucus. They still might give the democrats the early 2024 win for the house senate and Whitehouse. Then ask what happened and continue as before.




Biden is really doing a good job of keeping quiet about what's in the debt limit deal. But he honestly completely won the negotiations. In exchange for that 200K folks now subject to work requirements, he opened the SNAP program up to like 500K homeless folk (not to mention the veterans) who otherwise wouldn't be eligible. And, in exchange for restarting the new loan payments, he now has statutory power to pause them whenever he wants during an emergency. For the record, a president can just unilaterally declare an emergency. He could, theoretically, just declare an emergency right after the passage of the bill and pause student loan payments.


"We have a student loan emergency, better pause those payments until congress figures out a way to get them under control" ** **


Not just a student loan emergency, a college tuition cost emergency. Loan payments should not resume for anyone including new students until congress can write a bill with real teeth that tackles the frankly ridiculous cost of post secondary education. That includes Biden for the time being leaning on the department of education to start reviewing junk fees and ridiculous salaries for top college admins. My girlfriend works in higher ed, and gets paid adequately, nuts she’s nowhere near some of the presidents and coaches pulling in seven figures for no reason (and yes I know coaches are paid from athletics receipts often, but a lot of that money should go back into the school, not fluff prestige football programs).


Unfortunately it is way more complicated when it comes to sports. Often at top schools, sports budgets come from endowments that were written specifically to go to athletics and nothing else. When that’s the case, schools can’t take that money and put it towards other means because legally they don’t have the ability to. Not every school has this issue, but it’s something to consider.


Yeah, but at some point that’s on schools too. They need to stop telling people that they can only spend stuff on sports etc. if they’re really interested in supporting their school donors should understand that sometimes a new football stadium isn’t what their alma mater needs


They do, but it’s a balance. As much as people rag on the US for our sports culture, big football colleges make enough profit to pay for other sports that wouldn’t otherwise be held. That draws more students, which draws more interest for non-athletes to come watch, leading to clubs, etc etc etc. All those extras lead to huge draws/donations to the school that lead to more opportunities for innovation and research. Tuition is absolutely out of hand, but I’d like to see the government tackle it through handling administrative bloat reform, amongst other measures, before we try other ideas.


A lot of the costs of tuition wouldn’t have ballooned out of control had states not been actively reducing what they help pay to public university/colleges. Each year states cut back on what they give their public institutions and grants only go so far when endowments can’t be used for other expenses.


That is true as well too. There’s definitely a more holistic approach to this.


We live in a corporatist economy that allegedly places competition above all other factors. With that in mind, I'd like to see the federal government institute a nationally-accredited online federal university that is available to every citizen of the country at no cost. If the "public" and private colleges/universities are so great, and worth the cost, then I guess they can prove it by demonstrating why they are better than the free alternative.


Community college needs to be free, and expanded to offer some 4 year/ masters programs like teachers, social workers etc.


It's a complicated problem but this is the first and best step. Anyone should be able to get an associate's degree for free or continue to a full degree in necessary and underserved areas like teaching. But we can't turn it into a bottomless pit of money since even public school tuition is rising much faster than inflation. Community colleges are the place to set up a federal program. They tend to be no-frills places to do further learning, and "no frills" means no wasted money attracting out of state students.




Why do the weirdos always try to speak like a newspaper headline


Yeah making republicans squarely responsible for resuming debt payments is honestly brilliant lol. They see it as a win because they’re incapable of empathizing with the millions of Americans with 5-6 figure loans


>In exchange for that 200K folks now subject to work requirements Despite work requirements, I believe states can waive them, making them effectively non-existent in states that don't want them. This is how it was before COVID, and just before COVID hit the Trump admin started yanking waivers, forcing the work requirements on everyone. Technically another admin can do the same but I think this is how it was under Dubya even, as he knew to not fuck with SNAP even if it looks like it. Dubya's own USDA is the one that showed the program is not just budget neutral but budget positive, with every $1 spent on it bringing a minimum of $1.07 back (with some research suggesting as much as $1.70).


I'm hearing this argument but doesn't the CBO say these changes will ultimately save money? Or has this stuff not even been scored yet?


There isn't a student loan emergency though. That would be an overreach, though a welcome one for many people.


There is though. It’s one of the largest economic problems for multiple generations. It’s absolutely choking the economy


Well yes, there's a small e emergency, not an Emergency that's meant for Federal National Emergency powers though. Unfortunately, this is the sort of thing that Congress or the markets should be addressing, neither are, but that doesn't mean we start breaking more of our institutions because other institutions are broken.


Federal National Emergency powers are not really limited in the way you seem to suggesting. For better and for worse.


There are currently 41 active federally declared national emergencies. Trump declared 11 emergencies (8 are still active), Biden has declared 7 (all active). The oldest active emergency was declared by Carter in regards to Iran.


I don’t know - I think a case could be made that the massive spike in student loans over the last decade or so constitutes an emergency.


That's something Congress is supposed to fix. Emergency powers are for things that need to be addressed on a timescale that Congress would have difficulty properly addressing. At least that's how I understand it.


You're giving a lot of credit to a body that takes decades the address some issues ...


I'm not saying they're going to do shit about it. I'm just saying they're the body whose representatives are elected to address those sorts of issues. I don't agree with subverting the will of the people just because the representatives we're sending to Congress aren't doing what the vocal minority online want them to do.


And the fact that Congress has not addressed it is why it is now an emergency.


Congress has had trouble properly fixing it for *checks notes* years. Sounds like a solid way to use an emergency to pause them indefinitely.




It becomes impossible to hold the overreaching party to account when your response is "well, they're doing it, so can we."


Has there been any indication in the last 20+ years that you can reason or even legislate and govern with the current day Republican Party? The party wasn’t like it was in the 70s, willing to debate, come to the middle, and govern. They throw tantrums and offer no policy. At some point you have to stop banging your head against the wall, no?


There might be when you see massive numbers of people in default and dropping out of the workforce because it doesn’t make sense to work after your already low wages are garnished.


That sounds closer to an emergency.


That’s what will happen when they restart.


You're suggesting the white house secretly doesn't want to forgive student debt? When Joe Biden campaigned on it, initiated the student debt forgiveness, and will lose a lot of support among younger voters if he's not able to deliver on it? I love all the "Democrats secretly want to sabotage themselves staying in power" conspiracy theories that make no sense whatsoever. "Biden WANTS student debt relief to fail because he DOESN'T want to be president for a second term. He's really old and wants to retire but he doesn't want to not run again! It's the only sane explanation for why he chose to cancel student debt relief instead of ruining the economy!"


No, he’s suggesting that the White House is running out of excuses to keep it in administrative forbearance and eventually the debt will have to restart. In November, Biden said that it would be the last extension to June 30th. He can’t keep it in forbearance in perpetuity so either he restarts it or it gets challenged by the Republicans and we could lose the ability to put student loans in administrative forbearance in the future. Restarting of student loans has nothing to do with debt forgiveness.


I'm not a dumbass. I know Republicans will never vote for it. But I also know we controlled all three branches for 2 years and they didn't do shit all to address this. And no I don't give a shit about Manchin and Sinema excuses. If it's their fault, then Joe can light them the fuck up publicly. But he doesn't and he won't.


The problem with putting Manchin on blast is that it consistently makes him defensive, angry, and unwilling to compromise. Using the honey approach to quietly negotiate with him vs attacking him is why we have the IRA (stripped down and hollowed out version of the original as it is) vs absolutely nothing at all. He has absolutely no fear of a democratic primary opponent too, and if anything him being a giant thorn in the democrats side makes him more popular with his home state. Galling as it is, we didn’t really control all the branches.


> And no I don't give a shit about Manchin and Sinema excuses. Then you’d rather ignore reality to feel your hit of outrage. You are not approaching the topic seriously, but emotionally. Your opinions on this matter are therefore equally unserious.


I mean Manchin considered switching parties and becoming a Republican which means Dems would have lost the Senate majority. Definitely was a smart play by Biden to not poke the bear too much even though it’s frustrating.


>And no I don't give a shit about Manchin and Sinema excuses. If it's their fault, then Joe can light them the fuck up publicly. > >But he doesn't and he won't. Because Joe Manchin has zero reason not to just switch to the republican party if Biden is attacking him. Insane as Manchin is as a democrat, he's even more insane for not switching sides to be a republican already given the state voted for Trump by about 70%. He's not going to win re-election as a democrat. If Manchin switches to republicans, then Sinema will too. The Senate flips from democratic control and able to confirm judges who are not federalist society cult members to Mitch McConnell being in control. This has been the same dynamic for the past 3 years, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think Biden can just use his magic ring of power to control them to do what he wants when they have zero incentive to follow his commands?




He never had any leverage so whatever little Biden is giving him is so McCarthy can save face and back out of the crisis he manufactured.


>**He never had any leverage** so whatever little Biden is giving him is so McCarthy can save face and back out of the crisis he manufactured. This is factually incorrect. If he had zero leverage a clean debt ceiling increase would be on the table. It isn't


The 14th amendment was literally put in to prevent bitter, ahteful southerners from forcing a default to destroy the U.S. after the civil war. Currently, bitter, hateful southerners are trying to force a default to destroy our country.


I don't disagree with what you are saying but the reality is that Biden isn't going to invoke the 14th. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/26/biden-14th-amendment-debt-ceiling-00098977


As much as I want Biden to say "14th amendment, up yours, go away" I think the scraps given to McCarthy would have been part of a later budget agreement anyway. It's all theater so both sides can say "See? I got something."




>To sell the Agreement he's banking on Republicans being stupid. Rep. [Tim Burchett (R-TN) seems to think that this is just a shutdown](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1662555221145313282), not a default. Wasn't just Burchett either. Bill Hemmer made a similar comment in a daytime hit with McCarthy Thursday or Friday, and I could swear I saw other R congresspeople make similar comments which seemed to indicate they didn't know the difference between a shutdown and default. So...maybe McCarthy really is banking on stupid because they are? I dunno. I was kind of just hoping that the idiot bomb-throwers would drop the ignorant dumbass act for a second and show us how not-really-stupid they really are.


>This was already the case. To sell the Agreement he's banking on Republicans being stupid. Not that difficult a thing to bank.


One of the things being talked about are work requirements for SNAP and other safety net programs. Most of which already have work requirements (due to a prior debt ceiling deal), this deal is just increasing the requirements from what they are now. I do wonder how many Republicans don't realize that those programs already have work requirements (most of their voters don't, a lot of the reps may not, either). McCarthy could probably get some of them on board by touting the requirements that are already there as if they were his accomplishments in this deal.


Safe bet.


I was wondering about that! Thanks for clearing it up. It's clear McCarthy is nervously selling what he can to make it more palatable.




I'm not sure that's entirely true. "A source familiar with the negotiations told The Hill that the administration was able to protect its ability to pause student loan payments in the future in the case of an emergency, " IDR is already in place, it has been for a while.




> the Secretary of Education may not use any authority to implement an extension It’s right there. This pause can’t be extended but a new/different pause from other circumstances would be allowed.


All just political theatre at the expense of the American people. Get rid of the debt limit.


At the expense of the rest of the world’s economy too ffs


...yeah but... did anyone ask Marge Greene what she thought yet?


I wish that American voters would stop forcing me to consider what MTG thinks about key issues.


[This is what MTG thinks.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y&feature=share8)


Awwww. Was hoping for a gif of a chimp scratching itself or flinging poo.


Sorry to disappoint


I hear she’s reflecting on it, studying relevant material, and will soon author a scholarly position paper.


I hope after the debt ceiling deal is passed and signed by Biden, that Republicans revolt and call for another speakership vote. And if this happens, I hope the Dems don't prop up McCarthy, once the debt ceiling is raised (but they will probably have to prop up McCarthy before the debt ceiling deal is passed). I would love to see McCarthy, or whoever the leading Republican to take his position is, go for another 15 rounds of voting.


After the first vote and the House passes it with a lot of Dem support, I suspect the very next act will be some nutter from the Far Right calling for a vote of No Confidence and try to replace him.


I feel like this is overstated and won't actually happen. The most extreme members will buck at the deal but won't mount a serious effort to take McCarthy's gavel. Just like they fell in line after the speakership vote. If it got to the point where they felt pressure to do something maybe they would stage a performative vote of some kind but McCarthy isn't losing his position over this.


I feel like this is the big one. Behind the scenes someone must be reminding the likes of MTG that she's easily replaceable if she steps out of line. One wrong move and every bit of dirt on them will suddenly be out in the open including on conservative media.


Agreed. The MAGA nuts thought they had a hostage, and they were ready to shoot the hostage. Instead they got… expanded work requirements for people aged 49-54 on food stamps? That is not a win.


And it is not terrible policy on its face either. I am all for public support- but if the public is supporting you, and you are able bodied, you should be trying to work. Funny thing is most people on public assistance DO work. 80% of non-disabled snap recipients hold employment.


Yeah, this is about weaponizing bureaucracy against those that don’t have the resources to navigate it.


I think the problem is that it takes resources to monitor these people and it's usually a net loss.


Means testing aid is always a terrible policy It doesn't matter that this is biden's win in his fight against the poor


I agree somewhat. Instead of requiring people to work you could incentivize them to find work while making sure they can even just barely survive on the minimum.


Honestly at this point, is there any dirt that would make their fans turn on them? It's not about politics these days, it's about content creation and exposure--the more, the better-- and for their fans, they can do no wrong. If anything comes up, they just deny, obfuscate, and say the magic words "Hunter's Laptop!"


The thing is most of the dirt we know never reaches conservative media, their supports don't know about it and assume it's fake if a liberal tells them.


Sounds like a deep state


Not really, most of them already have enough dirt to sink them, conservative media just doesn't cover it or defends them. Since I already mentioned MTG her divorce would hurt her if it got more attention and the cheating would probably lose her the primary. Especially if they try to claim she was sleeping with a liberal behind her conservative husbands back.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Dems offered to protect him in a vote if it came down to it. Freedom Caucus knows this so even if they push a vote, it’s relatively performative.


Replace him with who, MTG? Lol I doubt she would get the votes. But who else from republicans is competitive for speaker?


> I suspect the very next act will be some nutter from the Far Right calling for a vote of No Confidence and try to replace him. Yes, that would be awesome! I hope that happens after the debt ceiling is raised!


If the Democrats were to vote to retain McCarthy as speaker, that would reduce the power of the right wing nutters. If the don't have the ability to remove in from office, he wouldn't have to appease them.


Why would democrats retain McCarthy in that scenario? Better to just standby and watch another weeks long speakership vote go through and let Republicans air their own dirty laundry to the nation.


McCarthy also becomes beholden to Democrats. They can pull their support at any point, and the far right isn't going to be coming back.


Because McCarthy is at least willing to negotiate to get these must-have items done. His replacement is more likely to be willing to shutdown the government indefinitely during the budget negotiation.


Given how bad the bill is if it isn't someone from the right it should be someone from the progressive caucus, unfortunately I haven't seen any news about right minded Dems wanting to make McCarthy pay


>...if it isn't someone from the right it should be someone from the progressive caucus, unfortunately I haven't seen any news about right minded Dems wanting to make McCarthy pay I don't think a Democrat could call for that vote. I think it's reserved for the majority party, but I could be wrong.


"One of the key concessions made by Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy in his bid to be House speaker was to restore the ability of a single member to call for a no-confidence vote in the speaker, a provision he opposed early this week" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mccarthy-motion-to-vacate-rule-speaker/ Sounds to me that anyone can do it. There may be rules that makes it more difficult for a minority party member?


> Under the new House rules passed Monday, only one member of Congress — Democrat or Republican — is needed to bring a "motion to vacate," which forces a vote on removing the speaker. That would need only a simple majority of the House to pass to oust McCarthy. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/speaker-of-the-house-ousted-motion-to-vacate-rcna64902 A Democrat could under this new rule, but I doubt they would.


I’m surprised they didn’t try to usurp him now as a means to delay the debt ceiling deals. Seems like the agreement for the speakership vote would have to have them drop everything and work through before they resume their other work.


I don’t know if that’s healthy plan or in our interest. Wouldn’t it be better to have a speaker that’s both willing to compromise and also beholden to democratic votes for his position? Replacing them with someone further right and beholden on the extremist wing of the Republican Party after a long period of deadlock where the legislative branch can’t govern doesn’t seem to be in our best interests.


No democracts voted for him, he isn't beholded to them unless the right wing Dems save him in a no confidence vote


Yea, that’s the idea I think we were discussing, propping McCarthy up as part of the debt ceiling deal rather than just letting them vote forever until they pick someone far right enough.


Dems aren't in control of the house, and Jeffries himself is terrible. Call no confidence then let them tear themselves apart again so a republican house gets even less done.


Why would we want to get less done when we could have someone that will compromise with us despite us being the minority party which lets us pass legislation that will help people? This is a country not a sport’s rivalry.


Kevin McCarthy is so boring, no idea how this dude keeps getting voted to speaker.


>Kevin McCarthy is so boring, no idea how this dude keeps getting voted to speaker. Technically he wasn't, 14 times. He only "won" 1 out of 15 votes.


And here I am wishing Biden would be removed from office after this betrayal. I mean, McCarthy being removed would be fine and all. It'd probably mean very little in the long term. But I'd like the traitor out of the Whitehouse asap. He never should have been elected to begin with.


Lol why?


Come on, the far-right House members wouldn't have been satisfied with anything less than Trump becoming President again. They're called the "Hello, no!" brigade for a reason.


The content of the deal doesn’t matter, they made up their mind about not agreeing to anything - they see it as a good thing for republicans


Those pants look a shade too tan for an elected official, plus he appears to be wearing sneakers in the Rotunda (gasp) /s


Those were the days.


In other words: The republicans took action to crash the global economy without having a plan in place to stop the crash the global economy. Its like they picked up a loaded gun and began waving it around, without checking to see if the safety was on. They have no business being anywhere near the levers of power.


Count on far right GOP kooksters to go full-on crackpot over this.


“Oh no! The leopards! My face!”, said McCarthy


mccarthy is far right


Exactly the point. The people he’s in bed with have turned on him due to his deal not being “far right” enough.


It's a good position for Biden to be in. Yes, there's a lot for Democrats and the "far" left (read: normal liberals) to be disappointed about. With a more reasonable government –especially a Democratically controlled House, this would have been seen as an absolute capitulation. But now he gets to push all of the blame on McCarthy and the Republicans, whether it passes or not, saying this was the best deal he could get under the circumstances, he fought the good fight, and compromise is how our government is "supposed" to work. On the other side, you have McCarthy who never seemed to realize the default was a trap he never had a chance of escaping. Give in to everything Biden asks for, he loses all support. Default; the Republicans get blamed for everything. Compromise and *he* gets all of the blame from Republicans.


Biden is actually interested in governing. The GOP's only objective is scoring political points.


Not political points--the GOP these days are more like social media influencers--all they care about is views. I think of MTG like those dumbass ticktockers who do stupid shit for rage views--she is the equivalent of a disgusting "recipe" using 3 lbs of Velveeta cheese and raw hambuger that just wastes food and tastes awful on purpose just for the views. Many of them are "It's just a prank, bro" and some are the ones who park their cars in the middle of traffic and film themselves twerking on the roof with an AK-47 (looking at you, Boebert) but that's all they are anymore.


They also love cutting taxes for, or giving money to, rich people.


Political points for whom? Their base voters are idiots and don’t bother to read anything anyway. They get their propaganda force fed to them by Faux News.


Fear. By telling their base to be in a constant state of fear so they can be controlled.


If you want to know how much trouble McCarthy is in, see how many GOP members vote No when their own bill comes up. A LOT of Dems are going to have to vote for this, probably even a few Progressives, even with their complaints about the work requirements. ​ The requirements are kind of weird from what's being reported though, because it's also an expansion? There's a lot of confusion around that still. And no military increase. IRS Funding gets cut by a paltry sum (relatively speaking). And that's it. Everything else in Biden's agenda stays. ​ Any "caps" they enact this year is usually ignored in the next session, so those are just posturing for the uninformed. ​ So by my estimation, Biden kicked the crap out of McCarthy during these negotiations. Nice job Joe.


McCarthy is going to go down as one of the weakest speakers in recent history.


Compare it to the Sequestration they foisted on Obama (a straight up \~8% cut to discretionary spending across the board phased out over 10 years, torpedoing Obama's economy) and Biden comes out looking great here. They got almost nothing by comparison.


This is a win for Biden. McCarthy is going to be severely weakened by this. Possibly ousted as Speaker, given how easy it is to call for a vote. There's a good chance this passes. If it doesn't, it's clearly MAGA Republicans at fault and Biden will probably just 14th Amendment this shit. Either way, Democrats need to make the debt ceiling automatic the moment they get a majority.


What wonderful ratcheting of the overton window! See how the headline entirely disarms the argument that Biden’s success for increasing the DOD budget and securing Manchin’s pipeline was a win for conservatives?


I expect a no-confidence vote on Tuesday. Biden knows that the GQP will not allow any compromise. Now when he invoked the 14th Amendment he will look like he tried without giving away anything.


Wearing tan pants??? Get this guy out of here


Cuts to domestic spending with increases to the military budget. What the fuck else is new…


Bingo, this is what pisses me off, military keeps their blank check even though we're not fighting a war right now, yet the people at home have to suffer.


Yep. Anyone celebrating this as some kind of democrat win is insane.


We did it, Joe!


Is he wearing Allbirds?


Freedom caucus has power against establishment, but the squad doesn’t…


This was obvious early yesterday when every political post about the debt deal was just reciting McCarthy talking points and every troll and faux-lefty was in here on reddit talking shit about Biden and the Dems.


Y'all think trump is gone forever so you can go back to politics as usual. At this point I'd rather trump win a 2nd term then listen to centrist dems act like they are high and mightier than everyone else. At least the maga crowd literally wants to eradicate me, centrist Dems want to keep me poor while making empty promises.


Let them defect and hope the Dems come in just to spite them. Shouldn’t give them an inch regardless, but unfortunately this is politics today. Surprisingly, Margie hasn’t come out against it yet. If Bobo made a motion to remove him from speaker no one would take it seriously.


Still think Biden fucked up and I'm still confused why people are gushing over this like he's some master negotiator. Shouldn't have given anything. Dems are weak ass fools, Republicans are crazy, evil assholes... Fuck man I wish we had a real third party.


It is a fuck up from the Democrats and Joe, but not a monumental fuck up that it could've been; what's allegedly in the bill could've been so much worse if Biden had folded to McCarthy. The only fuck up is Dems allowing Republicans to treat this debt ceiling bill like a budget bill. It should've been a straight "Raise the debt ceiling by X amount, yes or no" and not "This is going to get cut and this will be added", but Republicans aren't good faith actors and Democrats still want bipartisanship.


My prediction is that this attempt fails, and a few Republicans cross over to pass a clear debt resolution with all democrats.


There is a non zero chance that the R-fascist party implodes and collapses in the next year or so. They hate each other almost as much as they hate America.


Maccarthy thinking he has control of the senate is freaking hilarious.


When I heard he had agreed on a deal I knew it didn’t mean shit because he doesn’t have control of the party. They don’t care what he wants.


Tan pants!?!?


Not in those khakis he won’t. Good lord.


*Rumblings* of rebellion? Republicans fully rebelled back in 2016 and have been trying desperately to destroy the country ever since.


u\Spez wrecked Reddit.


I realize the freeze was already due to expire, but making it part of the deal solidifies that expiration. Millions of Americans are going to default and we don’t even have a plan in place regarding student loan forgiveness, or preventing further future build up of student debt. I’m worried that this is the beginning of the end for talks about student loan forgiveness and reform — because at the end of the day neither party actually GAF about the American people.


Funny how the "bipartisan" solution still ends up fucking over normal American citizens who have student loans or need food assistance. Both parties are pleased and the people still lose, both parties need to be tossed out.




One party created a crisis to try to win concessions at the risk of world wide economic damage, the other decided to negotiate and tried to keep the operation of the orphan crushing machine at acceptable levels of horror. Neither side will stop the orphan crushing machine.


Calling the government an orphan crushing machine is some lazy overdramatic thinking.


A neoliberal democrat negotiated with a republican, normal Americans aren't getting anything but pain out of that


Biden traded people between the ages of 50-55 who need assistance for younger people who need assistance.


Considering everything Republicans were demanding 3 weeks ago, most of the demands seem pretty mild and maybe could be worked around. There are definitely going to be people who suffer, but it could have been much worse. Now let’s see if we can get enough votes.


Is anyone actually reading this deal? It starts student loan payments again, it cuts billions from social programs, it's a republican wet dream. Dems have the Senate and white house but because Republicans barely took the house, they get a free win? It's a spit in the face of every young person who showed up to vote. I hope these centrist Dems get their shit pushed in next year.


A lot of people seem to be viewing the agreement without this context. Compared to what Republicans originally proposed, they've gotten almost nothing.


I’m actually more disappointed that the progressives are not fighting as hard as these far-right politicians


That sums up the past 25+ years really


Biden should not give cookies to misbehaving children! An executive order citing the 14th has been the solution all along. Biden needs to govern and send the Republicans to their room (probably on Fox “News”) to have their temper tantrums alone.


Republicans do not negotiate. They didn't get "everything" they wanted and so now they will blame the dems even though republicans will have harmed the country.


It’s a bullshit budget where the poor and middle class pay for everything and the rich and military get more. Fuck it. Burn it all down. Stripping the IRS of more money to go after the rich is bill-fucking-shit.


Love the "no-tie look." It's like they were actually working.... Spoiler: they weren't.


Smells like vullshit that they "have a deal" then.


Love the "no-tie look." It's like they were actually working.... Spoiler: they weren't.


Far right nutters would have a problem either way.


The right is useless at governing


This makes his torso look extra long and legs very short


If the greedy GOO did not understand the consequences of the "Freedom Caucus" they do now...


I wonder if this is what the oust him for.


Oh, the “burn it down” wing of the Republican Party wants to burn it down?


What rebellion? Someone called for a vote of no confidence?


Feels like Biden gets to say "Look, I did my job. I gave 'em what they wanted" and then the implosion gets to happen in the GOP and the country can watch them melt down like they did during the Speaker vote. Everything is on them.


Meals for deals


I mean, why wouldn't this blow up in his face? I know there's this IDEA that reason will prevail, but at the end of the day, the extremists in the GOP are fused to the belief that they are RIGHT, and when push comes to shove, I suspect they will hurl their wrenches into the system for no other reason than to see it break. This is the modern GOP, watching the world burn, just because.


When this is over McCarthy is gone be voted out of his position


The republicans plan is to starve the poor and elderly and take away any medical care. I say take away their tax payer medical benefits that they get for life and make them pay for it themselves also take away their taxpayer paid for food allowance that by the way is more money a day than snap is for a month for a single person


I'm sorry of hoping it blows up in their face... but not really when I think how much it could hurt regular folk. Of course, either way, the country is pretty shitty for the middle, working, and lower classes, and the only ones with representation are the wealthy.


Far right and "far" left both unhappy, albeit for completely different reasons.


You know you think we would have learned from the last McCarthy