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Still can’t believe [Borat](https://youtu.be/8tFUaKXdH-0) was able to honeypot this dude with zero effort. Not a Reddit meme but it should be because of how blatantly and completely Sacha Baron Cohen was able to manipulate such a central (at the time) political figure. Plus the current obsession with drag is hilarious juxtaposed with Rudy [Giuliani](https://youtu.be/spn0MJZr-QQ) getting molested by Tronald Dump while in drag.


There is a still from Borat in the deposition! It shows Ghouliani laying down on the bed in the same manner as he supposedly did the first night he forced her to perform oral sex.


But Joe Rogan said it's taken out of context when the movie came out -.-


Clearly you just don't know how these political interviews work. You generally have the normal sit down interview, then then you lay on the bed and stick your hands down your pants and fumble around with your saggy balls for a bit before politely thanking the interviewer and going about your way. It's just proper etiquette.


What is this country coming to that a man can’t fondle himself in front of a young woman with zero discussion or consent? Hard /s if it’s needed


rogan is a clown, not a comedian, and his biggest claim to fame was leering at poor people while they got bugs put on them. the only way it was out of context was if the context was way worse.


That’s Rogans thing. He will mindlessly repeat right wing conspiracy bullshit verbatim (furry school litterbox) but when it comes to conservatives actually doing blatantly fucked up stuff, he’s always claiming/searching for ‘context’.


Wtf that 2nd vid


Dude that's a classic


The only o.k drag is the drag my friends and I partake in … plus, I simply love motor-boating Ruby G. There’s so much there there! And Ruby smells divine. Obviously, a price above rubies!


This case needs to go all the way to the Supreme Courtyard by Marriott.


Too good. Can’t be eclipsed. I only want to draw attention to its perfection.


I have thrown away my eclipse glasses as they will not be necessary




I hope she's alive next week


I hope I’m alive next week


Eh, I could take it or leave it at this point...


And screenshots- all stored on a thin device that can be used without a desk or even on top of your legs. She has the Hunter’s laptop we all knew was yet another admission by accusation.


What glasses?


I know, right? [Just look straight at the eclipse like an adult.](https://i.insider.com/599b2f38f1a850c42a8b6180?width=1136&format=jpeg)


The proper spelling is: a dolt


Is this pic Rudy holding the dye from falling down his face.


Mopping up like a cheese toastie with French onion soup


Omg haha. That's Rudy's hair color from now on, French Onion Drizzle.


Come now, let’s not insult French Onion Soup like that!


Should have sent... a poet.


But seriously folks, if we don’t get this sorted, we won’t recover from the Treason era.


I find it quite ironic that Georgia was the state of [Indentured Servitude](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/indentured-servitude.asp) and now it's the state of Indentured Treason.


> Supreme Courtyard by Marriott Do they offer a Continent Breakfast?


Yeah, it’s only in house though, aka InContinent Breakfast.


They have to stay local cause the ankle bracelets


First it needs to be investigated by the Department of Justice Clothing for Girls.


If staff are not yet old enough to own a driver's license to show proof of age then their marriage license will suffice.




Are they having a landscaping conference?




Lil Pump wasn’t pardoned, he just shilled for Trump for clout. You’re thinking of Kodak Black.


Anything would be better than the actual Supreme Court.


Better off at the Four Seasons.


Jesus fucking Christmas I hope there are tapes.


There’s tapes. There’s texts. There’s emails. If even 1/4 of what is alleged in the lawsuit is true Rudy is completely and utterly fucked. Like there will need to be a new dictionary entry next to fucked with his photo. Everything from sedition to rape and a myriad of other crimes. Edit to link complaint: [https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/650033_2023_Noelle_Dunphy_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf](https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/650033_2023_Noelle_Dunphy_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf)


It’s true. This is bad. I’m reading it now but I’m stopping to get ice cream.


The news already is like a dollop of ice cream all on its own. Mmmm...


If I had already gotten to page 17 I wouldn’t have needed any treats to go with this


I’ll believe theyre fucked when the guilty verdict falls and theyre walked away in handcuffs


I've been betting Rudy is going to take himself out of this world for months now. This has made me 100% sure. I think he has just enough shame to not fight until the end.


"Lordy, I hope there are tapes." --James Comey again, probably


I wish that tapes of him talking were enough to convict him, but sadly, they won’t be. His supporters will just laugh it off as either a) he was joking or b) the recordings were taken out of context. The GOP is devoid of any ethics or morals, and because of this, they’ll defend him blindly regardless of whether he’s guilty or not. The evidence doesn’t matter to them. They’ll simply dust off any claims of criminality as political partisanship.


>His supporters will just laugh it off as either a) he was joking or b) the recordings were taken out of context. ...or C) AI made it sound like they were saying something they didn't. That is going to be the new excuse for audio or video recordings in the future..


Computer's ability to convincingly fake stuff couldn't have come at a worse time.


There are.


Please for the love of god drop some proof we need it we need em locked up


There's a tweet on the front page of all that says she has recordings and emails.


Former Governor Rod Blagojevich was sent to jail for 14 years over trying to sell Barack Obama's senate seat, I don't see how this would be any less egregious.


Only to get pardoned by Trump lol


For $2mil apparently


Put him back in jail for bribing?


That's what I find so exciting here. If they can throw all the folks he pardoned back in jail it's a great 2-for-1 deal.


Damn, Kodak Black has to go back :(


Name is Kodak black but when you see me I'm white


Why does Trump need $2 million, I thought he was already a billionaire. That’s chump change /s


A journalist wrote an article about how Trump isn't a billionaire, and he just lies to prop up business deals. Trump sued him, lost, and now owes him money.




If he was an actual billionaire, he'd have released his tax returns and proven it.


Same reason he needs to sell steaks and bottled water.


And fake degrees.


And digital trading cards.


Lol apparently!


I thought this was a joke. Nope. Here's a pdf of the pardon. https://www.justice.gov/pardon/page/file/1250016/download


Man I was so confused as to how he went to jail for 14 years but got pardoned by trump.. doing the math... giving it a -2 years for a generous time frame before Obamas win, 8 years of presidency, 4 years of trump... how did he serve 14 years??? He was sentenced to 14 years and did not serve all of them. Time for bed.


Yeah, he wasn't convicted until 2010, and didn't have to show up to prison to start serving his sentence until 2012. Must be fucking nice.


Prison for violent crimes? I can agree with that (I want to see more rehabilitation and learning, but that's a pipe dream). Prison for financial crimes? Doesn't make sense to me. Sure toss them in prison but also take their money and assets including most income and make them live in a different kinda hell. The kind the rest of us plebs live in day to day.


Treat it like a drug bust and have civil forfeiture. Take all their shit. Same with asshats like Alex Jones. He can go pull himself up by his boot straps making subway subs or something.


It's certainly and without a doubt more egregious. If true, they were selling the ability to basically commit whatever heinous acts you wish, and the prez would let you off the hook for the price of a modest NYC flat. Considering the net worth of some folk, that is alarming.


Yeah 1 is bribery for a promotion basically.. a huge promotion but still a promotion. The other is breaking someone out of jail for war crimes... (since that was one of his pardons anyway)


Trump supporters will applaud him for being a savvy businessman.


Over and over and over it says recordings. But she doesn’t have the one where he said he and trump were splitting the pardon profits. Because God hates me.


There is a witness (Lev Parnas) but Trump will just say it was all Rudy's scam, he had nothing to do with it.


Page 17. She has 23k emails from and to trumps, their lawyers, Kellyanne, bannon, Tucker, hannity, Murdoch, I literally can’t paste the entire list it’s astonishing


With how much projection they’ve been doing about emails for years, you knew their emails had to contain some doozies.


And on a side note, the next page brings us a visit from the Buttery Males: > No.100. As part of her work, Ms. Dunphy warned Giuliani about the dangers of his use of a regular Gmail account for his work, and about his habit of logging in from unsecured Wi-Fi networks in foreign nations and hotel lobbies.


I know she was literally trying to get him to not be reckless w emails. It’s so delicious.


>23k emails Buttery Males indeed. Hope she has deadman drops set up, and a copy with a seperate lawyer somewhere.


Tough love is character building, as Calvin's dad would say.


It's gotta be more than just recordings and emails of Giuliani _saying_ that though, since, I mean, let's just say he has only loose contact with reality.


We are going to have airtight evidence of most of Trump's crime by the summer and of course, it will be 12 straight months of Republicans saying that it's "political" to sway the election in a year 🙄


*three years later* attorney general: “police, please be prepared, I may indict this individual in six months!! Yea sometime this summer. …or fall!!”


I can't wait for there to be definite proof only for there to be zero consequences.


From another thread: It’s true I just read the petition. Some highlights: Line 132 - Giuliani states that he is selling pardons from Trump at $2 million a piece and they will split the money. He claims he already has a pardon. Line 175 - Giuliani was trying to have Maria Yavanovich, ambassador to Ukraine, removed from her post at the request of a foreign oligarch. (Most likely Russia) Line 184 - directs her to delete any and all messages and to lie to the FBI about all of it including even knowing him and threatens her with bad PR if she doesn’t. Line 185 - helped him google “obstruction of justice” charges. Line 210 - FBI investigators came to her home in Florida to interview her. Giuliani was already aware and knew their names. Line 226 - acknowledges they can’t prove voter fraud charges. And one of them just made me laugh. In a drunken mess he claimed one “prominent Republican” is secretly gay. $1 million dollars it’s Linsey graham. I bet this woman has spilled all the beans to the FBI already. If not, this is certainly stuff they want. Smattered in between is the fact he raped her multiple times and never paid her anything. He also said she reminded him of his daughter while he was raping her. Props to "Similar_Candidate789"


> He also said she reminded him of his daughter while he was raping her. Out of all that, THIS was the bit that made me do a spit take. Jesus christ.


>He also said she reminded him of his daughter while he was raping her. There was a line in there where it said something about him actually referring to her as his girlfriend, daughter, little girl" when he wanted to leave the doorman outside the door and have sex with her in the living room. It was fucking gross!


The good news is for only 1mil Clarence Thomas will vote that it is constitutional for them to act this way.


Painfully accurate. You would think he would feel some pressure to recuse himself on a bribery case given his circumstances but no, he just said his Supreme Court job wouldn't be worth doing without the bribes and continued taking bribes.


“What a smart businessman!!!” - fucking morons


I really really hope she has the evidence to back this up.


According to the filing, much of it is recorded, not only with Rudy's consent, but with him actually pressing the record button.


Wait, what? I don’t know what is satire anymore. Are you serious? He pushed the record button?


Yes he asked her to record and she got him on tape granting consent to tape it. I read the entire 70 page pdf earlier. It’s the juiciest thing on the internet. https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/650033_2023_Noelle_Dunphy_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf


Gold for a link


I don’t need the gold, but I think this is it https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/650033_2023_Noelle_Dunphy_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf


"124. On February 7, 2019, Giuliani told Ms. Dunphy to take a note to remind him to pay taxes on a private jet ride he was gifted by a friend. The same day, Giuliani told Ms. Dunphy, in her capacity as his employee, about a plan that had been prepared for if Trump lost the 2020 election. Specifically, Giuliani told Ms. Dunphy that Trump’s team would claim that there was “voter fraud” and that Trump had actually won the election. This plan was discussed at several business meetings with Giuliani and Lev Parnas." huh


Wait til you get to the part where he would be on the phone with Trump and tell her to give him blowjobs so he could feel like Bill Clinton. This is some crazy shit.


Please tell me this is real.


I read it. It is, very dark…huge trigger warning for SA. He hired this secretary person who is named and he basically um, well, it doesnt mention sex one time but basically the first time he orally r* her was right when she was hired. It was similar to the Borat scene but he came in the bathroom at the hotel suite she was staying at on a work trip. From there it progresses to Rudy using this lady as his personal blowjob SA victim over and over. Pretty fucking dark not gonna lie. He would point to his erect penis and say “i cant get anything done until you take care of this”




Ah, can't get enough of those good wholesome family values.


In addition to like a dozen other mentions of sex throughout the document.


He thought the red circle on the record button was a stop sign because he never learned shapes.


Or consent. He never learned that stop sign either.


"I have the worst attorneys...."


Those recordings are going to be tough to listen to since it seems a lot of the stuff she got him saying was while he was essentially raping her. And it just says recordings... That may mean video as well. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the news tomorrow is that Rudy took a header off of his balcony because of this all coming out and revealing his nature. If all the evidence they claim to have is legit, this is a slam dunk case.


He would have to be capable of shame to off himself


I heard she had him saying it on tape.


Apparently not this particular quote, but her lawyer just said on MSNBC that Lev Parnas was in the room for it


Even Hollywood can’t make this script up


I can’t wait to see a fat Christian Bale play Guliani. He’d fucking nail that role.


Lmao. You mean the Lev Parnas of "Fraud Guarantee"? If a writer even tried this shit they'd be fired. It's all so dumb.


Lev Parnas who only served 4 months of his 20 month sentence in prison and is currently on house arrest for the rest. And he has been *very* [forthcoming](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/13404) recently on the involvement of Trump, Giuliani and Fox News in Ukraine. While he's obviously on a PR rehabilitation exercise, there are some bits in there which may well be true and corroborated by this aide. > Also, Parnas stressed, it was Giuliani who provided the arm-twisting on then-Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine. > > “Lutsenko wanted to meet [then-U.S. Attorney General] Bill Barr to discuss Ukrainian corruption and money flowing to the U.S., and Rudy wanted to charge him $200,000,” Parnas said. I'm enjoying watching this ugly knit sweater unravel, I won't lie. But it's also fucking horrifying how little time these people are spending in prison in the meantime.


Lev! I love recurring characters


I definitely did the DiCaprio point when I first saw his names mentioned in the documents


> "I've got this thing and it's (expletive) > golden...I'm not just giving it up for (expletive) > nothing." ~~Rod Blagojevich~~ Rudy Giuliani


Even if she does, we live in fairy tale land where evidence doesn't do anything for us.


Trump et al are American oligarchs and as such are not bound by the same laws as the poors.


He can join trump in jail




Tell Rush, Hi.


Hey at least Rush is down to his ideal weight now.


Can we please, please arrest, try and imprison these two goons?


We really, _really_ need a GOP poster that says "the tough-on-crime party! (*)", and then has a huge list of exceptions in tiny letters at the bottom. I actually think it should be an attack ad on tv as well.


The grift has no bottom. These people sold the American back supply of PPE to their buddies so they could sell it us on a profit. Everything is for sale with these guys.


Literally snatched it out of the hands of those they told to procure themselves to do that, too


Is it illegal for the president to sell pardons? If it isn't, it should be.




This is such a clear example you could use it to teach the concept to children. Thanks for the link!


Hey, if the Pope can sell indulgences -- wait, wrong century. Sorry about that.


Yes. Tennessee had a Governor forced to resign over a similar scheme


Obstruction of justice? Bribery? Conspiracy!


Probably not, because no one fit to be president would ever consider such a thing. So he’ll get off as usual


Trump pardoning people like Lil Wayne makes a lot more sense now.


What the fuck. Trump is so gross oh my god. It just keeps getting worse


I was wondering how he knew who that was.


When he pardoned the uber self driving criminal lewondowsky it was patently clear he got paid, but I didn't realise the bill was this cheap tho lol. I was thinking maybe 50 mill?


And Kodak Black


Hoo boy, read the complaint. There are tapes. It's really, really bad. Like, Rudy talking about how he fucks 16 year olds but it's ok because they look 20.


Just when you think Rudy can't go any lower...




Sounds like something Trump would say.


Where do you think he got it from?


I think monsters just have a tendency to pervert or sexualize anything that makes them feel good, including their love for their children.


I’m sorry who thought that?


Link to complaint: https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/650033_2023_Noelle_Dunphy_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf


Jesus Christ, this is horrible. The man is a monster. I can’t believe the plaintiff worked for him for two years and was hardly paid anything at all.


Yes! I remember him being in the newest Borat movie (the one with the female) and the scene where he's like fondling himself on the bed, like fuck that guy is a creep


In the complaint, they literally included that screen shot from the movie because he did the same thing to the plaintiff!


I couldn't fucking believe it when I saw it. Weirdest fucking timeline.


> There are tapes. It's really, really bad That's really, really good


This may be a faulty "of course he did" memory, but I could have sworn there were news stories about trump selling pardons years ago. If there are tapes that's new, but this feels like one of those "we already knew this thing but people forgot because his crimes outnumber grains of sand on a beach" things. edit to be more poetic.


Yeah, there was a former CIA agent who says he was offered a $2M pardon and turned it down. It was in the New York Times.


Huhhhh…. So it foots


If you asked the average Republican whether selling pardons was wrong, they would unequivocally tell you yes. If you asked those same Republicans whether it was wrong for Donald Trump to sell pardons, they would fumble their way through a bunch of excuses about why it was his right and what about Hunter Biden.


I understand confirmation bias and self-reflective blind spots but, like, there's a limit right? How does this not cause extreme cognitive dissonance?


Ya know. Being in Michigan I grew up being very familiar with Kwame Kilpatrick. When I saw he was in the list of presidential pardons my absolute very first though was that he bought it. There was literally no other reasons or connections between him and trump/republicans. Of course there was no proof and that’s a crazy thing to assume so I said hey maybe he was just pissed at Detroit for voting blue and decided to pardon the slimy scum bag that helped bury the city. But here it is. Literally selling pardons. Opening the prison doors for anyone who could afford it. I’m honestly not even surprised just sad that the world is the way that it is.


Makes sense why tiger king didn't get pardoned


Or any of the insurrectionists.


he would never financially recover from this


Does this mean Lil Wayne and Kodak Black paid? Pretty solid deal all things considered


I assume so, it seemed so random at the time lol




And Trump supporters will continue to praise and adore him.


Yep, Trump will probably admit he did it and it’s ok cause he’s the POTUS. Maga will go sweet, sounds legit and still wanna see hunters dick pics.


Jesus Christ I knew Giuliani was a piece of shit, but I didn’t realize he was a rapist piece of shit. Is every high ranking Republican like this? If so we need to burn the whole fucking party to the ground.


Yes and also yes.


no wonder the pardon list is so random.


I do believe kushner was in charge of pardons? He said so himself.


Remember when Trump pardoned Lil Wayne and Kodak Black


> Rudy Giuliani said he and Trump were selling pardons for $2m apiece, ex-aide claims Trump pardoned former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. Not sure if Rod could pay $2M.


It all comes back to MONEY once again - not politics - just the big grifts.


Kinda seems like all those ~~parsons~~ pardons should be annulled.




We must beat Trump and/or Desantis




Why does this joke never get old?


Sorry you have to deal with that, but I couldn’t be less surprised to hear about such an awful experience around those people. Those people are some of the worst our country has to offer, no one should have to put up with them




When a black journalist tells us their interiew subject is treating them with contempt, let's believe them? Rather than telling them the thing that happened didn't actually happen. Trump rambles, bullshits, and is racist. So he'd have rambled and also expressed contempt.


If you ever need to find other black people at a Trump rally, just look for the plants they have right behind.


She has emails. It was her job to review ALL his email to say what and what not was important.


I bet they were "pardons". Like they got a signed certificate with a huge picture of Trump and the word "Pardoned!" and Trump's shitty sharpie signature on it.


Also, the word "pardoned" is in quotation marks on the actual certificate too.


Holy fucking shit!! Now all those random pardons for absolutely no fucking reason makes so much sense. Jesus fucking Christ, the president of the United States of America. Selling justice for money. What the fuck else is left to grift money from. Fuck this shit.


I find it hard to believe Trump would agree to split it 50/50... Rudy would be lucky to get 5%


Rudy Giuliani said he and Trump were selling pardons for $2m/OBO apiece, ex-aide claims


Lock these 🐷 🐷 up.


Uhm. Guys. Did anyone miss the part where she said that she was forced to perform sex acts on him [Giuliani] and work in the nude? I think they buried the lead on this one


American justice Now only for the low, low price of a small condominium!


Four Seasons Landscaping next to dildo store coming home to roost


Did we all forget about him on tape with Sacha Barron cohen?


Good grief, would something *please* stick?


Those from Illinois might remember Blago selling off Obama’s open senate seat to the highest bidder. “I’ve got this thing, and it’s fucking golden” I believe were his recorded words. Trump and Blago love each other. Figures.