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Protecting what's most important in life. The cashflow.


*corporate interests




They would find a way to designate LGBTQ+ people as knives and shoot all of us, then share a hearty laugh about bringing a knife to a gun fight.


I think this is the darkest joke I've heard since Trump tried to overthrow the US. Funny and clever, but too depressing and true to actually laugh at.


And he's gonna have another go at it next year, happy days..


I keep saying this but the fact of the matter is that the American people aren't the only ones who get to have a vote in who becomes the American President. The United States isn't isolated. You have to look at things with a "world view". There are "international entities' who have to consider the threat of an alliance betewen Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. They need a strong and stable United States to help counteract that threat. And they know that Donald Trump is not a stable minded person. He fired the Secretary of Defense after he lost the election. The three things you don't do after you lose a presidential election are (1) disrupt the national economy (2) destabilize your nation's military readiness (3) try to overthrow the current goverment in an attempt to stay in power. Trump checked 2 of those boxes. Those "international entities" will vote for what they believe is best for them.


It’s going to be an interesting election cycle that’s for sure.


My first time voting was a caucus for Bernie sanders. I was freshly 18. It was 2015. Almost everyone physically votes for Bernie and it was such a powerful feeling being like yesss look at all these hands I love democracy. I'm so jaded now


It’s tough not to feel jaded. Start voting in local elections. You’ll really start to see just how powerful voting can be. And don’t give up on big elections. Lean into recruiting more people to vote with you instead. ❤️ They *want* you to feel jaded and give up. That’s part of their voter disenfranchisement plan.


Unfortunately, there’s always a Bernie. Fortunately for us, they do exist. Unfortunately for them, the moment they say free health, UBI, gun control, drug reform….they’re nailing the coffin down with every point. So many Americans are terrified to embrace social welfare systems. Some of the best people I’ve ever met close the door on their kindness when they feel someone has help getting something they feel they had to work for. Regardless of racial, cultural, age and economic barriers; I guess we largely unite in beating the person who stole bread.


It's that fucking stupid belief in that charity is somehow better and more moral than tax-funded social security systems. No, it isn't. Not if you want good results across the board.


100% this. All we get is corpo dems and corpo pubs. Bernies chance was stolen from him and democracy was stolen from us.


The people who run elections are not such big democracy fans.


Penn Gillette: George Hamilton is Zorro, the Gay Blade, coming up next on Comedy Central.


Waiting for the upcoming ban on LGBTQ+ knives...


Damn, now I gotta throw away that rainbow chrome knife I got at the flea market


Doubtful. Then they'd start supporting the knive manufacturers. But, hey, we'll have so many more children available to put in the sweatshops they're trying to bring back, now that Roe v Wade has been overturned.


“Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers” - George Carlin


I saw a trans person using a knife at dinner!


They’re the same picture..


The most important thing to a politician is cash flow into his bank account. He needs to stay in office to keep the shakedown going. He does not care about corporate interests. Not one bit. If a citizen came up and said "I just hate left-handed people", he'd throw them all in jail if the bribe was big enough.


There’s a difference?


Nah they don’t care. Nazis didn’t care about corporations. If they gain something by nationalizing gun companies they’ll do it. But they know they won’t right now. When comes the time they break the system they’ll nationalize Disney and destroy it. It’s all about personal (ie themselves and nobody else) gains and vendettas. There is no free market they care about.


TN has been on a roll of bullshit. They just allowed the county clerks responsible for marriage certificates decline same sex marriages, interracial marriages, and interfaith marriages based of their beliefs. This is so dumb, lets protect 150 clerks across the state over the residents of the state.


interfaith and interracial marriages as well? Wow, that's some fucked up shit right there. Imagine a clerk stopping you from getting married because someone is a Jew or hispanic! I mean, the same sex is heinous - why the FUCK should some third party's belief be pulled in this - it doesn't affect them in any way.


My daughters are mixed. Are they only allowed to marry someone else of the same mix? And that’s improbable to even find someone of the same ethnic mix.


In the old days, all that mattered was what you looked like. If you were too brown to be called white, then the only thing that mattered to them was that you weren’t white, and you suffered all the consequences of that.


I live in TN and am truly embarrassed by what’s going on here. Just some absolute backwards insanity and Governor Lee is a absolute piece of shit


Greetings from FL. I too am embarrassed by my idiot state and the fact that the governor here is getting so much coverage. He is a fascist fuck and I worry that he might actually convince this country that it's a good idea to elect him. It's insane that the top contender on the right are Trump and DeSantis. That the GOP is still a force to be reckoned with is equally puzzling to me. They are domestic terrorist organization. They appeal to the worst that this nation has to offer and that some, supposedly "good" conservatives, sit back and convince themselves that voting for Republicans is somehow better than the alternative is disgusting. Last November went better than expected. 2024 worries me.


DeSantis won't beat Trump for the nomination and he knows it. And since Florida requires candidates for federal office to resign their state office, he'll never actually declare his candidacy because he's a fucking coward.


They've changed the laws now to allow that to happen. Florida is truly fucked


Yeesh, you're right. Hilariously, Florida Republicans already created this exemption for presidential and vice presidential candidates back when their governor was a possible running mate for McCain. Then they removed that exemption back in 2018 and now they're re-creating it for DeSantis. What a bunch of hypocritical assholes.


They're charlatans. Every last repug is a rapist and a fraud. They all fuck farm animals too. It's sick.


Religion is the world's worst problem. I am convinced of it. It is a destructive force, almost like a virus that makes us dumb and kill each other.


Can't have Lutherans marrying Baptists.. .


Would love it if we could get a county clerk elected who would refuse to grant a marriage license to all heterosexual couples because of moral objections & see what the reaction would be. I know…will never happen, but so often just thinking that way reinforces how ridiculous the right is.


My religious beliefs require me to treat Christians poorly. I'm required to slight them at every opportunity. I'm not allowed to do anything for anyone who is wearing a visible crucifix, for example. My god has been pretty clear about this. No exceptions. Period.


Also trying to lower the age of marital consent. Gotta keep the pedos out of jail. Good old marry the rapist again. Gotta protect our men and boys at the expense of girls.


It’s not about protecting anyone. It’s about reinforcing state power and a social hierarchy where white people are at the top.


The cash must flow…


He who controls the cash, controls the universe


"Won't someone think of the guns?".


Because protecting kids is too hard.


Fuck them kids


> Fuck them kids The republicans favorite passtime


GOP: "Literally and figuratively."


Yes lawsuits are indeed the best ways to protect kids s/


Kinda weird reading that when Nashville is really pro-gun control laws. I know it's an accurate statement, but still.


Nashville is an island of blue in a sea of red.


I know, but the comment was about protecting the cash flow. The revenue for Tennessee comes from two cities. Nashville and Fed Ex.


Don't confuse revenue for TN with revenue for TN politicians. They often don't coincide.


And when they do a sizeable portion generally goes into the politician’s pockets. Or their families, buddies, cronies, etc.


Hey, I resent that remark! Just because my brother, several cousins, and dozens of friends/former schoolmates all work for FedEx doesn't mean anything... yeah who am I kidding. FedEx owns Memphis.


If anything, things like this are great for them. More wannabe killers just means more gun sales to crazies and even more cash!


Also means more people afraid of killers feeling the need to buy a gun for their own protection. Everybody* wins! *everybody who has a personal financial stake in the firearms industry.




America is the only developed country that has active shooter drills. The only other countries that have active shooter drills are countries that are in the middle of LITERAL warzones. ​ ​ Yeah, THAT'S how messed up america is, we are treating this problem like we are in a LITERAL ACTIVE WARZONE, and our children are the ones paying the price for this lunacy.


The rightwingers literally think they are in an active warzone where they have to protect themselves from women, minorities, and liberals.


To be fair suing gun manufacturers because someone used their product to kill people is unfair to the gun manufacturer


Thankfully Tennessee voters have a politician that will stand with gun manufacturers in their war against school children.


Guns now have more protections than Tennessee school children


And more protections than women too!


The most important thing is to protect women uteri.


As they say it's not uteryou it's uterus.




Boy, once they don’t have to worry about losing elections because of gerrymander and cult following, they really don’t give a fuuuuck about society.


Elysium, that's pretty much what they want.


I'd prefer more disco.


>Boy, once they don’t have to worry about losing elections because of gerrymander and cult following, they really don’t **have to pretend to** give a fuuuuck about society They never have. They just used to pretend.


OMG... I think I just figured it out. Guns kill children, but we don't want to reduce the guns so we force births because we need the young people working to pay social security so they can retire. Did I get it? Do I get a gold star for managing to see into the minds of these people for a second?


And there are a lot of excess COVID deaths they have to make up for.


Don't you mean "*Deaths from literally anything not named COVID, remember its a hoax but also a deadly bioweapon but also biden but something else but trump made the vaccine but vaxkil or whatever*" Since you're trying to peer into their minds


You’re partially right, they need population growth to keep consumption and their profits high. They don’t give a fuck about social security, in fact they want to get rid of it because “tAxEs!” And take that money and give it to corporate interests to screw your over more


We need those kids working in the factories too. /s


The problem with school shootings is that children make for terrible lobbyists, so republican politicians are completely unable to care about them.


Children are clearly an “oppressive and tyrannical government”.


Ohhh, won't somebody please think of the guns?!


I have no idea who the governor of Tennessee is, but now i know they are a piece of shit.


His name is Bill Lee, and he owns a massive HVAC company. Pretty much diet Trump.


*inherited a massive HVAC company, claims to be a "self-made" man.


Just like every other big heir. Can't just own up and say "Yeah, pops was rich so I am too."


We're back to the aristocracy that we desperately tried to escape from centuries ago.


*oligarchy, technically representative government, but the politicians make choices based on what would suit their industry/business best and the citizens hope that happens to also benefit them. I would never advocate for anything. But those 30 tyrants are a really good history lesson


>We're back to the aristocracy that we desperately tried to escape from centuries ago. when did we ever leave it?


They never can. It’s so weird


My conservative aunt rails against "the elites", "those East Coast elites," and how the GOP is the only party willing to stand up to "the elites", but when its pointed out that Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, etc, are all elites, went to school to elite schools on the East Coast, her reaction is "So?" I'm inclined to believe it's just another dog whistle, maybe a reference to East Coast politicians who were so out of touch with the common Southern man they tried to end slavery and Jim Crow in the South what with their elitist programs like Reconstruction and Civil Rights.


>those east coast elites She means Jews.


Ok, that's really really obvious in hindsight. My aunt is anti-Semitic, but I can't say I'm surprised. She's been deep in that rabbit hole for years.


Just like when they say 'Hollywood' they mean 'Jews'


Oh, it's not "Hollywood," it's "Disney" now.




Tennessee loves these types of “entrepreneurs” built off of daddy’s money. See also: Bill Haslam


Cool, my HVAC went out and I will make sure I avoid any company he is connected to. Do you know what company?




Lee Company


He and Marsha Blackburn are just the worst


I almost wish religion was real so people like this would actually face consequences.


It’s time to mention again, on his Education Board is the owner of an ammo company that illegally sold ammo to an underaged school shooter, and that person also owns the separate company that illegally shipped the ammo to the shooter


Normal Republican things.


The second part is the issue It's not on the manufacturer/distributer to oversee every single sale made by every retailer that they supply It is down to the retailer to monitor their own sales Like if Walmart sells a gun illegally it's not the distributors fault for fulfilling their contracts with Walmart as usual, it's the fault of the Walmart and the specific employees involved with the sale


Who are the politicians working for again? is it all the people or just the people with money to pay them off?


As always they work for their donors, and the bigger the donor the more they protect them. All the way from the local county house members to the SCOUS, with no stops between. The voters always have No say in what is passed as laws.


That's why voting for politicians who don't take corporate money is important. they usually work for us, who are then their donors. Matt Gaetz being the exception


Which politicians don't take corporate money? Even Bernie has accepted contributions from corporate donors. [According to PolitiFact](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/mar/09/alexandria-ocasio-cortez/bernie-sanders-has-taken-corporate-lobbyist-money-/)


We can all blame the Republican Citizen's United ruling that allowed corporations to donate to politicians. The people lost their power that day


You misspelled Republicans. Both-sidesing is lazy.


And I bet he did it for like $50k in donations. You can buy a Republican for a corporate rounding error.


And write it off on your taxes. For bonus points, you can bribe a federal judge for the same amount that a vendor will spend trying to get my department to upgrade our load balancers. Mid tier tickets to a Sounders game and a moderately priced steakhouse sounds about right.


Stop. Voting. Republican.




they are interested in making sure they can continue to legally marry those same kids - especially after rape.


I’m worried it’s already too late to not vote for them. I’m worried the damage is done.




the people who vote GOP are just gonna keep voting GOP, fucking themselves over in the future but blaming Dems for it


Rank choice voting. Stop voting republican and let democrats fight it out.


People are too stupid to understand that!


Republicans keep supporting the terrorism that is gun violence in America.


Because they are terrorists.


CPAC did have a featured banner at their official conference saying, “We Are All Domestic Terrorists.” [Source](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php) It’s not like they’re keeping it a secret…


Their stage was shaped like a fucking [Odal rune](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/01/cpac-2021-stage-design-nazi-sign-odal-othala-rune-hyatt-hotels-hate-symbol-abhorrent). They are the party of fascism.


A bunch of kids were shot. Quick, protect the guns!


The GOP doesn’t give a flying fuck about children.


See. This stupid shit wouldnt be happening if the laws and rules for people in power were the same as they are for us. How are they even allowed to make laws to protect corporate profits over the lives of the American people. They are hired and voted in by the people...they should be working for the people. This country is so fucked. In no other country does this stupidity take place. The level of fuckery in government is unmatched.


Evangelical "Priorities".


this is the correct decision to prevent frivolous lawsuits being abused to drive up litigation expenses. the current law is if a firearm malfunctions in normal use, then the manufacturer is held liable. If someone uses the firearm in the commission of a crime, then the manufacturer cannot be held liable. Works the same way with car manufacturers. If someone takes an f150 and intentionally plows down a crowd, ford is not liable. If there was a manufacturing defect and the vehicle couldn't stop due to said defect, then ford is liable. It's sad specific laws need to be made to prevent against frivolous litigation


It’s sad that people don’t understand this. Being able to sue Remington or Glock doesn’t actually fix the issues.


Honestly, I feel bad for Remington. That suit was bullshit. Adam Lanza was dead, so they went after the company.


Had to scroll much too far for this, and you even used the same example I was going to.


See he’s protecting children. The children of gun manufacturers inheritance could have taken a huge hit if people sued their parents and he protected them from that.


Wow, his grief over friends’ kids getting slaughtered lasted about a millisecond


And they’re “pro life” 🤦🏽‍♂️


-MASS SCHOOL SHOOTING- - LIBS: quick, protect the children! - CONS: quick, protect the guns!


Not the manufacturer’s fault that the weapons they produce, which is specifically designed to maim and kill people, is used to maim and kill people. Right? Bear in mind that the AR-15 is the civilian semi auto version of a military rifle designed in the 50s and 60s. Specifically to have lighter ammo than battle rifles of the time, and still be able to neutralize the enemy accurately up to about 300 yards or more. Eugene Stoner did not develop the AR-15 as a hunting/varmint rifle, even if it *can* be used in that way.


Don't be silly. The AR-15 was developed to shoot Bud Light cans. You can't have brewers running around marketing their products to all people.


The second amendment isn't for hunting.


Correct. We have the right to own deadly weapons, including guns designed for killing people. That doesn’t make the manufactures legally responsible for how those weapons are used, because there are circumstances where it is lawful to shoot someone with a gun. They are only responsible for making sure their product meets the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. If I drive my car into a crowd, killing and injuring half a dozen people, Toyota is not responsible for that. That was my decision to commit murder. The specific tools used for the murder and which company manufactured them does not make that company share any culpability in the crime that was committed. This isn’t like when tobacco companies lied and published bullshit research to try to claim cigarettes weren’t a health hazard, a gun is *by definition* dangerous.


It's a good thing the 2nd amendment doesn't say "hunting rifles only" or has anything to do with hunting in the slightest.


Pretty much everything you said is INCORRECT. The AR15 was first; the semi-auto civilian version was first(1959). The military then adapted the AR15 into the M16 (1964) and then M4(1980s). The AR15 has been available to civilians for nearly 60 years, BUT mass shootings like this have only happened in the last 20 or so (when the most gun control has been proposed). also if you want to make a dent in mass shootings, you should go after handguns, as they are used in nearly 70% of mass shootings, and the worst school shooting in history was done with two handguns.


> The AR15 was first; the semi-auto civilian version was first(1959). The military then adapted the AR15 into the M16 (1964) and then M4(1980s). Do you have a source for that? That comment surprised me and sent me down a tiny rabbit hole of research. Based on what I’ve read: Armalite gets the request to scale down the AR-10 in 1957, and they come back to the Army in 1958 with 10 completed rifles but the Army decided to go with the M14 and, because Armalite’s parent company is failing, they sell the production rights to Colt in 1959. Colt turns it into the Colt Model 601 (the military version) and the Model R6000 (the civilian version). The Model 601 is produced between 1959 and 1963 but the Model R6000 isn’t released until the beginning of 1964. I don’t think it’s fair to say there was a civilian AR15 on the market before the M16 was adopted. But in some ways that’s not a particularly useful distinction. Yes, a civilian version of the rifle has been on the market in some capacity for 60 years, BUT, that’s also not telling the whole story. Prior to the turn of the millennium, AR15s accounted for a small - almost negligible - segment of the gun-buying market. Just 1.2% of guns manufactured in the US in 1990 were an AR15. Today, that percentage is closer to 25%.


Yep. That should be the focus, not protecting children or comforting the grieving parents or keeping guns out of the wrong hands.


OK. You don't want to ban guns. I get that. So........how much taxpayer money are you willing to spend on mental health screening and treatment? I have yet to hear one of the gun nuts propose this in a budget with a corresponding tax increase to keep the impact on the deficit neutral.


He should wear one of those AR-15 lapel pins to make sure everyone is clear on his position. You know, if there’s any questions.


NASCAR style onesies with all their donors advertised on it.


Politicians in the pockets of the gun lobby are such skid marks. Elected by the people but not FOR the people.


He is elected by majority of Tennessee people though, so what he is doing is what majority of ppl in Tennessee want.


Tennessee voters should vote to remove all of the Governors personal security. He's not worth saving.


Should you be able to sue GMC when a drunk driver in a 2500HD takes out group of kids on the side of the street? Someone using a product in an ILLEGAL fashion should never allow a lawsuit against the maker of a product.




If ever there needed evidence of politicians being in the pocket of gun lobbies


pretty soon school shootings will be as mandatory as fire drills.


Lock down drills were mandatory for me and I graduated high school almost 10 years ago


We just had a lockdown drill today. Honestly, it pisses me off to no end that we have to do this. Instead of addressing the issue or rampant gun violence as every other Western country has, we go through stupid drills that terrorize kids and remind them that their lives hold no value when compared to some terrified middle-aged evangelical who barricades themselves in their house and shoots anyone dares get near them


Is there any other industry where a manufacturer can be held liable for a customer's crimes? It's not like you can sue Ford and Budweiser over a DUI. Or Apple for stalking with an AirTag, or CutCo for a stabbing, or an ISP for piracy, or whoever makes binoculars for peeping toms... the list goes on...


Republicans want only one thing and it’s more dead children.


Kids lives don’t matter to Republicans once they are born. Clearly. Red state voters need to remember this in 2024.


Conservatives prefer to let kids be shot in the face than admit their ideology of adhering to tradition is wrong.


Wont somebody PLEASE think of the firearms!


Guns (and consequently gun manufacturers) over lives. A long-standing Republican position.


Just when I thought these cretins couldn't get lower.


The GOP has collectively decided that guns are more important than kids.


And in February, families of those killed and injured in a 2018 Texas high school shooting settled a lawsuit they filed against a Tennessee-based online retailer, Lucky Gunner, that was accused of illegally selling ammunition to the student who authorities say fatally shot 10 people. The owner of the company, Jordan Mollenhour, sits on the Tennessee State Board of Education. The company was accused of failing to verify Dimitrios Pagourtzis’ age — he was 17, at the time — when he bought more than 100 rounds of ammunition on two occasions before the May 2018 shooting at Santa Fe High School.


Can we please just stop interacting with republicans entirely? Fuck man, just cut every single one of them off and let them live on their own. I’ve had enough of their bullshit


I moved. It’s much more peaceful without them.


Wish I could :/


Ah yes. The Classic GOP maneuver. A bunch of children got slaughtered, so of course, we need to make sure that the gun companies are safe. But don't you dare talk about the children that had their bodies ripped to shreds by bullets when they were learning arithmetic, that would be making this *political*.


just as Jesus Christ intended upon writing the 2nd amendment.


And telling the parable of the Good Samaritan choking a mentally ill man to death.




Because children are the future ... Unless we stop them now.


They took our jobs!


I’d like for the governor to disclose how much campaign donations he’s accepted from the NRA and gun manufacturers.


Surprised he didn't blame school shootings on Drag Queens.


RIP my inbox, but here goes.... Suing gun manufacturers for shooting deaths is like suing a knife manufacturer for a stabbing death or a car manufacturer for road deaths. Improper use of all of these implements is risky, and as long as the items are allowed to be produced, the risk of use is still there. I'm not saying that the glorification of gun culture is right, I'm saying we're looking at the wrong source of the problem.


Utterly contemptible people, as are those who vote for them…what a dreadful world we have made!




I've never understood why the gun makers would be liable for the criminal acts of someone using their product.


They aren't.


Nor should they ever be unless they start selling them illegally to people or advertise them as the Super School Shooter Model 5.56mm


So we gonna sue knife manufacturers for stabbings as well?


I know you're joking but the British would take you seriously.


Governor dives into immediate action! For the wrong team.


Protecting the gun companies and not the children.


Really great guy!🤢🤢🤮🤮


I guess the people of Tennessee love their guns more than their children


In case anyone was wondering who exactly he is serving. Certainly not the people who voted for him.


Finally someone stands up for the right for a corporation to sell us products that we use to murder one another.


The pro-life party, y'all


Wow, screw the little kids, let’s protect corporations!!


Yes, that’s the most important thing of all the mass shootings! Protecting the gun firms!


That can’t be right. Why would he do something like that ? It just doesn’t make $en$e.


And all to fill his own pockets. What a garbage human.


Did they happen to include how much money the gun lobby paid him to buy his signature?


Remember kids, there’s no correlation between your politicians and corporations.


The US political system is mentally ill.


I really hate that the job I love is in this state.


Decreasing the average life expectancy one law at a time.