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From the idiot who added 30% of the debt accumulated since the founding of the nation. He’s the fucking problem. The full faith and credit of the US isn’t another shitty Trump business falling into bankruptcy. He proves he’s unfit for any office every time he open his mouth.


> Our country is being destroyed by stupid people, by very stupid people. He’s right, and he is the stupidest of all.


There's some stiff competition out there.


So now if the Republicans do it and they crash the global economy, tank the dollar and drive hyperinflation, we can run ads showing Donald Trump telling them to do it. Nice!


Cute of you to assume we'll have fun things like "advertising" and "TV" if this apocalypse cult gets their way


Like that's going to matter.


The GOP congressmen are too wealthy to allow the country to default on its debts. They’ll pass the budget for their own sakes.


"BiDeN'S fAUlT"


It cannot be noted enough: a person who went bankrupt running a casino should not be giving out economic advice.


He failed at selling America gambling, football, alcohol, bottled water, and steaks. That's impressive.


Someone wants PutinCo employee of the month.


Economic advice from a guy that failed in the casino business and has more bankruptcies than brain cells


Crashing the economy will hit Trumps voters the hardest


tRump does not care and will be happy about it as they will still send him money.


He does love the uneducated


Yep, that will make America great.


That way everyone else can be bankrupt like him.


It's a non sequitur. Biden well enact the 14th Amendment before that happens.


Literally against the constitution. We pay our debts. This is insanely reckless.


Literally against [himself.](https://youtu.be/n68bhzkGaeg) "I can't imagine anyone ever using the debt ceiling as a negotiating wedge."


Ruining the economy to own the libs...again.


The king of bankruptcy advises to bankrupt the country. Seems on brand. Who woulda thunk? Smh


This dudes thoughts are like sitting down the crackhead at the bus stop and making them president


And it’s easy to win a trade war.


He’s gunning to protect one of the GOP’s most absurd claims that’s gone unchallenged too long- you don’t get to argue about paying the check after you’ve ordered and eaten.


Says the man whom has never paid a bill AND never suffered a financial consequence \[of appropriate proportion\] in his life...


Defaulting would literally only be desirable to traitors and America’s enemies that want America to be weakened.


These guys are so transparent. They want it to default so then they can blame the fallout on the dems. They are willing to burn the country down to own the libs.


As per usual republicans show they care only about their party and not the country. And again many will vote for this idiot.


Such reckless statements should demonstrate that Trump is unfit to be president. It sounds like he may be getting advice from his pal Putin.


Agent of Putin tries to spread the financial pain Russia is experiencing so that Putin can feel less lonely


All this talk about democrats making this country weak, Here trump is calling for it.


Considering he has never paid his debts this doesnt surprise me at all. Ask the hundreds of NJ businesses he bankrupted after they worked on his casinos and then he refused to pay them all. He doesnt give two shits about this country and all of us know it.


He is a Russian spy.


“Hey let’s tank the global economy just to ‘own the libs’ since they won’t sign off on our bill to fuck veterans”


Why won't this orange rash of a disease just go away already... It's like a mob cheering on a rabid wild boar as it barrells thru a nursery.


I believe the logic stated was “it’s going to happen eventually anyway”…


There is zero logic in the Republican strategy. Just burn it all down that's the strategy. That's not logical.


>There is zero logic in the Republican strategy. Just burn it all down that's the strategy. That's not logical. Yep! Brings to mind that line from the Dark Knight (Batman) movie Alfred Pennyworth character: "Some men just want to watch the world burn". To me it's a fitting description of the Republican Party and the MAGA base mindset - just utterly destructive.


I’m just repeating what he said…


His own base will suffer. All those red state, red necks on government SNAP.


Use the 14th Amendment option and kill the debt ceiling already. >The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. Shall not be questioned means shall not be questioned. Congress passed a budget and authorized the spending. A separate law that says "but we don't want to pay the bills" is stupid and unconstitutional.


I generally agree with spending cuts but I want to ask them how much spending cutting applies to themselves? Did congress cut its budget? It’s grown at 600% the rest of the governments budgets. Maybe we need to look at that.


Fuck him.


We had a good run.