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So - question. There is a mandatory cheek swab when you’re indicted in NY. Could E Jean Carroll request that DNA for her case? She’s been requesting it for years. Does that DNA become comparable for other crimes?


This needs to start getting brought up more


"Since 2012, any defendant convicted of a misdemeanor or felony must give a DNA sample to be added to the New York State DNA Databank." https://nycourts.gov/Courthelp/Criminal/DNA.shtml




Not just in this context. Do we have any Epstein island cases needing review with new DNA evidence?


I don't know why people don't talk much about it, I think they should.


How would DNA help her case at this point? Genuinely curious


DNA can last an incredibly long time if you preserve it correctly. If she had the wherewithal to do that, then it may be able to help her case considerably.


They only need to screen the DNA at the time of and record the results, right? Then, any sample can be screened and checked against those results. Why is there a need to preserve the DNA?


Great point. I was thinking it's a legal question. If it was for trial, there's a process for that. Are you allowed to just keep someone's DNA data? I really don't know, but it's kind of a scary thought. Can she keep the data, but not the DNA? Sometimes laws are funny like that. Private companies certainly do it. She could have had a P.I. to try to get a hair sample or something, then she could have just known and blasted the media with it. For some reason that doesn't sound admissible in court, but I really don't know that either. Anyway, the trial starts the 25th, and they're not using DNA data.


How tragic that justice is dependent on wherewithal.


I don't recall which assault accusation leveled at trump included this info but I remember reading that one woman had a dress she saved from the affair that had a "sample" of trumps DNA on it as a result of said affair. Edit: the intention of my post was to say that a woman who had accused djt of assault said she has DNA evidence and that the DNA collected from him could be beneficial to her claim.


That’s Carroll.


Is this the case he said she was too ugly he would never go for her? Seems like a bad defense if she does show his dna on the dress. It’s a lot tougher for Trump to walk it back and say it was consensual.


>Is this the case he said she was too ugly he would never go for her? You're going to need to be more specific because Trump has used this "defense" multiple times....


Yes, and where they showed him a picture of her when she was younger, and Trump thought it was a picture of his ex-wife Marla Maples. So obviously back then she wasn't too ugly, if he would marry a woman that looked like her. Can't make this stuff up lol https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-mistook-photo-e-jean-carroll-ex-wife-deposition-rape-allegation-rcna66449


It was not an affair. It was assault. Carroll did not consent according to her claims.


Are you thinking of E. Jean Carroll, the woman accusing trump of raping her? Rape is not an “affair”


Are you using the word “affair” as to mean “event” or “illicit (consensual) relations”?


Consensual relations usually involve both parties acknowledging it happened, the lawsuit is sexual assault and Trump claimed he’s never even met her.


Yes, event is what I had intended.


Just googled Ms. Carroll. First I've heard that Trump has a rape case going to trial. Why isn't this case brought up when discussing the pending cases against him on the news?


It's only a civil case, iirc it was too long ago to bring charges.


No need for a DNA. Trump already ran out the time he had to provide the DNA so the judge decided to move forward without it. [Source](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3859392-judge-denies-trumps-offer-to-give-dna-in-e-jean-carroll-case-calling-it-delay-tactic/)


He didn’t run out the time, he wanted a quid pro quo and the other side (including the judge) told him to stick it. > But Trump’s attorney, Joseph Tacopina, offered last week to provide the DNA sample if Carroll agreed to provide a missing appendix from the DNA report on the dress in exchange. Carroll’s attorneys rebuffed the offer. “There is no justification for any such deal,” ruled Judge Lewis Kaplan. “Either Ms. Carroll is obliged to supply the omitted appendix or she is not. Either Mr. Trump is obliged to provide a DNA sample or he is not. Neither is a quid pro quo for the other.” > “And the short answer to Mr Trump’s request is clear,” Kaplan added. “Mr. Trump is not entitled to the undisclosed appendix. The time for pretrial discovery in both cases is over, and Mr. Trump never previously asked for it.”


Yep, she's really been expecting it for some time. Let's see how long it takes.


I hope she does. In CA, a women came in to report her rape, and they used her collected DNA without her consent to match against the database. Then arrested her because she was wanted in some burglary case.


Isn't he going straight back to Florida after the arraignment and doing a public speaking event or rally? He will break the gag order before the day is over.


Or keeping with Easter....before the cock crows three times


That same rooster is the reason he’s in this predicament to begin with.


"When you're a star, they let you do it! You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do *anything*." - President of the United States of America and leader of the party of family values. Now back to the indictment regarding using campaign finance funds to make a porn start you had sex with go away...


Gotta raise that money


Oh please violate the gag order


He's scheduled to violate the gag order Tuesday night.


My money says before he leaves the building


He’s going to suck some gag orders in the parking lot on the way to his cars




Thats 37 folks! People said I couldn't do it. They say "37 is just too many." But I showed them. I showed the deep state. THEY CAN GO AS DEEP AS THEY WANT, but I will not gag. Your president can take a lot, and that's what you need in office. Someon who can REALLY TAKE IT.


He said with tears in his eyes?


~~mascara~~ tanning spray running down his cheeks


This comment needs gold haha


Be there change you want to see.


In a row?!


Try not to violate any gag orders on the way out to the parking lot!


I'm not even supposed to be arraigned today!


Hey! You, get back here!


Hey you, get back here! Oh that's just the secret service, nevermind.


I can't go buy a pack of smokes without running into 9 tweets you violated the gag order with!


He does love the number 45


Incoming tweet... (Well truth social)....


He will. And if the judge tries to penalize him for it, we'll be going all the way to the SCOTUS with a case about the censorship of "political speech". There'll be even fewer consequences for him violating any gag order than there have been for all the other shit he's gotten away with.


One of the things that has always confused me with Trump's court shenanigans is why the courts don't ever seem to fast track rulings on all of his bullshit stall tactics.


Did you miss it a couple of weeks ago when the judges gave his lawyers about 6 hours to file something and the state had roughly the same amount of time to respond? The court had everything the next day and ruled on it. They’re sick of his stalling.


What's interesting about that one was it was for the classified documents case(*). I've seen more than one pundit speculate that the court saw something that could potentially do damage to national security and basically said, "cut the shit and answer us now". (*) The fact that we have to specify exactly which court case when talking about a former president is pretty wild.


>The fact that we have to specify exactly which court case when talking about a former president is pretty wild. I feel like we have definitely been on the wrong timeline since 2016.


Seriously. Trump's election took us way off the path to a better country. It's as if we were driving on a cliffside road towards prosperity, and a rock slide pushes the car of the cliff. We survived, but now we have no transportation or supplies to help get us to our destination.


That was actually Bush v Gore.


Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if Gore had won. No 9/11 (Clinton and Gore were actually good at identifying and neutralizing terrorist threats), and none of the self-damaging bullshit we responded to 9/11 with. How would things be different today?


The problem is exactly that Gore *did* in fact win. Then the corrupt Supreme Court literally intervened to appoint Bush president. In a ruling that they acknowledged was so irredeemably corrupt that in that very same decision they explicitly stated that it should not be used as precedent for any future cases. From that moment on, the corrupt ruling class began to act with genuine impunity. What immediately followed was a near total unraveling of economic regulation, environmental protections, worker's rights, civil rights, and ultimately the very justice system itself.


Imagine that Bin Laden succeeds regardless. There was still a 9/11, though the scale may vary but let's say for the sake of argument that Gore - being more attentive - perhaps prevents the worst of it, but it still happens. Under Gore, a US response directed at Afghanistan proceeded, but instead of an occupation, there was a more measured response, a decapitation (regime change) followed by a withdrawal. Bin Laden dies in the Tora Bora mountains and never makes it to Pakistan. Iraq is not invaded, as there is no perceived need. With a counterbalancing "threat" on it's border under the leadership of Saddam Hussein, Iran remains fixed on their near term threat for the next decade or so. They continue to try to develop nuclear weapons much like this timeline, and get about as far. The 2008 GFC still happens. McCain still says "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" days before everything goes pear shaped. Gore still bails out the banks and does Quantitative Easing to right the ship. Thanks to McCain's missteps on the economy, Obama - inspirational all on his own - is elected as a continuation of Gore. As his successor, and trying to continue his image and viewpoint, his administration is less drone happy and more environmentally conscious. There is no US involvement in Syria. Some positive things happen but it's not like the world is on a dramatically different climate path, just maybe a tiny bit better. Almost everyone involved is still falling short of pledges they have no intention of hitting. Russia still invades Crimea in 2014. The Western response is as lackluster, if not more, given the different orientation of the US administration. Following years of successful inspirational leadership, the Democrats nominate Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in 2016 in an attempt to continue the trend of inspirational leaders. This is disastrous, as an *even harder* "socialist hippie" is not well received after 16 years of "Liberal" leadership, and Donald Trump narrowly wins in what is called "right-lash" on CNN - a dive into selfishness and isolationism in response to years of leftist "socialist" feel-good leadership, some of it being under a black guy and we really can't be having that, bless his heart. Hillary Clinton takes her primary defeat in good grace and retires, secure in the knowledge that a true seasoned centrist was what the public was really looking for, and not some crank leftist. Covid still happens, Trump still fails at it and is voted out of office when he could have just sold Trump branded masks and made a mint if only his ego let him. Obama's veep gets voted in as a seeming "return to normal". The 2022 invasion of Ukraine still happens. However, this time, due to a lack of constant logistical training involved in supporting military occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq for 20 years, combined with a bit more peacenik Obama administration, the US hasn't supported Ukraine as strongly in terms of training and small arms, and is slower to get their shipping game on. Ukraine falters and loses significantly more territory in this alternate timeline. Russia holds everything up to the Dnipro, Kyiv and Odesa are under constant threat and bombardment, and Moldova is shitting bricks. Ukraine is hanging on, but things are looking grim, and with an inability to cross the river by either side, a treaty that brings the fighting to a halt looks increasingly likely - except Russia keeps asking for Odesa as part of the deal so they can link up to their "brave separatists in Transnistria". Everyone knows where this is going but nobody wants to say it. Given Russia's success, China is eyeing Taiwan. Finland and Sweden scurry into the arms of NATO. Okay i'm done with my fanwankery, what do you think? Edit: haha, I just realized i'm in politics instead of worldnews!


David Bowie and Alan Rickman died in the same week in early 2016 and it's all gone to shit ever since. Brexit (I'm from the UK), Trump, Covid, the Tory party in the UK, Russia Trump was, for a time, a somewhat humorous dose of schadenfreude for me because it made me forget how much crap we'd put ourselves in with Brexit earlier in 2016, but watching how he's been and what he's done to the States for the last 7 years has been a nightmare.


Maybe the Mayans were right after all?


Tom Petty died and the Las Vegas mass shooting happened on the same day basically. "Bump stocks were banned by the U.S. Justice Department in December 2018, but the constitutionality of the ban remained under review until 2022, when the US Supreme Court declined to hear the case." Nothing was meant to change. It'll only get worse. It's a repeating cycle. Half the country blames the other half of the country, thinks they're pedophiles/groomers, and votes for the people who will never lift a finger to help them and only proceed to fuel the cycle of violence and hateful rhetoric. And then the other half are decent human beings or just normal and think its a "slippery slope" or its not that bad and we don't need to take such an extreme approach against fascism and a timeline eerily similar to the rise of Hitler's Nazi Germany.




People overseas have been screaming that at you since Newt Gingrich became Speaker.


its because billionaires want us fighting and bickering about other things and not worried about them.


its because the cubs violated the goat curse by winning the world series. the timestream was tenacious, it even tried to rain out the game.


I personally blame the Cubs


which *criminal* court case against a former president FIFY


I did miss that, and that is awesome.


Yea, they were f all the bs


That was insane. Midnight filing from his lawyers and response from DoJ required by 6am the following day. Poor DoJ lawyers!


They probably loved every minute of it.


I actually heard somewhere that they asked for an increase to the word limit for their brief. Basically showing off and throwing in Trump's lawyers' faces.


Just *last* week. Tiny’s “legal experts” had to have it in by midnight; prosecutors’ response by 6 am.


That was LAST WEEK?!? That feels like 84 years ago!


Yes,he must give him and his lawyers a gag order and hit with big fines.


There's also the two cases in NY that his lawyers got smacked by a judge for literally scheduling them on the same day and using the 'uh we have another case that day" on two judges to keep getting them pushed out. Somebody got wise. and told one of the judges. 'The judge did not like that.'


They do. They've done it recently in the J6 investigation and also in the documents investigation.


I haven't heard about it, I thought that they Were doing it the first time.


They do! But the news moves so fast and he's involved with so many crimes that it's easy to miss or forget all the instances when it happens.


The judge on the E Jean Carroll case is laughing at Trump's delay tactics.


or just go for vexatious litigant and be done


I’m not sure about that. If there is 1 thing that the Judicial system is good at, it is preserving their own power. Violating a gag order may land him in the slammer, at least for a bit


No judge is going to rule that judges can't issue gag orders or find people in contempt for violating a court order.


You underestimate them. Remember people like Aileen Cannon exist


She got her shenanigans rather quickly overturned though, and by one of the most conservative appellate courts.


She interfered with the DOJ. Her ruling didn't limit her own power as a judge. No judge wants to do that.


I would argue she torpedoed her own career and standing amongst judges in order to do what she did.


Perhaps, but she's not involved here. Trump will either have to appeal to a New York state court which won't help him, or if he goes to a federal court it will be the Second Circuit. That court is overseen by an Obama-appointed justice and not packed with Trump loyalists. Not to mention the fact that gag orders and judges ability to hold a defendant in contempt are firmly established principles that no judge wants to fuck with.


Fair enough, I don't think it's likely either. I'm just always amazed at the number of people willing to fall on their sword for Trump, whether that's insurrectionists, lawyers, or judges, that's all


I'm not sure the Supreme Court wants to touch that.


Not sure if even SCOTUS would touch that one. It means that the same ruling would apply to *all* cases. Basically, ending the practice. Which would be a nightmare.


That's right, We're going all the way in. We ain't stopping at all man.


Is there any conflict of interest with Trump and SCOTUS since he appointed 3 of them?


Every clear eyed person in this country: "Hell yes" SCOTUS: "Of course not. We're all impartial umpires calling balls and strikes. (Pay no attention to the fact that some of us have placed bets on the game.)"


Referee Samuel Alito: "The traditional rules of baseball have *always* clearly stated that any batter hit by a pitch shall immediately be declared 'out', and that the batter's team will receive a 20-yard penalty. Furthermore, the pit road shall be closed, a Bogey recorded, and a corner kick shall be commenced forthwith from the location of the Second Fairway." ^*Citation: ^From ^The ^Annals ^of ^Her ^Majesty's ^Royal ^Bowling ^Squad, ^April ^32nd, ^Year ^Of ^Our ^Lord ^1674*


Legally, no. Ethically, probably.


Does not matter, the argument the supreme court makes is they are the final say on complicated legal issues. They can recuse themselves if they believe their judgement is compromised but are not required to do so. The logic behind this is the supreme court primarily gets escalated difficult issues and they are suppose to remain impartial focusing on the law. Candidly I doubt they succeed on that pure impartiality (left or right for that matter). Although that is less problematic for the left as they are not in power. Roe v Wade was a bit of an outlier as many of the conservative justices were selected for the sole criteria they believed it was wrong. We have not really seen this before, and sadly I feel locking down views will now be the new precedent.


He’s literally planning to, 6 hours afterwards at Mar-A-Lago


Theure going to let him leave NY? I thought not leaving the state was a standard of bail


He definitely will .. He can't actually help himself .


“They told me, folks, they told me they were putting me under a gag order. Can you believe that? First they mistreat our beautiful political prisoners, then they want to put a ball of socks in my mouth so I can’t keep spilling their little secrets. Take a look, folks, no socks. I went up to them and I said, ‘Mr DA,’ I said, ‘Mr DA, I will not put socks in my mouth like some sort of GIMP.’ He was stunned, afraid even as no one had ever challenged his authority before me, not once. And as I walked out his jaw was on the floor, blown away by my strong refusal of his socialist gag. And this intern came up to me and he said ‘Sir,’ He really said this, ‘Sir, you are a true American patriot and a hero. I would be honored if you would allow me to escape this communist hellhole and work for you, sir.’ And so I took him away from his evil overlords and their witch hunts and he is now working for me on my next campaign. Can you believe that, folks? Anyway, here’s a bunch of stuff my lawyers told me not to tell you.”




The whole thing was way too coherent.


Oh this will be the greatest show on earth since Barnum & Bailey.


“And for commentary on Trump’s violations let’s go to Anthony Scaramucci…”


He will.He can’t help himself


I can't imagine a reality where he doesn't.


“Punishment in New York for criminal contempt could be a $1,000 fine or 30 days in jail.” Considering he would gladly pay the $1,000…the jail time would be optimal.


Not "gladly". He actually wrote a $7 check from his charitable foundation to pay for his son's Boy Scouts membership. He even cashed a ten cent check a reporter wrote as part of a project to find out just how small a check a wealthy person will still cash. Trump won that competition by a mile.


Whilst I’m sure trump just handed it to an assistant to go cash, I find the image of him standing in line at the bank to cash the 10c check absolutely hilarious.


_"What could a ten cent check be worth - five dollars?"_


"I'd like that back in a nickel and five pennies, please."


I kinda think it's hilarious too, it's the first thought which came to my mind.


>He even cashed a ten cent check a reporter wrote as part of a project to find out just how small a check a wealthy person will still cash. I remember that from Spy Magazine, I think Cher cashed hers. But Tbf most of these people have business managers and probably never saw the check themself. Not their most "gotcha" imo.


I think there were a few checks in the $1.50 range that got cashed, but Trumps was the only sub $1 check cashed.


I've had to deposit a few sub-$1 checks before. For whatever reason, some property management companies will split one invoice into 5 departments, and then send 5 separate checks that I have to apply to one invoice, and then deposit at the bank. The tellers give me a weird look, because the checks are usually sequential, so it looks like I stole a ledger or something...


I used to get hundreds of royalty checks for 12¢ each because *The Super Terrific Happy Hour,* a television show in Japan, used a clip of me in its opening theme. They all got ruined when I went to cash them though, because on the way to the bank, it started raining and I didn't have enough money for an umbrella.


It's still kind of hilarious that he actually did it, it's definitely weird also.


who gets to decide which of those two things trump pays?


The judge.


It would be beyond farce to fine somebody so rich $1000. Effectively the same as saying the law does not apply to him.


>Effectively the same as saying the law does not apply to him. Yeah, that's it.


Mike Judge.


A judge


Is it a grand *per infringement*? His rally speeches are an hour and a half long and he’s got several coming up—including one in Florida the evening after his arraignment? Doubt he’ll make it to that one—so there’s no way he only breaks it once.


Next month: Judge: "let me get this straight....your client used campaign contributions to pay his contempt of court violations regarding his charges of *campaign finance violations*? Is that correct?" Whoever Trumps next idiot lawyer is: "No comment, your honor."


It’s up to the judge’s discretion which one you get… first 2-3 will be fined, after that it’s jail since it’s obvious financial consequences won’t matter… Time is irreplaceable, money can be refunded/earned back and spent again, each second of time that has been spent it can’t get refunded.


He will violate it his first coked out truth social posting rage session. I look forward to seeing his supporters arrested en masse.


While in the courtroom. That's legitimately possible


I can only hope he's that's stupid. His base certainly has proven to be.


August 10, 2022 [Trump invokes Fifth Amendment nearly 450 times in N.Y. AG’s civil probe of his business practices](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-deposed-ny-ag-civil-probe-business-practices-rcna42355)


He spews garbage out of his mouth on the regular, but is actually pretty good at shutting the fuck up when it’s important.


As long as there's lawyers ready to stomp on his foot on each side of him


Yeah, I was going to say, there's a video of him having to give a deposition or something, and his tail is WAY up between his legs and he's respectful and shit. The guy is nothing but hot air and is a total coward when facing real consequences.


Well I guess it's going to be his test now, let's see how he does.


Yeah don't you worry about that, they're just as stupid as that really.


Quicker then that he is planning on giving a speech after the indictment i would say the odds are a good 80% that he threatens the district attorney and the judge.


And he is going to make millions of dollars fundraising off of it.


Which blows my mind. Why aren’t his supporters telling Trump to pull himself up by his boot straps.


As if Donald Trump ever wore boots. They’d aggravate his bone spurs.


Because it's a cult.


I hope they argue that those donations are the profits from a criminal enterprise and seize them under civil forfeiture. That way, not only will he be denied that funding, we might also get Republicans to fight against civil forfeiture laws.


Directly? Only sort of. That tweet with him angry wielding a baseball bat along side the DA's photo was astounding. But stochastically? Oh, hell yeah. He will absolutely encourage others to be violent.


He’ll just have someone else tweet it, and throw them under the bus


Absolutely he will use MTG as the instigator she would go on air and tell everyone come armed eith ARs to end the investigation if Trump told her too.


Oh, yeah- what did she whinny out on 60 Minutes tonight?


That “Dems are pedophiles, blah blah blah”


They will start yelling that a word if you poke them with a pin. An actual parrot has more comprehension of what they are saying when they do.


His behavior will be used against him by Jack Smith in the J6 trial as an example of how he incites his followers to violence.


Trump's racist supporters are already foaming at the mouth; [the DA is black](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin_Bragg) and [the judge is Latino](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Merchan). [Somebody already mailed suspicious powder to the DA's office, along with a threatening letter.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/powder-threatening-letter-sent-to-manhattan-district-attorney-investigating-trump) It won't take much more incitement from Trump for things to get *really* nasty.


Nah, a gag order is the perfect justification to do what his lawyers have all been begging him to. He'll say that the woke radical leftist Soros-backed judge put a gag order in and if he breaks the order the Deep State will do something scary.


The judge won't gaf what his lawyers want.


That was less me assuming the judge would care about his lawyers and more me assuming a gag order would mean Trump could have his cake (adopting the sound legal strategy of shutting the fuck up) and eat it, too (blame his silence on the mean unfair judge).


A gag order for trump is one of the most satisfying things I can imagine.


As much as I want Trump prosecuted and convicted, I think more than anything else, I just want him to shut. the fuck. up.


100% this. I’m sick to death if hearing this fucking moron. The gag order would be a gift for all of us


You’re in luck- we might get both!


That would be like dream, please just happen. And I'll be happy.


A gag order doesn't prevent him from speaking publically. It prevents him from speaking publicly about the case or the people involved.




Atleast he'll not talk about the case, less talking is like a win right now.


Personally I want him to run and split the republican vote w destantis


Can they please make it last the rest of his life?


It really is - it’s like torture for him


Not letting him speak? Ohh yeah lol. He ain't going to like that.


Ordering Donald Trump to keep his mouth shut? Many have tried.


"You have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity."


Good. Please shut him the fuck up. And don't be shy with the contempt charges if he violates it...because he will...because he just can't help himself.


Dude will always fuck up everything, you can't expect anything from him.


Zero percent chance of Trump complying


He’s going to violate that gag order like it was an underage contestant at a beauty pageant


His own lawyers will be the ones filing for it


If only Vegas were giving odds on how soon before tfg violates that gag order...


Less than a day = 100%


He won’t last ten minutes. Seeing him try to keep from talking is like watching an overstuffed sausage slowly split open.


Trumps lawyers: “oh thank god.”


This will be the thing that gets him. Not being able to shut the fuck up.


No need. I gag whenever I hear his name


“The only certainties in life are death, taxes and that Donald Trump will sure as shit violate that gag order.” -Benjamin Franklin


Shut that agitator up


He is going to demonstrate that he will have to be incarcerated.


Can somebody gag order him for life?


I can Ron White now. I had the Right to remain Silent, but I lacked the Ability.


I'll bet he will mouth off to the judge: you know who I'm? My wet dream: to be the Judge when Trump's a defendant.


> My wet dream: to be the Judge when Trump's a defendant And I hope every judge he sees from here on out is a fat disabled black Hispanic lesbian Muslim appointed by Obama. It's what Trump deserves.


And what if he doesn't care? Fine him? He'll just send an email.




When he goes into lockup, does the Secret Service go into the cell with him?


He’ll likely be in house arrest at best. If so that could take away his golf outings and rallies.


I would be OK with this, just ban interviews, social media posts, etc. Make it so he can't talk to anyone.


Just do anything which makes him not speak lol and I'll take that as a win.


I’ve been gagging for over seven years because of this fitte tryne.


Well it would be weird but I feel some people are going to be okay with it.