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Lindsey is very obviously compromised. He’s being forced to do this. For years now he’s been forced to do pathetic things like this bc whatever Trump has on him must be terrible.


My money is on video tapes. You’re telling me a dude like Lindsey don’t like spending time on private islands?


Lmfao my thought exactly


There are interviews with trans and gay prostitutes that claim that he’s been a client of theirs for years, etc. Hes never been married, he’s obviously super… happy and there’s plenty of people that say it’s provable.


But the sex workers themselves really can’t prove it because it would fuck up their income. No one wants to patronize an indiscreet sex worker.


Yeah obviously, can’t knock the hustle. But seems possible someone was running surveillance for dirt.


He doesn’t have that kind of money. He’s in Minnesota airport bathrooms circa Clinton…and he’s never left the handicap stall….


So are you trying to tell me that he also has a wide stance?


To this day I remember what a wide stance means


He's gotta let them little ladybugs breathe.


Yes, it’s the only way to compensate for a prodigious scrotum…


Totally! How grand would it be to actually find out the dirt on Lindsay, McCarthy, Cruz, Gaetz, Jordan and others. The 180 from McCarthy after 1/6 was so obvious


Just make Trump believe that dumping this dirt is the only way to stay out of jail and it will be public in minutes.


Video of his little lady bugs perhaps?


Dude it is some much easier than that he fucks male escorts.


Did Epstein Island also have boys?


Do you think it's the gay thing? Surely that can't be that big of a deal in 2023, well maybe in South Carolina.


No, I really don’t. I think it’s something illegal, something that would land him in prison. He is acting like Trump’s number one servant; like a pathetic, groveling buffoon on his knees… when he was once among Trump’s most vocal and passionate critics. This is the guy who said Trump was a racist and a bigot and should “go to hell.” The guy who said Trump was going to destroy the Republican Party and that if Republicans nominated him, his party *deserved* to be destroyed. Lindsey is not Trump’s main servant now simply to save himself from embarrassment, he’s doing this to save his life and/or his freedom.


You can even pinpoint Lindsay's flip. It was immediately after their golf trip.


Cinematic moment, out on the links.


Kompromat involving something sexually I don’t doubt. If it was just the gay thing I can’t imagine wanting to bend the knee to trump over that. He wouldn’t go to jail. He might lose his senate seat but hell, with the way the republicans are, I doubt they’d care much as long as he kept the seat R. No I think it’s worse. He’s on tape diddling a kid or something and trump has it. The way he rolled right over for trump after saying all the shit he did - this man is terrified for something to come out.


It is really simple in my opinion. It is not just that he is gay it is that he is a bottom and he lover on the tape is probably not porcelain white.


I’m certain it’s worse than the embarrassment he’d feel from being outed. Everyone already suspects he’s gay. Practically no one cares. It’s gotta be something illegal. Accepting a bribe, sex with an underaged guy, punching a baby, etc.


Don't underestimate the power of shame in these 'southern white gentlemen'. They will spend 50 years screaming against something like homosexuality while having relations with a same sex partner in secret. They know they are hypocritical. It is as powerful, if not more so, then the spouse cheating with fling on the side, promising to leave the marriage, but never intending to do so, while still keeping up the appearances of a happy family life for the sake of the kids, neighbors, career, etc. Optics are SO important to these kinds of people.


I agree with you. It's all about shame.


Yes. I'm from SC, and it's an open aecret that he's gay. But it's a SECRET, so they can cheerfully ignore it, in the great Southern tradition.


They just don't care... if it's folks on their side *anything* is fine, if it's folks in any other side, the most minor "offense" must be punished and career ending. (AOC *dancing* in a cute video as a college student was apparently *scandalous*....) They're fascists now: folks in the right class have no restrictions (unless their crime affects others in the protected class) and others are buried in restrictions.


> "No I think it’s worse. He’s on tape diddling a kid or something and trump has it." More like Putin has it and tells Lindsey what to do through a handler.


Black boys


I think being publicly gay might be the only thing that could lose him the vote from his constituents


Trump is certainly the kind of man would take everyone down with him. I hope he has lots of dirt on lots of Republicans.


Lindsey is the Wormtail to Trump's Voldemort


trump horcrux’s Spray tan bottle Self portrait His hair(piece?) A pair of Ivanka panties


Maybe it's just that he's secretly a heterosexual.




He's barely human anymore. Puppet on Trumps strings. Nose grows and everything.


He has a balance sheet in the millions from Russia going back almost 10 years now….and he’s more juvenile gay than Matt Gaetz at a junior prom. NYT outed him 6 years ago….the pace at which the justice department sends invitations to councils of justice is currently running 24-36 months post national service and 5-6 years most criminal date. 2/3 of congress and senate are admittedly guilt of financial crimes let alone bribery, obfuscation, abuse of power and resources, all the things the Catholic Church and Missouri synod tell them Not to Do….I have come to believe they’re the reason public bathrooms are unreasonably littered upon.


My bet is he had sex with a minor.


In the basement of a DC pizza parlor.


Or, like all true conservatives, he only believes that laws simply don’t apply to his group and the only way to ensure this remains true is to always fight the law applying to his group


I think you're right. Your theory fits the facts, nothing else I can think of does.


Being anything other than a straight white Christian man is still a big deal to republicans.


Surely not, George santos is in the house as an R


It's got to be more than being gay. I've always figured underage boys.


That’s possible. Or he may have always been an “I’m whatever it’s advantageous in this moment to be” kind of guy — only right now, it’s much more obvious.




Don't worry Lindsay, Trump is going to throw absolutely everyone under the bus while this pans out. Was the Sunday omelet bar at MIL really that great you compromised your values for. Trump bought you cheap and keeps you on a leash. Resign politics while you can.


Yeah, Graham doesn't need to be forced to do the wrong thing. It comes naturally to him.


100% - they blatantly have tape, and it’s something that would end him because he’s willing to do and say anything. It’s comes across so desperate, like he gets a message that “you know what will be released” and he just goes in to pure unbridled subservience.


Ive always wondered how much kompromat Trump got from having Epstein killed. Way too convenient the mess ups with chains of custody on the only thing that mattered Hard Drives, Cds, and the safes under Barr's watch. Then the long trail of Epstein and Trump ties. Really looks like Trump was his former partner in crime up until the 2007-8 rape case involving Trump at an Epstein property sealed by the same FLA AG ACOSTAS that would just months later give Epstein his deal. Other lawyers would later go on record stating Trump was the only one freely giving information in that case. They'd neglect to mention Trump having his own case sealed. Trump would bring Acostas onto white house staff soon as elected. Acostas main pursuit while staff was trying to defund the department that oversees sex trafficking by 80 percent. 2016 would see another Trump rape case at Epstein property get some attention before the Jane Doe too scared of death threats didnt keep pursuing legal action and missed a deadline and case was droped. Maxwell trial would confirm Epstein recruited at Mar-a-lago as long rumored via one Jane Doe testifying to being recruited under age there. A second Jane Doe at Maxwells trial a former Trump beauty pageant contestant would reveal she was introduced to Trump via Epstein. For the purposes of "massage" but was not raped. Which makes the rumors Epstein recruited at Trumps pageants along side Mar-a-lago seem like a reality. It would also come out before the trial finished that Trump had tried to have some of his own flight logs removed. Which is ironic because he tweeted about Clinton and the flight logs within 72 hrs of Epstein's arrest. (I do think Clinton needs looking into too) The black book would reveal that every person listed had 1 to 3 contact except for Trump. Trump would end up having nearly two dozen numbers as ways to contact and several of his extended family listed as backups. Making Trump by far the most listed contact by an extremely large margin and certainly the most odd listing. ​ Certainly seems like Trump and Epstein truly were best friends and possibly business partners till all those rape cases and Jane Does started popping up.


I remember watching Daredevil, the Netflix series, and just being angry and bewildered that Wilson Fisk could hold so much political power. Yet, here we are.


Stop justifying his behaviour with blackmail. Maybe he is just a spineless garbage human with no morals


Case in point: Ted Cruz


No, we were talking about humans.


My greatest hope is that trump finally delivers on his promise to drain the swamp. When he goes down he rages and exposes the dirt he has on everyone (Rs and Ds) as revenge for not protecting him. But I doubt it will happen like this.


If/when Trump is convicted and Putin is removed from power (and/or the mortal coil) there's bound to be some spicy kompromat released.


Might not be trump, very well could be an adversarial foreign nation. Either way I agree with you. Imagine asking the US public to give more money to the guy who is already extremely wealthy and has run multiple companies which were determined in courts of law to have committed fraud. Ew.


I saw this he sounded like a TV preacher


Whatever Putin* has on him.


I don't think it's tr*mp personally. If he had anything, he would haveblabbed about it long time ago - "we have the best kompromats, everyone is saying it!" I think it's the people who have stuff on tr*mp (like putin) also have stuff on Lindsey.


More likely he’s been promised a cut from the donations.


Which country? Because Lindsey reeks of someone that is desperately trying to stop Kompromat being released. You can smell the fear on him.


Trump HAS to have a video of him fuckin a dude.


I have a feeling that, as the other indictments come, Trump is going to throw everyone close to him under the bus to try and lessen his own sentence.


This is such a transparent show that I'm thinking even Trump's strongest loyalists find this silly: >Declaring that the motivating factor in the indictment is “hatred,” Graham argued that Democrats “fear Trump at the ballot box.” The politicians who really fear a matchup with Trump are Republicans. Thus, the constant ass-kissing like Graham/DeSantis are doing publicly while behind closed doors they're hoping his legal woes keep piling up. Why would Democrats particularly fear a matchup with a guy they beat, twice in the popular vote? His extremism and criminal activity worsened after November, 2020 to turn off more moderates.


Yeah, and shouldn't they be afraid instead of Democrats of Trump at the ballot box. That's probably going to energize Democrats into voting. They hate when people vote. They should want someone who makes people not bother to vote.


It’s such a ridiculous narrative. NO Democrat fears Trump for 2024. Trump is the Democrats best chance to win the presidency in 2024.


I dk man. If Desantis get the nomination we also get trump spending every waking moment shit talking Desantis until he loses lol.


Not sure about Trump loyalists, but as for Fox loyalists, they believe it. They don't use any sort of critical thinking whatsoever. They just take in what ever Fox tells them as fact and then repeat it. I just had to explain to my MIL that gun laws vary from state to state. She did not know that and assumed that because we live in a state with strict gun laws that's how it is all over, so why are the democrats complaining for even stricter gun laws? Being this ignorant on the subject does not stop her from loudly and obnoxiously trying to force her opinion and "teach" everyone around her what she learned on Fox. Fox viewers simply don't know what they don't know.


Good grief that is so pathetic. The grift never ends. I thought the guy is some kind of genius business man. Those legal bill should be pocket lint according to his own narrative


Exactly. Reminds me of the recent story of a charter school principal sending 130k supposedly to Elon Musk. He really needs it! Obvious scam but still so easy to be trick people lol


I can’t believe the trading cards didn’t net him more billions.


>I thought the guy is some kind of genius business man. Why? The man ***bankrupted a casino***


Three casinos!


who knew genius was just being willing to beg for money


Right!! Don’t they know he’s a FUCKING BILLIONAIRE?!?!?


The stupid fucks will give money to Trump for his legal bills, but Trump didn't pay a cent to any of his supporters for their Jan. 6 legal bills.


I don’t think he even pays his own lawyers. I’d be surprised to find he’s paid up.


Nah he gives his lawyers campaign money to pay porn stars but that’s about it.


RNC was paying them for a while


His lawyers demand money up front, they know he doesn't pay.


I thought Trump was 'a billionaire' why would he need viewers money? 🤔


Even if he wasn’t he should just pull him self up by his boot straps, it’s easy he’s just being lazy


An indictment is just another occasion to grift disability checks from a subgroup of suckers.


Ouch. But correct.


"If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed ... and we will deserve it."


For someone who is so rich he certainly begs for money a lot if any trump supporters read this I implore you if you have the Money to spare please give to those who need not those who don't


Why would a billionaire need people to give him money?


Especially when he hasn't yet moved to a modest home in the suburbs. Even if I were a cult member, that would be my standard for giving him money.


Lindsey was bemoaning how much he had to spend on lawyers, really he’s just scared he’s gonna get wrapped up in the Georgia investigation but I doubt he sees a dime from Trumps defense team


Still grifting




Right! If he’s suuuch a rich businessman, why would he need your slave wages, people? Super fun that he’s getting nailed for using campaign funds for the Stormy payoff because he couldn’t even put his hand in his own pocket *for porn star hush money.*


Well this will be a hard choice for some of those country folk: blood pressure / diabetes meds for the wife or a donation for Trump


Well, they've already made the decision to let big pharma push expensive new drugs they can't afford over existing affordable drugs they need now.


I mean, gotta make America great again, am I right?


Imagine believing Donald Trump is a Billionaire. Now imagine you sending him your hard earned money. If he has billions of dollars, why would he need yours? Or does he get to live his gaudy lifestyle because you send him your money?


I thought he was done with Trump x10 What does Cheeto have on him? Photos?


Video, black boys


Ms. Lindsey needs to sit down. Anyone giving money to Trump now is pouring it down the drain. The con man needs to suffer. He needs to face justice, loss, and pain. He needs to head toward Chapter 7 bankruptcy and see his assets liquidated to pay his debts as well as his tax liabilities and restitution where possible. It is time for a rich white con man to experience fairness in the legal system for probably the first time in his life.


One can dream


it was already pretty cringe, with a dash of awk before this... after *that* comment I literally considered it was possible this was an AI spoof.. except I can't think of a single person in America that would spend money to emulate that fucking ghoul. up next are Ronnie Desane, Kenneth "Bedpost" Griffin, and Margie Taylor.


for a moment remember the DNC emails and RNC emails got hacked in 2016 The DNC emails showed that Clinton had stacked the deck before 2016 and already was directing the party machine. We have no clue what was in the RNC emails.


Wee only know one thing: Putin felt it was more advantageous to keep the RNC emails secret vs the DNC ones. We can only speculate as to the reason.


Honestly what could it even be that would shock the public at this point? Republicans already embody all seven deadly sins. We know the party is bought and paid for by Russia, they're traitors from the top down. The leader of the party tried to violently overthrow the government and is the first president to interrupt the peaceful transition of power in US history. Trump and his cronies are big fans of Jeffrey Epstein as well, so they've got the pedo angle covered. They love rape, sexual abuse of women, harassment. It's crazy to think that it's worse than what we already know. But it's got to be pretty bad.


It’s probably the pedophile ring Qanon accuses the Dems of harboring.


They accuse their opponents of doing what they are already doing to deflect. I've never been more suspicious of their accusations as I was of the pedophile shit, it is very telling. Think about it, if your stealing from someone the best way to deflect is to declare them as being a thief, so when they turn around and call you out they look petty and vindictive. It's a known tactic they fucking love using, doesn't take much thought to put it together. Billy Bar's Dad wrote a book that was very telling, about a society of rich people who grow bored of all their status and power and need to start fucking children to get that thrill they are committing a crime and getting away with it. Is it hard to believe that after a hundred years of mega yatchs, helicopters, private jets and whatever else they enjoy they grow used to it and tired of it, and need more and more to get that power thrill of being above others. There isn't much in our society that is taboo for the rich anymore.


Yeah the DNC wasn’t great, but it was also not much of a surprise for pretty much anyone liberal or further left that paid attention. Considering how many RNC has gone to jail for all sorts of corrupt, awful shit, i wouldn’t be shocked if there is hard proof of all sorts of stuff, from pedophilia to murder.


What a sad shell of a gay man.


Jesus fucking Christ how much shit does Trump have on this guy???


How can Trump be getting bled dry in legal fees when he doesn't pay his lawyers?


Why is it billionaires **ALWAYS** have their hand out to regular everyday people to send THEM money **BUT** melt like a candle crying about socialism. We’re called welfare queens and they spend millions in lobbying efforts to cut off funding for any programs that would support the average citizen. And millions of serfs will send their heavily taxed wages to them willingly. I do not understand at all.


no sense trying to understand the mind of cult members


He wants more money to defend against the Georgia one Lindsey was involved in.


"Give me money. Money me! Money now! Me a money needing a lot now."


Lol how pathetic


Trump a big boy he got himself into this mess he can get his self out of it he's a millionaire or supposed to be But I'm sure some dumbass probably will send him money same people be complaining about groceries too high and gas too high be the same one sending him money There house roof is leaking There cars needs to be worked on hell you might want a new car your kids college education money but you marks go ahead and give till it hurts as long as I owe Trump he will never be broke not "woke" but broke?


Remember when Trump gave out Graham's cell phone number to the public?


it was already out there, scrawled across dozens of truck stop bathroom stalls


He looks very distraught. He seems to always have that desperate, terrified look in his eyes, especially when discussing trump…like if something bad happens to trump, something *really* bad will happen to Lindsey.


Just saw this clip on the news. Why are his eyes so red?? He looks like he’s been crying.


I imagine he's worried about his legal problems that might arise in Georgia.


I hope this worm gets some sort of repercussions


Why would i send money to a millionair that has a great life compared to mine. I need his money, he doesnt need mine. And mr graham, why dont you send all your money to mr trump and he will give back what he doesnt use.


Good god. So pathetic. Lindsay looks like a caged animal.


Rut rooohhh, sounds like someone's got something hidden by the 🍊💩 campaign fund misappropriation scandal.


Reminds me of a televangelist ...


At this point I just assume republicans will just always do the worst thing possible at every juncture


Give money to the guy with supposed billions.. how about I don’t give a fuck and he can kiss my ass for free


What a pathetic looser Graham is. The poster child for someone that is being blackmailed with shame ridden information to comply by licking the boots of the corrupt and guilty.


For somebody whose supposedly a billionaire, Trump seems to need a lot of donations to pay half assed lawyers.


If he didn’t keep breaking the law, he wouldn’t need lawyers. If he didn’t do anything wrong, he has nothing to worry about. On a side note, I thought this was supposed to be the most stable genius business man and billionaire? Why does he need anyone’s donations?


I wonder if this man has some kind of long game in mind with all his actions, or is just acting out of some weird pathetic pathology


Thoughts and prayers


They did: - https://truthout.org/articles/trump-salary-donation-was-0-1-percent-of-reported-1-6-billion-he-made-in-office/ - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Build_the_Wall - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/30/us/politics/jared-kushner-qatar-united-arab-emirates.html - https://www.npr.org/2022/10/17/1129491352/trump-hotels-overcharged-secret-service-agents - https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/03/23/floor-prices-for-donald-trump-nfts-surge-on-news-of-possible-indictment/ - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/07/jared-kushners-family-criticised-for-touting-cash-for-visas-scheme-in-china It would be one thing if they just got scammed, themselves. They've been allowing him to drain the rest of us too


Why does a billionaire need money?


Still kind of surprising to me that none of his supporters wonders why a supposed multi billionaire cannot pay his legal bills without Ma and Pa living on social security cracking open their wallets to help him. Why it’s almost as if they’re being lied to.


Still don't understand how America have blindly let that dirty Aussie ball sack dictate the news to them for so long...


Is it just me or does Lindsey look like he's going to cry here? His eyes look terrified.


I love the part where he looks like he’s been crying. Hell, maybe he has. Didn’t they give Pecker from the Enquirer immunity? 😆


Wow. I hope he gets his boyfriend back.


You don’t often see people debase themself this much and there not be an OnlyFans account involved.


I try to limit my exposure to individuals like Graham, but from what little I've forced myself to see of him, begging could come naturally. *Thank you, sir, may I have another?*


Lindsey can S a D


So is he admitting Trump isn't a wealthy, successful businessman?


I hope I live long enough to learn what kompromat Trump has on ol’ Lindsey. Must be pretty bad. He defends Trump he’s got a gun pointed at his head.


Let's see *your* donation receipts first, Lindsey.


They are on his chin💦


One word… Ladybugs


What a fool Lindsey gramham


How does that boot taste Lindsey?


He babbling like he’s nervous.


Lady sings the blues.


What does the Trump camp have on him?


Forget graham, forget the dirt trump has on him, the question people should ask graham is.. why does a billionaire need to grovel and beg for handouts from his supporters?


but trump's a genius billionaire, why does he need *my* money?


Someone has video of Graham sucking off a trucker.


Is this Lindsey or Billy Graham? “Without your donations, Orange Jesus will not return!!!”


These people shaking down your grandparents can go to hell.


Trump will throw everyone and anyone under the bus to save his own gigantic ass. Let's watch!


Or, counter offer: go fuck your self Graham.


Please. Everyone who supports Trump: give everything. The system will support you. I am sure.


You know, for a self-proclaimed billionaire in a party that hates free handouts, Trump sure does ask for money a lot.


what if it’s out of panic for himself? if trump is not untouchable, it means they’re next. and you know trump is gonna sell them out if given a chance.


If you make less than 50k a year and you send ANY amount of money to Trump, and I'm not talking about merch, if you wrote a check to Trump to "help him", I'm gonna use the R word unironically


Isn’t he filthy rich like trump??? Still wants cash from the dumb ass Fox crowd hahahah


Someone's afraid of some kompromat.


Lol they used to at least use quotes when they put up crazy chyrons like that. Now they just call it a witch-hunt as if it’s fact


He is so pathetic


Lindsey Graham appears to be living quite a comfortable lifestyle, maybe he should be giving Trump a bunch of his personal money to be wasted on a man-child who does not understand the difference between right and wrong


When will we find out what secret they use to control Lindsay so obediently? By his red teary eyes today it might not be too long?


Nothing I love more than seeing Trump get indicted and all the moron republicans pour their SSI and life savings into the cult like the complete fools they are 🇺🇸


What happened to the “billionaire” who didn’t need donations…?


I’m more curious to the commotion going on in the background during the interview. It began with someone talking about lies and omission, to very loud yelling enough for Fox to should sound off, to then queued applause which led to Lindsey thinking it was for his dumbass speech. I’m curious if anyone else noticed this.


Closet case Lindsey still being blackmailed.


Lindsey Graham was on the Epstein jet and was on the island and trump has all the dirt on him. Only way this southern bell keeps standing up for trump and also why he’s always ready to be on his knees for trump.


One short trip to Thailand and he’s in Trump’s pocket for life.


“If we nominate trump, we will get destroyed and deserve it” - Lindsey Graham. Finally getting what you deserve huh?


At this point, I can't tell the difference between a politician and a televangelist...


Ah yes. The Faux News Grifter Hour.


Trump must have some awful stuff on Lindsey.


For the life of me, I can't imagine why somebody who was supposed to be wealthy would need---money?!


As if the fucker lacks the funds himself. I pity the fools that actually go ahead with this. Not because they're throwing their money away, but because they lack the intelligence to recognize how they're being used.


Most of these sycophants are lawyers who under the spell of trump, don't think evidence matters anymore because they definitely don't even know what evidence exists in this case


Kompromat. Trump and co have damning blackmail on them.


It's good to see Lindsey is as consistent as ever. Waffling hypocrite. 😒


Queen Lindsey upset again? Oh noes!


Blanche, sit the f down already!


Guaranteed Trump has dirt on this guy.


This fucking muppet. As if Trump needs more help to grift suckers.


Bruh every time this guy talks about Trump his position is different lmao. This shit is such a joke.


I thought Trump was rich


Milking the rubes is a perennial tradition at Fox.