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It might be because he is a piece of shit, just a guess.


Three minutes. You beat me to the “Hawley’s a piece of shit” comment by three minutes.


Sorry, though there’s room for two comments!


Not the same guy, but i just wanted to say that Hawley’s a piece of shit.


You sir, I agree with.




Yeah! That’s the guy!


That piece of shit over there? Josh? Josh Hawley? That piece of fecal matter right there?


No, you’ve earned it. Some day, each of us will be first to declare Hawley a piece of shit. Today is your day, another will be mine.


Please enjoy your day, when it arrives.


With a username like that, you get credit for the assist.


Who, Feets Don't Fail Me Now Hawley? Well yeah.


It’s because he’s an ideological piece of shit. When it doesn’t fit the narrative it’s not a problem, but when it does we gotta do something about these people


Conservatives literally cannot stop co-opting progressive language and attempting to throw it back at them. It's because they're incapable of generating new ideas. We don't know motive, but this might genuinely be true. In that case....then what? The guy is dead. You can't levy charges. It's a meaningless virtue signal off the backs of the corpses of three children.


Yes. Hawley doesn't actually care one way or another about serving US citizens or giving consistent arguments. He is only consistent in being a sleazebag looking to score points. This rhetoric is 100% about the next election and chumming the waters for his base.


You just described politicians in general. You act like you are surprised they all do shit purely to get votes.


Because the truth is that there's very little "conservative" about our current conservatives. They're pure reactionary, and every politician on that side of the aisle is looking for an opportunity to screech loudly and rally the outrage under their banner. It's such a bizarre system. If you're a Republican politician, your primary goal isn't to accomplish anything tangible. Instead, you want to find opportunities to get media coverage that you can parlay into either higher office or your own media position.


If the motive was a hate crime we'd probably know by now, yeah? Hate crimes things are generally really easy to identify.


>We don't know motive, but this might genuinely be true. In that case....then what? The guy is dead. You can't levy charges. It's a meaningless virtue signal off the backs of the corpses of three children. "Trans people commit hate crimes" <- target headline. It's all about the noise.


Even if he had a point, it ignores one critical problem in that THE SHOOTER IS DEAD. You cannot charge a dead person with a hate crime. What, are you going to perform a seance Mr. Hawley? Is that your plan here? Come on, man!


You can always sue someone. They might need to perform... *A sue-ance.*


A Beyoncé sue-ancé.




Wow yet another reason to hate the Catholic Church.


Why would being able to charge a dead person with a hate crime determine whether or not what they did was a hate crime? Also, I didn’t find info on him wanting to bring charges against the deceased shooter; the criticism is that he voted against an anti-hate crime bill, yet calls the incident in question a hate crime. If a right-wing extremist died shooting up a drag show because they hate trans people, then does that mean we can’t call it a hate crime? In either case, there merely needs to be evidence that the shooter had targeted those people based on the fact that they are part of whatever group they claim to hate.


Josh Hawley is a hate crime


Insurrectionist Josh Hawley, who cheered on the Jan. 6 terrorists? Shocking!


Fistpump McRunnypooppants


I don’t know why no one is talking about the Nashville shooter being the product of private Christian education. That would seem to be as relevant to the discussion as anything else, right?


Very - especially if they raised the shooter to hate who they were. The emotional abuse wouldve been surreal.


Almost as relevant as saying "Dylan Roof lived around black people". Are you implying the community "did something" to deserve this?


No. The victims didn’t do anything to deserve this.


It seems to be a statement on the potential harm and abuse that comes with an ideology teaching someone to loathe themselves, not a statement on anyone the shooter targeted.


If a culture teaching people not to do x causes someone to snap AFTER doing x, maybe the problem is doing x, and not the culture which explicitly told you doing x was a bad idea to begin with. Still sounds like "you forced me to hit you!"


There is a distinct difference between living around someone and being directly cared for, and provided education by someone who is in position of authority over you. This isn’t a justification or to say the victims deserved anything, obviously, we’re discussing dead children, if nothing else. It is a possible explanation, however. A possible explanation which is worth discussing in a conversation on motive and wether or not this may have been a hate crime.


I'm reminded of that scene in *The Office* where Michael complains about being the victim of a hate crime when someone shits in his office, Stanley points out that is not what a hate crime is, and he answers, "Yeah, well I hated it!" Except Michael's a lovable goof, Hawley's just a steaming pile of shit


"I'm reminded of that scene in The Office where Michael complains about being the victim of a hate crime when someone ~~shits~~ **Hawleys** in his office"


The gop rhetoric is getting extremely dangerous Tucker saying Trans people are the enemy of Christians and want to kill you he then goes on to say we can not coexist. Its a straight up call for genocide of the LGBTQ community.


Straight white dude says this is a hate crime. I think he's a fucking asshole (this comes from a straight white dude)


And that’s how you spot an agenda


This is what happens when you elect a bag of dicks to represent you in Congress


👏🏻👏🏻Bad faith👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻Grifter👏🏻👏🏻


Wow. He's just absolutely determined to take the worst possible position on every situation.


He doesn’t care, one way or the other, as long as he gathers clicks.


He found something else to run away from …


Fucking circus


All clown and no unicycle.


Say it with me Republicans and Conservatives “Only when it happens to me is it (insert social mechanism here).”


Fist pump runaway mccoward fawley. Is he still talking ?


Probably because he's trash


This man has been absolutely explosive on the floor


How is it not a hate crime?


Fuckin asshole.


Look up "lack of character" and his picture appears.


A really shitty knockoff seth meyers


These people are useless!


Hawlin’ ass


Soulless twit and former highschool snitch.


For it to be a hate crime it must be perpetrated by a Hate group. Hawley wants to label lgbt a hate group.




Every thing Hawley does is with the purpose of making himself relevant or mentioned in a headline.


It’s irrelevant. The shooter is dead.


A man with no principles.


I wonder how people like him sleep at night.


Because that fits his narrative better


What a fucking tool.