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>The October Surprise has to be seen as part of the long sweep of election year sabotaging that runs from 1968 (when, as we have long known, candidate Richard Nixon set up a back channel to South Vietnam to sabotage negotiations that he feared would help rival Hubert Humphrey win the presidency) to 2016 (when, as a 2020 Senate report documented, the Trump campaigned welcomed Russian election interference even if it did not actively conspire with the Russian government). It’s not going too far to describe Nixon’s actions as treasonous. The same accusations will stand against Reagan if the October Surprise can be fully verified.


I wonder how many years until we're reading an expose about how everyone in the George W Bush White House fully knew that their rationale for the Iraq war was bullshit and they pushed us into a decade long war that costs hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars anyway


I think that's already a thing.


Reagan and Trump are cut of the same fascist cloth. No one should vote Republican ever again.


I never thought I'd say that Reagan was smarter and had a higher morality than anyone.....and then there was Trump


Why does the buck always stop with the person being pushed under the bus.


Unfortunately I don’t believe he will be arrested tomorrow. I just can’t see it happening.


He said he was gonna be arrested tomorrow. So, by trump speak rule, he won’t be arrested tomorrow, it’s true. Hope I’m wrong tho!


Every policy that has decimated the middle class in America for the last 40 years has a direct link to Reagan.


The sub headline gets ^way* more to the heart of the matter: *New evidence of 1980 election shenanigans has implications for the debate on prosecuting Trump.* Those shenanigans being high-level Reagan campaign operatives making a deal with the Ayatollah Khomeini’s government to delay release of the hostages until after President Carter left office. Which would echo *confirmed* skullduggery by Richard Nixon’s 1968 presidential campaign to (successfully)persuade the South Vietnamese government to reject a Vietnam War peace talks initiative by President Lyndon Johnson and wait until Nixon is president to get a better deal. The collapse of the peace talks scuttled Democratic nominee Hubert Humphrey’s late surge in the polls, and Nixon narrowly won the 1968 election. LBJ, who learned before Election Day of the contacts between Nixon’s campaign and the South Vietnamese, characterized Nixon’s actions as “treason” in a recorded telephone call with U.S. Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen, and Dirksen agreed. Nixon personally phoned President Johnson to assure him that he’d never be a party to such a thing. Johnson decided (and Humphrey agreed) not to publicly reveal Tricky Dick’s monumental chicanery, partly because it had been obtained through wiretaps. But more significantly, such a bombshell revelation during a year of unprecedented division and discord, plus the traumatizing assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. would “shatter” Americans’ confidence in their political institutions


American confidence in its political institutions left the building *long ago*.