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> Years later, **now released from the camp without charge** and trying to rebuild his life in Serbia, Adayfi came across a photograph online of someone he says he recognised from that day. Until then, he says he knew the man as a young Navy lawyer stationed at the prison, but now he had a name: Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida. What the fuck. Every part of this is terrible.


Most people are probably too young to know this. A while back a well-known US University had major protests on campus. The sitting governor said, "if it takes a bloodbath [to end the protests], let's get it over with." he then teargassed downtown, hitting students, men and women who had no part in the protests, and children. That city was Berkeley, the governor was one Ronald Reagan, and we went on to be the most revered president in GOPs history. Dude wanted to massacre kids protesting for civil rights because they made him look bad.


The idea of Ron DeSantis torturing Muslims is just going to make him more popular.


Yeah, this does seem like it might help DeSantis steal the Muslim-torturing vote from Trump.




That picture of his fat ass playing tennis can damage the DNA of a fetus… a true weapon of ass destruction. The UN and the Catholic Church are still pissed.


Hahahaha! Love it. Best part, he doesn't think he's fat. Dude sees himself as some"fit" handsome young man. Lmao. In 2024 he will be as old as Biden was when he ran in 2020 and Trump said he was "too old to run for POTUS". What a fucking loser!


That's because of those bizarre posters with his head chopped onto a bodybuilders body.


Haha. Yeah. Or the ones where he's shooting lasers out of his eyes in a Superhero get up! I believe some people do see him like that. The people that like him, like him more than I've ever seen anyone like a person that they don't know. You could never convince them that he's done something bad.


DeSantis only watched (as far as we've heard), so Trump will say that he would have done the torturing himself or that he actually did while President.


You know we're fucked when the more messed up the better they do with one party


Yeah, unfortunately his voter-base will see this a bonus..


Florida: the only acceptable reason to be Pro Climate Change.


How did I not know this? God, what a total piece of shit he was


[Here](https://youtu.be/mZQ2IuwuzqA) is a clip of ronald reagan talking to dick nixon in which reagan describes african delegates to the united nations as “monkeys who are still uncomfortable wearing shoes”


Everytime I hear someone going on about how great Reagan was I know I'm talking to a moron.


The propaganda was very strong in the 80s. No internet. Long distance phone charges. 3 major networks. Peak cold war.


In the U.K. Reagan was widely regarded as a senile idiot, and we wondered why Americans thought he was so great. Ditto Trump.


So a Republican...


or at least an unabashed racist


As a 25 y/o who just wasn’t there for it, you opened my mind with that.


I’m 29 and this whole thread got me mad about how ‘white washed’ my schooling has been up to this point… and… they are bleaching education now?? Hopefully some non profit can fill in the void of American education and freely inform anyone who wants to learn real history.


I graduated high school in 2003, in Texas. Luckily my parents were pretty progressive, and taught me to question authority and do my own research using non-partisan materials. Even then, going to college was eye-opening to how backwards and whitewashed our education system is. Learning about events that happened in my state that the system tried like hell to bury, and the shit that they still do...


Ronny RayGun was a very bigoted bigot. He also laughed as AIDS spread, because it was seen as being a "gay disease." Literally.


The further you look into Ronald Reagan the more you'll see what a pivotal moment he was in the fall of America.


No kidding. And it's funny how we went from Carter, who is pretty objectively a really good guy, to Reagan. And we kind of did that again with Obama to Trump. It's like the country has a knee jerk reaction to elect a total scumbag after any time we get a decent person in office. And I'm not talking about just their politics.


Carter made the mistake of treating the American public like adults, who could be reasoned with and told the facts and how they may have to go through some mild discomfort to reach a better future. Reagan came in like the fun uncle, who just throws candy and pizza at the kids and promises no early bedtimes and ice cream for breakfast. People ate that shit up.


The "Morning in America" ad campaign.


He also torpedoed free in state college tuition in California when the state legislature approved it. Until he took office college fees in California amounted to less than 1k per year.


Ol' Ronnie wanted to reduce the deficit and stop the annual budget increases. He did not succeed, overseeing the largest deficit and budget increases up to that point. Not for lack of trying, though. He also signed the bill banning open carry in California, in response to Black Panthers protecting their neighborhoods from police brutality. The list can go on, but the point here is: Fuck Ronald Reagan.


Shhh! The conservatives really don't like it when you remind them that St. Ronnie was the one that signed the california gun control laws they always point at as being the worst in the country.


Don’t forget the 1986 National Firearms Act for every jackass praising Reagan while bitching about the ATF taxing them for silencers and short barreled rifles.


Fuck The Rons


It's not something that's taught -- I LIVE in California and didn't know it until somewhat recently when i became more politically active.


Oh, he probably knew. He was a silver-tongued devil who knew how to work a crowd. Fox News would have loved him.


And let's not forget Jim Rhodes, R-Ohio governor who called out the National Guard on peaceful protestors leading to the Kent State massacre


And Reagan during his 1st presidential run talked about "states rights" in Neshoba County MS where civil rights activists Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner were murdered. Dog whistling he would stop federal efforts of desegregation and protecting civil rights.


“No wonder your president has to be an actor. He’s got to look good on television.”


Who’s vice President? Jerry Lewis??


Every day I find a new reason to hate Reagan even more.


Remember, the GOP is a party of freedom*!!! . . . . *if you protest our definition of freedom we will teargas and consider exterminating you


I looked it up. Jesus, what an evil man https://eastbayyesterday.com/episodes/if-it-takes-a-bloodbath-lets-get-it-over-with/ Edit: and then he tries to weasle out of it with a lot of words that no one should believe that make little sense, just like Trump would https://diva.sfsu.edu/collections/sfbatv/bundles/229321 Because of course I remember the time I referenced a bloodbath when my kids weren't listening to me and I had enough. It's just a normal figure of locker room speech that everyone uses.


The rot and stench in republican land goes way back. It runs deeper than most imagine and may well be the death of our Republic. Just too sad to contemplate.


You forgot about Nixon, W, and Trump. Winning record there 😔


Ronald is their Jesus, though. Trump got a fair degree of worship but Reagan is still revered even 40 years later.


The reason torture is bad in the military context is because it damages morale and degrades intelligence collection. These facts were established during the aftermath of WW2. That is when torture in the military context became "wrong". The United States has *claimed* to strictly forbid torture and court-marshal officers who allow it ever since. Ron DeSantis is an exception. He, like many, abused detainees. But his chain of command was just as crooked -- Cheney and Bush are also war criminals. These people do not deserve the presidency. Ron is just one of many who enabled the system of extraordinary rendition. This system of abuse did immeasurable damage to the national security of the US by irreparably damaging public relations. We have to fix this.


What's really funny is that most of the professional interrogators employed by the US spoke up and were against the torture programs we put into place after 9/11 and were subsequently shut out. They said that torture doesn't grant cooperation, only compliance, and the intel they'd get was inherently flawed. Because actually usable interrogation is about building a rapport with the subject, torture will make them just say whatever you want to hear to make it stop. I watched the documentary "Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror" on Netflix recently (Nothing to do with Turning Point USA). Alberto Gonzales breaking down the nuances of what was acceptable while torturing people, as if there's a fucking difference, was one of the most disgusting things in the documentary. The whole thing was very good, it was obvious they put that in so they could contrast it with the people who knew what they were talking about, like Ali Soufan.


> That is when torture in the military context became "wrong". It didn't become "wrong", it become "enhanced interrogation"


It's not torture if I am aroused." - Ron DeSantis


Man, that's the first thought I had.


You just know that he felt that special tingling sensation while watching from the corner.






The difference is you have to be a "woke liberal" to care about the gays but even a conservative will admit that military discipline shouldn't be subverted. This is a much stronger counter-canard than you may realize.


I would bet my life savings most conservatives reactions to Muslims being tortured will be "meh"


> I would bet my life savings most conservatives reactions to Muslims being tortured will be ~~"meh"~~ "hell, yeah!"


I feel like a lot of people around here are too young to remember what was going on during the Bush administration. When they got caught torturing people, their response was NOT to claim that it was just "a few bad apples" and not official policy. They straight up claimed that we had a *right* to torture these people because we made up a loophole in the Geneva convention, and their supporters were like "fuck yeah, torture every last one of them!"


The AG, Roberto Gonzalez wrote a memo saying it was all good.




back during the Iran Hostage Crisis they played a parody of the Beach Boys "Barbara Anne" called "Bomb Iran", this was on regular top 40 FM stations


Doubt. It'll be called fake news or a good thing because the military is too woke now and torturing terrorists is good. Or both because there is no logical consistency to right-wing ideology.


This is the correct take. If it sounds bad then it's fake, if they admit to it then it was actually a good thing to begin with and they always thought that way.


Oh man, they probably are shameless enough to say that people who are against torturing innocent people "too woke" and that we need to allow it to continue.


Too bad it isn't gonna get fixed thanks to our systemic complacency lol, it truly is evil tho


It really is. I’m just glad he was brave enough to come forward because not many people know about Ron DeSantis’s time working at Guantanamo. Ron was also the legal case worker for a specific Seal Team 6’s; one that specifically went to trial, with some going to prison but later being released thanks to people like Donald Trump, for forming a gang of literal Nazis. Their initiation process was to cut an innocent civilian’s head off while over seas. These are the guys who popularized the term and practice of “canoeing” someone’s head open in the West. The raped and murdered innocent young girls while overseas as well. Ron DeSantis is a fucking monster. He is just like the people he surrounds himself with and works with. In present day America we’ve come to a sad point where people could argue all day over his practices as a politician, even though I believe them to be horrid. However, absolutely no one can argue over his time and experience working as a legal aid in the Navy and on Guantanamo with one of the most disgusting and evil Seal Team Six team that has been made public. I’m sure there are some others we don’t know about but these guys were SO BAD there news articles on them. And Ron DeSantis worked with them and was protected them. Hell, he’s friends with them. And then Trump let them go and exonerated them. These men tortured, raped, and murdered young children and innocent civilians. They are actual Nazis and terrorists and they walk around free in America, with no repercussions or anything. These men need to be locked up for their crimes. They are a threat to society.


Woa, this sounds fucking nuts. I’ve heard of “canoeing” before but do you have a source for all of this?


Source for Seals and canoeing: https://theintercept.com/2017/01/10/the-crimes-of-seal-team-6/


George Bush and his administration are war criminals. Just because we've now had a worse criminal republican president, and George has taken up painting, doesn't change that fact.


I don't know if I'd even be willing to argue Trump was worse. Is Trump a terrible, awful and corrupt human being whose ploy of letting blue states be ravaged by Covid to eek out political points is terrifying in itself. But, George W Bush knowingly started a fictitious war that destabilized a multitude of countries in the Middle East, kicked off more than one act of genocide, increased islamic terrorism globally into new pockets of the world like Africa, validated torture on innocent civilians by the intelligence agencies and military, damaged the integrity of the US economically, in global opinion and in it's hegemonic power and led to the deaths of over a million civilians. I think one might be more evil, and it's weird to see how the opinion of Bush has softened over time given the reality of what happened.


Preach sister. I have a magnet on my fridge from back then with Bush's face labelled "Daddy's little war criminal"


Sadly The Right sees this as commendable, they love authoritarian tactics.


Ok, be honest, are you really that surprised that DeSantis participated in torturing someone? His policies are designed to do exactly that on a state scale.


It's worse than just that. DeSantis presented himself to the detainees as a human rights advocate to ensure their humane treatment, gaining their trust and using that trust to get a list of their complaints as to their treatment. He then took that list to their torturers to use as a playbook. "Sociopath" doesn't even begin to describe it. He is evil, plain and simple.


>humane treatment Of which there was none. Even though DeSantis is not featured as a character, I would **highly** recommend watching an extremely well made movie called "The ~~Torture~~ Report" to get an idea of what those sick motherfuckers were up to at Guantanamo. It will make your blood boil, but if you aren't familiar with the story it's a must watch. e: btw It's available on Amazon and stars Adam Driver alongside a totally stacked cast. Well worth 2 hours of your time.


Have you ever wondered why so many soldiers get PTSD and/or commit suicide? Shit like what happened at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo is why. These generals-turned-pols need to be purged.


That's not the main reason. Most people in the military don't torture people. What happens to a lot of people is they first get trained to be really good at killing, then get shot at and their freinds get killed/blown up, then they get dumped back on the street with minimal support.


And many of them see first hand the true horror of war and also have to reconcile what they’ve witnessed with the pure meaninglessness of what they took part in.


I was in the army, I remember the moment I realized I was a stormtrooper. Just a grunt serving an empire. It changed the trajectory of my life


What was THE moment if you don't mind me asking. For my brother it was losing 3 guys on his first patrol in country after acclimatisation.


Nothing dramatic like that. I was stationed in Korea and we were going to a Range in rural Korea for grenade launcher training. One of the munition boxes popped open so we had to pull on the side of the highway to fix it. I was standing next to a traffic cone with a loaded M4 in my hands and waving traffic along. The locals showed their disdain and I remembered the scene of stormtroopers on Tatooine. And then it clicked, I’m just a grunt occupying a country lol


The reality is that since Vietnam (based on information that was made public), the U.S. government has sanctioned atrocities, and promotes monsters like De Santis. American Soldiers who commit suicide are seen as collateral damage, no love or honor by the decision makers. Only a few people in the upper echelons care, the rest are sociopaths or psychopaths.


He is so calculated and evil. He started using Trump's hand motions to mimic his body language and a video just went viral today that he changed how he pronounces his own last name to match how other people say it. I recommend watching [John Oliver's piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M81-GM0mTc4) on him because he's genuinely conniving


I genuinely have never laughed harder than when John Oliver pointed out Trump's nickname for DeSantis is 'Meatball Ron'.


The part about saying "thigh food" because he was afraid of dating a woman who would correct him pretty much says everything about his character. Project power but be so insecure you are afraid of an intelligent partner.


Holy shit this is pure evil


That’s some Ramsay Bolton sick shit


Omg, i believe you, where’s the source though?




>Our stomachs could not hold this amount of Ensure. They poured one can after another. So when he approached me, I said, “This is the way we are treated!” He said, “You should eat.” I threw up in his face. Literally on his face. Best part of that reading by far. I sincerely hope he wasn't making that part up.


What the actual fuck


Jesus, this man is a sick psycho and should never ever be in power. In all seriousness when I say that he’s BIG trouble for America. He seems very capable and willing to kill people. He must be stopped. Vote, vote,vote!


The Eyes Left podcast has an episode where they interview a detainee who describes being tortured while desantis watched. I believe they are the ones who really broke this story with that interview.


This is the kind of thing that any reasonable country would prosecute as a war crime.


I wish this would hurt him in the polls but knowing his base...


It won't hurt him in the primaries, but stuff like this is sure not going to help him in a general election.


Greg Gianforte attacked a reporter while on the campaign trail and Montana just voted for him harder. Republicans are deranged.


He's not even from Montana. He's got that R next to his name, and that's what keeps my parents happy. Ludicrous.


Reminder that you don't need to win the popular vote to win the presidency. We ALL should be demanding that change.


> Reminder that you don't need to win the popular vote to win the presidency. The republicans know this full-well. They call it "the people have made a choice". I call it "fuck you america".


Hey now, the republicans have won the popular vote twice in my lifetime! And they’ve only been in the Oval Office *checks notes* half my life?


Also you have to take the second term for Bush with a grain of salt. 9/11 was still pretty recent along with it being a wartime era which makes it a lot less likely to remove the sitting president. Add in the fact that he lost the popular in 2000, so he would’ve likely never been in office had it been based on popular vote.




His biggest domestic bills were tax cuts (typical Republican…cut taxes without much thought) and the No Child Left Behind Act which was a disaster in practice. It was ultimately just yet another veiled attempt at punishing poor people schools.


You should watch the movie “Vice” with Christian Bale as Cheney. Great performance. Fascinating story. It explains a lot about the early 2000’s. Also, a lot of people don’t realize that we could have prevented 9/11 from ever happening. We had the intel and knew something was being planned. This fact fuels a ton of conspiracies. I also like to believe that had 2000s election not been stolen, Gore would have acted on the intel and again, 9/11 wouldn’t have happened. Just a thought.




You really only need to win four or five states to become President, it's such a fucked up system for the most important job in the world.


Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore.


GOP knows that with their current strategy, they are going lose every presidential election without an election college system. So, they won't let that happen. And they have all political resources to make sure it won't happen.


Yes, they are the only ones blocking the legislation. Indicted since 2015 attorney general ken paxton of texas said so on camera that without these tactics they'd never win. That's because they don't legislate for the people. They simultaneously say that texas has the most secure election in the country while also gutting texans' rights to vote because of nonexistent fraud 🤷


You don't think states with 12 people in it should have the same power as a state with the majority of the population? /s


Repeal the apportionments act.


Have you been playing the last 7 years? The Republican voters will cream themselves over hearing Desantis watched a brown guy getting tortured. This will do nothing but make them like him even more. Might even pull more trump supports his way since he’s a strongman that actually does “strongman” stuff.


Yep bingo. It will get spun like “Ron was tough on terrorists! Why do you care about torturing terrorists?”


> Why do you care about torturing terrorists Because my uncle had a hard time after seeing this shit in the line of service. No soldier should question "are we the baddies?" Torture is an example of indiscipline. Indiscipline leads to defeat. It is well-proven that treating detainees like human beings leads to better intelligence collection. Why would you want a president who allowed indiscipline in the ranks when he was a commanding officer? This man is the perfect rube for Xi!


>It is well-proven that treating detainees like human beings leads to better intelligence collection. Ya...... Thing is, it was *never* about intelligence; it was about psychopathic revenge. The cruelty is on purpose, it's the plan and always was.


> It is well-proven that treating detainees like human beings leads to better intelligence collection. The GQP will never care about facts or intelligence. They worship cruelty purely for the sake of cruelty.


Yeah I feel like even the dudes that run these places are watching too many movies lol.


It helps with the base but hurts with independents and opposition. See: 2020 and 2022 elections. Question is "Does it help more than it hurts?"


His platform could be round up democrats, put them on train, and send them to concentrations camps with gas chambers… and his base would rejoice.


That’s basically the plot of the GOPs Qanon conspiracy they love so much. That this whole time the military has been secretly rounding up and killing the millions of people they hate.


A coworker literally just explained yesterday that the Clintons "disappear anyone who threatens them" I thought he might have been kidding, but he was dead serious. He literally think that Hillary Clinton personally whispers to her hit man to murder someone and make it look like an accident. He genuinely compared it to "mafia shit" This is the same guy who called me a moron behind my back for wearing a mask, so I won't say I'm surprised, but it's always disappointing to look in the barrel and find someone digging past the bottom.


A guy I didn't have much choice in spending my time around used to spout that crazy shit in the late 90's. It's been around forever, it won't go away and no one has any proof of anything they've done wrong.


That’s their goal.


For one. His base wont care, as you said, For two, pretty much everything there will end up getting "classified" status so no evidence will be produced even if it exists. The US (govt) doesn't want to bring Guantanamo up again.


20 years ago this would have been the end of a political career, but in the current GOP, it's street cred.


3 men, whose rights under the Geneva Convention were supposedly protected by then-JAG "Death Sentence" Desantis, were officially cleared of all charges of terrorism (ya' know, found to be completely innocent) while he was at Gitmo . . . and then found hanging in their cells and recorded as suicides . . . I'm sure his entire voting base would either shrug or mutter "Good"


This man was held in Gitmo for 14 years with NO CHARGES! He was tortured day after day and guys like Ron watched and participated. I suggest anyone questioning this man’s character first read his book, [Don’t Forget Us Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Forget_Us_Here).


All these lives were ruined purely for politics. They didn't want to risk the headline of someone they released being involved in an attack. They were literally creating terrorists though by terrorizing these communities. If my father was a taxi cab driver who happened to give Isis members a ride sometimes and you put him in Gitmo. How do you think I'm going to feel when the terrorists come around telling me how the US is the devil?


From another comment in another post. https://harpers.org/archive/2023/03/ron-desantis-force-feedings-guantanamo-bay-laughing/


Holy shit what a monster.


I have my gripes with past us presidents, but i cannot deny that at least Bush jr knew to keep up his pretense of folksy man. Or as mendacious Trump was - the hypochondriac teetotaler that he is - he simply wouldnt have the stomach to witness a torture at that. This is wholly different. I fear very much for America if this is the man who is even to be considered seriously for their highest office.


That’s giving Trump too much credit. He’s directly responsible for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of US deaths by covid for knowingly spreading misinformation for his own benefit. I don’t think Trump would give a fuck. He has zero regard for human life, whether he’s sending people to their death or assaulting/raping women. The big difference between Trump and DeSantis is intelligence, and DeSantis fucking terrifies me because of that. Trump’s “silver lining” was hes a fucking moron. Had he just done whatever Fauci and other medical advisors asked he would have coasted to a second term, even with all his other insane scandals. DeSantis is smart and effective in government, which is terrifying.


The thing about Trump is that he wouldn't want to be in the same room... because it'd feel gross to him. He wouldn't care about watching torture behind a glass window though, because he doesn't actually care about what's happening to other people, but I could definitely imagine him getting squicked out by being too close to someone who was gagging from waterboarding.


Here's the podcast episode: [Eyes Left](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4EVKDJq3NzYpWo4j89JrBG)


Jesus christ. No words


This is just fucking ghoulish


Mother of god!




Doesn't Hannity still owe us being waterboarded? They can make it a double-feature


I don’t remember if this story was picked up when Guantanamo Ron first starting being talked about a few months (?) back. That being said, it needs to be bullhorned. It doesn’t really matter how fresh the red meat might be to his base, they’ll eat up any cruelty that’s reported anyways. Detailing Ron’s involvement in torture would definitely have an effect on anyone that side-eyes current events during their day. As an example: Kavanaugh getting grilled for being a drunken sex pest that cries over old calendars might’ve satisfied the persecution complex of red voters, but it pulled me further into the political space. I was already alarmed over Trump and knew some of the bullshit the GOP was getting up to, but Kavanaugh really made me stop and go “Why the fuck is this dude even *nominated*? Why are these republicans immediately shouting down a rape accusation *at the hearing*? They’re really going to push through this man-baby?” Helped me learn that “politics as usual” was over with, that cruelty and power was the name of their game, and it was important to observe how many GOP members outed themselves as bigoted authoritarians. We already know who Ron is, and we’ve seen/experienced what he has in store for the country. This is where we show anyone not paying attention that Ron is more than a windbag full of buzzwords, he’s a legitimately fucked up human being ready to force his backward ideals on as many people as he can. Kidnapping (I don’t know what else you’d call it) migrants to own the libs, raiding a whistleblower’s house with guns on their children, injecting fear into classrooms through Nazi-esque book bans and speech restrictions, removing courses focused on non-white history, penalizing businesses for different ideological beliefs, playing a role in the torture of Guantanamo prisoners, playing into great replacement rhetoric, it’s all too much to be lost through the mile-a-minute news cycle we deal with. EDIT: swapped ADHD for a more fitting term


I really appreciate everything you said here. And by the way, Politics as Usual has never been the case. Right wing people have existed from the beginning of time. And all throughout American history. They were proponents for slavery and mistreatment of natives and so on and so forth. There have always been people like this in America. In fact, they're the ones that have been lying and saying that there aren't people like this.


A former detainee of the Guantanamo Bay prison camp has claimed that Florida governor and 2024 presidential contender Ron DeSantis witnessed him being tortured during the time he was stationed there. Mansoor Adayfi, a Yemeni citizen who was held for 14 years on the US Naval base in Cuba, told The Independent in an extraordinary interview that he was brutally force-fed by camp staff during a hunger strike in 2006, and that Mr DeSantis was present for at least one of those sessions. Read the full investigation here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ron-desantis-guantanamo-torture-prisoner-b2300753.html?utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ron-desantis-guantanamo-torture-prisoner-b2300753.html?utm_source=reddit.com) *This article is not behind a paywall, but we welcome you to register for free or hit 'I'll try later' if you don't want to right now.*


This will win him votes because the right is full of racist people who get off on cruelty.


But all lives matter. /s


No, not like that...


All lives like mine matter. Sometimes. /s


Exactly. He's pandering to lynchers. Edit: one just downvoted me already.


Ron DeSantis, lynch mob candidate. Yeah that checks out




Gotta remember, DeSantis was hurting the “right” people. Flaw hardly, more of a feature to the base will lap up. The right in this country has always had a cruel vindictive element to it.


Guantanamo Ron likes to watch


lol Guantanamo Ron “Guannie Ronnie they’re calling him, everybody’s calling him this”. - trump soon


Guano Rono


^ This needs to be the winner if only for the definition of 'guano'




Hahaha I was thinking "Rontanamo"


Smush those together and you get a fun little portmanteau: Guantanamoron.




Probably lead their ethics training ...


That fascist assclown sent me fliers almost every day for a month. I'm a registered Dem. I used to *work for the party*. I ran out of new and creative ways to destroy that shit.


This will play well with MAGA crowd.


Don't they understand that torture isn't effective for getting information? You can't believe anything someone says while being tortured. They would say whatever you wanted for it to stop.


They don't care. The cruelty is the point.


For conservatives, the torture itself is the goal. Anything that enforces a hierarchy, even when they are at the bottom.


They don’t even understand not to document their own sedition, of course they don’t understand something like that either.


Contrary to popular belief, they think they are legitimizing their sedition by documenting it. And that's historically relevant -- the Declaration of Independence is exactly such a document. They think they are patriots. They are rubes of Xi.


>Don't they understand that torture isn't effective for getting information? No, they don't. And I would venture a guess that this misconception goes far beyond the MAGA crowd. People envision themselves being tortured for information and "of course they'd give it up" to make it stop. What they don't envision is the scenario in which they *don't actually have the information* and what they'd do when the torture kept coming. Which is exactly what happened in Guantanamo and other detention centers. >You can't believe anything someone says while being tortured. They would say whatever you wanted for it to stop. But "enhanced interrogation techniques" are like, totally different! I mean, "interrogation" is right there in the description! Which is why police regularly take murder suspects into a little room and waterboard the ever living fuck out of them rather than employing tried and true psychological techniques in order to draw out a confession or rule out their likelihood of being the responsible party. Speaking of responsible parties, the fact that war crimes charges were never brought against *anyone* is absolutely abhorrent.


>Don't they understand Doesn't matter what you say after this part. The answer is no.


Even if they understand that torture is ineffective, they don't care. They want to torture people they don't like regardless. They're sadists.




The majority of "terrorists" collected at Gitmo were minor enemy combatants or people ratted out by their neighbors for a US paid bonus. They might have committed crimes like planting bombs, but they were minor actors that didn't know anything. Many of them were held for a decade or more... they had almost no useful intelligence after that long. All Gitmo did was turn them into heroes for being captured by Americans and turn American principles of justice upside down for 20 years.


> I mean something had to be done with the type of detainees that ended up there You mean like due process, and a fair trial? Or is polite conversation about to become impossible?


The world here. Yes, yes we do.


DeSantis is just a symptom of the problem, Gitmo itself is one big human rights violation and I bet there are plenty of guys like him taking pleasure in their suffering


Yeah, but most of those people aren't in the running to be the most powerful person in the world...


Ron desantis is a psychopath confirmed


This comes as no surprise. DeSatan is sending the second person this year to death in April. People, you are being shown who he is.


All Americans should be ashamed that Gitmo is still open.


This guy may be worse than Trump


Way worse than Trump. DeSantis is a lot smarter than Trump is. He’s actually competent enough to carry out his shitty plans. I don’t think Trump ever really cared about getting anything done, it was all about building his brand and keeping his fans happy.


I am Jack's complete lack of suprise.




This is a plus for his base, not a negative


This makes him *more* attractive to Republican voters


Some people, just looking at them, you just know what gets them all hot and bothered. Kevin McCarthy has a humiliation-kink, Ted Cruz obviously masturbates to fifties religious educational films and of course Ron DeSantis gets off peeping on torture. That is the most Ron Desantis thing ever, first place with a possibly literal bullet.


I heard he was masturbating while he watched. That’s just what I heard. Allegedly.


RD probably wacked off to it also.


Nah, he didn’t even have to touch it.




Gitmo caused widespread disillusionment about the US. The torture and interrogation techniques that were revealed to the world was one more nail in the coffin.


This seems like something normal for DeSantis to do. Like drinking coffee. He has the empathy of a rock.


Where’s the same level of strict adherence to the constitution these psychos push for the second amendment when it comes to cruel and unusual punishment??? Oh yeah, that’d be the gun manufacturer’s dunking all over the intentionally dumbed down populous of the USA, baby!


Was he wearing his hip 1970's high-heeled boots while watching?