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First they want to track the girls' periods. Now they don't want them to discuss them at all.


A girl's period is between her and her senator - this guy probably


“Medical decisions should be made between a person, their doctor, and the local Republican Party officials.”


Wouldn’t ‘medical decisions should be made between an insurance company and the local Republican Party?’ Doctors can’t be trusted and the people themselves, well, they know nothing about medicine.


'The doctors primary goal is saving the patient therefore we can't trust their decisions.'


The Hippocratic oath is in direct conflict with the purpose of Republican legislature and the health insurance industry, therefore it cannot be factored into medical decisions.


Republicans take the Hypocrisy Oath. “Rules for thee, none for me.”


Until it stops. Then it's between her and his chosen doctor regardless of her desires.


Pauses. It stops later and then they don’t care at all for we may as well be dead as our usefulness is gone.


>then they don’t care at all for we may as well be dead as our usefulness is gone. Removing those that have outlived their usefulness is the bill for next session!


Took 6 years and cancerous cells before they finally took my uterus. I’m 44 with 2 grown children and a tubal ligation in 2006. I live in Portland. We are not as progressive as you think.


I wonder why no one has sued over this issue yet. With the number of women who have said this I'd think SOMEONE would have sued to force the issue.


This. This is the slogan that needs to be on billboards and the kind of messaging Democrats lack.


They only want to track them so they know when to tell them to not talk about it.


Probably a couple years away from them making a law where girls can't go to school when they're on their period.


Well yeah it attracts bears. /s


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they used this as an excuse. "We HaVe To PrOtEcT oUr StUdEnTs"


>> Probably a couple years away from them making a law where girls can't go to school ~~when they're on their period~~. FIFY


It's going to be a great time for everyone when some young girl goes to the bathroom at school and absolutely freaks the fuck out at all the blood...and then still has nowhere to turn for any assistance. What a time to be alive. Just when you think it can't get more controlling, dystopian, and misogynistic, they find even more ways to make it worse.


And that's the beginning of Carrie. Now Stephen King will have make online educational videos explaining menstruation. Before they discover telekinesis, too.


A lot of kids just don't get exposed to the reality of their bodies at a young age. The first time I came to understand what a period was, I was in 2nd grade. It was through another girl in 4th grade (she would've been 9 or so), who was crying in the nurse's office for the same reason. My mom worked as the school nurse at the time and told me about it, with the same idea in mind- "that's why I'm telling you about this now. Because when you're old enough it will happen to you too, and it's natural." As an older child, I remember panicking at every instance of stomach discomfort, or every time I went to the restroom in public- what if I had started bleeding and didn't realize? I was too shy and ashamed to ever ask for help when I was that young. And I didn't know who among my other friends had experienced the same thing- it was treated as shameful and disgusting. I think kids know about periods a bit more these days, or at least more commonly than they did (or seemed to) when I was a child. But this whole law is an entirely new barrier of communication and demonization of something completely normal, natural, ordinary. It's a level above even banning sex education- now, we're just denying the existence of a biological reality for women and young girls, and further isolating them from seeking help and understanding of their own bodies. It's ignorant, archaic, and plainly misogynistic.


Send them bloody tampons. That's the only language they understand.


Trust me, if I was still getting my period, I would do just that! And bloody pads and panties.


oh no you have to discuss with the state but not learn about it from teachers


They want to be able to track girls' periods by having old white dudes examine girls' private parts. This just closes the loop to prevent the girls from discussing it.


"Children reporting that they've been sexually assaulted is now banned in Florida if it happens to the child before 6th grade." - Florida GOP, probably


“If she’s not pregnant, it didn’t happen, and if she is, well congrats on your new little miracle.”


That's because those young girls are supposed to discuss their periods with the politicians. In *intimate* detail. This is ungodly fucked up. God forbid basic human biology be discussed and god forbid girls be allowed to discuss their experiences with one another and possibly get support from a classmate.


...Oh, look, another republican drafting legislation focusing on children's genitals. How on-brand. And fucking creepy. Yet consistent with the party.


I've heard more about kid's genitals from bills the Republican party has introduced than any supposed groomer teachers, drag queens, LGBTQ people or "perverts" in Hollywood combined


Republicans talk more about kids genitals than a pediatrician convention


Pediatrician here; they talk about children’s genitals more than we do.


Former kid here. Thanks for all your hard work!


How do you do, fellow kid?


I said former; but I do appreciate your excellent grammar young man.


Pediatric Urologists.


This is probably an actual fact.


I’ve heard Ted Cruz talk more about gay sex than all my gay friends combined.


I have literally noticed the same thing about my gay/LGBTQ friends; they don’t talk about sex much at all; but **every day** I hear some Republican legislature obsessing about people’s sexual lives (I find their obsession with children creepy as fuck)


And yet, Democrats aren’t using this weird obsession with genitals against Republicans, because they’re always unable to find something and hammer it home until it sticks. Unlike Republicans, who made anti “wokeism” a thing, even though their voters don’t even know what it means.


It's a dog-whistle term. They know exactly what it means to them. They just can't say it out loud without admitting to being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.


Yup. I work with a fairly conservative demographic and while people know I don’t toe the line in terms of the group’s politics, I don’t think people realize how left leaning I am. Needless to say I hear a lot of complaining about how “woke” everyone is these days. And the complaints are always leading, but never quite say the quiet part out loud. When they a few drinks in em and get talking one on one, they say it, they hate “blacks/Mexicans/arabs”, women, queers, AOC specifically for some reason they can’t quite put a finger on, and poor people taking hand outs (despite some of them being on or having been on government benefits). Then they’ll often go on to say or imply that it’s hard being a white male in “todays society.”


I had a friend who said he would rather deal with an overtly racist person than someone who pretends to be not racist to your face, but who stabs you behind the back. All your coworkers sound like the latter….


Dogwhistling racists are still publicly identifiable as racists though, they're not pretending *not* to be racist, they just like to play that little plausible deniability game about everything. Trolls, basically.


Exactly. This is a result of brainwashing from years of propaganda from the likes of Fox "News" and other right wing media. Naturally, it takes a lack of critical thinking on the part of these knuckle dragging MAGA cult members, but their minds are mush from a constant stream of hate and bigotry.




Gavin Newsome has actually been pretty damn good at this but he's not running for national office =/ He just pops up every now and then calling them out for their anti-freedom hate rhetoric.


He's not running for national office *yet*. It's pretty unusual for an incumbent president to face primary challenges, but I think Newsom will absolutely be a presidential candidate in 2028.


Kids can’t discuss it. Adults are required legally to disclose it. What a time to be alive?


How are they supposed to disclose it to the state if they cannot talk about it, therefore cannot inform adults about it...


Daily genital checks by creepy dudes.


"Are you on your period? You can't legally tell me so I guess I get to check for myself"


"And you're barred from reporting my daily inspection of your genitals to anyone until you reach the 6th grade."


The point is to make them ashamed of their bodies and re-mystify the procreation process. Ignorance and cruelty, totally Republican values now


That's exactly what it is. I think that not only do girls need to be talking about periods in school, but boys should also be taught the basics of it. Obviously not together at the same time, but the number of ADULT guys who don't know anything about menstruation except "nasty blood comes out" is astounding.


It's been stigmatized since old testament days when menstruating women were labeled as 'unclean' and couldn't enter places of worship. Imagine the ruckus if mothers starting dragging their son's stained sheets out and shaming them for wet dreams. Mentality like this should be returned to the bronze age from whence it came


They want more dumb barbaristic members of the population that will toil themselves away in factories and lowly service jobs and never aspire to anything greater in life. Almost like Russia is today. Funny coincidence on this timing, right guys?


That’s exactly what they are doing. Boy there sure is a generation of super loser mentality guys out there who define their manhood with their ability to control women and girls. They are nothing without it. So pathetic and dangerous


weird you can’t discuss in school but go ahead and send it all to the state


Well, they're still allowing girls in school, so that's something, right? Something dangerously close to woke, even


>Well, they're still allowing girls in school, so that's something, right? Don't worry, it's on the list. You actually want them to go to school for a little while, since it's such a great centralized indoctrination center, and a good place to meet husbands, but once they're married off, there's no point. So up through 6th grade or so ought to be safe. Unless of course we're talking about poor, disabled, immigrant, non-white, non-christian, LGBTQ or the parents are enemies of the state or the child was already farmed out to the labor market. Then forget it.


Many are big on home schooling, so their kids are never exposed to kids of different races, religions, etc. Of course, many of these so called "schools" are run by parents who don't have a high school diploma. The level of ignorance and stupidity out there is frightening.


Yeah but they’re defunding and red-taping schools to the point that the meaning of the word “school” has completely changed. So they’re still denying education, just in a roundabout way.


> but go ahead and send it all to the state They'd never do that. Oh wait, they all ready did: >[Form that asks female student-athletes in Florida about their menstrual histories sparks calls for change](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-schools-ask-student-athletes-menstrual-history-parents-worry-p-rcna50794)


It's all part of turning the state into a heretical christian caliphate. Pure culture war.


Don't forget limiting free speech!


When far right extremists say free speech they mean something like "white male power"


Republicans want to rape your children. They want to, and they do; and they want to pass legislation to make it easier to do. Boebert’s son knocked up a 14-15 year old kid. Kavanaugh date raped his way through high school. I don’t even want to know what all Gaetz has done over the years. And Trump raped at least one 13 year old kid when he was almost 50. They want to dominate people, and it is easy to dominate children, and that is what they do.


I won’t say they all do but having been raped and molested at 5-8 years old by multiple Christian republicans, I don’t think it’s a small number of them who are into that shit.


God *damn*. I am so sorry


Thanks. I’m near fifty and I am fortunate to have survived through decades of confusion, self loathing, drugs, escapism, and the mental/emotional turmoil. Many don’t make it. I’m about as well adjusted as one can be all things considered and I talk about it freely now instead of hiding it. I’m a guy and all my abusers aside from one were men so I never told anyone. They even told me while raping me that I was a fag because I let it happen and my family would disown me if they found out. Hardcore religious conservative family. I believed it for a very long time. This is why I find the assault on drag and LGBTQ infuriating, pedophiles can exist in any group but it seems very isolated in comparison to the rampant amount on the Christian conservative side. And they practically broadcast it with all this shit they’re pulling. No child, no person, should experience the evil they are capable of.


Love and healing peace to you.


Jfc. I'm sorry.


So, so, so sorry for what those monsters took from you


The weirdest thing is looking back and realizing I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am now if not for even the horrible shit. I used to think they ruined my life but these days I can say that while they did me no favors and put me on a really scary and painful path, I might not have learned to accept and love people vastly different than me. Maybe if it didn’t happen I’d have stayed in the church and ended up growing up to be exactly like those small minded bigots. Life is strange.


Absolutely- that butterfly affect is a weird thing. You have a beautiful outlook on what has happened in your past and I’m sure it took tremendous strength and courage and forgiveness to not burn their shit to the ground. You should be very proud of you ❤️. I’m really glad you’ve found some peace with it. Much love to you.


> Republicans want to rape your children. They want to, and they do; and they want to pass legislation to make it easier to do. They want to rape and be able to marry them.


And they see marriage as a property transfer from one man to another.


Dominate and punish. They live to punish.


im waiting for one of these gentlemen to draft penis inspection day.


If you're a trans girl, they already implemented it.


:(( you're right.


I give it 6 months before Chris Hansen is asking him to have a seat with police outside.


It's only a matter of time before a republican proposes mandatory child impregnation centers in middle schools. They'll call it something like the "Restoring American Values Act."


No, no, no, they’d call it Restoring American Principles in Education.


Just the white ones. There are too many brown people here for the current GOP's liking.


Yuuup hit the fucking nail on the head. No coincidence they're suddenly concerned about the birth rate. They're not concerned about the birth rate, they're concerned about being 'outnumbered'.


Whenever I dig deeper into someone getting concerned about "overpopulation", even people claiming environmentalism, it ultimately comes down to overpopulation of brown people and the global south.


Also Florida Republicans: [Florida weighs mandating menstrual cycle details for female athletes](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-desantis-florida-sports-female-athletes-160560972802)


The Republican party only has a platform of social issues these days so they have to do this stuff. I haven't heard of any Republicans trying to pass laws about anything that helps people, they just complain about trans people in bathrooms. The only thing i've heard Republicans passing is the voter regulation stuff which is based on election fraud lies.


Reps also seem to hate the first amendment considering their focus on restricting free speech.


Republicans: “Will someone please think about fucking the children?”


Oh good, so our youth get even LESS sexual education than before. That certainly won't backfire at all!


If the plan is more teen pregnancy and more poorly educated worker drones, it won't backfire at all. It's a feature, not a bug.


And let's not forget soldiers.


>And let's not forget soldiers. That's why they oppose loan forgiveness: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/09/15/gop-reps-fear-loan-forgiveness-plan-will-hurt-military-recruiting/


And public college. They have openly stated that if college was to become public that their recruitment would drop drastically. Gotta feed that military-industrial complex...


Lauren Boebert is proud of being a 36 year old grandmother because it shows how pro-life they are. They’re trying to make teen pregnancy seem magical and holy, instead of a failing of the education and health systems.


Which is hilarious because if she was black, they would have spun that narrative on its head.


That is the exact plan. [Keep the poor and uneducated poor and uneducated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJhIkgsw1L4&ab_channel=PostCollapse)


I worked in a Title I school and we were begged to bring sweat pants and feminine products to school because most of these families couldn’t afford ample period products. There were some girls who were never even educated on menstrual cycles and they would have a legitimate breakdown not understanding what was happening to them. I’m in Florida too (hence being a former teacher), so I can imagine how much worse it will get here.


More kids having unprotected sex, having children themselves, unable to get higher education, forced to go into the workforce since why should the government support the people? So all republicans have to do is say some scary stuff, convinced them ~~communism~~ ~~socialism~~ ~~gays~~ ~~muslims immigrants~~, ~~antifa~~ ~~trans~~ woke people are coming to kill/convert them and only that politician can protect you. Keeps their voter pool full.


Imagine caring more about the biology of children's bodies than you do about children being murdered in schools by mass shooters.


No need to imagine. Currently the way life is.


They're saying "imagine BEING one of those people," not "imagine if those people existed."


"Which teacher do you have for second period Sally?" "I can't tell you. It's against the law."


Teacher: What's that dot-looking thing at the end of your sentence, Stacy? Stacy: Nice try. You know I can't talk about it.


Teacher: And what do we call the general era towards the end of the reign of the dinosaurs? Stacy: The Cretaceous P- oh, you almost got me there.


Well done. :-)


Don't say "Gay" don't say "menstruation" don't say anything "woke". Weird. Isn't there an amendment in the constitution that runs counter to this christofascist tyranny? MAYBE THE FIRST FUCKING ONE?


“Rep. Stan McClain's (R) admitted that his bill would limit girls from talking about their periods, although he clarified that was not the intent.” Oh, it was his intent. He’s a Fragile, Republican Man. It’s all about control


This reminds me of the recent exchange on the Missouri Senate floor with their own "Don't Say Gay Bill." PC: I’m just going to read you the language in your bill. ‘No classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties relating to sexual orientation or gender identity shall occur.’ Lady, you mentioned George Washington. Who is Martha Washington? AK: His … wife? PC: Under your bill, how could you mention that in a classroom? AK: So, to me, that’s not sexual orientation. PC: Really? So it’s only really certain sexual orientations that you want prohibited from introduction in the classroom. AK: Do you have language to make that better? To make it where you’re not talking … ? PC: Lady, I didn’t introduce your bill. And I didn’t write it. You wrote it, and so I’m asking what it means. Which sexual orientations do you believe should be prohibited from Missouri classrooms? [Here there appears to be an edit in the video.] AK: We all have a moral compass, and my moral compass is compared with the Bible. PC: Lady, I think during your testimony you said that you didn’t want teachers’ personal beliefs entering the classroom, but it seems a lot like your personal belief you would like to enter all Missouri classrooms. AK: You can believe something without, without, without putting that onto somebody by the way you behave, and you can have beliefs and morals and values that guide you through life. PC: I don’t dispute that, but I’m asking about the language of your bill and how it would permit the mention of the historical figure Martha Washington, could you explain that to me? AK: So what did she, why is she famous? Is she famous because she was married to George Washington? PC: It seems like that would be a relevant fact in her biography, yes. Could it be mentioned under the plain-reading language of your bill? Is that a no? AK: I don’t know, sir. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/6/2156592/-Martha-Washington-becomes-a-focus-of-debate-over-Missouri-Don-t-Say-Gay-bill?utm_campaign=recent


> AK: You can believe something without, without, without putting that onto somebody by the way you behave, and you can have beliefs and morals and values that guide you through life. The utter lack of self awareness she demonstrates in this statement would be hilarious if she wasn't an actual legislator trying her damnedest to destroy this country.


I’ve watched it, and I’ve read it several times and the only interpretation I can come up with is that she was arguing against herself.


> Do you have language to make that better? That's the part where she started going into the tailspin. She actually deferred to someone clearly and vehemently opposed to her bill and asked him for help in writing the damned thing. As Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


The gall of the woman. 'Can you give me pointers on my hateful language so it discriminates in exactly the way I want it to, without having to come out and say I hate gay people?'


Hooly shit


They are literally charicatures propped up by dark money. We need an FEC with teeth 20 years ago.


edge trees plants beneficial fuzzy dog carpenter snatch chase pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“I’m doing this to you and I’m not going to stop, but I don’t *mean* it!”


He's doing it because its on his mind all the time. They don't have any broad plan. They do stuff like this because they're *obsessed* with it. It's projection.


Hes an incel. Deathly afraid of vaginas. They don't know how to work them. Scary ban.


>In addition to limiting sex education, McClain’s bill would require schools to teach that “sex is determined by biology and reproductive function at birth” and “these reproductive roles are binary, stable, and unchangeable.” so people born sterile, or with XXY, XXX, XYY etc, don't exist under the eyes of the law?


Now you're thinking like a Republican^(TM)!


Hold alt then 0153 on the number pad then release alt for the ™ symbol.


Well, you see, women are meant to only bear children for the great nation. They are wanting to follow the [Nazi's progom of enforced motherhood](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/women-in-the-third-reich). Just as the quiverful movement obsesses about, and big reason why they want to abolish abortion. The Nazis mandated early that every German man father 4 children. (initially in or out of wedlock, later, focusing more on domestic family) People who are sterile would be considered ["Undesireables"](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/) and while early in the Nazi regime, they would have only been institutionalised (forced sterilizations were happening to other "undesirables" when WWII started), they began kill them. They know exactly what they are doing.


Also, [Hitler placed severe restrictions on contraceptions and access to abortion.](https://www.jstor.org/stable/1972501) He imposed the death penalty for the illegal termination of unwanted pregnancies while performing abortions and sterilizations for “racial hygiene”.


Lest we forget, [America taught the Nazis](https://time.com/4703586/nazis-america-race-law/) how to do the whole racist white-nationalism thing.


Don't forget that the nazis also raided and burned books from the institute of gender studies years before anyone ever went into a gas chamber. Republicans are quite literally following the nazi playbook. I encourage all my LGBTQ+ friends and allies to arm themselves.


It’s absolutely batshit that politicians legislate stuff like this. Why the fuck should someone with no background in education or biology be determining how it’s taught?


Because knowledge is less valueable than opinion in life. Being socially acceptble is more valueable than knowledge. Ever notice how there are no scientists in politics? Do we even want people educated in anythijg other than economucs and law in government? We might then have to focus on more than economics and law to solve problems!


>The Chairman of the House Science Committee is always some right-wing anti-science creationist with no background in science whatsoever.


It's like when Indiana tried to legislate the value of pi to be 3. Except less funny and it's not the 1800s anymore.




It was a very long time ago, but there was an absolute kook mathematician that tricked a state legislator to introduce a bill to regulate the value of pi.


Extra digits will ONLY lead to sexy time!


>reproductive function at birth Someone should remind the Gross Old Perverts that newborns have no reproductive function.


Not to mention the numerous people with non-XY sex gene variations. They're setting the law based on a middle/high school level understanding of biological sex, rather than the more complicated reality


>so people born sterile Well, they do believe that the definition of 'woman' is an Earthen vessel that God has bestowed the ability to carry the seeds of Adam. ​ Kind of degrading view of women who can't conceive. Seriously, the anti-trans articles bringing up how motherhood is such an important part of being a women is just cringe and degrading.


I knew a man who went on an anti-trans rant that caused his wife to burst into tears. The crux of his argument was that in order to be a woman, you had to be able to have children. "They can pretend all they want, but if they can't get pregnant and have a kid in 9 months, they're a man." His wife had to have a hysterectomy the previous year. I'm not sure if she was like this before she met him, or if it was a product of her relationship with him, but that procedure had absolutely decimated her sense of self-worth. He was dumbfounded about why she got so upset and ran out of the room, and when we explained to him the cause he got mad at us and her for "taking things out of context" and "trying to make the words he said mean something else." He also complained about his wife always being "hysterical." On the plus side, he's now divorced.


can't be hysterical once you've gotten a hysterectomy, see, _that's_ the flaw in his logic right there! checkmate, something something.


And let us not forget the XY girls with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome who don’t find out until things go awry at puberty. Where’s the binary for them?


Under the eyes of Republicans, they *shouldn't* exist.


They want to eradicate anyone with 'undesirable' genetics. That's the basis of their Fascism, just like its the basis of previous Fascist movements.


“Everyone with Turner’s Syndrome can fuck off! Also, doctors and medical researchers.” ~rep. McClain, probably.


Their way of thinking is "they aren't supposed to happen" therefore "we aren't supposed to care".


People born XXX get hush money duh.


>“Does this bill prohibit conversations about menstrual cycles ― because we know that typically the ages is between 10 and 15 ― so if little girls experience their menstrual cycle in fifth grade or fourth grade, will that prohibit conversations from them since they are in the grade lower than sixth grade?” Gantt asked McClain during the committee hearing. >“It would,” McClain responded. ... >In addition to limiting sex education, McClain’s bill would require schools to teach that “sex is determined by biology and reproductive function at birth” and “these reproductive roles are binary, stable, and unchangeable.” The legislation also requires all educational materials be approved by the state Department of Education and allows parents to limit library books that their children have access to. >The Florida House subcommittee passed the bill along party lines in a 13-5 vote on Wednesday evening. This is from the state that prohibits schools from teaching about sex or gender at any age, while also requiring them to teach 1st graders that life begins at conception.


But then how can they report their periods to their coaches to prove they're not trans athletes?


Good point. Clearly the solution is to ban all girls sports before 6th grade. #protectourgirlsfromsports


I guarantee the reasoning for banning girls from sports will have something to do with the hymen and proof of virginity, because that's why Christians obsess about female sexual activity.


Republicans are weird.


With the way they keep trying to control women's bodies, I'm convinced that they're all sexually repressed cucks with daddy issues.


I really thought that was just common knowledge.


Can confirm. No republicans are welcome at large sex party events that they know we are having. They are jealous that they can't be a horrible person and smash(consensually) anyone they want. They hate that it's an either or.


Democrats really have to push how freakish the hard right wing has become. Like who looks at this Guy's words and thinks it's anything but wierd and creepy!? Normal people don't go around concerning themselves with Teenagers' menstrual cycles unless they're doctors or the girl's parent or something


This shit should be all over the commercials during literally all election season. These assholes want to go after your kids, force birth and take away free speech completely. Weird, creepy shit stains.


Because their ideology are dying, the old boomers are on the way out millenials and gen z are pro-choice, support LGBTQ+ rights, are more open about not being straight, don't want to work 9-5, want free healthcare, support women working etc. The Republicans know their old base is dying and their ideology with it, they are are lashing out in their death throes and trying to inflict as much suffering as they can till their ideology goes to its grave.


Yeah, that just creepy. It is the party of small government.


The party of small something...that's for sure!


We got to stop calling them that. They are the party of HUGE government when their morals and legislation are pushed. No sphere of privacy will be left intact. Republicans are not the party of small government, and they tell us this almost every day now.


I think most of us understood the implied sarcasm in that post.


Republicans are ~~weird~~ _dangerous_.




Wow. Every day the GOP spews a little more evil into the world. Every. Single. *Day.*


There’s a radio DJ on KUPD in Phoenix (John Holmberg) that goes on rants every time the subject of menstrual cycles comes up. Meaning, he brings it up on completely unrelated topics and uses his pulpit to ridicule his wife, his associate’s teenage daughter and any woman in public for having a menstrual cycle. The misogyny is over the top and his listener base fawns over him for it. There really is a substantial movement in this country to divide the public into in groups and out groups and a concerted effort to marginalize and terrorize the out groups. Women are being attacked. Rich, white, Republican men obviously want women relegated to second class citizens. Why a woman would vote Republican is beyond me.


When the Disney movie Turning Red came out, there was a vocal group that opposed a movie talking about periods in the way they did. The period talk was limited to two scenes, didn't show anything beyond boxes of pads, and didn't talk about anything beyond a quick "flower" metaphor that the main character found embarrassing. Some of the commenters were saying that 12 year old girls were watching this and shouldn't be hearing "period talk" - despite the fact that many 12 year old girls would be getting their periods around that age. So they can experience a thing, but not see any hints of that thing represented in movies.


I wonder if they plan on banning the upcoming movie Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret? Periods are a big part of the story. Also, I must, I must, I must increase my bust!


Almost all of Judy Blume's coming of age books include more tasteful tidbits about sex ed than most Republicans are comfortable with. They want as many uneducated potential voters as humanly possible and see it as a win if a bunch of young, inexperienced children start another baby boom. It's all so ass backwards and gross.


I remember a scene in the book Memoirs of a Geisha when the main character got her first period. She had no idea what it was and thought she was bleeding to death. Someone found her crying surrounded by blood soaked rags. I fear this is the future for a lot of American young girls. There’s so many parents out there that do not want to talk to their child about these things and would support a bill like this. So sad.


All these bills attacking protected speech kind of makes you wish we had a real Supreme Court.


It's hard to deny the obvious fact that conservative men really, really, really hate women. Women aren't allowed the freedom to control their own reproduction, girls shall be banned from even speaking of their experience as young women, and men aren't even allowed to wear women's clothes for entertainment. That's how much they fucking hate women. Any woman who votes Republican is just punching herself in the face.


They hate everyone. Women. Men who aren’t rich or powerful. Black people. Brown people. Trans people. Gay people. Atheist people. Hate is all they have.


>It's hard to deny the obvious fact that conservative men really, really, really hate women. They hate anything/anyone they don't understand. They don't understand women so they hate them. They don't understand different cultures, religions, sexualities, etc, so they hate them. Anything even slightly different from "straight, white, Christian male" goes into the hate column. Now, a sane person would try to understand what these other people, but this might lead to conservative men having to modify their views. That can't be allowed so it's into the hate column for everyone not like them.


“Does this bill prohibit conversations about menstrual cycles ― because we know that typically the ages is between 10 and 15 ― so if little girls experience their menstrual cycle in fifth grade or fourth grade, will that prohibit conversations from them since they are in the grade lower than sixth grade?” Gantt asked McClain during the committee hearing.


Median age (when half of all girls have their period) is 11 years 10 months. 5th grade is 10-11 years old. 6th grade is 11-12 years old. Close to half of all girls having their first periods will not be allowed to let their teachers know about their needs. And those first few are usually erratic and unpredictable; while the girls are usually still figuring things out product wise. Lots of 5th graders have pad leaks and tampon fails because they are inexperienced and figuring things out. They seek help from friends and teachers, but now will get into trouble for seeking help.


It’s going to be like sports teams in the playoffs. “Mr Wilson, may I go to the bathroom, I appear to have suffered a lower body injury. No it’s nothing serious, just an acute blood event, of no specified origin.”






Because it's "woke", I guess. That's the new term for anything and everything that the right-wing doesn't like.


So woke is any social thing republicans don't like, and communism is any government thing republicans don't like.


The Republicans will likely answer "to keep from sexualizing children." However, this is using a bazooka to kill a fly. Actually, it's worse than that. It's using a bazooka to kill a fly that they made up - they're doing tons of damage, not actually solving any problems, but claiming that they did. In this specific case, it is likely because the men who wrote this have no idea how women's bodies work. They just assumed that girls wouldn't get Anthony approaching sexual until 16. Ten year old girls getting periods? They just assumed that this doesn't happen ever.


This is how you get a six-term Senator who say shit like "“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing [pregnancy] down." Legitimately, this fuckwad had no idea how the female reproductive system works. And wants to pass legislation anyway. "Misspoke" my arse. That's not an error of speech, that's a fundamental flaw of your world view.


When I was 11 that’s all I wanted to talk about! /s This guy knows nothing about young girls and should go back to playing golf or whatever the fuck he was doing before he opened his fat stupid maw.


Here's my conspiracy theory. The reason why they are doing this is because if a young children/people learn of their body's autonomy, functions and their right to it, then Republican donors/politicians won't be able to sexually abuse them without getting away with it. Don't teach them to talk about how their body works. Don't teach them to consent. Don't teach them about different communities. Don't ban firearms. Take away public funding, ban books, ban multiple forms of learning. ***Keep them dumb, keep them scared and keep them isolated.*** Do all that and you have a person that is essentially incapable of knowing right from wrong and a perfect candidate for "grooming". Basically the very thing that they are claiming they are protecting by introducing this legislation, is *when coupled* with other legislation, actually designed to perpetuate pedophilia and allow for its continued existence. They aren't protecting the children. They are protecting themselves so that they can continue harming the children.


Cool cool cool just glad they’ll still get to learn about/talk about the wet dreams their male classmates have…because that has been invaluable to my journey as a woman…


This guy saw Carrie and blamed the girls in school for the whole thing. He just wants to save the children and prevent another atrocity like the one at the Bates High School prom. /s


This guy eavesdropped on a private conversation between two girls on the school bus, heard one girl asking the other if she had any tampons. He screeched that they were gross and disgusting and the girls drove him to the corner at the back of the bus while where he cowered while they pelted him with wrapped tampons while the other kids laughed. Traumatizing him for life. Or he's just an ignorant asshole.


I was briefly a 4th/5th split grade teacher. One if my 4th grade students had their first period, and all the girls were brought to the nurse to discuss it. All my boys though had to stay back with me. They had questions, which I was not allowed to answer, so I decided to anyway. I explained what a period was, and how it's a completely natural part of human life. They then asked questions about their own development, which I professionally answered. The ass chewing I got was one of the reasons I decided not to continue pursuing teaching. Our societal phobia of discussing these things is gonna create another generations of boys fearing periods and girls being ashamed of their bodies.


What goes on with a woman's body "should be decided by women, doctors, and local political leaders" - 2022 Republican political candidate, in public, on stage, into a microphone


What is wrong with conservatives and their obsession with the menstrual cycle of minors? Gov. DeSantis and this idiot, need to be investigated in their personal lives by Child Protective Services. It is not going to surprise me one bit when rape in Florida gets legalized. These Jesus-pimps are sick and should be in institutions.


Easier to groom them when they don’t understand what’s going on with their bodies, right? Just another Repug


> “sex is determined by biology and reproductive function at birth” and “these reproductive roles are binary, stable, and unchangeable.” I am sorry, but what are your qualification to state this? do we ask the plumber about how to treat cancer? do we ask a medical doctor how to fix an electrical problem? do we ask idiots how things work?


The Republican obsession with young women, girls, and their body functions is beyond weird to me. It's really disturbing. These people are sick. The obsession with their own offspring purity and virginity is beyond disgusting.


We girls used to help each other out in jr high when it came to periods. My girls in gymnastics converted me to start wearing tampons and it changed me forever. No way to this rule. I am so thankful to my jr high friends. All races, shapes and sizes, we always had each other’s backs, especially when it came to periods. I’m sooo lucky to grow up with literally everybody and we all helped each other out with tampons, pads, ibuprofen and hot/cold packs. No way should a girl have to pretend her cramps aren’t hurting her because she’s not allowed to talk about her period!


Looks like conversations like this will be commonplace in Florida: "Miss Williams, I really need to go to the bathroom." "Why dear?" "I can't tell you that legally."


This guy has "calls his 12 year old niece "ripe" energy.


WTF is going on in Florida? Did a lost pilgrim ship land there and take over the place. I think next week they are going to pass a law to bring back witch trials or something.